// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: // // AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO"). // Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team. // // This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher. // Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit: // https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license // // Admin Help Plugin // #include <amxmodx> const MaxMapLength = 32; const MaxDefaultEntries = 10; const MaxCommandLength = 32; const MaxCommandInfoLength = 128; const DefaultMsgTime = 15; new const HelpCommand[] = "amx_help"; new const SearchCommand[] = "amx_searchcmd"; new CvarDisplayClientMessage; new CvarDisplayMessageTime; new CvarHelpAmount; new CvarNextmap[MaxMapLength]; new Float:CvarTimeLimit; new bool:DisplayClientMessage[MAX_PLAYERS + 1 char]; public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Admin Help", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team"); register_dictionary("adminhelp.txt"); register_concmd(HelpCommand , "@ConsoleCommand_Help" , ADMIN_ALL, "HELP_CMD_INFO" , .info_ml = true); register_concmd(SearchCommand, "@ConsoleCommand_Search", ADMIN_ALL, "SEARCH_CMD_INFO", .info_ml = true); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("amx_help_display_msg" , "1" , .has_min = true, .min_val = 0.0, .has_max = true, .max_val = 1.0), CvarDisplayClientMessage); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("amx_help_display_msg_time", "15", .has_min = true, .min_val = 0.0), CvarDisplayMessageTime); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("amx_help_amount_per_page" , "10", .has_min = true, .min_val = 0.0), CvarHelpAmount); } public OnConfigsExecuted() { new const pointer = get_cvar_pointer("amx_nextmap"); if (pointer) { bind_pcvar_string(pointer, CvarNextmap, charsmax(CvarNextmap)); } bind_pcvar_float(get_cvar_pointer("mp_timelimit"), CvarTimeLimit); } public client_putinserver(id) { if (CvarDisplayClientMessage > 0 && !is_user_bot(id)) { DisplayClientMessage{id} = true; new Float:messageTime = float(CvarDisplayMessageTime <= 0 ? DefaultMsgTime : CvarDisplayMessageTime); set_task(messageTime, "@Task_DisplayMessage", id); } } public client_disconnected(id) { if (DisplayClientMessage{id}) { DisplayClientMessage{id} = false; remove_task(id); } } @ConsoleCommand_Search(id, level, cid) { new entry[MaxCommandLength]; read_argv(1, entry, charsmax(entry)); return ProcessHelp(id, .start_argindex = 2, .do_search = true, .main_command = SearchCommand, .search = entry); } @ConsoleCommand_Help(id, level, cid) { return ProcessHelp(id, .start_argindex = 1, .do_search = false, .main_command = HelpCommand); } ProcessHelp(id, start_argindex, bool:do_search, const main_command[], const search[] = "") { new user_flags = get_user_flags(id); // HACK: ADMIN_ADMIN is never set as a user's actual flags, so those types of commands never show if (user_flags > 0 && !(user_flags & ADMIN_USER)) { user_flags |= ADMIN_ADMIN; } new clcmdsnum = get_concmdsnum(user_flags, id); if (CvarHelpAmount <= 0) { CvarHelpAmount = MaxDefaultEntries; } new start = clamp(read_argv_int(start_argindex), .min = 1, .max = clcmdsnum) - 1; // Zero-based list; new amount = !id ? read_argv_int(start_argindex + 1) : CvarHelpAmount; new end = min(start + (amount > 0 ? amount : CvarHelpAmount), clcmdsnum); console_print(id, "^n----- %l -----", "HELP_COMS"); new info[MaxCommandInfoLength]; new command[MaxCommandLength]; new command_flags; new bool:is_info_ml; new entries_found; new total_entries; new index; if (do_search) { for (index = 0; index < clcmdsnum; ++index) { get_concmd(index, command, charsmax(command), command_flags, info, charsmax(info), user_flags, id, is_info_ml); if (containi(command, search) != -1 && ++entries_found > start && (total_entries = entries_found) <= end) { if (is_info_ml) { LookupLangKey(info, charsmax(info), info, id); } console_print(id, "%3d: %s %s", entries_found, command, info); } } if (!entries_found || entries_found > total_entries) { console_print(id, "%l", "NO_MATCHING_RESULTS"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } index = entries_found; clcmdsnum = total_entries; end = min(end, clcmdsnum); } else { for (index = start; index < end; ++index) { get_concmd(index, command, charsmax(command), command_flags, info, charsmax(info), user_flags, id, is_info_ml); if (is_info_ml) { LookupLangKey(info, charsmax(info), info, id); } console_print(id, "%3d: %s %s", index + 1, command, info); } } console_print(id, "----- %l -----", "HELP_ENTRIES", start + 1, end, clcmdsnum); formatex(command, charsmax(command), "%s%c%s", main_command, do_search ? " " : "", search); if (end < clcmdsnum) { console_print(id, "----- %l -----", "HELP_USE_MORE", command, end + 1); } else if (start || index != clcmdsnum) { console_print(id, "----- %l -----", "HELP_USE_BEGIN", command); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } @Task_DisplayMessage(id) { client_print(id, print_chat, "%l", "TYPE_HELP", HelpCommand, SearchCommand); if (CvarTimeLimit > 0.0) { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); if (timeleft > 0) { client_print(id, print_chat, "%l", "TIME_INFO_1", timeleft / 60, timeleft % 60, CvarNextmap); } else if (CvarNextmap[0] != EOS) { client_print(id, print_chat, "%l", "TIME_INFO_2", CvarNextmap); } } }