//========== Copyright © 2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======== // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #include "cbase.h" #include "vscript_client.h" #include "icommandline.h" #include "tier1/utlbuffer.h" #include "tier1/fmtstr.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "characterset.h" #include "isaverestore.h" #include "gamerules.h" #include "vscript_client.nut" #ifdef MAPBASE_VSCRIPT #include "mapbase/matchers.h" #include "c_world.h" #include "proxyentity.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterial.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h" #endif extern IScriptManager *scriptmanager; extern ScriptClassDesc_t * GetScriptDesc( CBaseEntity * ); // #define VMPROFILE 1 #ifdef VMPROFILE #define VMPROF_START float debugStartTime = Plat_FloatTime(); #define VMPROF_SHOW( funcname, funcdesc ) DevMsg("***VSCRIPT PROFILE***: %s %s: %6.4f milliseconds\n", (##funcname), (##funcdesc), (Plat_FloatTime() - debugStartTime)*1000.0 ); #else // !VMPROFILE #define VMPROF_START #define VMPROF_SHOW #endif // VMPROFILE #ifdef MAPBASE_VSCRIPT //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: A clientside variant of CScriptEntityIterator. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CScriptClientEntityIterator { public: HSCRIPT First() { return Next(NULL); } HSCRIPT Next( HSCRIPT hStartEntity ) { return ToHScript( ClientEntityList().NextBaseEntity( ToEnt( hStartEntity ) ) ); } HSCRIPT CreateByClassname( const char *className ) { return ToHScript( CreateEntityByName( className ) ); } HSCRIPT FindByClassname( HSCRIPT hStartEntity, const char *szName ) { const CEntInfo *pInfo = hStartEntity ? ClientEntityList().GetEntInfoPtr( ToEnt( hStartEntity )->GetRefEHandle() )->m_pNext : ClientEntityList().FirstEntInfo(); for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext ) { C_BaseEntity *ent = (C_BaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; if ( !ent ) continue; if ( Matcher_Match( szName, ent->GetClassname() ) ) return ToHScript( ent ); } return NULL; } HSCRIPT FindByName( HSCRIPT hStartEntity, const char *szName ) { const CEntInfo *pInfo = hStartEntity ? ClientEntityList().GetEntInfoPtr( ToEnt( hStartEntity )->GetRefEHandle() )->m_pNext : ClientEntityList().FirstEntInfo(); for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext ) { C_BaseEntity *ent = (C_BaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; if ( !ent ) continue; if ( Matcher_Match( szName, ent->GetEntityName() ) ) return ToHScript( ent ); } return NULL; } private: } g_ScriptEntityIterator; BEGIN_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT_NAMED( CScriptClientEntityIterator, "CEntities", SCRIPT_SINGLETON "The global list of entities" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( First, "Begin an iteration over the list of entities" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( Next, "Continue an iteration over the list of entities, providing reference to a previously found entity" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( CreateByClassname, "Creates an entity by classname" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( FindByClassname, "Find entities by class name. Pass 'null' to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( FindByName, "Find entities by name. Pass 'null' to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search" ) END_SCRIPTDESC(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: A base class for VScript-utilizing clientside classes which can persist // across levels, requiring their scripts to be shut down manually. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- abstract_class IClientScriptPersistable { public: virtual void TermScript() = 0; }; CUtlVector g_ScriptPersistableList; #define SCRIPT_MAT_PROXY_MAX_VARS 8 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: A material proxy which runs a VScript and allows it to read/write // to material variables. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CScriptMaterialProxy : public IMaterialProxy, public IClientScriptPersistable { public: CScriptMaterialProxy(); virtual ~CScriptMaterialProxy(); virtual void Release( void ); virtual bool Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues ); virtual void OnBind( void *pRenderable ); virtual IMaterial *GetMaterial() { return NULL; } // Proxies can persist across levels and aren't bound to a loaded map. // The VM, however, is bound to the loaded map, so the proxy's script variables persisting // causes problems when they're used in a new level with a new VM. // As a result, we call InitScript() and TermScript() during OnBind and when the level is unloaded respectively. bool InitScript(); void TermScript(); bool ValidateIndex(int i) { if (i > SCRIPT_MAT_PROXY_MAX_VARS || i < 0) { Warning("VScriptProxy: %i out of range", i); return false; } return true; } const char *GetVarString( int i ); int GetVarInt( int i ); float GetVarFloat( int i ); const Vector& GetVarVector( int i ); void SetVarString( int i, const char *value ); void SetVarInt( int i, int value ); void SetVarFloat( int i, float value ); void SetVarVector( int i, const Vector &value ); private: IMaterialVar *m_MaterialVars[SCRIPT_MAT_PROXY_MAX_VARS]; // Save the keyvalue string for InitScript() char m_szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; CScriptScope m_ScriptScope; HSCRIPT m_hScriptInstance; HSCRIPT m_hFuncOnBind; }; BEGIN_SCRIPTDESC_ROOT_NAMED( CScriptMaterialProxy, "CScriptMaterialProxy", "Material proxy for VScript" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetVarString, "Gets a material var's string value" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetVarInt, "Gets a material var's int value" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetVarFloat, "Gets a material var's float value" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( GetVarVector, "Gets a material var's vector value" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( SetVarString, "Sets a material var's string value" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( SetVarInt, "Sets a material var's int value" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( SetVarFloat, "Sets a material var's float value" ) DEFINE_SCRIPTFUNC( SetVarVector, "Sets a material var's vector value" ) END_SCRIPTDESC(); CScriptMaterialProxy::CScriptMaterialProxy() { m_hScriptInstance = NULL; m_hFuncOnBind = NULL; } CScriptMaterialProxy::~CScriptMaterialProxy() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Cleanup //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CScriptMaterialProxy::Release( void ) { if ( m_hScriptInstance && g_pScriptVM ) { g_pScriptVM->RemoveInstance( m_hScriptInstance ); m_hScriptInstance = NULL; } delete this; } bool CScriptMaterialProxy::Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { for (KeyValues *pKey = pKeyValues->GetFirstSubKey(); pKey != NULL; pKey = pKey->GetNextKey()) { // Get each variable we're looking for if (Q_strnicmp( pKey->GetName(), "var", 3 ) == 0) { int index = atoi(pKey->GetName() + 3); if (index > SCRIPT_MAT_PROXY_MAX_VARS) { Warning("VScript material proxy only supports 8 vars (not %i)\n", index); continue; } bool foundVar; m_MaterialVars[index] = pMaterial->FindVar( pKey->GetString(), &foundVar ); // Don't init if we didn't find the var if (!foundVar) return false; } else if (FStrEq( pKey->GetName(), "scriptfile" )) { Q_strncpy( m_szFilePath, pKey->GetString(), sizeof( m_szFilePath ) ); } } return true; } bool CScriptMaterialProxy::InitScript() { if (!m_ScriptScope.IsInitialized()) { if (scriptmanager == NULL) { ExecuteOnce(DevMsg("Cannot execute script because scripting is disabled (-scripting)\n")); return false; } if (g_pScriptVM == NULL) { ExecuteOnce(DevMsg(" Cannot execute script because there is no available VM\n")); return false; } char* iszScriptId = (char*)stackalloc( 1024 ); g_pScriptVM->GenerateUniqueKey("VScriptProxy", iszScriptId, 1024); m_hScriptInstance = g_pScriptVM->RegisterInstance( GetScriptDescForClass( CScriptMaterialProxy ), this ); g_pScriptVM->SetInstanceUniqeId( m_hScriptInstance, iszScriptId ); bool bResult = m_ScriptScope.Init( iszScriptId ); if (!bResult) { DevMsg("VScriptProxy couldn't create ScriptScope!\n"); return false; } g_pScriptVM->SetValue( m_ScriptScope, "self", m_hScriptInstance ); } // Don't init if we can't run the script if (!VScriptRunScript( m_szFilePath, m_ScriptScope, true )) return false; m_hFuncOnBind = m_ScriptScope.LookupFunction( "OnBind" ); if (!m_hFuncOnBind) { // Don't init if we can't find our func Warning("VScript material proxy can't find OnBind function\n"); return false; } g_ScriptPersistableList.AddToTail( this ); return true; } void CScriptMaterialProxy::TermScript() { if ( m_hScriptInstance ) { g_pScriptVM->RemoveInstance( m_hScriptInstance ); m_hScriptInstance = NULL; } m_hFuncOnBind = NULL; m_ScriptScope.Term(); } void CScriptMaterialProxy::OnBind( void *pRenderable ) { if( !pRenderable ) return; if (m_hFuncOnBind != NULL) { IClientRenderable *pRend = ( IClientRenderable* )pRenderable; C_BaseEntity *pEnt = pRend->GetIClientUnknown()->GetBaseEntity(); if ( pEnt ) { g_pScriptVM->SetValue( m_ScriptScope, "entity", pEnt->GetScriptInstance() ); } else { // Needs to register as a null value so the script doesn't break if it looks for an entity g_pScriptVM->SetValue( m_ScriptScope, "entity", SCRIPT_VARIANT_NULL ); } m_ScriptScope.Call( m_hFuncOnBind, NULL ); g_pScriptVM->ClearValue( m_ScriptScope, "entity" ); } else { // The VM might not exist if we do it from Init(), so we have to do it here. // TODO: We have no handling for if this fails, how do you cancel a proxy? if (InitScript()) OnBind( pRenderable ); } } const char *CScriptMaterialProxy::GetVarString( int i ) { if (!ValidateIndex( i ) || !m_MaterialVars[i]) return NULL; return m_MaterialVars[i]->GetStringValue(); } int CScriptMaterialProxy::GetVarInt( int i ) { if (!ValidateIndex( i ) || !m_MaterialVars[i]) return 0; return m_MaterialVars[i]->GetIntValue(); } float CScriptMaterialProxy::GetVarFloat( int i ) { if (!ValidateIndex( i ) || !m_MaterialVars[i]) return 0.0f; return m_MaterialVars[i]->GetFloatValue(); } const Vector& CScriptMaterialProxy::GetVarVector( int i ) { if (!ValidateIndex( i ) || !m_MaterialVars[i]) return vec3_origin; if (m_MaterialVars[i]->GetType() != MATERIAL_VAR_TYPE_VECTOR) return vec3_origin; // This is really bad. Too bad! return *(reinterpret_cast(m_MaterialVars[i]->GetVecValue())); } void CScriptMaterialProxy::SetVarString( int i, const char *value ) { if (!ValidateIndex( i ) || !m_MaterialVars[i]) return; return m_MaterialVars[i]->SetStringValue( value ); } void CScriptMaterialProxy::SetVarInt( int i, int value ) { if (!ValidateIndex( i ) || !m_MaterialVars[i]) return; return m_MaterialVars[i]->SetIntValue( value ); } void CScriptMaterialProxy::SetVarFloat( int i, float value ) { if (!ValidateIndex( i ) || !m_MaterialVars[i]) return; return m_MaterialVars[i]->SetFloatValue( value ); } void CScriptMaterialProxy::SetVarVector( int i, const Vector &value ) { if (!ValidateIndex( i ) || !m_MaterialVars[i]) return; return m_MaterialVars[i]->SetVecValue( value.Base(), 3 ); } EXPOSE_INTERFACE( CScriptMaterialProxy, IMaterialProxy, "VScriptProxy" IMATERIAL_PROXY_INTERFACE_VERSION ); #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static float Time() { return gpGlobals->curtime; } static const char *GetMapName() { return engine->GetLevelName(); } static const char *DoUniqueString( const char *pszBase ) { static char szBuf[512]; g_pScriptVM->GenerateUniqueKey( pszBase, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf) ); return szBuf; } bool DoIncludeScript( const char *pszScript, HSCRIPT hScope ) { if ( !VScriptRunScript( pszScript, hScope, true ) ) { g_pScriptVM->RaiseException( CFmtStr( "Failed to include script \"%s\"", ( pszScript ) ? pszScript : "unknown" ) ); return false; } return true; } bool VScriptClientInit() { VMPROF_START if( scriptmanager != NULL ) { ScriptLanguage_t scriptLanguage = SL_DEFAULT; char const *pszScriptLanguage; #ifdef MAPBASE_VSCRIPT if (GetClientWorldEntity()->GetScriptLanguage() != SL_NONE) { // Allow world entity to override script language scriptLanguage = GetClientWorldEntity()->GetScriptLanguage(); // Less than SL_NONE means the script language should literally be none if (scriptLanguage < SL_NONE) scriptLanguage = SL_NONE; } else #endif if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-scriptlang", &pszScriptLanguage ) ) { if( !Q_stricmp(pszScriptLanguage, "gamemonkey") ) { scriptLanguage = SL_GAMEMONKEY; } else if( !Q_stricmp(pszScriptLanguage, "squirrel") ) { scriptLanguage = SL_SQUIRREL; } else if( !Q_stricmp(pszScriptLanguage, "python") ) { scriptLanguage = SL_PYTHON; } else { DevWarning("-scriptlang does not recognize a language named '%s'. virtual machine did NOT start.\n", pszScriptLanguage ); scriptLanguage = SL_NONE; } } if( scriptLanguage != SL_NONE ) { if ( g_pScriptVM == NULL ) g_pScriptVM = scriptmanager->CreateVM( scriptLanguage ); if( g_pScriptVM ) { #ifdef MAPBASE_VSCRIPT Log( "VSCRIPT CLIENT: Started VScript virtual machine using script language '%s'\n", g_pScriptVM->GetLanguageName() ); #else Log( "VSCRIPT: Started VScript virtual machine using script language '%s'\n", g_pScriptVM->GetLanguageName() ); #endif ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, GetMapName, "Get the name of the map."); ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, Time, "Get the current server time" ); ScriptRegisterFunction( g_pScriptVM, DoIncludeScript, "Execute a script (internal)" ); if ( GameRules() ) { GameRules()->RegisterScriptFunctions(); } #ifdef MAPBASE_VSCRIPT g_pScriptVM->RegisterInstance( &g_ScriptEntityIterator, "Entities" ); IGameSystem::RegisterVScriptAllSystems(); RegisterSharedScriptFunctions(); #else //g_pScriptVM->RegisterInstance( &g_ScriptEntityIterator, "Entities" ); #endif if (scriptLanguage == SL_SQUIRREL) { g_pScriptVM->Run( g_Script_vscript_client ); } VScriptRunScript( "mapspawn", false ); VMPROF_SHOW( pszScriptLanguage, "virtual machine startup" ); return true; } else { DevWarning("VM Did not start!\n"); } } } else { Log( "\nVSCRIPT: Scripting is disabled.\n" ); } g_pScriptVM = NULL; return false; } void VScriptClientTerm() { if( g_pScriptVM != NULL ) { #ifdef MAPBASE_VSCRIPT // Things like proxies can persist across levels, so we have to shut down their scripts manually for (int i = g_ScriptPersistableList.Count()-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (g_ScriptPersistableList[i]) { g_ScriptPersistableList[i]->TermScript(); g_ScriptPersistableList.FastRemove( i ); } } #endif if( g_pScriptVM ) { scriptmanager->DestroyVM( g_pScriptVM ); g_pScriptVM = NULL; } } } class CVScriptGameSystem : public CAutoGameSystemPerFrame { public: // Inherited from IAutoServerSystem virtual void LevelInitPreEntity( void ) { m_bAllowEntityCreationInScripts = true; #ifndef MAPBASE_VSCRIPT // Now initted in C_World VScriptClientInit(); #endif } virtual void LevelInitPostEntity( void ) { m_bAllowEntityCreationInScripts = false; #ifdef MAPBASE_VSCRIPT if (g_pScriptVM) { C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if (pPlayer) { g_pScriptVM->SetValue( "player", pPlayer->GetScriptInstance() ); } } #endif } virtual void LevelShutdownPostEntity( void ) { VScriptClientTerm(); } virtual void FrameUpdatePostEntityThink() { if ( g_pScriptVM ) g_pScriptVM->Frame( gpGlobals->frametime ); } bool m_bAllowEntityCreationInScripts; }; CVScriptGameSystem g_VScriptGameSystem; bool IsEntityCreationAllowedInScripts( void ) { return g_VScriptGameSystem.m_bAllowEntityCreationInScripts; }