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synced 2025-03-22 16:10:15 +03:00
Address feedback
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,23 +10,28 @@ namespace skyline {
template<typename VaType, size_t AddressSpaceBits>
concept AddressSpaceValid = std::is_unsigned_v<VaType> && sizeof(VaType) * 8 >= AddressSpaceBits;
struct EmptyStruct {};
* @brief FlatAddressSpaceMap provides a generic VA->PA mapping implementation using a sorted vector
template<typename VaType, VaType UnmappedVa, typename PaType, PaType UnmappedPa, bool PaContigSplit, size_t AddressSpaceBits> requires AddressSpaceValid<VaType, AddressSpaceBits>
extern class FlatAddressSpaceMap {
template<typename VaType, VaType UnmappedVa, typename PaType, PaType UnmappedPa, bool PaContigSplit, size_t AddressSpaceBits, typename ExtraBlockInfo = EmptyStruct> requires AddressSpaceValid<VaType, AddressSpaceBits>
class FlatAddressSpaceMap {
std::function<void(VaType, VaType)> unmapCallback{}; //!< Callback called when the mappings in an region have changed
* @brief Represents a block of memory in the AS, the physical mapping is contiguous until another block with a different phys address is hit
struct Block {
VaType virt{UnmappedVa}; //!< VA of the block
PaType phys{UnmappedPa}; //!< PA of the block, will increase 1-1 with VA until a new block is encountered
bool flag{}; //!< General purpose flag for use by derived classes
[[no_unique_address]] ExtraBlockInfo extraInfo;
Block() = default;
Block(VaType virt, PaType phys, bool flag) : virt(virt), phys(phys), flag(flag) {}
Block(VaType virt, PaType phys, ExtraBlockInfo extraInfo) : virt(virt), phys(phys), extraInfo(extraInfo) {}
constexpr bool Valid() {
return virt != UnmappedVa;
@ -45,15 +50,14 @@ namespace skyline {
std::mutex blockMutex;
std::vector<Block> blocks{Block{}};
* @brief Maps a PA range into the given AS region, optionally setting the flag
* @brief Maps a PA range into the given AS region
* @note blockMutex MUST be locked when calling this
void MapLocked(VaType virt, PaType phys, VaType size, bool flag = {});
void MapLocked(VaType virt, PaType phys, VaType size, ExtraBlockInfo extraInfo);
* @brief Unmaps the given range and merges it with other unmapped regions
@ -66,13 +70,13 @@ namespace skyline {
VaType vaLimit{VaMaximum}; //!< A soft limit on the maximum VA of the AS
FlatAddressSpaceMap(VaType pVaLimit);
FlatAddressSpaceMap(VaType vaLimit, std::function<void(VaType, VaType)> unmapCallback = {});
FlatAddressSpaceMap() = default;
void Map(VaType virt, PaType phys, VaType size, bool flag = {}) {
void Map(VaType virt, PaType phys, VaType size, ExtraBlockInfo extraInfo = {}) {
std::scoped_lock lock(blockMutex);
MapLocked(virt, phys, size, flag);
MapLocked(virt, phys, size, extraInfo);
void Unmap(VaType virt, VaType size) {
@ -82,11 +86,26 @@ namespace skyline {
* @brief FlatMemoryManager specialises FlatAddressSpaceMap to focus on pointers as PAs, adding read/write functions
* @brief Hold memory manager specific block info
struct MemoryManagerBlockInfo {
bool sparseMapped;
* @brief FlatMemoryManager specialises FlatAddressSpaceMap to focus on pointers as PAs, adding read/write functions and sparse mapping support
template<typename VaType, VaType UnmappedVa, size_t AddressSpaceBits> requires AddressSpaceValid<VaType, AddressSpaceBits>
class FlatMemoryManager : public FlatAddressSpaceMap<VaType, UnmappedVa, u8 *, nullptr, true, AddressSpaceBits> {
class FlatMemoryManager : public FlatAddressSpaceMap<VaType, UnmappedVa, u8 *, nullptr, true, AddressSpaceBits, MemoryManagerBlockInfo> {
static constexpr u64 SparseMapSize{0x400000000}; //!< 16GiB pool size for sparse mappings returned by TranslateRange, this number is arbritary and should be large enough to fit the largest sparse mapping in the AS
u8 *sparseMap; //!< Pointer to a zero filled memory region that is returned by TranslateRange for sparse mappings
* @return A placeholder address for sparse mapped regions, this means nothing
@ -94,6 +113,11 @@ namespace skyline {
return reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(0xCAFEBABE);
* @brief Returns a vector of all physical ranges inside of the given virtual range
std::vector<span<u8>> TranslateRange(VaType virt, VaType size);
void Read(u8 *destination, VaType virt, VaType size);
template<typename T>
@ -5,19 +5,21 @@
#include <kernel/types/KProcess.h>
#include "address_space.h"
#define MAP_MEMBER(returnType) template<typename VaType, VaType UnmappedVa, typename PaType, PaType UnmappedPa, bool PaContigSplit, size_t AddressSpaceBits> requires AddressSpaceValid<VaType, AddressSpaceBits> returnType FlatAddressSpaceMap<VaType, UnmappedVa, PaType, UnmappedPa, PaContigSplit, AddressSpaceBits>
#define MAP_MEMBER(returnType) template<typename VaType, VaType UnmappedVa, typename PaType, PaType UnmappedPa, bool PaContigSplit, size_t AddressSpaceBits, typename ExtraBlockInfo> requires AddressSpaceValid<VaType, AddressSpaceBits> returnType FlatAddressSpaceMap<VaType, UnmappedVa, PaType, UnmappedPa, PaContigSplit, AddressSpaceBits, ExtraBlockInfo>
#define MM_MEMBER(returnType) template<typename VaType, VaType UnmappedVa, size_t AddressSpaceBits> requires AddressSpaceValid<VaType, AddressSpaceBits> returnType FlatMemoryManager<VaType, UnmappedVa, AddressSpaceBits>
#define ALLOC_MEMBER(returnType) template<typename VaType, VaType UnmappedVa, size_t AddressSpaceBits> requires AddressSpaceValid<VaType, AddressSpaceBits> returnType FlatAllocator<VaType, UnmappedVa, AddressSpaceBits>
namespace skyline {
MAP_MEMBER()::FlatAddressSpaceMap(VaType pVaLimit) : vaLimit(pVaLimit) {
if (pVaLimit > VaMaximum)
MAP_MEMBER()::FlatAddressSpaceMap(VaType vaLimit, std::function<void(VaType, VaType)> unmapCallback) :
unmapCallback(std::move(unmapCallback)) {
if (vaLimit > VaMaximum)
throw exception("Invalid VA limit!");
MAP_MEMBER(void)::MapLocked(VaType virt, PaType phys, VaType size, bool flag) {
MAP_MEMBER(void)::MapLocked(VaType virt, PaType phys, VaType size, ExtraBlockInfo extraInfo) {
TRACE_EVENT("containers", "FlatAddressSpaceMap::Map");
VaType virtEnd{virt + size};
@ -45,10 +47,13 @@ namespace skyline {
// If this block's start would be overlapped by the map then reuse it as a tail block
blockEndPredecessor->virt = virtEnd;
blockEndPredecessor->phys = tailPhys;
blockEndPredecessor->flag = blockEndPredecessor->flag;
blockEndPredecessor->extraInfo = blockEndPredecessor->extraInfo;
} else {
// Else insert a new one and we're done
blocks.insert(blockEndSuccessor, {Block(virt, phys, flag), Block(virtEnd, tailPhys, blockEndPredecessor->flag)});
blocks.insert(blockEndSuccessor, {Block(virt, phys, extraInfo), Block(virtEnd, tailPhys, blockEndPredecessor->extraInfo)});
if (unmapCallback)
unmapCallback(virt, size);
@ -59,7 +64,10 @@ namespace skyline {
blockEndPredecessor->virt = virtEnd;
} else {
// Else insert a new one and we're done
blocks.insert(blockEndSuccessor, {Block(virt, phys, flag), Block(virtEnd, UnmappedPa, false)});
blocks.insert(blockEndSuccessor, {Block(virt, phys, extraInfo), Block(virtEnd, UnmappedPa, {})});
if (unmapCallback)
unmapCallback(virt, size);
@ -75,13 +83,12 @@ namespace skyline {
throw exception("Unsorted block in AS map: virt: 0x{:X}", blockStartSuccessor->virt);
} else if (blockStartSuccessor->virt == virtEnd) {
// We need to create a new block as there are none spare that we would overwrite
blocks.insert(blockStartSuccessor, Block(virt, phys, flag));
blocks.insert(blockStartSuccessor, Block(virt, phys, extraInfo));
} else {
// Reuse a block that would otherwise be overwritten as a start block
blockStartSuccessor->virt = virt;
blockStartSuccessor->phys = phys;
blockStartSuccessor->flag = flag;
blockStartSuccessor->extraInfo = extraInfo;
// Erase overwritten blocks
if (auto eraseStart{std::next(blockStartSuccessor)}; blockStartSuccessor != blockEndPredecessor) {
@ -91,6 +98,9 @@ namespace skyline {
blocks.erase(eraseStart, blockEndPredecessor);
if (unmapCallback)
unmapCallback(virt, size);
MAP_MEMBER(void)::UnmapLocked(VaType virt, VaType size) {
@ -141,9 +151,16 @@ namespace skyline {
if (blockEndPredecessor->virt > virt)
if (unmapCallback)
unmapCallback(virt, size);
return; // The region is unmapped, bail out early
} else if (blockEndSuccessor->virt == virtEnd && blockEndSuccessor->Unmapped()) {
if (unmapCallback)
unmapCallback(virt, size);
return; // The region is unmapped here and doesn't need splitting, bail out early
} else if (blockEndSuccessor == blocks.end()) {
// This should never happen as the end should always follow an unmapped block
@ -164,8 +181,11 @@ namespace skyline {
blockEndPredecessor->virt = virtEnd;
blockEndPredecessor->phys = tailPhys;
} else {
blocks.insert(blockEndSuccessor, {Block(virt, UnmappedPa, false), Block(virtEnd, tailPhys, blockEndPredecessor->flag)});
return; // The previous block is mapped and ends bef
blocks.insert(blockEndSuccessor, {Block(virt, UnmappedPa, {}), Block(virtEnd, tailPhys, blockEndPredecessor->extraInfo)});
if (unmapCallback)
unmapCallback(virt, size);
return; // The previous block is mapped and ends before
@ -180,7 +200,7 @@ namespace skyline {
// The previous block is may be unmapped, if so we don't need to insert any unmaps after it
if (blockStartPredecessor->Mapped())
blocks.insert(blockStartSuccessor, Block(virt, UnmappedPa, false));
blocks.insert(blockStartSuccessor, Block(virt, UnmappedPa, {}));
} else if (blockStartPredecessor->Unmapped()) {
// If the previous block is unmapped
blocks.erase(blockStartSuccessor, blockEndPredecessor);
@ -197,13 +217,67 @@ namespace skyline {
blocks.erase(eraseStart, blockEndPredecessor);
if (unmapCallback)
unmapCallback(virt, size);
MM_MEMBER()::FlatMemoryManager() {
sparseMap = static_cast<u8 *>(mmap(0, SparseMapSize, PROT_READ, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0));
if (!sparseMap)
throw exception("Failed to mmap sparse map!");
MM_MEMBER()::~FlatMemoryManager() {
munmap(sparseMap, SparseMapSize);
MM_MEMBER(std::vector<span<u8>>)::TranslateRange(VaType virt, VaType size) {
TRACE_EVENT("containers", "FlatMemoryManager::TranslateRange");
std::scoped_lock lock(this->blockMutex);
VaType virtEnd{virt + size};
auto successor{std::upper_bound(this->blocks.begin(), this->blocks.end(), virt, [] (auto virt, const auto &block) {
return virt < block.virt;
auto predecessor{std::prev(successor)};
u8 *blockPhys{predecessor->phys + (virt - predecessor->virt)};
VaType blockSize{std::min(successor->virt - virt, size)};
std::vector<span<u8>> ranges;
while (size) {
// Return a zeroed out map to emulate sparse mappings
if (predecessor->extraInfo.sparseMapped) {
if (blockSize > SparseMapSize)
throw exception("Size of the sparse map is too small to fit block of size: 0x{:X}", blockSize);
blockPhys = sparseMap;
ranges.push_back(span(blockPhys, blockSize));
size -= blockSize;
if (size) {
predecessor = successor++;
blockPhys = predecessor->phys;
blockSize = std::min(successor->virt - predecessor->virt, size);
return ranges;
MM_MEMBER(void)::Read(u8 *destination, VaType virt, VaType size) {
std::scoped_lock lock(this->blockMutex);
TRACE_EVENT("containers", "FlatMemoryManager::Read");
std::scoped_lock lock(this->blockMutex);
VaType virtEnd{virt + size};
auto successor{std::upper_bound(this->blocks.begin(), this->blocks.end(), virt, [] (auto virt, const auto &block) {
@ -218,12 +292,12 @@ namespace skyline {
// Reads may span across multiple individual blocks
while (size) {
if (predecessor->phys == nullptr) {
if (predecessor->flag) // Sparse mapping
throw exception("Page fault at 0x{:X}", predecessor->virt);
} else {
if (predecessor->extraInfo.sparseMapped) // Sparse mappings read all zeroes
std::memset(destination, 0, blockReadSize);
throw exception("Page fault at 0x{:X}", predecessor->virt);
} else {
std::memcpy(destination, blockPhys, blockReadSize);
std::memcpy(destination, blockPhys, blockReadSize);
destination += blockReadSize;
@ -238,10 +312,10 @@ namespace skyline {
MM_MEMBER(void)::Write(VaType virt, u8 *source, VaType size) {
std::scoped_lock lock(this->blockMutex);
TRACE_EVENT("containers", "FlatMemoryManager::Write");
std::scoped_lock lock(this->blockMutex);
VaType virtEnd{virt + size};
auto successor{std::upper_bound(this->blocks.begin(), this->blocks.end(), virt, [] (auto virt, const auto &block) {
@ -256,10 +330,10 @@ namespace skyline {
// Writes may span across multiple individual blocks
while (size) {
if (predecessor->phys == nullptr) {
if (!predecessor->flag) // Sparse mappings allow unmapped writes
throw exception("Page fault at 0x{:X}", predecessor->virt);
throw exception("Page fault at 0x{:X}", predecessor->virt);
} else {
std::memcpy(blockPhys, source, blockWriteSize);
if (!predecessor->extraInfo.sparseMapped) // Sparse mappings ignore writes
std::memcpy(blockPhys, source, blockWriteSize);
source += blockWriteSize;
@ -277,10 +351,10 @@ namespace skyline {
ALLOC_MEMBER()::FlatAllocator(VaType vaStart, VaType vaLimit) : Base(vaLimit), vaStart(vaStart), currentLinearAllocEnd(vaStart) {}
ALLOC_MEMBER(VaType)::Allocate(VaType size) {
std::scoped_lock lock(this->blockMutex);
TRACE_EVENT("containers", "FlatAllocator::Allocate");
std::scoped_lock lock(this->blockMutex);
VaType allocStart{UnmappedVa};
VaType allocEnd{currentLinearAllocEnd + size};
@ -335,7 +409,7 @@ namespace skyline {
this->MapLocked(allocStart, true, size);
this->MapLocked(allocStart, true, size, {});
return allocStart;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace skyline::kernel::type {
if (fd < 0)
throw exception("An error occurred while creating shared memory: {}", fd);
host.ptr = reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(mmap(nullptr, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0));
host.ptr = static_cast<u8 *>(mmap(nullptr, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0));
if (host.ptr == MAP_FAILED)
throw exception("An occurred while mapping shared memory: {}", strerror(errno));
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace skyline::kernel::type {
if (guest.Valid())
throw exception("Mapping KSharedMemory multiple times on guest is not supported: Requested Mapping: 0x{:X} - 0x{:X} (0x{:X}), Current Mapping: 0x{:X} - 0x{:X} (0x{:X})", ptr, ptr + size, size, guest.ptr, guest.ptr + guest.size, guest.size);
guest.ptr = reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(mmap(ptr, size, permission.Get(), MAP_SHARED | (ptr ? MAP_FIXED : 0), fd, 0));
guest.ptr = static_cast<u8 *>(mmap(ptr, size, permission.Get(), MAP_SHARED | (ptr ? MAP_FIXED : 0), fd, 0));
if (guest.ptr == MAP_FAILED)
throw exception("An error occurred while mapping shared memory in guest: {}", strerror(errno));
guest.size = size;
@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ namespace skyline::service::nvdrv::core {
if (internalSession) {
if (--handleDesc->internalDupes < 0)
state.logger->Warn("Internal duplicate count inbalance detected!");
state.logger->Warn("Internal duplicate count imbalance detected!");
} else {
if (--handleDesc->dupes < 0) {
state.logger->Warn("User duplicate count inbalance detected!");
state.logger->Warn("User duplicate count imbalance detected!");
} else if (handleDesc->dupes == 0) {
// TODO: unpin
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::nvdrv::device::nvhost {
u64 size{static_cast<u64>(pages) * pageSize};
if (flags.sparse)
state.soc->gm20b.gmmu.Map(offset, GMMU::SparsePlaceholderAddress(), size, true);
state.soc->gm20b.gmmu.Map(offset, GMMU::SparsePlaceholderAddress(), size, {true});
allocationMap[offset] = {
.size = size,
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::nvdrv::device::nvhost {
// Sparse mappings shouldn't be fully unmapped, just returned to their sparse state
// Only FreeSpace can unmap them fully
if (mapping->sparseAlloc)
state.soc->gm20b.gmmu.Map(offset, GMMU::SparsePlaceholderAddress(), mapping->size, true);
state.soc->gm20b.gmmu.Map(offset, GMMU::SparsePlaceholderAddress(), mapping->size, {true});
state.soc->gm20b.gmmu.Unmap(offset, mapping->size);
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::nvdrv::device::nvhost {
// Sparse mappings shouldn't be fully unmapped, just returned to their sparse state
// Only FreeSpace can unmap them fully
if (mapping->sparseAlloc)
state.soc->gm20b.gmmu.Map(offset, GMMU::SparsePlaceholderAddress(), mapping->size, true);
state.soc->gm20b.gmmu.Map(offset, GMMU::SparsePlaceholderAddress(), mapping->size, {true});
state.soc->gm20b.gmmu.Unmap(offset, mapping->size);
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::nvdrv::device::nvhost {
if (!entry.handle) {
state.soc->gm20b.gmmu.Map(virtAddr, soc::gm20b::GM20B::GMMU::SparsePlaceholderAddress(), size, true);
state.soc->gm20b.gmmu.Map(virtAddr, soc::gm20b::GM20B::GMMU::SparsePlaceholderAddress(), size, {true});
} else {
auto h{core.nvMap.GetHandle(entry.handle)};
if (!h)
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ namespace skyline::service::nvdrv {
* @brief An bitfield struct that unpacks an ioctl number, used as an alternative to Linux's macros
* @brief A bitfield struct that unpacks an ioctl number, used as an alternative to Linux's macros
union IoctlDescriptor {
struct {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace skyline::soc::gm20b::engine::maxwell3d {
std::array<size_t, 0x80> macroPositions{}; //!< The positions of each individual macro in macro memory, there can be a maximum of 0x80 macros at any one time
struct {
i32 index;
i32 index{-1};
std::vector<u32> arguments;
} macroInvocation{}; //!< Data for a macro that is pending execution
Reference in New Issue
Block a user