mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 18:50:21 +03:00
2279 lines
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2279 lines
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// This class is a message box that has two buttons, ok and cancel instead of
// just the ok button of a message box. We use a message box class for the ok button
// and implement another button here.
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "vgui_controls/pch_vgui_controls.h"
#include <vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Menu.h>
#include <vgui_controls/MessageBox.h>
#include <tier0/memdbgoff.h>
#include <tier0/valve_minmax_off.h>
#include "htmlmessages.pb.h"
#include <tier0/valve_minmax_on.h>
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
#include "html/ipainthtml.h"
#include "html/ihtmlchrome.h"
#include "html/ichromehtmlwrapper.h"
#include "html/htmlprotobuf.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "../vgui2/src/vgui_key_translation.h"
#undef PostMessage
#undef MessageBox
#include "OfflineMode.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
// helper to send IPC messages to the CEF thread
#define DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eCmd ) \
if (surface()->AccessChromeHTMLController()) \
{ \
cmd.Body().set_browser_handle( m_iBrowser );\
HTMLCommandBuffer_t *pBuf = surface()->AccessChromeHTMLController()->GetFreeCommandBuffer( eCmd, m_iBrowser ); \
cmd.SerializeCrossProc( &pBuf->m_Buffer ); \
if ( m_iBrowser == -1 ) { m_vecPendingMessages.AddToTail( pBuf ); } \
else \
{ \
surface()->AccessChromeHTMLController()->PushCommand( pBuf ); \
surface()->AccessChromeHTMLController()->WakeThread(); \
} \
const int k_nMaxCustomCursors = 2; // the max number of custom cursors we keep cached PER html control
// Purpose: A simple passthrough panel to render the border onto the HTML widget
class HTMLInterior : public Panel
HTMLInterior( HTML *parent ) : BaseClass( parent, "HTMLInterior" )
m_pHTML = parent;
SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );
SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
// Purpose: a vgui container for popup menus displayed by a control, only 1 menu for any control can be visible at a time
class HTMLComboBoxHost : public vgui::EditablePanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( HTMLComboBoxHost, EditablePanel );
HTMLComboBoxHost( HTML *parent, const char *panelName ) : EditablePanel( parent, panelName )
m_pParent = parent;
~HTMLComboBoxHost() {}
virtual void PaintBackground();
virtual void OnMousePressed(MouseCode code);
virtual void OnMouseReleased(MouseCode code);
virtual void OnCursorMoved(int x,int y);
virtual void OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code);
virtual void OnKeyTyped(wchar_t unichar);
virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code);
virtual void OnKeyCodeReleased(KeyCode code);
virtual void OnMouseWheeled(int delta);
virtual void OnKillFocus()
if ( vgui::input()->GetFocus() != m_pParent->GetVPanel() ) // if its not our parent trying to steal focus
if ( m_pParent )
virtual void PerformLayout()
// no op the perform layout as we just render the html controls popup texture into it
// we don't want the menu logic trying to play with its size
HTML *m_pParent;
CUtlVector<HTMLCommandBuffer_t *> m_vecPendingMessages;
// Purpose: container class for any external popup windows the browser requests
class HTMLPopup : public vgui::Frame
class PopupHTML : public vgui::HTML
PopupHTML( Frame *parent, const char *pchName, bool allowJavaScript , bool bPopupWindow ) : HTML( parent, pchName, allowJavaScript, bPopupWindow ) { m_pParent = parent; }
virtual void OnSetHTMLTitle( const char *pchTitle )
BaseClass::OnSetHTMLTitle( pchTitle );
m_pParent->SetTitle( pchTitle, true );
Frame *m_pParent;
HTMLPopup( Panel *parent, const char *pchURL, const char *pchTitle ) : Frame( NULL, "HtmlPopup", true )
m_pHTML = new PopupHTML( this, "htmlpopupchild", true, true );
m_pHTML->OpenURL( pchURL, NULL, false );
SetTitle( pchTitle, true );
vert_inset = 40,
horiz_inset = 6
void PerformLayout()
int wide, tall;
GetSize( wide, tall );
m_pHTML->SetPos( horiz_inset, vert_inset );
m_pHTML->SetSize( wide - horiz_inset*2, tall - vert_inset*2 );
void SetBounds( int x, int y, int wide, int tall )
BaseClass::SetBounds( x, y, wide + horiz_inset*2, tall + vert_inset*2 );
MESSAGE_FUNC( OnCloseWindow, "OnCloseWindow" )
PopupHTML *m_pHTML;
// Purpose: Constructor
HTML::HTML(Panel *parent, const char *name, bool allowJavaScript, bool bPopupWindow) : Panel(parent, name)
m_iHTMLTextureID = 0;
m_iComboBoxTextureID = 0;
m_bCanGoBack = false;
m_bCanGoForward = false;
m_bInFind = false;
m_bRequestingDragURL = false;
m_bRequestingCopyLink = false;
m_flZoom = 100.0f;
m_iBrowser = -1;
m_bNeedsFullTextureUpload = false;
m_pInteriorPanel = new HTMLInterior( this );
SetPostChildPaintEnabled( true );
if (surface() && surface()->AccessChromeHTMLController())
surface()->AccessChromeHTMLController()->CreateBrowser( this, bPopupWindow, surface()->GetWebkitHTMLUserAgentString() );
Warning("Unable to access ChromeHTMLController");
m_bScrollBarEnabled = true;
m_bContextMenuEnabled = true;
m_bNewWindowsOnly = false;
m_iMouseX = m_iMouseY = 0;
m_iDragStartX = m_iDragStartY = 0;
m_nViewSourceAllowedIndex = -1;
m_iWideLastHTMLSize = m_iTalLastHTMLSize = 0;
_hbar = new ScrollBar(this, "HorizScrollBar", false);
_vbar = new ScrollBar(this, "VertScrollBar", true);
m_pFindBar = new HTML::CHTMLFindBar( this );
m_pFindBar->SetZPos( 2 );
m_pFindBar->SetVisible( false );
m_pComboBoxHost = new HTMLComboBoxHost( this, "ComboBoxHost" );
m_pComboBoxHost->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );
m_pComboBoxHost->SetVisible( false );
m_pContextMenu = new Menu( this, "contextmenu" );
m_pContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#vgui_HTMLBack", new KeyValues( "Command", "command", "back" ), this );
m_pContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#vgui_HTMLForward", new KeyValues( "Command", "command", "forward" ), this );
m_pContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#vgui_HTMLReload", new KeyValues( "Command", "command", "reload" ), this );
m_pContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#vgui_HTMLStop", new KeyValues( "Command", "command", "stop" ), this );
m_pContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#vgui_HTMLCopyUrl", new KeyValues( "Command", "command", "copyurl" ), this );
m_iCopyLinkMenuItemID = m_pContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#vgui_HTMLCopyLink", new KeyValues( "Command", "command", "copylink" ), this );
m_pContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#TextEntry_Copy", new KeyValues( "Command", "command", "copy" ), this );
m_pContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#TextEntry_Paste", new KeyValues( "Command", "command", "paste" ), this );
m_nViewSourceAllowedIndex = m_pContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#vgui_HTMLViewSource", new KeyValues( "Command", "command", "viewsource" ), this );
// Purpose: Destructor
if (surface()->AccessChromeHTMLController())
surface()->AccessChromeHTMLController()->RemoveBrowser( this );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecHCursor, i )
// surface()->DeleteCursor( m_vecHCursor[i].m_Cursor );
// Purpose: Handle message to change our cursor
void HTML::OnSetCursorVGUI( int cursor )
SetCursor( (HCursor)cursor );
// Purpose: sets up colors/fonts/borders
void HTML::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme)
// Purpose: overrides panel class, paints a texture of the HTML window as a background
void HTML::Paint()
if ( m_iHTMLTextureID != 0 )
surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_iHTMLTextureID );
int tw = 0, tt = 0;
surface()->DrawSetColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
GetSize( tw, tt );
surface()->DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, tw, tt );
// If we have scrollbars, we need to draw the bg color under them, since the browser
// bitmap is a checkerboard under them, and they are transparent in the in-game client
if ( m_iScrollBorderX > 0 || m_iScrollBorderY > 0 )
int w, h;
GetSize( w, h );
IBorder *border = GetBorder();
int left = 0, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0;
if ( border )
border->GetInset( left, top, right, bottom );
surface()->DrawSetColor( GetBgColor() );
if ( m_iScrollBorderX )
surface()->DrawFilledRect( w-m_iScrollBorderX - right, top, w, h - bottom );
if ( m_iScrollBorderY )
surface()->DrawFilledRect( left, h-m_iScrollBorderY - bottom, w-m_iScrollBorderX - right, h );
// Purpose: paint the combo box texture if we have one
void HTML::PaintComboBox()
if ( m_iComboBoxTextureID != 0 )
surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_iComboBoxTextureID );
surface()->DrawSetColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
int tw = m_allocedComboBoxWidth;
int tt = m_allocedComboBoxHeight;
surface()->DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, tw, tt );
// Purpose: overrides panel class, paints a texture of the HTML window as a background
void HTMLComboBoxHost::PaintBackground()
// Purpose: causes a repaint when the layout changes
void HTML::PerformLayout()
int vbarInset = _vbar->IsVisible() ? _vbar->GetWide() : 0;
int maxw = GetWide() - vbarInset;
m_pInteriorPanel->SetBounds( 0, 0, maxw, GetTall() );
IScheme *pClientScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( vgui::scheme()->GetScheme( "ClientScheme" ) );
int iSearchInsetY = 5;
int iSearchInsetX = 5;
int iSearchTall = 24;
int iSearchWide = 150;
const char *resourceString = pClientScheme->GetResourceString( "HTML.SearchInsetY");
if ( resourceString )
iSearchInsetY = atoi(resourceString);
resourceString = pClientScheme->GetResourceString( "HTML.SearchInsetX");
if ( resourceString )
iSearchInsetX = atoi(resourceString);
resourceString = pClientScheme->GetResourceString( "HTML.SearchTall");
if ( resourceString )
iSearchTall = atoi(resourceString);
resourceString = pClientScheme->GetResourceString( "HTML.SearchWide");
if ( resourceString )
iSearchWide = atoi(resourceString);
m_pFindBar->SetBounds( GetWide() - iSearchWide - iSearchInsetX - vbarInset, m_pFindBar->BIsHidden() ? -1*iSearchTall-5: iSearchInsetY, iSearchWide, iSearchTall );
// Purpose: updates the underlying HTML surface widgets position
void HTML::OnMove()
// tell cef where we are on the screen so plugins can correctly render
int nPanelAbsX, nPanelAbsY;
ipanel()->GetAbsPos( GetVPanel(), nPanelAbsX, nPanelAbsY );
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgBrowserPosition> cmd( eHTMLCommands_BrowserPosition );
cmd.Body().set_x( nPanelAbsX );
cmd.Body().set_y( nPanelAbsY );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_BrowserPosition );
if ( m_pComboBoxHost && m_pComboBoxHost->IsVisible() )
m_pComboBoxHost->SetVisible( false );
// Purpose: calculates the need for and position of both horizontal and vertical scroll bars
void HTML::CalcScrollBars(int w, int h)
bool bScrollbarVisible = _vbar->IsVisible();
if ( m_bScrollBarEnabled )
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
int scrollx, scrolly, scrollwide, scrolltall;
bool bVisible = false;
if ( i==0 )
scrollx = m_scrollHorizontal.m_nX;
scrolly = m_scrollHorizontal.m_nY;
scrollwide = m_scrollHorizontal.m_nWide;
scrolltall = m_scrollHorizontal.m_nTall;
bVisible = m_scrollHorizontal.m_bVisible;
// scrollbar positioning tweaks - should be moved into a resource file
scrollwide += 14;
scrolltall += 5;
scrollx = m_scrollVertical.m_nX;
scrolly = m_scrollVertical.m_nY;
scrollwide = m_scrollVertical.m_nWide;
scrolltall = m_scrollVertical.m_nTall;
bVisible = m_scrollVertical.m_bVisible;
// scrollbar positioning tweaks - should be moved into a resource file
//scrollx -= 3;
if ( m_scrollHorizontal.m_bVisible )
scrolltall += 16;
scrolltall -= 2;
scrollwide += 5;
if ( bVisible && scrollwide && scrolltall )
int panelWide, panelTall;
GetSize( panelWide, panelTall );
ScrollBar *bar = _vbar;
if ( i == 0 )
bar = _hbar;
if (!bar->IsVisible())
// displayable area has changed, need to force an update
PostMessage(this, new KeyValues("OnSliderMoved"), 0.02f);
int rangeWindow = panelTall - scrollwide;
if ( i==0 )
rangeWindow = panelWide - scrolltall;
int range = m_scrollVertical.m_nMax + m_scrollVertical.m_nTall;
if ( i == 0 )
range = m_scrollHorizontal.m_nMax + m_scrollVertical.m_nWide;
int curValue = m_scrollVertical.m_nScroll;
if ( i == 0 )
curValue = m_scrollHorizontal.m_nScroll;
bar->SetRangeWindow( rangeWindow );
bar->SetRange( 0, range ); // we want the range [0.. (img_h - h)], but the scrollbar actually returns [0..(range-rangeWindow)] so make sure -h gets deducted from the max range value
bar->SetButtonPressedScrollValue( 5 );
if ( curValue > ( bar->GetValue() + 5 ) || curValue < (bar->GetValue() - 5 ) )
bar->SetValue( curValue );
if ( i == 0 )
bar->SetPos( 0, h - scrolltall - 1 );
bar->SetWide( scrollwide );
bar->SetTall( scrolltall );
bar->SetPos( w - scrollwide, 0 );
bar->SetTall( scrolltall );
bar->SetWide( scrollwide );
if ( i == 0 )
if ( i == 0 )
_hbar->SetVisible( false );
_vbar->SetVisible( false );
m_iScrollBorderX = 0;
if ( bScrollbarVisible != _vbar->IsVisible() )
// Purpose: opens the URL, will accept any URL that IE accepts
void HTML::OpenURL(const char *URL, const char *postData, bool force)
PostURL( URL, postData, force );
// Purpose: opens the URL, will accept any URL that IE accepts
void HTML::PostURL(const char *URL, const char *pchPostData, bool force)
if ( m_iBrowser < 0 )
m_sPendingURLLoad = URL;
m_sPendingPostData = pchPostData;
if ( IsSteamInOfflineMode() && !force )
const char *baseDir = getenv("HTML_OFFLINE_DIR");
if ( baseDir )
// get the app we need to run
char htmlLocation[_MAX_PATH];
char otherName[128];
char fileLocation[_MAX_PATH];
if ( ! g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( baseDir ) )
Q_snprintf( otherName, sizeof(otherName), "%senglish.html", OFFLINE_FILE );
baseDir = otherName;
g_pFullFileSystem->GetLocalCopy( baseDir ); // put this file on disk for IE to load
g_pFullFileSystem->GetLocalPath( baseDir, fileLocation, sizeof(fileLocation) );
Q_snprintf(htmlLocation, sizeof(htmlLocation), "file://%s", fileLocation);
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgPostURL> cmd( eHTMLCommands_PostURL );
cmd.Body().set_url( htmlLocation );
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgPostURL> cmd( eHTMLCommands_PostURL );
cmd.Body().set_url( URL );
if ( pchPostData && Q_strlen(pchPostData) > 0 )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgPostURL> cmd( eHTMLCommands_PostURL );
cmd.Body().set_url( URL );
cmd.Body().set_post( pchPostData );
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgPostURL> cmd( eHTMLCommands_PostURL );
cmd.Body().set_url( URL );
// Purpose: opens the URL, will accept any URL that IE accepts
bool HTML::StopLoading()
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgStopLoad> cmd( eHTMLCommands_StopLoad );
return true;
// Purpose: refreshes the current page
bool HTML::Refresh()
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgReload> cmd( eHTMLCommands_Reload );
return true;
// Purpose: Tells the browser control to go back
void HTML::GoBack()
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgGoBack> cmd( eHTMLCommands_GoBack );
// Purpose: Tells the browser control to go forward
void HTML::GoForward()
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgGoForward> cmd( eHTMLCommands_GoForward );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_GoForward );
// Purpose: Checks if the browser can go back further
bool HTML::BCanGoBack()
return m_bCanGoBack;
// Purpose: Checks if the browser can go forward further
bool HTML::BCanGoFoward()
return m_bCanGoForward;
// Purpose: handle resizing
void HTML::OnSizeChanged(int wide,int tall)
#ifdef WIN32
// under windows we get stuck in the windows message loop pushing out WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED without returning in the windproc loop
// so we need to manually pump the html dispatching of messages here
if ( surface() && surface()->AccessChromeHTMLController() )
// Purpose: Run javascript in the page
void HTML::RunJavascript( const char *pchScript )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgExecuteJavaScript> cmd( eHTMLCommands_ExecuteJavaScript );
cmd.Body().set_script( pchScript );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_ExecuteJavaScript );
// Purpose: helper to convert UI mouse codes to CEF ones
int ConvertMouseCodeToCEFCode( MouseCode code )
switch( code )
return IInputEventHTML::eButtonLeft;
return IInputEventHTML::eButtonRight;
return IInputEventHTML::eButtonMiddle;
return IInputEventHTML::eButtonLeft;
// Purpose: passes mouse clicks to the control
void HTML::OnMousePressed(MouseCode code)
m_sDragURL = NULL;
// mouse4 = back button
if ( code == MOUSE_4 )
PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "HTMLBackRequested" ) );
if ( code == MOUSE_5 )
PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "HTMLForwardRequested" ) );
if ( code == MOUSE_RIGHT && m_bContextMenuEnabled )
GetLinkAtPosition( m_iMouseX, m_iMouseY );
Menu::PlaceContextMenu( this, m_pContextMenu );
// ask for the focus to come to this window
// now tell the browser about the click
// ignore right clicks if context menu has been disabled
if ( code != MOUSE_RIGHT )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgMouseDown> cmd( eHTMLCommands_MouseDown );
cmd.Body().set_mouse_button( ConvertMouseCodeToCEFCode( code ) );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_MouseDown );
if ( code == MOUSE_LEFT )
input()->GetCursorPos( m_iDragStartX, m_iDragStartY );
int htmlx, htmly;
ipanel()->GetAbsPos( GetVPanel(), htmlx, htmly );
GetLinkAtPosition( m_iDragStartX - htmlx, m_iDragStartY - htmly );
m_bRequestingDragURL = true;
// make sure we get notified when the mouse gets released
if ( !m_sDragURL.IsEmpty() )
input()->SetMouseCapture( GetVPanel() );
// Purpose: passes mouse up events
void HTML::OnMouseReleased(MouseCode code)
if ( code == MOUSE_LEFT )
input()->SetMouseCapture( NULL );
input()->SetCursorOveride( 0 );
if ( !m_sDragURL.IsEmpty() && input()->GetMouseOver() != GetVPanel() && input()->GetMouseOver() != NULL )
// post the text as a drag drop to the target panel
KeyValuesAD kv( "DragDrop" );
if ( ipanel()->RequestInfo( input()->GetMouseOver(), kv )
&& kv->GetPtr( "AcceptPanel" ) != NULL )
VPANEL vpanel = (VPANEL)kv->GetPtr( "AcceptPanel" );
ivgui()->PostMessage( vpanel, new KeyValues( "DragDrop", "text", m_sDragURL.Get() ), GetVPanel() );
m_sDragURL = NULL;
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgMouseUp> cmd( eHTMLCommands_MouseUp );
cmd.Body().set_mouse_button( ConvertMouseCodeToCEFCode( code ) );
// Purpose: keeps track of where the cursor is
void HTML::OnCursorMoved(int x,int y)
// Only do this when we are over the current panel
if ( vgui::input()->GetMouseOver() == GetVPanel() )
m_iMouseX = x;
m_iMouseY = y;
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgMouseMove> cmd( eHTMLCommands_MouseMove );
cmd.Body().set_x( m_iMouseX );
cmd.Body().set_y( m_iMouseY );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_MouseMove );
else if ( !m_sDragURL.IsEmpty() )
if ( input()->GetMouseOver() == NULL )
// we're not over any vgui window, switch to the OS implementation of drag/drop
// surface()->StartDragDropText( m_sDragURL );
m_sDragURL = NULL;
if ( !m_sDragURL.IsEmpty() && !input()->GetCursorOveride() )
// if we've dragged far enough (in global coordinates), set to use the drag cursor
int gx, gy;
input()->GetCursorPos( gx, gy );
if ( abs(m_iDragStartX-gx) + abs(m_iDragStartY-gy) > 3 )
// input()->SetCursorOveride( dc_alias );
// Purpose: passes double click events to the browser
void HTML::OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code)
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgMouseDblClick> cmd( eHTMLCommands_MouseDblClick );
cmd.Body().set_mouse_button( ConvertMouseCodeToCEFCode( code ) );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_MouseDblClick );
// Purpose: passes key presses to the browser (we don't current do this)
void HTML::OnKeyTyped(wchar_t unichar)
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgKeyChar> cmd( eHTMLCommands_KeyChar );
cmd.Body().set_unichar( unichar );
// Purpose: pop up the find dialog
void HTML::ShowFindDialog()
IScheme *pClientScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( vgui::scheme()->GetScheme( "ClientScheme" ) );
if ( !pClientScheme )
m_pFindBar->SetVisible( true );
m_pFindBar->SetText( "" );
m_pFindBar->SetHidden( false );
int x = 0, y = 0, h = 0, w = 0;
m_pFindBar->GetBounds( x, y, w, h );
m_pFindBar->SetPos( x, -1*h );
int iSearchInsetY = 0;
const char *resourceString = pClientScheme->GetResourceString( "HTML.SearchInsetY");
if ( resourceString )
iSearchInsetY = atoi(resourceString);
float flAnimationTime = 0.0f;
resourceString = pClientScheme->GetResourceString( "HTML.SearchAnimationTime");
if ( resourceString )
flAnimationTime = atof(resourceString);
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( m_pFindBar, "ypos", iSearchInsetY, 0.0f, flAnimationTime, AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_LINEAR );
// Purpose: hide the find dialog
void HTML::HideFindDialog()
IScheme *pClientScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( vgui::scheme()->GetScheme( "ClientScheme" ) );
if ( !pClientScheme )
int x = 0, y = 0, h = 0, w = 0;
m_pFindBar->GetBounds( x, y, w, h );
float flAnimationTime = 0.0f;
const char *resourceString = pClientScheme->GetResourceString( "HTML.SearchAnimationTime");
if ( resourceString )
flAnimationTime = atof(resourceString);
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( m_pFindBar, "ypos", -1*h-5, 0.0f, flAnimationTime, AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_LINEAR );
m_pFindBar->SetHidden( true );
// Purpose: is the find dialog visible?
bool HTML::FindDialogVisible()
return m_pFindBar->IsVisible() && !m_pFindBar->BIsHidden();
// Purpose: return the bitmask of any modifier keys that are currently down
int GetKeyModifiers()
// Any time a key is pressed reset modifier list as well
int nModifierCodes = 0;
if( vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LCONTROL ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RCONTROL ) )
nModifierCodes |= IInputEventHTML::CrtlDown;
if( vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LALT ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RALT ) )
nModifierCodes |= IInputEventHTML::AltDown;
if( vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LSHIFT ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RSHIFT ) )
nModifierCodes |= IInputEventHTML::ShiftDown;
#ifdef OSX
// for now pipe through the cmd-key to be like the control key so we get copy/paste
if( vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LWIN ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RWIN ) )
nModifierCodes |= IInputEventHTML::CrtlDown;
return nModifierCodes;
// Purpose: passes key presses to the browser
void HTML::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code)
switch( code )
int val = _vbar->GetValue();
val += 200;
int val = _vbar->GetValue();
val -= 200;
case KEY_F5:
case KEY_F:
if ( (input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LCONTROL) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RCONTROL) )
|| ( IsOSX() && ( input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LWIN) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RWIN) ) ) )
if ( !FindDialogVisible() )
if ( FindDialogVisible() )
case KEY_TAB:
if ( input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LCONTROL) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RCONTROL) )
// pass control-tab to parent (through baseclass)
BaseClass::OnKeyTyped( code );
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgKeyDown> cmd( eHTMLCommands_KeyDown );
cmd.Body().set_keycode( KeyCode_VGUIToVirtualKey(code) );
cmd.Body().set_modifiers( GetKeyModifiers() );
// Purpose:
void HTML::OnKeyCodeReleased(KeyCode code)
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgKeyDown> cmd( eHTMLCommands_KeyUp );
cmd.Body().set_keycode( KeyCode_VGUIToVirtualKey(code) );
cmd.Body().set_modifiers( GetKeyModifiers() );
// Purpose: scrolls the vertical scroll bar on a web page
void HTML::OnMouseWheeled(int delta)
if (_vbar && ( ( m_pComboBoxHost && !m_pComboBoxHost->IsVisible() ) ) )
int val = _vbar->GetValue();
val -= (delta * 100.0/3.0 ); // 100 for every 3 lines matches chromes code
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgMouseWheel> cmd( eHTMLCommands_MouseWheel );
cmd.Body().set_delta( delta );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_MouseWheel );
// Purpose: Inserts a custom URL handler
void HTML::AddCustomURLHandler(const char *customProtocolName, vgui::Panel *target)
int index = m_CustomURLHandlers.AddToTail();
m_CustomURLHandlers[index].hPanel = target;
Q_strncpy(m_CustomURLHandlers[index].url, customProtocolName, sizeof(m_CustomURLHandlers[index].url));
// Purpose: shared code for sizing the HTML surface window
void HTML::BrowserResize()
int w,h;
GetSize( w, h );
int right = 0, bottom = 0;
IAppearance *pAppearance = GetAppearance();
int left = 0, top = 0;
if ( pAppearance )
pAppearance->GetInset( left, top, right, bottom );
if ( m_iWideLastHTMLSize != ( w - m_iScrollBorderX - right ) || m_iTalLastHTMLSize != ( h - m_iScrollBorderY - bottom ) )
m_iWideLastHTMLSize = w - m_iScrollBorderX - right;
m_iTalLastHTMLSize = h - m_iScrollBorderY - bottom;
if ( m_iTalLastHTMLSize <= 0 )
SetTall( 64 );
m_iTalLastHTMLSize = 64 - bottom;
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgBrowserSize> cmd( eHTMLCommands_BrowserSize );
cmd.Body().set_width( m_iWideLastHTMLSize );
cmd.Body().set_height( m_iTalLastHTMLSize );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_BrowserSize );
// webkit forgets the scroll offset when you resize (it saves the scroll in a DC and a resize throws away the DC)
// so just tell it after the resize
int scrollV = _vbar->GetValue();
int scrollH = _hbar->GetValue();
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgSetHorizontalScroll> cmd( eHTMLCommands_SetHorizontalScroll );
cmd.Body().set_scroll( scrollH );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_SetHorizontalScroll );
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgSetVerticalScroll> cmd( eHTMLCommands_SetVerticalScroll );
cmd.Body().set_scroll( scrollV );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_SetVerticalScroll );
// Purpose: when a slider moves causes the IE images to re-render itself
void HTML::OnSliderMoved()
int scrollX =_hbar->GetValue();
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgSetHorizontalScroll> cmd( eHTMLCommands_SetHorizontalScroll );
cmd.Body().set_scroll( scrollX );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_SetHorizontalScroll );
int scrollY=_vbar->GetValue();
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgSetVerticalScroll> cmd( eHTMLCommands_SetVerticalScroll );
cmd.Body().set_scroll( scrollY );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_SetVerticalScroll );
// post a message that the slider has moved
PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "HTMLSliderMoved" ) );
// Purpose: data accessor
bool HTML::IsScrolledToBottom()
if ( !_vbar->IsVisible() )
return true;
return m_scrollVertical.m_nScroll >= m_scrollVertical.m_nMax;
// Purpose: data accessor
bool HTML::IsScrollbarVisible()
return _vbar->IsVisible();
// Purpose: data accessor
void HTML::SetScrollbarsEnabled(bool state)
m_bScrollBarEnabled = state;
// Purpose: data accessor
void HTML::SetContextMenuEnabled(bool state)
m_bContextMenuEnabled = state;
// Purpose: data accessor
void HTML::SetViewSourceEnabled(bool state)
m_pContextMenu->SetItemVisible( m_nViewSourceAllowedIndex, state );
// Purpose: data accessor
void HTML::NewWindowsOnly( bool state )
m_bNewWindowsOnly = state;
// Purpose: called when our children have finished painting
void HTML::PostChildPaint()
//m_pInteriorPanel->SetPaintAppearanceEnabled( true ); // turn painting back on so the IE hwnd can render this border
// Purpose: Adds a custom header to all requests
void HTML::AddHeader( const char *pchHeader, const char *pchValue )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgAddHeader> cmd( eHTMLCommands_AddHeader );
cmd.Body().set_key( pchHeader );
cmd.Body().set_value( pchValue );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_AddHeader );
// Purpose:
void HTML::OnSetFocus()
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgSetFocus> cmd( eHTMLCommands_SetFocus );
cmd.Body().set_focus( true );
// Purpose:
void HTML::OnKillFocus()
if ( vgui::input()->GetFocus() != m_pComboBoxHost->GetVPanel() ) // if its not the menu stealing our focus
// Don't clear the actual html focus if a context menu is what took focus
if ( m_pContextMenu->HasFocus() )
if ( m_pComboBoxHost->HasFocus() )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgSetFocus> cmd( eHTMLCommands_SetFocus );
cmd.Body().set_focus( false );
// Purpose: webkit is telling us to use this cursor type
void HTML::OnCommand( const char *pchCommand )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pchCommand, "back" ) )
PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "HTMLBackRequested" ) );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( pchCommand, "forward" ) )
PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "HTMLForwardRequested" ) );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( pchCommand, "reload" ) )
else if ( !Q_stricmp( pchCommand, "stop" ) )
else if ( !Q_stricmp( pchCommand, "viewsource" ) )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgViewSource> cmd( eHTMLCommands_ViewSource );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_ViewSource );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( pchCommand, "copy" ) )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgCopy> cmd( eHTMLCommands_Copy );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( pchCommand, "paste" ) )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgPaste> cmd( eHTMLCommands_Paste );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( pchCommand, "copyurl" ) )
system()->SetClipboardText( m_sCurrentURL, m_sCurrentURL.Length() );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( pchCommand, "copylink" ) )
int x, y;
m_pContextMenu->GetPos( x, y );
int htmlx, htmly;
ipanel()->GetAbsPos( GetVPanel(), htmlx, htmly );
m_bRequestingCopyLink = true;
GetLinkAtPosition( x - htmlx, y - htmly );
BaseClass::OnCommand( pchCommand );
// Purpose: the control wants us to ask the user what file to load
void HTML::OnFileSelected( const char *pchSelectedFile )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgFileLoadDialogResponse> cmd( eHTMLCommands_FileLoadDialogResponse );
cmd.Body().add_files( pchSelectedFile );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_FileLoadDialogResponse );
// Purpose: called when the user dismissed the file dialog with no selection
void HTML::OnFileSelectionCancelled()
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgFileLoadDialogResponse> cmd( eHTMLCommands_FileLoadDialogResponse );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_FileLoadDialogResponse );
// Purpose: find any text on the html page with this sub string
void HTML::Find( const char *pchSubStr )
m_bInFind = false;
if ( m_sLastSearchString == pchSubStr ) // same string as last time, lets fine next
m_bInFind = true;
m_sLastSearchString = pchSubStr;
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgFind> cmd( eHTMLCommands_Find );
cmd.Body().set_find( pchSubStr );
cmd.Body().set_infind( m_bInFind );
// Purpose: find any text on the html page with this sub string
void HTML::FindPrevious()
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgFind> cmd( eHTMLCommands_Find );
cmd.Body().set_find( m_sLastSearchString );
cmd.Body().set_infind( m_bInFind );
cmd.Body().set_reverse( true );
// Purpose: find any text on the html page with this sub string
void HTML::FindNext()
Find( m_sLastSearchString );
// Purpose: stop an outstanding find request
void HTML::StopFind( )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgStopFind> cmd( eHTMLCommands_StopFind );
m_bInFind = false;
// Purpose: input handler
void HTML::OnEditNewLine( Panel *pPanel )
OnTextChanged( pPanel );
// Purpose: input handler
void HTML::OnTextChanged( Panel *pPanel )
char rgchText[2048];
m_pFindBar->GetText( rgchText, sizeof( rgchText ) );
Find( rgchText );
// Purpose: passes mouse clicks to the control
void HTMLComboBoxHost::OnMousePressed(MouseCode code)
// Purpose: passes mouse up events
void HTMLComboBoxHost::OnMouseReleased(MouseCode code)
// Purpose: keeps track of where the cursor is
void HTMLComboBoxHost::OnCursorMoved(int x,int y)
// Only do this when we are over the current panel
if ( vgui::input()->GetMouseOver() == GetVPanel() )
int m_iBrowser = m_pParent->BrowserGetIndex();
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgMouseMove> cmd( eHTMLCommands_MouseMove );
cmd.Body().set_x( x );
cmd.Body().set_y( y );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_MouseMove );
// Purpose: passes double click events to the browser
void HTMLComboBoxHost::OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code)
// Purpose: passes key presses to the browser (we don't current do this)
void HTMLComboBoxHost::OnKeyTyped(wchar_t unichar)
// Purpose: passes key presses to the browser
void HTMLComboBoxHost::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code)
// Purpose:
void HTMLComboBoxHost::OnKeyCodeReleased(KeyCode code)
// Purpose: scrolls the vertical scroll bar on a web page
void HTMLComboBoxHost::OnMouseWheeled(int delta)
m_pParent->OnMouseWheeled( delta );
// Purpose: helper class for the find bar
HTML::CHTMLFindBar::CHTMLFindBar( HTML *parent ) : EditablePanel( parent, "FindBar" )
m_pParent = parent;
m_bHidden = false;
m_pFindBar = new TextEntry( this, "FindEntry" );
m_pFindBar->AddActionSignalTarget( parent );
m_pFindBar->SendNewLine( true );
m_pFindCountLabel = new Label( this, "FindCount", "" );
m_pFindCountLabel->SetVisible( false );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/layout/htmlfindbar.layout" );
// Purpose: button input into the find bar
void HTML::CHTMLFindBar::OnCommand( const char *pchCmd )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pchCmd, "close" ) )
else if ( !Q_stricmp( pchCmd, "previous" ) )
else if ( !Q_stricmp( pchCmd, "next" ) )
BaseClass::OnCommand( pchCmd );
#define TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommand, bodyType, commandFunc ) \
case eHTMLCommand: \
{ \
CHTMLProtoBufMsg< bodyType > cmd( pCmd->m_eCmd ); \
if ( cmd.BDeserializeCrossProc( &pCmd->m_Buffer ) ) \
commandFunc( &cmd.BodyConst() ); \
} \
break; \
void HTML::_DeserializeAndDispatch( HTMLCommandBuffer_t *pCmd )
switch ( pCmd->m_eCmd )
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_BrowserReady, CMsgBrowserReady, BrowserReady );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_NeedsPaint, CMsgNeedsPaint, BrowserNeedsPaint );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_StartRequest, CMsgStartRequest, BrowserStartRequest );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_URLChanged, CMsgURLChanged, BrowserURLChanged );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_FinishedRequest, CMsgFinishedRequest, BrowserFinishedRequest );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_ShowPopup, CMsgShowPopup, BrowserShowPopup );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_HidePopup, CMsgHidePopup, BrowserHidePopup );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_OpenNewTab, CMsgOpenNewTab, BrowserOpenNewTab );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_PopupHTMLWindow, CMsgPopupHTMLWindow, BrowserPopupHTMLWindow );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_SetHTMLTitle, CMsgSetHTMLTitle, BrowserSetHTMLTitle );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_LoadingResource, CMsgLoadingResource, BrowserLoadingResource );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_StatusText, CMsgStatusText, BrowserStatusText );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_SetCursor, CMsgSetCursor, BrowserSetCursor );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_FileLoadDialog, CMsgFileLoadDialog, BrowserFileLoadDialog );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_ShowToolTip, CMsgShowToolTip, BrowserShowToolTip );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_UpdateToolTip, CMsgUpdateToolTip, BrowserUpdateToolTip );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_HideToolTip, CMsgHideToolTip, BrowserHideToolTip );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_SearchResults, CMsgSearchResults, BrowserSearchResults );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_Close, CMsgClose, BrowserClose );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_GetZoomResponse, CMsgGetZoomResponse, BrowserGetZoomResponse );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_HorizontalScrollBarSizeResponse, CMsgHorizontalScrollBarSizeResponse, BrowserHorizontalScrollBarSizeResponse );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_VerticalScrollBarSizeResponse, CMsgVerticalScrollBarSizeResponse, BrowserVerticalScrollBarSizeResponse );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_LinkAtPositionResponse, CMsgLinkAtPositionResponse, BrowserLinkAtPositionResponse );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_ZoomToElementAtPositionResponse, CMsgZoomToElementAtPositionResponse, BrowserZoomToElementAtPositionResponse );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_JSAlert, CMsgJSAlert, BrowserJSAlert );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_JSConfirm, CMsgJSConfirm, BrowserJSConfirm );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_OpenSteamURL, CMsgOpenSteamURL, BrowserOpenSteamURL );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_CanGoBackandForward, CMsgCanGoBackAndForward, BrowserCanGoBackandForward );
TMP_HTML_MSG_FUNC( eHTMLCommands_SizePopup, CMsgSizePopup, BrowserSizePopup );
// Purpose: browser has been constructed on the cef thread, lets use it
void HTML::BrowserReady( const CMsgBrowserReady *pCmd )
const char *pchTitle = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindAsUTF8( "#cef_error_title" );
const char *pchHeader = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindAsUTF8( "#cef_error_header" );
const char *pchDetailCacheMiss = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindAsUTF8( "#cef_cachemiss" );
const char *pchDetailBadUURL = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindAsUTF8( "#cef_badurl" );
const char *pchDetailConnectionProblem = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindAsUTF8( "#cef_connectionproblem" );
const char *pchDetailProxyProblem = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindAsUTF8( "#cef_proxyconnectionproblem" );
const char *pchDetailUnknown = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindAsUTF8( "#cef_unknown" );
// tell it utf8 loc strings to use
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgBrowserErrorStrings> cmd( eHTMLCommands_BrowserErrorStrings );
cmd.Body().set_title( pchTitle );
cmd.Body().set_header( pchHeader );
cmd.Body().set_cache_miss( pchDetailCacheMiss );
cmd.Body().set_bad_url( pchDetailBadUURL );
cmd.Body().set_connection_problem( pchDetailConnectionProblem );
cmd.Body().set_proxy_problem( pchDetailProxyProblem );
cmd.Body().set_unknown( pchDetailUnknown );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_BrowserErrorStrings );
if ( !m_sPendingURLLoad.IsEmpty() )
PostURL( m_sPendingURLLoad, m_sPendingPostData, false );
// Purpose: we have a new texture to update
void HTML::BrowserNeedsPaint( const CMsgNeedsPaint *pCmd )
int tw = 0, tt = 0;
if ( m_iHTMLTextureID != 0 )
tw = m_allocedTextureWidth;
tt = m_allocedTextureHeight;
if ( m_iHTMLTextureID != 0 && ( ( _vbar->IsVisible() && pCmd->scrolly() > 0 && abs( (int)pCmd->scrolly() - m_scrollVertical.m_nScroll) > 5 ) || ( _hbar->IsVisible() && pCmd->scrollx() > 0 && abs( (int)pCmd->scrollx() - m_scrollHorizontal.m_nScroll ) > 5 ) ) )
// this isn't an update from a scroll position we expect, ignore it and ask for a refresh of our update pos2
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgNeedsPaintResponse> cmd( eHTMLCommands_NeedsPaintResponse );
cmd.Body().set_textureid( pCmd->textureid() );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_NeedsPaintResponse );
m_bNeedsFullTextureUpload = true;
// update the vgui texture
if ( m_bNeedsFullTextureUpload || m_iHTMLTextureID == 0 || tw != (int)pCmd->wide() || tt != (int)pCmd->tall() )
m_bNeedsFullTextureUpload = false;
if ( m_iHTMLTextureID != 0 )
surface()->DeleteTextureByID( m_iHTMLTextureID );
// if the dimensions changed we also need to re-create the texture ID to support the overlay properly (it won't resize a texture on the fly, this is the only control that needs
// to so lets have a tiny bit more code here to support that)
m_iHTMLTextureID = surface()->CreateNewTextureID( true );
surface()->DrawSetTextureRGBAEx( m_iHTMLTextureID, (const unsigned char *)pCmd->rgba(), pCmd->wide(), pCmd->tall(), IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888 );// BR FIXME - this call seems to shift by some number of pixels?
m_allocedTextureWidth = pCmd->wide();
m_allocedTextureHeight = pCmd->tall();
else if ( (int)pCmd->updatewide() > 0 && (int)pCmd->updatetall() > 0 )
// same size texture, just bits changing in it, lets twiddle
surface()->DrawUpdateRegionTextureRGBA( m_iHTMLTextureID, pCmd->updatex(), pCmd->updatey(), (const unsigned char *)pCmd->rgba(), pCmd->updatewide(), pCmd->updatetall(), IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888 );
surface()->DrawSetTextureRGBAEx( m_iHTMLTextureID, (const unsigned char *)pCmd->rgba(), pCmd->wide(), pCmd->tall(), IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888 );
if ( m_pComboBoxHost->IsVisible() )
// update the combo box texture also
if ( m_iComboBoxTextureID != 0 )
tw = m_allocedComboBoxWidth;
tt = m_allocedComboBoxHeight;
if ( m_iComboBoxTextureID == 0 || tw != (int)pCmd->combobox_wide() || tt != (int)pCmd->combobox_tall() )
if ( m_iComboBoxTextureID != 0 )
surface()->DeleteTextureByID( m_iComboBoxTextureID );
// if the dimensions changed we also need to re-create the texture ID to support the overlay properly (it won't resize a texture on the fly, this is the only control that needs
// to so lets have a tiny bit more code here to support that)
m_iComboBoxTextureID = surface()->CreateNewTextureID( true );
surface()->DrawSetTextureRGBAEx( m_iComboBoxTextureID, (const unsigned char *)pCmd->combobox_rgba(), pCmd->combobox_wide(), pCmd->combobox_tall(), IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888 );
m_allocedComboBoxWidth = (int)pCmd->combobox_wide();
m_allocedComboBoxHeight = (int)pCmd->combobox_tall();
// same size texture, just bits changing in it, lets twiddle
surface()->DrawUpdateRegionTextureRGBA( m_iComboBoxTextureID, 0, 0, (const unsigned char *)pCmd->combobox_rgba(), pCmd->combobox_wide(), pCmd->combobox_tall(), IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888 );
// need a paint next time
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgNeedsPaintResponse> cmd( eHTMLCommands_NeedsPaintResponse );
cmd.Body().set_textureid( pCmd->textureid() );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_NeedsPaintResponse );
// Purpose: browser wants to start loading this url, do we let it?
bool HTML::OnStartRequest( const char *url, const char *target, const char *pchPostData, bool bIsRedirect )
if ( !url || !Q_stricmp( url, "about:blank") )
return true ; // this is just webkit loading a new frames contents inside an existing page
// see if we have a custom handler for this
bool bURLHandled = false;
for (int i = 0; i < m_CustomURLHandlers.Count(); i++)
if (!Q_strnicmp(m_CustomURLHandlers[i].url,url, Q_strlen(m_CustomURLHandlers[i].url)))
// we have a custom handler
Panel *targetPanel = m_CustomURLHandlers[i].hPanel;
if (targetPanel)
PostMessage(targetPanel, new KeyValues("CustomURL", "url", m_CustomURLHandlers[i].url ) );
bURLHandled = true;
if (bURLHandled)
return false;
if ( m_bNewWindowsOnly && bIsRedirect )
if ( target && ( !Q_stricmp( target, "_blank" ) || !Q_stricmp( target, "_new" ) ) ) // only allow NEW windows (_blank ones)
return true;
return false;
if ( target && !Q_strlen( target ) )
m_sCurrentURL = url;
KeyValues *pMessage = new KeyValues( "OnURLChanged" );
pMessage->SetString( "url", url );
pMessage->SetString( "postdata", pchPostData );
pMessage->SetInt( "isredirect", bIsRedirect ? 1 : 0 );
PostActionSignal( pMessage );
return true;
// Purpose: callback from cef thread, load a url please
void HTML::BrowserStartRequest( const CMsgStartRequest *pCmd )
bool bRes = OnStartRequest( pCmd->url().c_str(), pCmd->target().c_str(), pCmd->postdata().c_str(), pCmd->bisredirect() );
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgStartRequestResponse> cmd( eHTMLCommands_StartRequestResponse );
cmd.Body().set_ballow( bRes );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_StartRequestResponse );
// Purpose: browser went to a new url
void HTML::BrowserURLChanged( const CMsgURLChanged *pCmd )
m_sCurrentURL = pCmd->url().c_str();
KeyValues *pMessage = new KeyValues( "OnURLChanged" );
pMessage->SetString( "url", pCmd->url().c_str() );
pMessage->SetString( "postdata", pCmd->postdata().c_str() );
pMessage->SetInt( "isredirect", pCmd->bisredirect() ? 1 : 0 );
PostActionSignal( pMessage );
OnURLChanged( m_sCurrentURL, pCmd->postdata().c_str(), pCmd->bisredirect() );
// Purpose: finished loading this page
void HTML::BrowserFinishedRequest( const CMsgFinishedRequest *pCmd )
PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "OnFinishRequest", "url", pCmd->url().c_str() ) );
if ( pCmd->pagetitle().length() )
PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "PageTitleChange", "title", pCmd->pagetitle().c_str() ) );
KeyValues *pKVSecure = new KeyValues( "SecurityStatus" );
pKVSecure->SetString( "url", pCmd->url().c_str() );
pKVSecure->SetInt( "secure", pCmd->security_info().bissecure() );
pKVSecure->SetInt( "certerror", pCmd->security_info().bhascerterror() );
pKVSecure->SetInt( "isevcert", pCmd->security_info().bisevcert() );
pKVSecure->SetString( "certname", pCmd->security_info().certname().c_str() );
PostActionSignal( pKVSecure );
CUtlMap < CUtlString, CUtlString > mapHeaders;
SetDefLessFunc( mapHeaders );
for ( int i = 0; i < pCmd->headers_size(); i++ )
const CHTMLHeader &header = pCmd->headers(i);
mapHeaders.Insert( header.key().c_str(), header.value().c_str() );
OnFinishRequest( pCmd->url().c_str(), pCmd->pagetitle().c_str(), mapHeaders );
// Purpose: show a popup dialog
void HTML::BrowserShowPopup( const CMsgShowPopup *pCmd )
m_pComboBoxHost->SetVisible( true );
// Purpose: hide the popup
void HTML::HidePopup()
m_pComboBoxHost->SetVisible( false );
// Purpose: browser wants us to hide a popup
void HTML::BrowserHidePopup( const CMsgHidePopup *pCmd )
// Purpose: browser wants us to position a popup
void HTML::BrowserSizePopup( const CMsgSizePopup *pCmd )
int nAbsX, nAbsY;
ipanel()->GetAbsPos( GetVPanel(), nAbsX, nAbsY );
m_pComboBoxHost->SetBounds( pCmd->x() + 1 + nAbsX, pCmd->y() + nAbsY, pCmd->wide(), pCmd->tall() );
// Purpose: browser wants to open a new tab
void HTML::BrowserOpenNewTab( const CMsgOpenNewTab *pCmd )
// Not suppored by default, if a child class overrides us and knows how to handle tabs, then it can do this.
// Purpose: display a new html window
void HTML::BrowserPopupHTMLWindow( const CMsgPopupHTMLWindow *pCmd )
HTMLPopup *p = new HTMLPopup( this, pCmd->url().c_str(), "" );
int wide = pCmd->wide();
int tall = pCmd->tall();
if ( wide == 0 || tall == 0 )
wide = MAX( 640, GetWide() );
tall = MAX( 480, GetTall() );
p->SetBounds( pCmd->x(), pCmd->y(), wide, tall );
p->SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true );
if ( pCmd->x() == 0 || pCmd->y() == 0 )
// Purpose: browser telling us the page title
void HTML::BrowserSetHTMLTitle( const CMsgSetHTMLTitle *pCmd )
PostMessage( GetParent(), new KeyValues( "OnSetHTMLTitle", "title", pCmd->title().c_str() ) );
OnSetHTMLTitle( pCmd->title().c_str() );
// Purpose: still loading stuff for this page
void HTML::BrowserLoadingResource( const CMsgLoadingResource *pCmd )
// Purpose: status bar details
void HTML::BrowserStatusText( const CMsgStatusText *pCmd )
PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "OnSetStatusText", "status", pCmd->text().c_str() ) );
// Purpose: browser telling us to use this cursor
void HTML::BrowserSetCursor( const CMsgSetCursor *pCmd )
// Mouse cursor value in CMsgSetCursor is set to one of EMouseCursor,
// by CChromePainter::OnSetCursor in html_chrome.cpp
// Code below relies on start of EMouseCursor being exactly same as vgui::CursorCode
vgui::CursorCode cursor;
uint32 msgCursor = pCmd->cursor();
if ( msgCursor >= (uint32)(dc_last) )
cursor = dc_arrow;
cursor = (CursorCode)msgCursor;
SetCursor( cursor );
// Purpose: browser telling to show the file loading dialog
void HTML::BrowserFileLoadDialog( const CMsgFileLoadDialog *pCmd )
// try and use the OS-specific file dialog first
char rgchFileName[MAX_UNICODE_PATH_IN_UTF8];
if ( surface()->OpenOSFileOpenDialog( pCmd->title().c_str(), pCmd->initialfile().c_str(), NULL, rgchFileName, sizeof(rgchFileName) ) )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgFileLoadDialogResponse> cmd( eHTMLCommands_FileLoadDialogResponse );
cmd.Body().add_files( rgchFileName );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_FileLoadDialogResponse );
// couldn't access an OS-specific dialog, use the internal one
if ( m_hFileOpenDialog.Get() )
delete m_hFileOpenDialog.Get();
m_hFileOpenDialog = NULL;
m_hFileOpenDialog = new FileOpenDialog( this, pCmd->title().c_str(), true );
m_hFileOpenDialog->SetStartDirectory( pCmd->initialfile().c_str() );
m_hFileOpenDialog->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_hFileOpenDialog->SetAutoDelete( true );
// Purpose: browser asking to show a tooltip
void HTML::BrowserShowToolTip( const CMsgShowToolTip *pCmd )
Tooltip *tip = GetTooltip();
tip->SetText( pCmd->text().c_str() );
tip->SetTooltipDelayMS( 250 );
tip->SetMaxToolTipWidth( MAX( 200, GetWide()/2 ) );
tip->ShowTooltip( this );
// Purpose: browser telling us to update tool tip text
void HTML::BrowserUpdateToolTip( const CMsgUpdateToolTip *pCmd )
// GetTooltip()->SetText( pCmd->text().c_str() );
// Purpose: browser telling that it is done with the tip
void HTML::BrowserHideToolTip( const CMsgHideToolTip *pCmd )
// GetTooltip()->HideTooltip();
// DeleteToolTip();
// Purpose: callback when performing a search
void HTML::BrowserSearchResults( const CMsgSearchResults *pCmd )
if ( pCmd->results() == 0 )
if ( pCmd->results() > 0 )
m_pFindBar->SetDialogVariable( "findcount", (int)pCmd->results() );
if ( pCmd->activematch() > 0 )
m_pFindBar->SetDialogVariable( "findactive", (int)pCmd->activematch() );
// Purpose: browser telling us it had a close requested
void HTML::BrowserClose( const CMsgClose *pCmd )
PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "OnCloseWindow" ) );
// Purpose: browser telling us the size of the horizontal scrollbars
void HTML::BrowserHorizontalScrollBarSizeResponse( const CMsgHorizontalScrollBarSizeResponse *pCmd )
ScrollData_t scrollHorizontal;
scrollHorizontal.m_nX = pCmd->x();
scrollHorizontal.m_nY = pCmd->y();
scrollHorizontal.m_nWide = pCmd->wide();
scrollHorizontal.m_nTall = pCmd->tall();
scrollHorizontal.m_nScroll = pCmd->scroll();
scrollHorizontal.m_nMax = pCmd->scroll_max();
scrollHorizontal.m_bVisible = ( m_scrollHorizontal.m_nTall > 0 );
scrollHorizontal.m_flZoom = pCmd->zoom();
if ( scrollHorizontal != m_scrollHorizontal )
m_scrollHorizontal = scrollHorizontal;
m_bNeedsFullTextureUpload = true;
m_scrollHorizontal = scrollHorizontal;
// Purpose: browser telling us the size of the vertical scrollbars
void HTML::BrowserVerticalScrollBarSizeResponse( const CMsgVerticalScrollBarSizeResponse *pCmd )
ScrollData_t scrollVertical;
scrollVertical.m_nX = pCmd->x();
scrollVertical.m_nY = pCmd->y();
scrollVertical.m_nWide = pCmd->wide();
scrollVertical.m_nTall = pCmd->tall();
scrollVertical.m_nScroll = pCmd->scroll();
scrollVertical.m_nMax = pCmd->scroll_max();
scrollVertical.m_bVisible = ( m_scrollVertical.m_nTall > 0 );
scrollVertical.m_flZoom = pCmd->zoom();
if ( scrollVertical != m_scrollVertical )
m_scrollVertical = scrollVertical;
m_bNeedsFullTextureUpload = true;
m_scrollVertical = scrollVertical;
// Purpose: browser telling us the current page zoom
void HTML::BrowserGetZoomResponse( const CMsgGetZoomResponse *pCmd )
m_flZoom = pCmd->zoom();
if ( m_flZoom == 0.0f )
m_flZoom = 100.0f;
m_flZoom /= 100; // scale zoom to 1.0 being 100%, webkit gives us 100 for normal scale
// Purpose: browser telling us what is at this location on the page
void HTML::BrowserLinkAtPositionResponse( const CMsgLinkAtPositionResponse *pCmd )
m_LinkAtPos.m_sURL = pCmd->url().c_str();
m_LinkAtPos.m_nX = pCmd->x();
m_LinkAtPos.m_nY = pCmd->y();
m_pContextMenu->SetItemVisible( m_iCopyLinkMenuItemID, !m_LinkAtPos.m_sURL.IsEmpty() ? true : false );
if ( m_bRequestingDragURL )
m_bRequestingDragURL = false;
m_sDragURL = m_LinkAtPos.m_sURL;
// make sure we get notified when the mouse gets released
if ( !m_sDragURL.IsEmpty() )
input()->SetMouseCapture( GetVPanel() );
if ( m_bRequestingCopyLink )
m_bRequestingCopyLink = false;
if ( !m_LinkAtPos.m_sURL.IsEmpty() )
system()->SetClipboardText( m_LinkAtPos.m_sURL, m_LinkAtPos.m_sURL.Length() );
system()->SetClipboardText( "", 1 );
OnLinkAtPosition( m_LinkAtPos.m_sURL );
// Purpose: browser telling us that a zoom to element is done
void HTML::BrowserZoomToElementAtPositionResponse( const CMsgZoomToElementAtPositionResponse *pCmd )
// Purpose: browser telling us to pop a javascript alert dialog
void HTML::BrowserJSAlert( const CMsgJSAlert *pCmd )
MessageBox *pDlg = new MessageBox( m_sCurrentURL, (const char *)pCmd->message().c_str(), this );
pDlg->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pDlg->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "DismissJSDialog", "result", false ) );
// Purpose: browser telling us to pop a js confirm dialog
void HTML::BrowserJSConfirm( const CMsgJSConfirm *pCmd )
QueryBox *pDlg = new QueryBox( m_sCurrentURL, (const char *)pCmd->message().c_str(), this );
pDlg->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pDlg->SetOKCommand( new KeyValues( "DismissJSDialog", "result", true ) );
pDlg->SetCancelCommand( new KeyValues( "DismissJSDialog", "result", false ) );
// Purpose: got an answer from the dialog, tell cef
void HTML::DismissJSDialog( int bResult )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgJSDialogResponse> cmd( eHTMLCommands_JSDialogResponse );
cmd.Body().set_result( bResult==1 );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_JSDialogResponse );
// Purpose: browser telling us the state of back and forward buttons
void HTML::BrowserCanGoBackandForward( const CMsgCanGoBackAndForward *pCmd )
m_bCanGoBack = pCmd->bgoback();
m_bCanGoForward = pCmd->bgoforward();
// Purpose: browser telling us a steam url was asked to be loaded
void HTML::BrowserOpenSteamURL( const CMsgOpenSteamURL *pCmd )
vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage( surface()->GetEmbeddedPanel(),
new KeyValues( "OpenSteamDialog", "cmd", pCmd->url().c_str() ), NULL, 0.3f );
// Purpose: update the value of the cached variables we keep
void HTML::UpdateCachedHTMLValues()
// request scroll bar sizes
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgVerticalScrollBarSize> cmd( eHTMLCommands_VerticalScrollBarSize );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_VerticalScrollBarSize );
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgHorizontalScrollBarSize> cmd( eHTMLCommands_HorizontalScrollBarSize );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_HorizontalScrollBarSize );
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgGetZoom> cmd( eHTMLCommands_GetZoom );
// Purpose: ask the browser for what is at this x,y
void HTML::GetLinkAtPosition( int x, int y )
CHTMLProtoBufMsg<CMsgLinkAtPosition> cmd( eHTMLCommands_LinkAtPosition );
cmd.Body().set_x( x );
cmd.Body().set_y( y );
DISPATCH_MESSAGE( eHTMLCommands_LinkAtPosition );
// Purpose: send any queued html messages we have
void HTML::SendPendingHTMLMessages()
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecPendingMessages, i )
m_vecPendingMessages[i]->m_iBrowser = m_iBrowser;
surface()->AccessChromeHTMLController()->PushCommand( m_vecPendingMessages[i] );
// Purpose: update the size of the browser itself and scrollbars it shows
void HTML::UpdateSizeAndScrollBars()
// Tell IE
// Do this after we tell IE!
int w,h;
GetSize( w, h );