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synced 2025-03-30 12:28:59 +03:00
This is useful for debugging, but shouldn't generally be used as bindings in SPIR-V etc are unstable.
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright © 2021 Skyline Team and Contributors (https://github.com/skyline-emu/)
#pragma once
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
#include <shader_compiler/object_pool.h>
#include <shader_compiler/frontend/maxwell/control_flow.h>
#include <shader_compiler/frontend/ir/value.h>
#include <shader_compiler/frontend/ir/basic_block.h>
#include <shader_compiler/frontend/ir/program.h>
#include <shader_compiler/host_translate_info.h>
#include <shader_compiler/profile.h>
#include <shader_compiler/runtime_info.h>
#include <shader_compiler/backend/bindings.h>
#include <common.h>
namespace skyline::gpu {
* @brief The Shader Manager is responsible for caching and looking up shaders alongside handling compilation of shaders when not found in any cache
class ShaderManager {
GPU &gpu;
Shader::HostTranslateInfo hostTranslateInfo;
Shader::Profile profile;
Shader::ObjectPool<Shader::Maxwell::Flow::Block> flowBlockPool;
Shader::ObjectPool<Shader::IR::Inst> instructionPool;
Shader::ObjectPool<Shader::IR::Block> blockPool;
std::unordered_map<u64, std::vector<u8>> guestShaderReplacements; //!< Map of guest shader hash -> replacement guest shader binary, populated at init time and must not be modified after
std::unordered_map<u64, std::vector<u8>> hostShaderReplacements; //!< ^^ same as above but for host
std::mutex poolMutex;
std::filesystem::path dumpPath;
std::mutex dumpMutex;
* @brief Called at init time to populate the shader replacements map from the input directory
void LoadShaderReplacements(std::string_view replacementDir);
* @brief Returns the raw binary of shader replacement for the given hash, if no replacement is found the input binary is returned
* @note This will also dump the binary to disk if dumping is enabled
span<u8> ProcessShaderBinary(bool spv, u64 hash, span<u8> binary);
using ConstantBufferRead = std::function<u32(u32 index, u32 offset)>; //!< A function which reads a constant buffer at the specified offset and returns the value
using GetTextureType = std::function<Shader::TextureType(u32 handle)>; //!< A function which determines the type of a texture from its handle by checking the corresponding TIC
ShaderManager(const DeviceState &state, GPU &gpu, std::string_view replacementDir, std::string_view dumpDir);
* @return A shader program that corresponds to all the supplied state including the current state of the constant buffers
Shader::IR::Program ParseGraphicsShader(const std::array<u32, 8> &postVtgShaderAttributeSkipMask, Shader::Stage stage, u64 hash, span<u8> binary, u32 baseOffset, u32 textureConstantBufferIndex, bool viewportTransformEnabled, const ConstantBufferRead &constantBufferRead, const GetTextureType &getTextureType);
* @brief Combines the VertexA and VertexB shader programs into a single program
* @note VertexA/VertexB shader programs must be SingleShaderProgram and not DualVertexShaderProgram
Shader::IR::Program CombineVertexShaders(Shader::IR::Program &vertexA, Shader::IR::Program &vertexB, span<u8> vertexBBinary);
* @brief Generates a passthrough geometry shader to write gl_Layer on devices that don't support VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer
Shader::IR::Program GenerateGeometryPassthroughShader(Shader::IR::Program &layerSource, Shader::OutputTopology topology);
Shader::IR::Program ParseComputeShader(u64 hash, span<u8> binary, u32 baseOffset, u32 textureConstantBufferIndex, u32 localMemorySize, u32 sharedMemorySize, std::array<u32, 3> workgroupDimensions, const ConstantBufferRead &constantBufferRead, const GetTextureType &getTextureType);
vk::ShaderModule CompileShader(const Shader::RuntimeInfo &runtimeInfo, Shader::IR::Program &program, Shader::Backend::Bindings &bindings, u64 hash = 0);
void ResetPools();