// Created by Crowbar 0.68 // // We need to remove the draw/holster animations so NPCs can holster them correctly // $modelname "weapons/w_shotgun.mdl" $bodygroup "studio" { studio "shotgun_reference.smd" } $lod 25 { replacemodel "shotgun_reference.smd" "shotgun_reference_lod1.smd" nofacial } $surfaceprop "weapon" $contents "solid" $illumposition -0.312 -0.686 -0.323 $cdmaterials "models\weapons\w_shotgun\" $attachment "muzzle" "ValveBiped.Weapon_bone" 26.15 0.69 -2.57 rotate 3.96 -0.39 -91.97 $attachment "1" "ValveBiped.Weapon_bone" 5.19 1.39 -0.1 rotate 2.17 88.95 -77.08 $cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0 $bbox -15.36 -2.146 -9.373 16.719 1.522 8.726 $definebone "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" "" 0.312503 -16.71932 0.282628 12.461602 88.326429 177.528802 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "ValveBiped.Weapon_bone" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" 5 -1.5 -5 -0.000001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $sequence "idle1" { "w_shotgun_anims\idle1.smd" activity "ACT_VM_IDLE" 1 fadein 0.2 fadeout 0.2 fps 30 loop } $sequence "fire" { "w_shotgun_anims\fire.smd" activity "ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_SHOTGUN" 1 { event AE_NPC_MUZZLEFLASH 0 "SHOTGUN MUZZLE" } { event 6001 0 "2" } { event 3004 0 "" } fadein 0.2 fadeout 0.2 fps 5 } //$sequence "draw" { // "w_shotgun_anims\draw.smd" // activity "ACT_VM_DRAW" 1 // fadein 0.2 // fadeout 0.2 // fps 30 //} // //$sequence "holster" { // "w_shotgun_anims\holster.smd" // activity "ACT_VM_HOLSTER" 1 // fadein 0.2 // fadeout 0.2 // fps 30 //} $collisionmodel "w_shotgun_physics.smd" { $mass 10 $inertia 1 $damping 0 $rotdamping 0 $rootbone " " $concave $maxconvexpieces 4 }