// Created by Crowbar 0.68 $modelname "props_foliage\oak_tree01.mdl" $staticprop $bodygroup "Body" { studio "oak_tree01.smd" } $lod 130 { replacemodel "oak_tree01.smd" "oak_tree01_lod1.smd" nofacial } $lod 200 { replacemodel "oak_tree01.smd" "oak_tree01_lod2.smd" nofacial } $lod 260 { replacemodel "oak_tree01.smd" "oak_tree01_lod3.smd" nofacial } $surfaceprop "wood_solid" $contents "solid" $illumposition -46.597 61.743 585.095 $cdmaterials "models\props_foliage\" $texturegroup "skinfamilies" { { "tree_deciduous_01a_branches" "oak_tree01" } { "tree_deciduous_01a_leaves" "oak_tree01" } { "tree_deciduous_01a_branches_sway" "oak_tree01_sway" } { "tree_deciduous_01a_leaves_sway" "oak_tree01_sway" } } $cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0 $bbox -708.598 -625.146 -13.267 585.112 531.952 1183.456 $definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $sequence "idle" { "idle.smd" fadein 0.2 fadeout 0.2 fps 30 } // Physics model should be the original model's