// Created by Crowbar 0.71 // Mapbase only recompiles this for the vortigaunt manned gun attachments below. $modelname "props_combine\bunker_gun01.mdl" $bodygroup "studio" { studio "bunker_gun01_reference.smd" } $lod 10 { replacemodel "bunker_gun01_reference.smd" "bunker_gun01_reference_lod1.smd" replacebone "Bunker_Gun.L_hand" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" replacebone "Bunker_Gun.R_hand" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" nofacial } $lod 13 { replacemodel "bunker_gun01_reference.smd" "bunker_gun01_reference_lod2.smd" replacebone "Bunker_Gun.L_hand" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" replacebone "Bunker_Gun.R_hand" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" nofacial } $lod 16 { replacemodel "bunker_gun01_reference.smd" "bunker_gun01_reference_lod3.smd" replacebone "Bunker_Gun.L_hand" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" replacebone "Bunker_Gun.R_hand" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" nofacial } $lod 20 { replacemodel "bunker_gun01_reference.smd" "bunker_gun01_reference_lod4.smd" replacebone "Bunker_Gun.L_hand" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" replacebone "Bunker_Gun.R_hand" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" nofacial } $surfaceprop "metal" $contents "solid" $illumposition -0.174 1.67 10.144 $noforcedfade $cdmaterials "models\props_combine\" $attachment "muzzle" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" 26.27 0.01 0 rotate 0 0 0 $attachment "light" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" 25.46 0.45 -2.28 rotate 0 0 0 $attachment "L_hand" "Bunker_Gun.L_hand" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0 $attachment "R_hand" "Bunker_Gun.R_hand" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0 $attachment "aimrotation" "Bunker_Gun.Base" 0 15 0 rotate -83 90 180 // New attachments $attachment "L_hand_vort" "Bunker_Gun.L_hand" -2 0 0 rotate 0 0 180 $attachment "R_hand_vort" "Bunker_Gun.R_hand" -2 0 0 rotate 0 0 180 $cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0 $bbox -24.557 -8.073 0 21.216 7.726 20.288 $definebone "Bunker_Gun.Base" "" 0 0 0 0 0 89.999982 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "Bunker_Gun.Bipod_Flex1" "Bunker_Gun.Base" 0 7.594948 -1.74555 85.696608 -89.999982 -89.999982 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "Bunker_Gun.Bipod_Flex2" "Bunker_Gun.Bipod_Flex1" 8.854472 0 0 0 128.355729 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Yaw" "Bunker_Gun.Bipod_Flex2" 9.51054 0 0 0 55.947671 89.999982 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Yaw" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "Bunker_Gun.Flash3" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" 11.835633 -1.043192 -0.666903 -60.000029 -89.999982 -89.999982 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "Bunker_Gun.Flash2" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" 11.835633 1.10718 -0.574615 60.000029 -89.999982 -89.999982 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "Bunker_Gun.Flash1" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" 11.835633 -0.047929 1.241519 0 89.999982 89.999982 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "Bunker_Gun.L_hand" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" -19.3069 5.1978 -3.3314 -21.209807 -31.198183 13.12738 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "Bunker_Gun.R_hand" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" -16.984301 -6.0741 -1.7099 0 24.958213 -176.983507 0 0 0 0 0 0 $poseparameter "aim_yaw" -60 60 loop 0 $poseparameter "aim_pitch" -35 50 loop 0 $animation "up_right_corrective_animation" "bunker_gun01_anims\up_right_corrective_animation.smd" { } $animation "up_center_corrective_animation" "bunker_gun01_anims\up_center_corrective_animation.smd" { } $animation "up_left_corrective_animation" "bunker_gun01_anims\up_left_corrective_animation.smd" { } $animation "mid_right_corrective_animation" "bunker_gun01_anims\mid_right_corrective_animation.smd" { } $animation "mid_center_corrective_animation" "bunker_gun01_anims\mid_center_corrective_animation.smd" { } $animation "mid_left_corrective_animation" "bunker_gun01_anims\mid_left_corrective_animation.smd" { } $animation "down_right_corrective_animation" "bunker_gun01_anims\down_right_corrective_animation.smd" { } $animation "down_center_corrective_animation" "bunker_gun01_anims\down_center_corrective_animation.smd" { } $animation "down_left_corrective_animation" "bunker_gun01_anims\down_left_corrective_animation.smd" { } $animation "neutral" "bunker_gun01_anims\neutral.smd" { fps 30 } $animation "down_left" "bunker_gun01_anims\down_left.smd" { fps 30 // Crowbar writes this subtract option to prevent jigglebone and poseparameter problems when delta sequences are recompiled. subtract "down_left_corrective_animation" 0 } $animation "down_center" "bunker_gun01_anims\down_center.smd" { fps 30 // Crowbar writes this subtract option to prevent jigglebone and poseparameter problems when delta sequences are recompiled. subtract "down_center_corrective_animation" 0 } $animation "down_right" "bunker_gun01_anims\down_right.smd" { fps 30 // Crowbar writes this subtract option to prevent jigglebone and poseparameter problems when delta sequences are recompiled. subtract "down_right_corrective_animation" 0 } $animation "mid_left" "bunker_gun01_anims\mid_left.smd" { fps 30 // Crowbar writes this subtract option to prevent jigglebone and poseparameter problems when delta sequences are recompiled. subtract "mid_left_corrective_animation" 0 } $animation "mid_center" "bunker_gun01_anims\mid_center.smd" { fps 30 // Crowbar writes this subtract option to prevent jigglebone and poseparameter problems when delta sequences are recompiled. subtract "mid_center_corrective_animation" 0 } $animation "mid_right" "bunker_gun01_anims\mid_right.smd" { fps 30 // Crowbar writes this subtract option to prevent jigglebone and poseparameter problems when delta sequences are recompiled. subtract "mid_right_corrective_animation" 0 } $animation "up_left" "bunker_gun01_anims\up_left.smd" { fps 30 // Crowbar writes this subtract option to prevent jigglebone and poseparameter problems when delta sequences are recompiled. subtract "up_left_corrective_animation" 0 } $animation "up_center" "bunker_gun01_anims\up_center.smd" { fps 30 // Crowbar writes this subtract option to prevent jigglebone and poseparameter problems when delta sequences are recompiled. subtract "up_center_corrective_animation" 0 } $animation "up_right" "bunker_gun01_anims\up_right.smd" { fps 30 // Crowbar writes this subtract option to prevent jigglebone and poseparameter problems when delta sequences are recompiled. subtract "up_right_corrective_animation" 0 } $sequence "idle" { "bunker_gun01_anims\idle.smd" activity "ACT_BUNKER_GUN_ACTIVE_IDLE" 1 fadein 0.2 fadeout 0.2 fps 30 loop } $sequence "activate" { "bunker_gun01_anims\activate.smd" activity "ACT_BUNKER_GUN_ACTIVATE" 1 fadein 0.2 fadeout 0.2 fps 30 } $sequence "fire" { "bunker_gun01_anims\fire.smd" activity "ACT_BUNKER_GUN_FIRE" 1 fadein 0.2 fadeout 0.2 fps 30 } $sequence "retract" { "bunker_gun01_anims\retract.smd" activity "ACT_BUNKER_GUN_RETRACT" 1 fadein 0.2 fadeout 0.2 fps 30 } $sequence "idle_inactive" { "bunker_gun01_anims\idle_inactive.smd" activity "ACT_BUNKER_GUN_INACTIVE_IDLE" 1 fadein 0.2 fadeout 0.2 fps 30 } $sequence "aim" { "up_right" "up_center" "up_left" "mid_right" "mid_center" "mid_left" "down_right" "down_center" "down_left" autoplay blend "aim_yaw" -60 60 blend "aim_pitch" -35 50 delta fadein 0.2 fadeout 0.2 hidden } $collisionjoints "bunker_gun01_physics.smd" { $mass 1 $inertia 1 $damping 0 $rotdamping 0 $rootbone " " } $keyvalues { bone_followers { "bone" "Bunker_Gun.Gun_Pitch" } }