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synced 2025-03-26 20:39:08 +03:00
169 lines
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Executable File
169 lines
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Executable File
// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet:
// AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO").
// Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team.
// This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher.
// Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit:
// https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license
#include "sh_tinyhash.h"
#define LANG_SERVER 0
#define LANG_PLAYER -1
#define ERR_BADKEY 1 // Lang key not found
#define ERR_BADLANG 2 // Invalid lang
struct md5Pair
String file;
String val;
struct sKeyDef
String *definition;
int key;
struct lang_err
lang_err() : last(0.0f)
float last;
class defentry
defentry() : definition(NULL)
defentry(const defentry &src)
definition = src.definition;
String *definition;
struct keytbl_val
keytbl_val() : index(-1)
int index;
class CLangMngr
class CLang
// Construct an empty CLang object
// Construct a CLang object initialized with a language name
CLang(const char *lang);
// Destructor
// Get the definition
const char *GetDef(int key, int &status);
// Add definitions to this language
void MergeDefinitions(CQueue <sKeyDef> & vec);
// Reset this language
void Clear();
// compare this language to a language name
friend bool operator == (const CLang &left, const char *right)
return strcmp(left.m_LanguageName, right) == 0 ? true : false;
// Get language name
const char *GetName() { return m_LanguageName; }
void SetMngr(CLangMngr *l) { m_LMan = l; }
// Get number of entries
int Entries();
typedef THash<int, defentry> LookUpVec;
typedef LookUpVec::iterator LookUpVecIter;
char m_LanguageName[3];
// our lookup table
LookUpVec m_LookUpTable;
int m_entries;
CLangMngr *m_LMan;
void AddEntry(int key, const char *definition);
// Merge definitions into a language
void MergeDefinitions(const char *lang, CQueue <sKeyDef> &tmpVec);
// strip lowercase; make lower if needed
static size_t strip(char *str, char *newstr, bool makelower = false);
typedef CVector<CLang*> LangVec;
typedef CVector<CLang*>::iterator LangVecIter;
LangVec m_Languages;
CVector<md5Pair *> FileList;
CVector<String *> KeyList;
THash<String, keytbl_val> KeyTable;
// Get a lang object (construct if needed)
CLang * GetLang(const char *name);
CLang * GetLangR(const char *name);
// Current global client-id for functions like client_print with first parameter 0
int m_CurGlobId;
// Merge a definitions file
int MergeDefinitionFile(const char *file);
// Get a definition from a lang name and a key
const char *GetDef(const char *langName, const char *key, int &status);
// Format a string for an AMX plugin
char *FormatAmxString(AMX *amx, cell *params, int parm, int &len);
void InvalidateCache();
// Get index
int GetKeyEntry(String &key);
int GetKeyEntry(const char *key);
// Get key from index
const char *GetKey(int key);
// Add key
int AddKeyEntry(String &key);
int AddKeyEntry(const char *key);
// Get the number of languages
int GetLangsNum();
// Get the name of a language
const char *GetLangName(int langId);
// Check if a language exists
bool LangExists(const char *langName);
// When a language id in a format string in FormatAmxString is LANG_PLAYER, the glob id decides which language to take.
void SetDefLang(int id);
inline int GetDefLang() const { return m_CurGlobId; }
// Reset
void Clear();