#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Cwd; use File::Basename; my ($myself, $path) = fileparse($0); chdir($path); require 'helpers.pm'; #Go to main source dir chdir(Build::PathFormat('../..')); #Do the annoying revision bumping. #Linux needs some help here. if ($^O eq "linux") { Build::Command("flip -u modules.versions"); Build::Command("flip -u support/versionchanger.pl"); Build::Command("chmod +x support/versionchanger.pl"); } Build::Command(Build::PathFormat('support/versionchanger.pl') . ' --buildstring="-dev"'); my $DEVENV = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\Common7\\IDE\\devenv.com"; #Build the amxmodx builder tool. chdir('installer/builder'); if ($^O eq "linux") { Build::Command("make"); } else { Build::Command("\"$DEVENV\" /rebuild Debug builder.csproj"); } if (!(-f 'builder.exe')) { die "Could not find build tool.\n"; } chdir('../..'); if (-d '../OUTPUT') { Build::Delete(Cwd::abs_path('../OUTPUT')); } Build::Command("mkdir ../OUTPUT"); #Output directions on how to build. open(DIRECTIONS, '>installer/builder/directions.info'); if ($^O eq "linux") { print DIRECTIONS "compress = /bin/tar\n"; } else { print DIRECTIONS "compress = C:\\WINDOWS\\zip.exe\n"; } print DIRECTIONS "source = " . Cwd::abs_path('.') . "\n"; print DIRECTIONS "makeopts = \n"; print DIRECTIONS "output = " . Cwd::abs_path('../OUTPUT') . "\n"; if ($^O eq "linux") { print DIRECTIONS "devenv = /usr/bin/make\n"; } else { print DIRECTIONS "devenv = $DEVENV\n"; } print DIRECTIONS "release = amxmodx-" . Build::ProductVersion('product.version') . "-hg" . Build::HgRevNum('.') . "\n"; close(DIRECTIONS);