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synced 2025-03-18 08:30:19 +03:00
- Fixed a crash with multiple trigger_look targets - Fixed an issue where some zombie submodel server ragdolls are not solid to the world - Fixed a crash with certain instance classes being loaded in a savegame before the class is registered - Added some of Tony Sergi's missing Source 2007 fixes (contributed by Kris) - Added "ClientCommand" hook for VScript to allow handling of unknown console commands - Added "PlayerRunCommand" hook for VScript to control player movement - Added new button-related script functions for players (GetButtons, DisableButtons, etc.) - Added CUserCmd accessor in VScript for the "PlayerRunCommand" hook - Added "GetWaterLevel" function for VScript - Exposed "Ignite" to VScript for controlling how a fire starts - Fixed NPCs being unable to unholster weapons - Fixed Mapbase crashing when Steam isn't running - Fixed issues with angled/updating sky_camera save/restore - Added VBSP "-skyboxcubemap" parameter to enable skybox default cubemaps + "-defaultcubemapres" to control their resolution - Added ability to disable VScript in a map (and fixed a few potential complications from disabling VScript) - Made clientside VScript only initialize after world is spawned in order to receive serverside script language in time - Added tons of VScript functions to CBaseAnimating related to bodygroups, sequences, etc. - Added VScript functions to players for getting user ID and player name, similar to logic_playerinfo - Added a few L4D2 script functions missing from the ASW SDK - Added "Localize" singleton with a single "GetTokenAsUTF8" function for getting localization strings - Disabled r_hunkalloclightmaps by the request of various users (apparently this completely removes the "Engine hunk overflow" error and allows for really high-res lightmaps) - Fixed npc_antlionguard NPC_TranslateActivity not hooking into base class (allows for VScript manipulation) - Added various unused antlion guard activities to npc_antlionguard AI, allowing for usage as registered activities - Added keyvalue to set LOS mask on combine_mine - Added +USE bounding box limiter to prop_interactable