// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: // // AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO"). // Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team. // // This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher. // Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit: // https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license // // Info. Messages Plugin // #include #include #define MAX_MSG_LEN 384 #define TASK_MSG 12345 enum _:MessageInfo { Message[MAX_MSG_LEN], R, G, B } new Array:g_messages; new g_messagesNum; new g_hudObject; new g_current; new g_hostname[64]; new Float:g_amx_freq_imessage; new Float:g_amx_imessage_x_pos; new Float:g_amx_imessage_y_pos; new Float:g_amx_imessage_holdtime; new g_amx_imessage_only_dead; public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Info. Messages", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team"); register_srvcmd("amx_imessage", "setMessage", _, " [color in RRRGGGBBB format]"); register_dictionary("imessage.txt"); register_dictionary("common.txt"); g_messages = ArrayCreate(MessageInfo); g_hudObject = CreateHudSyncObj(); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("amx_imessage_only_dead", "0", _, "Set to 1 to show info messages only to dead clients", true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_amx_imessage_only_dead); bind_pcvar_float(create_cvar("amx_freq_imessage", "180", _, "Frequency in seconds of info messages", true, 0.0), g_amx_freq_imessage); bind_pcvar_float(create_cvar("amx_imessage_x_pos", "-1.0", _, "X position for info messages", true, -1.0, true, 1.0), g_amx_imessage_x_pos); bind_pcvar_float(create_cvar("amx_imessage_y_pos", "0.2", _, "Y position for info messages", true, -1.0, true, 1.0), g_amx_imessage_y_pos); bind_pcvar_float(create_cvar("amx_imessage_holdtime", "12.0", _, "Hold time for info messages", true, -1.0, true, 1.0), g_amx_imessage_holdtime); bind_pcvar_string(get_cvar_pointer("hostname"), g_hostname, charsmax(g_hostname)); new lastinfo[8]; get_localinfo("lastinfomsg", lastinfo, charsmax(lastinfo)); g_current = str_to_num(lastinfo); set_localinfo("lastinfomsg", ""); } public infoMessage() { // No messages, just get out of here if (!g_messagesNum) { return; } // If the last message is reached, go back to the first one if (g_current >= g_messagesNum) { g_current = 0; } static message[MessageInfo]; ArrayGetArray(g_messages, g_current, message); replace_stringex(message[Message], charsmax(message[Message]), "%hostname%", g_hostname); set_hudmessage(message[R], message[G], message[B], g_amx_imessage_x_pos, g_amx_imessage_y_pos, 0, 0.5, g_amx_imessage_holdtime, 2.0, 2.0, -1); if(g_amx_imessage_only_dead) { new players[MAX_PLAYERS], pnum; get_players_ex(players, pnum, GetPlayers_ExcludeAlive); for(new player, i; i < pnum; i++) { player = players[i]; ShowSyncHudMsg(player, g_hudObject, message[Message]); console_print(player, message[Message]); } } else { ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_hudObject, message[Message]); console_print(0, message[Message]); } g_current++; if (g_amx_freq_imessage > 0.0) { set_task(g_amx_freq_imessage, "infoMessage", TASK_MSG); } } public setMessage() { remove_task(TASK_MSG); static message[MessageInfo]; read_argv(1, message[Message], charsmax(message[Message])); replace_string(message[Message], charsmax(message[Message]), "\n", "^n"); new fullcolor[10]; read_argv(2, fullcolor, charsmax(fullcolor)); message[B] = str_to_num(fullcolor[6]); fullcolor[6] = 0; message[G] = str_to_num(fullcolor[3]); fullcolor[3] = 0; message[R] = str_to_num(fullcolor[0]); fullcolor[0] = 0; g_messagesNum++; ArrayPushArray(g_messages, message); if (g_amx_freq_imessage > 0.0) { set_task(g_amx_freq_imessage, "infoMessage", TASK_MSG); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public plugin_end() { ArrayDestroy(g_messages); set_localinfo("lastinfomsg", fmt("%i", g_current)); }