mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 21:51:09 +03:00
Added experimental static/global VScript hooks not tied to any particular class, starting with the integration of OnSave/OnRestore
This commit is contained in:
@ -835,6 +835,9 @@ static void FireGameEventLocal( const char* szEvent, HSCRIPT hTable )
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
static ScriptHook_t g_Hook_OnSave;
static ScriptHook_t g_Hook_OnRestore;
// Save/Restore Utility
// Based on L4D2 API
@ -852,6 +855,9 @@ public: // IGameSystem
if ( g_pScriptVM )
g_Hook_OnSave.Call( NULL, NULL, NULL );
// Legacy hook
HSCRIPT hFunc = g_pScriptVM->LookupFunction( "OnSave" );
if ( hFunc )
@ -870,6 +876,9 @@ public: // IGameSystem
if ( g_pScriptVM )
g_Hook_OnRestore.Call( NULL, NULL, NULL );
// Legacy hook
HSCRIPT hFunc = g_pScriptVM->LookupFunction( "OnRestore" );
if ( hFunc )
@ -3033,6 +3042,8 @@ void RegisterScriptSingletons()
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, CScriptSaveRestoreUtil::SaveTable, "SaveTable", "Store a table with primitive values that will persist across level transitions and save loads." );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, CScriptSaveRestoreUtil::RestoreTable, "RestoreTable", "Retrieves a table from storage. Write into input table." );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, CScriptSaveRestoreUtil::ClearSavedTable, "ClearSavedTable", "Removes the table with the given context." );
ScriptRegisterSimpleHook( g_pScriptVM, g_Hook_OnSave, "OnSave", FIELD_VOID, "Called when the game is saved." );
ScriptRegisterSimpleHook( g_pScriptVM, g_Hook_OnRestore, "OnRestore", FIELD_VOID, "Called when the game is restored." );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, CScriptReadWriteFile::FileWrite, "StringToFile", "Stores the string into the file" );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, CScriptReadWriteFile::FileRead, "FileToString", "Returns the string from the file, null if no file or file is too big." );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, CScriptReadWriteFile::KeyValuesWrite, "KeyValuesToFile", "Stores the CScriptKeyValues into the file" );
@ -755,6 +755,23 @@ static inline int ToConstantVariant(int value)
pDesc->m_Hooks.AddToTail(pHook); \
// Static hooks (or "global" hooks) are not tied to specific classes
pVM->RegisterHook( pHook ); \
#define ScriptRegisterSimpleHook( pVM, hook, hookName, returnType, description ) \
if (!hook.m_bDefined) \
{ \
ScriptHook_t *pHook = &hook; \
pHook->m_desc.m_pszScriptName = hookName; pHook->m_desc.m_pszFunction = #hook; pHook->m_desc.m_ReturnType = returnType; pHook->m_desc.m_pszDescription = description; \
pVM->RegisterHook( pHook ); \
#define ScriptRegisterConstant( pVM, constant, description ) ScriptRegisterConstantNamed( pVM, constant, #constant, description )
#define ScriptRegisterConstantNamed( pVM, constant, scriptName, description ) do { static ScriptConstantBinding_t binding; binding.m_pszScriptName = scriptName; binding.m_pszDescription = description; binding.m_data = ToConstantVariant(constant); pVM->RegisterConstant( &binding ); } while (0)
#define DEFINE_MEMBERVAR( varName, returnType, description ) \
do { ScriptMemberDesc_t *pBinding = &((pDesc)->m_Members[(pDesc)->m_Members.AddToTail()]); pBinding->m_pszScriptName = varName; pBinding->m_pszDescription = description; pBinding->m_ReturnType = returnType; } while (0);
@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ extern ScriptClassDesc_t * GetScriptDesc( CBaseEntity * );
extern int vscript_token;
int vscript_token_hack = vscript_token;
// HACKHACK: VScript library relies on developer convar existing
ConVar developer( "developer", "1", 0, "Set developer message level." ); // developer mode
HSCRIPT VScriptCompileScript( const char *pszScriptName, bool bWarnMissing )
if ( !g_pScriptVM )
@ -2350,7 +2350,11 @@ ScriptStatus_t SquirrelVM::ExecuteFunction(HSCRIPT hFunction, ScriptVariant_t* p
bool SquirrelVM::ScopeIsHooked( HSCRIPT hScope, const char *pszEventName )
Assert( hScope && hScope != INVALID_HSCRIPT );
// For now, assume null scope (which is used for global hooks) is always hooked
if (!hScope)
return true;
Assert(hScope != INVALID_HSCRIPT);
sq_pushstring(vm_, "Hooks", -1);
@ -2375,7 +2379,7 @@ bool SquirrelVM::ScopeIsHooked( HSCRIPT hScope, const char *pszEventName )
HSCRIPT SquirrelVM::LookupHookFunction(const char *pszEventName, HSCRIPT hScope, bool &bLegacy)
HSCRIPT hFunc = LookupFunction( pszEventName, hScope );
HSCRIPT hFunc = hScope ? LookupFunction( pszEventName, hScope ) : nullptr;
if (hFunc)
bLegacy = true;
@ -2421,7 +2425,11 @@ ScriptStatus_t SquirrelVM::ExecuteHookFunction(const char *pszEventName, HSCRIPT
// TODO: Run in hook scope
sq_pushobject(vm_, *((HSQOBJECT*)hScope));
if (hScope)
sq_pushobject(vm_, *((HSQOBJECT*)hScope));
sq_pushnull(vm_); // global hook
sq_pushstring(vm_, pszEventName, -1);
for (int i = 0; i < nArgs; ++i)
@ -122,8 +122,6 @@ class CSimpleCallChainer
chain = null;
local developer = (delete developer)()
// Hook handler
@ -199,7 +197,26 @@ Hooks <-
local firstReturn = null
if ( scope in s_List )
if ( scope == null )
// null scope = global hook; call all scopes
foreach ( t in s_List )
if ( event in t )
foreach( context, callback in t[event] )
//printf( "(%.4f) Calling hook '%s' of context '%s' in static iteration\n", Time(), event, context )
local curReturn = callback.acall(vargv)
if (firstReturn == null)
firstReturn = curReturn
else if ( scope in s_List )
local t = s_List[scope]
if ( event in t )
@ -236,246 +253,231 @@ Hooks <-
__Documentation <- {}
local DocumentedFuncs
local DocumentedClasses
local DocumentedEnums
local DocumentedConsts
local DocumentedHooks
local DocumentedMembers
local developer = (delete developer)()
if (developer)
DocumentedFuncs = {}
DocumentedClasses = {}
DocumentedEnums = {}
DocumentedConsts = {}
DocumentedHooks = {}
DocumentedMembers = {}
local DocumentedFuncs = {}
local DocumentedClasses = {}
local DocumentedEnums = {}
local DocumentedConsts = {}
local DocumentedHooks = {}
local DocumentedMembers = {}
local function AddAliasedToTable(name, signature, description, table)
// This is an alias function, could use split() if we could guarantee
// that ':' would not occur elsewhere in the description and Squirrel had
// a convience join() function -- It has split()
local colon = description.find(":");
if (colon == null)
colon = description.len();
local alias = description.slice(1, colon);
description = description.slice(colon + 1);
name = alias;
signature = null;
table[name] <- [signature, description];
function __Documentation::RegisterHelp(name, signature, description)
if ( !developer )
if (description.len() && description[0] == '#')
local function AddAliasedToTable(name, signature, description, table)
AddAliasedToTable(name, signature, description, DocumentedFuncs)
// This is an alias function, could use split() if we could guarantee
// that ':' would not occur elsewhere in the description and Squirrel had
// a convience join() function -- It has split()
local colon = description.find(":");
if (colon == null)
colon = description.len();
local alias = description.slice(1, colon);
description = description.slice(colon + 1);
name = alias;
signature = null;
table[name] <- [signature, description];
function __Documentation::RegisterHelp(name, signature, description)
DocumentedFuncs[name] <- [signature, description];
function __Documentation::RegisterClassHelp(name, baseclass, description)
if ( !developer )
DocumentedClasses[name] <- [baseclass, description];
function __Documentation::RegisterEnumHelp(name, num_elements, description)
if ( !developer )
DocumentedEnums[name] <- [num_elements, description];
function __Documentation::RegisterConstHelp(name, signature, description)
if ( !developer )
if (description.len() && description[0] == '#')
AddAliasedToTable(name, signature, description, DocumentedConsts)
DocumentedConsts[name] <- [signature, description];
function __Documentation::RegisterHookHelp(name, signature, description)
if ( !developer )
DocumentedHooks[name] <- [signature, description];
function __Documentation::RegisterMemberHelp(name, signature, description)
if ( !developer )
DocumentedMembers[name] <- [signature, description];
local function printdoc( text )
return ::printc(200,224,255,text);
local function printdocl( text )
return printdoc(text + "\n");
local function PrintClass(name, doc)
local text = "=====================================\n";
text += ("Class: " + name + "\n");
text += ("Base: " + doc[0] + "\n");
if (doc[1].len())
text += ("Description: " + doc[1] + "\n");
text += "=====================================\n\n";
local function PrintFunc(name, doc)
local text = "Function: " + name + "\n"
if (doc[0] == null)
// Is an aliased function
text += ("Signature: function " + name + "(");
foreach(k,v in this[name].getinfos().parameters)
if (description.len() && description[0] == '#')
if (k == 0 && v == "this") continue;
if (k > 1) text += (", ");
text += (v);
AddAliasedToTable(name, signature, description, DocumentedFuncs)
DocumentedFuncs[name] <- [signature, description];
text += (")\n");
function __Documentation::RegisterClassHelp(name, baseclass, description)
DocumentedClasses[name] <- [baseclass, description];
function __Documentation::RegisterEnumHelp(name, num_elements, description)
DocumentedEnums[name] <- [num_elements, description];
function __Documentation::RegisterConstHelp(name, signature, description)
if (description.len() && description[0] == '#')
AddAliasedToTable(name, signature, description, DocumentedConsts)
DocumentedConsts[name] <- [signature, description];
function __Documentation::RegisterHookHelp(name, signature, description)
DocumentedHooks[name] <- [signature, description];
function __Documentation::RegisterMemberHelp(name, signature, description)
DocumentedMembers[name] <- [signature, description];
local function printdoc( text )
return ::printc(200,224,255,text);
local function printdocl( text )
return printdoc(text + "\n");
local function PrintClass(name, doc)
local text = "=====================================\n";
text += ("Class: " + name + "\n");
text += ("Base: " + doc[0] + "\n");
if (doc[1].len())
text += ("Description: " + doc[1] + "\n");
text += "=====================================\n\n";
local function PrintFunc(name, doc)
local text = "Function: " + name + "\n"
if (doc[0] == null)
// Is an aliased function
text += ("Signature: function " + name + "(");
foreach(k,v in this[name].getinfos().parameters)
if (k == 0 && v == "this") continue;
if (k > 1) text += (", ");
text += (v);
text += (")\n");
text += ("Signature: " + doc[0] + "\n");
if (doc[1].len())
text += ("Description: " + doc[1] + "\n");
local function PrintMember(name, doc)
local text = ("Member: " + name + "\n");
text += ("Signature: " + doc[0] + "\n");
if (doc[1].len())
text += ("Description: " + doc[1] + "\n");
if (doc[1].len())
text += ("Description: " + doc[1] + "\n");
local function PrintMember(name, doc)
local text = ("Member: " + name + "\n");
text += ("Signature: " + doc[0] + "\n");
if (doc[1].len())
text += ("Description: " + doc[1] + "\n");
local function PrintEnum(name, doc)
local text = "=====================================\n";
text += ("Enum: " + name + "\n");
text += ("Elements: " + doc[0] + "\n");
if (doc[1].len())
text += ("Description: " + doc[1] + "\n");
text += "=====================================\n\n";
local function PrintConst(name, doc)
local text = ("Constant: " + name + "\n");
if (doc[0] == null)
local function PrintEnum(name, doc)
text += ("Value: null\n");
local text = "=====================================\n";
text += ("Enum: " + name + "\n");
text += ("Elements: " + doc[0] + "\n");
if (doc[1].len())
text += ("Description: " + doc[1] + "\n");
text += "=====================================\n\n";
text += ("Value: " + doc[0] + "\n");
if (doc[1].len())
text += ("Description: " + doc[1] + "\n");
local function PrintHook(name, doc)
local text = ("Hook: " + name + "\n");
if (doc[0] == null)
local function PrintConst(name, doc)
// Is an aliased function
text += ("Signature: function " + name + "(");
foreach(k,v in this[name].getinfos().parameters)
local text = ("Constant: " + name + "\n");
if (doc[0] == null)
if (k == 0 && v == "this") continue;
if (k > 1) text += (", ");
text += (v);
text += ("Value: null\n");
text += (")\n");
text += ("Signature: " + doc[0] + "\n");
if (doc[1].len())
text += ("Description: " + doc[1] + "\n");
local function PrintMatchesInDocList(pattern, list, printfunc)
local foundMatches = 0;
foreach(name, doc in list)
if (pattern == "*" || name.tolower().find(pattern) != null || (doc[1].len() && doc[1].tolower().find(pattern) != null))
foundMatches = 1;
printfunc(name, doc)
text += ("Value: " + doc[0] + "\n");
if (doc[1].len())
text += ("Description: " + doc[1] + "\n");
local function PrintHook(name, doc)
local text = ("Hook: " + name + "\n");
if (doc[0] == null)
// Is an aliased function
text += ("Signature: function " + name + "(");
foreach(k,v in this[name].getinfos().parameters)
if (k == 0 && v == "this") continue;
if (k > 1) text += (", ");
text += (v);
text += (")\n");
text += ("Signature: " + doc[0] + "\n");
if (doc[1].len())
text += ("Description: " + doc[1] + "\n");
local function PrintMatchesInDocList(pattern, list, printfunc)
local foundMatches = 0;
foreach(name, doc in list)
if (pattern == "*" || name.tolower().find(pattern) != null || (doc[1].len() && doc[1].tolower().find(pattern) != null))
foundMatches = 1;
printfunc(name, doc)
return foundMatches;
function __Documentation::PrintHelp(pattern = "*")
local patternLower = pattern.tolower();
// Have a specific order
if (!(
PrintMatchesInDocList( patternLower, DocumentedEnums, PrintEnum ) |
PrintMatchesInDocList( patternLower, DocumentedConsts, PrintConst ) |
PrintMatchesInDocList( patternLower, DocumentedClasses, PrintClass ) |
PrintMatchesInDocList( patternLower, DocumentedFuncs, PrintFunc ) |
PrintMatchesInDocList( patternLower, DocumentedMembers, PrintMember ) |
PrintMatchesInDocList( patternLower, DocumentedHooks, PrintHook )
printdocl("Pattern " + pattern + " not found");
return foundMatches;
function __Documentation::PrintHelp(pattern = "*")
if ( !developer )
printdocl("Documentation is not enabled. To enable documentation, restart the server with the 'developer' cvar set to 1 or higher.");
__Documentation.RegisterHelp <-
__Documentation.RegisterClassHelp <-
__Documentation.RegisterEnumHelp <-
__Documentation.RegisterConstHelp <-
__Documentation.RegisterHookHelp <-
__Documentation.RegisterMemberHelp <- dummy
local patternLower = pattern.tolower();
// Have a specific order
if (!(
PrintMatchesInDocList( patternLower, DocumentedEnums, PrintEnum ) |
PrintMatchesInDocList( patternLower, DocumentedConsts, PrintConst ) |
PrintMatchesInDocList( patternLower, DocumentedClasses, PrintClass ) |
PrintMatchesInDocList( patternLower, DocumentedFuncs, PrintFunc ) |
PrintMatchesInDocList( patternLower, DocumentedMembers, PrintMember ) |
PrintMatchesInDocList( patternLower, DocumentedHooks, PrintHook )
function __Documentation::PrintHelp( pattern = null )
printdocl("Pattern " + pattern + " not found");
printcl(200, 224, 255, "Documentation is not enabled. To enable documentation, restart the server with the 'developer' cvar set to 1 or higher.");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user