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synced 2025-03-22 18:40:20 +03:00
Added support for custom VScript procedural targets
This commit is contained in:
@ -4376,9 +4376,8 @@ CBaseEntity *CBaseCombatCharacter::FindNamedEntity( const char *szName, IEntityF
return GetActiveWeapon();
// FindEntityProcedural can go through this now, so running this code would likely cause an infinite loop or something.
// As a result, FindEntityProcedural identifies itself with this weird new entity filter.
// Hey, if you've got a better idea, go ahead.
// HACKHACK: FindEntityProcedural can go through this now, so running this code could cause an infinite loop.
// As a result, FindEntityProcedural currently identifies itself with this entity filter.
else if (!pFilter || !dynamic_cast<CNullEntityFilter*>(pFilter))
// search for up to 32 entities with the same name and choose one randomly
@ -987,83 +987,31 @@ void CEventQueue::ServiceEvents( void )
// In the context the event, the searching entity is also the caller
CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity = pe->m_pCaller;
#ifdef MAPBASE
// This is the code that the I/O system uses to look for its targets.
// I wanted a good way to access a COutputEHANDLE's handle parameter.
// Sure, you could do it through logic_register_activator, but what if that's not good enough?
// Basic gEntList searches, which this originally used, would require extra implementation for another entity pointer to be passed.
// Without changing the way entity searching works, I just created a custom version of it here.
// Yes, all of this for mere "!output" support.
// I don't think there's much harm in this anyway. It's functionally identical and might even run a few nanoseconds faster
// since we don't need to check for filters or call the same loop over and over again.
const char *szName = STRING(pe->m_iTarget);
if ( szName[0] == '!' )
// This is a hack to access the entity from a FIELD_EHANDLE input
if ( FStrEq( STRING( pe->m_iTarget ), "!output" ) )
CBaseEntity *target = gEntList.FindEntityProcedural( szName, pSearchingEntity, pe->m_pActivator, pe->m_pCaller );
pe->m_VariantValue.Convert( FIELD_EHANDLE );
CBaseEntity *target = pe->m_VariantValue.Entity();
if (!target)
// pump the action into the target
target->AcceptInput( STRING( pe->m_iTargetInput ), pe->m_pActivator, pe->m_pCaller, pe->m_VariantValue, pe->m_iOutputID );
targetFound = true;
CBaseEntity *target = NULL;
while ( 1 )
// Here's the !output I was talking about.
// It only checks for it if we're looking for a procedural entity ('!' confirmed)
// and we didn't find one from FindEntityProcedural.
if (FStrEq(szName, "!output"))
pe->m_VariantValue.Convert( FIELD_EHANDLE );
target = pe->m_VariantValue.Entity();
target = gEntList.FindEntityByName( target, pe->m_iTarget, pSearchingEntity, pe->m_pActivator, pe->m_pCaller );
if ( !target )
if (target)
// pump the action into the target
target->AcceptInput( STRING(pe->m_iTargetInput), pe->m_pActivator, pe->m_pCaller, pe->m_VariantValue, pe->m_iOutputID );
targetFound = true;
const CEntInfo *pInfo = gEntList.FirstEntInfo();
for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext )
CBaseEntity *ent = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity;
if ( !ent )
DevWarning( "NULL entity in global entity list!\n" );
if ( !ent->GetEntityName() )
if ( ent->NameMatches( szName ) )
// pump the action into the target
ent->AcceptInput( STRING(pe->m_iTargetInput), pe->m_pActivator, pe->m_pCaller, pe->m_VariantValue, pe->m_iOutputID );
targetFound = true;
CBaseEntity *target = NULL;
while ( 1 )
target = gEntList.FindEntityByName( target, pe->m_iTarget, pSearchingEntity, pe->m_pActivator, pe->m_pCaller );
if ( !target )
// pump the action into the target
target->AcceptInput( STRING(pe->m_iTargetInput), pe->m_pActivator, pe->m_pCaller, pe->m_VariantValue, pe->m_iOutputID );
targetFound = true;
// direct pointer
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "npc_playercompanion.h"
#ifdef MAPBASE
#include "hl2_player.h"
#include "mapbase_matchers_base.h"
#endif // HL2_DLL
@ -78,6 +79,15 @@ public:
// IEntityListener
virtual void OnEntityCreated( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) {}
virtual void OnEntitySpawned( CBaseEntity *pEntity )
// From Alien Swarm SDK
if ( ShouldAddEntity( pEntity ) )
RemoveEntity( pEntity );
AddEntity( pEntity );
virtual void OnEntityDeleted( CBaseEntity *pEntity )
if ( !(pEntity->GetFlags() & FL_AIMTARGET) )
@ -105,6 +115,10 @@ public:
memcpy( pList, m_targetList.Base(), sizeof(CBaseEntity *) * count );
return count;
CBaseEntity *ListElement( int iIndex ) // From Alien Swarm SDK
return m_targetList[iIndex];
CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> m_targetList;
@ -120,6 +134,10 @@ int AimTarget_ListCopy( CBaseEntity *pList[], int listMax )
return g_AimManager.ListCopy( pList, listMax );
CBaseEntity *AimTarget_ListElement( int iIndex )
return g_AimManager.ListElement( iIndex );
void AimTarget_ForceRepopulateList()
@ -293,6 +311,10 @@ CBaseEntityClassList::~CBaseEntityClassList()
static CUtlVector<CustomProcedural_t> g_CustomProcedurals;
m_iHighestEnt = m_iNumEnts = m_iNumEdicts = 0;
@ -380,6 +402,18 @@ void CGlobalEntityList::Clear( void )
// free the memory
#ifdef _DEBUG // From Alien Swarm SDK
for ( UtlHashHandle_t handle = g_EntsByClassname.GetFirstHandle(); g_EntsByClassname.IsValidHandle(handle); handle = g_EntsByClassname.GetNextHandle(handle) )
EntsByStringList_t &element = g_EntsByClassname[handle];
Assert( element.pHead == NULL );
CBaseEntity::m_nDebugPlayer = -1;
CBaseEntity::m_bInDebugSelect = false;
m_iHighestEnt = 0;
@ -516,6 +550,43 @@ CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByClassname( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity
return NULL;
// From Alien Swarm SDK
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByClassnameFast( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, string_t iszClassname )
if ( pStartEntity )
return pStartEntity->m_pNextByClass;
EntsByStringList_t key = { iszClassname };
UtlHashHandle_t hEntry = g_EntsByClassname.Find( key );
if ( hEntry != g_EntsByClassname.InvalidHandle() )
return g_EntsByClassname[hEntry].pHead;
const CEntInfo *pInfo = pStartEntity ? GetEntInfoPtr( pStartEntity->GetRefEHandle() )->m_pNext : FirstEntInfo();
for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity;
if ( !pEntity )
DevWarning( "NULL entity in global entity list!\n" );
if ( pEntity->m_iClassname == iszClassname)
return pEntity;
return NULL;
// Purpose: Finds an entity given a procedural name.
@ -633,6 +704,93 @@ CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityProcedural( const char *szName, CBaseE
// Purpose: Finds an entity given a custom procedural name.
// Input : szName - The procedural name to search for, should start with '!'.
// pSearchingEntity -
// pActivator - The activator entity if this was called from an input
// or Use handler.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityCustomProcedural( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller )
const char *pName = szName;
// Check for the name escape character.
if ( szName[0] == '!' )
pName = szName + 1;
// Look through the custom procedural list.
for (int i = 0; i < g_CustomProcedurals.Count(); i++)
if (Matcher_NamesMatch( g_CustomProcedurals[i].szName, pName ))
if (pStartEntity && g_CustomProcedurals[i].bCanReturnMultiple == false)
return NULL;
// name, startEntity, searchingEntity, activator, caller
ScriptVariant_t functionReturn;
ScriptVariant_t args[] = {
ScriptVariant_t( pName ),
ScriptVariant_t( ToHScript( pStartEntity ) ),
ScriptVariant_t( ToHScript( pSearchingEntity ) ),
ScriptVariant_t( ToHScript( pActivator ) ),
ScriptVariant_t( ToHScript( pCaller ) ),
g_pScriptVM->ExecuteFunction( g_CustomProcedurals[i].hFunc, args, 5, &functionReturn, NULL, true );
return ToEnt( functionReturn.m_hScript );
return NULL;
void CGlobalEntityList::AddCustomProcedural( const char *pszName, HSCRIPT hFunc, bool bCanReturnMultiple )
// Check for any existing custom procedurals to replace.
for (int i = 0; i < g_CustomProcedurals.Count(); i++)
if (FStrEq( pszName, g_CustomProcedurals[i].szName ))
g_CustomProcedurals.FastRemove( i );
// Add a new custom procedural.
int i = g_CustomProcedurals.AddToTail();
g_CustomProcedurals[i].szName = pszName;
g_CustomProcedurals[i].hFunc = hFunc;
g_CustomProcedurals[i].bCanReturnMultiple = bCanReturnMultiple;
void CGlobalEntityList::RemoveCustomProcedural( const char *pszName )
// Remove the specified custom procedural.
for (int i = 0; i < g_CustomProcedurals.Count(); i++)
if (FStrEq( pszName, g_CustomProcedurals[i].szName ))
g_CustomProcedurals.FastRemove( i );
// Purpose: Iterates the entities with a given name.
// Input : pStartEntity - Last entity found, NULL to start a new iteration.
@ -647,6 +805,16 @@ CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByName( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, con
if ( szName[0] == '!' )
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (g_CustomProcedurals.Count() > 0)
// Search for a custom procedural
CBaseEntity *ent = FindEntityCustomProcedural( pStartEntity, szName, pSearchingEntity, pActivator, pCaller );
if (ent != NULL)
return ent;
// Avoid an infinite loop, only find one match per procedural search!
@ -682,6 +850,35 @@ CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByName( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, con
return NULL;
// From Alien Swarm SDK
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByNameFast( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, string_t iszName )
if ( iszName == NULL_STRING || STRING(iszName)[0] == 0 )
return NULL;
const CEntInfo *pInfo = pStartEntity ? GetEntInfoPtr( pStartEntity->GetRefEHandle() )->m_pNext : FirstEntInfo();
for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext )
CBaseEntity *ent = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity;
if ( !ent )
DevWarning( "NULL entity in global entity list!\n" );
if ( !ent->m_iName.Get() )
if ( ent->m_iName.Get() == iszName )
return ent;
return NULL;
// Purpose:
// Input : pStartEntity -
@ -899,6 +1096,80 @@ CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByClassnameNearest( const char *szName
// From Alien Swarm SDK
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByClassnameNearestFast( string_t iszName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
// Check for matching class names within the search radius.
float flMaxDist2 = flRadius * flRadius;
if (flMaxDist2 == 0)
CBaseEntity *pSearch = NULL;
while ((pSearch = gEntList.FindEntityByClassnameFast( pSearch, iszName )) != NULL)
if ( !pSearch->edict() )
float flDist2 = (pSearch->GetAbsOrigin() - vecSrc).LengthSqr();
if (flMaxDist2 > flDist2)
pEntity = pSearch;
flMaxDist2 = flDist2;
return pEntity;
// Purpose: Finds the nearest entity by class name withing given search radius.
// From Alien Swarm SDK
// Input : szName - Entity name to search for. Treated as a target name first,
// then as an entity class name, ie "info_target".
// vecSrc - Center of search radius.
// flRadius - Search radius for classname search, 0 to search everywhere.
// Output : Returns a pointer to the found entity, NULL if none.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByClassnameNearest2D( const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
// Check for matching class names within the search radius.
float flMaxDist2 = flRadius * flRadius;
if (flMaxDist2 == 0)
CBaseEntity *pSearch = NULL;
while ((pSearch = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pSearch, szName )) != NULL)
if ( !pSearch->edict() )
float flDist2 = (pSearch->GetAbsOrigin().AsVector2D() - vecSrc.AsVector2D()).LengthSqr();
if (flMaxDist2 > flDist2)
pEntity = pSearch;
flMaxDist2 = flDist2;
return pEntity;
// Purpose: Finds the first entity within radius distance by class name.
@ -74,6 +74,26 @@ public:
virtual bool ShouldFindEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { return false; }
virtual CBaseEntity *GetFilterResult( void ) { return NULL; }
// Custom procedural names via VScript. This allows users to reference new '!' targets
// or override existing ones. It is capable of returning multiple entities when needed.
// This is useful if you want I/O and beyond to reference an entity/a number of entities
// which may possess differing or ambiguous targetnames, or if you want to reference an
// entity specific to the context of the operation (e.g. getting the searching entity's
// current weapon).
// For example, you could add a new procedural called "!first_child" which uses VScript to
// return the searching entity's first child entity. You could also add a procedural called
// "!children" which returns all of the searching entity's child entities.
struct CustomProcedural_t
const char *szName;
bool bCanReturnMultiple;
@ -160,6 +180,7 @@ public:
CBaseEntity *FindEntityByNameNearest( const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity = NULL, CBaseEntity *pActivator = NULL, CBaseEntity *pCaller = NULL );
CBaseEntity *FindEntityByNameWithin( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity = NULL, CBaseEntity *pActivator = NULL, CBaseEntity *pCaller = NULL );
CBaseEntity *FindEntityByClassnameNearest( const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius );
CBaseEntity *FindEntityByClassnameNearest2D( const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius ); // From Alien Swarm SDK
CBaseEntity *FindEntityByClassnameWithin( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity , const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius );
CBaseEntity *FindEntityByClassnameWithin( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity , const char *szName, const Vector &vecMins, const Vector &vecMaxs );
@ -176,7 +197,19 @@ public:
CBaseEntity *FindEntityByNetname( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szModelName );
CBaseEntity *FindEntityProcedural( const char *szName, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity = NULL, CBaseEntity *pActivator = NULL, CBaseEntity *pCaller = NULL );
CBaseEntity *FindEntityCustomProcedural( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity = NULL, CBaseEntity *pActivator = NULL, CBaseEntity *pCaller = NULL );
void AddCustomProcedural( const char *pszName, HSCRIPT hFunc, bool bCanReturnMultiple );
void RemoveCustomProcedural( const char *pszName );
// Fast versions that require a (real) string_t, and won't do wildcarding
// From Alien Swarm SDK
CBaseEntity *FindEntityByClassnameFast( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, string_t iszClassname );
CBaseEntity *FindEntityByClassnameNearestFast( string_t iszClassname, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius );
CBaseEntity *FindEntityByNameFast( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, string_t iszName );
// CBaseEntityList overrides.
@ -373,6 +406,7 @@ extern INotify *g_pNotify;
void EntityTouch_Add( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
int AimTarget_ListCount();
int AimTarget_ListCopy( CBaseEntity *pList[], int listMax );
CBaseEntity *AimTarget_ListElement( int iIndex );
void AimTarget_ForceRepopulateList();
void SimThink_EntityChanged( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
@ -122,6 +122,24 @@ public:
return ToHScript( gEntList.FindEntityClassNearestFacing( origin, facing, threshold, const_cast<char*>(classname) ) );
HSCRIPT FindByClassnameNearest2D( const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius )
return ToHScript( gEntList.FindEntityByClassnameNearest2D( szName, vecSrc, flRadius ) );
// Custom Procedurals
void AddCustomProcedural( const char *pszName, HSCRIPT hFunc, bool bCanReturnMultiple )
gEntList.AddCustomProcedural( pszName, hFunc, bCanReturnMultiple );
void RemoveCustomProcedural( const char *pszName )
gEntList.RemoveCustomProcedural( pszName );
void EnableEntityListening()
// Start getting entity updates!
@ -186,6 +204,10 @@ BEGIN_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT_NAMED( CScriptEntityIterator, "CEntities", SCRIPT_SINGLETO
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( FindByClassnameWithinBox, "Find entities by class name within an AABB. Pass 'null' to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( FindByClassNearestFacing, "Find the nearest entity along the facing direction from the given origin within the angular threshold with the given classname." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( FindByClassnameNearest2D, "Find entities by class name nearest to a point in 2D space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( AddCustomProcedural, "Adds a custom '!' target name. The first parameter is the name of the procedural (which should NOT include the '!'), the second parameter is a function which should support 5 arguments (name, startEntity, searchingEntity, activator, caller), and the third parameter is whether or not this procedural can return multiple entities. Note that these are NOT saved and must be redeclared on restore!" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( RemoveCustomProcedural, "Removes a custom '!' target name previously defined with AddCustomProcedural." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( EnableEntityListening, "Enables the 'OnEntity' hooks. This function must be called before using them." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( DisableEntityListening, "Disables the 'OnEntity' hooks." )
Reference in New Issue
Block a user