
217 lines
3.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Choreo version 1
event stoppoint "asdf"
time 3.600000 -1.000000
param "noaction"
actor "Kleiner"
channel "audio"
event speak "is Lamarr with him?"
time 1.113332 2.118842
param "k_lab.kl_islamarr"
cctype "cc_master"
cctoken ""
channel "look at"
event lookat "look Screen"
time 0.013333 1.400000
param "marks_kleiner_look_screen_1"
0.0400 0.9057
1.0420 0.7792
event lookat "look Player"
time 1.346667 3.393334
param "!player"
0.2600 0.8908
1.7720 0.8164
channel "move to"
event moveto "move Walk2"
time 0.000000 1.486667
param "marks_kleiner_catwalk_2"
param2 "Run"
event moveto "move Walk1"
time 1.526667 3.386667
param "marks_kleiner_catwalk_1"
param2 "Run"
actor "Barney"
channel "audio"
event speak "forget that thing!"
time 1.953335 3.438256
param "k_lab.ba_forgetthatthing"
cctype "cc_master"
cctoken ""
event speak "there he is"
time 0.253333 1.049115
param "k_lab.ba_thereheis"
cctype "cc_master"
cctoken ""
channel "look at"
event lookat "look Player"
time 0.060000 1.960001
param "!player"
0.0648 0.9603
0.3788 0.9862
1.1697 0.9724
1.2958 0.9401
1.5624 0.7267
event lookat "look Player"
time 2.153333 4.186667
param "!player"
0.4527 0.8036
0.5818 0.9447
1.4000 0.9862
1.6576 1.0000
1.7837 1.0000
2.0333 1.0000
channel "face to"
event face "face Player"
time 0.040000 4.033333
param "!player"
0.0000 1.0000
0.2667 1.0000
3.6691 1.0000
3.9933 1.0000
channel "move to"
event moveto "move Mach"
time 0.026667 0.833333
param "marks_barney_teleport_security_1"
param2 "Run"
channel "Posture"
event gesture "NULL"
time 0.000000 0.666667
param ""
event gesture "action"
time 0.526667 2.306666
param "Posture08"
0.0000 0.4700
0.1000 0.4700
0.2636 0.4700
0.7303 0.4700
1.5939 0.4700
1.7800 0.4332
absolutetags playback_time
"apex" 0.476677
"loop" 0.610146
"end" 0.760300
absolutetags shifted_time
"apex" 0.454545
"loop" 0.581818
"end" 0.763636
sequenceduration 1.866667
event gesture "NULL"
time 2.480000 3.146667
param ""
channel "Gesture"
event gesture "NULL"
time 0.000000 1.620000
param ""
event gesture "asdf"
time 1.660000 3.639999
param "Gesture02"
absolutetags playback_time
"apex" 0.206002
"accent" 0.361348
"loop" 0.512703
"end" 0.649424
absolutetags shifted_time
"apex" 0.151515
"accent" 0.287879
"loop" 0.454545
"end" 0.575758
sequenceduration 2.233333
faceposermodel "U:\hl2\hl2\models\Barney.mdl"
mapname "maps\d1_trainstation\d1_trainstation_05.bsp"
"CChoreoView" "100"
"SceneRampTool" "100"
"RampTool" "66"
"ExpressionTool" "100"
"GestureTool" "100"
fps 60
snap off