//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #include "cbase.h" #include "mp_shareddefs.h" #include "teamplayroundbased_gamerules.h" #ifdef CLIENT_DLL #include "iclientmode.h" #include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h> #include <igameevents.h> #include "c_team.h" #include "c_playerresource.h" #define CTeam C_Team #else #include "viewport_panel_names.h" #include "team.h" #include "mapentities.h" #include "gameinterface.h" #include "eventqueue.h" #include "team_control_point_master.h" #include "team_train_watcher.h" #include "serverbenchmark_base.h" #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) #include "replay/ireplaysystem.h" #include "replay/iserverreplaycontext.h" #include "replay/ireplaysessionrecorder.h" #endif // REPLAY_ENABLED #endif #if defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL) || defined(TF_DLL) #include "tf_gamerules.h" #if defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL) || defined(TF_DLL) #include "tf_lobby.h" #ifdef GAME_DLL #include "player_vs_environment/tf_population_manager.h" #include "../server/tf/tf_gc_server.h" #include "../server/tf/tf_objective_resource.h" #else #include "../client/tf/tf_gc_client.h" #include "../client/tf/c_tf_objective_resource.h" #endif // GAME_DLL #endif // #if defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL) || defined(TF_DLL) #endif // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #ifndef CLIENT_DLL CUtlVector< CHandle<CTeamControlPointMaster> > g_hControlPointMasters; extern bool IsInCommentaryMode( void ); #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) extern IReplaySystem *g_pReplay; #endif // REPLAY_ENABLED #endif extern ConVar spec_freeze_time; extern ConVar spec_freeze_traveltime; #ifdef CLIENT_DLL void RecvProxy_TeamplayRoundState( const CRecvProxyData *pData, void *pStruct, void *pOut ) { CTeamplayRoundBasedRules *pGamerules = ( CTeamplayRoundBasedRules *)pStruct; int iRoundState = pData->m_Value.m_Int; pGamerules->SetRoundState( iRoundState ); } #endif BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE_NOBASE( CTeamplayRoundBasedRules, DT_TeamplayRoundBasedRules ) #ifdef CLIENT_DLL RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iRoundState ), 0, RecvProxy_TeamplayRoundState ), RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bInWaitingForPlayers ) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iWinningTeam ) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_bInOvertime ) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_bInSetup ) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_bSwitchedTeamsThisRound ) ), RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bAwaitingReadyRestart ) ), RecvPropTime( RECVINFO( m_flRestartRoundTime ) ), RecvPropTime( RECVINFO( m_flMapResetTime ) ), RecvPropArray3( RECVINFO_ARRAY(m_flNextRespawnWave), RecvPropTime( RECVINFO(m_flNextRespawnWave[0]) ) ), RecvPropArray3( RECVINFO_ARRAY(m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO(m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes[0]) ) ), RecvPropArray3( RECVINFO_ARRAY(m_bTeamReady), RecvPropBool( RECVINFO(m_bTeamReady[0]) ) ), RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bStopWatch ) ), RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bMultipleTrains ) ), RecvPropArray3( RECVINFO_ARRAY(m_bPlayerReady), RecvPropBool( RECVINFO(m_bPlayerReady[0]) ) ), #else SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_iRoundState ), 5 ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bInWaitingForPlayers ) ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_iWinningTeam ), 3, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bInOvertime ) ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bInSetup ) ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bSwitchedTeamsThisRound ) ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bAwaitingReadyRestart ) ), SendPropTime( SENDINFO( m_flRestartRoundTime ) ), SendPropTime( SENDINFO( m_flMapResetTime ) ), SendPropArray3( SENDINFO_ARRAY3(m_flNextRespawnWave), SendPropTime( SENDINFO_ARRAY(m_flNextRespawnWave) ) ), SendPropArray3( SENDINFO_ARRAY3(m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes), SendPropFloat( SENDINFO_ARRAY(m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes) ) ), SendPropArray3( SENDINFO_ARRAY3(m_bTeamReady), SendPropBool( SENDINFO_ARRAY(m_bTeamReady) ) ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bStopWatch ) ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bMultipleTrains ) ), SendPropArray3( SENDINFO_ARRAY3(m_bPlayerReady), SendPropBool( SENDINFO_ARRAY(m_bPlayerReady) ) ), #endif END_NETWORK_TABLE() IMPLEMENT_NETWORKCLASS_ALIASED( TeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy, DT_TeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy ) #ifdef CLIENT_DLL void RecvProxy_TeamplayRoundBasedRules( const RecvProp *pProp, void **pOut, void *pData, int objectID ) { CTeamplayRoundBasedRules *pRules = dynamic_cast<CTeamplayRoundBasedRules*>( GameRules() ); Assert( pRules ); *pOut = pRules; } BEGIN_RECV_TABLE( CTeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy, DT_TeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy ) RecvPropDataTable( "teamplayroundbased_gamerules_data", 0, 0, &REFERENCE_RECV_TABLE( DT_TeamplayRoundBasedRules ), RecvProxy_TeamplayRoundBasedRules ) END_RECV_TABLE() void CTeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy::OnPreDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { BaseClass::OnPreDataChanged( updateType ); // Reroute data changed calls to the non-entity gamerules CTeamplayRoundBasedRules *pRules = dynamic_cast<CTeamplayRoundBasedRules*>( GameRules() ); Assert( pRules ); pRules->OnPreDataChanged(updateType); } void CTeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { BaseClass::OnDataChanged( updateType ); // Reroute data changed calls to the non-entity gamerules CTeamplayRoundBasedRules *pRules = dynamic_cast<CTeamplayRoundBasedRules*>( GameRules() ); Assert( pRules ); pRules->OnDataChanged(updateType); } #else void* SendProxy_TeamplayRoundBasedRules( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStructBase, const void *pData, CSendProxyRecipients *pRecipients, int objectID ) { CTeamplayRoundBasedRules *pRules = dynamic_cast<CTeamplayRoundBasedRules*>( GameRules() ); Assert( pRules ); pRecipients->SetAllRecipients(); return pRules; } BEGIN_SEND_TABLE( CTeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy, DT_TeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy ) SendPropDataTable( "teamplayroundbased_gamerules_data", 0, &REFERENCE_SEND_TABLE( DT_TeamplayRoundBasedRules ), SendProxy_TeamplayRoundBasedRules ) END_SEND_TABLE() BEGIN_DATADESC( CTeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy ) // Inputs. DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_BOOLEAN, "SetStalemateOnTimelimit", InputSetStalemateOnTimelimit ), END_DATADESC() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy::InputSetStalemateOnTimelimit( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { TeamplayRoundBasedRules()->SetStalemateOnTimelimit( inputdata.value.Bool() ); } #endif ConVar mp_capstyle( "mp_capstyle", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Sets the style of capture points used. 0 = Fixed players required to cap. 1 = More players cap faster, but longer cap times." ); ConVar mp_blockstyle( "mp_blockstyle", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Sets the style of capture point blocking used. 0 = Blocks break captures completely. 1 = Blocks only pause captures." ); ConVar mp_respawnwavetime( "mp_respawnwavetime", "10.0", FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Time between respawn waves." ); ConVar mp_capdeteriorate_time( "mp_capdeteriorate_time", "90.0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Time it takes for a full capture point to deteriorate." ); ConVar mp_tournament( "mp_tournament", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY ); #if defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL ) || defined( TF_DLL ) ConVar mp_highlander( "mp_highlander", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Allow only 1 of each player class type." ); #endif //Arena Mode ConVar tf_arena_preround_time( "tf_arena_preround_time", "10", FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Length of the Pre-Round time", true, 5.0, true, 15.0 ); ConVar tf_arena_round_time( "tf_arena_round_time", "0", FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_REPLICATED ); ConVar tf_arena_max_streak( "tf_arena_max_streak", "3", FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Teams will be scrambled if one team reaches this streak" ); ConVar tf_arena_use_queue( "tf_arena_use_queue", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Enables the spectator queue system for Arena." ); ConVar mp_teams_unbalance_limit( "mp_teams_unbalance_limit", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other team. (0 disables check)", true, 0, // min value true, 30 // max value ); ConVar mp_maxrounds( "mp_maxrounds", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY, "max number of rounds to play before server changes maps", true, 0, false, 0 ); ConVar mp_winlimit( "mp_winlimit", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Max score one team can reach before server changes maps", true, 0, false, 0 ); ConVar mp_disable_respawn_times( "mp_disable_respawn_times", "0", FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_REPLICATED ); ConVar mp_bonusroundtime( "mp_bonusroundtime", "15", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Time after round win until round restarts", true, 5, true, 15 ); ConVar mp_stalemate_meleeonly( "mp_stalemate_meleeonly", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Restrict everyone to melee weapons only while in Sudden Death." ); ConVar mp_forceautoteam( "mp_forceautoteam", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Automatically assign players to teams when joining." ); #ifdef GAME_DLL ConVar mp_showroundtransitions( "mp_showroundtransitions", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Show gamestate round transitions." ); ConVar mp_enableroundwaittime( "mp_enableroundwaittime", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Enable timers to wait between rounds." ); ConVar mp_showcleanedupents( "mp_showcleanedupents", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Show entities that are removed on round respawn." ); ConVar mp_restartround( "mp_restartround", "0", FCVAR_GAMEDLL, "If non-zero, the current round will restart in the specified number of seconds" ); ConVar mp_stalemate_timelimit( "mp_stalemate_timelimit", "240", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Timelimit (in seconds) of the stalemate round." ); ConVar mp_autoteambalance( "mp_autoteambalance", "1", FCVAR_NOTIFY ); ConVar mp_stalemate_enable( "mp_stalemate_enable", "0", FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Enable/Disable stalemate mode." ); ConVar mp_match_end_at_timelimit( "mp_match_end_at_timelimit", "0", FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Allow the match to end when mp_timelimit hits instead of waiting for the end of the current round." ); ConVar mp_holiday_nogifts( "mp_holiday_nogifts", "0", FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Set to 1 to prevent holiday gifts from spawning when players are killed." ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cc_SwitchTeams( const CCommand& args ) { if ( UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) { CTeamplayRoundBasedRules *pRules = dynamic_cast<CTeamplayRoundBasedRules*>( GameRules() ); if ( pRules ) { pRules->SetSwitchTeams( true ); mp_restartgame.SetValue( 5 ); pRules->ShouldResetScores( false, false ); pRules->ShouldResetRoundsPlayed( false ); } } } static ConCommand mp_switchteams( "mp_switchteams", cc_SwitchTeams, "Switch teams and restart the game" ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cc_ScrambleTeams( const CCommand& args ) { if ( UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) { CTeamplayRoundBasedRules *pRules = dynamic_cast<CTeamplayRoundBasedRules*>( GameRules() ); if ( pRules ) { pRules->SetScrambleTeams( true ); mp_restartgame.SetValue( 5 ); pRules->ShouldResetScores( true, false ); if ( args.ArgC() == 2 ) { // Don't reset the roundsplayed when mp_scrambleteams 2 is passed if ( atoi( args[1] ) == 2 ) { pRules->ShouldResetRoundsPlayed( false ); } } } } } static ConCommand mp_scrambleteams( "mp_scrambleteams", cc_ScrambleTeams, "Scramble the teams and restart the game" ); ConVar mp_scrambleteams_auto( "mp_scrambleteams_auto", "1", FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Server will automatically scramble the teams if criteria met. Only works on dedicated servers." ); ConVar mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference( "mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference", "2", FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Number of round wins a team must lead by in order to trigger an auto scramble." ); // Classnames of entities that are preserved across round restarts static const char *s_PreserveEnts[] = { "player", "viewmodel", "worldspawn", "soundent", "ai_network", "ai_hint", "env_soundscape", "env_soundscape_proxy", "env_soundscape_triggerable", "env_sprite", "env_sun", "env_wind", "env_fog_controller", "func_wall", "func_illusionary", "info_node", "info_target", "info_node_hint", "point_commentary_node", "point_viewcontrol", "func_precipitation", "func_team_wall", "shadow_control", "sky_camera", "scene_manager", "trigger_soundscape", "commentary_auto", "point_commentary_node", "point_commentary_viewpoint", "bot_roster", "info_populator", "", // END Marker }; CON_COMMAND_F( mp_forcewin, "Forces team to win", FCVAR_CHEAT ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return; CTeamplayRoundBasedRules *pRules = dynamic_cast<CTeamplayRoundBasedRules*>( GameRules() ); if ( pRules ) { int iTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; if ( args.ArgC() == 1 ) { // if no team specified, use player 1's team iTeam = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( 1 )->GetTeamNumber(); } else if ( args.ArgC() == 2 ) { // if team # specified, use that iTeam = atoi( args[1] ); } else { Msg( "Usage: mp_forcewin <opt: team#>" ); return; } int iWinReason = ( TEAM_UNASSIGNED == iTeam ? WINREASON_STALEMATE : WINREASON_ALL_POINTS_CAPTURED ); pRules->SetWinningTeam( iTeam, iWinReason ); } } #endif // GAME_DLL // Utility function bool FindInList( const char **pStrings, const char *pToFind ) { int i = 0; while ( pStrings[i][0] != 0 ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pStrings[i], pToFind ) == 0 ) return true; i++; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CTeamplayRoundBasedRules( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMS; i++ ) { m_flNextRespawnWave.Set( i, 0 ); m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes.Set( i, -1.0f ); m_bTeamReady.Set( i, false ); #ifdef GAME_DLL m_flOriginalTeamRespawnWaveTime[i] = -1.0f; #endif } for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { m_bPlayerReady.Set( i, false ); } m_bInOvertime = false; m_bInSetup = false; m_bSwitchedTeamsThisRound = false; m_flStopWatchTotalTime = -1.0f; m_bMultipleTrains = false; #ifdef GAME_DLL m_pCurStateInfo = NULL; State_Transition( GR_STATE_PREGAME ); m_bResetTeamScores = true; m_bResetPlayerScores = true; m_bResetRoundsPlayed = true; InitTeams(); ResetMapTime(); ResetScores(); SetForceMapReset( true ); SetRoundToPlayNext( NULL_STRING ); m_bInWaitingForPlayers = false; m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = false; m_flRestartRoundTime = -1; m_flMapResetTime = 0; m_bPrevRoundWasWaitingForPlayers = false; m_iWinningTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; m_iszPreviousRounds.RemoveAll(); SetFirstRoundPlayed( NULL_STRING ); m_bAllowStalemateAtTimelimit = false; m_bChangelevelAfterStalemate = false; m_flRoundStartTime = 0; m_flNewThrottledAlertTime = 0; m_flStartBalancingTeamsAt = 0; m_bPrintedUnbalanceWarning = false; m_flFoundUnbalancedTeamsTime = -1; m_flWaitingForPlayersTimeEnds = 0.0f; m_nRoundsPlayed = 0; m_bUseAddScoreAnim = false; m_bStopWatch = false; m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = false; if ( IsInTournamentMode() == true ) { m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = true; } m_flAutoBalanceQueueTimeEnd = -1; m_nAutoBalanceQueuePlayerIndex = -1; m_nAutoBalanceQueuePlayerScore = -1; SetDefLessFunc( m_GameTeams ); #endif } #ifdef GAME_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::SetTeamRespawnWaveTime( int iTeam, float flValue ) { if ( flValue < 0 ) { flValue = 0; } // initialized to -1 so we can try to determine if this is the first spawn time we have received for this team if ( m_flOriginalTeamRespawnWaveTime[iTeam] < 0 ) { m_flOriginalTeamRespawnWaveTime[iTeam] = flValue; } m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes.Set( iTeam, flValue ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::AddTeamRespawnWaveTime( int iTeam, float flValue ) { float flAddAmount = flValue; float flCurrentSetting = m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes[iTeam]; float flNewValue; if ( flCurrentSetting < 0 ) { flCurrentSetting = mp_respawnwavetime.GetFloat(); } // initialized to -1 so we can try to determine if this is the first spawn time we have received for this team if ( m_flOriginalTeamRespawnWaveTime[iTeam] < 0 ) { m_flOriginalTeamRespawnWaveTime[iTeam] = flCurrentSetting; } flNewValue = flCurrentSetting + flAddAmount; if ( flNewValue < 0 ) { flNewValue = 0; } m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes.Set( iTeam, flNewValue ); } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: don't let us spawn before our freezepanel time would have ended, even if we skip it //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::GetNextRespawnWave( int iTeam, CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { if ( State_Get() == GR_STATE_STALEMATE ) return 0; // If we are purely checking when the next respawn wave is for this team if ( pPlayer == NULL ) { return m_flNextRespawnWave[iTeam]; } // The soonest this player may spawn float flMinSpawnTime = GetMinTimeWhenPlayerMaySpawn( pPlayer ); if ( ShouldRespawnQuickly( pPlayer ) ) { return flMinSpawnTime; } // the next scheduled respawn wave time float flNextRespawnTime = m_flNextRespawnWave[iTeam]; // the length of one respawn wave. We'll check in increments of this float flRespawnWaveMaxLen = GetRespawnWaveMaxLength( iTeam ); if ( flRespawnWaveMaxLen <= 0 ) { return flNextRespawnTime; } // Keep adding the length of one respawn until we find a wave that // this player will be eligible to spawn in. while ( flNextRespawnTime < flMinSpawnTime ) { flNextRespawnTime += flRespawnWaveMaxLen; } return flNextRespawnTime; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Is the player past the required delays for spawning //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::HasPassedMinRespawnTime( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { float flMinSpawnTime = GetMinTimeWhenPlayerMaySpawn( pPlayer ); return ( gpGlobals->curtime > flMinSpawnTime ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::GetMinTimeWhenPlayerMaySpawn( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { // Min respawn time is the sum of // // a) the length of one full *unscaled* respawn wave for their team // and // b) death anim length + freeze panel length float flDeathAnimLength = 2.0 + spec_freeze_traveltime.GetFloat() + spec_freeze_time.GetFloat(); float fMinDelay = flDeathAnimLength; if ( !ShouldRespawnQuickly( pPlayer ) ) { fMinDelay += GetRespawnWaveMaxLength( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(), false ); } return pPlayer->GetDeathTime() + fMinDelay; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::GetRespawnTimeScalar( int iTeam ) { // For long respawn times, scale the time as the number of players drops int iOptimalPlayers = 8; // 16 players total, 8 per team int iNumPlayers = GetGlobalTeam(iTeam)->GetNumPlayers(); float flScale = RemapValClamped( iNumPlayers, 1, iOptimalPlayers, 0.25, 1.0 ); return flScale; } #ifdef GAME_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::SetForceMapReset( bool reset ) { m_bForceMapReset = reset; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::Think( void ) { if ( g_fGameOver ) // someone else quit the game already { // check to see if we should change levels now if ( m_flIntermissionEndTime && ( m_flIntermissionEndTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) ) { if ( !IsX360() ) { ChangeLevel(); // intermission is over } else { IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "player_stats_updated" ); if ( event ) { event->SetBool( "forceupload", true ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } engine->MultiplayerEndGame(); } // Don't run this code again m_flIntermissionEndTime = 0.f; } return; } State_Think(); if ( m_hWaitingForPlayersTimer ) { Assert( m_bInWaitingForPlayers ); } if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flNextPeriodicThink ) { // Don't end the game during win or stalemate states if ( State_Get() != GR_STATE_TEAM_WIN && State_Get() != GR_STATE_STALEMATE && State_Get() != GR_STATE_GAME_OVER ) { if ( CheckWinLimit() ) return; if ( CheckMaxRounds() ) return; } CheckRestartRound(); CheckWaitingForPlayers(); m_flNextPeriodicThink = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0; } // Bypass teamplay think. CGameRules::Think(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::TimerMayExpire( void ) { #ifndef CSTRIKE_DLL // team_train_watchers can also prevent timer expiring ( overtime ) CTeamTrainWatcher *pWatcher = dynamic_cast<CTeamTrainWatcher*>( gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "team_train_watcher" ) ); while ( pWatcher ) { if ( !pWatcher->TimerMayExpire() ) { return false; } pWatcher = dynamic_cast<CTeamTrainWatcher*>( gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pWatcher, "team_train_watcher" ) ); } #endif return BaseClass::TimerMayExpire(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CheckChatText( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, char *pText ) { CheckChatForReadySignal( pPlayer, pText ); BaseClass::CheckChatText( pPlayer, pText ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CheckChatForReadySignal( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const char *chatmsg ) { if ( IsInTournamentMode() == false ) { if( m_bAwaitingReadyRestart && FStrEq( chatmsg, mp_clan_ready_signal.GetString() ) ) { int iTeam = pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(); if ( iTeam > LAST_SHARED_TEAM && iTeam < GetNumberOfTeams() ) { m_bTeamReady.Set( iTeam, true ); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_team_ready" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "team", iTeam ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::GoToIntermission( void ) { if ( IsInTournamentMode() == true ) return; BaseClass::GoToIntermission(); // set all players to FL_FROZEN for ( int i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->AddFlag( FL_FROZEN ); } } // Print out map stats to a text file //WriteStatsFile( "stats.xml" ); State_Enter( GR_STATE_GAME_OVER ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::SetInWaitingForPlayers( bool bWaitingForPlayers ) { // never waiting for players when loading a bug report if ( IsLoadingBugBaitReport() || gpGlobals->eLoadType == MapLoad_Background ) { m_bInWaitingForPlayers = false; return; } if( m_bInWaitingForPlayers == bWaitingForPlayers ) return; if ( IsInArenaMode() == true && m_flWaitingForPlayersTimeEnds == -1 && IsInTournamentMode() == false ) { m_bInWaitingForPlayers = false; return; } m_bInWaitingForPlayers = bWaitingForPlayers; if( m_bInWaitingForPlayers ) { m_flWaitingForPlayersTimeEnds = gpGlobals->curtime + mp_waitingforplayers_time.GetFloat(); } else { m_flWaitingForPlayersTimeEnds = -1; if ( m_hWaitingForPlayersTimer ) { UTIL_Remove( m_hWaitingForPlayersTimer ); } RestoreActiveTimer(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::SetOvertime( bool bOvertime ) { if ( m_bInOvertime == bOvertime ) return; if ( bOvertime ) { UTIL_LogPrintf( "World triggered \"Round_Overtime\"\n" ); } m_bInOvertime = bOvertime; if ( m_bInOvertime ) { // tell train watchers that we've transitioned to overtime #ifndef CSTRIKE_DLL CTeamTrainWatcher *pWatcher = dynamic_cast<CTeamTrainWatcher*>( gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "team_train_watcher" ) ); while ( pWatcher ) { variant_t emptyVariant; pWatcher->AcceptInput( "OnStartOvertime", NULL, NULL, emptyVariant, 0 ); pWatcher = dynamic_cast<CTeamTrainWatcher*>( gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pWatcher, "team_train_watcher" ) ); } #endif } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::SetSetup( bool bSetup ) { if ( m_bInSetup == bSetup ) return; m_bInSetup = bSetup; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CheckWaitingForPlayers( void ) { // never waiting for players when loading a bug report, or training if ( IsLoadingBugBaitReport() || gpGlobals->eLoadType == MapLoad_Background || !AllowWaitingForPlayers() ) return; if( mp_waitingforplayers_restart.GetBool() ) { if( m_bInWaitingForPlayers ) { m_flWaitingForPlayersTimeEnds = gpGlobals->curtime + mp_waitingforplayers_time.GetFloat(); if ( m_hWaitingForPlayersTimer ) { variant_t sVariant; sVariant.SetInt( m_flWaitingForPlayersTimeEnds - gpGlobals->curtime ); m_hWaitingForPlayersTimer->AcceptInput( "SetTime", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); } } else { SetInWaitingForPlayers( true ); } mp_waitingforplayers_restart.SetValue( 0 ); } if( (mp_waitingforplayers_cancel.GetBool() || IsInItemTestingMode()) && IsInTournamentMode() == false ) { // Cancel the wait period and manually Resume() the timer if // it's not supposed to start paused at the beginning of a round. // We must do this before SetInWaitingForPlayers() is called because it will // restore the timer in the HUD and set the handle to NULL #ifndef CSTRIKE_DLL if ( m_hPreviousActiveTimer.Get() ) { CTeamRoundTimer *pTimer = dynamic_cast<CTeamRoundTimer*>( m_hPreviousActiveTimer.Get() ); if ( pTimer && !pTimer->StartPaused() ) { pTimer->ResumeTimer(); } } #endif SetInWaitingForPlayers( false ); mp_waitingforplayers_cancel.SetValue( 0 ); } if( m_bInWaitingForPlayers ) { if ( IsInTournamentMode() == true ) return; // only exit the waitingforplayers if the time is up, and we are not in a round // restart countdown already, and we are not waiting for a ready restart if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flWaitingForPlayersTimeEnds && m_flRestartRoundTime < 0 && !m_bAwaitingReadyRestart ) { m_flRestartRoundTime = gpGlobals->curtime; // reset asap if ( IsInArenaMode() == true ) { if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flWaitingForPlayersTimeEnds ) { SetInWaitingForPlayers( false ); State_Transition( GR_STATE_PREROUND ); } return; } // if "waiting for players" is ending and we're restarting... // keep the current round that we're already running around in as the first round after the restart CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = g_hControlPointMasters.Count() ? g_hControlPointMasters[0] : NULL; if ( pMaster && pMaster->PlayingMiniRounds() && pMaster->GetCurrentRound() ) { SetRoundToPlayNext( pMaster->GetRoundToUseAfterRestart() ); } } else { if ( !m_hWaitingForPlayersTimer ) { // Stop any timers, and bring up a new one HideActiveTimer(); #ifndef CSTRIKE_DLL variant_t sVariant; m_hWaitingForPlayersTimer = (CTeamRoundTimer*)CBaseEntity::Create( "team_round_timer", vec3_origin, vec3_angle ); m_hWaitingForPlayersTimer->SetName( MAKE_STRING("zz_teamplay_waiting_timer") ); m_hWaitingForPlayersTimer->KeyValue( "show_in_hud", "1" ); sVariant.SetInt( m_flWaitingForPlayersTimeEnds - gpGlobals->curtime ); m_hWaitingForPlayersTimer->AcceptInput( "SetTime", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); m_hWaitingForPlayersTimer->AcceptInput( "Resume", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); m_hWaitingForPlayersTimer->AcceptInput( "Enable", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); #endif } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CheckRestartRound( void ) { if( mp_clan_readyrestart.GetBool() && IsInTournamentMode() == false ) { m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = true; for ( int i = LAST_SHARED_TEAM+1; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { m_bTeamReady.Set( i, false ); } const char *pszReadyString = mp_clan_ready_signal.GetString(); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#clan_ready_rules", pszReadyString ); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTTALK, "#clan_ready_rules", pszReadyString ); // Don't let them put anything malicious in there if( pszReadyString == NULL || Q_strlen(pszReadyString) > 16 ) { pszReadyString = "ready"; } IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_ready_restart" ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } mp_clan_readyrestart.SetValue( 0 ); // cancel any restart round in progress m_flRestartRoundTime = -1; } // Restart the game if specified by the server int iRestartDelay = mp_restartround.GetInt(); bool bRestartGameNow = mp_restartgame_immediate.GetBool(); if ( iRestartDelay == 0 && !bRestartGameNow ) { iRestartDelay = mp_restartgame.GetInt(); } if ( iRestartDelay > 0 || bRestartGameNow ) { int iDelayMax = 60; #if defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL) || defined(TF_DLL) if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) { iDelayMax = 180; } #endif // #if defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL) || defined(TF_DLL) if ( iRestartDelay > iDelayMax ) { iRestartDelay = iDelayMax; } if ( mp_restartgame.GetInt() > 0 || bRestartGameNow ) { SetForceMapReset( true ); } else { SetForceMapReset( false ); } SetInStopWatch( false ); if ( bRestartGameNow ) { iRestartDelay = 0; } m_flRestartRoundTime = gpGlobals->curtime + iRestartDelay; IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_round_restart_seconds" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "seconds", iRestartDelay ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } if ( IsInTournamentMode() == false ) { // let the players know const char *pFormat = NULL; if ( mp_restartgame.GetInt() > 0 ) { if ( ShouldSwitchTeams() ) { pFormat = ( iRestartDelay > 1 ) ? "#game_switch_in_secs" : "#game_switch_in_sec"; } else if ( ShouldScrambleTeams() ) { pFormat = ( iRestartDelay > 1 ) ? "#game_scramble_in_secs" : "#game_scramble_in_sec"; #ifdef TF_DLL IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_alert" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "alert_type", HUD_ALERT_SCRAMBLE_TEAMS ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } pFormat = NULL; #endif } } else if ( mp_restartround.GetInt() > 0 ) { pFormat = ( iRestartDelay > 1 ) ? "#round_restart_in_secs" : "#round_restart_in_sec"; } if ( pFormat ) { char strRestartDelay[64]; Q_snprintf( strRestartDelay, sizeof( strRestartDelay ), "%d", iRestartDelay ); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, pFormat, strRestartDelay ); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, pFormat, strRestartDelay ); } } mp_restartround.SetValue( 0 ); mp_restartgame.SetValue( 0 ); mp_restartgame_immediate.SetValue( 0 ); // cancel any ready restart in progress m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CheckTimeLimit( void ) { if ( IsInPreMatch() == true ) return false; if ( ( mp_timelimit.GetInt() > 0 && CanChangelevelBecauseOfTimeLimit() ) || m_bChangelevelAfterStalemate ) { // If there's less than 5 minutes to go, just switch now. This avoids the problem // of sudden death modes starting shortly after a new round starts. const int iMinTime = 5; bool bSwitchDueToTime = ( mp_timelimit.GetInt() > iMinTime && GetTimeLeft() < (iMinTime * 60) ); if ( IsInTournamentMode() == true ) { if ( TournamentModeCanEndWithTimelimit() == false ) { return false; } bSwitchDueToTime = false; } if ( IsInArenaMode() == true ) { bSwitchDueToTime = false; } if( GetTimeLeft() <= 0 || m_bChangelevelAfterStalemate || bSwitchDueToTime ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_game_over" ); if ( event ) { event->SetString( "reason", "Reached Time Limit" ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } SendTeamScoresEvent(); GoToIntermission(); return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::IsGameUnderTimeLimit( void ) { return ( mp_timelimit.GetInt() > 0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::GetTimeLeft( void ) { float flTimeLimit = mp_timelimit.GetInt() * 60; float flMapChangeTime = m_flMapResetTime + flTimeLimit; // If the round timer is longer, let the round complete // TFTODO: Do we need to worry about the timelimit running our during a round? int iTime = (int)(flMapChangeTime - gpGlobals->curtime); if ( iTime < 0 ) { iTime = 0; } return ( iTime ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CheckNextLevelCvar( void ) { if ( m_bForceMapReset ) { if ( nextlevel.GetString() && *nextlevel.GetString() && engine->IsMapValid( nextlevel.GetString() ) ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_game_over" ); if ( event ) { event->SetString( "reason", "NextLevel CVAR" ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } GoToIntermission(); return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CheckWinLimit( void ) { // has one team won the specified number of rounds? int iWinLimit = mp_winlimit.GetInt(); if ( iWinLimit > 0 ) { for ( int i = LAST_SHARED_TEAM+1; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { CTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTeam(i); Assert( pTeam ); if ( pTeam->GetScore() >= iWinLimit ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_game_over" ); if ( event ) { event->SetString( "reason", "Reached Win Limit" ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } GoToIntermission(); return true; } } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CheckMaxRounds() { if ( mp_maxrounds.GetInt() > 0 && IsInPreMatch() == false ) { if ( m_nRoundsPlayed >= mp_maxrounds.GetInt() ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_game_over" ); if ( event ) { event->SetString( "reason", "Reached Round Limit" ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } GoToIntermission(); return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Transition( gamerules_roundstate_t newState ) { m_prevState = State_Get(); State_Leave(); State_Enter( newState ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter( gamerules_roundstate_t newState ) { m_iRoundState = newState; m_pCurStateInfo = State_LookupInfo( newState ); m_flLastRoundStateChangeTime = gpGlobals->curtime; if ( mp_showroundtransitions.GetInt() > 0 ) { if ( m_pCurStateInfo ) Msg( "Gamerules: entering state '%s'\n", m_pCurStateInfo->m_pStateName ); else Msg( "Gamerules: entering state #%d\n", newState ); } // Initialize the new state. if ( m_pCurStateInfo && m_pCurStateInfo->pfnEnterState ) { (this->*m_pCurStateInfo->pfnEnterState)(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Leave() { if ( m_pCurStateInfo && m_pCurStateInfo->pfnLeaveState ) { (this->*m_pCurStateInfo->pfnLeaveState)(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think() { if ( m_pCurStateInfo && m_pCurStateInfo->pfnThink ) { (this->*m_pCurStateInfo->pfnThink)(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CGameRulesRoundStateInfo* CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_LookupInfo( gamerules_roundstate_t state ) { static CGameRulesRoundStateInfo playerStateInfos[] = { { GR_STATE_INIT, "GR_STATE_INIT", &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_INIT, NULL, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_INIT }, { GR_STATE_PREGAME, "GR_STATE_PREGAME", &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_PREGAME, NULL, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_PREGAME }, { GR_STATE_STARTGAME, "GR_STATE_STARTGAME", &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_STARTGAME, NULL, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_STARTGAME }, { GR_STATE_PREROUND, "GR_STATE_PREROUND", &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_PREROUND, NULL, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_PREROUND }, { GR_STATE_RND_RUNNING, "GR_STATE_RND_RUNNING", &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_RND_RUNNING, NULL, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_RND_RUNNING }, { GR_STATE_TEAM_WIN, "GR_STATE_TEAM_WIN", &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_TEAM_WIN, NULL, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_TEAM_WIN }, { GR_STATE_RESTART, "GR_STATE_RESTART", &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_RESTART, NULL, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_RESTART }, { GR_STATE_STALEMATE, "GR_STATE_STALEMATE", &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_STALEMATE, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Leave_STALEMATE, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_STALEMATE }, { GR_STATE_GAME_OVER, "GR_STATE_GAME_OVER", NULL, NULL, NULL }, { GR_STATE_BONUS, "GR_STATE_BONUS", &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_BONUS, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Leave_BONUS, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_BONUS }, { GR_STATE_BETWEEN_RNDS, "GR_STATE_BETWEEN_RNDS", &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_BETWEEN_RNDS, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Leave_BETWEEN_RNDS, &CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_BETWEEN_RNDS }, }; for ( int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE( playerStateInfos ); i++ ) { if ( playerStateInfos[i].m_iRoundState == state ) return &playerStateInfos[i]; } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_INIT( void ) { InitTeams(); ResetMapTime(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_INIT( void ) { State_Transition( GR_STATE_PREGAME ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The server is idle and waiting for enough players to start up again. // When we find an active player go to GR_STATE_STARTGAME. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_PREGAME( void ) { m_flNextPeriodicThink = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_PREGAME( void ) { CheckRespawnWaves(); // we'll just stay in pregame for the bugbait reports if ( IsLoadingBugBaitReport() || gpGlobals->eLoadType == MapLoad_Background ) return; // Commentary stays in this mode too if ( IsInCommentaryMode() ) return; if( CountActivePlayers() > 0 || (IsInArenaMode() == true && m_flWaitingForPlayersTimeEnds == 0.0f) ) { State_Transition( GR_STATE_STARTGAME ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Wait a bit and then spawn everyone into the preround //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_STARTGAME( void ) { m_flStateTransitionTime = gpGlobals->curtime; m_bInitialSpawn = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_STARTGAME() { if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flStateTransitionTime ) { if ( !IsInTraining() && !IsInItemTestingMode() ) { ConVarRef tf_bot_offline_practice( "tf_bot_offline_practice" ); if ( mp_waitingforplayers_time.GetFloat() > 0 && tf_bot_offline_practice.GetInt() == 0 ) { // go into waitingforplayers, reset at end of it SetInWaitingForPlayers( true ); } } State_Transition( GR_STATE_PREROUND ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_PREROUND( void ) { BalanceTeams( false ); m_flStartBalancingTeamsAt = gpGlobals->curtime + 60.0; RoundRespawn(); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_round_start" ); if ( event ) { event->SetBool( "full_reset", m_bForceMapReset ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } if ( IsInArenaMode() == true ) { if ( CountActivePlayers() > 0 ) { #ifndef CSTRIKE_DLL variant_t sVariant; if ( !m_hStalemateTimer ) { m_hStalemateTimer = (CTeamRoundTimer*)CBaseEntity::Create( "team_round_timer", vec3_origin, vec3_angle ); } m_hStalemateTimer->KeyValue( "show_in_hud", "1" ); sVariant.SetInt( tf_arena_preround_time.GetInt() ); m_hStalemateTimer->AcceptInput( "SetTime", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); m_hStalemateTimer->AcceptInput( "Resume", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); m_hStalemateTimer->AcceptInput( "Enable", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); #endif IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_update_timer" ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } m_flStateTransitionTime = gpGlobals->curtime + tf_arena_preround_time.GetInt(); } #if defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL) || defined(TF_DLL) else if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) { State_Transition( GR_STATE_BETWEEN_RNDS ); TFObjectiveResource()->SetMannVsMachineBetweenWaves( true ); } #endif // #if defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL) || defined(TF_DLL) else { m_flStateTransitionTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 5 * mp_enableroundwaittime.GetFloat(); } StopWatchModeThink(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_PREROUND( void ) { if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flStateTransitionTime ) { if ( IsInArenaMode() == true ) { if ( IsInWaitingForPlayers() == true ) { if ( IsInTournamentMode() == true ) { // check round restart CheckReadyRestart(); State_Transition( GR_STATE_STALEMATE ); } return; } State_Transition( GR_STATE_STALEMATE ); // hide the class composition panel } else { State_Transition( GR_STATE_RND_RUNNING ); } } CheckRespawnWaves(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_RND_RUNNING( void ) { SetupOnRoundRunning(); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_round_active" ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } if( !IsInWaitingForPlayers() ) { PlayStartRoundVoice(); } m_bChangeLevelOnRoundEnd = false; m_bPrevRoundWasWaitingForPlayers = false; m_flNextBalanceTeamsTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CheckReadyRestart( void ) { // check round restart if( m_flRestartRoundTime > 0 && m_flRestartRoundTime <= gpGlobals->curtime && !g_pServerBenchmark->IsBenchmarkRunning() ) { m_flRestartRoundTime = -1; #ifdef TF_DLL if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() && g_pPopulationManager ) { if ( TFObjectiveResource()->GetMannVsMachineIsBetweenWaves() ) { g_pPopulationManager->StartCurrentWave(); } return; } #endif // TF_DLL // time to restart! State_Transition( GR_STATE_RESTART ); } // check ready restart if( m_bAwaitingReadyRestart ) { int nTime = 5; bool bTeamReady = false; #ifdef TF_DLL if ( TFGameRules() ) { if ( TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) { bTeamReady = AreDefendingPlayersReady(); if ( bTeamReady ) { nTime = 10; } } else { bTeamReady = m_bTeamReady[TF_TEAM_BLUE] && m_bTeamReady[TF_TEAM_RED]; } } #endif // TF_DLL if ( bTeamReady ) { //State_Transition( GR_STATE_RESTART ); mp_restartgame.SetValue( nTime ); m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = false; ShouldResetScores( true, true ); ShouldResetRoundsPlayed( true ); } } } #if defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL) || defined(TF_DLL) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::AreDefendingPlayersReady() { // Get list of defenders CUtlVector<LobbyPlayerInfo_t> vecMvMDefenders; GetMvMPotentialDefendersLobbyPlayerInfo( vecMvMDefenders ); // Scan all the players, and bail as soon as we find one person // worth waiting for bool bAtLeastOnePersonReady = false; for ( int i = 0; i < vecMvMDefenders.Count(); i++ ) { // Are they on the red team? const LobbyPlayerInfo_t &p = vecMvMDefenders[i]; if ( !p.m_bConnected || p.m_iTeam == TEAM_UNASSIGNED || p.m_nEntNum <= 0 || p.m_nEntNum >= MAX_PLAYERS ) { // They're still getting set up. We'll wait for them, // but only if they are in the lobby if ( p.m_bInLobby ) return false; } else if ( p.m_iTeam == TF_TEAM_PVE_DEFENDERS ) { // If he isn't ready, then we aren't ready if ( !m_bPlayerReady[ p.m_nEntNum ] ) return false; // He's totally ready bAtLeastOnePersonReady = true; } else { // And you may ask yourself, "How did I get here?" Assert( p.m_iTeam == TF_TEAM_PVE_DEFENDERS ); } } // We didn't find anybody who we should wait for, so // if at least one person is ready, then we're ready return bAtLeastOnePersonReady; } #endif // #if defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL) || defined(TF_DLL) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_RND_RUNNING( void ) { //if we don't find any active players, return to GR_STATE_PREGAME if( CountActivePlayers() <= 0 ) { #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) if ( g_pReplay ) { // Write replay and stop recording if appropriate g_pReplay->SV_EndRecordingSession(); } #endif State_Transition( GR_STATE_PREGAME ); return; } if ( m_flNextBalanceTeamsTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) { BalanceTeams( true ); m_flNextBalanceTeamsTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f; } CheckRespawnWaves(); // check round restart CheckReadyRestart(); // See if we're coming up to the server timelimit, in which case force a stalemate immediately. if ( State_Get() == GR_STATE_RND_RUNNING && mp_timelimit.GetInt() > 0 && IsInPreMatch() == false && GetTimeLeft() <= 0 ) { if ( m_bAllowStalemateAtTimelimit || ( mp_match_end_at_timelimit.GetBool() && !IsValveMap() ) ) { int iDrawScoreCheck = -1; int iWinningTeam = 0; bool bTeamsAreDrawn = true; for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; (i < GetNumberOfTeams()) && bTeamsAreDrawn; i++ ) { int iTeamScore = GetGlobalTeam(i)->GetScore(); if ( iTeamScore > iDrawScoreCheck ) { iWinningTeam = i; } if ( iTeamScore != iDrawScoreCheck ) { if ( iDrawScoreCheck == -1 ) { iDrawScoreCheck = iTeamScore; } else { bTeamsAreDrawn = false; } } } if ( bTeamsAreDrawn ) { if ( CanGoToStalemate() ) { m_bChangelevelAfterStalemate = true; SetStalemate( STALEMATE_SERVER_TIMELIMIT, m_bForceMapReset ); } else { SetOvertime( true ); } } else { SetWinningTeam( iWinningTeam, WINREASON_TIMELIMIT, true, false, true ); } } } StopWatchModeThink(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_TEAM_WIN( void ) { float flTime = GetBonusRoundTime(); m_flStateTransitionTime = gpGlobals->curtime + flTime; // if we're forcing the map to reset it must be the end of a "full" round not a mini-round if ( m_bForceMapReset ) { m_nRoundsPlayed++; } InternalHandleTeamWin( m_iWinningTeam ); SendWinPanelInfo(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_TEAM_WIN( void ) { if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flStateTransitionTime ) { bool bDone = !(!CheckTimeLimit() && !CheckWinLimit() && !CheckMaxRounds() && !CheckNextLevelCvar()); // check the win limit, max rounds, time limit and nextlevel cvar before starting the next round if ( bDone == false ) { PreviousRoundEnd(); if ( ShouldGoToBonusRound() ) { State_Transition( GR_STATE_BONUS ); } else { #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) if ( g_pReplay ) { // Write replay and stop recording if appropriate g_pReplay->SV_EndRecordingSession(); } #endif State_Transition( GR_STATE_PREROUND ); } } else if ( IsInTournamentMode() == true ) { for ( int i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; pPlayer->ShowViewPortPanel( PANEL_SCOREBOARD ); } RestartTournament(); if ( IsInArenaMode() == true ) { #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) if ( g_pReplay ) { // Write replay and stop recording if appropriate g_pReplay->SV_EndRecordingSession(); } #endif State_Transition( GR_STATE_PREROUND ); } else { #ifdef TF_DLL if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) { // one of the convars mp_timelimit, mp_winlimit, mp_maxrounds, or nextlevel has been triggered if ( g_pPopulationManager ) { for ( int i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; pPlayer->AddFlag( FL_FROZEN ); pPlayer->ShowViewPortPanel( PANEL_SCOREBOARD ); } g_fGameOver = true; g_pPopulationManager->SetMapRestartTime( gpGlobals->curtime + 10.0f ); State_Enter( GR_STATE_GAME_OVER ); return; } } #endif // TF_DLL State_Transition( GR_STATE_RND_RUNNING ); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_STALEMATE( void ) { m_flStalemateStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime; SetupOnStalemateStart(); // Stop any timers, and bring up a new one HideActiveTimer(); if ( m_hStalemateTimer ) { UTIL_Remove( m_hStalemateTimer ); m_hStalemateTimer = NULL; } int iTimeLimit = mp_stalemate_timelimit.GetInt(); if ( IsInArenaMode() == true ) { iTimeLimit = tf_arena_round_time.GetInt(); } if ( iTimeLimit > 0 ) { #ifndef CSTRIKE_DLL variant_t sVariant; if ( !m_hStalemateTimer ) { m_hStalemateTimer = (CTeamRoundTimer*)CBaseEntity::Create( "team_round_timer", vec3_origin, vec3_angle ); } m_hStalemateTimer->KeyValue( "show_in_hud", "1" ); sVariant.SetInt( iTimeLimit ); m_hStalemateTimer->AcceptInput( "SetTime", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); m_hStalemateTimer->AcceptInput( "Resume", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); m_hStalemateTimer->AcceptInput( "Enable", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); #endif IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_update_timer" ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Leave_STALEMATE( void ) { SetupOnStalemateEnd(); if ( m_hStalemateTimer ) { UTIL_Remove( m_hStalemateTimer ); } if ( IsInArenaMode() == false ) { RestoreActiveTimer(); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_update_timer" ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_BONUS( void ) { SetupOnBonusStart(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Leave_BONUS( void ) { SetupOnBonusEnd(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_BONUS( void ) { BonusStateThink(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_BETWEEN_RNDS( void ) { BetweenRounds_Start(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Leave_BETWEEN_RNDS( void ) { BetweenRounds_End(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_BETWEEN_RNDS( void ) { BetweenRounds_Think(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::HideActiveTimer( void ) { // We can't handle this, because we won't be able to restore multiple timers Assert( m_hPreviousActiveTimer.Get() == NULL ); m_hPreviousActiveTimer = NULL; #ifndef CSTRIKE_DLL CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; variant_t sVariant; sVariant.SetInt( false ); while ((pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "team_round_timer" )) != NULL) { CTeamRoundTimer *pTimer = assert_cast<CTeamRoundTimer*>(pEntity); if ( pTimer && pTimer->ShowInHud() ) { Assert( !m_hPreviousActiveTimer ); m_hPreviousActiveTimer = pTimer; pEntity->AcceptInput( "ShowInHUD", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); } } #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::RestoreActiveTimer( void ) { if ( m_hPreviousActiveTimer ) { variant_t sVariant; sVariant.SetInt( true ); m_hPreviousActiveTimer->AcceptInput( "ShowInHUD", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); m_hPreviousActiveTimer = NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_STALEMATE( void ) { //if we don't find any active players, return to GR_STATE_PREGAME if( CountActivePlayers() <= 0 && IsInArenaMode() == false ) { #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) if ( g_pReplay ) { // Write replay and stop recording if appropriate g_pReplay->SV_EndRecordingSession(); } #endif State_Transition( GR_STATE_PREGAME ); return; } if ( IsInTournamentMode() == true && IsInWaitingForPlayers() == true ) { CheckReadyRestart(); CheckRespawnWaves(); return; } int iDeadTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; int iAliveTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; // If a team is fully killed, the other team has won for ( int i = LAST_SHARED_TEAM+1; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { CTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTeam(i); Assert( pTeam ); int iPlayers = pTeam->GetNumPlayers(); if ( iPlayers ) { bool bFoundLiveOne = false; for ( int player = 0; player < iPlayers; player++ ) { if ( pTeam->GetPlayer(player) && pTeam->GetPlayer(player)->IsAlive() ) { bFoundLiveOne = true; break; } } if ( bFoundLiveOne ) { iAliveTeam = i; } else { iDeadTeam = i; } } else { iDeadTeam = i; } } if ( iDeadTeam && iAliveTeam ) { // The live team has won. bool bMasterHandled = false; if ( !m_bForceMapReset ) { // We're not resetting the map, so give the winners control // of all the points that were in play this round. // Find the control point master. CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = g_hControlPointMasters.Count() ? g_hControlPointMasters[0] : NULL; if ( pMaster ) { variant_t sVariant; sVariant.SetInt( iAliveTeam ); pMaster->AcceptInput( "SetWinnerAndForceCaps", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); bMasterHandled = true; } } if ( !bMasterHandled ) { SetWinningTeam( iAliveTeam, WINREASON_OPPONENTS_DEAD, m_bForceMapReset ); } } else if ( ( iDeadTeam && iAliveTeam == TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) || ( m_hStalemateTimer && TimerMayExpire() && m_hStalemateTimer->GetTimeRemaining() <= 0 ) ) { bool bFullReset = true; CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = g_hControlPointMasters.Count() ? g_hControlPointMasters[0] : NULL; if ( pMaster && pMaster->PlayingMiniRounds() ) { // we don't need to do a full map reset for maps with mini-rounds bFullReset = false; } // Both teams are dead. Pure stalemate. SetWinningTeam( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, WINREASON_STALEMATE, bFullReset, false ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: manual restart //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Enter_RESTART( void ) { // send scores SendTeamScoresEvent(); // send restart event IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_restart_round" ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } m_bPrevRoundWasWaitingForPlayers = m_bInWaitingForPlayers; SetInWaitingForPlayers( false ); ResetScores(); // reset the round time ResetMapTime(); State_Transition( GR_STATE_PREROUND ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::State_Think_RESTART( void ) { // should never get here, State_Enter_RESTART sets us into a different state Assert( 0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sorts teams by score //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int TeamScoreSort( CTeam* const *pTeam1, CTeam* const *pTeam2 ) { if ( !*pTeam1 ) return -1; if ( !*pTeam2 ) return -1; if ( (*pTeam1)->GetScore() > (*pTeam2)->GetScore() ) { return 1; } return -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Input for other entities to declare a round winner. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::SetWinningTeam( int team, int iWinReason, bool bForceMapReset /* = true */, bool bSwitchTeams /* = false*/, bool bDontAddScore /* = false*/ ) { // Commentary doesn't let anyone win if ( IsInCommentaryMode() ) return; if ( ( team != TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) && ( team <= LAST_SHARED_TEAM || team >= GetNumberOfTeams() ) ) { Assert( !"SetWinningTeam() called with invalid team." ); return; } // are we already in this state? if ( State_Get() == GR_STATE_TEAM_WIN ) return; SetForceMapReset( bForceMapReset ); SetSwitchTeams( bSwitchTeams ); m_iWinningTeam = team; m_iWinReason = iWinReason; PlayWinSong( team ); // only reward the team if they have won the map and we're going to do a full reset or the time has run out and we're changing maps bool bRewardTeam = bForceMapReset || ( IsGameUnderTimeLimit() && ( GetTimeLeft() <= 0 ) ); if ( bDontAddScore == true ) { bRewardTeam = false; } m_bUseAddScoreAnim = false; if ( bRewardTeam && ( team != TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) && ShouldScorePerRound() ) { GetGlobalTeam( team )->AddScore( TEAMPLAY_ROUND_WIN_SCORE ); m_bUseAddScoreAnim = true; } // this was a sudden death win if we were in stalemate then a team won it bool bWasSuddenDeath = ( InStalemate() && m_iWinningTeam >= FIRST_GAME_TEAM ); State_Transition( GR_STATE_TEAM_WIN ); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_round_win" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "team", team ); event->SetBool( "full_round", bForceMapReset ); event->SetFloat( "round_time", gpGlobals->curtime - m_flRoundStartTime ); event->SetBool( "was_sudden_death", bWasSuddenDeath ); // let derived classes add more fields to the event FillOutTeamplayRoundWinEvent( event ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } // send team scores SendTeamScoresEvent(); if ( team == TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) { for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; pPlayer->SpeakConceptIfAllowed( MP_CONCEPT_STALEMATE ); } } // Auto scramble teams? if ( bForceMapReset && mp_scrambleteams_auto.GetBool() ) { if ( IsInArenaMode() || IsInTournamentMode() || ShouldSkipAutoScramble() ) return; #ifndef DEBUG // Don't bother on a listen server - usually not desirable if ( !engine->IsDedicatedServer() ) return; #endif // DEBUG // Skip if we have a nextlevel set if ( !FStrEq( nextlevel.GetString(), "" ) ) return; // Track the team scores if ( m_iWinningTeam != TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) { // m_GameTeams differs from g_Teams by storing only "Real" teams if ( m_GameTeams.Count() == 0 ) { int iTeamIndex = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; CTeam *pTeam; for ( pTeam = GetGlobalTeam(iTeamIndex); pTeam != NULL; pTeam = GetGlobalTeam(++iTeamIndex) ) { m_GameTeams.Insert( iTeamIndex, 0 ); } } // Safety net hack - we assume there are only two "Real" teams // driller: need to make this work in all cases if ( m_GameTeams.Count() != 2 ) return; } // Look for impending level change if ( ( ( mp_timelimit.GetInt() > 0 && CanChangelevelBecauseOfTimeLimit() ) || m_bChangelevelAfterStalemate ) && GetTimeLeft() <= 300 ) return; if ( mp_winlimit.GetInt() || mp_maxrounds.GetInt() ) { int nRoundsPlayed = GetRoundsPlayed(); if ( ( mp_maxrounds.GetInt() - nRoundsPlayed ) == 1 ) { return; } int nWinLimit = mp_winlimit.GetInt(); for ( int iIndex = m_GameTeams.FirstInorder(); iIndex != m_GameTeams.InvalidIndex(); iIndex = m_GameTeams.NextInorder( iIndex ) ) { int nTeamScore = GetGlobalTeam( m_GameTeams.Key( iIndex ) )->GetScore(); if ( nWinLimit - nTeamScore == 1 ) { return; } } } // Increment win counters int iWinningTeamIndex = m_GameTeams.Find( m_iWinningTeam ); if ( iWinningTeamIndex != m_GameTeams.InvalidIndex() ) { m_GameTeams[iWinningTeamIndex]++; } else { Assert( iWinningTeamIndex == m_GameTeams.InvalidIndex() ); return; } // Did we hit our win delta? int nWinDelta = abs( m_GameTeams[1] - m_GameTeams[0] ); if ( nWinDelta >= mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference.GetInt() ) { // Let the server know we're going to scramble on round restart #ifdef TF_DLL IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_alert" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "alert_type", HUD_ALERT_SCRAMBLE_TEAMS ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } #else const char *pszMessage = "#game_scramble_onrestart"; if ( pszMessage ) { UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, pszMessage ); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, pszMessage ); } #endif UTIL_LogPrintf( "World triggered \"ScrambleTeams_Auto\"\n" ); SetScrambleTeams( true ); ShouldResetScores( true, false ); ShouldResetRoundsPlayed( false ); } // If we switch teams after this win, swap scores if ( ShouldSwitchTeams() ) { int nTempScore = m_GameTeams[0]; m_GameTeams[0] = m_GameTeams[1]; m_GameTeams[1] = nTempScore; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Input for other entities to declare a stalemate // Most often a team_control_point_master saying that the // round timer expired //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::SetStalemate( int iReason, bool bForceMapReset /* = true */, bool bSwitchTeams /* = false */ ) { if ( IsInTournamentMode() == true && IsInPreMatch() == true ) return; if ( !mp_stalemate_enable.GetBool() ) { SetWinningTeam( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, WINREASON_STALEMATE, bForceMapReset, bSwitchTeams ); return; } if ( InStalemate() ) return; SetForceMapReset( bForceMapReset ); m_iWinningTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; PlaySuddenDeathSong(); State_Transition( GR_STATE_STALEMATE ); IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_round_stalemate" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "reason", iReason ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } #ifdef GAME_DLL void CC_CH_ForceRespawn( void ) { CTeamplayRoundBasedRules *pRules = dynamic_cast<CTeamplayRoundBasedRules*>( GameRules() ); if ( pRules ) { pRules->RespawnPlayers( true ); } } static ConCommand mp_forcerespawnplayers("mp_forcerespawnplayers", CC_CH_ForceRespawn, "Force all players to respawn.", FCVAR_CHEAT ); static ConVar mp_tournament_allow_non_admin_restart( "mp_tournament_allow_non_admin_restart", "1", FCVAR_NONE, "Allow mp_tournament_restart command to be issued by players other than admin."); void CC_CH_TournamentRestart( void ) { if ( mp_tournament_allow_non_admin_restart.GetBool() == false ) { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return; } #ifdef TF_DLL if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) return; #endif // TF_DLL CTeamplayRoundBasedRules *pRules = dynamic_cast<CTeamplayRoundBasedRules*>( GameRules() ); if ( pRules ) { pRules->RestartTournament(); } } static ConCommand mp_tournament_restart("mp_tournament_restart", CC_CH_TournamentRestart, "Restart Tournament Mode on the current level." ); void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::RestartTournament( void ) { if ( IsInTournamentMode() == false ) return; SetInWaitingForPlayers( true ); m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = true; m_flStopWatchTotalTime = -1.0f; m_bStopWatch = false; for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMS; i++ ) { m_bTeamReady.Set( i, false ); } for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { m_bPlayerReady.Set( i, false ); } } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : bForceRespawn - respawn player even if dead or dying // bTeam - if true, only respawn the passed team // iTeam - team to respawn //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::RespawnPlayers( bool bForceRespawn, bool bTeam /* = false */, int iTeam/* = TEAM_UNASSIGNED */ ) { if ( bTeam ) { Assert( iTeam > LAST_SHARED_TEAM && iTeam < GetNumberOfTeams() ); } int iPlayersSpawned = 0; CBasePlayer *pPlayer; for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; // Check for team specific spawn if ( bTeam && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != iTeam ) continue; // players that haven't chosen a team/class can never spawn if ( !pPlayer->IsReadyToPlay() ) { // Let the player spawn immediately when they do pick a class if ( pPlayer->ShouldGainInstantSpawn() ) { pPlayer->AllowInstantSpawn(); } continue; } // If we aren't force respawning, don't respawn players that: // - are alive // - are still in the death anim stage of dying if ( !bForceRespawn ) { if ( pPlayer->IsAlive() ) continue; if ( m_iRoundState != GR_STATE_PREROUND ) { // If the player hasn't been dead the minimum respawn time, he // waits until the next wave. if ( bTeam && !HasPassedMinRespawnTime( pPlayer ) ) continue; if ( !pPlayer->IsReadyToSpawn() ) { // Let the player spawn immediately when they do pick a class if ( pPlayer->ShouldGainInstantSpawn() ) { pPlayer->AllowInstantSpawn(); } continue; } } } // Respawn this player pPlayer->ForceRespawn(); iPlayersSpawned++; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::InitTeams( void ) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CountActivePlayers( void ) { int i; int count = 0; CBasePlayer *pPlayer; for (i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( pPlayer ) { if( pPlayer->IsReadyToPlay() ) { count++; } } } return count; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::HandleTimeLimitChange( void ) { // check that we have an active timer in the HUD and use mp_timelimit if we don't if ( !MapHasActiveTimer() && ( mp_timelimit.GetInt() > 0 && GetTimeLeft() > 0 ) ) { CreateTimeLimitTimer(); } else { if ( m_hTimeLimitTimer ) { UTIL_Remove( m_hTimeLimitTimer ); m_hTimeLimitTimer = NULL; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::MapHasActiveTimer( void ) { #ifndef CSTRIKE_DLL CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; while ( ( pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "team_round_timer" ) ) != NULL ) { CTeamRoundTimer *pTimer = assert_cast<CTeamRoundTimer*>( pEntity ); if ( pTimer && pTimer->ShowInHud() && ( Q_stricmp( STRING( pTimer->GetEntityName() ), "zz_teamplay_timelimit_timer" ) != 0 ) ) { return true; } } #endif return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CreateTimeLimitTimer( void ) { if ( IsInArenaMode () == true || IsInKothMode() == true ) return; #ifndef CSTRIKE_DLL if ( !m_hTimeLimitTimer ) { m_hTimeLimitTimer = (CTeamRoundTimer*)CBaseEntity::Create( "team_round_timer", vec3_origin, vec3_angle ); m_hTimeLimitTimer->SetName( MAKE_STRING( "zz_teamplay_timelimit_timer" ) ); } variant_t sVariant; m_hTimeLimitTimer->KeyValue( "show_in_hud", "1" ); sVariant.SetInt( GetTimeLeft() ); m_hTimeLimitTimer->AcceptInput( "SetTime", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); m_hTimeLimitTimer->AcceptInput( "Resume", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); m_hTimeLimitTimer->AcceptInput( "Enable", NULL, NULL, sVariant, 0 ); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::RoundRespawn( void ) { m_flRoundStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime; if ( m_bForceMapReset || m_bPrevRoundWasWaitingForPlayers ) { CleanUpMap(); // clear out the previously played rounds m_iszPreviousRounds.RemoveAll(); if ( mp_timelimit.GetInt() > 0 && GetTimeLeft() > 0 ) { // check that we have an active timer in the HUD and use mp_timelimit if we don't if ( !MapHasActiveTimer() ) { CreateTimeLimitTimer(); } } m_iLastCapPointChanged = 0; } // reset our spawn times to the original values for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMS; i++ ) { if ( m_flOriginalTeamRespawnWaveTime[i] >= 0 ) { m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes.Set( i, m_flOriginalTeamRespawnWaveTime[i] ); } } if ( !IsInWaitingForPlayers() ) { if ( m_bForceMapReset ) { UTIL_LogPrintf( "World triggered \"Round_Start\"\n" ); } } // Setup before respawning players, so we can mess with spawnpoints SetupOnRoundStart(); // Do we need to switch the teams? m_bSwitchedTeamsThisRound = false; if ( ShouldSwitchTeams() ) { m_bSwitchedTeamsThisRound = true; HandleSwitchTeams(); SetSwitchTeams( false ); } // Do we need to switch the teams? if ( ShouldScrambleTeams() ) { HandleScrambleTeams(); SetScrambleTeams( false ); } #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) bool bShouldWaitToStartRecording = ShouldWaitToStartRecording(); if ( g_pReplay && g_pReplay->SV_ShouldBeginRecording( bShouldWaitToStartRecording ) ) { // Tell the replay manager that it should begin recording the new round as soon as possible g_pReplay->SV_GetContext()->GetSessionRecorder()->StartRecording(); } #endif RespawnPlayers( true ); // reset per-round scores for each player for ( int i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if ( pPlayer ) { pPlayer->ResetPerRoundStats(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Recreate all the map entities from the map data (preserving their indices), // then remove everything else except the players. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CleanUpMap() { if( mp_showcleanedupents.GetInt() ) { Msg( "CleanUpMap\n===============\n" ); Msg( " Entities: %d (%d edicts)\n", gEntList.NumberOfEntities(), gEntList.NumberOfEdicts() ); } // Get rid of all entities except players. CBaseEntity *pCur = gEntList.FirstEnt(); while ( pCur ) { if ( !RoundCleanupShouldIgnore( pCur ) ) { if( mp_showcleanedupents.GetInt() & 1 ) { Msg( "Removed Entity: %s\n", pCur->GetClassname() ); } UTIL_Remove( pCur ); } pCur = gEntList.NextEnt( pCur ); } // Clear out the event queue g_EventQueue.Clear(); // Really remove the entities so we can have access to their slots below. gEntList.CleanupDeleteList(); engine->AllowImmediateEdictReuse(); if ( mp_showcleanedupents.GetInt() & 2 ) { Msg( " Entities Left:\n" ); pCur = gEntList.FirstEnt(); while ( pCur ) { Msg( " %s (%d)\n", pCur->GetClassname(), pCur->entindex() ); pCur = gEntList.NextEnt( pCur ); } } // Now reload the map entities. class CTeamplayMapEntityFilter : public IMapEntityFilter { public: CTeamplayMapEntityFilter() { m_pRules = assert_cast<CTeamplayRoundBasedRules*>( GameRules() ); } virtual bool ShouldCreateEntity( const char *pClassname ) { // Don't recreate the preserved entities. if ( m_pRules->ShouldCreateEntity( pClassname ) ) return true; // Increment our iterator since it's not going to call CreateNextEntity for this ent. if ( m_iIterator != g_MapEntityRefs.InvalidIndex() ) { m_iIterator = g_MapEntityRefs.Next( m_iIterator ); } return false; } virtual CBaseEntity* CreateNextEntity( const char *pClassname ) { if ( m_iIterator == g_MapEntityRefs.InvalidIndex() ) { // This shouldn't be possible. When we loaded the map, it should have used // CTeamplayMapEntityFilter, which should have built the g_MapEntityRefs list // with the same list of entities we're referring to here. Assert( false ); return NULL; } else { CMapEntityRef &ref = g_MapEntityRefs[m_iIterator]; m_iIterator = g_MapEntityRefs.Next( m_iIterator ); // Seek to the next entity. if ( ref.m_iEdict == -1 || engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( ref.m_iEdict ) ) { // Doh! The entity was delete and its slot was reused. // Just use any old edict slot. This case sucks because we lose the baseline. return CreateEntityByName( pClassname ); } else { // Cool, the slot where this entity was is free again (most likely, the entity was // freed above). Now create an entity with this specific index. return CreateEntityByName( pClassname, ref.m_iEdict ); } } } public: int m_iIterator; // Iterator into g_MapEntityRefs. CTeamplayRoundBasedRules *m_pRules; }; CTeamplayMapEntityFilter filter; filter.m_iIterator = g_MapEntityRefs.Head(); // DO NOT CALL SPAWN ON info_node ENTITIES! MapEntity_ParseAllEntities( engine->GetMapEntitiesString(), &filter, true ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::ShouldCreateEntity( const char *pszClassName ) { return !FindInList( s_PreserveEnts, pszClassName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::RoundCleanupShouldIgnore( CBaseEntity *pEnt ) { return FindInList( s_PreserveEnts, pEnt->GetClassname() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sort function for sorting players by time spent connected ( user ID ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int SwitchPlayersSort( CBaseMultiplayerPlayer * const *p1, CBaseMultiplayerPlayer * const *p2 ) { // sort by score return ( (*p2)->GetTeamBalanceScore() - (*p1)->GetTeamBalanceScore() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::CheckRespawnWaves( void ) { for ( int team = LAST_SHARED_TEAM+1; team < GetNumberOfTeams(); team++ ) { if ( m_flNextRespawnWave[team] && m_flNextRespawnWave[team] > gpGlobals->curtime ) continue; RespawnTeam( team ); // Set m_flNextRespawnWave to 0 when we don't have a respawn time to reduce networking float flNextRespawnLength = GetRespawnWaveMaxLength( team ); if ( flNextRespawnLength ) { m_flNextRespawnWave.Set( team, gpGlobals->curtime + flNextRespawnLength ); } else { m_flNextRespawnWave.Set( team, 0.0f ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Return true if the teams are balanced after this function //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::BalanceTeams( bool bRequireSwitcheesToBeDead ) { if ( mp_autoteambalance.GetBool() == false || ( IsInArenaMode() == true && tf_arena_use_queue.GetBool() == true ) ) { return; } if ( IsInTraining() || IsInItemTestingMode() ) { return; } // we don't balance for a period of time at the start of the game if ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_flStartBalancingTeamsAt ) { return; } // wrap with this bool, indicates it's a round running switch and not a between rounds insta-switch if ( bRequireSwitcheesToBeDead ) { #ifndef CSTRIKE_DLL // we don't balance if there is less than 60 seconds on the active timer CTeamRoundTimer *pActiveTimer = GetActiveRoundTimer(); if ( pActiveTimer && pActiveTimer->GetTimeRemaining() < 60 ) { return; } #endif } int iHeaviestTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED, iLightestTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; // Figure out if we're unbalanced if ( !AreTeamsUnbalanced( iHeaviestTeam, iLightestTeam ) ) { m_flFoundUnbalancedTeamsTime = -1; m_bPrintedUnbalanceWarning = false; return; } if ( m_flFoundUnbalancedTeamsTime < 0 ) { m_flFoundUnbalancedTeamsTime = gpGlobals->curtime; } // if teams have been unbalanced for X seconds, play a warning if ( !m_bPrintedUnbalanceWarning && ( ( gpGlobals->curtime - m_flFoundUnbalancedTeamsTime ) > 1.0 ) ) { // print unbalance warning UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTTALK, "#game_auto_team_balance_in", "5" ); m_bPrintedUnbalanceWarning = true; } // teams are unblanced, figure out some players that need to be switched CTeam *pHeavyTeam = GetGlobalTeam( iHeaviestTeam ); CTeam *pLightTeam = GetGlobalTeam( iLightestTeam ); Assert( pHeavyTeam && pLightTeam ); int iNumSwitchesRequired = ( pHeavyTeam->GetNumPlayers() - pLightTeam->GetNumPlayers() ) / 2; // sort the eligible players and switch the n best candidates CUtlVector<CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *> vecPlayers; CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer; int iScore; int i; for ( i = 0; i < pHeavyTeam->GetNumPlayers(); i++ ) { pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( pHeavyTeam->GetPlayer(i) ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; if ( !pPlayer->CanBeAutobalanced() ) continue; // calculate a score for this player. higher is more likely to be switched iScore = pPlayer->CalculateTeamBalanceScore(); pPlayer->SetTeamBalanceScore( iScore ); vecPlayers.AddToTail( pPlayer ); } // sort the vector vecPlayers.Sort( SwitchPlayersSort ); int iNumEligibleSwitchees = iNumSwitchesRequired + 2; for ( int i=0; i<vecPlayers.Count() && iNumSwitchesRequired > 0 && i < iNumEligibleSwitchees; i++ ) { pPlayer = vecPlayers.Element(i); Assert( pPlayer ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; if ( bRequireSwitcheesToBeDead == false || !pPlayer->IsAlive() ) { // We're trying to avoid picking a player that's recently // been auto-balanced by delaying their selection in the hope // that a better candidate comes along. if ( bRequireSwitcheesToBeDead ) { int nPlayerTeamBalanceScore = pPlayer->CalculateTeamBalanceScore(); // Do we already have someone in the queue? if ( m_nAutoBalanceQueuePlayerIndex > 0 ) { // Is this player's score worse? if ( nPlayerTeamBalanceScore < m_nAutoBalanceQueuePlayerScore ) { m_nAutoBalanceQueuePlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex(); m_nAutoBalanceQueuePlayerScore = nPlayerTeamBalanceScore; } } // Has this person been switched recently? else if ( nPlayerTeamBalanceScore < -10000 ) { // Put them in the queue m_nAutoBalanceQueuePlayerIndex = pPlayer->entindex(); m_nAutoBalanceQueuePlayerScore = nPlayerTeamBalanceScore; m_flAutoBalanceQueueTimeEnd = gpGlobals->curtime + 3.0f; continue; } // If this is the player in the queue... if ( m_nAutoBalanceQueuePlayerIndex == pPlayer->entindex() ) { // Pass until their timer is up if ( m_flAutoBalanceQueueTimeEnd > gpGlobals->curtime ) continue; } } pPlayer->ChangeTeam( iLightestTeam ); pPlayer->SetLastForcedChangeTeamTimeToNow(); m_nAutoBalanceQueuePlayerScore = -1; m_nAutoBalanceQueuePlayerIndex = -1; IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_teambalanced_player" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "player", pPlayer->entindex() ); event->SetInt( "team", iLightestTeam ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } // tell people that we've switched this player UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTTALK, "#game_player_was_team_balanced", pPlayer->GetPlayerName() ); iNumSwitchesRequired--; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::ResetScores( void ) { if ( m_bResetTeamScores ) { for ( int i = 0; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { GetGlobalTeam( i )->ResetScores(); } } if ( m_bResetPlayerScores ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer; for( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) ); if (pPlayer == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt( pPlayer->edict() )) continue; pPlayer->ResetScores(); } } if ( m_bResetRoundsPlayed ) { m_nRoundsPlayed = 0; } // assume we always want to reset the scores // unless someone tells us not to for the next reset m_bResetTeamScores = true; m_bResetPlayerScores = true; m_bResetRoundsPlayed = true; //m_flStopWatchTime = -1.0f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::ResetMapTime( void ) { m_flMapResetTime = gpGlobals->curtime; // send an event with the time remaining until map change IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_map_time_remaining" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "seconds", GetTimeLeft() ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::PlayStartRoundVoice( void ) { for ( int i = LAST_SHARED_TEAM+1; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { BroadcastSound( i, UTIL_VarArgs("Game.TeamRoundStart%d", i ) ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::PlayWinSong( int team ) { if ( team == TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) { PlayStalemateSong(); } else { #if defined (TF_DLL) || defined (TF_CLIENT_DLL) if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsPlayingSpecialDeliveryMode() ) return; #endif // TF_DLL BroadcastSound( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, UTIL_VarArgs("Game.TeamWin%d", team ) ); for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { if ( i == team ) { BroadcastSound( i, "Game.YourTeamWon" ); } else { const char *pchLoseSong = LoseSongName(); if ( pchLoseSong ) { BroadcastSound( i, pchLoseSong ); } } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::PlaySuddenDeathSong( void ) { BroadcastSound( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, "Game.SuddenDeath" ); for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { BroadcastSound( i, "Game.SuddenDeath" ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::PlayStalemateSong( void ) { BroadcastSound( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, "Game.Stalemate" ); for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ ) { BroadcastSound( i, "Game.Stalemate" ); } } bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::PlayThrottledAlert( int iTeam, const char *sound, float fDelayBeforeNext ) { if ( m_flNewThrottledAlertTime <= gpGlobals->curtime ) { BroadcastSound( iTeam, sound ); m_flNewThrottledAlertTime = gpGlobals->curtime + fDelayBeforeNext; return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::BroadcastSound( int iTeam, const char *sound, int iAdditionalSoundFlags ) { //send it to everyone IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_broadcast_audio" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "team", iTeam ); event->SetString( "sound", sound ); event->SetInt( "additional_flags", iAdditionalSoundFlags ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::AddPlayedRound( string_t strName ) { if ( strName != NULL_STRING ) { m_iszPreviousRounds.AddToHead( strName ); // we only need to store the last two rounds that we've played if ( m_iszPreviousRounds.Count() > 2 ) { // remove all but two of the entries (should only ever have to remove 1 when we're at 3) for ( int i = m_iszPreviousRounds.Count() - 1 ; i > 1 ; i-- ) { m_iszPreviousRounds.Remove( i ); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::IsPreviouslyPlayedRound( string_t strName ) { return ( m_iszPreviousRounds.Find( strName ) != m_iszPreviousRounds.InvalidIndex() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string_t CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::GetLastPlayedRound( void ) { return ( m_iszPreviousRounds.Count() ? m_iszPreviousRounds[0] : NULL_STRING ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTeamRoundTimer *CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::GetActiveRoundTimer( void ) { #ifdef TF_DLL int iTimerEntIndex = ObjectiveResource()->GetTimerInHUD(); return ( dynamic_cast<CTeamRoundTimer *>( UTIL_EntityByIndex( iTimerEntIndex ) ) ); #else return NULL; #endif } #endif // GAME_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: How long are the respawn waves for this team currently? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::GetRespawnWaveMaxLength( int iTeam, bool bScaleWithNumPlayers /* = true */ ) { if ( State_Get() != GR_STATE_RND_RUNNING ) return 0; if ( mp_disable_respawn_times.GetBool() == true ) return 0.0f; //Let's just turn off respawn times while players are messing around waiting for the tournament to start if ( IsInTournamentMode() == true && IsInPreMatch() == true ) return 0.0f; float flTime = ( ( m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes[iTeam] >= 0 ) ? m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes[iTeam] : mp_respawnwavetime.GetFloat() ); // For long respawn times, scale the time as the number of players drops if ( bScaleWithNumPlayers && flTime > 5 ) { flTime = MAX( 5, flTime * GetRespawnTimeScalar(iTeam) ); } return flTime; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns true if we are running tournament mode //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::IsInTournamentMode( void ) { return mp_tournament.GetBool(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns true if we are running highlander mode //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::IsInHighlanderMode( void ) { #if defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL ) || defined( TF_DLL ) // can't use highlander mode and the queue system if ( IsInArenaMode() == true && tf_arena_use_queue.GetBool() == true ) return false; return mp_highlander.GetBool(); #else return false; #endif } int CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::GetBonusRoundTime( void ) { return MAX( 5, mp_bonusroundtime.GetFloat() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns true if we should even bother to do balancing stuff //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::ShouldBalanceTeams( void ) { if ( IsInTournamentMode() == true ) return false; if ( IsInTraining() == true || IsInItemTestingMode() ) return false; if ( mp_teams_unbalance_limit.GetInt() <= 0 ) return false; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns true if the passed team change would cause unbalanced teams //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::WouldChangeUnbalanceTeams( int iNewTeam, int iCurrentTeam ) { // players are allowed to change to their own team if( iNewTeam == iCurrentTeam ) return false; // if mp_teams_unbalance_limit is 0, don't check if ( ShouldBalanceTeams() == false ) return false; // if they are joining a non-playing team, allow if ( iNewTeam < FIRST_GAME_TEAM ) return false; CTeam *pNewTeam = GetGlobalTeam( iNewTeam ); if ( !pNewTeam ) { Assert( 0 ); return true; } // add one because we're joining this team int iNewTeamPlayers = pNewTeam->GetNumPlayers() + 1; // for each game team int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; CTeam *pTeam; for ( pTeam = GetGlobalTeam(i); pTeam != NULL; pTeam = GetGlobalTeam(++i) ) { if ( pTeam == pNewTeam ) continue; int iNumPlayers = pTeam->GetNumPlayers(); if ( i == iCurrentTeam ) { iNumPlayers = MAX( 0, iNumPlayers-1 ); } if ( ( iNewTeamPlayers - iNumPlayers ) > mp_teams_unbalance_limit.GetInt() ) { return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::AreTeamsUnbalanced( int &iHeaviestTeam, int &iLightestTeam ) { if ( IsInArenaMode() == false || (IsInArenaMode() && tf_arena_use_queue.GetBool() == false) ) { if ( ShouldBalanceTeams() == false ) { return false; } } #ifndef CLIENT_DLL if ( IsInCommentaryMode() ) return false; #endif int iMostPlayers = 0; int iLeastPlayers = MAX_PLAYERS + 1; int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; for ( CTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTeam(i); pTeam != NULL; pTeam = GetGlobalTeam(++i) ) { int iNumPlayers = pTeam->GetNumPlayers(); if ( iNumPlayers < iLeastPlayers ) { iLeastPlayers = iNumPlayers; iLightestTeam = i; } if ( iNumPlayers > iMostPlayers ) { iMostPlayers = iNumPlayers; iHeaviestTeam = i; } } if ( IsInArenaMode() == true && tf_arena_use_queue.GetBool() == true ) { if ( iMostPlayers == 0 && iMostPlayers == iLeastPlayers ) return true; if ( iMostPlayers != iLeastPlayers ) return true; return false; } if ( ( iMostPlayers - iLeastPlayers ) > mp_teams_unbalance_limit.GetInt() ) { return true; } return false; } #ifdef CLIENT_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::SetRoundState( int iRoundState ) { m_iRoundState = iRoundState; m_flLastRoundStateChangeTime = gpGlobals->curtime; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::OnPreDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { m_bOldInWaitingForPlayers = m_bInWaitingForPlayers; m_bOldInOvertime = m_bInOvertime; m_bOldInSetup = m_bInSetup; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { if ( updateType == DATA_UPDATE_CREATED || m_bOldInWaitingForPlayers != m_bInWaitingForPlayers || m_bOldInOvertime != m_bInOvertime || m_bOldInSetup != m_bInSetup ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_update_timer" ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEventClientSide( event ); } } if ( updateType == DATA_UPDATE_CREATED ) { if ( State_Get() == GR_STATE_STALEMATE ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_round_stalemate" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "reason", STALEMATE_JOIN_MID ); gameeventmanager->FireEventClientSide( event ); } } } if ( m_bInOvertime && ( m_bOldInOvertime != m_bInOvertime ) ) { HandleOvertimeBegin(); } } #endif // CLIENT_DLL #ifdef GAME_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::ResetTeamsRoundWinTracking( void ) { if ( m_GameTeams.Count() != 2 ) return; m_GameTeams[0] = 0; m_GameTeams[1] = 0; } #endif // GAME_DLL #if defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL) || defined(TF_DLL) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Are you now, or are you ever going to be, a member of the defending party? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::GetMvMPotentialDefendersLobbyPlayerInfo( CUtlVector<LobbyPlayerInfo_t> &vecMvMDefenders, bool bIncludeBots /*= false*/ ) { GetAllPlayersLobbyInfo( vecMvMDefenders, bIncludeBots ); // Now scan through and remove the spectators for (int i = vecMvMDefenders.Count() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i ) { switch ( vecMvMDefenders[i].m_iTeam ) { case TEAM_UNASSIGNED: case TF_TEAM_PVE_DEFENDERS: break; default: AssertMsg1( false, "Bogus team %d", vecMvMDefenders[i].m_iTeam ); case TF_TEAM_PVE_INVADERS: case TEAM_SPECTATOR: vecMvMDefenders.FastRemove( i ); break; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTeamplayRoundBasedRules::GetAllPlayersLobbyInfo( CUtlVector<LobbyPlayerInfo_t> &vecPlayers, bool bIncludeBots ) { vecPlayers.RemoveAll(); // Locate the lobby CTFLobby *pLobby = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetLobby(); if ( pLobby ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < pLobby->GetNumMembers() ; ++i ) { LobbyPlayerInfo_t &mbr = vecPlayers[vecPlayers.AddToTail()]; mbr.m_nEntNum = 0; // assume he isn't in the game yet mbr.m_sPlayerName = pLobby->GetMemberDetails( i )->name().c_str(); mbr.m_steamID = pLobby->GetMember( i ); mbr.m_iTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; mbr.m_bConnected = false; mbr.m_bBot = false; mbr.m_bInLobby = true; mbr.m_bSquadSurplus = pLobby->GetMemberDetails( i )->squad_surplus(); } } // Scan all players for ( int i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { // Locate the info for this player, depending on whether // we're on the server or client #ifdef CLIENT_DLL player_info_t pi; if ( !engine->GetPlayerInfo( i, &pi ) ) continue; if ( pi.ishltv || pi.isreplay ) continue; bool bBot = pi.fakeplayer; #else CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ); if ( !pPlayer ) continue; if ( pPlayer->IsHLTV() || pPlayer->IsReplay() ) continue; bool bBot = pPlayer->IsBot(); #endif // Discard bots? if ( bBot && !bIncludeBots ) continue; // See if we already found him in the lobby CSteamID steamID = GetSteamIDForPlayerIndex( i ); #ifdef GAME_DLL CSteamID steamID2; if ( pPlayer->GetSteamID( &steamID2 ) ) { Assert( steamID == steamID2 ); } #endif LobbyPlayerInfo_t *mbr = NULL; if ( steamID.IsValid() ) { for ( int j = 0 ; j < vecPlayers.Count() ; ++j ) { if ( vecPlayers[j].m_steamID == steamID ) { Assert( mbr == NULL ); mbr = &vecPlayers[j]; #ifndef _DEBUG break; // in debug, keep looking so the assert above can fire #endif } } } // Create a new entry for him if we didn't already find one if ( mbr == NULL ) { mbr = &vecPlayers[vecPlayers.AddToTail()]; mbr->m_bInLobby = false; mbr->m_steamID = steamID; mbr->m_bSquadSurplus = false; } // Fill in the rest of the info mbr->m_bBot = bBot; mbr->m_nEntNum = i; #ifdef CLIENT_DLL mbr->m_sPlayerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( i ); mbr->m_iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( i ); mbr->m_bConnected = g_PR->IsConnected( i ); #else mbr->m_sPlayerName = pPlayer->GetPlayerName(); mbr->m_iTeam = pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(); mbr->m_bConnected = pPlayer->IsConnected(); #endif } } #endif // #if defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL) || defined(TF_DLL)