mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 22:38:49 +03:00
164 lines
6.1 KiB
164 lines
6.1 KiB
// Base Settings for all Source(TM) Projects
$Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\version.vpc"
$MacroRequired "PLATSUBDIR"
$MacroRequired "SRCDIR"
$MacroRequired "OUTBINDIR"
// These are convenient for adjusting directory paths based on platform
// but they must be used without absolute consistency to avoid dependency
// problems. It appears that if VPC compares $LIBPUBLIC to $SRCDIR\lib\public
// it will decide that they are not equal, even if the *value* of $LIBPUBLIC
// is $SRCDIR\lib\public. These macros can safely be used in copy commands
// and other areas that VPC doesn't use for dependency tracking.
$Macro LIBPUBLIC "$SRCDIR\lib\public"
$Macro LIBCOMMON "$SRCDIR\lib\common"
// Fix up directories for targets like win64
$Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\loadaddress.vpc"
$Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\source_dll_win32_debug.vpc"
$Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\source_dll_win32_release.vpc"
$Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\source_win32_base.vpc"
$IgnoreRedundancyWarning "ON"
-$File "$SRCDIR\lib\public\tier0.lib"
$file "$SRCDIR\linux\tier0_i686.so"
-$File "$SRCDIR\lib\public\vstdlib.lib" [!$WIN64]
-$File "$SRCDIR\lib\public\$PLATFORM\vstdlib.lib" [$WIN64]
$file "$SRCDIR\linux\vstdlib_i686.so"
// Common Configuration
$General [$VS2010]
$TargetName "$OUTBINNAME"
$CommandLine "if EXIST $OUTBINDIR\$(TargetFileName) for /f $QUOTEdelims=$QUOTE %%A in ('attrib $QUOTE$OUTBINDIR\$(TargetFileName)$QUOTE') do set valveTmpIsReadOnly=$QUOTE%%A$QUOTE" "\n" \
"set valveTmpIsReadOnlyLetter=%valveTmpIsReadOnly:~6,1%" "\n" \
"if $QUOTE%valveTmpIsReadOnlyLetter%$QUOTE==$QUOTER$QUOTE del /q $QUOTE$(TargetDir)$QUOTE$(TargetFileName)" "\n" \
$PostBuildEvent [!$ANALYZE]
$CommandLine "if not exist $QUOTE$OUTBINDIR$QUOTE mkdir $QUOTE$OUTBINDIR$QUOTE" "\n"
$CommandLine "$BASE" "call $SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\valve_p4_edit.cmd $QUOTE$OUTBINDIR\$(TargetFileName)$QUOTE $SRCDIR" "\n" [!$SOURCESDK]
$CommandLine "$BASE" "copy $QUOTE$(TargetDir)$QUOTE$(TargetFileName) $QUOTE$OUTBINDIR\$(TargetFileName)$QUOTE" "\n" \
"if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto BuildEventFailed" "\n" \
"if exist $QUOTE$(TargetDir)$QUOTE$(TargetName).map copy $QUOTE$(TargetDir)$QUOTE$(TargetName).map $OUTBINDIR\$(TargetName).map" "\n"
$CommandLine "$BASE" "call $SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\valve_p4_edit.cmd $OUTBINDIR\$(TargetName).pdb $SRCDIR" "\n" [!$SOURCESDK]
$CommandLine "$BASE" "copy $QUOTE$(TargetDir)$QUOTE$(TargetName).pdb $OUTBINDIR\$(TargetName).pdb" "\n" \
"if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto BuildEventFailed" "\n" \
"goto BuildEventOK" "\n" \
":BuildEventFailed" "\n" \
"echo *** ERROR! PostBuildStep FAILED for $(ProjectName)! EXE or DLL is probably running. ***" "\n" \
"del /q $QUOTE$(TargetDir)$QUOTE$(TargetFileName)" "\n" \
"exit 1" "\n" \
":BuildEventOK" "\n"
$CommandLine "$BASE" "\n" \
"call $SRCDIR\devtools\bin\vsign.bat -sign $OUTBINDIR\$(TargetFileName)" "\n" [$RETAIL && !$SOURCESDK]
$CommandLine "$BASE" "\n" \
"call $SRCDIR\devtools\bin\vsign.bat -signvalve $OUTBINDIR\$(TargetFileName)" "\n" [!$RETAIL && !$SOURCESDK]
$Description "Publishing to $OUTBINDIR"
$ExcludedFromBuild "No"
// Suppress this warning using the undocumented /ignore linker switch
// schemalib.lib(schemaclassinfo.obj) : warning LNK4221: This object file does not define any previously undefined public symbols, so it will not be used by any link operation that consumes this library
$AdditionalOptions "$BASE /ignore:4221"
$AdditionalDependencies "%(AdditionalDependencies)" [$VS2010]
$TargetMachine "MachineX86 (/MACHINE:X86)" [$WIN32]
$TargetMachine "MachineX64 (/MACHINE:X64)" [$WIN64]
// This option is from the devil. Basically, it causes the link inputs
// to vary depending on what is in the solution. This is anathema
// to the way that we use projects and solutions here at Valve.
// It also exposes a bug in VS2005 causing files to be recompiled/linked
// even if nothing changed.
$LinkLibraryDependencies "false"
// Skeleton Project - All derived projects get this as a starting base
$Folder "Source Files"
$File "$SRCDIR\public\tier0\memoverride.cpp"
$Create/UsePrecompiledHeader "Not Using Precompiled Headers"
// Implement __imp__EncodePointer and __imp__DecodePointer so that we can run on XP SP1
// when building with VS 2010.
$File "$SRCDIR\public\tier0\pointeroverride.asm" [$WIN32 && $VS2010]
// General
$CommandLine "$QUOTE$(VCInstallDir)bin\ml.exe$QUOTE /c /Cp /Zi /Fo$QUOTE$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj$QUOTE $QUOTE$(InputPath)$QUOTE"
$Description "Compiling pointeroverride.asm"
$Outputs "$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj"
$File "$SRCDIR\common\debug_dll_check.cpp" [!$SOURCESDK]
$Create/UsePrecompiledHeader "Not Using Precompiled Headers"
$Folder "Link Libraries"
$DynamicFile "$SRCDIR\lib\public\tier0.lib" [!$WIN64]
$DynamicFile "$SRCDIR\lib\public\tier1.lib" [!$WIN64]
$DynamicFile "$SRCDIR\lib\public\vstdlib.lib" [!$WIN64]
$DynamicFile "$SRCDIR\lib\public\$PLATFORM\tier0.lib" [$WIN64]
$DynamicFile "$SRCDIR\lib\public\$PLATFORM\tier1.lib" [$WIN64]
$DynamicFile "$SRCDIR\lib\public\$PLATFORM\vstdlib.lib" [$WIN64]