@echo OFF :: :: Post-build auto-deploy script :: Create and fill PublishPath.txt file with path to deployment folder :: I.e. PublishPath.txt should contain one line with a folder path :: Call it so: :: IF EXIST "$(ProjectDir)PostBuild.bat" (CALL "$(ProjectDir)PostBuild.bat" "$(TargetDir)" "$(TargetName)" "$(TargetExt)" "$(ProjectDir)") :: SET targetDir=%~1 SET targetName=%~2 SET targetExt=%~3 SET projectDir=%~4 SET destination= IF NOT EXIST "%projectDir%\PublishPath.txt" ( ECHO No deployment path specified. Create PublishPath.txt near PostBuild.bat with paths on separate lines for auto deployment. exit /B 0 ) FOR /f "tokens=* delims= usebackq" %%a IN ("%projectDir%\PublishPath.txt") DO ( ECHO Deploying to: %%a IF NOT "%%a" == "" ( copy /Y "%targetDir%%targetName%%targetExt%" "%%a" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ( IF EXIST "%targetDir%%targetName%.pdb" ( copy /Y "%targetDir%%targetName%.pdb" "%%a" ) ) ELSE ( ECHO PostBuild.bat ^(27^) : warning : Can't copy '%targetName%%targetExt%' to deploy path '%%a' ) ) ) IF "%%a" == "" ( ECHO No deployment path specified. ) exit /B 0