//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #ifndef AI_GRENADE_H #define AI_GRENADE_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif // I wish I didn't have to #include all this, but I don't really have a choice. // I guess something similar to CAI_BehaviorHost's backbridges could be tried. #include "cbase.h" #include "ai_basenpc.h" #include "npcevent.h" #include "grenade_frag.h" #include "basegrenade_shared.h" #include "ai_squad.h" #include "GlobalStrings.h" #define COMBINE_AE_GREN_TOSS ( 7 ) #define COMBINE_GRENADE_THROW_SPEED 650 #define COMBINE_GRENADE_TIMER 3.5 #define COMBINE_GRENADE_FLUSH_TIME 3.0 // Don't try to flush an enemy who has been out of sight for longer than this. #define COMBINE_GRENADE_FLUSH_DIST 256.0 // Don't try to flush an enemy who has moved farther than this distance from the last place I saw him. #define COMBINE_MIN_GRENADE_CLEAR_DIST 250 #define DEFINE_AIGRENADE_DATADESC() \ DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iNumGrenades, FIELD_INTEGER, "NumGrenades" ), \ DEFINE_FIELD( m_flNextGrenadeCheck, FIELD_TIME ), \ DEFINE_FIELD( m_hForcedGrenadeTarget, FIELD_EHANDLE ), \ DEFINE_FIELD( m_flNextAltFireTime, FIELD_TIME ), \ DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecAltFireTarget, FIELD_VECTOR ), \ DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecTossVelocity, FIELD_VECTOR ), \ DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_STRING, "ThrowGrenadeAtTarget", InputThrowGrenadeAtTarget ), \ DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_INTEGER, "SetGrenades", InputSetGrenades ), \ DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_INTEGER, "AddGrenades", InputAddGrenades ), \ DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnThrowGrenade, "OnThrowGrenade"), \ DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnOutOfGrenades, "OnOutOfGrenades"), \ // Use extern float GetCurrentGravity( void ); #define SMGGrenadeArc(shootpos, targetpos) \ Vector vecShootPos = shootpos; \ Vector vecThrow = (targetpos - vecShootPos); \ float time = vecThrow.Length() / 600.0; \ vecThrow = vecThrow * (1.0 / time); \ vecThrow.z += (GetCurrentGravity() * 0.5) * time * 0.5; \ Vector vecFace = vecShootPos + (vecThrow * 0.5); \ AddFacingTarget(vecFace, 1.0, 0.5); \ // Mask used for Combine ball hull traces. // This used MASK_SHOT before, but this has been changed to MASK_SHOT_HULL. // Hopefully this doesn't have any major consequences... #define MASK_COMBINE_BALL_LOS MASK_SHOT_HULL extern int COMBINE_AE_BEGIN_ALTFIRE; extern int COMBINE_AE_ALTFIRE; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Template class for NPCs using grenades or weapon alt-fire stuff. // You'll still have to use DEFINE_AIGRENADE_DATADESC() in your derived class's datadesc. // // I wanted to have these functions defined in a CPP file, but template class definitions must be in the header. // Please excuse the bloat below the class definition. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template class CAI_GrenadeUser : public BASE_NPC { DECLARE_CLASS_NOFRIEND( CAI_GrenadeUser, BASE_NPC ); public: void AddGrenades( int inc, CBaseEntity *pLastGrenade = NULL ) { m_iNumGrenades += inc; if (m_iNumGrenades <= 0) m_OnOutOfGrenades.Set( pLastGrenade, pLastGrenade, this ); } virtual bool IsAltFireCapable() { return false; } virtual bool IsGrenadeCapable() { return true; } inline bool HasGrenades() { return m_iNumGrenades > 0; } void InputSetGrenades( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { AddGrenades( inputdata.value.Int() - m_iNumGrenades ); } void InputAddGrenades( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { AddGrenades( inputdata.value.Int() ); } void InputThrowGrenadeAtTarget( inputdata_t &inputdata ); virtual void DelayGrenadeCheck( float delay ) { m_flNextGrenadeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + delay; } void HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent ); // Soldiers use "lefthand", cops use "LHand", and citizens use "anim_attachment_LH" virtual const char* GetGrenadeAttachment() { return "anim_attachment_LH"; } Vector GetAltFireTarget() { return m_vecAltFireTarget; } virtual bool CanAltFireEnemy( bool bUseFreeKnowledge ); void DelayAltFireAttack( float flDelay ); void DelaySquadAltFireAttack( float flDelay ); virtual bool CanGrenadeEnemy( bool bUseFreeKnowledge = true ); bool CanThrowGrenade( const Vector &vecTarget ); bool CheckCanThrowGrenade( const Vector &vecTarget ); protected: void StartTask_FaceAltFireTarget( const Task_t *pTask ); void StartTask_GetPathToForced( const Task_t *pTask ); void StartTask_DeferSquad( const Task_t *pTask ); void RunTask_FaceAltFireTarget( const Task_t *pTask ); void RunTask_GetPathToForced( const Task_t *pTask ); void RunTask_FaceTossDir( const Task_t *pTask ); protected: // We can't have any private saved variables because only derived classes use the datadescs int m_iNumGrenades; float m_flNextGrenadeCheck; EHANDLE m_hForcedGrenadeTarget; float m_flNextAltFireTime; Vector m_vecAltFireTarget; Vector m_vecTossVelocity; COutputEHANDLE m_OnThrowGrenade; COutputEHANDLE m_OnOutOfGrenades; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Handle animation events //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void CAI_GrenadeUser::HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent ) { if ( pEvent->event == COMBINE_AE_BEGIN_ALTFIRE ) { EmitSound( "Weapon_CombineGuard.Special1" ); //SpeakIfAllowed( TLK_CMB_THROWGRENADE, "altfire:1" ); return; } if ( pEvent->event == COMBINE_AE_ALTFIRE ) { animevent_t fakeEvent; fakeEvent.pSource = this; fakeEvent.event = EVENT_WEAPON_AR2_ALTFIRE; GetActiveWeapon()->Operator_HandleAnimEvent( &fakeEvent, this ); // Stop other squad members from combine balling for a while. DelaySquadAltFireAttack( 10.0f ); AddGrenades(-1); return; } if ( pEvent->event == COMBINE_AE_GREN_TOSS ) { Vector vecSpin; vecSpin.x = random->RandomFloat( -1000.0, 1000.0 ); vecSpin.y = random->RandomFloat( -1000.0, 1000.0 ); vecSpin.z = random->RandomFloat( -1000.0, 1000.0 ); Vector vecStart; GetAttachment( GetGrenadeAttachment(), vecStart ); if( m_NPCState == NPC_STATE_SCRIPT ) { // Use a fixed velocity for grenades thrown in scripted state. // Grenades thrown from a script do not count against grenades remaining for the AI to use. Vector forward, up, vecThrow; GetVectors( &forward, NULL, &up ); vecThrow = forward * 750 + up * 175; CBaseEntity *pGrenade = Fraggrenade_Create( vecStart, vec3_angle, vecThrow, vecSpin, this, COMBINE_GRENADE_TIMER, true ); m_OnThrowGrenade.Set(pGrenade, pGrenade, this); } else { // Use the Velocity that AI gave us. CBaseEntity *pGrenade = Fraggrenade_Create( vecStart, vec3_angle, m_vecTossVelocity, vecSpin, this, COMBINE_GRENADE_TIMER, true ); m_OnThrowGrenade.Set(pGrenade, pGrenade, this); AddGrenades(-1, pGrenade); } // wait six seconds before even looking again to see if a grenade can be thrown. m_flNextGrenadeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + 6; return; } BaseClass::HandleAnimEvent( pEvent ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Force the combine soldier to throw a grenade at the target // If I'm a combine elite, fire my combine ball at the target instead. // Input : &inputdata - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void CAI_GrenadeUser::InputThrowGrenadeAtTarget( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { // Ignore if we're inside a scripted sequence if ( m_NPCState == NPC_STATE_SCRIPT && m_hCine ) return; CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, inputdata.value.String(), this, inputdata.pActivator, inputdata.pCaller ); if ( !pEntity ) { DevMsg("%s (%s) received ThrowGrenadeAtTarget input, but couldn't find target entity '%s'\n", GetClassname(), GetDebugName(), inputdata.value.String() ); return; } m_hForcedGrenadeTarget = pEntity; m_flNextGrenadeCheck = 0; ClearSchedule( "Told to throw grenade via input" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool CAI_GrenadeUser::CanAltFireEnemy( bool bUseFreeKnowledge ) { if (!HasGrenades()) return false; if (!IsAltFireCapable()) return false; if (!GetActiveWeapon()) return false; if (IsCrouching()) return false; if ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_flNextAltFireTime || gpGlobals->curtime < m_flNextGrenadeCheck ) return false; if( !GetEnemy() ) return false; if (!EntIsClass(GetActiveWeapon(), gm_isz_class_AR2) && !EntIsClass(GetActiveWeapon(), gm_isz_class_SMG1)) return false; CBaseEntity *pEnemy = GetEnemy(); Vector vecTarget; // Determine what point we're shooting at if( bUseFreeKnowledge ) { vecTarget = GetEnemies()->LastKnownPosition( pEnemy ) + (pEnemy->GetViewOffset()*0.75);// approximates the chest } else { vecTarget = GetEnemies()->LastSeenPosition( pEnemy ) + (pEnemy->GetViewOffset()*0.75);// approximates the chest } // Trace a hull about the size of the combine ball (don't shoot through grates!) trace_t tr; Vector mins( -12, -12, -12 ); Vector maxs( 12, 12, 12 ); Vector vShootPosition = EyePosition(); if ( GetActiveWeapon() ) { GetActiveWeapon()->GetAttachment( "muzzle", vShootPosition ); } // Trace a hull about the size of the combine ball. UTIL_TraceHull( vShootPosition, vecTarget, mins, maxs, MASK_COMBINE_BALL_LOS, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); float flLength = (vShootPosition - vecTarget).Length(); flLength *= tr.fraction; // If the ball can travel at least 65% of the distance to the player then let the NPC shoot it. // (unless it hit the world) if( tr.fraction >= 0.65 && (!tr.m_pEnt || !tr.m_pEnt->IsWorld()) && flLength > 128.0f ) { // Target is valid m_vecAltFireTarget = vecTarget; return true; } // Check again later m_vecAltFireTarget = vec3_origin; m_flNextGrenadeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f; return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void CAI_GrenadeUser::DelayAltFireAttack( float flDelay ) { float flNextAltFire = gpGlobals->curtime + flDelay; if( flNextAltFire > m_flNextAltFireTime ) { // Don't let this delay order preempt a previous request to wait longer. m_flNextAltFireTime = flNextAltFire; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void CAI_GrenadeUser::DelaySquadAltFireAttack( float flDelay ) { // Make sure to delay my own alt-fire attack. DelayAltFireAttack( flDelay ); AISquadIter_t iter; CAI_BaseNPC *pSquadmate = m_pSquad ? m_pSquad->GetFirstMember( &iter ) : NULL; while ( pSquadmate ) { CAI_GrenadeUser *pUser = dynamic_cast(pSquadmate); if( pUser && pUser->IsAltFireCapable() ) { pUser->DelayAltFireAttack( flDelay ); } pSquadmate = m_pSquad->GetNextMember( &iter ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool CAI_GrenadeUser::CanGrenadeEnemy( bool bUseFreeKnowledge ) { CBaseEntity *pEnemy = GetEnemy(); Assert( pEnemy != NULL ); if( pEnemy ) { // I'm not allowed to throw grenades during dustoff if ( IsCurSchedule(SCHED_DROPSHIP_DUSTOFF) ) return false; if( bUseFreeKnowledge ) { // throw to where we think they are. return CanThrowGrenade( GetEnemies()->LastKnownPosition( pEnemy ) ); } else { // hafta throw to where we last saw them. return CanThrowGrenade( GetEnemies()->LastSeenPosition( pEnemy ) ); } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Return true if the combine has grenades, hasn't checked lately, and // can throw a grenade at the target point. // Input : &vecTarget - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool CAI_GrenadeUser::CanThrowGrenade( const Vector &vecTarget ) { if( m_iNumGrenades < 1 ) { // Out of grenades! return false; } if (!IsGrenadeCapable()) { // Must be capable of throwing grenades return false; } if ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_flNextGrenadeCheck ) { // Not allowed to throw another grenade right now. return false; } float flDist; flDist = ( vecTarget - GetAbsOrigin() ).Length(); if( flDist > 1024 || flDist < 128 ) { // Too close or too far! m_flNextGrenadeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + 1; // one full second. return false; } // ----------------------- // If moving, don't check. // ----------------------- if ( m_flGroundSpeed != 0 ) return false; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Are any of my squad members near the intended grenade impact area? // --------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( m_pSquad ) { if (m_pSquad->SquadMemberInRange( vecTarget, COMBINE_MIN_GRENADE_CLEAR_DIST )) { // crap, I might blow my own guy up. Don't throw a grenade and don't check again for a while. m_flNextGrenadeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + 1; // one full second. // Tell my squad members to clear out so I can get a grenade in // Mapbase uses a new context here that gets all nondescript allies away since this code is shared between Combine and non-Combine now. CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_MOVE_AWAY | SOUND_CONTEXT_OWNER_ALLIES, vecTarget, COMBINE_MIN_GRENADE_CLEAR_DIST, 0.1, this ); return false; } } return CheckCanThrowGrenade( vecTarget ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns true if the combine can throw a grenade at the specified target point // Input : &vecTarget - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool CAI_GrenadeUser::CheckCanThrowGrenade( const Vector &vecTarget ) { //NDebugOverlay::Line( EyePosition(), vecTarget, 0, 255, 0, false, 5 ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check that throw is legal and clear // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIXME: this is only valid for hand grenades, not RPG's Vector vecToss; Vector vecMins = -Vector(4,4,4); Vector vecMaxs = Vector(4,4,4); if( FInViewCone( vecTarget ) && CBaseEntity::FVisible( vecTarget ) ) { vecToss = VecCheckThrow( this, EyePosition(), vecTarget, COMBINE_GRENADE_THROW_SPEED, 1.0, &vecMins, &vecMaxs ); } else { // Have to try a high toss. Do I have enough room? trace_t tr; AI_TraceLine( EyePosition(), EyePosition() + Vector( 0, 0, 64 ), MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if( tr.fraction != 1.0 ) { return false; } vecToss = VecCheckToss( this, EyePosition(), vecTarget, -1, 1.0, true, &vecMins, &vecMaxs ); } if ( vecToss != vec3_origin ) { m_vecTossVelocity = vecToss; // don't check again for a while. m_flNextGrenadeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + 1; // 1/3 second. return true; } else { // don't check again for a while. m_flNextGrenadeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + 1; // one full second. return false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Task helpers //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void CAI_GrenadeUser::StartTask_FaceAltFireTarget( const Task_t *pTask ) { SetIdealActivity( (Activity)(int)pTask->flTaskData ); GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTargetAndUpdate( m_vecAltFireTarget, AI_KEEP_YAW_SPEED ); } template void CAI_GrenadeUser::StartTask_GetPathToForced( const Task_t *pTask ) { if ( !m_hForcedGrenadeTarget ) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ENEMY); return; } float flMaxRange = 2000; float flMinRange = 0; Vector vecEnemy = m_hForcedGrenadeTarget->GetAbsOrigin(); Vector vecEnemyEye = vecEnemy + m_hForcedGrenadeTarget->GetViewOffset(); Vector posLos; bool found = false; if ( GetTacticalServices()->FindLateralLos( vecEnemyEye, &posLos ) ) { float dist = ( posLos - vecEnemyEye ).Length(); if ( dist < flMaxRange && dist > flMinRange ) found = true; } if ( !found && GetTacticalServices()->FindLos( vecEnemy, vecEnemyEye, flMinRange, flMaxRange, 1.0, &posLos ) ) { found = true; } if ( !found ) { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_SHOOT ); } else { // else drop into run task to offer an interrupt m_vInterruptSavePosition = posLos; } } template void CAI_GrenadeUser::StartTask_DeferSquad( const Task_t *pTask ) { if ( m_pSquad ) { // iterate my squad and stop everyone from throwing grenades for a little while. AISquadIter_t iter; CAI_BaseNPC *pSquadmate = m_pSquad ? m_pSquad->GetFirstMember( &iter ) : NULL; while ( pSquadmate ) { pSquadmate->DelayGrenadeCheck(5); pSquadmate = m_pSquad->GetNextMember( &iter ); } } TaskComplete(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void CAI_GrenadeUser::RunTask_FaceAltFireTarget( const Task_t *pTask ) { GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTargetAndUpdate( m_vecAltFireTarget, AI_KEEP_YAW_SPEED ); // New Mapbase thing that fixes forced alt-fires not changing weapon yaw/pitch SetAim( m_vecAltFireTarget - Weapon_ShootPosition() ); if (IsActivityFinished()) { TaskComplete(); } } template void CAI_GrenadeUser::RunTask_GetPathToForced( const Task_t *pTask ) { if ( !m_hForcedGrenadeTarget ) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ENEMY); return; } if ( GetTaskInterrupt() > 0 ) { ClearTaskInterrupt(); Vector vecEnemy = m_hForcedGrenadeTarget->GetAbsOrigin(); AI_NavGoal_t goal( m_vInterruptSavePosition, ACT_RUN, AIN_HULL_TOLERANCE ); GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal, AIN_CLEAR_TARGET ); GetNavigator()->SetArrivalDirection( vecEnemy - goal.dest ); } else { TaskInterrupt(); } } template void CAI_GrenadeUser::RunTask_FaceTossDir( const Task_t *pTask ) { // project a point along the toss vector and turn to face that point. GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTargetAndUpdate( GetLocalOrigin() + m_vecTossVelocity * 64, AI_KEEP_YAW_SPEED ); if ( FacingIdeal() ) { TaskComplete( true ); } } #endif