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synced 2025-03-03 09:05:21 +03:00
Add ByteBufferSerializable
This allows sending C-like structs between Kotlin and C++ without struct-specific code
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ android {
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = javaVersion.toString()
freeCompilerArgs += "-opt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn"
signingConfigs {
@ -121,6 +122,9 @@ dependencies {
kapt "com.google.dagger:hilt-android-compiler:$hilt_version"
implementation 'com.google.android.flexbox:flexbox:3.0.0'
/* Kotlin */
/* JetBrains */
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$kotlin_version"
@ -4,3 +4,5 @@
# Retain all classes within Skyline for traces + JNI access + Serializable classes
-keep class emu.skyline.** { *; }
# Keep kotlin classes so that kotlin reflection works
-keep class kotlin.** {*;}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* Copyright © 2022 Skyline Team and Contributors (https://github.com/skyline-emu/)
package emu.skyline.utils
import android.os.Parcel
import android.os.Parcelable
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import kotlin.Array
import kotlin.Char
import kotlin.CharArray
import kotlin.DoubleArray
import kotlin.FloatArray
import kotlin.reflect.*
import kotlin.reflect.full.*
import java.lang.reflect.Array as javaArray
typealias bool = Boolean
typealias u8 = UByte
typealias u16 = UShort
typealias u32 = UInt
typealias u64 = ULong
typealias float = Float
typealias double = Double
typealias boolArray = BooleanArray
typealias u8Array = UByteArray
typealias u16Array = UShortArray
typealias u32Array = UIntArray
typealias u64Array = ULongArray
typealias floatArray = FloatArray
typealias doubleArray = DoubleArray
fun stringFromChars(chars : CharArray) : String {
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
for (char in chars) {
if (char == '\u0000')
return stringBuilder.toString()
* Interface for serializing data classes to and from a ByteBuffer
interface ByteBufferSerializable : Parcelable {
override fun describeContents() : Int {
return 0
override fun writeToParcel(out : Parcel?, flags : Int) {
class ParcelableCreator : Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<ByteBufferSerializable> {
override fun createFromParcel(parcel : Parcel) : ByteBufferSerializable {
val kClass = javaClass.classLoader?.loadClass(parcel.readString())!!.kotlin
val byteArray = ByteArray(ByteBufferSerializationData.getSerializationData(kClass).bytes)
return createFromByteBuffer(kClass, ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArray))
override fun newArray(size : Int) : Array<ByteBufferSerializable?> {
return arrayOfNulls(size)
override fun createFromParcel(parcel : Parcel, loader : ClassLoader) : ByteBufferSerializable {
val kClass = loader.loadClass(parcel.readString())!!.kotlin
val byteArray = ByteArray(ByteBufferSerializationData.getSerializationData(kClass).bytes)
return createFromByteBuffer(kClass, ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArray))
* Annotations required for arrays to mark the length
* @param length The length of the array
annotation class ByteBufferSerializableArray(val length : Int)
* Annotations required for padding to mark the number of bytes they use
* @param bytes The number of bytes the padding uses
annotation class ByteBufferSerializablePadding(val bytes : Int)
// Exceptions thrown when serialization fails
class WrongBufferSizeException(val kClass : KClass<*>, val expected : Int, val given : Int, cause : Throwable = Throwable()) : Exception("Serialization of ${kClass.simpleName} expected $expected bytes, but only $given were given", cause)
class NotADataClassException(val kClass : KClass<*>, cause : Throwable = Throwable()) : Exception("${kClass.simpleName} is not a data class and can't be serialized", cause)
class NotByteBufferSerializableException(val kClass : KClass<*>, cause : Throwable = Throwable()) : Exception("${kClass.simpleName} is not Serializable", cause)
class NoArraySizeException(val param : KParameter, cause : Throwable = Throwable()) : Exception("Array parameter ${param.name} isn't annotated as a ByteBufferSerializableArray", cause)
class NoPaddingSizeException(val param : KParameter, cause : Throwable = Throwable()) : Exception("Padding parameter ${param.name} isn't annotated as a ByteBufferSerializablePadding", cause)
class InvalidStateException(val kProperty : KProperty1<*, *>, val expectedLength : Int, val length : Int, cause : Throwable = Throwable()) : Exception("Property ${kProperty.name} expected to hold an array of length $expectedLength, but an array of $length was found", cause)
class SerializationSizeMismatch(val kClass : KClass<*>, val expected : Int, val used : Int, cause : Throwable = Throwable()) : Exception("Serialization of ${kClass.simpleName} expected to use $expected bytes, but only $used were used", cause)
object ByteBufferPadding
* Used to hold information about the size of the object for later reuse
* @param elementClass The class of the the elements for array types
private data class ClassAndSize(val kClass : KClass<*>, val size : Int, val length : Int = 1, val elementClass : KClass<*>? = null)
* Holds information about the constructor of the classes and the properties for serialization
private data class ByteBufferSerializationData(val bytes : Int, val classesAndSizes : Array<ClassAndSize>, val properties : Array<KProperty1<*, *>>) {
companion object {
fun getSerializationData(kClass : KClass<*>) : ByteBufferSerializationData {
val prev = cache[kClass]
// If the class is already in the cache, return it, otherwise calculate it
if (prev != null)
return prev
// If the class doesn't implement ByteBufferSerializable, throw an exception
if (!kClass.isSubclassOf(ByteBufferSerializable::class))
throw NotByteBufferSerializableException(kClass)
// If the class isn't a data class, throw an exception
if (!kClass.isData)
throw NotADataClassException(kClass)
// The parameters of the constructor, used to calculate the serialization data
val constructorParams = kClass.primaryConstructor!!.parameters
val classProperties = kClass.declaredMemberProperties
// The class' properties, sorted according to the order they appear in the constructor parameters
val properties = Array<KProperty1<*, *>>(constructorParams.size) { index -> classProperties.first { property -> property.name == (constructorParams[index].name) && constructorParams[index].name != null } }
// The number of bytes needed for serialization
var bytes = 0
val classesAndSizes = Array(constructorParams.size) { index ->
val param = constructorParams[index]
val classifier = param.type.classifier!!.starProjectedType.classifier
// The length of the array, 1 if the parameter isn't an array
var length = 1
var elementClass : KClass<*>? = null
// Get the size and length of the parameter
val size = when (classifier) {
bool::class -> {
u8::class -> {
u16::class -> {
Char::class -> {
u32::class -> {
u64::class -> {
float::class -> {
double::class -> {
// For array parameters, get the length of the array from the annotation and the class of the array elements
boolArray::class -> {
length = param.findAnnotation<ByteBufferSerializableArray>()?.length ?: throw(NoArraySizeException(param))
u8Array::class -> {
length = param.findAnnotation<ByteBufferSerializableArray>()?.length ?: throw(NoArraySizeException(param))
u16Array::class -> {
length = param.findAnnotation<ByteBufferSerializableArray>()?.length ?: throw(NoArraySizeException(param))
CharArray::class -> {
length = param.findAnnotation<ByteBufferSerializableArray>()?.length ?: throw(NoArraySizeException(param))
u32Array::class -> {
length = param.findAnnotation<ByteBufferSerializableArray>()?.length ?: throw(NoArraySizeException(param))
u64Array::class -> {
length = param.findAnnotation<ByteBufferSerializableArray>()?.length ?: throw(NoArraySizeException(param))
floatArray::class -> {
length = param.findAnnotation<ByteBufferSerializableArray>()?.length ?: throw(NoArraySizeException(param))
doubleArray::class -> {
length = param.findAnnotation<ByteBufferSerializableArray>()?.length ?: throw(NoArraySizeException(param))
Array::class -> {
length = param.findAnnotation<ByteBufferSerializableArray>()?.length ?: throw(NoArraySizeException(param))
elementClass = param.type.arguments[0].type!!.classifier as KClass<*>
// For padding, get the size of the padding from the annotation
ByteBufferPadding::class -> {
param.findAnnotation<ByteBufferSerializablePadding>()?.bytes ?: throw(NoPaddingSizeException(param))
// Get data recursively for [ByteBufferSerializable] classes, throw an exception otherwise
else -> {
try {
getSerializationData(classifier as KClass<*>).bytes
} catch (e : Exception) {
throw NotByteBufferSerializableException(kClass, e)
// Update the total size of the class
bytes += size * length
ClassAndSize(classifier as KClass<*>, size, length, elementClass)
val result = ByteBufferSerializationData(bytes, classesAndSizes, properties)
// Cache the result
cache[kClass] = result
return result
* The cache of serialization data
val cache = HashMap<KClass<*>, ByteBufferSerializationData>()
companion object {
val CREATOR : ParcelableCreator = ParcelableCreator()
* Creates an object of the kClass Class from a ByteBuffer
* @param ignoreRemaining if true, and exception will not be thrown if the buffer size exceeds the bytes needed to create the object.
* @return the Object created from the ByteBuffer.
fun createFromByteBuffer(kClass : KClass<*>, buffer : ByteBuffer, ignoreRemaining : Boolean = false) : ByteBufferSerializable {
val serializationData = ByteBufferSerializationData.getSerializationData(kClass)
val startPos = buffer.position()
// Throw an exception if the buffer is too small or if it's too big and [ignoreRemaining] is false
if (serializationData.bytes > buffer.remaining() || (!ignoreRemaining && buffer.remaining() > serializationData.bytes))
throw WrongBufferSizeException(kClass, serializationData.bytes, buffer.remaining())
val classesAndSizes = serializationData.classesAndSizes
// Fill the constructor parameters with the data from the buffer
val args = Array(classesAndSizes.size) { index ->
val size = classesAndSizes[index].size
val length = classesAndSizes[index].length
val elementClass = classesAndSizes[index].elementClass
when (val paramClass = classesAndSizes[index].kClass) {
bool::class -> {
buffer.get() != 0.toByte()
u8::class -> {
u16::class -> {
Char::class -> {
u32::class -> {
u64::class -> {
float::class -> {
double::class -> {
boolArray::class -> {
val temp = BooleanArray(length)
for (i in temp.indices)
temp[i] = buffer.get() != 0.toByte()
// For primitive Array types, use the bulk get methods
u8Array::class -> {
val temp = u8Array(length)
u16Array::class -> {
val temp = u16Array(length)
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
CharArray::class -> {
val temp = CharArray(length)
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
u32Array::class -> {
val temp = u32Array(length)
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
u64Array::class -> {
val temp = u64Array(length)
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
floatArray::class -> {
val temp = floatArray(length)
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
doubleArray::class -> {
val temp = doubleArray(length)
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
Array::class -> {
// Use Java reflection to create the array as I couldn't find a way to do this in Kotlin
val array = javaArray.newInstance(elementClass!!.java, length)
for (i in IntRange(0, length - 1))
javaArray.set(array, i, createFromByteBuffer(elementClass, buffer, true))
(Array::class.createType(listOf(KTypeProjection.invariant(elementClass.starProjectedType))).classifier as KClass<*>).cast(array)
// For padding, skip the bytes and use the [ByByteBufferPadding] object
ByteBufferPadding::class -> {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + size)
else -> {
paramClass.cast(createFromByteBuffer(paramClass, buffer, true))
// Check that the used bytes are equal to the expected size of the object
if (buffer.position() - startPos != serializationData.bytes)
throw SerializationSizeMismatch(kClass, serializationData.bytes, buffer.position() - startPos)
return kClass.primaryConstructor!!.call(*args) as ByteBufferSerializable
* Sets this object's state from a ByteBuffer
* @param ignoreRemaining if true, an exception will not be thrown if the buffer would have remaining bytes after serialization
fun setFromByteBuffer(buffer : ByteBuffer, ignoreRemaining : Boolean = false) {
val serializationData = ByteBufferSerializationData.getSerializationData(this::class)
val startPos = buffer.position()
// Throw an exception if the buffer is too small or if it's too big and [ignoreRemaining] is false
if (serializationData.bytes > buffer.remaining() || (!ignoreRemaining && buffer.remaining() > serializationData.bytes))
throw WrongBufferSizeException(this::class, serializationData.bytes, buffer.remaining())
val properties = serializationData.properties
// Set each of the properties using the data from the buffer, or skip them if they're read only
serializationData.classesAndSizes.forEachIndexed { index, classAndSize ->
val property = properties[index]
val length = classAndSize.length
val size = classAndSize.size
val elementClass = classAndSize.elementClass
when (classAndSize.kClass) {
bool::class -> {
val temp = buffer.get() != 0.toByte()
(property as? KMutableProperty1<*, *>)?.setter?.call(this, temp)
u8::class -> {
val temp = buffer.get().toUByte()
(property as? KMutableProperty1<*, *>)?.setter?.call(this, temp)
u16::class -> {
val temp = buffer.short.toUShort()
(property as? KMutableProperty1<*, *>)?.setter?.call(this, temp)
Char::class -> {
val temp = buffer.char
(property as? KMutableProperty1<*, *>)?.setter?.call(this, temp)
u32::class -> {
val temp = buffer.int.toUInt()
(property as? KMutableProperty1<*, *>)?.setter?.call(this, temp)
u64::class -> {
val temp = buffer.long.toULong()
(property as? KMutableProperty1<*, *>)?.setter?.call(this, temp)
float::class -> {
val temp = buffer.float
(property as? KMutableProperty1<*, *>)?.setter?.call(this, temp)
double::class -> {
val temp = buffer.double
(property as? KMutableProperty1<*, *>)?.setter?.call(this, temp)
boolArray::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as boolArray
if (temp.size == length) {
for (i in temp.indices)
temp[i] = buffer.get() != 0.toByte()
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
// For primitive arrays, use the bulk get methods
u8Array::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as u8Array
if (temp.size == length)
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
u16Array::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as u16Array
if (temp.size == length) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
CharArray::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as CharArray
if (temp.size == length) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
u32Array::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as u32Array
if (temp.size == length) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
u64Array::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as u64Array
if (temp.size == length) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
floatArray::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as floatArray
if (temp.size == length) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
doubleArray::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as doubleArray
if (temp.size == length) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
Array::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as Array<*>
if (temp.size == length)
temp.forEach { curr -> (elementClass!!.cast(curr) as ByteBufferSerializable).setFromByteBuffer(buffer, true) }
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
ByteBufferPadding::class -> {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + size)
else -> {
(property.getter.call(this) as ByteBufferSerializable).setFromByteBuffer(buffer, true)
// Check that the used bytes are equal to the expected size of the object
if (buffer.position() - startPos != serializationData.bytes)
throw SerializationSizeMismatch(this::class, serializationData.bytes, buffer.position() - startPos)
* Write this object to a ByteBuffer
* @param ignoreRemaining If true, an exception will not be thrown if the buffer would have remaining bytes after writing the object
fun writeToByteBuffer(buffer : ByteBuffer, ignoreRemaining : Boolean = false) : ByteBuffer {
val serializationData = ByteBufferSerializationData.getSerializationData(this::class)
val startPos = buffer.position()
// Throw an exception if the buffer is too small or if it's too big and [ignoreRemaining] is false
if (serializationData.bytes > buffer.remaining() || (!ignoreRemaining && buffer.remaining() > serializationData.bytes))
throw WrongBufferSizeException(this::class, serializationData.bytes, buffer.remaining())
val properties = serializationData.properties
serializationData.classesAndSizes.forEachIndexed { index, classAndSize ->
val property = properties[index]
val length = classAndSize.length
val size = classAndSize.size
val elementClass = classAndSize.elementClass
when (classAndSize.kClass) {
bool::class -> {
buffer.put(if (property.getter.call(this) as Boolean) 1 else 0)
u8::class -> {
buffer.put((property.getter.call(this) as u8).toByte())
u16::class -> {
buffer.putShort((property.getter.call(this) as u16).toShort())
Char::class -> {
buffer.putChar(property.getter.call(this) as Char)
u32::class -> {
buffer.putInt((property.getter.call(this) as u32).toInt())
u64::class -> {
buffer.putLong((property.getter.call(this) as u64).toLong())
float::class -> {
buffer.putFloat(property.getter.call(this) as float)
double::class -> {
buffer.putDouble(property.getter.call(this) as double)
boolArray::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as boolArray
if (temp.size == length)
temp.forEach { curr -> buffer.put(if (curr) 1 else 0) }
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
// For primitive arrays, use the bulk write methods
u8Array::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as u8Array
if (temp.size == length)
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
u16Array::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as u16Array
if (temp.size == length) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
CharArray::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as CharArray
if (temp.size == length) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
u32Array::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as u32Array
if (temp.size == length) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
u64Array::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as u64Array
if (temp.size == length) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
FloatArray::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as FloatArray
if (temp.size == length) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
DoubleArray::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as DoubleArray
if (temp.size == length) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length * size)
} else {
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
Array::class -> {
val temp = property.getter.call(this) as Array<*>
if (temp.size == length)
temp.forEach { curr -> (elementClass!!.cast(curr) as ByteBufferSerializable).writeToByteBuffer(buffer, true) }
throw InvalidStateException(property, length, temp.size)
// For padding, just skip the bytes.
ByteBufferPadding::class -> {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + size)
else -> {
(property.getter.call(this) as ByteBufferSerializable).writeToByteBuffer(buffer, true)
// Check that the written bytes are equal to the expected size of the object.
if (buffer.position() - startPos != serializationData.bytes)
throw SerializationSizeMismatch(this::class, serializationData.bytes, buffer.position() - startPos)
return buffer
Reference in New Issue
Block a user