using System.IO;
using Syroot.IO;
using Syroot.Maths;
using Syroot.Worms.Core.Riff;
namespace Syroot.Worms.Gen2
/// Represents a color palette stored in PAL files, following the RIFF format. It is used to index colors in images.
/// Used by WA and WWP. S.
[RiffFile("PAL ")]
public class Palette : RiffFile
// ---- CONSTANTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private const int _version = 0x0300;
// ---- CONSTRUCTORS & DESTRUCTOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Initializes a new instance of the class, loading the data from the given
/// .
/// The to load the data from.
public Palette(Stream stream)
: base(stream)
/// Initializes a new instance of the class, loading the data from the given file.
/// The name of the file to load the data from.
public Palette(string fileName)
: base(fileName)
// ---- PROPERTIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Gets the version of the palette data.
public int Version { get; set; }
/// Gets the instances stored in this palette.
public Color[] Colors { get; set; }
/// Gets the unknown data in the offl chunk.
public byte[] OfflData { get; set; }
/// Gets the unknown data in the tran chunk.
public byte[] TranData { get; set; }
/// Gets the unknown data in the unde chunk.
public byte[] UndeData { get; set; }
// ---- METHODS (PRIVATE) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void LoadDataChunk(BinaryDataReader reader, int length)
// Read the PAL version.
Version = reader.ReadInt16();
if (Version != _version)
throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown PAL version.");
// Read the colors.
Colors = new Color[reader.ReadInt16()];
for (int i = 0; i < Colors.Length; i++)
Colors[i] = new Color(reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte());
int alpha = reader.ReadByte(); // Dismiss alpha, as it is not used in W:A.
private void LoadOfflChunk(BinaryDataReader reader, int length)
OfflData = reader.ReadBytes(length);
private void LoadTranChunk(BinaryDataReader reader, int length)
TranData = reader.ReadBytes(length);
private void LoadUndeChunk(BinaryDataReader reader, int length)
UndeData = reader.ReadBytes(length);