Mapbase v5.0
- Added keyvalue to hl2_gamerules which allows respawning in singleplayer
- Added the game instructor system (including env_instructor_hint) from later Valve games using a VDC tutorial which adjusts the version from the Alien Swarm SDK to FPS rules and a Source 2013 environment; Also added new KV and icons for further control from mappers (tutorial mentioned by Maestra Fenix)
- Added L4D/TF2 glows + point_glow entity as an all-purpose SDK-based off-shoot of tf_glow
- Fixed weapon pickup sound not playing (reported by Sl0th and later Cvoxulary)
- Fixed env_projectedtextures not updating on save/load
- Added func_fake_worldportal, a spatial point_camera inspired by linked_portal_door based on SDK code alone (WIP, may be changed a lot in future updates)
- Added option for point_camera and func_reflective_glass to use different render targets, therefore allowing multiple cameras and mirrors to be active at the same time
- Added additional RT camera textures to choose from with a default of 3, but also controllable through a -numcameratextures command line param
- Added adjustable convars for main view NearZ and skybox NearZ (suggested by someone recently, also suggested by Klems over a year ago)
- Fixed map-specific localization files, cleaned up map-specific file code
- Added a new block to gameinfo.txt which allows mods to automatically append their own command line parameters
- Fixed math_lightpattern corruption when setting pattern/style while active
- Fixed the "Touch" input crashing when given no entity
- Added a way to add EFlags via keyvalue (suggested by Niker107)
- Fixed ai_script_conditions not working without a NPC actor (reported by MetroHam)
- Fixed point_radiation_source causing huge problems when intensity is 0, even though it was already advised against (reported by beefbacon)
- Added "Mapbase" header to Mapbase-specific code files
- Fixed an issue with updating sky_camera not obtaining area correctly, causing some entities to not draw in the skybox
- Added "CopyFogController" and "CopyFogControllerWithScale" inputs to sky_camera, which copy fog parameters directly from a fog controller
- Added "SetScale" input to sky_camera for live scale changing
- Added convar to control player crouch speed multiplier (suggested by ArtyIF)
- Added a ton of fixes for people running the Debug configuration of the codebase (partial credit to stepa2)
- Added support for pre-defined enums and constants in VScript, starting with various values from the SDK code (damage types, trace masks, etc.)
- Added limited support for Valve's Quaternion class in VScript
- Added new instance helper capabilities, destructible game instances, and other misc. changes to VScript library
- Replaced most of the VScript "accessor" classes with direct references to the original classes, as they were getting complicated fast and adding new VScript-only functions to the original classes might not be as bad as previously thought
- Added base NPC hooks for AI sensing in VScript (allows control over sight and hearing), also exposed CSound for it
- Added various functions and hooks for VPhysics integration in VScript
- Added VScript-based custom suit devices
- Expanded trace info exposed to VScript to allow plane and surface access (suggested by krassell)
- Added ability to insert localization strings through VScript
- Added various misc. VScript functions with various purposes, including reading/writing EFlags, movetypes, collision groups, etc.
- Fixed VBSP not being able to correctly parse parallax corrected cubemaps in maps with instances
2020-08-14 21:21:25 +00:00
//========= Copyright <20> 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Client handler for instruction players how to play
# ifndef _C_BASELESSON_H_
# define _C_BASELESSON_H_
# include "GameEventListener.h"
# include "hud_locator_target.h"
# define DECLARE_LESSON( _lessonClassName, _baseLessonClassName ) \
typedef _baseLessonClassName BaseClass ; \
typedef _lessonClassName ThisClass ; \
_lessonClassName ( const char * pchName , bool bIsDefaultHolder , bool bIsOpenOpportunity ) \
: _baseLessonClassName ( pchName , bIsDefaultHolder , bIsOpenOpportunity ) \
{ \
Init ( ) ; \
enum LessonInstanceType
} ;
// This is used to solve a problem where bots can take the place of a player, where on or the other don't have valid entities on the client at the same time
struct delayed_player_swap_t
CHandle < C_BaseEntity > * phHandleToChange ;
int iNewUserID ;
delayed_player_swap_t ( void )
phHandleToChange = NULL ;
iNewUserID = - 1 ;
} ;
abstract_class CBaseLesson : public CGameEventListener
public :
CBaseLesson ( const char * pchName , bool bIsDefaultHolder , bool bIsOpenOpportunity ) ;
virtual ~ CBaseLesson ( void ) ;
void AddPrerequisite ( const char * pchLessonName ) ;
const CGameInstructorSymbol & GetNameSymbol ( void ) const { return m_stringName ; }
const char * GetName ( void ) const { return m_stringName . String ( ) ; }
int GetPriority ( void ) const { return m_iPriority ; }
const char * GetCloseReason ( void ) const { return m_stringCloseReason . String ( ) ; }
void SetCloseReason ( const char * pchReason ) { m_stringCloseReason = pchReason ; }
CBaseLesson * GetRoot ( void ) const { return m_pRoot ; }
void SetRoot ( CBaseLesson * pRoot ) ;
const CUtlVector < CBaseLesson * > * GetChildren ( void ) const { return & m_OpenOpportunities ; }
float GetInitTime ( void ) { return m_fInitTime ; }
void SetStartTime ( void ) { m_fStartTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ; }
void ResetStartTime ( void ) { m_fStartTime = 0.0f ; m_bHasPlayedSound = false ; }
bool ShouldShowSpew ( void ) ;
bool NoPriority ( void ) const ;
bool IsDefaultHolder ( void ) const { return m_bIsDefaultHolder ; }
bool IsOpenOpportunity ( void ) const { return m_bIsOpenOpportunity ; }
bool IsLocked ( void ) const ;
bool CanOpenWhenDead ( void ) const { return m_bCanOpenWhenDead ; }
bool IsInstructing ( void ) const { return ( m_fStartTime > 0.0f ) ; }
bool IsLearned ( void ) const ;
bool PrerequisitesHaveBeenMet ( void ) const ;
bool IsTimedOut ( void ) ;
int InstanceType ( void ) const { return m_iInstanceType ; }
const CGameInstructorSymbol & GetReplaceKeySymbol ( void ) const { return m_stringReplaceKey ; }
const char * GetReplaceKey ( void ) const { return m_stringReplaceKey . String ( ) ; }
int GetFixedInstancesMax ( void ) const { return m_iFixedInstancesMax ; }
bool ShouldReplaceOnlyWhenStopped ( void ) const { return m_bReplaceOnlyWhenStopped ; }
void SetInstanceActive ( bool bInstanceActive ) { m_bInstanceActive = bInstanceActive ; }
bool IsInstanceActive ( void ) const { return m_bInstanceActive ; }
void ResetDisplaysAndSuccesses ( void ) ;
bool IncDisplayCount ( void ) ;
bool IncSuccessCount ( void ) ;
void SetDisplayCount ( int iDisplayCount ) { m_iDisplayCount = iDisplayCount ; }
void SetSuccessCount ( int iSuccessCount ) { m_iSuccessCount = iSuccessCount ; }
int GetDisplayCount ( void ) const { return m_iDisplayCount ; }
int GetSuccessCount ( void ) const { return m_iSuccessCount ; }
int GetDisplayLimit ( void ) const { return m_iDisplayLimit ; }
int GetSuccessLimit ( void ) const { return m_iSuccessLimit ; }
void Init ( void ) ; // NOT virtual, each constructor calls their own
virtual void InitPrerequisites ( void ) { } ;
virtual void Start ( void ) = 0 ;
virtual void Stop ( void ) = 0 ;
virtual void OnOpen ( void ) { } ;
virtual void Update ( void ) { } ;
virtual void UpdateInactive ( void ) { } ;
virtual bool ShouldDisplay ( void ) const { return true ; }
virtual bool IsVisible ( void ) const { return true ; }
virtual bool WasDisplayed ( void ) const { return m_bWasDisplayed ? true : false ; }
virtual void SwapOutPlayers ( int iOldUserID , int iNewUserID ) { }
virtual void TakePlaceOf ( CBaseLesson * pLesson ) ;
const char * GetGroup ( ) { return m_szLessonGroup . String ( ) ; }
void SetEnabled ( bool bEnabled ) { m_bDisabled = ! bEnabled ; }
protected :
void MarkSucceeded ( void ) ;
void CloseOpportunity ( const char * pchReason ) ;
bool DoDelayedPlayerSwaps ( void ) const ;
private :
CBaseLesson * m_pRoot ;
CUtlVector < CBaseLesson * > m_OpenOpportunities ;
CUtlVector < const CBaseLesson * > m_Prerequisites ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_stringCloseReason ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_stringName ;
bool m_bInstanceActive : 1 ;
bool m_bSuccessCounted : 1 ;
bool m_bIsDefaultHolder : 1 ;
bool m_bIsOpenOpportunity : 1 ;
protected :
LessonInstanceType m_iInstanceType ;
int m_iPriority ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_stringReplaceKey ;
int m_iFixedInstancesMax ;
bool m_bReplaceOnlyWhenStopped ;
int m_iTeam ;
bool m_bOnlyKeyboard ;
bool m_bOnlyGamepad ;
int m_iDisplayLimit ;
int m_iDisplayCount ;
bool m_bWasDisplayed ;
int m_iSuccessLimit ;
int m_iSuccessCount ;
float m_fLockDuration ;
float m_fTimeout ;
float m_fInitTime ;
float m_fStartTime ;
float m_fLockTime ;
float m_fUpdateInterval ;
bool m_bHasPlayedSound ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szStartSound ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szLessonGroup ;
bool m_bCanOpenWhenDead ;
bool m_bBumpWithTimeoutWhenLearned ;
bool m_bCanTimeoutWhileInactive ;
bool m_bDisabled ;
// Right now we can only queue up 4 swaps...
// this number can be increased if more entity handle scripted variables are added
mutable delayed_player_swap_t m_pDelayedPlayerSwap [ MAX_DELAYED_PLAYER_SWAPS ] ;
mutable int m_iNumDelayedPlayerSwaps ;
public :
// Colors for console spew in verbose mode
static Color m_rgbaVerboseHeader ;
static Color m_rgbaVerbosePlain ;
static Color m_rgbaVerboseName ;
static Color m_rgbaVerboseOpen ;
static Color m_rgbaVerboseClose ;
static Color m_rgbaVerboseSuccess ;
static Color m_rgbaVerboseUpdate ;
} ;
class CTextLesson : public CBaseLesson
public :
DECLARE_LESSON ( CTextLesson , CBaseLesson ) ;
void Init ( void ) ; // NOT virtual, each constructor calls their own
virtual void Start ( void ) ;
virtual void Stop ( void ) ;
protected :
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szDisplayText ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szDisplayParamText ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szBinding ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szGamepadBinding ;
} ;
class CIconLesson : public CTextLesson
public :
DECLARE_LESSON ( CIconLesson , CTextLesson ) ;
void Init ( void ) ; // NOT virtual, each constructor calls their own
virtual void Start ( void ) ;
virtual void Stop ( void ) ;
virtual void Update ( void ) ;
virtual void UpdateInactive ( void ) ;
virtual bool ShouldDisplay ( void ) const ;
virtual bool IsVisible ( void ) const ;
virtual void SwapOutPlayers ( int iOldUserID , int iNewUserID ) ;
virtual void TakePlaceOf ( CBaseLesson * pLesson ) ;
void SetLocatorBinding ( CLocatorTarget * pLocatorTarget ) ;
const char * GetCaptionColorString ( ) { return m_szCaptionColor . String ( ) ; }
bool IsPresentComplete ( void ) ;
void PresentStart ( void ) ;
void PresentEnd ( void ) ;
private :
virtual void UpdateLocatorTarget ( CLocatorTarget * pLocatorTarget , C_BaseEntity * pIconTarget ) ;
# ifdef MAPBASE
Vector GetIconTargetPosition ( C_BaseEntity * pIconTarget ) ;
# endif
protected :
CHandle < C_BaseEntity > m_hIconTarget ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szVguiTargetName ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szVguiTargetLookup ;
int m_nVguiTargetEdge ;
float m_flUpOffset ;
float m_flRelativeUpOffset ;
float m_fFixedPositionX ;
float m_fFixedPositionY ;
int m_hLocatorTarget ;
int m_iFlags ;
float m_fRange ;
float m_fCurrentDistance ;
float m_fOnScreenStartTime ;
float m_fUpdateDistanceTime ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szOnscreenIcon ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szOffscreenIcon ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szCaptionColor ;
bool m_bFixedPosition ;
bool m_bNoIconTarget ;
bool m_bAllowNodrawTarget ;
bool m_bVisible ;
bool m_bShowWhenOccluded ;
bool m_bNoOffscreen ;
bool m_bForceCaption ;
# ifdef MAPBASE
int m_iIconTargetPos ;
} ;
2020-09-23 05:03:47 +00:00
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szHudHint ;
Mapbase v5.0
- Added keyvalue to hl2_gamerules which allows respawning in singleplayer
- Added the game instructor system (including env_instructor_hint) from later Valve games using a VDC tutorial which adjusts the version from the Alien Swarm SDK to FPS rules and a Source 2013 environment; Also added new KV and icons for further control from mappers (tutorial mentioned by Maestra Fenix)
- Added L4D/TF2 glows + point_glow entity as an all-purpose SDK-based off-shoot of tf_glow
- Fixed weapon pickup sound not playing (reported by Sl0th and later Cvoxulary)
- Fixed env_projectedtextures not updating on save/load
- Added func_fake_worldportal, a spatial point_camera inspired by linked_portal_door based on SDK code alone (WIP, may be changed a lot in future updates)
- Added option for point_camera and func_reflective_glass to use different render targets, therefore allowing multiple cameras and mirrors to be active at the same time
- Added additional RT camera textures to choose from with a default of 3, but also controllable through a -numcameratextures command line param
- Added adjustable convars for main view NearZ and skybox NearZ (suggested by someone recently, also suggested by Klems over a year ago)
- Fixed map-specific localization files, cleaned up map-specific file code
- Added a new block to gameinfo.txt which allows mods to automatically append their own command line parameters
- Fixed math_lightpattern corruption when setting pattern/style while active
- Fixed the "Touch" input crashing when given no entity
- Added a way to add EFlags via keyvalue (suggested by Niker107)
- Fixed ai_script_conditions not working without a NPC actor (reported by MetroHam)
- Fixed point_radiation_source causing huge problems when intensity is 0, even though it was already advised against (reported by beefbacon)
- Added "Mapbase" header to Mapbase-specific code files
- Fixed an issue with updating sky_camera not obtaining area correctly, causing some entities to not draw in the skybox
- Added "CopyFogController" and "CopyFogControllerWithScale" inputs to sky_camera, which copy fog parameters directly from a fog controller
- Added "SetScale" input to sky_camera for live scale changing
- Added convar to control player crouch speed multiplier (suggested by ArtyIF)
- Added a ton of fixes for people running the Debug configuration of the codebase (partial credit to stepa2)
- Added support for pre-defined enums and constants in VScript, starting with various values from the SDK code (damage types, trace masks, etc.)
- Added limited support for Valve's Quaternion class in VScript
- Added new instance helper capabilities, destructible game instances, and other misc. changes to VScript library
- Replaced most of the VScript "accessor" classes with direct references to the original classes, as they were getting complicated fast and adding new VScript-only functions to the original classes might not be as bad as previously thought
- Added base NPC hooks for AI sensing in VScript (allows control over sight and hearing), also exposed CSound for it
- Added various functions and hooks for VPhysics integration in VScript
- Added VScript-based custom suit devices
- Expanded trace info exposed to VScript to allow plane and surface access (suggested by krassell)
- Added ability to insert localization strings through VScript
- Added various misc. VScript functions with various purposes, including reading/writing EFlags, movetypes, collision groups, etc.
- Fixed VBSP not being able to correctly parse parallax corrected cubemaps in maps with instances
2020-08-14 21:21:25 +00:00
# endif
} ;
enum LessonAction
// Enum continued in Mod_LessonAction
} ;
struct LessonElement_t
int iVariable ;
int iParamVarIndex ;
int iAction ;
_fieldtypes paramType ;
CGameInstructorSymbol szParam ;
bool bNot : 1 ;
bool bOptionalParam : 1 ;
LessonElement_t ( int p_iVariable , int p_iAction , bool p_bNot , bool p_bOptionalParam , const char * pchParam , int p_iParamVarIndex , _fieldtypes p_paramType )
iVariable = p_iVariable ;
iAction = p_iAction ;
bNot = p_bNot ;
bOptionalParam = p_bOptionalParam ;
szParam = pchParam ;
iParamVarIndex = p_iParamVarIndex ;
paramType = p_paramType ;
LessonElement_t ( const LessonElement_t & p_LessonElement )
iVariable = p_LessonElement . iVariable ;
iAction = p_LessonElement . iAction ;
bNot = p_LessonElement . bNot ;
bOptionalParam = p_LessonElement . bOptionalParam ;
szParam = p_LessonElement . szParam ;
iParamVarIndex = p_LessonElement . iParamVarIndex ;
paramType = p_LessonElement . paramType ;
} ;
struct LessonEvent_t
CUtlVector < LessonElement_t > elements ;
CGameInstructorSymbol szEventName ;
} ;
class CScriptedIconLesson : public CIconLesson
public :
DECLARE_LESSON ( CScriptedIconLesson , CIconLesson )
virtual ~ CScriptedIconLesson ( void ) ;
static void PreReadLessonsFromFile ( void ) ;
static void Mod_PreReadLessonsFromFile ( void ) ;
void Init ( void ) ; // NOT virtual, each constructor calls their own
virtual void InitPrerequisites ( void ) ;
virtual void OnOpen ( void ) ;
virtual void Update ( void ) ;
virtual void SwapOutPlayers ( int iOldUserID , int iNewUserID ) ;
virtual void FireGameEvent ( IGameEvent * event ) ;
virtual void ProcessOpenGameEvents ( const CScriptedIconLesson * pRootLesson , const char * name , IGameEvent * event ) ;
virtual void ProcessCloseGameEvents ( const CScriptedIconLesson * pRootLesson , const char * name , IGameEvent * event ) ;
virtual void ProcessSuccessGameEvents ( const CScriptedIconLesson * pRootLesson , const char * name , IGameEvent * event ) ;
CUtlVector < LessonEvent_t > & GetOpenEvents ( void ) { return m_OpenEvents ; }
CUtlVector < LessonEvent_t > & GetCloseEvents ( void ) { return m_CloseEvents ; }
CUtlVector < LessonEvent_t > & GetSuccessEvents ( void ) { return m_SuccessEvents ; }
CUtlVector < LessonEvent_t > & GetOnOpenEvents ( void ) { return m_OnOpenEvents ; }
CUtlVector < LessonEvent_t > & GetUpdateEvents ( void ) { return m_UpdateEvents ; }
bool ProcessElements ( IGameEvent * event , const CUtlVector < LessonElement_t > * pElements ) ;
private :
void InitElementsFromKeys ( CUtlVector < LessonElement_t > * pLessonElements , KeyValues * pKey ) ;
void InitElementsFromElements ( CUtlVector < LessonElement_t > * pLessonElements , const CUtlVector < LessonElement_t > * pLessonElements2 ) ;
void InitFromKeys ( KeyValues * pKey ) ;
bool ProcessElement ( IGameEvent * event , const LessonElement_t * pLessonElement , bool bInFailedScope ) ;
bool ProcessElementAction ( int iAction , bool bNot , const char * pchVarName , float & bVar , const CGameInstructorSymbol * pchParamName , float fParam ) ;
bool ProcessElementAction ( int iAction , bool bNot , const char * pchVarName , int & bVar , const CGameInstructorSymbol * pchParamName , float fParam ) ;
bool ProcessElementAction ( int iAction , bool bNot , const char * pchVarName , bool & bVar , const CGameInstructorSymbol * pchParamName , float fParam ) ;
bool ProcessElementAction ( int iAction , bool bNot , const char * pchVarName , EHANDLE & hVar , const CGameInstructorSymbol * pchParamName , float fParam , C_BaseEntity * pParam , const char * pchParam ) ;
bool ProcessElementAction ( int iAction , bool bNot , const char * pchVarName , CGameInstructorSymbol * pchVar , const CGameInstructorSymbol * pchParamName , const char * pchParam ) ;
// Implemented per mod so they can have custom actions
bool Mod_ProcessElementAction ( int iAction , bool bNot , const char * pchVarName , EHANDLE & hVar , const CGameInstructorSymbol * pchParamName , float fParam , C_BaseEntity * pParam , const char * pchParam , bool & bModHandled ) ;
LessonEvent_t * AddOpenEvent ( void ) ;
LessonEvent_t * AddCloseEvent ( void ) ;
LessonEvent_t * AddSuccessEvent ( void ) ;
LessonEvent_t * AddOnOpenEvent ( void ) ;
LessonEvent_t * AddUpdateEvent ( void ) ;
private :
static CUtlDict < int , int > CScriptedIconLesson : : LessonActionMap ;
EHANDLE m_hLocalPlayer ;
float m_fOutput ;
CHandle < C_BaseEntity > m_hEntity1 ;
CHandle < C_BaseEntity > m_hEntity2 ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szString1 ;
CGameInstructorSymbol m_szString2 ;
int m_iInteger1 ;
int m_iInteger2 ;
float m_fFloat1 ;
float m_fFloat2 ;
CUtlVector < CGameInstructorSymbol > m_PrerequisiteNames ;
CUtlVector < LessonEvent_t > m_OpenEvents ;
CUtlVector < LessonEvent_t > m_CloseEvents ;
CUtlVector < LessonEvent_t > m_SuccessEvents ;
CUtlVector < LessonEvent_t > m_OnOpenEvents ;
CUtlVector < LessonEvent_t > m_UpdateEvents ;
float m_fUpdateEventTime ;
CScriptedIconLesson * m_pDefaultHolder ;
int m_iScopeDepth ;
// Need this to get offsets to scripted variables
friend class LessonVariableInfo ;
friend int LessonActionFromString ( const char * pchName ) ;
} ;
# endif // _C_BASELESSON_H_