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synced 2025-03-03 15:05:20 +03:00
Rework TextureView
to be disconnected from Texture
We want `TextureView`(s) to be disconnected from the backing on the host and instead represent a specific texture on the guest with a backing that can change depending on mapping of new textures which'd invalidate the backing but should now be automatically repointed to an appropriate new backing. This approach also requires locking of the backing to function as it is mutable till it has been locked or the backing has an attached `FenceCycle` that hasn't been signaled which will be added for `CommandExecutor` in a subsequent commit.
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect {
return newRenderPass;
void CommandExecutor::AddSubpass(const std::function<void(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &, GPU &)> &function, vk::Rect2D renderArea, std::vector<TextureView> inputAttachments, std::vector<TextureView> colorAttachments, std::optional<TextureView> depthStencilAttachment) {
void CommandExecutor::AddSubpass(const std::function<void(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &, GPU &)> &function, vk::Rect2D renderArea, span<TextureView *> inputAttachments, span<TextureView *> colorAttachments, TextureView *depthStencilAttachment) {
for (const auto &attachments : {inputAttachments, colorAttachments})
for (const auto &attachment : attachments)
if (depthStencilAttachment)
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect {
nodes.emplace_back(std::in_place_type_t<node::NextSubpassFunctionNode>(), function);
void CommandExecutor::AddClearColorSubpass(TextureView attachment, const vk::ClearColorValue &value) {
void CommandExecutor::AddClearColorSubpass(TextureView *attachment, const vk::ClearColorValue &value) {
bool newRenderPass{CreateRenderPass(vk::Rect2D{
.extent = attachment.texture->dimensions,
.extent = attachment->texture->dimensions,
renderPass->AddSubpass({}, attachment, nullptr);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect {
if (!newRenderPass)
} else {
auto function{[scissor = attachment.texture->dimensions, value](vk::raii::CommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &, GPU &) {
auto function{[scissor = attachment->texture->dimensions, value](vk::raii::CommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &, GPU &, vk::RenderPass, u32) {
.aspectMask = vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor,
.colorAttachment = 0,
@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect {
* @brief Adds a command that needs to be executed inside a subpass configured with certain attachments
* @note Any texture supplied to this **must** be locked by the calling thread, it should also undergo no persistent layout transitions till execution
void AddSubpass(const std::function<void(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &, GPU &)> &function, vk::Rect2D renderArea, std::vector<TextureView> inputAttachments = {}, std::vector<TextureView> colorAttachments = {}, std::optional<TextureView> depthStencilAttachment = {});
void AddSubpass(const std::function<void(vk::raii::CommandBuffer &, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &, GPU &)> &&function, vk::Rect2D renderArea, span<TextureView *> inputAttachments = {}, span<TextureView *> colorAttachments = {}, TextureView *depthStencilAttachment = {});
* @brief Adds a subpass that clears the entirety of the specified attachment with a value, it may utilize VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR for a more efficient clear when possible
* @note Any texture supplied to this **must** be locked by the calling thread, it should also undergo no persistent layout transitions till execution
void AddClearColorSubpass(TextureView attachment, const vk::ClearColorValue& value);
void AddClearColorSubpass(TextureView *attachment, const vk::ClearColorValue &value);
* @brief Execute all the nodes and submit the resulting command buffer to the GPU
@ -13,21 +13,21 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect::node {
u32 RenderPassNode::AddAttachment(TextureView &view) {
u32 RenderPassNode::AddAttachment(TextureView *view) {
auto &textures{storage->textures};
auto texture{std::find(textures.begin(), textures.end(), view.texture)};
auto texture{std::find(textures.begin(), textures.end(), view->texture)};
if (texture == textures.end())
auto vkView{view.GetView()};
auto vkView{view->GetView()};
auto attachment{std::find(attachments.begin(), attachments.end(), vkView)};
if (attachment == attachments.end()) {
// If we cannot find any matches for the specified attachment, we add it as a new one
.format = *view.format,
.initialLayout = view.texture->layout,
.finalLayout = view.texture->layout,
.format = *view->format,
.initialLayout = view->texture->layout,
.finalLayout = view->texture->layout,
return static_cast<u32>(attachments.size() - 1);
} else {
@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect::node {
void RenderPassNode::AddSubpass(span<TextureView> inputAttachments, span<TextureView> colorAttachments, TextureView *depthStencilAttachment) {
void RenderPassNode::AddSubpass(span<TextureView*> inputAttachments, span<TextureView*> colorAttachments, TextureView *depthStencilAttachment) {
attachmentReferences.reserve(attachmentReferences.size() + inputAttachments.size() + colorAttachments.size() + (depthStencilAttachment ? 1 : 0));
auto inputAttachmentsOffset{attachmentReferences.size() * sizeof(vk::AttachmentReference)};
for (auto &attachment : inputAttachments) {
.attachment = AddAttachment(attachment),
.layout = attachment.texture->layout,
.layout = attachment->texture->layout,
@ -112,14 +112,14 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect::node {
for (auto &attachment : colorAttachments) {
.attachment = AddAttachment(attachment),
.layout = attachment.texture->layout,
.layout = attachment->texture->layout,
auto depthStencilAttachmentOffset{attachmentReferences.size() * sizeof(vk::AttachmentReference)};
if (depthStencilAttachment) {
.attachment = AddAttachment(*depthStencilAttachment),
.attachment = AddAttachment(depthStencilAttachment),
.layout = depthStencilAttachment->texture->layout,
@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect::node {
* @note Any preservation of attachments from previous subpasses is automatically handled by this
* @return The index of the attachment in the render pass which can be utilized with VkAttachmentReference
u32 AddAttachment(TextureView &view);
u32 AddAttachment(TextureView *view);
* @brief Creates a subpass with the attachments bound in the specified order
void AddSubpass(span<TextureView> inputAttachments, span<TextureView> colorAttachments, TextureView *depthStencilAttachment);
void AddSubpass(span<TextureView *> inputAttachments, span<TextureView *> colorAttachments, TextureView *depthStencilAttachment);
* @brief Clears a color attachment in the current subpass with VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect {
IOVA iova;
u32 widthBytes; //!< The width in bytes for linear textures
GuestTexture guest;
std::optional<TextureView> view;
std::shared_ptr<TextureView> view;
RenderTarget() {
guest.dimensions = texture::Dimensions(1, 1, 1); // We want the depth to be 1 by default (It cannot be set by the application)
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect {
const TextureView *GetRenderTarget(size_t index) {
TextureView *GetRenderTarget(size_t index) {
auto &renderTarget{renderTargets.at(index)};
if (renderTarget.disabled)
return nullptr;
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect {
renderTarget.guest.type = static_cast<texture::TextureType>(renderTarget.guest.dimensions.GetType());
renderTarget.view = gpu.texture.FindOrCreate(renderTarget.guest);
return &renderTarget.view.value();
return renderTarget.view.get();
void UpdateRenderTargetControl(maxwell3d::RenderTargetControl control) {
@ -326,10 +326,9 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect {
void ClearBuffers(maxwell3d::ClearBuffers clear) {
auto renderTargetIndex{renderTargetControl[clear.renderTargetId]};
auto renderTargetPointer{GetRenderTarget(renderTargetIndex)};
if (renderTargetPointer) {
auto renderTarget{*renderTargetPointer};
std::lock_guard lock(*renderTarget.texture);
auto renderTarget{GetRenderTarget(renderTargetIndex)};
if (renderTarget) {
std::lock_guard lock(*renderTarget->texture);
vk::ImageAspectFlags aspect{};
if (clear.depth)
@ -338,21 +337,21 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect {
aspect |= vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eStencil;
if (clear.red || clear.green || clear.blue || clear.alpha)
aspect |= vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor;
aspect &= renderTarget.format->vkAspect;
aspect &= renderTarget->format->vkAspect;
if (aspect == vk::ImageAspectFlags{})
auto scissor{scissors.at(renderTargetIndex)};
scissor.extent.width = static_cast<u32>(std::min(static_cast<i32>(renderTarget.texture->dimensions.width) - scissor.offset.x,
scissor.extent.width = static_cast<u32>(std::min(static_cast<i32>(renderTarget->texture->dimensions.width) - scissor.offset.x,
scissor.extent.height = static_cast<u32>(std::min(static_cast<i32>(renderTarget.texture->dimensions.height) - scissor.offset.y,
scissor.extent.height = static_cast<u32>(std::min(static_cast<i32>(renderTarget->texture->dimensions.height) - scissor.offset.y,
if (scissor.extent.width == 0 || scissor.extent.height == 0)
if (scissor.extent.width == renderTarget.texture->dimensions.width && scissor.extent.height == renderTarget.texture->dimensions.height && renderTarget.range.baseArrayLayer == 0 && renderTarget.range.layerCount == 1 && clear.layerId == 0) {
if (scissor.extent.width == renderTarget->texture->dimensions.width && scissor.extent.height == renderTarget->texture->dimensions.height && renderTarget->range.baseArrayLayer == 0 && renderTarget->range.layerCount == 1 && clear.layerId == 0) {
executor.AddClearColorSubpass(renderTarget, clearColorValue);
} else {
executor.AddSubpass([aspect, clearColorValue = clearColorValue, layerId = clear.layerId, scissor](vk::raii::CommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &, GPU &) {
@ -366,7 +365,7 @@ namespace skyline::gpu::interconnect {
.layerCount = 1,
}, vk::Rect2D{
.extent = renderTarget.texture->dimensions,
.extent = renderTarget->texture->dimensions,
}, {}, {renderTarget});
@ -8,6 +8,39 @@
#include "copy.h"
namespace skyline::gpu {
void TextureView::lock() {
auto currentBacking{std::atomic_load(&texture)};
while (true) {
auto newBacking{std::atomic_load(&texture)};
if (currentBacking == newBacking)
currentBacking = newBacking;
void TextureView::unlock() {
bool TextureView::try_lock() {
auto currentBacking{std::atomic_load(&texture)};
while (true) {
bool success{currentBacking->try_lock()};
auto newBacking{std::atomic_load(&texture)};
if (currentBacking == newBacking)
return success;
if (success)
currentBacking = newBacking;
std::shared_ptr<memory::StagingBuffer> Texture::SynchronizeHostImpl(const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &pCycle) {
if (!guest)
throw exception("Synchronization of host textures requires a valid guest texture to synchronize from");
@ -130,6 +163,7 @@ namespace skyline::gpu {
Texture::TextureBufferCopy::TextureBufferCopy(std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture, std::shared_ptr<memory::StagingBuffer> stagingBuffer) : texture(std::move(texture)), stagingBuffer(std::move(stagingBuffer)) {}
Texture::TextureBufferCopy::~TextureBufferCopy() {
TRACE_EVENT("gpu", "Texture::TextureBufferCopy");
texture->CopyToGuest(stagingBuffer ? stagingBuffer->data() : std::get<memory::Image>(texture->backing).data());
@ -362,6 +396,18 @@ namespace skyline::gpu {
std::shared_ptr<TextureView> Texture::GetView(vk::ImageViewType type, vk::ImageSubresourceRange range, texture::Format pFormat, vk::ComponentMapping mapping) {
for (const auto &viewWeak : views) {
auto view{viewWeak.lock()};
if (view && type == view->type && pFormat == view->format && range == view->range && mapping == view->mapping)
return view;
auto view{std::make_shared<TextureView>(shared_from_this(), type, range, pFormat, mapping)};
return view;
void Texture::CopyFrom(std::shared_ptr<Texture> source, const vk::ImageSubresourceRange &subresource) {
@ -480,13 +526,6 @@ namespace skyline::gpu {
.subresourceRange = range,
auto &views{texture->views};
auto iterator{std::find_if(views.begin(), views.end(), [&](const std::pair<vk::ImageViewCreateInfo, vk::raii::ImageView> &item) {
return item.first == createInfo;
if (iterator != views.end())
return *iterator->second;
return *views.emplace_back(createInfo, vk::raii::ImageView(texture->gpu.vkDevice, createInfo)).second;
return *view.emplace(texture->gpu.vkDevice, createInfo);
@ -290,10 +290,12 @@ namespace skyline::gpu {
* @brief A view into a specific subresource of a Texture
* @note The object **must** be locked prior to accessing any members as values will be mutated
* @note This class conforms to the Lockable and BasicLockable C++ named requirements
class TextureView {
vk::raii::ImageView *view{};
std::optional<vk::raii::ImageView> view;
std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture;
@ -308,7 +310,26 @@ namespace skyline::gpu {
TextureView(std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture, vk::ImageViewType type, vk::ImageSubresourceRange range, texture::Format format = {}, vk::ComponentMapping mapping = {});
* @return A Vulkan Image View that corresponds to the properties of this view
* @brief Acquires an exclusive lock on the backing texture for the calling thread
* @note Naming is in accordance to the BasicLockable named requirement
void lock();
* @brief Relinquishes an existing lock on the backing texture by the calling thread
* @note Naming is in accordance to the BasicLockable named requirement
void unlock();
* @brief Attempts to acquire an exclusive lock on the backing texture but returns immediately if it's captured by another thread
* @note Naming is in accordance to the Lockable named requirement
bool try_lock();
* @return A VkImageView that corresponds to the properties of this view
* @note The texture **must** be locked prior to calling this
vk::ImageView GetView();
@ -329,7 +350,7 @@ namespace skyline::gpu {
using BackingType = std::variant<vk::Image, vk::raii::Image, memory::Image>;
BackingType backing; //!< The Vulkan image that backs this texture, it is nullable
std::vector<std::pair<vk::ImageViewCreateInfo, vk::raii::ImageView>> views; //!< VkImageView(s) that have been constructed from this Texture, utilized for caching
std::vector<std::weak_ptr<TextureView>> views; //!< TextureView(s) that are backed by this Texture, used for repointing to a new Texture on deletion
friend TextureManager;
friend TextureView;
@ -461,8 +482,6 @@ namespace skyline::gpu {
* @brief Synchronizes the host texture with the guest after it has been modified
* @param commandBuffer An optional command buffer that the command will be recorded into rather than creating one as necessary
* @note A command buffer **must** not be submitted if it is created just for the command as it can be more efficient to allocate one within the function as necessary which is done when one isn't passed in
* @note The texture **must** be locked prior to calling this
* @note The guest texture backing should exist prior to calling this
@ -491,6 +510,11 @@ namespace skyline::gpu {
void SynchronizeGuestWithBuffer(const vk::raii::CommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const std::shared_ptr<FenceCycle> &cycle);
* @return A cached or newly created view into this texture with the supplied attributes
std::shared_ptr<TextureView> GetView(vk::ImageViewType type, vk::ImageSubresourceRange range, texture::Format format = {}, vk::ComponentMapping mapping = {});
* @brief Copies the contents of the supplied source texture into the current texture
@ -6,20 +6,22 @@
namespace skyline::gpu {
TextureManager::TextureManager(GPU &gpu) : gpu(gpu) {}
TextureView TextureManager::FindOrCreate(const GuestTexture &guestTexture) {
std::shared_ptr<TextureView> TextureManager::FindOrCreate(const GuestTexture &guestTexture) {
auto guestMapping{guestTexture.mappings.front()};
// Iterate over all textures that overlap with the first mapping of the guest texture and compare the mappings:
// 1) All mappings match up perfectly, we check that the rest of the supplied mappings correspond to mappings in the texture
// 1.1) If they match as well, we check for format/dimensions/tiling config matching the texture and return or move onto (3)
// 2) Only a contiguous range of mappings match, we check for if the overlap is meaningful with layout math, it can go two ways:
// 2.1) If there is a meaningful overlap, we check for format/dimensions/tiling config compatibility and return or move onto (3)
// 2.2) If there isn't, we move onto (3)
// 3) If there's another overlap we go back to (1) with it else we go to (4)
// 4) We check all the overlapping texture for if they're in the texture pool:
// 4.1) If they are, we do nothing to them
// 4.2) If they aren't, we delete them from the map
// 5) Create a new texture and insert it in the map then return it
* Iterate over all textures that overlap with the first mapping of the guest texture and compare the mappings:
* 1) All mappings match up perfectly, we check that the rest of the supplied mappings correspond to mappings in the texture
* 1.1) If they match as well, we check for format/dimensions/tiling config matching the texture and return or move onto (3)
* 2) Only a contiguous range of mappings match, we check for if the overlap is meaningful with layout math, it can go two ways:
* 2.1) If there is a meaningful overlap, we check for format/dimensions/tiling config compatibility and return or move onto (3)
* 2.2) If there isn't, we move onto (3)
* 3) If there's another overlap we go back to (1) with it else we go to (4)
* 4) We check all the overlapping texture for if they're in the texture pool:
* 4.1) If they are, we do nothing to them
* 4.2) If they aren't, we delete them from the map
* 5) Create a new texture and insert it in the map then return it
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
std::shared_ptr<Texture> match{};
@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ namespace skyline::gpu {
auto &matchGuestTexture{*hostMapping->texture->guest};
if (matchGuestTexture.format->IsCompatible(*guestTexture.format) && matchGuestTexture.dimensions == guestTexture.dimensions && matchGuestTexture.tileConfig == guestTexture.tileConfig) {
auto &texture{hostMapping->texture};
return TextureView(texture, static_cast<vk::ImageViewType>(guestTexture.type), vk::ImageSubresourceRange{
return texture->GetView(static_cast<vk::ImageViewType>(guestTexture.type), vk::ImageSubresourceRange{
.aspectMask = guestTexture.format->vkAspect,
.levelCount = texture->mipLevels,
.layerCount = texture->layerCount,
@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ namespace skyline::gpu {
textures.emplace(mapping, TextureMapping{texture, it, guestMapping});
return TextureView(texture, static_cast<vk::ImageViewType>(guestTexture.type), vk::ImageSubresourceRange{
return texture->GetView(static_cast<vk::ImageViewType>(guestTexture.type), vk::ImageSubresourceRange{
.aspectMask = guestTexture.format->vkAspect,
.levelCount = texture->mipLevels,
.layerCount = texture->layerCount,
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
#pragma once
#include "texture/texture.h"
#include <random>
namespace skyline::gpu {
@ -36,6 +35,6 @@ namespace skyline::gpu {
* @return A pre-existing or newly created Texture object which matches the specified criteria
TextureView FindOrCreate(const GuestTexture &guestTexture);
std::shared_ptr<TextureView> FindOrCreate(const GuestTexture &guestTexture);
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
gpu::GuestTexture guestTexture(span<u8>(nvMapHandleObj->GetPointer() + surface.offset, surface.size), gpu::texture::Dimensions(surface.width, surface.height), format, tileConfig, gpu::texture::TextureType::e2D);
buffer.texture = state.gpu->texture.FindOrCreate(guestTexture).texture;
buffer.texture = state.gpu->texture.FindOrCreate(guestTexture)->texture;
switch (transform) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user