[en] EQ_WE_RES = Equipment and weapons have been restricted EQ_WE_UNRES = Equipment and weapons have been unrestricted HAVE_BEEN = have been HAS_BEEN = has been RESTRICTED = restricted UNRESTRICTED = unrestricted NO_EQ_WE = Couldn't find such equipment or weapon WEAP_RES = Weapons Restriction VALUE = value REST_ENTRIES_OF = Entries %i - %i of %i REST_USE_MORE = Use 'amx_restrict list %i' for more REST_USE_BEGIN = Use 'amx_restrict list 1' for begin REST_CONF_SAVED = Configuration has been saved (file "%s") REST_COULDNT_SAVE = Couldn't save configuration (file "%s") REST_CONF_LOADED = Configuration has been loaded (file "%s") REST_COULDNT_LOAD = Couldn't load configuration (file "%s") COM_REST_USAGE = Usage: amx_restrict [value] COM_REST_COMMANDS = Commands: COM_REST_ON = ^ton - set restriction on whole equipment COM_REST_OFF = ^toff - remove restriction from whole equipment COM_REST_ONV = ^ton [...] - set specified restriction COM_REST_OFFV = ^toff [...] - remove specified restriction COM_REST_LIST = ^tlist - display list of available equipment and weapons COM_REST_SAVE = ^tsave - save restriction COM_REST_LOAD = ^tload [file] - load restriction [from a file] COM_REST_VALUES = Available values to restrict are:^nammo, equip, pistol, shotgun, sub, rifle, machine COM_REST_TYPE = Type 'amx_restrict list' for more specified values REST_WEAP = Restrict Weapons SAVE_SET = Save settings CONF_SAV_SUC = Configuration saved successfully CONF_SAV_FAIL = Configuration saving failed!!! [de] EQ_WE_RES = Ausruestung und Waffen wurden verboten EQ_WE_UNRES = Ausruestung und Waffen wurden freigegeben HAVE_BEEN = sind gewesen HAS_BEEN = ist gewesen RESTRICTED = verboten UNRESTRICTED = wieder erlaubt NO_EQ_WE = Konnte diese Ausruestung oder Waffe nicht finden WEAP_RES = Waffenbverbot VALUE = Wert REST_ENTRIES_OF = Eintrag %i - %i von %i REST_USE_MORE = Benutze 'amx_restrict list %i' fuer mehr Info´s REST_USE_BEGIN = Benutze 'amx_restrict list 1' um zum Anfang zu gelangen REST_CONF_SAVED = Konfiguration gesichert (Datei "%s") REST_COULDNT_SAVE = Konfiguration konnte nicht gespeichert werden (Datei "%s") REST_CONF_LOADED = Konfiguration wurde geladen (Datei "%s") REST_COULDNT_LOAD = Konfiguration konnte nicht geladen werden (Datei "%s") COM_REST_USAGE = Benutze: amx_restrict [Wert] COM_REST_COMMANDS = Befehle: COM_REST_ON = ^ton - setze Verbot auf die gesamte Ausruestung COM_REST_OFF = ^toff - Verbot fuer Ausruestung aufheben COM_REST_ONV = ^ton [...] - setze spezielles Verbot COM_REST_OFFV = ^toff [...] - spezielles Verbot aufgehoben COM_REST_LIST = ^tlist - zeigt die Liste der verfuegbaren Waffen und Ausruestungen COM_REST_SAVE = ^tsave - Verbote speichern COM_REST_LOAD = ^tload [file] - laedt Verbote [aus einer Datei] COM_REST_VALUES = erlaubte Verbotswerte:^nammo, equip, pistol, shotgun, sub, rifle, machine COM_REST_TYPE = Schreibe 'amx_restrict list' fuer mehr spezielle Werte REST_WEAP = Waffen verbieten SAVE_SET = Einstellungen speichern CONF_SAV_SUC = Konfiguration erfolgreich gespeichert CONF_SAV_FAIL = Speichern der Konfiguration fehlgeschlagen!!! [sr] EQ_WE_RES = Oprema i oruzje su zabranjeni EQ_WE_UNRES = Oprema i oruzje su oslobodjeni zabrane HAVE_BEEN = je HAS_BEEN = je RESTRICTED = zabranjeno UNRESTRICTED = slobodno NO_EQ_WE = Nije moguce naci takvo opremu ili oruzje WEAP_RES = Zabrane oruzja VALUE = vrednost REST_ENTRIES_OF = Vrednosti %i - %i od %i REST_USE_MORE = Koristi 'amx_restrict list %i' za jos REST_USE_BEGIN = Koristi 'amx_restrict list 1' za pocetak REST_CONF_SAVED = Konfiguracija je uspesno sacuvana (fajl "%s") REST_COULDNT_SAVE = Konfiguracija je neuspesno sacuvana (fajl "%s") REST_CONF_LOADED = Konfiguracija je uspesno ucitana (fajl "%s") REST_COULDNT_LOAD = Konfiguracija je neuspesno ucitana (fajl "%s") COM_REST_USAGE = Koriscenje: amx_restrict [vrednost] COM_REST_COMMANDS = Komande: COM_REST_ON = ^ton - postavi zabranu za celu opremu COM_REST_OFF = ^toff - skini zabranu sa cele opreme COM_REST_ONV = ^ton [...] - postavi zabranu na zadato oruzje COM_REST_OFFV = ^toff [...] - skini zabranu sa zadatog oruzja COM_REST_LIST = ^tlist - prikazi listu mogucih oruzja i opreme COM_REST_SAVE = ^tsave - sacuvaj zabrene COM_REST_LOAD = ^tload [fajl] - ucitaj zabrane [iz fajla] COM_REST_VALUES = Moguce vrednosti za zabrane su:^nammo, equip, pistol, shotgun, sub, rifle, machine COM_REST_TYPE = Kucaj 'amx_restrict list' za jos specificnih komandi REST_WEAP = Zabrani oruzja SAVE_SET = Sacuvaj Podesavanja CONF_SAV_SUC = Konfiguracija je uspesno sacuvana CONF_SAV_FAIL = Konfiguracija je neuspesno sacuvana!!! [tr] EQ_WE_RES = Silahlar ve sayre yasakli listesinde EQ_WE_UNRES = Silahlar ve sayre yasakli listesinden alinmisdir HAVE_BEEN = olmus HAS_BEEN = oldu RESTRICTED = yasaklandi UNRESTRICTED = yasakli degil NO_EQ_WE = oylesi bir silah ve sayre bulunamadi WEAP_RES = Silah Yasaklama VALUE = deger REST_ENTRIES_OF = Girisler %i - %i ve %i REST_USE_MORE = 'amx_restrict list %i' i kullanin dahasini gormek icin REST_USE_BEGIN = 'amx_restrict list 1' i kullanin baslatmak icin REST_CONF_SAVED = Configler basari ile saklanmisdir (dosya "%s") REST_COULDNT_SAVE = Configler saklanamadi (dosya "%s") REST_CONF_LOADED = Config yuklenmis durumda (dosya "%s") REST_COULDNT_LOAD = Config yuklenemedi (dosya "%s") COM_REST_USAGE = Kullanim: amx_restrict [deger] COM_REST_COMMANDS = Emirler: COM_REST_ON = ^ton - tumunu yasakla COM_REST_OFF = ^toff - tumunden yasakli listesini kaldir COM_REST_ONV = ^ton [...] - ozellikle yasakla COM_REST_OFFV = ^toff [...] - ozellikle yasakliyi kaldir COM_REST_LIST = ^tlist - mevcud olan silahlar ve sayre listesini goster COM_REST_SAVE = ^tsave - yasakli listesini sakla COM_REST_LOAD = ^tload [dosya] - yasakli listesini yukle [dosyadan] COM_REST_VALUES = Mevcud olan degerleri yasaklamak:^nammo, equip, pistol, shotgun, sub, rifle, machine COM_REST_TYPE = 'amx_restrict list' i kullanin daha ozel degerleri gormek icin REST_WEAP = Yasakli Silahlar SAVE_SET = Ayarlari Saklayin CONF_SAV_SUC = Ayarlar basari ile saklandi CONF_SAV_FAIL = Ayarlar malesef saklanamadi!!! [fr] EQ_WE_RES = Les armes et equipements ont ete restreints EQ_WE_UNRES = Les armes et equipements ne sont plus restreints HAVE_BEEN = ont ete HAS_BEEN = a ete RESTRICTED = restreint(e)(s) UNRESTRICTED = retire(e)(s) des restrictions NO_EQ_WE = l'Arme ou l'Equipement n'a pas ete trouve(e) WEAP_RES = Restriction des Armes VALUE = valeur REST_ENTRIES_OF = Entrees %i - %i sur %i REST_USE_MORE = Utilise 'amx_restrict list %i' pour la suite REST_USE_BEGIN = Utilise 'amx_restrict list 1' pour le debut REST_CONF_SAVED = La configuration a ete sauvee (fichier "%s") REST_COULDNT_SAVE = La configuration n'a pas ete sauvee (fichier "%s") REST_CONF_LOADED = La configuration a ete chargee (fichier "%s") REST_COULDNT_LOAD = La configuration n'a pas ete chargee (fichier "%s") COM_REST_USAGE = Utilisation: amx_restrict [valeur] COM_REST_COMMANDS = Commandes: COM_REST_ON = ^ton - restreint tous les equipements COM_REST_OFF = ^toff - enleve la restriction de tous les equipements COM_REST_ONV = ^ton [...] - met une restriction specifique COM_REST_OFFV = ^toff [...] - enleve une restriction specifique COM_REST_LIST = ^tlist - affiche la liste des equipements et armes disponibles COM_REST_SAVE = ^tsave - sauver les restrictions COM_REST_LOAD = ^tload [file] - charger les restriction [a partir d'un fichier] COM_REST_VALUES = Les valeurs disponibles pour la restriction sont:^nammo, equip, pistol, shotgun, sub, rifle, machine COM_REST_TYPE = Taper 'amx_restrict list' pour avoir une liste plus precise REST_WEAP = Restreindre les Armes SAVE_SET = Sauver CONF_SAV_SUC = Configuration sauvegardee CONF_SAV_FAIL = Sauvegarde de la configuration echouee!!! [sv] EQ_WE_RES = Utrustning och vapen har begr'a'nsats EQ_WE_UNRES = Utrustning och vapen har blivit obegr'a'nsade HAVE_BEEN = har blivit HAS_BEEN = har blivit RESTRICTED = begr'a'nsad UNRESTRICTED = obegr'a'nsad NO_EQ_WE = Hittade ingen dylik utrustning eller vapen. WEAP_RES = Vapen begr'a'nsning VALUE = pris REST_ENTRIES_OF = Poster %i - %i av %i REST_USE_MORE = Skriv 'amx_restrict list %i' f'o'r mera REST_USE_BEGIN = Skriv 'amx_restrict list 1' f'o'r b'o'rjan REST_CONF_SAVED = Konfigurationen har sparats (fil "%s") REST_COULDNT_SAVE = Kunde inte spara konfigurationen (fil "%s") REST_CONF_LOADED = Konfigurationen har laddats (fil "%s") REST_COULDNT_LOAD = Kunde inte ladda konfigurationen (fil "%s") COM_REST_USAGE = Skriv: amx_restrict [v'a'rde] COM_REST_COMMANDS = Kommandon: COM_REST_ON = ^ton - s'a'tter begr'a'nsningar pa hela utrustningen COM_REST_OFF = ^toff - ta bort begr'a'nsningar pa hela utrustningen COM_REST_ONV = ^ton [...] - s'a'tter vald begr'a'nsning COM_REST_OFFV = ^toff [...] - tar bort vald begr'a'nsning COM_REST_LIST = ^tlist - visar lista med befintlig utrustning och vapen COM_REST_SAVE = ^tsave - Spara begr'a'nsningar COM_REST_LOAD = ^tload [fil] - ladda begr'a'nsningar COM_REST_VALUES = Tillg'a'ngliga v'a'rden att begr'a'nsa e: :^nammo, equip, pistol, shotgun, sub, rifle, machine COM_REST_TYPE = Skriv 'amx_restrict list' f'o'r mer v'a'rden REST_WEAP = Begr'a'nsa vapen SAVE_SET = Spara inst'a'llningar CONF_SAV_SUC = Inst'a'llning sparad CONF_SAV_FAIL = Spara inst'a'llningar misslyckades!!! [da] EQ_WE_RES = Udstyr og vaaben er blevet forbudt EQ_WE_UNRES = Udstyr og vaaben er blevet tilladt HAVE_BEEN = er blevet HAS_BEEN = er blevet RESTRICTED = forbudt UNRESTRICTED = tilladt NO_EQ_WE = Kunne ikke finde et saadan udstyr eller vaaben WEAP_RES = Vaaben forbud VALUE = vaerdi REST_ENTRIES_OF = indskrivninger %i - %i af %i REST_USE_MORE = Brug 'amx_restrict list %i' for mere REST_USE_BEGIN = Brug 'amx_restrict list 1' for at begynde REST_CONF_SAVED = Konfiguration er blevet gemt (file "%s") REST_COULDNT_SAVE = Kunne ikke gemme konfiguration (file "%s") REST_CONF_LOADED = Konfiguration er blevet indlaest (file "%s") REST_COULDNT_LOAD = Kunne ikke indlaese konfiguration (file "%s") COM_REST_USAGE = Brug: amx_restrict [value] COM_REST_COMMANDS = Kommandoer: COM_REST_ON = ^ton - Lav forbud paa alt udstyr COM_REST_OFF = ^toff - Fjern forbud paa alt udstyr COM_REST_ONV = ^ton [...] - Lav specificeret forbud COM_REST_OFFV = ^toff [...] - Fjern specificeret forbud COM_REST_LIST = ^tlist - viser liste med udstyr og vaaben til raadighed COM_REST_SAVE = ^tsave - gem forbud COM_REST_LOAD = ^tload [file] - indlaes restriction [fra en fil] COM_REST_VALUES = Vaerdier til raadighed er, equip, pistol, shotgun, sub, rifle, machine COM_REST_TYPE = Skriv 'amx_restrict list' for flere specificerede vaerdier REST_WEAP = Forbyd vaaben SAVE_SET = Gem indstillinger CONF_SAV_SUC = Konfiguration gemt CONF_SAV_FAIL = Gem konfiguration mislykkedes!!! [pl] EQ_WE_RES = Wyposarzenie i bronie zostaly ograniczone EQ_WE_UNRES = Wyposarzenie i bronie zostaly odblokowane HAVE_BEEN = byl HAS_BEEN = byl RESTRICTED = ograniczony UNRESTRICTED = odblokowany NO_EQ_WE = Nie mozna znalesc takiego wyposarzenia lub broni WEAP_RES = Ograniczenie broni VALUE = wartosc REST_ENTRIES_OF = Wpisy %i - %i z %i REST_USE_MORE = Uzyj 'amx_restrict list %i' po wiecej REST_USE_BEGIN = Uzyj 'amx_restrict list 1' do poczatku REST_CONF_SAVED = Konfiguracja zostala zapisana (plik "%s") REST_COULDNT_SAVE = Nie mozna zapisac konfiguracji (plik "%s") REST_CONF_LOADED = Konfiguracja zostala zaladowana (plik "%s") REST_COULDNT_LOAD = Nie mozna zaladowac konfiguracji (plik "%s") COM_REST_USAGE = Uzycie: amx_restrict [wartosc] COM_REST_COMMANDS = Komendy: COM_REST_ON = ^ton - ustawil ograniczenia na cale wyposarzenie COM_REST_OFF = ^toff - wylaczyl ograniczenie na cale wyposarzenie COM_REST_ONV = ^ton [...] - ustawil specyficzne ograniczenie COM_REST_OFFV = ^toff [...] - usunal specyficzne ograniczenie COM_REST_LIST = ^tlist - wyswietl liste broni i wyposarzenia COM_REST_SAVE = ^tsave - zapisz ograniczenia COM_REST_LOAD = ^tload [file] - zaladuj ograniczenia [z pliku] COM_REST_VALUES = mozliwe wartosci na ktore mozna zalozyc ograniczenia:^nammo, equip, pistol, shotgun, sub, rifle, machine COM_REST_TYPE = Wpisz 'amx_restrict list' po wiecej specyficznych wartosci REST_WEAP = Ogranicz bronie SAVE_SET = Zapisz ustawienia CONF_SAV_SUC = Konfiguracja zapisana z powodzeniem CONF_SAV_FAIL = Blad podczas zapisu konfiguracji [nl] EQ_WE_RES = Uitrusting en wapens zijn verboden EQ_WE_UNRES = Uitrusting en wapens zijn toegestaan HAVE_BEEN = zijn HAS_BEEN = is RESTRICTED = verboden UNRESTRICTED = toegestaan NO_EQ_WE = Kon dat wapen of die uitrusting niet vinden WEAP_RES = Wapens Restricties VALUE = waarde REST_ENTRIES_OF = Entries %i - %i van de %i REST_USE_MORE = Gebruik 'amx_restrict list %i' voor meer REST_USE_BEGIN = Gebruik 'amx_restrict list 1' voor het begin REST_CONF_SAVED = Configuratie is bewaard (file "%s") REST_COULDNT_SAVE = Kon configuratie niet bewaren (file "%s") REST_CONF_LOADED = Configuratie is geladen (file "%s") REST_COULDNT_LOAD = Kon configuratie niet laden (file "%s") COM_REST_USAGE = Gebruik: amx_restrict [waarde] COM_REST_COMMANDS = Commando's: COM_REST_ON = ^ton - zet verbod op hele uitrusting COM_REST_OFF = ^toff - verwijder verbod op hele uitrusting COM_REST_ONV = ^ton [...] - stel gespecificeerde restrictie in COM_REST_OFFV = ^toff [...] - verwijder gespecificeerde restrictie COM_REST_LIST = ^tlist - geef lijst van uitrustingen en wapens weer COM_REST_SAVE = ^tsave - bewaar verbod COM_REST_LOAD = ^tload [bestand] - laad verboden [vanuit een bestand] COM_REST_VALUES = Available values to restrict are:^nammo, equip, pistol, shotgun, sub, rifle, machine COM_REST_TYPE = Typ 'amx_restrict list' voor meer gespecificeerde waarden REST_WEAP = Verbied Wapens SAVE_SET = Bewaar instellingen CONF_SAV_SUC = Configuratie bewaren gelukt CONF_SAV_FAIL = Configuratie bewaren MISlukt!!! [es] EQ_WE_RES = El equipamiento y las armas han sido restringidas EQ_WE_UNRES = El equipamiento y las armas han sido permitidas HAVE_BEEN = han sido HAS_BEEN = ha sido RESTRICTED = restringido UNRESTRICTED = permitido NO_EQ_WE = No se encontro dicho equipamiento o arma WEAP_RES = Restriccion de Armas VALUE = valor REST_ENTRIES_OF = Entradas %i - %i de %i REST_USE_MORE = Escribe 'amx_restrict list %i' para mostrar mas REST_USE_BEGIN = Escribe 'amx_restrict list 1' para volver al principio REST_CONF_SAVED = La configuracion ha sido guardada (archivo "%s") REST_COULDNT_SAVE = No se pudo guardar la configuracion (archivo "%s") REST_CONF_LOADED = La configuracion ha sido cargada (archivo "%s") REST_COULDNT_LOAD = No se pudo cargar la configuracion (archivo "%s") COM_REST_USAGE = Uso: amx_restrict [valor] COM_REST_COMMANDS = Comandos: COM_REST_ON = ^ton - establece restricciones en todo el equipamiento COM_REST_OFF = ^toff - borra las restricciones de todo el equipamiento COM_REST_ONV = ^ton [...] - establece la restriccion especificada COM_REST_OFFV = ^toff [...] - borra la restriccion especificada COM_REST_LIST = ^tlist - muestra la lista de equipamiento y armas permitidas COM_REST_SAVE = ^tsave - guarda las restricciones COM_REST_LOAD = ^tload [archivo] - carga las restricciones [de un archivo] COM_REST_VALUES = Valores disponibles para restringir:^nammo, equip, pistol, shotgun, sub, rifle, machine COM_REST_TYPE = Escribe 'amx_restrict list' para mas valores especificos REST_WEAP = Restringir Armas SAVE_SET = Guardar Configuracion CONF_SAV_SUC = Configuracion guardada con exito CONF_SAV_FAIL = No se pudo guardar la configuracion!!! [bp] EQ_WE_RES = Equipamentos e armas foram limitados EQ_WE_UNRES = Equipamentos e armas foram ilimitados HAVE_BEEN = foram HAS_BEEN = foi RESTRICTED = limitado UNRESTRICTED = ilimitado NO_EQ_WE = Nao pode achar este equipamento ou arma WEAP_RES = Limitacao de Armas VALUE = valor REST_ENTRIES_OF = Entradas %i - %i de %i REST_USE_MORE = Use 'amx_restrict listando %i' para ver mais REST_USE_BEGIN = Use 'amx_restrict listando 1' para voltar ao inicio REST_CONF_SAVED = Configuracao foi salva (arquivo "%s") REST_COULDNT_SAVE = Nao pode salvar a configuracao (arquivo "%s") REST_CONF_LOADED = Configuracao foi carregada (arquivo "%s") REST_COULDNT_LOAD = Nao pode carregar a configuracao (arquivo "%s") COM_REST_USAGE = Use: amx_restrict [valor] COM_REST_COMMANDS = Comandos: COM_REST_ON = ^ton - limitar todos equipamentos COM_REST_OFF = ^toff - remover limitacao para todos equipamentos COM_REST_ONV = ^ton [...] - configurar limitacao especifica COM_REST_OFFV = ^toff [...] - remover limitacao especificada COM_REST_LIST = ^tlist - lista de exibicao de equipamento e armas disponiveis COM_REST_SAVE = ^tsave - salvar limitacao COM_REST_LOAD = ^tload [arquivo] - carregar limitacao [de um arquivo] COM_REST_VALUES = Valores disponíveis para limitar sao:^nammo, equip, pistol, shotgun, sub, rifle, machine COM_REST_TYPE = Escreva 'amx_restrict list' para mais valores especificos REST_WEAP = Limitar Armas SAVE_SET = Salvar configuracoes CONF_SAV_SUC = Configuracao salva com sucesso CONF_SAV_FAIL = Configuracao falhou ao salvar!!! [cz] EQ_WE_RES = Vybaveni a zbrane byly omezeny EQ_WE_UNRES = Vypaveni a zbrane byly opet povoleny HAVE_BEEN = byly HAS_BEEN = byl RESTRICTED = omezen UNRESTRICTED = omezeny NO_EQ_WE = Nemuzu najit takove vybaveni nebo zbran WEAP_RES = Omezeni zbrani VALUE = hodnota REST_ENTRIES_OF = Polozky %i - %i z %i REST_USE_MORE = Napis 'amx_restrict list %i' pro vice REST_USE_BEGIN = Napis 'amx_restrict list 1' pro zacatek REST_CONF_SAVED = Konfigurace byla ulozena (soubor "%s") REST_COULDNT_SAVE = Nemuzu ulozit konfiguraci (soubor "%s") REST_CONF_LOADED = Konfigurace byla nactena (soubor "%s") REST_COULDNT_LOAD = Nemuzu nacist konfiguraci (soubor "%s") COM_REST_USAGE = Pouziti: amx_restrict [value] COM_REST_COMMANDS = Prikazy: COM_REST_ON = ^ton - nastavit omezeni na cele vybaveni COM_REST_OFF = ^toff - znovue povolit cele vybaveni COM_REST_ONV = ^ton [...] - nastavi speceficke omezeni COM_REST_OFFV = ^toff [...] - znovu povoli specificke vybaveni nebo zbran COM_REST_LIST = ^tlist - zobrazi seznam dostupneho vybaveni a zbrani COM_REST_SAVE = ^tsave - ulozi omezeni COM_REST_LOAD = ^tload [file] - nacte omezeni [ze souboru] COM_REST_VALUES = Pouzitelne hodnoty k omezeni jsou:^nammo, equip, pistol, shotgun, sub, rifle, machine COM_REST_TYPE = Napis 'amx_restrict list' pro vice specifikaci REST_WEAP = Omezeni zbrani SAVE_SET = Ulozit nastaveni CONF_SAV_SUC = Konfigurace ulozena CONF_SAV_FAIL = Konfiguraci se nepovedlo ulozit!!!