// Choreo version 1 event section "wait for alyx to get to window" { time 1.152778 -1.000000 param "noaction" } actor "Alyx" { channel "audio" { event speak "ep_02.al_radar_hiddencache01" { time 1.694445 5.281633 param "ep_02.al_radar_hiddencache01" fixedlength cctype "cc_master" cctoken "" } event speak "ep_02.al_radar_hiddencache02" { time 5.979167 7.147398 param "ep_02.al_radar_hiddencache02" fixedlength cctype "cc_master" cctoken "" } } channel "look at" { event lookat "!player" { time 5.486112 7.930556 param "!player" event_ramp { 0.5048 1.0000 2.0058 1.0000 } } event lookat "!target2" { time 1.208334 3.020834 param "!target2" event_ramp { 0.4194 0.4251 0.8381 0.4850 1.3613 0.4132 } } event lookat "!target4" { time 2.604167 4.506945 param "!target4" event_ramp { 0.5794 0.5689 1.0645 0.6407 1.4225 0.5509 } } event lookat "!target3" { time 3.861113 5.986112 param "!target3" event_ramp { 0.5613 0.7066 0.9572 0.8024 1.6602 0.7066 } } active "0" } channel "face to" { event face "!target2" { time 0.090278 6.354167 param "!target2" } active "0" } channel "move to" { event moveto "window" { time 0.083333 1.319444 param "!target1" param2 "Run" resumecondition } active "0" } channel "postures" { event gesture "a_p_peer_in_window" { time 1.173611 6.550000 param "a_p_peer_in_window" absolutetags playback_time { "apex" 0.094192 "loop" 0.156986 "end" 0.835917 } absolutetags shifted_time { "apex" 0.170455 "loop" 0.340909 "end" 0.681818 } sequenceduration 2.966667 } active "0" } channel "gestures" { event gesture "A_bg_acc_side_left" { time 2.625000 4.834722 param "A_bg_acc_side_left" absolutetags playback_time { "apex" 0.074893 "extreme" 0.272458 "loop" 0.648773 "end" 0.742852 } absolutetags shifted_time { "apex" 0.072289 "extreme" 0.216867 "loop" 0.506024 "end" 0.662651 } sequenceduration 2.800000 } event gesture "A_bg_chinout" { time 3.854166 6.195833 param "A_bg_chinout" absolutetags playback_time { "apex" 0.187283 "extreme" 0.417785 "loop" 0.648287 "end" 0.668898 } absolutetags shifted_time { "apex" 0.156627 "extreme" 0.349398 "loop" 0.542169 "end" 0.662651 } sequenceduration 2.800000 } event gesture "A_bg_acctdwn_chinout" { time 1.937501 3.508333 param "A_bg_acctdwn_chinout" event_ramp { 0.0000 0.4551 1.5708 0.4551 } absolutetags playback_time { "apex" 0.147059 "extreme" 0.294118 "loop" 0.623894 "end" 0.668142 } absolutetags shifted_time { "apex" 0.147059 "extreme" 0.294118 "loop" 0.514706 "end" 0.588235 } sequenceduration 2.300000 } active "0" } channel "facial flex" { event flexanimation "Facial Animation" { time 0.076389 7.930555 param "" flexanimations samples_use_time defaultcurvetype=curve_catmullrom_normalize_x_to_curve_catmullrom_normalize_x { "inner_raiser" combo { 1.4360 0.0000 1.9042 0.4300 2.3320 0.0000 2.6813 0.0000 2.9120 0.5600 3.0375 0.6100 3.8216 0.6482 4.2435 0.6126 4.3625 0.6000 5.7781 0.4824 6.3250 0.7000 6.3250 0.7000 6.3250 0.7000 7.4125 0.7000 7.5469 0.6600 } { 1.9042 0.5000 2.9120 0.5000 2.9120 0.5000 3.7469 0.4900 3.8216 0.5000 4.2435 0.7800 4.3656 0.7800 5.7781 0.7365 6.3250 0.5100 6.3250 0.5100 6.3250 0.5100 6.4500 0.5100 } "outer_raiser" combo { 1.4380 0.0000 1.9042 0.1800 2.3420 0.0000 2.9120 0.0000 2.9120 0.0000 3.8216 0.0000 4.2435 0.3500 4.3656 0.3700 5.7781 0.3494 6.3250 0.4500 6.3250 0.4500 6.3250 0.4500 7.4313 0.4400 7.5719 0.3900 } { 1.9042 0.5000 2.9120 0.5000 2.9120 0.5000 3.7188 0.4800 3.8216 0.5000 4.2435 0.8900 4.3844 0.9000 5.7781 0.8553 6.3250 0.5100 6.3250 0.5100 6.3250 0.5100 } "lowerer" combo { 0.2708 0.4400 0.3400 0.4600 1.4306 0.4900 1.9042 0.6800 2.3380 0.5000 2.9120 0.3900 3.8216 0.2787 4.2435 0.2392 5.7781 0.2224 6.3250 0.0000 6.3250 0.0000 6.3250 0.0000 } { 0.2708 0.5000 1.4306 0.5000 1.9042 0.5000 2.9120 0.5000 2.9120 0.5000 3.8216 0.5000 4.2435 0.5000 5.7781 0.5000 6.3250 0.5000 6.3250 0.5000 6.3250 0.5000 } "corner_depressor" combo { 0.2708 0.3400 0.3460 0.3500 1.3200 0.3600 1.4306 0.3556 1.9042 0.0000 2.9120 0.0000 2.9120 0.0000 3.8216 0.0000 4.2435 0.0000 5.7781 0.0000 6.3250 0.0000 6.3250 0.0000 6.3250 0.0000 } { 0.2708 0.5000 1.4306 0.5000 1.9042 0.5000 2.9120 0.5000 2.9120 0.5000 3.8216 0.5000 4.2435 0.5000 5.7781 0.5000 6.3250 0.5000 6.3250 0.5000 6.3250 0.5000 } "part" combo { 0.2708 0.3600 0.3360 0.3800 1.3380 0.3900 1.4306 0.3842 1.9042 0.0000 2.9120 0.0000 2.9120 0.0000 3.8216 0.0000 4.2435 0.0000 5.7781 0.0000 6.3250 0.0000 6.3250 0.0000 6.3250 0.0000 } { 0.2708 0.5000 1.4306 0.5000 1.9042 0.5000 2.9120 0.5000 2.9120 0.5000 3.8216 0.5000 4.2435 0.5000 5.7781 0.5000 6.3250 0.5000 6.3250 0.5000 6.3250 0.5000 } "jaw_clencher" { 0.2708 1.0000 1.4306 1.0000 1.9042 0.0000 2.9120 0.0000 2.9120 0.0000 3.8216 0.0000 4.2435 0.0000 5.7781 0.0000 6.3250 0.0000 6.3250 0.0000 6.3250 0.0000 } } } } } scalesettings { "CChoreoView" "96" "ExpressionTool" "64" "RampTool" "62" "GestureTool" "100" "SceneRampTool" "100" } fps 60 snap off ignorePhonemes off