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synced 2025-03-25 20:09:05 +03:00
93 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File
93 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File
WITH = with
KNIFE_MSG_1 = %s sliced and diced %s
KNIFE_MSG_2 = %s pulled out knife and gutted %s
KNIFE_MSG_3 = %s sneaks carefully behind and knifed %s
KNIFE_MSG_4 = %s knived %s
LAST_MSG_1 = Now all depend on you!
LAST_MSG_2 = I hope you still have a healthpack.
LAST_MSG_3 = All your teammates were killed. Good luck!
LAST_MSG_4 = Now you are alone. Have fun!
HE_MSG_1 = %s sends a little gift to %s
HE_MSG_2 = %s throws a small present to %s
HE_MSG_3 = %s made a precision throw to %s
HE_MSG_4 = %s got a big explosion for %s
SHE_MSG_1 = %s detonated himself with a grenade
SHE_MSG_2 = %s trys the effect of an HE Grenade
SHE_MSG_3 = %s swallows grenades whole!
SHE_MSG_4 = %s explodes!
HS_MSG_1 = $kn killed $vn with a well^nplaced shot to the head!
HS_MSG_2 = $kn removed $vn's^nhead with the $wn
HS_MSG_3 = $kn turned $vn's head^ninto pudding with the $wn
HS_MSG_4 = $vn got pwned by $kn
HS_MSG_5 = $vn's head has been^nturned into red jello
HS_MSG_6 = $kn has superb aim with the $wn,^nas $vn well knows.
HS_MSG_7 = $vn's head stayed in $kn's^ncrosshairs a bit too long...
DOUBLE_KILL = Wow! %s made a double kill!!!
PREPARE_FIGHT = Prepare to FIGHT!^nRound %d
KILLED_ROW = You've killed %d in a row so far
DIED_ROUNDS = Careful! You've died %d rounds in a row now...
KILLED_CHICKEN = Somebody killed a chicken!!!
BLEW_RADIO = Somebody blew up the radio!!!
REACHED_TARGET = Omg! %s reached the target!
PLANT_BOMB = %s is planting the bomb!
DEFUSING_BOMB = %s is defusing the bomb...
SET_UP_BOMB = %s set us up the bomb!!!
DEFUSED_BOMB = %s defused the bomb!
FAILED_DEFU = %s failed to defuse the bomb...
PICKED_BOMB = %s picked up the bomb...
DROPPED_BOMB = %s dropped the bomb!!!
REMAINING = %d %s Remaining...
KILLS = kills
HS = hs
WITH = z
KNIFE_MSG_1 = %s pokroil na plasterki %s
KNIFE_MSG_2 = Doktor %s zoperowal nozem %s. ^nNiestety pacjent zmarl.
KNIFE_MSG_3 = %s wycial scyzorykiem serce %s
KNIFE_MSG_4 = %s uzyl noza na %s
LAST_MSG_1 = Cala reszta kibicuje ci zza grobu.
LAST_MSG_2 = Wyglada na to, ze kumple cie zostawili...
LAST_MSG_3 = Tylko tobie zycie sie nie znudzilo. Narazie...
LAST_MSG_4 = Czy zauwazyles ze poluja juz tylko na ciebie?
HE_MSG_1 = %s wyslal prezent do %s
HE_MSG_2 = %s rzucil conieco do %s
HE_MSG_3 = %s celnie rzucil w kierunku %s
HE_MSG_4 = %s zrobil duze bum dla %s
SHE_MSG_1 = %s rozwalil sie za pomoca granata
SHE_MSG_2 = %s dowiedzial sie co to granat
SHE_MSG_3 = %s jest kamikaze
SHE_MSG_4 = %s odlecial na 3 metry
HS_MSG_1 = $kn zrobil $vn trzecie oko!
HS_MSG_2 = $kn pozbawil $vn^nglowy z niewielka pomoca $wn
HS_MSG_3 = $vn zawdziecza $kn brak glowy
HS_MSG_4 = $vn zalozyl sie o glowe z kn^ni przegral...
HS_MSG_5 = $kn przekonal sie ze $vn cos jednak w glowie mial.
HS_MSG_6 = Lowca glow $kn dziekuje $vn za kolejne trofeum.
HS_MSG_7 = $vn nie ma glowy do tej gry.
DOUBLE_KILL = WoW! %s zabil od razu dwoch !
PREPARE_FIGHT = Przygotuj sie!^nRunda %d
KILLED_ROW = Zabiles %d razy pod rzad jak narazie
DIED_ROUNDS = Uwazaj! Zginales %d rund(y) pod rzad...
KILLED_CHICKEN = Ktos zabil kurczaka!!!
BLEW_RADIO = Ktos wysadzil radio!!!
REACHED_TARGET = O boshe! %s dostal sie do celu!
PLANT_BOMB = %s podklada bombe!
DEFUSING_BOMB = %s rozbraja bombe...
SET_UP_BOMB = %s nastawil bombe!!!
DEFUSED_BOMB = %s rozbroil bombe!
FAILED_DEFU = %s nie rozbroil bomby...
PICKED_BOMB = %s podniosl bombe...
DROPPED_BOMB = %s upuscil bombe!!!
CT = Anty-Terrorysta
CTS = Anty-Terrorystow
TERRORIST = Terrorysta
TERRORISTS = Terrorystow
REMAINING = Jeszcze %d %s do zabicia...
KILLS = zabojstwami
HS = w glowe |