// Choreo version 1 event section "get to vista" { time 0.483643 -1.000000 param "noaction" } actor "Alyx" { channel "audio" { event speak "ep_02.al_rad_omgc17" { time 0.679487 5.873546 param "ep_02.al_rad_omgc17" fixedlength cctype "cc_master" cctoken "" } event speak "ep_02.al_rad_dreamed" { time 7.820513 10.561488 param "ep_02.al_rad_dreamed" fixedlength cctype "cc_master" cctoken "" } } channel "look at" { event lookat "look at vista" { time 0.080597 2.198615 param "mark_vista" event_ramp { 0.3937 0.9965 "curve_default_to_curve_hold" } } event lookat "!player" { time 2.205517 3.910645 param "!player" event_ramp { 0.4188 0.9756 "curve_default_to_curve_hold" } } event lookat "look at vista" { time 3.914319 6.032337 param "mark_vista" event_ramp { 0.3937 0.9965 "curve_default_to_curve_hold" } } } channel "face to" { event face "face vista" { time 0.075047 10.576397 param "mark_vista" event_ramp { 0.4813 0.9338 "curve_default_to_curve_hold" } } } channel "move to" { event moveto "move to vista" { time 0.005748 1.471264 param "mark_al_vista" param2 "Run" event_ramp { 0.4625 0.9791 "curve_default_to_curve_hold" } resumecondition } } channel "Postures" { event gesture "consoleposture" { time 1.205129 6.536598 param "consoleposture" event_ramp { 0.4375 0.9756 "curve_default_to_curve_hold" 3.3313 0.9721 } absolutetags playback_time { "apex" 0.189479 "loop" 0.252639 "end" 0.625000 } absolutetags shifted_time { "apex" 0.306122 "loop" 0.408163 "end" 0.561224 } sequenceduration 3.300000 } event gesture "A_P_rt_leantimid" { time 6.500000 10.800000 param "A_P_rt_leantimid" event_ramp { 0.5750 0.5610 "curve_catmullrom_normalize_x_to_curve_catmullrom_normalize_x" 2.7813 0.5749 } absolutetags playback_time { "apex" 0.234375 "loop" 0.406250 "end" 0.640625 } absolutetags shifted_time { "apex" 0.234375 "loop" 0.406250 "end" 0.640625 } } } channel "gesture" { event gesture "accentup_ext" { time 6.772727 10.603030 param "accentup_ext" event_ramp { 0.4563 0.4564 "curve_easein_to_curve_easein" 2.8866 0.8223 } absolutetags playback_time { "apex" 0.105689 "extreme" 0.184955 "loop" 0.369910 "end" 0.762846 } absolutetags shifted_time { "apex" 0.144578 "extreme" 0.253012 "loop" 0.506024 "end" 0.662651 } sequenceduration 2.800000 } event gesture "A_g_hflipout" { time 7.287879 10.254545 param "A_g_hflipout" event_ramp { 0.5313 0.4843 2.3312 0.4355 } absolutetags playback_time { "apex" 0.136364 "accent" 0.329545 "loop" 0.545455 "end" 0.681818 } absolutetags shifted_time { "apex" 0.136364 "accent" 0.329545 "loop" 0.545455 "end" 0.681818 } sequenceduration 2.966667 } } channel "Trigger" { event generic "AI_HOLSTER" { time 0.525641 1.397436 param "AI_HOLSTER" event_ramp { 0.3875 0.9756 "curve_default_to_curve_hold" } } } channel "Debug text" { } faceposermodel "u:\tf2\hl2\models\alyx.mdl" } mapname "maps\d2_prison\06_actormarks.bsp" scalesettings { "CChoreoView" "44" "SceneRampTool" "100" "RampTool" "32" "ExpressionTool" "64" "GestureTool" "100" } fps 60 snap off