/* Files functions * * by the AMX Mod X Development Team * originally developed by OLO * * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #if defined _file_included #endinput #endif #define _file_included /* Reads content from directory. * Returns index of next element or 0 when end of dir. is reached. */ native read_dir(const dirname[],pos,output[],len,&outlen); /* Reads line from file. Returns index of next line or 0 when end of file is reached. */ native read_file(const file[],line,text[],len,&txtlen); /* Writes text to file. Function returns 0 on failure. * When line is set to -1, the text is added at the end of file. */ native write_file(const file[],const text[],line = -1); /* Deletes file. Function returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ native delete_file(const file[]); /* Checks for file. If file exists function returns 1, in other case 0. */ native file_exists(const file[]); /* Checks if a directory exists */ native dir_exists(const dir[]); /* Returns a file size in bytes if flag is set to 0. * When flag is set to 1 returns number of lines in the file, * and when flags is 2, function returns 1 if the file ends * with line feed. If file doesn't exist returns -1. */ native file_size(const file[], flag=0); #define SEEK_SET 0 #define SEEK_CUR 1 #define SEEK_END 2 // These are C style file access functions // Code ported from Sanji's File module //Open a file native fopen(const filename[],const mode[]); //Close a file native fclose(file); //Read a file for ret_size length native fread(file,ret[],ret_size); //Return the size of a file native filesize(const filename[],{Float,Sql,Result,_}:...); //Delete a file (delete_file macro) native unlink(const filename[],{Float,Sql,Result,_}:...); //Returns a handle to a directory native open_dir(dir[], firstfile[], length); native next_file(dirh, buffer[], length); native close_dir(dirh); stock bool:file_copy(const SOURCE[], const TARGET[], error[], const ERRORLEN, const bool:REPLACE_TARGET = false) { if (!file_exists(SOURCE)) { format(error, ERRORLEN, "File copy error: Source ^"%s^" doesn't exist!", SOURCE) return false } if (!REPLACE_TARGET && file_exists(TARGET)) { format(error, ERRORLEN, "File copy error: Target ^"%s^" exists!", TARGET) return false } new source = fopen(SOURCE, "rb") if (!source) { format(error, ERRORLEN, "File copy error: Opening source ^"%s^" failed!", SOURCE) return false } new target = fopen(TARGET, "wb") if (!target) { format(error, ERRORLEN, "File copy error: Opening target ^"%s^" failed!", TARGET) fclose(source) return false } for (new buffer, eof = feof(source); !eof; !eof && fputc(target, buffer)) { buffer = fgetc(source) eof = feof(source) } fclose(source) fclose(target) return true }