Functions for AMXX-Studio
Message Data IntData Description
SCM_SHOWPROGRESS - ReadOnly (0/1) Shows the progress panel
SCM_HIDEPROGRESS - - Hides the progress panel
SCM_UPDATEPROGRESS Progress caption Position Sets the current progress
SCM_LOADCODESNIPPETS Language - Loads the Code-Snippets of a language
SCM_MIRC_CMD Command - Performs a command in mIRC
SCM_RELOADINI - - Reloads the ini configuration (Hint: the ini configuration is not the whole config!)
SCM_SELECTLANGUAGE Language - Sets the highlighter for your active document
SCM_LOADFILE File - Loads a file
SCM_CURRPROJECTS - - Returns the index of the current projects
SCM_COMPILE - - Compiles the active document (only Pawn supported)
SCM_COMPILE_UPLOAD - - Compiles the active document (only Pawn supported) and uploads the output
SCM_COMPILE_STARTHL - - Compiles the active document (only Pawn supported) and starts Half-Life
SCM_MENU_LOADIMAGE Filename - Loads a bitmap and returns the image index
SCM_MENU_ADDITEM Category->Caption Image Index Adds an item to the menu
SCM_MENU_ADDSUBITEM Category->Item Image Index Adds a subitem to the menu
SCM_MENU_FAKECLICK Caption - Simulates a click on the item
SCM_MENU_SHOWITEM Caption - Shows a menu item
SCM_MENU_HIDEITEM Caption - Hides a menu item
SCM_PLUGIN_LOAD File in .\plugins\ or Plugin Index Loads a plugin
SCM_PLUGIN_UNLOAD File in .\plugins\ or Plugin Index Unloads a plugin
SCM_SETTINGS_CREATEPAGE Caption - Creates a new page in the Settings dialog
SCM_SETTINGS_REMOVEPAGE Caption - Removes a page from the Settings dialog
SCM_CODEINSPECTOR_CLEAR - - Clears the code-inspector
SCM_CODEINSPECTOR_ADD Name\nCategory\nValue - Adds a new item to the code-inspector
SCM_CODEINSPECTOR_ADDCOMBO Name\nCategory\nValue\nValues - Adds a new combobox-item to the code-inspector
SCM_CODEINSPECTOR_SETVALUE Name\nValue - Sets the value of an item in the code-inspector
SCM_CODEINSPECTOR_SETNAME Name\nNewName - Sets the name of an item in the code-inspector
SCM_CODEINSPECTOR_GETVALUE Name - Gets the value of an item in the code-inspector
SCM_CODEINSPECTOR_GETNAME Value - Gets the name of an item in the code-inspector
SCM_CODEINSPECTOR_COUNT - - Returns the number of items in the code-inspector
SCM_CODEINSPECTOR_BEGINUPDATE - - It's recommended to use this before you update the whole code-inspector
SCM_CODEINSPECTOR_ENDUPDATE - - Use this when you've finished the update in the code-inspector
SCM_CODEINSPECTOR_DELETE Name - Deletes an item in the code-inspector
SCM_PAWN_NEWFILE Filename - Adds a new file to the Pawn Projects
SCM_PAWN_SAVEFILE [Filename] Index Saves a Pawn file
SCM_PAWN_CLOSEFILE - Index Closes a file in the Pawn Projects
SCM_PAWN_ISUNTITLED - Index Returns 1 if Pawn document is untitled, otherwise 0
SCM_PAWN_ACTIVATE - - Activates the Pawn Projects
SCM_PAWN_ACTIVATEDOC Flags Index Activates a document in the Pawn Projects (Flags: r = Resore caret, s = Save last document)
SCM_PAWN_GETNOTES - Index Gets the notes of a Pawn document as RTF
SCM_PAWN_SETNOTES Notes Index Sets the notes of a Pawn document
SCM_PAWN_GETFILENAME - Index Returns the filename of a Pawn document as integer
SCM_PAWN_SETFILENAME Filename Index Sets the filename of a file (only in AMXX-Studio)
SCM_PAWN_FILECOUNT - - Returns the number of loaded Pawn scripts
SCM_PAWN_GETTEXT - Index Returns the text of a Pawn document as integer
SCM_CPP_NEWFILE Filename - Creates a new C++ file
SCM_CPP_SAVEFILE [Filename] Index Saves a C++ file
SCM_CPP_CLOSEFILE - Index Closes a C++ file
SCM_CPP_ISUNTITLED - Index Returns 1 if Pawn document is untitled, otherwise 0
SCM_CPP_ACTIVATE - - Activates the C++ Projects
SCM_CPP_ACTIVATEDOC Flags Index Activates a document in the C++ Projects (Flags: r = Resore caret, s = Save last document)
SCM_CPP_ACTIVATEIDE - Enable (0/1) Activate the C++ IDE  
SCM_CPP_GETNOTES - Index Gets the notes of a C++ document as RTF
SCM_CPP_SETNOTES Notes Index Sets the notes of a C++ document
SCM_CPP_GETFILENAME - Index Returns the filename of a C++ document as integer
SCM_CPP_SETFILENAME Filename Index Sets the filename of a file (only in AMXX-Studio)
SCM_CPP_FILECOUNT - - Returns the number of loaded C(++) files
SCM_OTHER_NEWFILE Filename - Creates a new file
SCM_OTHER_SAVEFILE [Filename] Index Saves a file
SCM_OTHER_CLOSEFILE - Index Closes a file
SCM_OTHER_ISUNTITLED - Index Returns 1 if the document is untitled, otherwise 0
SCM_OTHER_ACTIVATE - - Activates the Other Projects
SCM_OTHER_ACTIVATEDOC Flags Index Activates a document in the Other Projects (Flags: r = Resore caret, s = Save last document)
SCM_OTHER_GETNOTES - Index Gets the notes of a document as RTF
SCM_OTHER_SETNOTES Notes Index Sets the notes of a document
SCM_OTHER_GETFILENAME - Index Returns the filename of a file
SCM_OTHER_SETFILENAME Filename Index Sets the filename of a file (only in AMXX-Studio)
SCM_OTHER_FILECOUNT - - Returns the number of loaded textfiles
SCM_OUTPUT_SHOW - - Shows the ouput list
SCM_OUTPUT_HIDE - - Hides the output list
SCM_OUTPUT_ADD Item - Adds an item to the output list
SCM_OUTPUT_CLEAR - - Clears the output list
SCM_OUTPUT_DELETE - Item Index Deletes an item in the output list
SCM_OUTPUT_GETTEXT - - Returns the output list as integer
SCM_OUTPUT_GETITEM - Item Index Returns an output item as integer
SCM_OUTPUT_INDEXOF Item - Returns the index of an item in the output list
SCM_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT - - Returns the index of the active document
SCM_ACTIVE_PROJECTS - - Returns the index of the active projects
SCM_EDITOR_SETTEXT Text - Sets the text of the editor
SCM_EDITOR_GETTEXT - - Returns the text of the editor as integer
SCM_EDTIOR_SETCALLTIPS Calltips - Sets the calltips
SCM_EDITOR_SHOWCALLTIP Definition Position Shows a calltip
SCM_EDITOR_SETAUTOCOMPLETE List - Sets the autocomplete list
SCM_EDITOR_SHOWAUTOCOMPLETE List Length Entered Shows the autocomplete list
SCM_EDITOR_GETSELSTART - - Returns the current selection start
SCM_EDTIOR_GETSELLENGTH - - Returns the current selection length
SCM_EDITOR_SETSELSTART - Selection Start Sets the selection start
SCM_EDITOR_SETSELLENGH - Selection Length Sets the selection length
SCM_REMOVE_MENUITEM Caption - Removes a menu item
SCM_REMOVE_IMAGE - Image Index Removes an image from the image list
SCM_SETTHEME Theme - Sets the current theme
SCM_GETTHEME - - Returns the current theme as integer
All functions should be called with SendStudioMsg(Message, Data, IntData). Each "normal" function returns 1 on succeed, othwise 0.