mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 08:30:13 +03:00
Implement additional IGraphicBufferProducer transactions
The following GraphicBufferProducer transactions were implemented: * `SetBufferCount` * `DetachBuffer` * `DetachNextBuffer` * `AttachBuffer` It should be noted that `preallocatedBufferCount` (previously `hasBufferCount`) and `activeSlotCount` were adapted accordingly with how they were effectively the same value as all active buffers were preallocated prior but now there can be a non-preallocated active slot. Additionally, a bug has been fixed where `SetPreallocatedBuffer` has the graphic buffer as an optional argument whereas it was treated as a mandatory argument prior and could lead to a SEGFAULT if an application were to not pass in a buffer.
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
AndroidStatus GraphicBufferProducer::RequestBuffer(i32 slot, GraphicBuffer *&buffer) {
std::lock_guard guard(mutex);
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
if (slot < 0 || slot >= queue.size()) [[unlikely]] {
state.logger->Warn("#{} was out of range", slot);
return AndroidStatus::BadValue;
@ -37,6 +37,45 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
return AndroidStatus::Ok;
AndroidStatus GraphicBufferProducer::SetBufferCount(i32 count) {
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
if (count >= MaxSlotCount) [[unlikely]] {
state.logger->Warn("Setting buffer count too high: {} (Max: {})", count, MaxSlotCount);
return AndroidStatus::BadValue;
for (auto it{queue.begin()}; it != queue.end(); it++) {
if (it->state == BufferState::Dequeued) {
state.logger->Warn("Cannot set buffer count as #{} is dequeued", std::distance(queue.begin(), it));
return AndroidStatus::BadValue;
if (!count) {
activeSlotCount = 0;
return AndroidStatus::Ok;
// We don't check minBufferSlots here since it's effectively hardcoded to 0 on HOS (See NativeWindowQuery::MinUndequeuedBuffers)
// HOS only resets all the buffers if there's no preallocated buffers, it simply sets the active buffer count otherwise
if (preallocatedBufferCount == 0) {
for (auto &slot : queue) {
slot.state = BufferState::Free;
slot.frameNumber = std::numeric_limits<u32>::max();
slot.graphicBuffer = nullptr;
} else if (preallocatedBufferCount < count) {
state.logger->Warn("Setting the active slot count ({}) higher than the amount of slots with preallocated buffers ({})", count, preallocatedBufferCount);
activeSlotCount = count;
return AndroidStatus::Ok;
AndroidStatus GraphicBufferProducer::DequeueBuffer(bool async, u32 width, u32 height, AndroidPixelFormat format, u32 usage, i32 &slot, std::optional<AndroidFence> &fence) {
if ((width && !height) || (!width && height)) {
state.logger->Warn("Dimensions {}x{} should be uniformly zero or non-zero", width, height);
@ -46,13 +85,16 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
constexpr i32 InvalidGraphicBufferSlot{-1}; //!< https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/BufferQueueCore.h;l=61
slot = InvalidGraphicBufferSlot;
std::lock_guard guard(mutex);
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
// We don't need a loop here since the consumer is blocking and instantly frees all buffers
// If a valid slot is not found on the first iteration then it would be stuck in an infloop
// As a result of this, we simply warn and return InvalidOperation to the guest
auto buffer{queue.end()};
size_t dequeuedSlotCount{};
for (auto it{queue.begin()}; it != queue.end(); it++) {
for (auto it{queue.begin()}; it != std::min(queue.begin() + activeSlotCount, queue.end()); it++) {
// We want to select the oldest slot that's free to use as we'd want all slots to be used
// If we go linearly then we have a higher preference for selecting the former slots and being out of order
if (it->state == BufferState::Free && it->texture) {
if (it->state == BufferState::Free) {
if (buffer == queue.end() || it->frameNumber < buffer->frameNumber)
buffer = it;
} else if (it->state == BufferState::Dequeued) {
@ -100,6 +142,104 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
return AndroidStatus::Ok;
AndroidStatus GraphicBufferProducer::DetachBuffer(i32 slot) {
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
if (slot < 0 || slot >= queue.size()) [[unlikely]] {
state.logger->Warn("#{} was out of range", slot);
return AndroidStatus::BadValue;
auto &bufferSlot{queue[slot]};
if (bufferSlot.state != BufferState::Dequeued) [[unlikely]] {
state.logger->Warn("#{} was '{}' instead of being dequeued", slot, ToString(bufferSlot.state));
return AndroidStatus::BadValue;
} else if (!bufferSlot.wasBufferRequested) [[unlikely]] {
state.logger->Warn("#{} was detached prior to being requested", slot);
return AndroidStatus::BadValue;
bufferSlot.state = BufferState::Free;
bufferSlot.frameNumber = std::numeric_limits<u32>::max();
bufferSlot.graphicBuffer = nullptr;
state.logger->Debug("#{}", slot);
return AndroidStatus::Ok;
AndroidStatus GraphicBufferProducer::DetachNextBuffer(std::optional<GraphicBuffer> &graphicBuffer, std::optional<AndroidFence> &fence) {
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
auto bufferSlot{queue.end()};
for (auto it{queue.begin()}; it != queue.end(); it++) {
if (it->state == BufferState::Free && it->graphicBuffer) {
if (bufferSlot == queue.end() || it->frameNumber < bufferSlot->frameNumber)
bufferSlot = it;
if (bufferSlot == queue.end())
return AndroidStatus::NoMemory;
bufferSlot->state = BufferState::Free;
bufferSlot->frameNumber = std::numeric_limits<u32>::max();
graphicBuffer = *std::exchange(bufferSlot->graphicBuffer, nullptr);
fence = AndroidFence{};
state.logger->Debug("#{}", std::distance(queue.begin(), bufferSlot));
return AndroidStatus::Ok;
AndroidStatus GraphicBufferProducer::AttachBuffer(i32 &slot, const GraphicBuffer &graphicBuffer) {
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
auto bufferSlot{queue.end()};
for (auto it{queue.begin()}; it != queue.end(); it++) {
if (it->state == BufferState::Free) {
if (bufferSlot == queue.end() || it->frameNumber < bufferSlot->frameNumber)
bufferSlot = it;
if (bufferSlot == queue.end()) {
state.logger->Warn("Could not find any free slots to attach the graphic buffer to");
return AndroidStatus::NoMemory;
if (graphicBuffer.magic != GraphicBuffer::Magic)
throw exception("Unexpected GraphicBuffer magic: 0x{} (Expected: 0x{})", graphicBuffer.magic, GraphicBuffer::Magic);
else if (graphicBuffer.intCount != sizeof(NvGraphicHandle) / sizeof(u32))
throw exception("Unexpected GraphicBuffer native_handle integer count: 0x{} (Expected: 0x{})", graphicBuffer.intCount, sizeof(NvGraphicHandle));
auto &handle{graphicBuffer.graphicHandle};
if (handle.magic != NvGraphicHandle::Magic)
throw exception("Unexpected NvGraphicHandle magic: {}", handle.surfaceCount);
else if (handle.surfaceCount < 1)
throw exception("At least one surface is required in a buffer: {}", handle.surfaceCount);
else if (handle.surfaceCount > 1)
throw exception("Multi-planar surfaces are not supported: {}", handle.surfaceCount);
auto &surface{graphicBuffer.graphicHandle.surfaces.at(0)};
if (surface.scanFormat != NvDisplayScanFormat::Progressive)
throw exception("Non-Progressive surfaces are not supported: {}", ToString(surface.scanFormat));
else if (surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Tiled)
throw exception("Legacy 16Bx16 tiled surfaces are not supported");
bufferSlot->state = BufferState::Dequeued;
bufferSlot->wasBufferRequested = true;
bufferSlot->isPreallocated = false;
bufferSlot->graphicBuffer = std::make_unique<GraphicBuffer>(graphicBuffer);
slot = std::distance(queue.begin(), bufferSlot);
preallocatedBufferCount = std::count_if(queue.begin(), queue.end(), [](const BufferSlot &slot) { return slot.graphicBuffer && slot.isPreallocated; });
activeSlotCount = std::count_if(queue.begin(), queue.end(), [](const BufferSlot &slot) { return static_cast<bool>(slot.graphicBuffer); });
state.logger->Debug("#{} - Dimensions: {}x{} [Stride: {}], Format: {}, Layout: {}, {}: {}, Usage: 0x{:X}, NvMap {}: {}, Buffer Start/End: 0x{:X} -> 0x{:X}", slot, surface.width, surface.height, handle.stride, ToString(graphicBuffer.format), ToString(surface.layout), surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Blocklinear ? "Block Height" : "Pitch", surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Blocklinear ? 1U << surface.blockHeightLog2 : surface.pitch, graphicBuffer.usage, surface.nvmapHandle ? "Handle" : "ID", surface.nvmapHandle ? surface.nvmapHandle : handle.nvmapId, surface.offset, surface.offset + surface.size);
return AndroidStatus::Ok;
AndroidStatus GraphicBufferProducer::QueueBuffer(i32 slot, i64 timestamp, bool isAutoTimestamp, AndroidRect crop, NativeWindowScalingMode scalingMode, NativeWindowTransform transform, NativeWindowTransform stickyTransform, bool async, u32 swapInterval, const AndroidFence &fence, u32 &width, u32 &height, NativeWindowTransform &transformHint, u32 &pendingBufferCount) {
switch (scalingMode) {
case NativeWindowScalingMode::Freeze:
@ -113,7 +253,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
return AndroidStatus::BadValue;
std::lock_guard guard(mutex);
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
if (slot < 0 || slot >= queue.size()) [[unlikely]] {
state.logger->Warn("#{} was out of range", slot);
return AndroidStatus::BadValue;
@ -134,6 +274,80 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
return AndroidStatus::BadValue;
if (!buffer.texture) [[unlikely]] {
// We lazily create a texture if one isn't present at queue time, this allows us to look up the texture in the texture cache
// If we deterministically know that the texture is written by the CPU then we can allocate a CPU-shared host texture for fast uploads
gpu::texture::Format format;
switch (graphicBuffer.format) {
case AndroidPixelFormat::RGBA8888:
case AndroidPixelFormat::RGBX8888:
format = gpu::format::RGBA8888Unorm;
case AndroidPixelFormat::RGB565:
format = gpu::format::RGB565Unorm;
throw exception("Unknown format in buffer: '{}' ({})", ToString(graphicBuffer.format), static_cast<u32>(graphicBuffer.format));
auto &handle{graphicBuffer.graphicHandle};
if (handle.magic != NvGraphicHandle::Magic)
throw exception("Unexpected NvGraphicHandle magic: {}", handle.surfaceCount);
else if (handle.surfaceCount < 1)
throw exception("At least one surface is required in a buffer: {}", handle.surfaceCount);
else if (handle.surfaceCount > 1)
throw exception("Multi-planar surfaces are not supported: {}", handle.surfaceCount);
auto &surface{graphicBuffer.graphicHandle.surfaces.at(0)};
if (surface.scanFormat != NvDisplayScanFormat::Progressive)
throw exception("Non-Progressive surfaces are not supported: {}", ToString(surface.scanFormat));
std::shared_ptr<nvdrv::device::NvMap::NvMapObject> nvBuffer{};
auto driver{nvdrv::driver.lock()};
auto nvmap{driver->nvMap.lock()};
if (surface.nvmapHandle) {
nvBuffer = nvmap->GetObject(surface.nvmapHandle);
} else {
std::shared_lock nvmapLock(nvmap->mapMutex);
for (const auto &object : nvmap->maps) {
if (object->id == handle.nvmapId) {
nvBuffer = object;
if (!nvBuffer)
throw exception("A QueueBuffer request has an invalid NvMap Handle ({}) and ID ({})", surface.nvmapHandle, handle.nvmapId);
if (surface.size > (nvBuffer->size - surface.offset))
throw exception("Surface doesn't fit into NvMap mapping of size 0x{:X} when mapped at 0x{:X} -> 0x{:X}", nvBuffer->size, surface.offset, surface.offset + surface.size);
gpu::texture::TileMode tileMode;
gpu::texture::TileConfig tileConfig{};
if (surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Blocklinear) {
tileMode = gpu::texture::TileMode::Block;
tileConfig = {
.surfaceWidth = static_cast<u16>(surface.width),
.blockHeight = static_cast<u8>(1U << surface.blockHeightLog2),
.blockDepth = 1,
} else if (surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Pitch) {
tileMode = gpu::texture::TileMode::Pitch;
tileConfig = {
.pitch = surface.pitch,
} else if (surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Tiled) {
throw exception("Legacy 16Bx16 tiled surfaces are not supported");
auto guestTexture{std::make_shared<gpu::GuestTexture>(state, nvBuffer->ptr + surface.offset, gpu::texture::Dimensions(surface.width, surface.height), format, tileMode, tileConfig)};
buffer.texture = guestTexture->CreateTexture({}, vk::ImageTiling::eLinear);
switch (transform) {
case NativeWindowTransform::Identity:
case NativeWindowTransform::MirrorHorizontal:
@ -179,7 +393,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
void GraphicBufferProducer::CancelBuffer(i32 slot, const AndroidFence &fence) {
std::lock_guard guard(mutex);
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
if (slot < 0 || slot >= queue.size()) [[unlikely]] {
state.logger->Warn("#{} was out of range", slot);
@ -201,7 +415,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
AndroidStatus GraphicBufferProducer::Query(NativeWindowQuery query, u32 &out) {
std::lock_guard guard(mutex);
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
switch (query) {
case NativeWindowQuery::Width:
out = defaultWidth;
@ -250,7 +464,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
AndroidStatus GraphicBufferProducer::Connect(NativeWindowApi api, bool producerControlledByApp, u32 &width, u32 &height, NativeWindowTransform &transformHint, u32 &pendingBufferCount) {
std::lock_guard guard(mutex);
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
if (connectedApi != NativeWindowApi::None) [[unlikely]] {
state.logger->Warn("Already connected to API '{}' while connection to '{}' is requested", ToString(connectedApi), ToString(api));
return AndroidStatus::BadValue;
@ -279,7 +493,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
AndroidStatus GraphicBufferProducer::Disconnect(NativeWindowApi api) {
std::lock_guard guard(mutex);
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
switch (api) {
case NativeWindowApi::EGL:
@ -309,99 +523,51 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
return AndroidStatus::Ok;
AndroidStatus GraphicBufferProducer::SetPreallocatedBuffer(i32 slot, const GraphicBuffer &graphicBuffer) {
std::lock_guard guard(mutex);
AndroidStatus GraphicBufferProducer::SetPreallocatedBuffer(i32 slot, const GraphicBuffer *graphicBuffer) {
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
if (slot < 0 || slot >= MaxSlotCount) [[unlikely]] {
state.logger->Warn("#{} was out of range", slot);
return AndroidStatus::BadValue;
if (graphicBuffer.magic != GraphicBuffer::Magic)
throw exception("Unexpected GraphicBuffer magic: 0x{} (Expected: 0x{})", graphicBuffer.magic, GraphicBuffer::Magic);
else if (graphicBuffer.intCount != sizeof(NvGraphicHandle) / sizeof(u32))
throw exception("Unexpected GraphicBuffer native_handle integer count: 0x{} (Expected: 0x{})", graphicBuffer.intCount, sizeof(NvGraphicHandle));
gpu::texture::Format format;
switch (graphicBuffer.format) {
case AndroidPixelFormat::RGBA8888:
case AndroidPixelFormat::RGBX8888:
format = gpu::format::RGBA8888Unorm;
case AndroidPixelFormat::RGB565:
format = gpu::format::RGB565Unorm;
throw exception("Unknown format in buffer: '{}' ({})", ToString(graphicBuffer.format), static_cast<u32>(graphicBuffer.format));
auto &handle{graphicBuffer.graphicHandle};
if (handle.magic != NvGraphicHandle::Magic)
throw exception("Unexpected NvGraphicHandle magic: {}", handle.surfaceCount);
else if (handle.surfaceCount < 1)
throw exception("At least one surface is required in a buffer: {}", handle.surfaceCount);
else if (handle.surfaceCount > 1)
throw exception("Multi-planar surfaces are not supported: {}", handle.surfaceCount);
auto &surface{graphicBuffer.graphicHandle.surfaces.at(0)};
if (surface.scanFormat != NvDisplayScanFormat::Progressive)
throw exception("Non-Progressive surfaces are not supported: {}", ToString(surface.scanFormat));
std::shared_ptr<nvdrv::device::NvMap::NvMapObject> nvBuffer{};
auto driver{nvdrv::driver.lock()};
auto nvmap{driver->nvMap.lock()};
if (surface.nvmapHandle) {
nvBuffer = nvmap->GetObject(surface.nvmapHandle);
} else {
std::shared_lock nvmapLock(nvmap->mapMutex);
for (const auto &object : nvmap->maps) {
if (object->id == handle.nvmapId) {
nvBuffer = object;
if (!nvBuffer)
throw exception("A QueueBuffer request has an invalid NvMap Handle ({}) and ID ({})", surface.nvmapHandle, handle.nvmapId);
if (surface.size > (nvBuffer->size - surface.offset))
throw exception("Surface doesn't fit into NvMap mapping of size 0x{:X} when mapped at 0x{:X} -> 0x{:X}", nvBuffer->size, surface.offset, surface.offset + surface.size);
gpu::texture::TileMode tileMode;
gpu::texture::TileConfig tileConfig{};
if (surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Blocklinear) {
tileMode = gpu::texture::TileMode::Block;
tileConfig = {
.surfaceWidth = static_cast<u16>(surface.width),
.blockHeight = static_cast<u8>(1U << surface.blockHeightLog2),
.blockDepth = 1,
} else if (surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Pitch) {
tileMode = gpu::texture::TileMode::Pitch;
tileConfig = {
.pitch = surface.pitch,
} else if (surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Tiled) {
throw exception("Legacy 16Bx16 tiled surfaces are not supported");
auto texture{std::make_shared<gpu::GuestTexture>(state, nvBuffer->ptr + surface.offset, gpu::texture::Dimensions(surface.width, surface.height), format, tileMode, tileConfig)};
auto &buffer{queue[slot]};
buffer.state = BufferState::Free;
buffer.frameNumber = 0;
buffer.wasBufferRequested = false;
buffer.graphicBuffer = std::make_unique<GraphicBuffer>(graphicBuffer);
buffer.texture = texture->CreateTexture({}, vk::ImageTiling::eLinear);
buffer.isPreallocated = static_cast<bool>(graphicBuffer);
buffer.graphicBuffer = graphicBuffer ? std::make_unique<GraphicBuffer>(*graphicBuffer) : nullptr;
buffer.texture = {};
activeSlotCount = hasBufferCount = std::count_if(queue.begin(), queue.end(), [](const BufferSlot &slot) { return static_cast<bool>(slot.graphicBuffer); });
if (graphicBuffer) {
if (graphicBuffer->magic != GraphicBuffer::Magic)
throw exception("Unexpected GraphicBuffer magic: 0x{} (Expected: 0x{})", graphicBuffer->magic, GraphicBuffer::Magic);
else if (graphicBuffer->intCount != sizeof(NvGraphicHandle) / sizeof(u32))
throw exception("Unexpected GraphicBuffer native_handle integer count: 0x{} (Expected: 0x{})", graphicBuffer->intCount, sizeof(NvGraphicHandle));
auto &handle{graphicBuffer->graphicHandle};
if (handle.magic != NvGraphicHandle::Magic)
throw exception("Unexpected NvGraphicHandle magic: {}", handle.surfaceCount);
else if (handle.surfaceCount < 1)
throw exception("At least one surface is required in a buffer: {}", handle.surfaceCount);
else if (handle.surfaceCount > 1)
throw exception("Multi-planar surfaces are not supported: {}", handle.surfaceCount);
auto &surface{graphicBuffer->graphicHandle.surfaces.at(0)};
if (surface.scanFormat != NvDisplayScanFormat::Progressive)
throw exception("Non-Progressive surfaces are not supported: {}", ToString(surface.scanFormat));
else if (surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Tiled)
throw exception("Legacy 16Bx16 tiled surfaces are not supported");
state.logger->Debug("#{} - Dimensions: {}x{} [Stride: {}], Format: {}, Layout: {}, {}: {}, Usage: 0x{:X}, NvMap {}: {}, Buffer Start/End: 0x{:X} -> 0x{:X}", slot, surface.width, surface.height, handle.stride, ToString(graphicBuffer->format), ToString(surface.layout), surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Blocklinear ? "Block Height" : "Pitch", surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Blocklinear ? 1U << surface.blockHeightLog2 : surface.pitch, graphicBuffer->usage, surface.nvmapHandle ? "Handle" : "ID", surface.nvmapHandle ? surface.nvmapHandle : handle.nvmapId, surface.offset, surface.offset + surface.size);
} else {
state.logger->Debug("#{} - No GraphicBuffer", slot);
preallocatedBufferCount = std::count_if(queue.begin(), queue.end(), [](const BufferSlot &slot) { return slot.graphicBuffer && slot.isPreallocated; });
activeSlotCount = std::count_if(queue.begin(), queue.end(), [](const BufferSlot &slot) { return static_cast<bool>(slot.graphicBuffer); });
state.logger->Debug("#{} - Dimensions: {}x{} [Stride: {}], Format: {}, Layout: {}, {}: {}, Usage: 0x{:X}, NvMap {}: {}, Buffer Start/End: 0x{:X} -> 0x{:X}", slot, surface.width, surface.height, handle.stride, ToString(graphicBuffer.format), ToString(surface.layout), surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Blocklinear ? "Block Height" : "Pitch", surface.layout == NvSurfaceLayout::Blocklinear ? 1U << surface.blockHeightLog2 : surface.pitch, graphicBuffer.usage, surface.nvmapHandle ? "Handle" : "ID", surface.nvmapHandle ? surface.nvmapHandle : handle.nvmapId, surface.offset, surface.offset + surface.size);
return AndroidStatus::Ok;
@ -415,6 +581,12 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
case TransactionCode::SetBufferCount: {
auto result{SetBufferCount(in.Pop<i32>())};
case TransactionCode::DequeueBuffer: {
i32 slot{};
std::optional<AndroidFence> fence{};
@ -425,6 +597,30 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
case TransactionCode::DetachBuffer: {
auto result{DetachBuffer(in.Pop<i32>())};
case TransactionCode::DetachNextBuffer: {
std::optional<GraphicBuffer> graphicBuffer{};
std::optional<AndroidFence> fence{};
auto result{DetachNextBuffer(graphicBuffer, fence)};
case TransactionCode::AttachBuffer: {
i32 slotOut{};
auto result{AttachBuffer(slotOut, in.Pop<GraphicBuffer>())};
case TransactionCode::QueueBuffer: {
u32 width{}, height{}, pendingBufferCount{};
NativeWindowTransform transformHint{};
@ -481,7 +677,8 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
case TransactionCode::SetPreallocatedBuffer: {
SetPreallocatedBuffer(in.Pop<i32>(), *in.PopOptionalFlattenable<GraphicBuffer>());
auto result{SetPreallocatedBuffer(in.Pop<i32>(), in.PopOptionalFlattenable<GraphicBuffer>())};
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
BufferState state{BufferState::Free};
u64 frameNumber{}; //!< The amount of frames that have been queued using this slot
bool wasBufferRequested{}; //!< If GraphicBufferProducer::RequestBuffer has been called with this buffer
bool isPreallocated{}; //!< If this slot's graphic buffer has been preallocated or attached
std::shared_ptr<gpu::Texture> texture{};
std::unique_ptr<GraphicBuffer> graphicBuffer{};
@ -58,8 +59,8 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
std::mutex mutex; //!< Synchronizes access to the buffer queue
constexpr static u8 MaxSlotCount{16}; //!< The maximum amount of buffer slots that a buffer queue can hold, Android supports 64 but they go unused for applications like games so we've lowered this to 16 (https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/BufferQueueDefs.h;l=29)
std::array<BufferSlot, MaxSlotCount> queue;
u8 activeSlotCount{2}; //!< The amount of slots in the queue that can be used
u8 hasBufferCount{}; //!< The amount of slots with buffers attached in the queue
u8 activeSlotCount{}; //!< The amount of slots in the queue that can be dequeued
u8 preallocatedBufferCount{}; //!< The amount of slots with buffers attached in the queue
u32 defaultWidth{1}; //!< The assumed width of a buffer if none is supplied in DequeueBuffer
u32 defaultHeight{1}; //!< The assumed height of a buffer if none is supplied in DequeueBuffer
AndroidPixelFormat defaultFormat{AndroidPixelFormat::RGBA8888}; //!< The assumed format of a buffer if none is supplied in DequeueBuffer
@ -78,6 +79,13 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
AndroidStatus RequestBuffer(i32 slot, GraphicBuffer *&buffer);
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h;l=82-102
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/BufferQueueProducer.h;l=42-57
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/libs/gui/BufferQueueProducer.cpp;l=75-132
AndroidStatus SetBufferCount(i32 count);
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h;l=104-170
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/BufferQueueProducer.h;l=59-97
@ -85,6 +93,27 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
AndroidStatus DequeueBuffer(bool async, u32 width, u32 height, AndroidPixelFormat format, u32 usage, i32 &slot, std::optional<AndroidFence> &fence);
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h;l=172-186
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/BufferQueueProducer.h;l=99-100
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/libs/gui/BufferQueueProducer.cpp;l=390-419
AndroidStatus DetachBuffer(i32 slot);
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h;l=188-207
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/BufferQueueProducer.h;l=102-104
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/libs/gui/BufferQueueProducer.cpp;l=421-464
AndroidStatus DetachNextBuffer(std::optional<GraphicBuffer> &graphicBuffer, std::optional<AndroidFence> &fence);
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h;l=209-234
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/BufferQueueProducer.h;l=106-107
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/libs/gui/BufferQueueProducer.cpp;l=466-510
AndroidStatus AttachBuffer(i32& slot, const GraphicBuffer &graphicBuffer);
* @note Nintendo has added an additional field for swap interval which sets the swap interval of the compositor
* @url https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-5.1.1_r38:frameworks/native/include/gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h;l=236-349
@ -125,7 +154,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::hosbinder {
* @brief Similar to AttachBuffer but the slot is explicitly specified and the producer defaults are set based off it
* @note This is an HOS-specific addition to GraphicBufferProducer, it exists so that all allocation of buffers is handled by the client to avoid any shared/transfer memory from the client to loan memory for the buffers which would be quite complicated
AndroidStatus SetPreallocatedBuffer(i32 slot, const GraphicBuffer &graphicBuffer);
AndroidStatus SetPreallocatedBuffer(i32 slot, const GraphicBuffer *graphicBuffer);
std::shared_ptr<kernel::type::KEvent> bufferEvent; //!< Signalled every time a buffer in the queue is freed
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