// Created by Crowbar 0.56 // // We need to modify the shooting animation so it works on NPCs // $modelname "weapons/W_357.mdl" $bodygroup "studio" { studio "w_357_HL2DM_357_reference.smd" } $surfaceprop "weapon" $contents "solid" $illumposition 0.561 -6.385 0.209 $cdmaterials "models\weapons\w_357\" $attachment "muzzle" "ValveBiped.Muzzle" 0 0 0 rotate -90 -90 0 $bbox -1.563 -1.255 -3.944 14.334 2.163 4.361 $definebone "ValveBiped" "" 0 0 0 0 0 89.999983 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" "ValveBiped" -1.040719 -1.86425 -1.514839 -89.294158 46.301412 39.751636 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "ValveBiped.bone" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" 2.361367 -2.9876 -2.569651 3.947336 -89.624637 -87.351768 0 0 0 0 0 0 $definebone "ValveBiped.Muzzle" "ValveBiped.bone" -1.904833 2.566497 13.39708 -0.113216 0.002579 -2.112095 0 0 0 0 0 0 $sequence "idle" { "w_357_anims\idle.smd" activity "ACT_VM_IDLE" 1 } $sequence "attack1" { "w_357_anims\attack1.smd" activity "ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_PISTOL" 1 //{ event 5003 0 "2" } { event AE_NPC_MUZZLEFLASH 0 "357 MUZZLE" } { event 3014 0 "" } numframes 2 } $collisionmodel "w_357_physics.smd" { $mass 10 $inertia 1 $damping 0 $rotdamping 0 $rootbone " " }