mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 18:10:15 +03:00
Add support for the TIPC protocol introduced in HOS 12.0.0
TIPC is a much lighter layer ontop of the Horizon IPC system than CMIF and is used by SM in 12.0.0+. This implementation is slightly hacky since it doesn't really keep a seperation between the underlying kernel IPC stuff and userspace like CMIF/TIPC, this should be fixed eventually, probably together with an IPC dispatch rewrite to avoid the mess of frozen maps. Tested with Hentai Uni, which now crashes needing 'ldr:ro'.
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ namespace skyline::kernel::ipc {
u8 *pointer{tls};
header = reinterpret_cast<CommandHeader *>(pointer);
isTipc = static_cast<u16>(header->type) > static_cast<u16>(CommandType::TipcCloseSession);
pointer += sizeof(CommandHeader);
if (header->handleDesc) {
@ -64,39 +65,43 @@ namespace skyline::kernel::ipc {
auto bufCPointer{pointer + header->rawSize * sizeof(u32)};
size_t offset{static_cast<size_t>(pointer - tls)}; // We calculate the relative offset as the absolute one might differ
auto padding{util::AlignUp(offset, constant::IpcPaddingSum) - offset}; // Calculate the amount of padding at the front
pointer += padding;
if (isDomain && (header->type == CommandType::Request || header->type == CommandType::RequestWithContext)) {
domain = reinterpret_cast<DomainHeaderRequest *>(pointer);
pointer += sizeof(DomainHeaderRequest);
payload = reinterpret_cast<PayloadHeader *>(pointer);
pointer += sizeof(PayloadHeader);
cmdArg = pointer;
cmdArgSz = domain->payloadSz - sizeof(PayloadHeader);
pointer += cmdArgSz;
for (u8 index{}; domain->inputCount > index; index++) {
domainObjects.push_back(*reinterpret_cast<KHandle *>(pointer));
pointer += sizeof(KHandle);
} else {
payload = reinterpret_cast<PayloadHeader *>(pointer);
pointer += sizeof(PayloadHeader);
if (isTipc) {
cmdArg = pointer;
cmdArgSz = header->rawSize * sizeof(u32);
} else {
size_t offset{static_cast<size_t>(pointer - tls)}; // We calculate the relative offset as the absolute one might differ
auto padding{util::AlignUp(offset, constant::IpcPaddingSum) - offset}; // Calculate the amount of padding at the front
pointer += padding;
if (isDomain && (header->type == CommandType::Request || header->type == CommandType::RequestWithContext)) {
domain = reinterpret_cast<DomainHeaderRequest *>(pointer);
pointer += sizeof(DomainHeaderRequest);
payload = reinterpret_cast<PayloadHeader *>(pointer);
pointer += sizeof(PayloadHeader);
cmdArg = pointer;
cmdArgSz = domain->payloadSz - sizeof(PayloadHeader);
pointer += cmdArgSz;
for (u8 index{}; domain->inputCount > index; index++) {
domainObjects.push_back(*reinterpret_cast<KHandle *>(pointer));
pointer += sizeof(KHandle);
} else {
payload = reinterpret_cast<PayloadHeader *>(pointer);
pointer += sizeof(PayloadHeader);
cmdArg = pointer;
cmdArgSz = header->rawSize * sizeof(u32);
payloadOffset = cmdArg;
if (payload->magic != util::MakeMagic<u32>("SFCI") && (header->type != CommandType::Control && header->type != CommandType::ControlWithContext && header->type != CommandType::Close) && (!domain || domain->command != DomainCommand::CloseVHandle)) // SFCI is the magic in received IPC messages
if (!isTipc && payload->magic != util::MakeMagic<u32>("SFCI") && (header->type != CommandType::Control && header->type != CommandType::ControlWithContext && header->type != CommandType::Close) && (!domain || domain->command != DomainCommand::CloseVHandle)) // SFCI is the magic in received IPC messages
Logger::Debug("Unexpected Magic in PayloadHeader: 0x{:X}", static_cast<u32>(payload->magic));
if (header->cFlag == BufferCFlag::SingleDescriptor) {
auto bufC{reinterpret_cast<BufferDescriptorC *>(bufCPointer)};
if (bufC->address) {
@ -120,20 +125,25 @@ namespace skyline::kernel::ipc {
Logger::Verbose("Handle Descriptor: Send PID: {}, Copy Count: {}, Move Count: {}", static_cast<bool>(handleDesc->sendPid), static_cast<u32>(handleDesc->copyCount), static_cast<u32>(handleDesc->moveCount));
if (isDomain)
Logger::Verbose("Domain Header: Command: {}, Input Object Count: {}, Object ID: 0x{:X}", domain->command, domain->inputCount, domain->objectId);
Logger::Verbose("Command ID: 0x{:X}", static_cast<u32>(payload->value));
if (isTipc)
Logger::Verbose("TIPC Command ID: 0x{:X}", static_cast<u16>(header->type));
Logger::Verbose("Command ID: 0x{:X}", static_cast<u32>(payload->value));
IpcResponse::IpcResponse(const DeviceState &state) : state(state) {}
void IpcResponse::WriteResponse(bool isDomain) {
void IpcResponse::WriteResponse(bool isDomain, bool isTipc) {
auto tls{state.ctx->tpidrroEl0};
u8 *pointer{tls};
memset(tls, 0, constant::TlsIpcSize);
auto header{reinterpret_cast<CommandHeader *>(pointer)};
header->rawSize = static_cast<u32>((sizeof(PayloadHeader) + payload.size() + (domainObjects.size() * sizeof(KHandle)) + constant::IpcPaddingSum + (isDomain ? sizeof(DomainHeaderRequest) : 0)) / sizeof(u32)); // Size is in 32-bit units because Nintendo
size_t sizeBytes{isTipc ? (payload.size() + sizeof(Result)) : (sizeof(PayloadHeader) + constant::IpcPaddingSum + payload.size() + (domainObjects.size() * sizeof(KHandle)) + (isDomain ? sizeof(DomainHeaderRequest) : 0))};
header->rawSize = static_cast<u32>(util::DivideCeil(sizeBytes, sizeof(u32))); // Size is in 32-bit units because Nintendo
header->handleDesc = (!copyHandles.empty() || !moveHandles.empty());
pointer += sizeof(CommandHeader);
@ -154,33 +164,39 @@ namespace skyline::kernel::ipc {
size_t offset{static_cast<size_t>(pointer - tls)}; // We calculate the relative offset as the absolute one might differ
auto padding{util::AlignUp(offset, constant::IpcPaddingSum) - offset}; // Calculate the amount of padding at the front
pointer += padding;
if (isDomain) {
auto domain{reinterpret_cast<DomainHeaderResponse *>(pointer)};
domain->outputCount = static_cast<u32>(domainObjects.size());
pointer += sizeof(DomainHeaderResponse);
auto payloadHeader{reinterpret_cast<PayloadHeader *>(pointer)};
payloadHeader->magic = util::MakeMagic<u32>("SFCO"); // SFCO is the magic in IPC responses
payloadHeader->version = 1;
payloadHeader->value = errorCode;
pointer += sizeof(PayloadHeader);
if (!payload.empty())
if (isTipc) {
*reinterpret_cast<Result *>(pointer) = errorCode;
pointer += sizeof(Result);
std::memcpy(pointer, payload.data(), payload.size());
pointer += payload.size();
} else {
size_t offset{static_cast<size_t>(pointer - tls)}; // We calculate the relative offset as the absolute one might differ
auto padding{util::AlignUp(offset, constant::IpcPaddingSum) - offset}; // Calculate the amount of padding at the front
pointer += padding;
if (isDomain) {
for (auto &domainObject : domainObjects) {
*reinterpret_cast<KHandle *>(pointer) = domainObject;
pointer += sizeof(KHandle);
if (isDomain) {
auto domain{reinterpret_cast<DomainHeaderResponse *>(pointer)};
domain->outputCount = static_cast<u32>(domainObjects.size());
pointer += sizeof(DomainHeaderResponse);
auto payloadHeader{reinterpret_cast<PayloadHeader *>(pointer)};
payloadHeader->magic = util::MakeMagic<u32>("SFCO"); // SFCO is the magic in IPC responses
payloadHeader->version = 1;
payloadHeader->value = errorCode;
pointer += sizeof(PayloadHeader);
if (!payload.empty())
std::memcpy(pointer, payload.data(), payload.size());
pointer += payload.size();
if (isDomain) {
for (auto &domainObject : domainObjects) {
*reinterpret_cast<KHandle *>(pointer) = domainObject;
pointer += sizeof(KHandle);
Logger::Verbose("Output: Raw Size: {}, Result: 0x{:X}, Copy Handles: {}, Move Handles: {}", static_cast<u32>(header->rawSize), static_cast<u32>(payloadHeader->value), copyHandles.size(), moveHandles.size());
Logger::Verbose("Output: Raw Size: {}, Result: 0x{:X}, Copy Handles: {}, Move Handles: {}", static_cast<u32>(header->rawSize), static_cast<u32>(errorCode), copyHandles.size(), moveHandles.size());
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ namespace skyline {
Control = 5, //!< A transaction between the client and IPC Manager
RequestWithContext = 6, //!< Request with Token
ControlWithContext = 7, //!< Control with Token
TipcCloseSession = 0xF,
@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ namespace skyline {
CommandHeader *header{};
HandleDescriptor *handleDesc{};
bool isDomain{}; //!< If this is a domain request
bool isTipc; //!< If this is request uses the TIPC protocol
DomainHeaderRequest *domain{};
PayloadHeader *payload{};
u8 *cmdArg{}; //!< A pointer to the data payload
@ -298,8 +300,9 @@ namespace skyline {
* @brief Writes this IpcResponse object's contents into TLS
* @param isDomain Indicates if this is a domain response
* @param isTipc Indicates if this is a TIPC response
void WriteResponse(bool isDomain);
void WriteResponse(bool isDomain, bool isTipc = false);
@ -21,11 +21,13 @@ namespace skyline::service {
Result service::BaseService::HandleRequest(type::KSession &session, ipc::IpcRequest &request, ipc::IpcResponse &response) {
ServiceFunctionDescriptor function;
u32 functionId{request.isTipc ? static_cast<u32>(request.header->type) : request.payload->value};
try {
function = GetServiceFunction(request.payload->value);
function = GetServiceFunction(functionId, request.isTipc);
Logger::DebugNoPrefix("Service: {}", function.name);
} catch (const std::out_of_range &) {
Logger::Warn("Cannot find function in service '{0}': 0x{1:X} ({1})", GetName(), static_cast<u32>(request.payload->value));
Logger::Warn("Cannot find {0} function in service '{1}': 0x{2:X} ({2})", request.isTipc ? "TIPC" : "HIPC", GetName(), static_cast<u32>(functionId));
return {};
TRACE_EVENT("service", perfetto::StaticString{function.name});
@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
#include <kernel/ipc.h>
constexpr static skyline::u32 TipcFunctionIdFlag{1U << 31}; //!< Flag applied to the stored service function ID to differentiate between TIPC and HIPC functions
#define SERVICE_STRINGIFY(string) #string
#define SFUNC(id, Class, Function) std::pair<u32, std::pair<Result(Class::*)(type::KSession &, ipc::IpcRequest &, ipc::IpcResponse &), const char*>>{id, {&Class::Function, SERVICE_STRINGIFY(Class::Function)}}
#define SFUNC_TIPC(id, Class, Function) std::pair<u32, std::pair<Result(Class::*)(type::KSession &, ipc::IpcRequest &, ipc::IpcResponse &), const char*>>{TipcFunctionIdFlag | id, {&Class::Function, SERVICE_STRINGIFY(Class::Function)}}
#define SFUNC_BASE(id, Class, BaseClass, Function) std::pair<u32, std::pair<Result(Class::*)(type::KSession &, ipc::IpcRequest &, ipc::IpcResponse &), const char*>>{id, {&Class::CallBaseFunction<BaseClass, decltype(&BaseClass::Function), &BaseClass::Function>, SERVICE_STRINGIFY(Class::Function)}}
#define SERVICE_DECL_AUTO(name, value) decltype(value) name = value
#define SERVICE_DECL(...) \
@ -15,10 +17,10 @@ template<typename BaseClass, typename BaseFunctionType, BaseFunctionType BaseFun
Result CallBaseFunction(type::KSession &session, ipc::IpcRequest &request, ipc::IpcResponse &response) { \
return (static_cast<BaseClass *>(this)->*BaseFunction)(session, request, response); \
} \
SERVICE_DECL_AUTO(functions, frozen::make_unordered_map({__VA_ARGS__})); \
SERVICE_DECL_AUTO(functions, frozen::make_unordered_map({__VA_ARGS__})); \
protected: \
ServiceFunctionDescriptor GetServiceFunction(u32 id) override { \
auto& function{functions.at(id)}; \
ServiceFunctionDescriptor GetServiceFunction(u32 id, bool isTipc) override { \
auto& function{functions.at((isTipc ? TipcFunctionIdFlag : 0U) | id)}; \
return ServiceFunctionDescriptor{ \
reinterpret_cast<DerivedService*>(this), \
reinterpret_cast<decltype(ServiceFunctionDescriptor::function)>(function.first), \
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ namespace skyline::service {
virtual ~BaseService() = default;
virtual ServiceFunctionDescriptor GetServiceFunction(u32 id) {
virtual ServiceFunctionDescriptor GetServiceFunction(u32 id, bool isTipc) {
throw std::out_of_range("GetServiceFunction not implemented");
@ -238,11 +238,18 @@ namespace skyline::service {
case ipc::CommandType::Close:
case ipc::CommandType::TipcCloseSession:
Logger::Debug("Closing Session");
throw exception("Unimplemented IPC message type: {}", static_cast<u16>(request.header->type));
// TIPC command ID is encoded in the request type
if (request.isTipc) {
response.errorCode = session->serviceObject->HandleRequest(*session, request, response);
response.WriteResponse(session->isDomain, true);
} else {
throw exception("Unimplemented IPC message type: {}", static_cast<u16>(request.header->type));
} else {
Logger::Warn("svcSendSyncRequest called on closed handle: 0x{:X}", handle);
@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ namespace skyline::service::sm {
SFUNC(0x0, IUserInterface, Initialize),
SFUNC(0x1, IUserInterface, GetService)
SFUNC_TIPC(0x10, IUserInterface, Initialize),
SFUNC(0x1, IUserInterface, GetService),
SFUNC_TIPC(0x11, IUserInterface, GetService)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user