mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 01:35:26 +03:00
Add new dynamic interaction keyvalues and utilities
This commit is contained in:
@ -76,6 +76,23 @@ int CAI_BaseNPC::GetActivityID(const char* actName)
return m_pActivitySR->GetStringID(actName);
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Purpose: Gets an activity ID or registers a new private one if it doesn't exist
int CAI_BaseNPC::GetOrRegisterActivity( const char *actName )
int actID = GetActivityID( actName );
if (actID == ACT_INVALID)
actID = ActivityList_RegisterPrivateActivity( actName );
AddActivityToSR( actName, actID );
return actID;
#define ADD_ACTIVITY_TO_SR(activityname) AddActivityToSR(#activityname,activityname)
@ -12443,7 +12443,11 @@ BEGIN_SIMPLE_DATADESC( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t )
DEFINE_FIELD( flNextAttemptTime, FIELD_TIME ),
#ifdef MAPBASE
DEFINE_FIELD( bHasSeparateSequenceNames, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
DEFINE_FIELD( iszRelatedInteractions, FIELD_STRING ),
@ -14847,32 +14851,60 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::ParseScriptedNPCInteractions(void)
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "entry_sequence", 14))
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_ENTRY].iszSequence = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "entry_activity", 14))
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_ENTRY].iActivity = GetActivityID(szValue);
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_ENTRY].iActivity = GetOrRegisterActivity(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "sequence", 8))
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iszSequence = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "activity", 8))
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iActivity = GetActivityID(szValue);
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iActivity = GetOrRegisterActivity(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "exit_sequence", 13))
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_EXIT].iszSequence = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "exit_activity", 13))
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_EXIT].iActivity = GetActivityID(szValue);
sInteraction.sPhases[SNPCINT_EXIT].iActivity = GetOrRegisterActivity(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "their_", 6))
szName += 6;
sInteraction.bHasSeparateSequenceNames = true;
if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "entry_sequence", 14))
sInteraction.sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_ENTRY].iszSequence = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "entry_activity", 14))
sInteraction.sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_ENTRY].iActivity = GetOrRegisterActivity(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "sequence", 8))
sInteraction.sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iszSequence = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "activity", 8))
sInteraction.sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iActivity = GetOrRegisterActivity(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "exit_sequence", 13))
sInteraction.sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_EXIT].iszSequence = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "exit_activity", 13))
sInteraction.sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_EXIT].iActivity = GetOrRegisterActivity(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "delay", 5))
sInteraction.flDelay = atof(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "origin_max_delta", 16))
sInteraction.flDistSqr = atof(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "angles_max_diff", 15))
sInteraction.flMaxAngleDiff = atof(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "loop_in_action", 14) && !FStrEq(szValue, "0"))
sInteraction.iFlags |= SCNPC_FLAG_LOOP_IN_ACTION;
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "dont_teleport_at_end", 20))
if (!Q_stricmp(szValue, "me") || !Q_stricmp(szValue, "both"))
if (!Q_stricmp(szValue, "me"))
else if (!Q_stricmp(szValue, "them") || !Q_stricmp(szValue, "both"))
else if (!Q_stricmp(szValue, "them"))
else if (!Q_stricmp( szValue, "both" ))
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "needs_weapon", 12))
@ -14899,6 +14931,11 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::ParseScriptedNPCInteractions(void)
sInteraction.iszTheirWeapon = AllocPooledString(szValue);
else if (!Q_strncmp(szName, "related_interactions", 20))
sInteraction.iszRelatedInteractions = AllocPooledString(szValue);
// Add anything else to our miscellaneous criteria
@ -15130,8 +15167,23 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::AddScriptedNPCInteraction( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteract
// Purpose:
const char *CAI_BaseNPC::GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction, int iPhase )
const char *CAI_BaseNPC::GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction, int iPhase, bool bOtherNPC )
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (bOtherNPC && pInteraction->bHasSeparateSequenceNames)
// Check unique phases
if ( pInteraction->sTheirPhases[iPhase].iActivity != ACT_INVALID )
int iSequence = SelectWeightedSequence( (Activity)pInteraction->sTheirPhases[iPhase].iActivity );
return GetSequenceName( iSequence );
if ( pInteraction->sTheirPhases[iPhase].iszSequence != NULL_STRING )
return STRING(pInteraction->sTheirPhases[iPhase].iszSequence);
if ( pInteraction->sPhases[iPhase].iActivity != ACT_INVALID )
int iSequence = SelectWeightedSequence( (Activity)pInteraction->sPhases[iPhase].iActivity );
@ -15225,6 +15277,36 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::StartScriptedNPCInteraction( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedN
// Setup next attempt
pInteraction->flNextAttemptTime = gpGlobals->curtime + pInteraction->flDelay + RandomFloat(-2,2);
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (pInteraction->iszRelatedInteractions != NULL_STRING)
// Delay related interactions as well
char szRelatedInteractions[256];
Q_strncpy( szRelatedInteractions, STRING( pInteraction->iszRelatedInteractions ), sizeof( szRelatedInteractions ) );
char *pszInteraction = strtok( szRelatedInteractions, "," );
while (pszInteraction)
bool bWildCard = Matcher_ContainsWildcard( pszInteraction );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_ScriptedInteractions.Count(); i++ )
ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pOtherInteraction = &m_ScriptedInteractions[i];
if ( Matcher_NamesMatch( pszInteraction, STRING( pOtherInteraction->iszInteractionName ) ) && pOtherInteraction != pInteraction )
pOtherInteraction->flNextAttemptTime = pInteraction->flNextAttemptTime;
// Not looking for multiple
if (!bWildCard)
pszInteraction = strtok( NULL, "," );
// Spawn a scripted sequence for this NPC to play the interaction anim
CAI_ScriptedSequence *pMySequence = (CAI_ScriptedSequence*)CreateEntityByName( "scripted_sequence" );
@ -15256,6 +15338,15 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::StartScriptedNPCInteraction( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedN
CAI_ScriptedSequence *pTheirSequence = NULL;
if ( pOtherNPC )
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (pInteraction->bHasSeparateSequenceNames)
pszEntrySequence = GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( pInteraction, SNPCINT_ENTRY, true );
pszSequence = GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( pInteraction, SNPCINT_SEQUENCE, true );
pszExitSequence = GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( pInteraction, SNPCINT_EXIT, true );
pTheirSequence = (CAI_ScriptedSequence*)CreateEntityByName( "scripted_sequence" );
pTheirSequence->KeyValue( "m_iszEntry", pszEntrySequence );
pTheirSequence->KeyValue( "m_iszPlay", pszSequence );
@ -15367,7 +15458,7 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bool bForced )
return false;
// Default AI prevents interactions while melee attacking, but not ranged attacking
if ( IsCurSchedule( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK1 ) || IsCurSchedule( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK2 ) )
if ( ( IsCurSchedule( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK1 ) || IsCurSchedule( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK2 ) ) && !CanStartDynamicInteractionDuringMelee() )
return false;
@ -15556,8 +15647,14 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::CalculateValidEnemyInteractions( void )
if (bSame)
// Resolve the activity or sequence, and make sure our enemy has it
const char *pszSequence = GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( pInteraction, SNPCINT_SEQUENCE, true );
if ( !pszSequence )
if ( pNPC->LookupSequence( pszSequence ) == -1 )
// Use sequence? or activity?
if ( pInteraction->sPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iActivity != ACT_INVALID )
@ -15573,53 +15670,6 @@ void CAI_BaseNPC::CalculateValidEnemyInteractions( void )
if ( pNPC->LookupSequence( STRING(pInteraction->sPhases[SNPCINT_SEQUENCE].iszSequence) ) == -1 )
#ifdef MAPBASE
if (pInteraction->MiscCriteria != NULL_STRING)
// Test against response system criteria
AI_CriteriaSet set;
ModifyOrAppendCriteria( set );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();
if( pPlayer )
pPlayer->ModifyOrAppendPlayerCriteria( set );
ReAppendContextCriteria( set );
DevMsg("Testing %s misc criteria\n", STRING(pInteraction->MiscCriteria));
int index;
const char *criteriavalue;
char key[128];
char value[128];
const char *p = STRING(pInteraction->MiscCriteria);
while ( p )
p = SplitContext( p, key, sizeof( key ), value, sizeof( value ), NULL, STRING(pInteraction->MiscCriteria) );
p = SplitContext( p, key, sizeof( key ), value, sizeof( value ), NULL );
index = set.FindCriterionIndex(key);
if (index != -1)
criteriavalue = set.GetValue(index);
if (!Matcher_Match(value, criteriavalue))
// Test with empty string in case our criteria is != or something
criteriavalue = "";
if (!Matcher_Match(value, criteriavalue))
pInteraction->bValidOnCurrentEnemy = true;
@ -15789,7 +15839,95 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::InteractionIsAllowed( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInter
return true;
// m_iDynamicInteractionsAllowed == TRS_FALSE case is already handled in CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction().
return !(pInteraction->iFlags & SCNPC_FLAG_MAPBASE_ADDITION && m_iDynamicInteractionsAllowed == TRS_NONE);
if (pInteraction->iFlags & SCNPC_FLAG_MAPBASE_ADDITION && m_iDynamicInteractionsAllowed == TRS_NONE)
return false;
// Test misc. criteria here since some of it may not have been valid on initial calculation, but could be now
if (pInteraction->MiscCriteria != NULL_STRING)
// Test against response system criteria
AI_CriteriaSet set;
ModifyOrAppendCriteria( set );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();
if (pPlayer)
pPlayer->ModifyOrAppendPlayerCriteria( set );
// Get criteria from target if we want it
if ( V_strstr( STRING( pInteraction->MiscCriteria ), "their_" ) )
// Currently, in order to get everything which might be desired, we call the other NPC's ModifyOrAppendCriteria.
// We put it in a separate criteria set, then assign a prefix and append it to the main set, similar to how contexts are appended.
// This includes a few global criterions which we might not need, so we throw them out before they're merged.
// This isn't a very efficient solution, but there are no better options available without rewriting parts of the response criteria system.
AI_CriteriaSet theirSet;
pOtherNPC->ModifyOrAppendCriteria( theirSet );
set.EnsureCapacity( (theirSet.GetCount()-2) + set.GetCount() ); // We know we'll be throwing out 2 global criterions
char sz[ 128 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < theirSet.GetCount(); i++ )
const char *name = theirSet.GetName( i );
const char *value = theirSet.GetValue( i );
if (FStrEq( name, "map" ) || FStrEq( name, "episodic" ) || FStrEq( name, "is_console" )
|| FStrEq( name, "month" ) || FStrEq( name, "day" )
|| FStrEq( name, "is_console" ) || FStrEq( name, "is_pc" )
|| V_strnicmp( name, "world", 5 ) == 0)
// Global criterion, ignore
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "their_%s", name );
if (ai_debug_dyninteractions.GetInt() == 3)
Msg( "%i: %s -> %s:%s\n", i, name, sz, value );
set.AppendCriteria( sz, value );
// Append this afterwards because it has its own prefix system
pOtherNPC->AppendContextToCriteria( set, "their_" );
ReAppendContextCriteria( set );
int index;
const char *criteriavalue;
char key[128];
char value[128];
const char *p = STRING( pInteraction->MiscCriteria );
while ( p )
p = SplitContext( p, key, sizeof( key ), value, sizeof( value ), NULL, STRING( pInteraction->MiscCriteria ) );
p = SplitContext( p, key, sizeof( key ), value, sizeof( value ), NULL );
index = set.FindCriterionIndex( key );
if (index != -1)
criteriavalue = set.GetValue( index );
if (!Matcher_Match( value, criteriavalue ))
return false;
// Test with empty string in case our criteria is != or something
criteriavalue = "";
if (!Matcher_Match( value, criteriavalue ))
return false;
return true;
@ -15855,14 +15993,28 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::InteractionCouldStart( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInte
for ( int ang = 0; ang < 3; ang++ )
float flAngDiff = AngleDiff( angEnemyAngles[ang], angAngles[ang] );
#ifdef MAPBASE
if ( fabs(flAngDiff) > pInteraction->flMaxAngleDiff )
if ( fabs(flAngDiff) > DSS_MAX_ANGLE_DIFF )
bMatches = false;
if ( !bMatches )
#ifdef MAPBASE
if ( bDebug )
Msg(" %s angle not matched: (%0.2f %0.2f %0.2f), desired (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)\n", GetDebugName(),
anglemod(angEnemyAngles.x), anglemod(angEnemyAngles.y), anglemod(angEnemyAngles.z), anglemod(angAngles.x), anglemod(angAngles.y), anglemod(angAngles.z) );
Msg(" diff: (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)\n", AngleDiff( angEnemyAngles.x, angAngles.x ), AngleDiff( angEnemyAngles.y, angAngles.y ), AngleDiff( angEnemyAngles.z, angAngles.z ) );
return false;
if ( bDebug )
@ -15980,6 +16132,25 @@ bool CAI_BaseNPC::HasInteractionCantDie( void )
return ( m_bCannotDieDuringInteraction && IsRunningDynamicInteraction() );
// Purpose: Return true if this NPC has valid interactions on the current enemy.
bool CAI_BaseNPC::HasValidInteractionsOnCurrentEnemy( void )
if ( !GetEnemy() || !GetEnemy()->IsNPC() )
return false;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_ScriptedInteractions.Count(); i++ )
ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction = &m_ScriptedInteractions[i];
if ( pInteraction->bValidOnCurrentEnemy )
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
// Input : &inputdata -
@ -425,6 +425,9 @@ struct ScriptedNPCInteraction_t
iszTheirWeapon = NULL_STRING;
#ifdef MAPBASE
vecRelativeEndPos = vec3_origin;
bHasSeparateSequenceNames = false;
flMaxAngleDiff = DSS_MAX_ANGLE_DIFF;
iszRelatedInteractions = NULL_STRING;
MiscCriteria = NULL_STRING;
@ -432,6 +435,10 @@ struct ScriptedNPCInteraction_t
sPhases[i].iszSequence = NULL_STRING;
sPhases[i].iActivity = ACT_INVALID;
#ifdef MAPBASE
sTheirPhases[i].iszSequence = NULL_STRING;
sTheirPhases[i].iActivity = ACT_INVALID;
@ -459,10 +466,14 @@ struct ScriptedNPCInteraction_t
float flNextAttemptTime;
#ifdef MAPBASE
// Unrecognized keyvalues are tested against response criteria later.
// This was originally a CUtlVector that carries response contexts, but I couldn't get it working due to some CUtlVector-struct shenanigans.
// It works when we use a single string_t that's split and read each time the code runs, but feel free to improve on this.
string_t MiscCriteria; // CUtlVector<ResponseContext_t>
ScriptedNPCInteraction_Phases_t sTheirPhases[SNPCINT_NUM_PHASES]; // The animations played by the target NPC, if they are different
bool bHasSeparateSequenceNames;
float flMaxAngleDiff;
string_t iszRelatedInteractions; // These interactions will be delayed as well when this interaction is used.
// Unrecognized keyvalues which are tested against response criteria later.
string_t MiscCriteria;
@ -1304,10 +1315,14 @@ private:
float GetInteractionYaw( void ) const { return m_flInteractionYaw; }
bool IsRunningDynamicInteraction( void ) { return (m_iInteractionState != NPCINT_NOT_RUNNING && (m_hCine != NULL)); }
bool IsActiveDynamicInteraction( void ) { return (m_iInteractionState == NPCINT_RUNNING_ACTIVE && (m_hCine != NULL)); }
CAI_BaseNPC *GetInteractionPartner( void );
void ParseScriptedNPCInteractions( void );
void AddScriptedNPCInteraction( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction );
const char *GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction, int iPhase );
const char *GetScriptedNPCInteractionSequence( ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction, int iPhase, bool bOtherNPC = false );
void StartRunningInteraction( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, bool bActive );
void StartScriptedNPCInteraction( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction, Vector vecOtherOrigin, QAngle angOtherAngles );
void CheckForScriptedNPCInteractions( void );
@ -1320,17 +1335,16 @@ protected:
bool InteractionCouldStart( CAI_BaseNPC *pOtherNPC, ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *pInteraction, Vector &vecOrigin, QAngle &angAngles );
virtual bool CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bool bForced = false );
bool IsRunningDynamicInteraction( void ) { return (m_iInteractionState != NPCINT_NOT_RUNNING && (m_hCine != NULL)); }
bool IsActiveDynamicInteraction( void ) { return (m_iInteractionState == NPCINT_RUNNING_ACTIVE && (m_hCine != NULL)); }
ScriptedNPCInteraction_t *GetRunningDynamicInteraction( void ) { return &(m_ScriptedInteractions[m_iInteractionPlaying]); }
void SetInteractionCantDie( bool bCantDie ) { m_bCannotDieDuringInteraction = bCantDie; }
bool HasInteractionCantDie( void );
bool HasValidInteractionsOnCurrentEnemy( void );
virtual bool CanStartDynamicInteractionDuringMelee() { return false; }
void InputForceInteractionWithNPC( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void StartForcedInteraction( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC, int iInteraction );
void CleanupForcedInteraction( void );
void CalculateForcedInteractionPosition( void );
CAI_BaseNPC *GetInteractionPartner( void );
// Forced interactions
@ -2228,6 +2242,9 @@ public:
static const char* GetActivityName (int actID);
static void AddActivityToSR(const char *actName, int conID);
#ifdef MAPBASE
static int GetOrRegisterActivity( const char *actName );
static void AddEventToSR(const char *eventName, int conID);
static const char* GetEventName (int actID);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user