554 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2013-12-02 19:31:46 -08:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#if !defined( VIEWRENDER_H )
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "shareddefs.h"
#include "tier1/utlstack.h"
#include "iviewrender.h"
#include "view_shared.h"
#include "replay/ireplayscreenshotsystem.h"
// Forward declarations
class ConVar;
class CClientRenderablesList;
class IClientVehicle;
class C_PointCamera;
class C_EnvProjectedTexture;
class IScreenSpaceEffect;
class CClientViewSetup;
class CViewRender;
struct ClientWorldListInfo_t;
class C_BaseEntity;
struct WriteReplayScreenshotParams_t;
class CReplayScreenshotTaker;
class CStunEffect;
#endif // HL2_EPISODIC
Mapbase v5.0 - Added keyvalue to hl2_gamerules which allows respawning in singleplayer - Added the game instructor system (including env_instructor_hint) from later Valve games using a VDC tutorial which adjusts the version from the Alien Swarm SDK to FPS rules and a Source 2013 environment; Also added new KV and icons for further control from mappers (tutorial mentioned by Maestra Fenix) - Added L4D/TF2 glows + point_glow entity as an all-purpose SDK-based off-shoot of tf_glow - Fixed weapon pickup sound not playing (reported by Sl0th and later Cvoxulary) - Fixed env_projectedtextures not updating on save/load - Added func_fake_worldportal, a spatial point_camera inspired by linked_portal_door based on SDK code alone (WIP, may be changed a lot in future updates) - Added option for point_camera and func_reflective_glass to use different render targets, therefore allowing multiple cameras and mirrors to be active at the same time - Added additional RT camera textures to choose from with a default of 3, but also controllable through a -numcameratextures command line param - Added adjustable convars for main view NearZ and skybox NearZ (suggested by someone recently, also suggested by Klems over a year ago) - Fixed map-specific localization files, cleaned up map-specific file code - Added a new block to gameinfo.txt which allows mods to automatically append their own command line parameters - Fixed math_lightpattern corruption when setting pattern/style while active - Fixed the "Touch" input crashing when given no entity - Added a way to add EFlags via keyvalue (suggested by Niker107) - Fixed ai_script_conditions not working without a NPC actor (reported by MetroHam) - Fixed point_radiation_source causing huge problems when intensity is 0, even though it was already advised against (reported by beefbacon) - Added "Mapbase" header to Mapbase-specific code files - Fixed an issue with updating sky_camera not obtaining area correctly, causing some entities to not draw in the skybox - Added "CopyFogController" and "CopyFogControllerWithScale" inputs to sky_camera, which copy fog parameters directly from a fog controller - Added "SetScale" input to sky_camera for live scale changing - Added convar to control player crouch speed multiplier (suggested by ArtyIF) - Added a ton of fixes for people running the Debug configuration of the codebase (partial credit to stepa2) - Added support for pre-defined enums and constants in VScript, starting with various values from the SDK code (damage types, trace masks, etc.) - Added limited support for Valve's Quaternion class in VScript - Added new instance helper capabilities, destructible game instances, and other misc. changes to VScript library - Replaced most of the VScript "accessor" classes with direct references to the original classes, as they were getting complicated fast and adding new VScript-only functions to the original classes might not be as bad as previously thought - Added base NPC hooks for AI sensing in VScript (allows control over sight and hearing), also exposed CSound for it - Added various functions and hooks for VPhysics integration in VScript - Added VScript-based custom suit devices - Expanded trace info exposed to VScript to allow plane and surface access (suggested by krassell) - Added ability to insert localization strings through VScript - Added various misc. VScript functions with various purposes, including reading/writing EFlags, movetypes, collision groups, etc. - Fixed VBSP not being able to correctly parse parallax corrected cubemaps in maps with instances
2020-08-14 21:21:25 +00:00
#ifdef MAPBASE
class C_FuncFakeWorldPortal;
2013-12-02 19:31:46 -08:00
// Data specific to intro mode to control rendering.
struct IntroDataBlendPass_t
int m_BlendMode;
float m_Alpha; // in [0.0f,1.0f] This needs to add up to 1.0 for all passes, unless you are fading out.
struct IntroData_t
bool m_bDrawPrimary;
Vector m_vecCameraView;
QAngle m_vecCameraViewAngles;
Merged dev changes 9/28/2019 - Experimental RPC stuff for the future - Fixed players running over allies with vehicles (kind of) - Modified redirect filter infrastructure to support when there's no target filter (meaning it will just make sure the entity exists) - Fixed SDK_EyeRefract - Fixed env_beam SetStart/EndEntity - New "OnStateChange" output on NPCs - scripted_face removed (use generic facing VCDs instead) - Fixed RPC - View ID nodraw keyvalue + reflective glass view ID fix - CopyAnimationDataFrom expansion (more variables copied) - Fixed pre-Mapbase env_projectedtextures not updating after loading a save - Fixed(?) player companion grenade throwing being interrupted - Added convars for secondary and NPC shotgun pellet amounts - NPC fade distance/scale transfers to its ragdoll - Made node graph rebuild occur sooner after map load - Added option to disable "node graph out of date" message - Fixed ent_fire delay (decimals discarded before) - "SetFilter" on func_clip_vphysics - Fixed func_tank zero barrel (untested) - Fixed npc_turret_ground parenting fix - Added toggle-able weapon_crossbow experimental hit location code - Fixed ally grenades being considered Combine grenades - Added SDK_MonitorScreen and SDK_UnlitTwoTexture - Updated README - Added !activator/!caller support to logic_collision_pair - Fixed ortho not working in script_intro - Added Nbc66's closed captioning language fix - Applied fade fix to server ragdolls - Added combine_mine friend/foe filters - Fixed env_starfield pausing - Reworked PickupWeapon/Item inputs - Fixed context response system $ usage - Fixed env_break_shooter velocity/speed - Made func_breakable "Spawn on break" support other entities - Fixed OnThrowGrenade > point_entity_replace blip - Added mapname to logic_externaldata - Added "Random Template" to point_template - Added "Use LOS" to trigger_look - Added flags based on L4D(2) to trigger_playermovement - Added npc_combine_s "Alternate Capable" keyvalue that enables both grenades and alt-fire at the same time regardless of elite status - Fixed npc_combine_s DropGrenade input - Miscellaneous code and comment changes
2019-09-28 22:56:52 +00:00
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Used for ortho views
CHandle<C_PointCamera> m_hCameraEntity;
2013-12-02 19:31:46 -08:00
float m_playerViewFOV;
CUtlVector<IntroDataBlendPass_t> m_Passes;
// Fade overriding for the intro
float m_flCurrentFadeColor[4];
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Draws the skybox.
bool m_bDrawSky;
// Draws the skybox in the secondary camera as well.
bool m_bDrawSky2;
2013-12-02 19:31:46 -08:00
// Robin, make this point at something to get intro mode.
extern IntroData_t *g_pIntroData;
// This identifies the view for certain systems that are unique per view (e.g. pixel visibility)
// NOTE: This is identifying which logical part of the scene an entity is being redered in
// This is not identifying a particular render target necessarily. This is mostly needed for entities that
// can be rendered more than once per frame (pixel vis queries need to be identified per-render call)
enum view_id_t
view_id_t CurrentViewID();
// Purpose: Stored pitch drifting variables
class CPitchDrift
float pitchvel;
bool nodrift;
float driftmove;
double laststop;
struct ViewCustomVisibility_t
m_nNumVisOrigins = 0;
m_VisData.m_fDistToAreaPortalTolerance = FLT_MAX;
m_iForceViewLeaf = -1;
void AddVisOrigin( const Vector& origin )
// Don't allow them to write past array length
AssertMsg( m_nNumVisOrigins < MAX_VIS_LEAVES, "Added more origins than will fit in the array!" );
// If the vis origin count is greater than the size of our array, just fail to add this origin
if ( m_nNumVisOrigins >= MAX_VIS_LEAVES )
m_rgVisOrigins[ m_nNumVisOrigins++ ] = origin;
void ForceVisOverride( VisOverrideData_t& visData )
m_VisData = visData;
void ForceViewLeaf ( int iViewLeaf )
m_iForceViewLeaf = iViewLeaf;
// Set to true if you want to use multiple origins for doing client side map vis culling
// NOTE: In generaly, you won't want to do this, and by default the 3d origin of the camera, as above,
// will be used as the origin for vis, too.
int m_nNumVisOrigins;
// Array of origins
Vector m_rgVisOrigins[ MAX_VIS_LEAVES ];
// The view data overrides for visibility calculations with area portals
VisOverrideData_t m_VisData;
// The starting leaf to determing which area to start in when performing area portal culling on the engine
// Default behavior is to use the leaf the camera position is in.
int m_iForceViewLeaf;
struct WaterRenderInfo_t
bool m_bCheapWater : 1;
bool m_bReflect : 1;
bool m_bRefract : 1;
bool m_bReflectEntities : 1;
bool m_bDrawWaterSurface : 1;
bool m_bOpaqueWater : 1;
class CBase3dView : public CRefCounted<>,
protected CViewSetup
CBase3dView( CViewRender *pMainView );
VPlane * GetFrustum();
virtual int GetDrawFlags() { return 0; }
#ifdef PORTAL
virtual void EnableWorldFog() {};
// @MULTICORE (toml 8/11/2006): need to have per-view frustum. Change when move view stack to client
VPlane *m_Frustum;
CViewRender *m_pMainView;
// Base class for 3d views
class CRendering3dView : public CBase3dView
DECLARE_CLASS( CRendering3dView, CBase3dView );
CRendering3dView( CViewRender *pMainView );
virtual ~CRendering3dView() { ReleaseLists(); }
void Setup( const CViewSetup &setup );
// What are we currently rendering? Returns a combination of DF_ flags.
virtual int GetDrawFlags();
virtual void Draw() {};
// Fog setup
void EnableWorldFog( void );
void SetFogVolumeState( const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogInfo, bool bUseHeightFog );
// Draw setup
void SetupRenderablesList( int viewID );
void UpdateRenderablesOpacity();
// If iForceViewLeaf is not -1, then it uses the specified leaf as your starting area for setting up area portal culling.
// This is used by water since your reflected view origin is often in solid space, but we still want to treat it as though
// the first portal we're looking out of is a water portal, so our view effectively originates under the water.
void BuildWorldRenderLists( bool bDrawEntities, int iForceViewLeaf = -1, bool bUseCacheIfEnabled = true, bool bShadowDepth = false, float *pReflectionWaterHeight = NULL );
// Purpose: Builds render lists for renderables. Called once for refraction, once for over water
void BuildRenderableRenderLists( int viewID );
// More concise version of the above BuildRenderableRenderLists(). Called for shadow depth map rendering
void BuildShadowDepthRenderableRenderLists();
void DrawWorld( float waterZAdjust );
// Draws all opaque/translucent renderables in leaves that were rendered
void DrawOpaqueRenderables( ERenderDepthMode DepthMode );
void DrawTranslucentRenderables( bool bInSkybox, bool bShadowDepth );
// Renders all translucent entities in the render list
void DrawTranslucentRenderablesNoWorld( bool bInSkybox );
// Draws translucent renderables that ignore the Z buffer
void DrawNoZBufferTranslucentRenderables( void );
// Renders all translucent world surfaces in a particular set of leaves
void DrawTranslucentWorldInLeaves( bool bShadowDepth );
// Renders all translucent world + detail objects in a particular set of leaves
void DrawTranslucentWorldAndDetailPropsInLeaves( int iCurLeaf, int iFinalLeaf, int nEngineDrawFlags, int &nDetailLeafCount, LeafIndex_t* pDetailLeafList, bool bShadowDepth );
// Purpose: Computes the actual world list info based on the render flags
void PruneWorldListInfo();
#ifdef PORTAL
virtual bool ShouldDrawPortals() { return true; }
void ReleaseLists();
// Combination of DF_ flags.
int m_DrawFlags;
int m_ClearFlags;
IWorldRenderList *m_pWorldRenderList;
CClientRenderablesList *m_pRenderablesList;
ClientWorldListInfo_t *m_pWorldListInfo;
ViewCustomVisibility_t *m_pCustomVisibility;
class CRenderExecutor
virtual void AddView( CRendering3dView *pView ) = 0;
virtual void Execute() = 0;
CRenderExecutor( CViewRender *pMainView ) : m_pMainView( pMainView ) {}
CViewRender *m_pMainView;
class CSimpleRenderExecutor : public CRenderExecutor
DECLARE_CLASS( CSimpleRenderExecutor, CRenderExecutor );
CSimpleRenderExecutor( CViewRender *pMainView ) : CRenderExecutor( pMainView ) {}
void AddView( CRendering3dView *pView );
void Execute() {}
// Purpose: Implements the interface to view rendering for the client .dll
class CViewRender : public IViewRender,
public IReplayScreenshotSystem
virtual void Init( void );
virtual void Shutdown( void );
const CViewSetup *GetPlayerViewSetup( ) const;
virtual void StartPitchDrift( void );
virtual void StopPitchDrift( void );
virtual float GetZNear();
virtual float GetZFar();
virtual void OnRenderStart();
void DriftPitch (void);
static CViewRender * GetMainView() { return assert_cast<CViewRender *>( view ); }
void AddViewToScene( CRendering3dView *pView ) { m_SimpleExecutor.AddView( pView ); }
// Sets up the view parameters for all views (left, middle and right eyes).
void SetUpViews();
// Sets up the view parameters of map overview mode (cl_leveloverview)
void SetUpOverView();
// generates a low-res screenshot for save games
virtual void WriteSaveGameScreenshotOfSize( const char *pFilename, int width, int height, bool bCreatePowerOf2Padded = false, bool bWriteVTF = false );
void WriteSaveGameScreenshot( const char *filename );
virtual IReplayScreenshotSystem *GetReplayScreenshotSystem() { return this; }
// IReplayScreenshot implementation
virtual void WriteReplayScreenshot( WriteReplayScreenshotParams_t &params );
virtual void UpdateReplayScreenshotCache();
StereoEye_t GetFirstEye() const;
StereoEye_t GetLastEye() const;
CViewSetup & GetView(StereoEye_t eEye);
const CViewSetup & GetView(StereoEye_t eEye) const ;
// This stores all of the view setup parameters that the engine needs to know about.
// Best way to pick the right one is with ::GetView(), rather than directly.
CViewSetup m_View; // mono <- in stereo mode, this will be between the two eyes and is the "main" view.
CViewSetup m_ViewLeft; // left (unused for mono)
CViewSetup m_ViewRight; // right (unused for mono)
// Pitch drifting data
CPitchDrift m_PitchDrift;
virtual ~CViewRender( void ) {}
// Implementation of IViewRender interface
void SetupVis( const CViewSetup& view, unsigned int &visFlags, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility = NULL );
// Render functions
virtual void Render( vrect_t *rect );
virtual void RenderView( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, int whatToDraw );
virtual void RenderPlayerSprites();
virtual void Render2DEffectsPreHUD( const CViewSetup &view );
virtual void Render2DEffectsPostHUD( const CViewSetup &view );
void DisableFog( void );
// Called once per level change
void LevelInit( void );
void LevelShutdown( void );
// Add entity to transparent entity queue
bool ShouldDrawEntities( void );
bool ShouldDrawBrushModels( void );
const CViewSetup *GetViewSetup( ) const;
void DisableVis( void );
// Sets up the view model position relative to the local player
void MoveViewModels( );
// Gets the abs origin + angles of the view models
void GetViewModelPosition( int nIndex, Vector *pPos, QAngle *pAngle );
void SetCheapWaterStartDistance( float flCheapWaterStartDistance );
void SetCheapWaterEndDistance( float flCheapWaterEndDistance );
void GetWaterLODParams( float &flCheapWaterStartDistance, float &flCheapWaterEndDistance );
virtual void QueueOverlayRenderView( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, int whatToDraw );
virtual void GetScreenFadeDistances( float *min, float *max );
virtual C_BaseEntity *GetCurrentlyDrawingEntity();
virtual void SetCurrentlyDrawingEntity( C_BaseEntity *pEnt );
virtual bool UpdateShadowDepthTexture( ITexture *pRenderTarget, ITexture *pDepthTexture, const CViewSetup &shadowView );
int GetBaseDrawFlags() { return m_BaseDrawFlags; }
virtual bool ShouldForceNoVis() { return m_bForceNoVis; }
int BuildRenderablesListsNumber() const { return m_BuildRenderableListsNumber; }
int IncRenderablesListsNumber() { return ++m_BuildRenderableListsNumber; }
int BuildWorldListsNumber() const;
int IncWorldListsNumber() { return ++m_BuildWorldListsNumber; }
virtual VPlane* GetFrustum() { return ( m_pActiveRenderer ) ? m_pActiveRenderer->GetFrustum() : m_Frustum; }
// What are we currently rendering? Returns a combination of DF_ flags.
virtual int GetDrawFlags() { return ( m_pActiveRenderer ) ? m_pActiveRenderer->GetDrawFlags() : 0; }
CBase3dView * GetActiveRenderer() { return m_pActiveRenderer; }
CBase3dView * SetActiveRenderer( CBase3dView *pActiveRenderer ) { CBase3dView *pPrevious = m_pActiveRenderer; m_pActiveRenderer = pActiveRenderer; return pPrevious; }
void FreezeFrame( float flFreezeTime );
void SetWaterOverlayMaterial( IMaterial *pMaterial )
m_UnderWaterOverlayMaterial.Init( pMaterial );
int m_BuildWorldListsNumber;
// General draw methods
// baseDrawFlags is a combination of DF_ defines. DF_MONITOR is passed into here while drawing a monitor.
void ViewDrawScene( bool bDrew3dSkybox, SkyboxVisibility_t nSkyboxVisible, const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, view_id_t viewID, bool bDrawViewModel = false, int baseDrawFlags = 0, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility = NULL );
void DrawMonitors( const CViewSetup &cameraView );
bool DrawOneMonitor( ITexture *pRenderTarget, int cameraNum, C_PointCamera *pCameraEnt, const CViewSetup &cameraView, C_BasePlayer *localPlayer,
int x, int y, int width, int height );
Mapbase v5.0 - Added keyvalue to hl2_gamerules which allows respawning in singleplayer - Added the game instructor system (including env_instructor_hint) from later Valve games using a VDC tutorial which adjusts the version from the Alien Swarm SDK to FPS rules and a Source 2013 environment; Also added new KV and icons for further control from mappers (tutorial mentioned by Maestra Fenix) - Added L4D/TF2 glows + point_glow entity as an all-purpose SDK-based off-shoot of tf_glow - Fixed weapon pickup sound not playing (reported by Sl0th and later Cvoxulary) - Fixed env_projectedtextures not updating on save/load - Added func_fake_worldportal, a spatial point_camera inspired by linked_portal_door based on SDK code alone (WIP, may be changed a lot in future updates) - Added option for point_camera and func_reflective_glass to use different render targets, therefore allowing multiple cameras and mirrors to be active at the same time - Added additional RT camera textures to choose from with a default of 3, but also controllable through a -numcameratextures command line param - Added adjustable convars for main view NearZ and skybox NearZ (suggested by someone recently, also suggested by Klems over a year ago) - Fixed map-specific localization files, cleaned up map-specific file code - Added a new block to gameinfo.txt which allows mods to automatically append their own command line parameters - Fixed math_lightpattern corruption when setting pattern/style while active - Fixed the "Touch" input crashing when given no entity - Added a way to add EFlags via keyvalue (suggested by Niker107) - Fixed ai_script_conditions not working without a NPC actor (reported by MetroHam) - Fixed point_radiation_source causing huge problems when intensity is 0, even though it was already advised against (reported by beefbacon) - Added "Mapbase" header to Mapbase-specific code files - Fixed an issue with updating sky_camera not obtaining area correctly, causing some entities to not draw in the skybox - Added "CopyFogController" and "CopyFogControllerWithScale" inputs to sky_camera, which copy fog parameters directly from a fog controller - Added "SetScale" input to sky_camera for live scale changing - Added convar to control player crouch speed multiplier (suggested by ArtyIF) - Added a ton of fixes for people running the Debug configuration of the codebase (partial credit to stepa2) - Added support for pre-defined enums and constants in VScript, starting with various values from the SDK code (damage types, trace masks, etc.) - Added limited support for Valve's Quaternion class in VScript - Added new instance helper capabilities, destructible game instances, and other misc. changes to VScript library - Replaced most of the VScript "accessor" classes with direct references to the original classes, as they were getting complicated fast and adding new VScript-only functions to the original classes might not be as bad as previously thought - Added base NPC hooks for AI sensing in VScript (allows control over sight and hearing), also exposed CSound for it - Added various functions and hooks for VPhysics integration in VScript - Added VScript-based custom suit devices - Expanded trace info exposed to VScript to allow plane and surface access (suggested by krassell) - Added ability to insert localization strings through VScript - Added various misc. VScript functions with various purposes, including reading/writing EFlags, movetypes, collision groups, etc. - Fixed VBSP not being able to correctly parse parallax corrected cubemaps in maps with instances
2020-08-14 21:21:25 +00:00
#ifdef MAPBASE
bool DrawFakeWorldPortal( ITexture *pRenderTarget, C_FuncFakeWorldPortal *pCameraEnt, const CViewSetup &cameraView, C_BasePlayer *localPlayer,
int x, int y, int width, int height,
const CViewSetup &mainView, cplane_t &ourPlane );
2013-12-02 19:31:46 -08:00
// Drawing primitives
bool ShouldDrawViewModel( bool drawViewmodel );
void DrawViewModels( const CViewSetup &view, bool drawViewmodel );
void PerformScreenSpaceEffects( int x, int y, int w, int h );
// Overlays
void SetScreenOverlayMaterial( IMaterial *pMaterial );
IMaterial *GetScreenOverlayMaterial( );
void PerformScreenOverlay( int x, int y, int w, int h );
void DrawUnderwaterOverlay( void );
// Water-related methods
void DrawWorldAndEntities( bool drawSkybox, const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility = NULL );
#ifdef MAPBASE
virtual void ViewDrawScene_Intro( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, const IntroData_t &introData, bool bDrew3dSkybox = false, SkyboxVisibility_t nSkyboxVisible = SKYBOX_NOT_VISIBLE, bool bDrawViewModel = false, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility = NULL );
2013-12-02 19:31:46 -08:00
virtual void ViewDrawScene_Intro( const CViewSetup &view, int nClearFlags, const IntroData_t &introData );
2013-12-02 19:31:46 -08:00
#ifdef PORTAL
// Intended for use in the middle of another ViewDrawScene call, this allows stencils to be drawn after opaques but before translucents are drawn in the main view.
void ViewDrawScene_PortalStencil( const CViewSetup &view, ViewCustomVisibility_t *pCustomVisibility );
void Draw3dSkyboxworld_Portal( const CViewSetup &view, int &nClearFlags, bool &bDrew3dSkybox, SkyboxVisibility_t &nSkyboxVisible, ITexture *pRenderTarget = NULL );
#endif // PORTAL
// Determines what kind of water we're going to use
void DetermineWaterRenderInfo( const VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t &fogVolumeInfo, WaterRenderInfo_t &info );
bool UpdateRefractIfNeededByList( CUtlVector< IClientRenderable * > &list );
void DrawRenderablesInList( CUtlVector< IClientRenderable * > &list, int flags = 0 );
// Sets up, cleans up the main 3D view
void SetupMain3DView( const CViewSetup &view, int &nClearFlags );
void CleanupMain3DView( const CViewSetup &view );
// This stores the current view
CViewSetup m_CurrentView;
// VIS Overrides
// Set to true to turn off client side vis ( !!!! rendering will be slow since everything will draw )
bool m_bForceNoVis;
// Some cvars needed by this system
const ConVar *m_pDrawEntities;
const ConVar *m_pDrawBrushModels;
// Some materials used...
CMaterialReference m_TranslucentSingleColor;
CMaterialReference m_ModulateSingleColor;
CMaterialReference m_ScreenOverlayMaterial;
CMaterialReference m_UnderWaterOverlayMaterial;
Vector m_vecLastFacing;
float m_flCheapWaterStartDistance;
float m_flCheapWaterEndDistance;
CViewSetup m_OverlayViewSetup;
int m_OverlayClearFlags;
int m_OverlayDrawFlags;
bool m_bDrawOverlay;
int m_BaseDrawFlags; // Set in ViewDrawScene and OR'd into m_DrawFlags as it goes.
C_BaseEntity *m_pCurrentlyDrawingEntity;
#if defined( CSTRIKE_DLL )
float m_flLastFOV;
#ifdef PORTAL
friend class CPortalRender; //portal drawing needs muck with views in weird ways
friend class CPortalRenderable;
int m_BuildRenderableListsNumber;
friend class CBase3dView;
Frustum m_Frustum;
CBase3dView *m_pActiveRenderer;
CSimpleRenderExecutor m_SimpleExecutor;
bool m_rbTakeFreezeFrame[ STEREO_EYE_MAX ];
float m_flFreezeFrameUntil;
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
CReplayScreenshotTaker *m_pReplayScreenshotTaker;
#endif // VIEWRENDER_H