Merge branch 'master-mp' into mapbase-mp

# Conflicts:
#	base.fgd
#	halflife2.fgd
This commit is contained in:
ALLEN-PC\acj30 2025-03-02 11:57:34 -06:00
commit d995009f04
4 changed files with 3208 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -35,6 +35,19 @@
@BaseClass = Script
vscripts(scriptlist) : "Entity Scripts" : : "Name(s) of script files that are executed after all entities have spawned."
thinkfunction(string) : "Script think function" : : "Name of a function in this entity's script scope which will be called automatically."
input RunScriptFile(string) : "Execute a game script file from disk."
input RunScriptCode(script) : "Execute a string of script source code. Backtick ( ` ) characters will be converted to quotes in-game for strings."
input CallScriptFunction(string) : "Execute the given function name."
input TerminateScriptScope(void) : "Terminates the script scope of the entity."
//input RunScriptCodeQuotable(string) : "Execute a string of script source code which converts double apostrophes ('') to quotation marks for strings" // Deprecated by RunScriptCode backticks
//input ClearScriptScope(void) : "Clears this entity's script scope" // Deprecated by TerminateScriptScope
@BaseClass = Angles
angles(angle) : "Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" : "This entity's orientation in the world. Pitch is rotation around the Y axis, " +
@ -56,7 +69,7 @@
// Inputs
input Skin(integer) : "Changes the model skin to the specified number."
input SetModel(string) : "Sets this entity's model. Must include 'models/' as well as the extension."
input SetModel(string) : "Changes the model to the specified path.\nForm of 'models/ammo/ammo_us.mdl'.\nIMPORTANT:\nAbsolutely NO quotes!\nMake sure you use this slash '/'.\nMerasmus says to heed this advice thou shalt corrupt the VMF."
input BecomeRagdoll(void) : "This entity will instantly become a ragdoll with ZERO force (just go limp). OnDeath, OnHalfHealth, etc. outputs will **NOT** BE FIRED."
input CreateSeparateRagdoll(void) : "Creates a separate serverside ragdoll at this entity's origin."
input CreateSeparateRagdollClient(void) : "Creates a separate clientside ragdoll at this entity's origin."
@ -95,6 +108,8 @@
input AlternativeSorting(bool) : "Used to attempt to fix sorting problems when rendering. True activates, false deactivates"
input SetModelScale(string) : "Takes two values separated by a space. The first is the target model scale. The second value is the number of seconds the change in scale will be spread over."
input SetBodyGroup(integer) : "Sets this model's body group (from 0 - n). You'd better know what you are doing!"
input SetCycle(float) : "Skip to a specific point in the current animation"
input SetPlaybackRate(float) : "Change the animation speed multiplier"
@BaseClass = BasePlat
@ -104,20 +119,10 @@
input GoDown(void) : "Tells the platform to go down."
@BaseClass = Targetname
@BaseClass base(Script) = Targetname
targetname(target_source) : "Name" : : "The name that other entities refer to this entity by."
vscripts(string) : "Entity Scripts" : "" : "Name(s) of script files that are executed after all entities have spawned."
thinkfunction(string) : "Script think function" : "" : "Name of a function in this entity's script scope which will be called automatically."
input RunScriptFile(string) : "Execute a game script file from disk"
input RunScriptCode(string) : "Execute a string of script source code"
input RunScriptCodeQuotable(string) : "Execute a string of script source code which converts double apostrophes ('') to quotation marks for strings"
input CallScriptFunction(string) : "Call a named function from this entity's Activation Script"
input ClearScriptScope(void) : "Clears this entity's script scope"
// Inputs
input Kill(void) : "Removes this entity from the world."
input KillHierarchy(void) : "Removes this entity and all its children from the world."
@ -1083,6 +1088,9 @@
output OnStartTouchAll(void) : "Fired when an entity starts touching this trigger, and no other entities are touching it. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters are considered."
output OnEndTouch(void) : "Fired when an entity stops touching this trigger. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters will cause this output to fire."
output OnEndTouchAll(void) : "Fires when an entity stops touching this trigger, and no other entities are touching it. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters are considered."
// Inputs
input DisableAndEndTouch(void) : "Disables this trigger and calls EndTouch on all currently-touching entities."
@BaseClass = worldbase
@ -2235,6 +2243,8 @@
input SetEndDistLerpTo(float) : "Set the fog end distance."
input StartFogTransition(void) : "Start fog transition."
input SetRadial(bool) : "Set the frog to be radial or not."
// Starting fog parameters for the level. These are selectable per LOD.
fogenable(choices) : "Fog Enable" : 1 : "Determines whether this controller should be enabled by default." =
@ -2258,6 +2268,12 @@
fogend(string) : "Fog End" : "2000.0"
fogmaxdensity(float) : "Fog Max Density [0..1]" : "1"
fogradial(choices) : "Use Radial Fog?" : 0 =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
foglerptime(float) : "Interpolate time" : "0"
farz(string) : "Far Z Clip Plane" : "-1"
@ -2768,6 +2784,12 @@
farz(float) : "Far Z Clip Plane" : "0" : "Clips the sky."
fogradial(choices) : "Use Radial Fog?" : 0 =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
// Inputs
input ForceUpdate(void) : "Forces the 3D skybox to update with this sky_camera's position."
input StartUpdating(void) : "Begins per-tick skybox updating, which is needed if you want this sky_camera to move."
@ -2987,14 +3009,12 @@
output OnTimeout(void) : "Fired when a player doesn't select an option in time."
// Hidden for now due to not functioning in Source 2013
//@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = skybox_swapper :
// "An entity that swaps skybox textures."
// SkyboxName(string) : "Sky Name" : "" : "The name of the sky texture to change to."
// input Trigger(void) : "Causes the current sky texture to change to the one specified in this entity."
@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = skybox_swapper :
"An entity that precaches skybox materials and swaps them on trigger."
SkyboxName(string) : "Skybox Material Name" : "sky_halloween_night_01"
input Trigger(void) : "Swap to this skybox."
@PointClass base(Parentname, Angles) size(-2 -2 -2, 2 2 2) = point_enable_motion_fixup :
"An entity used to move a motion-disabled prop when it enables motion. Parent this entity to the prop, and when the prop has its motion enabled, it will immediately teleport to the origin of this entity."
@ -4742,6 +4762,77 @@
input SetUnlockedSound(string) : "Sets the sound to use when the door is unlocked."
// VScript
@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/logic_script.vmt") = logic_script :
"An entity that acts as a container for scripts"
Group00(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[0]" : : "Entity group 0"
Group01(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[1]" : : "Entity group 1"
Group02(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[2]" : : "Entity group 2"
Group03(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[3]" : : "Entity group 3"
Group04(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[4]" : : "Entity group 4"
Group05(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[5]" : : "Entity group 5"
Group06(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[6]" : : "Entity group 6"
Group07(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[7]" : : "Entity group 7"
Group08(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[8]" : : "Entity group 8"
Group09(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[9]" : : "Entity group 9"
Group10(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[10]" : : "Entity group 10"
Group11(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[11]" : : "Entity group 11"
Group12(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[12]" : : "Entity group 12"
Group13(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[13]" : : "Entity group 13"
Group14(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[14]" : : "Entity group 14"
Group15(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[15]" : : "Entity group 15"
@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/logic_script_client.vmt") = logic_script_client : "An entity capable of running client-side scripts"
ClientThink(choices) : "Client Think" : 0 : "Allows client-side VScript to run a think function in the form of a 'ClientThink' hook. (NOTE: The 'Script think function' keyvalue is not related to this!)" =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
RunOnServer(choices) : "Run on Server" : 0 : "Runs the entity scripts on the server as well as the client. Use IsServer() or IsClient() to determine which side is running from within the scripts." =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
input CallScriptFunctionClient(string) : "Call a named function on the entity's client-side script scope."
// Used to listen to events called from code
@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/logic_eventlistener.vmt") = logic_eventlistener :
"An entity that can listen to events fired from code and fire " +
"and output when it happens."
EventName(string) : "Event Name" : "" : "The name of the event that you want to listen for."
IsEnabled(choices) : "Start Enabled" : 1 =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
TeamNum(choices) : "Team Number" : -1 : "If set, will only fire its output if the event is generated from someone of the specified team." =
-1 : "Don't care"
1 : "Team 1"
2 : "Team 2 (ORANGE)"
3 : "Team 3 (BLUE)"
// Inputs
input Enable(void) : "Enable the logic_measure_movement."
input Disable(void) : "Disable the logic_measure_movement."
// Outputs
output OnEventFired(void) : "Fired when the event has been detected."
@ -5286,43 +5377,6 @@
output OnTriggerParameter(string) : "Fired when the relay is triggered with a parameter."
@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/logic_script.vmt") = logic_script : "An entity that acts as a container for scripts"
Group00(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[0]"
Group01(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[1]"
Group02(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[2]"
Group03(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[3]"
Group04(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[4]"
Group05(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[5]"
Group06(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[6]"
Group07(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[7]"
Group08(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[8]"
Group09(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[9]"
Group10(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[10]"
Group11(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[11]"
Group12(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[12]"
Group13(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[13]"
Group14(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[14]"
Group15(target_destination) : "EntityGroup[15]"
@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/logic_script_client.vmt") = logic_script_client : "An entity capable of running client-side scripts"
ClientThink(choices) : "Client Think" : 0 : "Allows client-side VScript to run a think function in the form of a 'ClientThink' hook. (NOTE: The 'Script think function' keyvalue is not related to this!)" =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
RunOnServer(choices) : "Run on Server" : 0 : "Runs the entity scripts on the server as well as the client. Use IsServer() or IsClient() to determine which side is running from within the scripts." =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
input CallScriptFunctionClient(string) : "Call a named function on the entity's client-side script scope."
@PointClass base(Targetname, EnableDisable) iconsprite("editor/logic_timer.vmt") = logic_timer :
"An entity that fires a timer event at regular, or random, intervals. It can also be set to oscillate between" +
"a high and low end, in which case it will fire alternating high/low outputs each time it fires."
@ -7890,6 +7944,13 @@
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
generatelightmaps(choices) : "Generate (and use) lightmaps for this static prop" : 0 =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
lightmapresolutionx(integer) : "Lightmap Resolution X" : 32 : "The resolution of the generated lightmap in the X (or U) direction (only used if Generate Lightmaps is Yes) "
lightmapresolutiony(integer) : "Lightmap Resolution Y" : 32 : "The resolution of the generated lightmap in the Y (or V) direction (only used if Generate Lightmaps is Yes) "
@BaseClass = BaseFadeProp
@ -7951,7 +8012,6 @@
input SetAnimation(string) : "Forces the prop to play an animation. The parameter should be the name of the animation."
input SetAnimationNoReset(string) : "Force the prop to play an animation unless the prop is already playing the animation. The parameter should be the name of the animation."
input SetDefaultAnimation(string) : "Sets the Default Animation to the one specified in the parameter."
input SetPlaybackRate(float) : "Sets the playback rate for the current animation."
input SetCycle(float) : "Sets the cycle the current animation."
input SetBodyGroup(integer) : "Sets the visible bodygroup, by index."
input TurnOn(void) : "Makes the prop visible."
@ -8952,13 +9012,13 @@
@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_teleport_relative :
"A trigger volume that teleports entities that touch it to their current position relative to the given offset. "+
"Their angles stay the same, but velocity is reset. "+
"Use trigger_teleport for more complicated teleporting operations."
"A trigger volume that teleports entities that touch it. Entities are teleported by Offset from their current position. Useful to get " +
"objects out of situations where levels or entities suddenly appear interseting with them."
teleportoffset(vector) : "Teleport Offset" : "0 0 0" : "The offset."
teleportoffset(vector) : "Offset (X Y Z)" : "0 0 0" : "The offset (in World-Space Coordinates X Y Z) to teleport the entity when the trigger is touched."
@SolidClass base(Targetname) = trigger_transition :
"A volume that's used to control which entities go through the level transition. Create one or more trigger_transitions and "+
"give them the same name as the changelevel landmark. Any entities within the trigger_transition(s) will go to the next map."+
@ -9045,11 +9105,11 @@
// Used to listen to events called from code
@PointClass base(Targetname) = logic_eventlistener :
@PointClass base(Targetname) = point_event :
"An entity that can listen to events fired from code and fire " +
"an output when it happens."
EventName(string) : "Event Name" : "" : "The name of the event that you want to listen for."
EventName(string) : "Event Name" : "" : "The names of the events that you want to listen for. Separated by colon. (e.g. player_hurt:game_init)"
StartDisabled(choices) : "Start Disabled" : 0 =
@ -9057,29 +9117,6 @@
1 : "Yes"
//TeamNum(choices) : "Team Number" : -1 : "If set, will only fire its output if the event is generated from someone of the specified team." =
// -1 : "Don't care"
// 1 : "Team 1"
// 2 : "Team 2 (ORANGE)"
// 3 : "Team 3 (BLUE)"
// Inputs
input Enable(void) : "Enables this entity."
input Disable(void) : "Disables this entity."
input Toggle(void) : "Toggles this entity."
// Outputs
output OnEventFired(void) : "Fires when the event has been detected."
@PointClass base(logic_eventlistener) = point_event :
"An entity that can listen to events fired from code and fire " +
"an output when it happens."
EventName(string) : "Event Name" : "" : "The names of the events that you want to listen for. Separated by colon. (e.g. player_hurt:game_init)"
KeyName01(string) : "Key Name 01" : "" : "A keyvalue name to search for in detected events. If an event contains this key, then this entity will fire its respective OutValue output with the value."
KeyName02(string) : "Key Name 02" : "" : "A keyvalue name to search for in detected events. If an event contains this key, then this entity will fire its respective OutValue output with the value."
KeyName03(string) : "Key Name 03" : "" : "A keyvalue name to search for in detected events. If an event contains this key, then this entity will fire its respective OutValue output with the value."
@ -9104,10 +9141,15 @@
// Inputs
input Enable(void) : "Enables this entity."
input Disable(void) : "Disables this entity."
input Toggle(void) : "Toggles this entity."
input SetAllEvents(string) : "Sets all events using the keyvalue's : format. Pass nothing to clear all events."
input AddEvent(string) : "Adds an event to this entity."
// Outputs
output OnEventFired(void) : "Fires when the event has been detected."
output OutEventName(string) : "Outputs the detected event's name in case this entity is listening for multiple events."
output OutValue01(string) : "Passes the value found in its respective keyname when an event is fired."
output OutValue02(string) : "Passes the value found in its respective keyname when an event is fired."

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//====== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
//====== Copyright <EFBFBD> 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: Half-Life 2 game definition file (.fgd)
@ -5207,6 +5207,11 @@
fogStart(float) : "Fog Start" : 2048 : "The near fog plane."
fogEnd(float) : "Fog End" : 4096 : "The far fog/clipping plane."
fogMaxDensity(float) : "Fog Max Density [0..1]" : 1 : "The maximum fog density. 0=no fog, 1=full fog."
fogRadial(choices) : "Use Radial Fog?" : 0 =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
SkyMode(choices) : "Sky Mode" : 2 : "How to draw the sky through this point_camera." =

hl2mp.fgd Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// Game data for Half-Life 2 Multiplayer.
@include "halflife2.fgd"
@PointClass base(PlayerClass, Angles) studio("models/editor/playerstart.mdl") = info_player_deathmatch :
"This entity indicates the position and facing direction at which the player will spawn during a deathmatch map. Any number of "+
"info_player_deathmatch entities may be placed in a map."
@PointClass base(PlayerClass, Angles) studio("models/editor/playerstart.mdl") = info_player_combine :
"This entity indicates the position and facing direction at which the player will spawn during a deathmatch map. Any number of "+
"info_player_deathmatch entities may be placed in a map."
@PointClass base(PlayerClass, Angles) studio("models/editor/playerstart.mdl") = info_player_rebel :
"This entity indicates the position and facing direction at which the player will spawn during a deathmatch map. Any number of "+
"info_player_deathmatch entities may be placed in a map."
@FilterClass base(BaseFilter) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = filter_activator_team :
"A filter that filters by the team of the activator."
filterteam(choices) : "Filter Team Number" : 2 :
"The team number to filter by. If the filter mode is Allow, only entities whose "+
"team number matches the given team will pass the filter. If the filter mode is Disallow, "+
"all entities EXCEPT those whose team number matches the given team will pass the filter." =
2 : "Combine"
3 : "Rebels"
@PointClass base(prop_physics) studioprop() sphere(fademindist) sphere(fademaxdist) = prop_physics_respawnable :
"This class is the same as prop_physics, except it respawns after it breaks"
RespawnTime(float) : "Respawn Time" : 60 : "Ammount in seconds this prop will respawn after it breaks."
@PointClass base(Weapon) studio("models/weapons/w_slam.mdl") = weapon_slam : "S.L.A.M. - Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition" []

tf.fgd Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff