2022-10-21 20:49:33 +03:00
# This workflow script automatically builds the Source SDK 2013 codebase on Windows and Linux using GitHub Actions.
# This is useful in a number of ways:
# 1. It ensures pull requests compile correctly on multiple platforms and provides binaries that can be used to test them.
# 2. It can be used to compile code for releases without having to pull and prepare a local development environment.
# 3. It opens potential for scripts that can employ more principles of CI/CD. (e.g. automatically publishing a release)
# This is based on a workflow originally created by z33ky.
name : Build Projects
on :
workflow_call :
inputs :
configuration :
description : 'Which configuration to build with'
default : 'Release'
required : true
type : string
branch :
description : 'Which Source 2013 engine branch to compile for'
default : 'sp'
required : true
type : string
game :
description : 'The name of the game to build (if relevant)'
default : 'episodic'
required : false
type : string
project-group :
description : 'Which group of projects to compile'
required : true
type : string
solution-name :
description : 'The name of the solution/makefile'
required : true
type : string
build-on-linux :
description : 'Build on Ubuntu/Linux?'
default : true
required : false
type : boolean
jobs :
build_windows :
name : Windows (VS2022)
runs-on : windows-latest
steps :
- uses : actions/checkout@v3
- name : Add MSBuild to PATH
uses : microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1.1
- name : Enable VS2022
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src/vpc_scripts'
shell : bash
run : sed -i 's/^\($Conditional[ ]\+VS2022[ ]\+\).*/\1"1"/' newer_vs_toolsets.vpc
- name : Pick game
if : inputs.project-group == 'game' || inputs.project-group == 'shaders'
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src'
shell : bash
run : sed -i 's/\/hl2 \/episodic/\/${{inputs.game}}/' create${{inputs.project-group}}projects.bat
- name : Create project files
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src'
shell : cmd
# https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013/issues/72
run : |
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Projects\{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}" /v DefaultProjectExtension /t REG_SZ /d vcproj /f
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# "I'm invoking msbuild for each project individually, which looks a bit odd considering there is a solution file which should be able to invoke the builds in their proper order automatically, but passing the solution to msbuild doesn't seem to work."
# https://github.com/mapbase-source/source-sdk-2013/pull/162
- name : Build mathlib
#if: steps.filter.outputs.game == 'true'
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src'
shell : cmd
run : |
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} mathlib\mathlib.vcxproj
- name : Build Base Libraries
if : inputs.project-group == 'all' || inputs.project-group == 'game' || inputs.project-group == 'maptools'
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src'
shell : cmd
run : |
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} raytrace\raytrace.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} tier1\tier1.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} vgui2\vgui_controls\vgui_controls.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} vscript\vscript.vcxproj
- name : Build Map Tools
if : inputs.project-group == 'all' || inputs.project-group == 'maptools'
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src'
shell : cmd
run : |
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} fgdlib\fgdlib.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} utils\vbsp\vbsp.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} utils\vvis\vvis_dll.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} utils\vvis_launcher\vvis_launcher.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} utils\vrad\vrad_dll.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} utils\vrad_launcher\vrad_launcher.vcxproj
- name : Build Shaders
if : inputs.project-group == 'shaders'
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src'
shell : cmd
run : |
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} materialsystem\stdshaders\game_shader_dx9_${{inputs.game}}.vcxproj
- name : Build Game
if : inputs.project-group == 'game'
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src'
shell : cmd
run : |
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} responserules\runtime\responserules.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} game\client\client_${{inputs.game}}.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} game\server\server_${{inputs.game}}.vcxproj
# TODO: Hook to game naming?
- name : Build everything
if : inputs.project-group == 'all'
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src'
shell : cmd
run : |
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} responserules\runtime\responserules.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} materialsystem\stdshaders\game_shader_dx9_episodic.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} materialsystem\stdshaders\game_shader_dx9_hl2.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} game\client\client_episodic.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} game\client\client_hl2.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} game\server\server_episodic.vcxproj
msbuild -m -p:Configuration=${{inputs.configuration}} game\server\server_hl2.vcxproj
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
- name : Publish Windows game DLLs
2022-10-27 09:26:32 +03:00
if : inputs.project-group == 'game'
2022-10-21 20:49:33 +03:00
uses : actions/upload-artifact@v3
with :
name : 'Windows Game DLLs (server & client.dll) [${{ inputs.configuration }}]'
path : |
if-no-files-found : error
- name : Publish Windows shader DLL
if : inputs.project-group == 'shaders'
uses : actions/upload-artifact@v3
with :
name : 'Windows Shader DLL (game_shader_dx9.dll) [${{ inputs.configuration }}]'
path : |
if-no-files-found : error
- name : Publish Windows map tools
if : inputs.project-group == 'maptools'
uses : actions/upload-artifact@v3
with :
name : 'Windows Map Tools [${{ inputs.configuration }}]'
path : |
if-no-files-found : error
- name : Publish everything (Windows)
if : inputs.project-group == 'all'
uses : actions/upload-artifact@v3
with :
name : 'Everything (Windows) [${{ inputs.configuration }}]'
path : |
if-no-files-found : error
build_ubuntu :
if : inputs.build-on-linux == true && inputs.project-group != 'maptools' # No Linux map tools for now
name : Ubuntu (GCC/G++)
runs-on : ubuntu-latest
env :
config : ${{ inputs.configuration }}
steps :
- uses : actions/checkout@v3
- name : Install GCC/G++ multilib
run : sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib
- name : Pick game
if : inputs.project-group == 'game' || inputs.project-group == 'shaders'
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src'
shell : bash
run : sed -i 's/\/hl2 \/episodic/\/${{inputs.game}}/' create${{inputs.project-group}}projects
- name : Set configuration
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src'
shell : bash
run : |
export CFG=${config,,}
echo "config=${CFG}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name : Create project files
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src'
run : sudo ./create${{inputs.project-group}}projects
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
- name : Build
working-directory : '${{inputs.branch}}/src'
run : make CFG=${{env.config}} -f ${{inputs.solution-name}}.mak
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
- name : Publish Linux game SOs
if : inputs.project-group == 'game'
uses : actions/upload-artifact@v3
with :
name : 'Linux Game SOs (server & client.so) [${{ inputs.configuration }}]'
path : |
if-no-files-found : error
- name : Publish Linux shader SO
if : inputs.project-group == 'shaders'
uses : actions/upload-artifact@v3
with :
name : 'Linux Shader SO (game_shader_dx9.so) [${{ inputs.configuration }}]'
path : |
if-no-files-found : error
#- name: Publish Linux map tools
# if: inputs.project-group == 'maptools'
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: 'Linux Map Tools [${{ inputs.configuration }}]'
# path: |
# ${{inputs.branch}}/game/bin/vbsp
# ${{inputs.branch}}/game/bin/vvis
# ${{inputs.branch}}/game/bin/vvis_dll.so
# ${{inputs.branch}}/game/bin/vrad
# ${{inputs.branch}}/game/bin/vrad_dll.so
# if-no-files-found: error
2022-10-27 09:26:32 +03:00
# For now, don't publish the .dbg files even though we publish .pdb files on Windows
# (they're too big)
2022-10-21 20:49:33 +03:00
- name : Publish everything (Linux)
if : inputs.project-group == 'all'
uses : actions/upload-artifact@v3
with :
name : 'Everything (Linux) [${{ inputs.configuration }}]'
path : |
2022-10-27 09:26:32 +03:00
2022-10-21 20:49:33 +03:00
if-no-files-found : error