mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 21:50:14 +03:00
Added custom male citizen pistol animations
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,38 +6,28 @@
$include "NewPistolAnimations_357.qci"
$sequence "shootp2" {
"male_shared_anims\Idle_SMG1_Aim.smd" // "police_animations_anims\pistolangryidle2.smd"
numframes 16
{ event 3014 1 "" }
addlayer "pistol_Aim_all"
blendlayer "layer_aim_pistol_posture" 0 0 0 0 local
blendlayer "gesture_shoot_357" 0 0 0 0 local
node "shooting_pistol"
//weightlist "weights_357_shoot"
ikrule "lfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin 11.95 7.22 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 15 15 target 3
ikrule "rfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin -9.2 -3.23 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 15 15 target 2
$GenericShootFromIdle "shootp2" "male_shared_anims\custom\Idle_Pistol_Aim.smd" "ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_REVOLVER" "soldier_Aim_9_directions" "gesture_shoot_357" 16
$append shootp2 { node "shooting_pistol" }
$sequence "crouch_shoot_357" {
numframes 16
blendlayer "Crouch_ShootPistol_Layer" 0 0 0 0 local
addlayer "pistol_Aim_all"
node "crouchShooting_pistol"
blendlayer "gesture_shoot_357" 0 0 0 0 local
//weightlist "weights_357_shoot"
{ event 3002 0 "" }
ikrule "lfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin 11.07 8.78 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 15 15 target 3
ikrule "rfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin -5.22 0.2 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 15 15 target 2
$GenericShootFromIdle "crouch_shoot_357" "male_shared_anims\custom\crouch_aim_pistol.smd" "ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_REVOLVER_LOW" "soldier_Aim_9_directions" "gesture_shoot_357" 16
$append crouch_shoot_357 { node "crouchShooting_pistol" }
$sequence "Crouch_idle_357" {
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
node "crouching_pistol"
fps 30
ikrule "lfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin 5.77 8.81 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 80 80 target 3
ikrule "rfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin -11.36 9.68 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 80 80 target 2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
$makeaimlayer soldier_Aim_9_directions "hl2mp_ported_anims\Aim_9_directions"
// HACKHACK: Need soldier_Aim_9_directions instead of pistol_Aim_all to get past IK issues
$GenericReload "reload_357" "police_animations_anims\custom\reload_357.smd" "ACT_RELOAD_REVOLVER" "soldier_Aim_9_directions" 15 51 62 41
@ -46,3 +36,10 @@ $append "reload_357" {
node "shooting_pistol"
fps 30
$GenericReloadFromIdle_NoAim "crouch_reload_357" "police_animations_anims\crouch_reload_pistol.smd" "ACT_RELOAD_REVOLVER_LOW" "gesture_reload_357" 62 41
$append "crouch_reload_357" {
node "crouching_pistol"
@ -134,44 +134,20 @@ $sequence "layer_run_aiming_pistol_posture" {
// ================================================================
// Re-use the regular metrocop animation as a readiness activity
$sequence "pistolangryidle2" {
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
addlayer "pistol_Aim_all"
$GenericCombatIdle "pistolangryidle2" "police_animations_anims\pistolangryidle2.smd" "ACT_IDLE_AIM_PISTOL_STIMULATED" "pistol_Aim_all"
$append pistolangryidle2 {
node "shooting_pistol"
fps 4
ikrule "lfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin 11.96 7.22 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 3 3 target 3
ikrule "rfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin -9.2 -3.23 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 3 3 target 2
$sequence "Idle_Pistol_Aim" { // pistolangryidle2
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
blendlayer "layer_aim_pistol_posture" 0 0 0 0 local
addlayer "pistol_Aim_all"
$GenericCombatIdle "Idle_Pistol_Aim" "male_shared_anims\custom\Idle_Pistol_Aim.smd" "ACT_IDLE_ANGRY_PISTOL" "soldier_Aim_9_directions"
$append Idle_Pistol_Aim {
node "shooting_pistol"
fps 4
ikrule "lfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin 13.32 4.21 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 60 60 target 3
ikrule "rfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin -9.26 -2.18 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 60 60 target 2
//ikrule "lhand" touch "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" contact 0 fakeorigin 0 0 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 0 radius 0 range 0 0 60 60 target 1
//ikrule "rhand" release
$sequence "Crouch_idle_pistol" {
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
node "crouching_pistol"
fps 30
ikrule "lfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin 5.77 8.81 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 80 80 target 3
ikrule "rfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin -11.36 9.68 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 80 80 target 2
$GenericIdle "Crouch_idle_pistol" "police_animations_anims\Crouch_idle_pistol.smd" "ACT_COVER_PISTOL_LOW"
$append Crouch_idle_pistol { node "crouching_pistol" }
$sequence "gesture_shoot_pistol" {
@ -184,20 +160,7 @@ $sequence "gesture_shoot_pistol" {
fps 30
$sequence "shootp1" {
"male_shared_anims\Idle_SMG1_Aim.smd" // "police_animations_anims\shootp1.smd"
numframes 5
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
blendlayer "layer_aim_pistol_posture" 0 0 0 0 local
addlayer "pistol_Aim_all"
addlayer "gesture_shoot_pistol"
node "shooting_pistol"
fps 30
ikrule "lfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin 11.95 7.22 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 4 4 target 3
ikrule "rfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin -9.2 -3.23 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 4 4 target 2
$GenericShootFromIdle "shootp1" "male_shared_anims\custom\Idle_Pistol_Aim.smd" "ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_PISTOL" "soldier_Aim_9_directions" "gesture_shoot_pistol" 5
$sequence "reload_pistol" {
@ -260,23 +223,13 @@ $sequence "gesture_reload_pistol" {
// ================================================================
// Low Cover Animations
// ================================================================
$sequence "crouch_reload_pistol" {
{ event 3017 0 "" }
{ event 3018 56 "" }
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
node "crouching_pistol"
fps 30
ikrule "lfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin 5.77 8.81 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 60 60 target 3
ikrule "rfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin -11.36 9.68 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 60 60 target 2
$weightlist "weights_pistol_crouch_layer" {
"ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis" 0
"ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4" 1
"ValveBiped.Bip01_Neck1" 0
"ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis" 0.1
"ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine" 0.2
"ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1" 0.3
"ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" 0.4
"ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4" 0.5
"ValveBiped.Bip01_Neck1" 0.25
"ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle" 1
"ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm" 1
"ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm" 1
@ -288,60 +241,24 @@ $weightlist "weights_pistol_crouch_layer" {
$sequence "Crouch_Pistol_Layer" {
frame 0 0
numframes 30
weightlist "weights_pistol_crouch_layer"
addlayer "layer_pistolangryidle2_mid_right"
ikrule "lfoot" footstep contact 7 fakeorigin 13.65 6.55 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 18 radius 2.5 range 29 7 21 29 target 3
ikrule "rfoot" footstep contact 22 fakeorigin 13.7 -1.18 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 18 radius 2.5 range 14 22 6 14 target 2
ikrule lhand touch "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand"
$sequence "Crouch_ShootPistol_Layer" {
weightlist "weights_pistol_crouch_layer"
addlayer "layer_pistolangryidle2_mid_right"
ikrule "lfoot" footstep contact 7 fakeorigin 13.65 6.55 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 18 radius 2.5 range 29 7 21 29 target 3
ikrule "rfoot" footstep contact 22 fakeorigin 13.7 -1.18 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 18 radius 2.5 range 14 22 6 14 target 2
$GenericReloadNoAim "crouch_reload_pistol" "police_animations_anims\crouch_reload_pistol.smd" "ACT_RELOAD_PISTOL_LOW" 56
$append crouch_reload_pistol { node "crouching_pistol" }
$sequence "crouch_shoot_pistol" {
{ event 3002 0 "" }
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
blendlayer "Crouch_ShootPistol_Layer" 0 0 0 0 local
addlayer "pistol_Aim_all"
node "crouchShooting_pistol"
fps 25
ikrule "lfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin 11.07 8.78 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 6 6 target 3
ikrule "rfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin -5.22 0.2 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 6 6 target 2
//ikrule "lhand" touch "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" contact 0 fakeorigin 0 0 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 0 radius 0 range 0 0 6 6 target 1
ikrule "lhand" release
ikrule "rhand" release
$GenericCombatIdle "crouch_aim_pistol" "male_shared_anims\custom\crouch_aim_pistol.smd" "ACT_RANGE_AIM_PISTOL_LOW" "soldier_Aim_9_directions"
$append crouch_aim_pistol { node "crouchShooting_pistol" }
$sequence "crouch_aim_pistol" {
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
blendlayer "Crouch_Pistol_Layer" 0 0 0 0 local
addlayer "pistol_Aim_all"
node "crouchShooting_pistol"
fps 30
ikrule "lfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin 11.07 8.78 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 60 60 target 3
ikrule "rfoot" footstep contact 0 fakeorigin -5.22 0.2 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 20 radius 2.5 range 0 0 60 60 target 2
//ikrule "lhand" touch "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" contact 0 fakeorigin 0 0 0 fakerotate 0 0 0 floor 0 height 0 radius 0 range 0 0 60 60 target 1
ikrule "lhand" release
ikrule "rhand" release
$GenericShootFromIdle "crouch_shoot_pistol" "male_shared_anims\custom\crouch_aim_pistol.smd" "ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_PISTOL_LOW" "soldier_Aim_9_directions" "gesture_shoot_pistol" 4
$append crouch_shoot_pistol { node "crouchShooting_pistol" }
// ================================================================
// Aim Animations
@ -425,6 +342,9 @@ $sequence "WalkN_pistol_Aim_all" {
//iklock "lfoot" 1 0
// We need this instead of pistol_Aim_all in some animations
$makeaimlayer soldier_Aim_9_directions "hl2mp_ported_anims\Aim_9_directions"
// ================================================================
// Walk Animations
// ================================================================
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ $definevariable Blend_Idle_Rifle_Crouched "crouch_aim_smg1"
$definevariable Blend_SMD_Default "male_shared_anims\Idle_SMG1_Aim.smd"
$definevariable Blend_SMD_Unarmed "male_shared_anims\idle_subtle.smd"
$definevariable Blend_SMD_Panicked "male_shared_anims\crouchIdle_panicked4.smd"
$definevariable Blend_SMD_Pistol "police_animations_anims\pistolangryidle2.smd"
$definevariable Blend_SMD_Pistol "male_shared_anims\custom\Idle_Pistol_Aim.smd"
$definevariable Blend_SMD_Rifle "male_shared_anims\Idle_SMG1_Aim.smd"
$definevariable Blend_SMD_Rifle_Crouched "male_shared_anims\crouch_aim_smg1.smd"
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Load Diff
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