mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 22:35:20 +03:00
Implement SixAxis sensor
This commit is contained in:
@ -217,6 +217,18 @@ extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_emu_skyline_input_InputHandler_00024Compa
device->SetAxisValue(static_cast<skyline::input::NpadAxisId>(axis), value);
extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_emu_skyline_input_InputHandler_00024Companion_setMotionState(JNIEnv *env, jobject, jint index, jint motionId, jobject value) {
auto input{InputWeak.lock()};
if (!input)
return; // We don't mind if we miss motion updates while input hasn't been initialized
const auto motionValue = reinterpret_cast<skyline::input::MotionSensorState*>(env->GetDirectBufferAddress(value));
auto device{input->npad.controllers[static_cast<size_t>(index)].device};
if (device)
device->SetMotionValue(static_cast<skyline::input::MotionId>(motionId), motionValue);
extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_emu_skyline_input_InputHandler_00024Companion_setTouchState(JNIEnv *env, jobject, jintArray pointsJni) {
using Point = skyline::input::TouchScreenPoint;
@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ namespace skyline::input {
controllerInfo = nullptr;
sixAxisInfoLeft = nullptr;
sixAxisInfoRight = nullptr;
connectionState.raw = 0;
connectionState.connected = true;
@ -155,6 +157,10 @@ namespace skyline::input {
type = newType;
controllerInfo = &GetControllerInfo();
sixAxisInfoLeft = &GetSixAxisInfo(MotionId::Left);
if (type == NpadControllerType::JoyconDual)
sixAxisInfoRight = &GetSixAxisInfo(MotionId::Right);
@ -170,6 +176,8 @@ namespace skyline::input {
type = NpadControllerType::None;
controllerInfo = nullptr;
sixAxisInfoLeft = nullptr;
sixAxisInfoRight = nullptr;
@ -192,6 +200,25 @@ namespace skyline::input {
NpadSixAxisInfo &NpadDevice::GetSixAxisInfo(MotionId id) {
switch (type) {
case NpadControllerType::ProController:
return section.fullKeySixAxis;
case NpadControllerType::Handheld:
return section.handheldSixAxis;
case NpadControllerType::JoyconDual:
if (id == MotionId::Right)
return section.dualRightSixAxis;
return section.dualLeftSixAxis;
case NpadControllerType::JoyconLeft:
return section.leftSixAxis;
case NpadControllerType::JoyconRight:
return section.rightSixAxis;
throw exception("Cannot find corresponding section for ControllerType: {}", type);
void NpadDevice::WriteNextEntry(NpadControllerInfo &info, NpadControllerState entry) {
auto &lastEntry{info.state.at(info.header.currentEntry)};
@ -212,6 +239,26 @@ namespace skyline::input {
nextEntry.status.raw = connectionState.raw;
void NpadDevice::WriteNextEntry(NpadSixAxisInfo &info, NpadSixAxisState entry) {
auto &lastEntry{info.state.at(info.header.currentEntry)};
info.header.timestamp = util::GetTimeTicks();
info.header.entryCount = std::min(static_cast<u8>(info.header.entryCount + 1), constant::HidEntryCount);
info.header.maxEntry = info.header.entryCount - 1;
info.header.currentEntry = (info.header.currentEntry < info.header.maxEntry) ? info.header.currentEntry + 1 : 0;
auto &nextEntry{info.state.at(info.header.currentEntry)};
nextEntry.globalTimestamp = globalTimestamp;
nextEntry.localTimestamp = lastEntry.localTimestamp + 1;
nextEntry.deltaTimestamp = entry.deltaTimestamp;
nextEntry.accelerometer = entry.accelerometer;
nextEntry.gyroscope = entry.gyroscope;
nextEntry.rotation = entry.rotation;
nextEntry.orientation = entry.orientation;
nextEntry.attribute = entry.attribute;
void NpadDevice::WriteEmptyEntries() {
NpadControllerState emptyEntry{};
@ -250,6 +297,12 @@ namespace skyline::input {
WriteNextEntry(*controllerInfo, controllerState);
WriteNextEntry(section.defaultController, defaultState);
// TODO: SixAxis should be updated every 5 ms
if (sixAxisInfoLeft)
WriteNextEntry(*sixAxisInfoLeft, sixAxisStateLeft);
if (sixAxisInfoRight)
WriteNextEntry(*sixAxisInfoRight, sixAxisStateRight);
@ -386,6 +439,39 @@ namespace skyline::input {
void NpadDevice::SetMotionValue(MotionId sensor, MotionSensorState *value) {
if (!connectionState.connected)
NpadSixAxisState *sixAxisState{sensor == MotionId::Right? &sixAxisStateRight : &sixAxisStateLeft};
sixAxisState->accelerometer.x = value->accelerometer[0];
sixAxisState->accelerometer.y = value->accelerometer[1];
sixAxisState->accelerometer.z = value->accelerometer[2];
sixAxisState->gyroscope.x = value->gyroscope[0];
sixAxisState->gyroscope.y = value->gyroscope[1];
sixAxisState->gyroscope.z = value->gyroscope[2];
float deltaTime{static_cast<float>(value->deltaTimestamp) / 1000000000.0f};
sixAxisState->rotation.x += value->gyroscope[0] * deltaTime;
sixAxisState->rotation.y += value->gyroscope[1] * deltaTime;
sixAxisState->rotation.z += value->gyroscope[2] * deltaTime;
sixAxisState->orientation[0].x = value->orientationMatrix[0];
sixAxisState->orientation[0].y = value->orientationMatrix[1];
sixAxisState->orientation[0].z = value->orientationMatrix[2];
sixAxisState->orientation[1].x = value->orientationMatrix[3];
sixAxisState->orientation[1].y = value->orientationMatrix[4];
sixAxisState->orientation[1].z = value->orientationMatrix[5];
sixAxisState->orientation[2].x = value->orientationMatrix[6];
sixAxisState->orientation[2].y = value->orientationMatrix[7];
sixAxisState->orientation[2].z = value->orientationMatrix[8];
sixAxisState->deltaTimestamp = value->deltaTimestamp;
sixAxisState->attribute.isConnected = true;
constexpr jlong MsInSecond{1000}; //!< The amount of milliseconds in a single second of time
constexpr jint AmplitudeMax{std::numeric_limits<u8>::max()}; //!< The maximum amplitude for Android Vibration APIs
@ -7,6 +7,30 @@
#include "shared_mem.h"
namespace skyline::input {
* @brief Motion sensor location
enum class MotionId {
* @brief A description of a motion event
* @note This structure corresponds to MotionSensorInput, see that for details
struct MotionSensorState {
u64 timestamp;
u64 deltaTimestamp;
std::array<float,3> gyroscope;
std::array<float,3> accelerometer;
std::array<float,4> quaternion;
std::array<float,9> orientationMatrix;
static_assert(sizeof(MotionSensorState) == 0x60);
* @brief How many joycons must be attached for handheld mode to be triggered
@ -146,8 +170,11 @@ namespace skyline::input {
NpadManager &manager; //!< The manager responsible for managing this NpadDevice
NpadSection §ion; //!< The section in HID shared memory for this controller
NpadControllerInfo *controllerInfo{}; //!< The NpadControllerInfo for this controller's type
NpadSixAxisInfo *sixAxisInfoLeft{}; //!< The NpadSixAxisInfo for the main or left side of this controller's type
NpadSixAxisInfo *sixAxisInfoRight{}; //!< The NpadSixAxisInfo for the right side of this controller's type
u64 globalTimestamp{}; //!< An incrementing timestamp that's common across all sections
NpadControllerState controllerState{}, defaultState{}; //!< The current state of the controller (normal and default)
NpadSixAxisState sixAxisStateLeft{}, sixAxisStateRight{}; //!< The current state of the sixaxis (left and right)
* @brief Updates the headers and writes a new entry in HID Shared Memory
@ -156,6 +183,13 @@ namespace skyline::input {
void WriteNextEntry(NpadControllerInfo &info, NpadControllerState entry);
* @brief Updates the headers and writes a new entry in HID Shared Memory
* @param info The sixaxis controller info of the NPad that needs to be updated
* @param entry An entry with the state of the controller
void WriteNextEntry(NpadSixAxisInfo &info, NpadSixAxisState entry);
* @brief Writes on all ring lifo buffers a new empty entry in HID Shared Memory
@ -171,6 +205,11 @@ namespace skyline::input {
NpadControllerInfo &GetControllerInfo();
* @return The NpadSixAxisInfo for this controller based on its type
NpadSixAxisInfo &GetSixAxisInfo(MotionId id);
NpadId id;
static constexpr i8 NullIndex{-1}; //!< The placeholder index value when there is no device present
@ -222,6 +261,13 @@ namespace skyline::input {
void SetAxisValue(NpadAxisId axis, i32 value);
* @brief Sets the value of a motion sensor to the specified value
* @param motion The motion sensor to set the value of
* @param value The value to set
void SetMotionValue(MotionId sensor, MotionSensorState *value);
* @brief Sets the vibration for both the Joy-Cons to the specified vibration values
@ -137,12 +137,25 @@ namespace skyline::input {
static_assert(sizeof(SixAxisVector) == 0xC);
* @brief Indicates if sixaxis sensor is connected or interpolated
* @url https://switchbrew.org/wiki/HID_services#SixAxisSensorAttribute
union SixAxisSensorAttribute {
u32 raw{};
struct {
bool isConnected : 1;
bool isInterpolated : 1;
static_assert(sizeof(SixAxisSensorAttribute) == 0x4);
* @url https://switchbrew.org/wiki/HID_Shared_Memory#NpadSixAxisSensorHandheldState
struct NpadSixAxisState {
u64 globalTimestamp; //!< The global timestamp in samples
u64 _unk0_;
u64 deltaTimestamp; //!< Time passed since last state
u64 localTimestamp; //!< The local timestamp in samples
SixAxisVector accelerometer;
@ -150,7 +163,8 @@ namespace skyline::input {
SixAxisVector rotation;
std::array<SixAxisVector, 3> orientation; //!< The orientation basis data as a matrix
u64 _unk2_; //!< Always 1
SixAxisSensorAttribute attribute;
u32 _unk1_;
static_assert(sizeof(NpadSixAxisState) == 0x68);
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ class EmulationActivity : AppCompatActivity(), SurfaceHolder.Callback, View.OnTo
private fun initializeControllers() {
@ -5,17 +5,27 @@
package emu.skyline.input
import android.content.Context
import android.hardware.Sensor
import android.hardware.SensorEvent
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener
import android.hardware.SensorManager
import android.view.InputDevice
import android.view.KeyEvent
import android.view.MotionEvent
import android.view.View
import androidx.core.content.getSystemService
import emu.skyline.utils.ByteBufferSerializable
import emu.skyline.utils.PreferenceSettings
import emu.skyline.utils.u64
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.ByteOrder
import kotlin.math.abs
* Handles input events during emulation
class InputHandler(private val inputManager : InputManager, private val preferenceSettings : PreferenceSettings) {
class InputHandler(private val inputManager : InputManager, private val preferenceSettings : PreferenceSettings) : SensorEventListener {
companion object {
* This initializes a guest controller in libskyline
@ -52,6 +62,15 @@ class InputHandler(private val inputManager : InputManager, private val preferen
external fun setAxisValue(index : Int, axis : Int, value : Int)
* This sets the values of the points on the guest touch-screen
* @param index The index of the controller this is directed to
* @param motionId The ID of the motion sensor that is being modified
* @param value A byte buffer of skyline::input::MotionInput in C++
private external fun setMotionState(index : Int, motionId : Int, value : ByteBuffer)
* This sets the values of the points on the guest touch-screen
@ -60,6 +79,20 @@ class InputHandler(private val inputManager : InputManager, private val preferen
external fun setTouchState(points : IntArray)
data class MotionSensorInput(
var timestamp : u64 = 0uL,
var deltaTimestamp : u64 = 0uL,
@param:ByteBufferSerializable.ByteBufferSerializableArray(3) var gyroscope : FloatArray = FloatArray(3),
@param:ByteBufferSerializable.ByteBufferSerializableArray(3) var accelerometer : FloatArray = FloatArray(3),
@param:ByteBufferSerializable.ByteBufferSerializableArray(4) var quaternion : FloatArray = FloatArray(4),
@param:ByteBufferSerializable.ByteBufferSerializableArray(9) var orientationMatrix : FloatArray = FloatArray(9),
) : ByteBufferSerializable
* The latest state of the motion sensor
private val motionSensor = MotionSensorInput()
* Initializes all of the controllers from [InputManager] on the guest
@ -85,6 +118,28 @@ class InputHandler(private val inputManager : InputManager, private val preferen
fun initialiseMotionSensors(context : Context) {
val sensorManager = context.getSystemService<SensorManager>() ?: return
val sensorList = sensorManager.getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_ALL)
val hasRotationVector = sensorList.any { sensor -> sensor.type == Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR }
sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)?.also { accelerometer ->
sensorManager.registerListener(this, accelerometer, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME)
sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE)?.also { gyroscope ->
sensorManager.registerListener(this, gyroscope, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME)
sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR)?.also { rotationVector ->
sensorManager.registerListener(this, rotationVector, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME)
// Avoid listening to two rotation vectors at once
if (!hasRotationVector) {
sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR)?.also { rotationVector ->
sensorManager.registerListener(this, rotationVector, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME)
* Handles translating any [KeyHostEvent]s to a [GuestEvent] that is passed into libskyline
@ -175,6 +230,56 @@ class InputHandler(private val inputManager : InputManager, private val preferen
return false
override fun onAccuracyChanged(sensor : Sensor?, accuracy : Int) {}
* This handles translating any [SensorEvent]s to a [GuestEvent] that is passed into libskyline
override fun onSensorChanged(event : SensorEvent) {
when (event.sensor.type) {
motionSensor.accelerometer[0] = event.values[0] / SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH
motionSensor.accelerometer[1] = event.values[1] / SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH
motionSensor.accelerometer[2] = event.values[2] / SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH
// Investigate why sensor value is off by 12x
motionSensor.gyroscope[0] = event.values[0] / 12.0f
motionSensor.gyroscope[1] = event.values[1] / 12.0f
motionSensor.gyroscope[2] = event.values[2] / 12.0f
motionSensor.quaternion[0] = event.values[0]
motionSensor.quaternion[1] = event.values[1]
motionSensor.quaternion[2] = event.values[2]
motionSensor.quaternion[3] = event.values[3]
SensorManager.getRotationMatrixFromVector(motionSensor.orientationMatrix, event.values)
motionSensor.quaternion[0] = event.values[0]
motionSensor.quaternion[1] = event.values[1]
motionSensor.quaternion[2] = event.values[2]
motionSensor.quaternion[3] = event.values[3]
SensorManager.getRotationMatrixFromVector(motionSensor.orientationMatrix, event.values)
else -> {}
// Only update state on accelerometer data
if (event.sensor.type != Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)
motionSensor.deltaTimestamp = event.timestamp.toULong() - motionSensor.timestamp
motionSensor.timestamp = event.timestamp.toULong()
setMotionState(0, 0, motionSensor.writeToByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(0x5C).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)))
setMotionState(0, 1, motionSensor.writeToByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(0x5C).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)))
setMotionState(0, 2, motionSensor.writeToByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(0x5C).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)))
fun handleTouchEvent(view : View, event : MotionEvent) : Boolean {
val count = event.pointerCount
val points = IntArray(count * 7) // This is an array of skyline::input::TouchScreenPoint in C++ as that allows for efficient transfer of values to it
Reference in New Issue
Block a user