mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 23:20:20 +03:00
@ -426,11 +426,16 @@ BEGIN_RECV_TABLE_NOBASE( C_BaseEntity, DT_AnimTimeMustBeFirst )
BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT( C_BaseEntity, "Root class of all client-side entities" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( GetAbsOrigin, "GetOrigin", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetForward, "GetForwardVector", "Get the forward vector of the entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetLeft, "GetLeftVector", "Get the left vector of the entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetUp, "GetUpVector", "Get the up vector of the entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetTeamNumber, "Gets this entity's team" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( GetAbsOrigin, "GetOrigin", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetForward, "GetForwardVector", "Get the forward vector of the entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetRight, "GetRightVector", "Get the right vector of the entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( GetTeamNumber, "GetTeam", "Gets this entity's team" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetUp, "GetUpVector", "Get the up vector of the entity" )
@ -1132,7 +1132,11 @@ public:
virtual int GetSkin() { return 0; }
const Vector& ScriptGetForward(void) { static Vector vecForward; GetVectors(&vecForward, NULL, NULL); return vecForward; }
const Vector& ScriptGetLeft(void) { static Vector vecLeft; GetVectors(NULL, &vecLeft, NULL); return vecLeft; }
const Vector& ScriptGetRight(void) { static Vector vecRight; GetVectors(NULL, &vecRight, NULL); return vecRight; }
const Vector& ScriptGetLeft(void) { static Vector vecRight; GetVectors(NULL, &vecRight, NULL); return vecRight; }
const Vector& ScriptGetUp(void) { static Vector vecUp; GetVectors(NULL, NULL, &vecUp); return vecUp; }
@ -2136,6 +2136,9 @@ BEGIN_DATADESC_NO_BASE( CBaseEntity )
DEFINE_THINKFUNC( ShadowCastDistThink ),
#ifdef MAPBASE
DEFINE_FUNCTION( SUB_RemoveWhenNotVisible ),
@ -2173,6 +2176,10 @@ BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT( CBaseEntity, "Root class of all server-side entities"
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetClassname, "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( GetEntityNameAsCStr, "GetName", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetDebugName, "If name exists returns name, otherwise returns classname" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetPreTemplateName, "Get the entity name stripped of template unique decoration" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( GetAbsOrigin, "GetOrigin", "" )
@ -2185,11 +2192,15 @@ BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT( CBaseEntity, "Root class of all server-side entities"
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetLocalAngles, "GetLocalAngles" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( SetLocalAngles, "SetLocalAngles" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetOrigin, "SetOrigin", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetForward, "SetForwardVector", "Set the orientation of the entity to have this forward vector" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetForward, "GetForwardVector", "Get the forward vector of the entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetLeft, "GetLeftVector", "Get the left vector of the entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetRight, "GetRightVector", "Get the right vector of the entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetUp, "GetUpVector", "Get the up vector of the entity" )
@ -2199,16 +2210,17 @@ BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT( CBaseEntity, "Root class of all server-side entities"
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptEntityToWorldTransform, "EntityToWorldTransform", "Get the entity's transform" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetPhysicsObject, "GetPhysicsObject", "Get the entity's physics object if it has one" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse, "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse, "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetForward, "SetForwardVector", "Set the orientation of the entity to have this forward vector" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( GetAbsVelocity, "GetVelocity", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( SetAbsVelocity, "SetVelocity", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetLocalAngularVelocity, "SetAngularVelocity", "Set the local angular velocity - takes float pitch,yaw,roll velocities" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetLocalAngularVelocity, "GetAngularVelocity", "Get the local angular velocity - returns a vector of pitch,yaw,roll" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( WorldSpaceCenter, "GetCenter", "Get vector to center of object - absolute coords")
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptEyePosition, "EyePosition", "Get vector to eye position - absolute coords")
@ -2225,7 +2237,10 @@ BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT( CBaseEntity, "Root class of all server-side entities"
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetOwner, "SetOwner", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( GetTeamNumber, "GetTeam", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ChangeTeam, "SetTeam", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetParent, "SetParent", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetMoveParent, "GetMoveParent", "If in hierarchy, retrieves the entity's parent" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetRootMoveParent, "GetRootMoveParent", "If in hierarchy, walks up the hierarchy to find the root parent" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptFirstMoveChild, "FirstMoveChild", "" )
@ -2259,16 +2274,28 @@ BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT( CBaseEntity, "Root class of all server-side entities"
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptAddOutput, "AddOutput", "Add an output" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetKeyValue, "GetKeyValue", "Get a keyvalue" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetColorVector, "GetColorVector", "Get the render color as a vector" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetColorR, "GetColorR", "Get the render color's R value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetColorG, "GetColorG", "Get the render color's G value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetColorB, "GetColorB", "Get the render color's B value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetAlpha, "GetAlpha", "Get the render color's alpha value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetColorVector, "SetColorVector", "Set the render color as a vector" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetColorR, "SetColorR", "Set the render color's R value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetColorG, "SetColorG", "Set the render color's G value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetColorB, "SetColorB", "Set the render color's B value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetAlpha, "SetAlpha", "Set the render color's alpha value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetColorVector, "GetRenderColorVector", "Get the render color as a vector" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetColorR, "GetRenderColorR", "Get the render color's R value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetColorG, "GetRenderColorG", "Get the render color's G value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetColorB, "GetRenderColorB", "Get the render color's B value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetAlpha, "GetRenderAlpha", "Get the render color's alpha value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetColorVector, "SetRenderColorVector", "Set the render color as a vector" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetColor, "SetRenderColor", "Set the render color" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetColorR, "SetRenderColorR", "Set the render color's R value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetColorG, "SetRenderColorG", "Set the render color's G value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetColorB, "SetRenderColorB", "Set the render color's B value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetAlpha, "SetRenderAlpha", "Set the render color's alpha value" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetColorVector, "GetColorVector", SCRIPT_HIDE )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetColorVector, "SetColorVector", SCRIPT_HIDE )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptGetRenderMode, "GetRenderMode", "Get render mode" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetRenderMode, "SetRenderMode", "Set render mode" )
@ -2296,6 +2323,13 @@ BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT( CBaseEntity, "Root class of all server-side entities"
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetCollisionGroup, "Get the collision group" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( SetCollisionGroup, "Set the collision group" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetFriction, "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( SetFriction, "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetSolidFlags, "Get solid flags" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( AddSolidFlags, "Add solid flags" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( RemoveSolidFlags, "Remove solid flags" )
@ -2305,14 +2339,26 @@ BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT( CBaseEntity, "Root class of all server-side entities"
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( IsCombatCharacter, "Returns true if this entity is a combat character (player or NPC)." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( IsBaseCombatWeapon, "IsWeapon", "Returns true if this entity is a weapon." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( IsWorld, "Returns true if this entity is the world." )
// DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( IsMarkedForDeletion, "Returns true if the entity is valid and marked for deletion." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( ValidateScriptScope, "Ensure that an entity's script scope has been created" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetScriptScope, "Retrieve the script-side data associated with an entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetOrCreatePrivateScriptScope, "Create and retrieve the script-side data associated with an entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetScriptId, "Retrieve the unique identifier used to refer to the entity within the scripting system" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( GetScriptOwnerEntity, "GetOwner", "Gets this entity's owner" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( SetScriptOwnerEntity, "SetOwner", "Sets this entity's owner" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( entindex, "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetThinkFunction, "SetThinkFunction", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptStopThinkFunction, "StopThinkFunction", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptSetThink, "SetThink", "" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( ScriptStopThink, "StopThink", "" )
@ -2418,6 +2464,13 @@ void CBaseEntity::UpdateOnRemove( void )
if ( m_hScriptInstance )
HSCRIPT hFunc = LookupScriptFunction("UpdateOnRemove");
if ( hFunc )
CallScriptFunctionHandle( hFunc, NULL );
g_pScriptVM->RemoveInstance( m_hScriptInstance );
m_hScriptInstance = NULL;
@ -8341,8 +8394,8 @@ void CBaseEntity::ScriptThink(void)
// use default think interval if script think function doesn't provide one
flThinkFrequency = sv_script_think_interval.GetFloat();
gpGlobals->curtime + flThinkFrequency, "ScriptThink");
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + flThinkFrequency, "ScriptThink" );
@ -8350,14 +8403,110 @@ void CBaseEntity::ScriptThink(void)
void CBaseEntity::ScriptSetThinkFunction(const char *szFunc, float time)
// Empty string stops thinking
if (!szFunc || szFunc[0] == '\0')
m_iszScriptThinkFunction = AllocPooledString(szFunc);
SetContextThink( &CBaseEntity::ScriptThink, gpGlobals->curtime + time, "ScriptThink" );
void CBaseEntity::ScriptStopThinkFunction()
m_iszScriptThinkFunction = NULL_STRING;
SetContextThink( NULL, TICK_NEVER_THINK, "ScriptThink" );
void CBaseEntity::ScriptThinkH()
if (m_hfnThink)
ScriptVariant_t varThinkRetVal;
if (g_pScriptVM->ExecuteFunction(m_hfnThink, NULL, 0, &varThinkRetVal, NULL, true) == SCRIPT_ERROR)
DevWarning("%s FAILED to call script think function (invalid closure)!\n", GetDebugName());
float flThinkFrequency = 0.f;
if (!varThinkRetVal.AssignTo(&flThinkFrequency))
// no return value stops thinking
SetNextThink(gpGlobals->curtime + flThinkFrequency, "ScriptThinkH");
DevWarning("%s FAILED to call script think function (invalid closure)!\n", GetDebugName());
void CBaseEntity::ScriptSetThink(HSCRIPT hFunc, float time)
if (hFunc)
if (m_hfnThink)
// release old func
// no type check here, print error on call instead
m_hfnThink = hFunc;
SetContextThink( &CBaseEntity::ScriptThinkH, gpGlobals->curtime + time, "ScriptThinkH" );
void CBaseEntity::ScriptStopThink()
if (m_hfnThink)
m_hfnThink = NULL;
SetContextThink( NULL, TICK_NEVER_THINK, "ScriptThinkH" );
const char* CBaseEntity::GetScriptId()
return STRING(m_iszScriptId);
return STRING(m_iszScriptThinkFunction);
// Recreate the old behaviour of GetScriptId under a new function
// const char* CBaseEntity::GetScriptThinkFunction()
// {
// return STRING(m_iszScriptThinkFunction);
// }
HSCRIPT CBaseEntity::GetScriptScope()
@ -8365,6 +8514,51 @@ HSCRIPT CBaseEntity::GetScriptScope()
return m_ScriptScope;
HSCRIPT CBaseEntity::GetOrCreatePrivateScriptScope()
return m_ScriptScope;
void CBaseEntity::ScriptSetParent(HSCRIPT hParent, const char *szAttachment)
CBaseEntity *pParent = ToEnt(hParent);
if ( !pParent )
// if an attachment is specified, the parent needs to be CBaseAnimating
if ( szAttachment && szAttachment[0] != '\0' )
CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = pParent->GetBaseAnimating();
if ( !pAnimating )
Warning("ERROR: Tried to set parent for entity %s (%s), but its parent has no model.\n", GetClassname(), GetDebugName());
int iAttachment = pAnimating->LookupAttachment(szAttachment);
if ( iAttachment <= 0 )
Warning("ERROR: Tried to set parent for entity %s (%s), but it has no attachment named %s.\n", GetClassname(), GetDebugName(), szAttachment);
SetParent(pParent, iAttachment);
HSCRIPT CBaseEntity::ScriptGetMoveParent(void)
@ -9762,6 +9956,11 @@ void CBaseEntity::ScriptSetColorVector( const Vector& vecColor )
SetRenderColor( vecColor.x, vecColor.y, vecColor.z );
void CBaseEntity::ScriptSetColor( int r, int g, int b )
SetRenderColor( r, g, b );
// Vscript: Gets the entity matrix transform
@ -591,6 +591,9 @@ public:
CBaseEntity *NextMovePeer( void );
void SetName( string_t newTarget );
void SetNameAsCStr( const char *newTarget );
void SetParent( string_t newParent, CBaseEntity *pActivator, int iAttachment = -1 );
// Set the movement parent. Your local origin and angles will become relative to this parent.
@ -1363,6 +1366,10 @@ public:
void SetGravity( float gravity );
float GetFriction( void ) const;
void SetFriction( float flFriction );
void SetMass(float mass);
float GetMass();
virtual bool FVisible ( CBaseEntity *pEntity, int traceMask = MASK_BLOCKLOS, CBaseEntity **ppBlocker = NULL );
virtual bool FVisible( const Vector &vecTarget, int traceMask = MASK_BLOCKLOS, CBaseEntity **ppBlocker = NULL );
@ -1958,8 +1965,21 @@ public:
void ConnectOutputToScript(const char* pszOutput, const char* pszScriptFunc);
void DisconnectOutputFromScript(const char* pszOutput, const char* pszScriptFunc);
void ScriptThink();
void ScriptSetThinkFunction(const char *szFunc, float time);
void ScriptStopThinkFunction();
void ScriptSetThink(HSCRIPT hFunc, float time);
void ScriptStopThink();
void ScriptThinkH();
HSCRIPT m_hfnThink;
const char* GetScriptId();
HSCRIPT GetScriptScope();
HSCRIPT GetOrCreatePrivateScriptScope();
void RunPrecacheScripts(void);
void RunOnPostSpawnScripts(void);
@ -1989,7 +2009,11 @@ public:
void ScriptSetOrigin(const Vector& v) { Teleport(&v, NULL, NULL); }
void ScriptSetForward(const Vector& v) { QAngle angles; VectorAngles(v, angles); Teleport(NULL, &angles, NULL); }
const Vector& ScriptGetForward(void) { static Vector vecForward; GetVectors(&vecForward, NULL, NULL); return vecForward; }
const Vector& ScriptGetLeft(void) { static Vector vecLeft; GetVectors(NULL, &vecLeft, NULL); return vecLeft; }
const Vector& ScriptGetRight(void) { static Vector vecRight; GetVectors(NULL, &vecRight, NULL); return vecRight; }
const Vector& ScriptGetLeft(void) { static Vector vecRight; GetVectors(NULL, &vecRight, NULL); return vecRight; }
const Vector& ScriptGetUp(void) { static Vector vecUp; GetVectors(NULL, NULL, &vecUp); return vecUp; }
@ -1999,6 +2023,8 @@ public:
HSCRIPT ScriptEntityToWorldTransform( void );
HSCRIPT ScriptGetPhysicsObject( void );
void ScriptSetParent(HSCRIPT hParent, const char *szAttachment);
const char* ScriptGetModelName(void) const;
@ -2037,6 +2063,7 @@ public:
int ScriptGetColorB() { return m_clrRender.GetB(); }
int ScriptGetAlpha() { return m_clrRender.GetA(); }
void ScriptSetColorVector( const Vector& vecColor );
void ScriptSetColor( int r, int g, int b );
void ScriptSetColorR( int iVal ) { SetRenderColorR( iVal ); }
void ScriptSetColorG( int iVal ) { SetRenderColorG( iVal ); }
void ScriptSetColorB( int iVal ) { SetRenderColorB( iVal ); }
@ -2203,6 +2230,12 @@ inline void CBaseEntity::SetName( string_t newName )
m_iName = newName;
inline void CBaseEntity::SetNameAsCStr( const char *newName )
m_iName = AllocPooledString(newName);
inline bool CBaseEntity::NameMatches( const char *pszNameOrWildcard )
@ -2380,6 +2413,36 @@ inline const QAngle& CBaseEntity::GetAbsAngles( void ) const
return m_angAbsRotation;
inline float CBaseEntity::GetMass()
IPhysicsObject *vPhys = VPhysicsGetObject();
if (vPhys)
return vPhys->GetMass();
Warning("Tried to call GetMass() on %s but it has no physics.\n", GetDebugName());
return 0;
inline void CBaseEntity::SetMass(float mass)
IPhysicsObject *vPhys = VPhysicsGetObject();
if (vPhys)
Warning("Tried to call SetMass() on %s but it has no physics.\n", GetDebugName());
@ -490,7 +490,8 @@ BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC( CBasePlayer, CBaseCombatCharacter, "The player entity." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( VScriptGetExpresser, "GetExpresser", "Gets a handle for this player's expresser." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetPlayerName, "Gets the player's name." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC_NAMED( GetUserID, "GetPlayerUserId", "Gets the player's user ID." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetUserID, "Gets the player's user ID." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetNetworkIDString, "Gets the player's network (i.e. Steam) ID." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( FragCount, "Gets the number of frags (kills) this player has in a multiplayer game." )
@ -518,6 +519,10 @@ BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC( CBasePlayer, CBaseCombatCharacter, "The player entity." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetButtonDisabled, "Gets the player's currently unusable buttons." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetButtonForced, "Gets the player's currently forced buttons." )
BEGIN_ENT_SCRIPTDESC( CBasePlayer, CBaseAnimating, "The player entity." )
@ -9169,6 +9174,18 @@ void CBasePlayer::SetDefaultFOV( int FOV )
m_iDefaultFOV = ( FOV == 0 ) ? g_pGameRules->DefaultFOV() : FOV;
void CBasePlayer::ScriptSetFOV(int iFOV, float flRate)
m_iFOVStart = GetFOV();
m_flFOVTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
m_iFOV = iFOV;
m_Local.m_flFOVRate = flRate;
// Purpose: // static func
// Input : set -
@ -771,6 +771,10 @@ public:
int GetDefaultFOV( void ) const; // Default FOV if not specified otherwise
int GetFOVForNetworking( void ); // Get the current FOV used for network computations
bool SetFOV( CBaseEntity *pRequester, int FOV, float zoomRate = 0.0f, int iZoomStart = 0 ); // Alters the base FOV of the player (must have a valid requester)
void ScriptSetFOV(int iFOV, float flSpeed); // Overrides player FOV, ignores zoom owner
HSCRIPT ScriptGetFOVOwner() { return ToHScript(m_hZoomOwner); }
void SetDefaultFOV( int FOV ); // Sets the base FOV if nothing else is affecting it by zooming
CBaseEntity *GetFOVOwner( void ) { return m_hZoomOwner; }
float GetFOVDistanceAdjustFactor(); // shared between client and server
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "gamerules.h"
#include "vscript_server.nut"
#include "particle_parse.h"
#include "world.h"
@ -43,6 +44,12 @@ extern ScriptClassDesc_t * GetScriptDesc( CBaseEntity * );
class CScriptEntityIterator
HSCRIPT GetLocalPlayer()
return ToHScript( UTIL_GetLocalPlayerOrListenServerHost() );
HSCRIPT First() { return Next(NULL); }
HSCRIPT Next( HSCRIPT hStartEntity )
@ -104,6 +111,9 @@ private:
} g_ScriptEntityIterator;
BEGIN_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT_NAMED( CScriptEntityIterator, "CEntities", SCRIPT_SINGLETON "The global list of entities" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetLocalPlayer, "Get local player or listen server host" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( First, "Begin an iteration over the list of entities" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( Next, "Continue an iteration over the list of entities, providing reference to a previously found entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( CreateByClassname, "Creates an entity by classname" )
@ -323,7 +333,449 @@ CScriptKeyValues::~CScriptKeyValues( )
m_pKeyValues = NULL;
if (engine->IsPaused())\
DevWarning("debugoverlay: cannot draw while the game is paused!\n");\
class CDebugOverlayScriptHelper
void Box(const Vector &origin, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, int r, int g, int b, int a, float flDuration)
if (debugoverlay)
debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay(origin, mins, maxs, vec3_angle, r, g, b, a, flDuration);
void BoxDirection(const Vector &origin, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, const Vector &forward, int r, int g, int b, int a, float flDuration)
QAngle f_angles = vec3_angle;
f_angles.y = UTIL_VecToYaw(forward);
if (debugoverlay)
debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay(origin, mins, maxs, f_angles, r, g, b, a, flDuration);
void BoxAngles(const Vector &origin, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, const QAngle &angles, int r, int g, int b, int a, float flDuration)
if (debugoverlay)
debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay(origin, mins, maxs, angles, r, g, b, a, flDuration);
void SweptBox(const Vector& start, const Vector& end, const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, const QAngle & angles, int r, int g, int b, int a, float flDuration)
if (debugoverlay)
debugoverlay->AddSweptBoxOverlay(start, end, mins, maxs, angles, r, g, b, a, flDuration);
void EntityBounds(HSCRIPT pEntity, int r, int g, int b, int a, float flDuration)
CBaseEntity *pEnt = ToEnt(pEntity);
if (!pEnt)
const CCollisionProperty *pCollide = pEnt->CollisionProp();
if (debugoverlay)
debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay(pCollide->GetCollisionOrigin(), pCollide->OBBMins(), pCollide->OBBMaxs(), pCollide->GetCollisionAngles(), r, g, b, a, flDuration);
void Line(const Vector &origin, const Vector &target, int r, int g, int b, bool noDepthTest, float flDuration)
if (debugoverlay)
debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay(origin, target, r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration);
void Triangle(const Vector &p1, const Vector &p2, const Vector &p3, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool noDepthTest, float duration)
if (debugoverlay)
debugoverlay->AddTriangleOverlay(p1, p2, p3, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, duration);
void EntityText(int entityID, int text_offset, const char *text, float flDuration, int r, int g, int b, int a)
if (debugoverlay)
debugoverlay->AddEntityTextOverlay(entityID, text_offset, flDuration,
(int)clamp(r * 255.f, 0.f, 255.f), (int)clamp(g * 255.f, 0.f, 255.f), (int)clamp(b * 255.f, 0.f, 255.f),
(int)clamp(a * 255.f, 0.f, 255.f), text);
void EntityTextAtPosition(const Vector &origin, int text_offset, const char *text, float flDuration, int r, int g, int b, int a)
if (debugoverlay)
debugoverlay->AddTextOverlayRGB(origin, text_offset, flDuration, r, g, b, a, "%s", text);
void Grid(const Vector &vPosition)
if (debugoverlay)
void Text(const Vector &origin, const char *text, float flDuration)
if (debugoverlay)
debugoverlay->AddTextOverlay(origin, flDuration, "%s", text);
void ScreenText(float fXpos, float fYpos, const char *text, int r, int g, int b, int a, float flDuration)
if (debugoverlay)
debugoverlay->AddScreenTextOverlay(fXpos, fYpos, flDuration, r, g, b, a, text);
void Cross3D(const Vector &position, float size, int r, int g, int b, bool noDepthTest, float flDuration)
Line( position + Vector(size,0,0), position - Vector(size,0,0), r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Line( position + Vector(0,size,0), position - Vector(0,size,0), r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Line( position + Vector(0,0,size), position - Vector(0,0,size), r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration );
void Cross3DOriented(const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, float size, int r, int g, int b, bool noDepthTest, float flDuration)
Vector forward, right, up;
AngleVectors( angles, &forward, &right, &up );
forward *= size;
right *= size;
up *= size;
Line( position + right, position - right, r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Line( position + forward, position - forward, r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Line( position + up, position - up, r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration );
void DrawTickMarkedLine(const Vector &startPos, const Vector &endPos, float tickDist, int tickTextDist, int r, int g, int b, bool noDepthTest, float flDuration)
Vector lineDir = (endPos - startPos);
float lineDist = VectorNormalize(lineDir);
int numTicks = lineDist / tickDist;
Vector upVec = Vector(0,0,4);
Vector sideDir;
Vector tickPos = startPos;
int tickTextCnt = 0;
CrossProduct(lineDir, upVec, sideDir);
Line(startPos, endPos, r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration);
for (int i = 0; i<numTicks + 1; i++)
Vector tickLeft = tickPos - sideDir;
Vector tickRight = tickPos + sideDir;
if (tickTextCnt == tickTextDist)
char text[25];
Q_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%i", i);
Vector textPos = tickLeft + Vector(0, 0, 8);
Line(tickLeft, tickRight, 255, 255, 255, noDepthTest, flDuration);
Text(textPos, text, flDuration);
tickTextCnt = 0;
Line(tickLeft, tickRight, r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration);
tickPos = tickPos + (tickDist * lineDir);
void HorzArrow(const Vector &startPos, const Vector &endPos, float width, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool noDepthTest, float flDuration)
Vector lineDir = (endPos - startPos);
VectorNormalize( lineDir );
Vector upVec = Vector( 0, 0, 1 );
Vector sideDir;
float radius = width / 2.0;
CrossProduct(lineDir, upVec, sideDir);
Vector p1 = startPos - sideDir * radius;
Vector p2 = endPos - lineDir * width - sideDir * radius;
Vector p3 = endPos - lineDir * width - sideDir * width;
Vector p4 = endPos;
Vector p5 = endPos - lineDir * width + sideDir * width;
Vector p6 = endPos - lineDir * width + sideDir * radius;
Vector p7 = startPos + sideDir * radius;
Line(p1, p2, r,g,b,noDepthTest,flDuration);
Line(p2, p3, r,g,b,noDepthTest,flDuration);
Line(p3, p4, r,g,b,noDepthTest,flDuration);
Line(p4, p5, r,g,b,noDepthTest,flDuration);
Line(p5, p6, r,g,b,noDepthTest,flDuration);
Line(p6, p7, r,g,b,noDepthTest,flDuration);
if ( a > 0 )
Triangle( p5, p4, p3, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Triangle( p1, p7, p6, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Triangle( p6, p2, p1, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Triangle( p3, p4, p5, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Triangle( p6, p7, p1, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Triangle( p1, p2, p6, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
void YawArrow(const Vector &startPos, float yaw, float length, float width, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool noDepthTest, float flDuration)
Vector forward = UTIL_YawToVector( yaw );
HorzArrow( startPos, startPos + forward * length, width, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
void VertArrow(const Vector &startPos, const Vector &endPos, float width, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool noDepthTest, float flDuration)
Vector lineDir = (endPos - startPos);
VectorNormalize( lineDir );
Vector upVec;
Vector sideDir;
float radius = width / 2.0;
VectorVectors( lineDir, sideDir, upVec );
Vector p1 = startPos - upVec * radius;
Vector p2 = endPos - lineDir * width - upVec * radius;
Vector p3 = endPos - lineDir * width - upVec * width;
Vector p4 = endPos;
Vector p5 = endPos - lineDir * width + upVec * width;
Vector p6 = endPos - lineDir * width + upVec * radius;
Vector p7 = startPos + upVec * radius;
Line(p1, p2, r,g,b,noDepthTest,flDuration);
Line(p2, p3, r,g,b,noDepthTest,flDuration);
Line(p3, p4, r,g,b,noDepthTest,flDuration);
Line(p4, p5, r,g,b,noDepthTest,flDuration);
Line(p5, p6, r,g,b,noDepthTest,flDuration);
Line(p6, p7, r,g,b,noDepthTest,flDuration);
if ( a > 0 )
Triangle( p5, p4, p3, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Triangle( p1, p7, p6, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Triangle( p6, p2, p1, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Triangle( p3, p4, p5, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Triangle( p6, p7, p1, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Triangle( p1, p2, p6, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );
void Axis(const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, float size, bool noDepthTest, float flDuration)
Vector xvec, yvec, zvec;
AngleVectors( angles, &xvec, &yvec, &zvec );
xvec = position + (size * xvec);
yvec = position - (size * yvec);
zvec = position + (size * zvec);
Line( position, xvec, 255, 0, 0, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Line( position, yvec, 0, 255, 0, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Line( position, zvec, 0, 0, 255, noDepthTest, flDuration );
void Sphere(const Vector ¢er, float radius, int r, int g, int b, bool noDepthTest, float flDuration)
Vector edge, lastEdge;
float axisSize = radius;
Line( center + Vector( 0, 0, -axisSize ), center + Vector( 0, 0, axisSize ), r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Line( center + Vector( 0, -axisSize, 0 ), center + Vector( 0, axisSize, 0 ), r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration );
Line( center + Vector( -axisSize, 0, 0 ), center + Vector( axisSize, 0, 0 ), r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration );
lastEdge = Vector( radius + center.x, center.y, center.z );
float angle;
for( angle=0.0f; angle <= 360.0f; angle += 22.5f )
edge.x = radius * cosf( angle / 180.0f * M_PI ) + center.x;
edge.y = center.y;
edge.z = radius * sinf( angle / 180.0f * M_PI ) + center.z;
Line( edge, lastEdge, r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration );
lastEdge = edge;
lastEdge = Vector( center.x, radius + center.y, center.z );
for( angle=0.0f; angle <= 360.0f; angle += 22.5f )
edge.x = center.x;
edge.y = radius * cosf( angle / 180.0f * M_PI ) + center.y;
edge.z = radius * sinf( angle / 180.0f * M_PI ) + center.z;
Line( edge, lastEdge, r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration );
lastEdge = edge;
lastEdge = Vector( center.x, radius + center.y, center.z );
for( angle=0.0f; angle <= 360.0f; angle += 22.5f )
edge.x = radius * cosf( angle / 180.0f * M_PI ) + center.x;
edge.y = radius * sinf( angle / 180.0f * M_PI ) + center.y;
edge.z = center.z;
Line( edge, lastEdge, r, g, b, noDepthTest, flDuration );
lastEdge = edge;
void CircleOriented(const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, float radius, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool bNoDepthTest, float flDuration)
matrix3x4_t xform;
AngleMatrix(angles, position, xform);
Vector xAxis, yAxis;
MatrixGetColumn(xform, 2, xAxis);
MatrixGetColumn(xform, 1, yAxis);
Circle(position, xAxis, yAxis, radius, r, g, b, a, bNoDepthTest, flDuration);
void Circle(const Vector &position, const Vector &xAxis, const Vector &yAxis, float radius, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool bNoDepthTest, float flDuration)
const unsigned int nSegments = 16;
const float flRadStep = (M_PI*2.0f) / (float) nSegments;
Vector vecLastPosition;
Vector vecStart = position + xAxis * radius;
Vector vecPosition = vecStart;
for ( int i = 1; i <= nSegments; i++ )
vecLastPosition = vecPosition;
float flSin, flCos;
SinCos( flRadStep*i, &flSin, &flCos );
vecPosition = position + (xAxis * flCos * radius) + (yAxis * flSin * radius);
Line( vecLastPosition, vecPosition, r, g, b, bNoDepthTest, flDuration );
if ( a && i > 1 )
debugoverlay->AddTriangleOverlay( vecStart, vecLastPosition, vecPosition, r, g, b, a, bNoDepthTest, flDuration );
void SetDebugBits(HSCRIPT hEntity, int bit) // DebugOverlayBits_t
CBaseEntity *pEnt = ToEnt(hEntity);
if (!pEnt)
if (pEnt->m_debugOverlays & bit)
pEnt->m_debugOverlays &= ~bit;
pEnt->m_debugOverlays |= bit;
if (pEnt->IsNPC())
void ClearAllOverlays()
// Clear all entities of their debug overlays
for (CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.FirstEnt(); pEntity; pEntity = gEntList.NextEnt(pEntity))
pEntity->m_debugOverlays = 0;
if (debugoverlay)
} g_ScriptDebugOverlay;
BEGIN_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT(CDebugOverlayScriptHelper, SCRIPT_SINGLETON "CDebugOverlayScriptHelper")
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( Box, "Draws a world-space axis-aligned box. Specify bounds in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( BoxDirection, "Draw box oriented to a Vector direction" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( BoxAngles, "Draws an oriented box at the origin. Specify bounds in local space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( SweptBox, "Draws a swept box. Specify endpoints in world space and the bounds in local space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( EntityBounds, "Draws bounds of an entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( Line, "Draws a line between two points" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( Triangle, "Draws a filled triangle. Specify vertices in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( EntityText, "Draws text on an entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( EntityTextAtPosition, "Draw entity text overlay at a specific position" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( Grid, "Add grid overlay" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( Text, "Draws 2D text. Specify origin in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( ScreenText, "Draws 2D text. Specify coordinates in screen space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( Cross3D, "Draws a world-aligned cross. Specify origin in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( Cross3DOriented, "Draws an oriented cross. Specify origin in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( DrawTickMarkedLine, "Draws a dashed line. Specify endpoints in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( HorzArrow, "Draws a horizontal arrow. Specify endpoints in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( YawArrow, "Draws a arrow associated with a specific yaw. Specify endpoints in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( VertArrow, "Draws a vertical arrow. Specify endpoints in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( Axis, "Draws an axis. Specify origin + orientation in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( Sphere, "Draws a wireframe sphere. Specify center in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( CircleOriented, "Draws a circle oriented. Specify center in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( Circle, "Draws a circle. Specify center in world space." )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( SetDebugBits, "Set debug bits on entity" )
DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( ClearAllOverlays, "Clear all debug overlays at once" )
@ -484,6 +936,16 @@ static float ScriptTraceLine( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, HSCR
// Simple particle effect dispatch
static void ScriptDispatchParticleEffect(const char *pszParticleName, const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles)
DispatchParticleEffect(pszParticleName, vecOrigin, vecAngles);
bool VScriptServerInit()
@ -544,6 +1006,7 @@ bool VScriptServerInit()
Log( "VSCRIPT: Started VScript virtual machine using script language '%s'\n", g_pScriptVM->GetLanguageName() );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, UTIL_ShowMessageAll, "ShowMessage", "Print a hud message on all clients" );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, SendToConsole, "Send a string to the console as a command" );
@ -557,17 +1020,22 @@ bool VScriptServerInit()
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, IntervalPerTick, "Get the interval used between each tick" );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, DoEntFire, SCRIPT_ALIAS( "EntFire", "Generate an entity i/o event" ) );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, DoEntFireByInstanceHandle, SCRIPT_ALIAS( "EntFireByHandle", "Generate an entity i/o event. First parameter is an entity instance." ) );
// ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, IsValidEntity, "Returns true if the entity is valid." );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, DoEntFire, SCRIPT_ALIAS( "EntFire", "Generate and entity i/o event" ) );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, DoEntFireByInstanceHandle, "EntFireByHandle", "Generate and entity i/o event. First parameter is an entity instance." );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, DoUniqueString, SCRIPT_ALIAS( "UniqueString", "Generate a string guaranteed to be unique across the life of the script VM, with an optional root string. Useful for adding data to tables when not sure what keys are already in use in that table." ) );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, ScriptCreateSceneEntity, "CreateSceneEntity", "Create a scene entity to play the specified scene." );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, NDebugOverlay::Box, "DebugDrawBox", "Draw a debug overlay box" );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, NDebugOverlay::Line, "DebugDrawLine", "Draw a debug overlay box" );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, DoIncludeScript, "Execute a script (internal)" );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, CreateProp, "Create a physics prop" );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, ScriptDispatchParticleEffect, "DispatchParticleEffect", "Dispatches a one-off particle system" );
if ( GameRules() )
@ -575,6 +1043,9 @@ bool VScriptServerInit()
g_pScriptVM->RegisterInstance( &g_ScriptEntityIterator, "Entities" );
g_pScriptVM->RegisterInstance( &g_ScriptDebugOverlay, "debugoverlay" );
@ -55,22 +55,12 @@ public:
void Dump( void )
CUtlVector<const char*> strings( 0, m_Strings.Count() );
for (UtlHashHandle_t i = m_Strings.FirstHandle(); i != m_Strings.InvalidHandle(); i = m_Strings.NextHandle(i))
strings.AddToTail( strings[i] );
DevMsg(" %d (0x%p) : %s\n", i, m_Strings[i], m_Strings[i]);
struct _Local {
static int __cdecl F(const char * const *a, const char * const *b) { return strcmp(*a, *b); }
strings.Sort( _Local::F );
for ( int i = 0; i < strings.Count(); ++i )
DevMsg( " %d (0x%p) : %s\n", i, strings[i], strings[i] );
DevMsg( "\n" );
DevMsg( "Size: %d items\n", strings.Count() );
DevMsg("Size: %d items\n", m_Strings.Count());
const char *Find(const char *string)
@ -118,6 +118,15 @@ void RegisterSharedScriptConstants()
// usually doing nothing sounds like a bad idea.
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, RegisterActivityConstants, "Registers all activity IDs as usable constants." );
// Math/world
ScriptRegisterConstantNamed( g_pScriptVM, ((float)(180.f / M_PI_F)), "RAD2DEG", "" );
ScriptRegisterConstantNamed( g_pScriptVM, ((float)(M_PI_F / 180.f)), "DEG2RAD", "" );
ScriptRegisterConstant( g_pScriptVM, MAX_COORD_FLOAT, "" );
ScriptRegisterConstant( g_pScriptVM, MAX_TRACE_LENGTH, "" );
// Damage Types
@ -389,7 +389,6 @@ void RegisterMathScriptFunctions()
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, RandomFloat, "Generate a random floating point number within a range, inclusive." );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, RandomInt, "Generate a random integer within a range, inclusive." );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, Approach, "Returns a value which approaches the target value from the input value with the specified speed." );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, ApproachAngle, "Returns an angle which approaches the target angle from the input angle with the specified speed." );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, AngleDiff, "Returns the degrees difference between two yaw angles." );
@ -391,12 +391,7 @@ void AddThinkToEnt( HSCRIPT entity, const char *pszFuncName )
if (!pEntity)
if (pszFuncName == NULL || pszFuncName[0] == '\0')
pEntity->m_iszScriptThinkFunction = NULL_STRING;
pEntity->m_iszScriptThinkFunction = AllocPooledString(pszFuncName);
pEntity->SetContextThink( &CBaseEntity::ScriptThink, gpGlobals->curtime, "ScriptThink" );
pEntity->ScriptSetThinkFunction(pszFuncName, 0.f);
HSCRIPT EntIndexToHScript( int index )
@ -985,7 +980,14 @@ bool ScriptMatcherMatch( const char *pszQuery, const char *szValue ) { return Ma
bool IsServerScript()
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
bool IsDedicatedServer()
return engine->IsDedicatedServer();
bool ScriptIsServer()
#ifdef GAME_DLL
return true;
@ -994,7 +996,7 @@ bool IsServerScript()
bool IsClientScript()
bool ScriptIsClient()
return true;
@ -1003,6 +1005,12 @@ bool IsClientScript()
// Notification printing on the right edge of the screen
void NPrint(int pos, const char* fmt)
engine->Con_NPrintf(pos, fmt);
@ -1017,9 +1025,6 @@ void RegisterSharedScriptFunctions()
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, NDebugOverlay::BoxDirection, "DebugDrawBoxDirection", "Draw a debug forward box" );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, NDebugOverlay::Text, "DebugDrawText", "Draw a debug overlay text" );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, EmitSoundOn, "Play named sound on an entity." );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, EmitSoundOnClient, "Play named sound only on the client for the specified player." );
@ -1041,6 +1046,7 @@ void RegisterSharedScriptFunctions()
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, NPrint, "" );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, ScriptColorPrint, "printc", "Version of print() which takes a color before the message." );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, ScriptColorPrintL, "printcl", "Version of printl() which takes a color before the message." );
@ -1092,9 +1098,11 @@ void RegisterSharedScriptFunctions()
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, Matcher_NamesMatch, "Compares a string to a query using Mapbase's matcher system using wildcards only." );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, AppearsToBeANumber, "Checks if the given string appears to be a number." );
// For shared server/clientside scripts
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, IsServerScript, "Returns true if the script is being run on the server." );
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, IsClientScript, "Returns true if the script is being run on the client." );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, IsDedicatedServer, "Is this a dedicated server?" );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, ScriptIsServer, "IsServer", "Returns true if the script is being run on the server." );
ScriptRegisterFunctionNamed( g_pScriptVM, ScriptIsClient, "IsClient", "Returns true if the script is being run on the client." );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
// see copyright notice in squirrel.h
// Purpose : Squirrel time library cropped out from
// the system library as a safe include.
#include "squirrel.h"
#include "time.h"
static SQInteger _system_clock(HSQUIRRELVM v)
sq_pushfloat(v, ((SQFloat)clock()) / (SQFloat)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
return 1;
static SQInteger _system_time(HSQUIRRELVM v)
SQInteger t = (SQInteger)time(NULL);
sq_pushinteger(v, t);
return 1;
static void _set_integer_slot(HSQUIRRELVM v, const SQChar *name, SQInteger val)
sq_pushstring(v, name, -1);
sq_pushinteger(v, val);
sq_rawset(v, -3);
static SQInteger _system_date(HSQUIRRELVM v)
time_t t;
SQInteger it;
SQInteger format = 'l';
if (sq_gettop(v) > 1) {
sq_getinteger(v, 2, &it);
t = it;
if (sq_gettop(v) > 2) {
sq_getinteger(v, 3, (SQInteger*)&format);
else {
tm *date;
if (format == 'u')
date = gmtime(&t);
date = localtime(&t);
if (!date)
return sq_throwerror(v, _SC("crt api failure"));
_set_integer_slot(v, _SC("sec"), date->tm_sec);
_set_integer_slot(v, _SC("min"), date->tm_min);
_set_integer_slot(v, _SC("hour"), date->tm_hour);
_set_integer_slot(v, _SC("day"), date->tm_mday);
_set_integer_slot(v, _SC("month"), date->tm_mon);
_set_integer_slot(v, _SC("year"), date->tm_year + 1900);
_set_integer_slot(v, _SC("wday"), date->tm_wday);
_set_integer_slot(v, _SC("yday"), date->tm_yday);
return 1;
#define _DECL_FUNC(name,nparams,pmask) {_SC(#name),_system_##name,nparams,pmask}
static const SQRegFunction timelib_funcs[] = {
_DECL_FUNC(clock, 0, NULL),
_DECL_FUNC(time, 1, NULL),
_DECL_FUNC(date, -1, _SC(".nn")),
#undef _DECL_FUNC
SQInteger sqstd_register_timelib(HSQUIRRELVM v)
SQInteger i = 0;
while (timelib_funcs[i].name != 0)
sq_pushstring(v, timelib_funcs[i].name, -1);
sq_newclosure(v, timelib_funcs[i].f, 0);
sq_setparamscheck(v, timelib_funcs[i].nparamscheck, timelib_funcs[i].typemask);
sq_setnativeclosurename(v, -1, timelib_funcs[i].name);
sq_newslot(v, -3, SQFalse);
return 1;
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "sqstdaux.h"
//#include "sqstdblob.h"
//#include "sqstdsystem.h"
#include "sqstdtime.h"
//#include "sqstdio.h"
#include "sqstdmath.h"
#include "sqstdstring.h"
@ -263,7 +264,7 @@ namespace SQVector
if (key[0] < 'x' || key['0'] > 'z' || key[1] != '\0')
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "Unexpected key %s", key);
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "the index '%.50s' does not exist", key);
Vector* v = nullptr;
@ -289,7 +290,7 @@ namespace SQVector
if (key[0] < 'x' || key['0'] > 'z' || key[1] != '\0')
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "Unexpected key %s", key);
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "the index '%.50s' does not exist", key);
Vector* v = nullptr;
@ -1024,7 +1025,7 @@ SQInteger function_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getstackobj(vm, i + 2, &val)))
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Expected string");
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Expected handle");
if (sq_isnull(val))
@ -1054,7 +1055,7 @@ SQInteger function_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
if (!self)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Can't be used on a null instance");
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Accessed null instance");
instance = ((ClassInstanceData*)self)->instance;
@ -1112,7 +1113,6 @@ SQInteger constructor_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "Unable to construct instances of %s", pClassDesc->m_pszScriptName);
SquirrelVM* pSquirrelVM = (SquirrelVM*)sq_getforeignptr(vm);
@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ SQInteger get_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "Unexpected key %s", key);
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "the index '%.50s' does not exist", key);
return 1;
@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@ SQInteger set_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
sq_pop(vm, 1);
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "Unexpected key %s", key);
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "the index '%.50s' does not exist", key);
return 0;
@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ SQInteger add_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
sq_pop(vm, 1);
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "Unexpected _add");
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "invalid arith op +");
SQInteger sub_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ SQInteger sub_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
sq_pop(vm, 1);
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "Unexpected _sub");
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "invalid arith op -");
SQInteger mul_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
@ -1301,7 +1301,7 @@ SQInteger mul_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
sq_pop(vm, 1);
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "Unexpected _mul");
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "invalid arith op *");
SQInteger div_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@ SQInteger div_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
sq_pop(vm, 1);
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "Unexpected _div");
return sqstd_throwerrorf(vm, "invalid arith op /");
SQInteger IsValid_stub(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
@ -1374,12 +1374,11 @@ void printfunc(HSQUIRRELVM SQ_UNUSED_ARG(v), const SQChar* format, ...)
void errorfunc(HSQUIRRELVM SQ_UNUSED_ARG(v), const SQChar* format, ...)
// NOTE: This is only separate from printfunc to make it easier to add breakpoints
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
char buffer[256];
vsprintf(buffer, format, args);
Msg("%s", buffer);
Warning("%s", buffer);
@ -1558,6 +1557,9 @@ bool SquirrelVM::Init()
// There is no vulnerability in getting time.
@ -1570,9 +1572,9 @@ bool SquirrelVM::Init()
pattern_ = pattern;
this.pattern_ = pattern;
pattern_ = "";
)script") == SCRIPT_ERROR)
@ -1593,14 +1595,66 @@ bool SquirrelVM::Init()
if (Run(
Msg <- print;
Warning <- error;
// LocalTime from Source 2
// function LocalTime()
// {
// local date = ::date();
// return {
// Hours = date.hour,
// Minutes = date.min,
// Seconds = date.sec
// }
// }
function clamp(val,min,max)
if ( max < min )
return max;
else if( val < min )
return min;
else if( val > max )
return max;
return val;
function max(a,b)
return a > b ? a : b;
function min(a,b)
return a < b ? a : b;
function RemapVal(val, A, B, C, D)
if ( A == B )
return val >= B ? D : C;
return C + (D - C) * (val - A) / (B - A);
function RemapValClamped(val, A, B, C, D)
if ( A == B )
return val >= B ? D : C;
local cVal = (val - A) / (B - A);
cVal = ::clamp( cVal, 0.0, 1.0 );
return C + (D - C) * cVal;
function printl( text )
return print(text + "\n");
return ::print(text + "\n");
class CSimpleCallChainer
function constructor(prefixString, scopeForThis, exactMatch)
constructor(prefixString, scopeForThis, exactMatch)
prefix = prefixString;
scope = scopeForThis;
@ -1610,7 +1664,7 @@ bool SquirrelVM::Init()
function PostScriptExecute()
local func = null;
local func;
try {
func = scope[prefix];
} catch(e) {
@ -1628,9 +1682,10 @@ bool SquirrelVM::Init()
prefix = null;
scope= null;
chain = [];
scope = null;
chain = null;
DocumentedFuncs <- {}
@ -1698,7 +1753,7 @@ bool SquirrelVM::Init()
// Is an aliased function
print("Signature: function " + name + "(");
foreach(k,v in this[name].getinfos()["parameters"])
foreach(k,v in this[name].getinfos().parameters)
if (k == 0 && v == "this") continue;
if (k > 1) print(", ");
@ -1732,7 +1787,7 @@ bool SquirrelVM::Init()
// Is an aliased function
print("Signature: function " + name + "(");
foreach(k,v in this[name].getinfos()["parameters"])
foreach(k,v in this[name].getinfos().parameters)
if (k == 0 && v == "this") continue;
if (k > 1) print(", ");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user