mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 17:20:43 +03:00
* Adds support for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 * VR Mode: . Switches from headtrack.dll to sourcevr.dll . Improved readability of the UI in VR . Removed the IPD calibration tool. TF2 will now obey the Oculus configuration file. Use the Oculus calibration tool in your SDK or install and run "OpenVR" under Tools in Steam to calibrate your IPD. . Added dropdown to enable VR mode in the Video options. Removed the -vr command line option. . Added the ability to switch in and out of VR mode without quitting the game . By default VR mode will run full screen. To switch back to a borderless window set the vr_force_windowed convar. . Added support for VR mode on Linux * Many assorted bug fixes and other changes from Team Fortress in various shared files
834 lines
26 KiB
834 lines
26 KiB
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "usercmd.h"
#include "igamesystem.h"
#include "ilagcompensationmanager.h"
#include "inetchannelinfo.h"
#include "utllinkedlist.h"
#include "BaseAnimatingOverlay.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define LC_NONE 0
#define LC_ALIVE (1<<0)
#define LC_ORIGIN_CHANGED (1<<8)
#define LC_ANGLES_CHANGED (1<<9)
#define LC_SIZE_CHANGED (1<<10)
#define LC_ANIMATION_CHANGED (1<<11)
static ConVar sv_lagcompensation_teleport_dist( "sv_lagcompensation_teleport_dist", "64", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_CHEAT, "How far a player got moved by game code before we can't lag compensate their position back" );
#define LAG_COMPENSATION_EPS_SQR ( 0.1f * 0.1f )
// Allow 4 units of error ( about 1 / 8 bbox width )
#define LAG_COMPENSATION_ERROR_EPS_SQR ( 4.0f * 4.0f )
ConVar sv_unlag( "sv_unlag", "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Enables player lag compensation" );
ConVar sv_maxunlag( "sv_maxunlag", "1.0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Maximum lag compensation in seconds", true, 0.0f, true, 1.0f );
ConVar sv_lagflushbonecache( "sv_lagflushbonecache", "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Flushes entity bone cache on lag compensation" );
ConVar sv_showlagcompensation( "sv_showlagcompensation", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Show lag compensated hitboxes whenever a player is lag compensated." );
ConVar sv_unlag_fixstuck( "sv_unlag_fixstuck", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Disallow backtracking a player for lag compensation if it will cause them to become stuck" );
// Purpose:
#define MAX_LAYER_RECORDS (CBaseAnimatingOverlay::MAX_OVERLAYS)
struct LayerRecord
int m_sequence;
float m_cycle;
float m_weight;
int m_order;
m_sequence = 0;
m_cycle = 0;
m_weight = 0;
m_order = 0;
LayerRecord( const LayerRecord& src )
m_sequence = src.m_sequence;
m_cycle = src.m_cycle;
m_weight = src.m_weight;
m_order = src.m_order;
struct LagRecord
m_fFlags = 0;
m_flSimulationTime = -1;
m_masterSequence = 0;
m_masterCycle = 0;
LagRecord( const LagRecord& src )
m_fFlags = src.m_fFlags;
m_vecOrigin = src.m_vecOrigin;
m_vecAngles = src.m_vecAngles;
m_vecMinsPreScaled = src.m_vecMinsPreScaled;
m_vecMaxsPreScaled = src.m_vecMaxsPreScaled;
m_flSimulationTime = src.m_flSimulationTime;
for( int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < MAX_LAYER_RECORDS; ++layerIndex )
m_layerRecords[layerIndex] = src.m_layerRecords[layerIndex];
m_masterSequence = src.m_masterSequence;
m_masterCycle = src.m_masterCycle;
// Did player die this frame
int m_fFlags;
// Player position, orientation and bbox
Vector m_vecOrigin;
QAngle m_vecAngles;
Vector m_vecMinsPreScaled;
Vector m_vecMaxsPreScaled;
float m_flSimulationTime;
// Player animation details, so we can get the legs in the right spot.
LayerRecord m_layerRecords[MAX_LAYER_RECORDS];
int m_masterSequence;
float m_masterCycle;
// Try to take the player from his current origin to vWantedPos.
// If it can't get there, leave the player where he is.
ConVar sv_unlag_debug( "sv_unlag_debug", "0", FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
float g_flFractionScale = 0.95;
static void RestorePlayerTo( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const Vector &vWantedPos )
// Try to move to the wanted position from our current position.
trace_t tr;
VPROF_BUDGET( "RestorePlayerTo", "CLagCompensationManager" );
UTIL_TraceEntity( pPlayer, vWantedPos, vWantedPos, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, pPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, &tr );
if ( tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid )
if ( sv_unlag_debug.GetBool() )
DevMsg( "RestorePlayerTo() could not restore player position for client \"%s\" ( %.1f %.1f %.1f )\n",
pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), vWantedPos.x, vWantedPos.y, vWantedPos.z );
UTIL_TraceEntity( pPlayer, pPlayer->GetLocalOrigin(), vWantedPos, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, pPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, &tr );
if ( tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid )
// In this case, the guy got stuck back wherever we lag compensated him to. Nasty.
if ( sv_unlag_debug.GetBool() )
DevMsg( " restore failed entirely\n" );
// We can get to a valid place, but not all the way back to where we were.
Vector vPos;
VectorLerp( pPlayer->GetLocalOrigin(), vWantedPos, tr.fraction * g_flFractionScale, vPos );
UTIL_SetOrigin( pPlayer, vPos, true );
if ( sv_unlag_debug.GetBool() )
DevMsg( " restore got most of the way\n" );
// Cool, the player can go back to whence he came.
UTIL_SetOrigin( pPlayer, tr.endpos, true );
// Purpose:
class CLagCompensationManager : public CAutoGameSystemPerFrame, public ILagCompensationManager
CLagCompensationManager( char const *name ) : CAutoGameSystemPerFrame( name ), m_flTeleportDistanceSqr( 64 *64 )
// IServerSystem stuff
virtual void Shutdown()
virtual void LevelShutdownPostEntity()
// called after entities think
virtual void FrameUpdatePostEntityThink();
// ILagCompensationManager stuff
// Called during player movement to set up/restore after lag compensation
void StartLagCompensation( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *cmd );
void FinishLagCompensation( CBasePlayer *player );
void BacktrackPlayer( CBasePlayer *player, float flTargetTime );
void ClearHistory()
for ( int i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
// keep a list of lag records for each player
CUtlFixedLinkedList< LagRecord > m_PlayerTrack[ MAX_PLAYERS ];
// Scratchpad for determining what needs to be restored
CBitVec<MAX_PLAYERS> m_RestorePlayer;
bool m_bNeedToRestore;
LagRecord m_RestoreData[ MAX_PLAYERS ]; // player data before we moved him back
LagRecord m_ChangeData[ MAX_PLAYERS ]; // player data where we moved him back
CBasePlayer *m_pCurrentPlayer; // The player we are doing lag compensation for
float m_flTeleportDistanceSqr;
static CLagCompensationManager g_LagCompensationManager( "CLagCompensationManager" );
ILagCompensationManager *lagcompensation = &g_LagCompensationManager;
// Purpose: Called once per frame after all entities have had a chance to think
void CLagCompensationManager::FrameUpdatePostEntityThink()
if ( (gpGlobals->maxClients <= 1) || !sv_unlag.GetBool() )
m_flTeleportDistanceSqr = sv_lagcompensation_teleport_dist.GetFloat() * sv_lagcompensation_teleport_dist.GetFloat();
VPROF_BUDGET( "FrameUpdatePostEntityThink", "CLagCompensationManager" );
// remove all records before that time:
int flDeadtime = gpGlobals->curtime - sv_maxunlag.GetFloat();
// Iterate all active players
for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
CUtlFixedLinkedList< LagRecord > *track = &m_PlayerTrack[i-1];
if ( !pPlayer )
if ( track->Count() > 0 )
Assert( track->Count() < 1000 ); // insanity check
// remove tail records that are too old
int tailIndex = track->Tail();
while ( track->IsValidIndex( tailIndex ) )
LagRecord &tail = track->Element( tailIndex );
// if tail is within limits, stop
if ( tail.m_flSimulationTime >= flDeadtime )
// remove tail, get new tail
track->Remove( tailIndex );
tailIndex = track->Tail();
// check if head has same simulation time
if ( track->Count() > 0 )
LagRecord &head = track->Element( track->Head() );
// check if player changed simulation time since last time updated
if ( head.m_flSimulationTime >= pPlayer->GetSimulationTime() )
continue; // don't add new entry for same or older time
// add new record to player track
LagRecord &record = track->Element( track->AddToHead() );
record.m_fFlags = 0;
if ( pPlayer->IsAlive() )
record.m_fFlags |= LC_ALIVE;
record.m_flSimulationTime = pPlayer->GetSimulationTime();
record.m_vecAngles = pPlayer->GetLocalAngles();
record.m_vecOrigin = pPlayer->GetLocalOrigin();
record.m_vecMinsPreScaled = pPlayer->CollisionProp()->OBBMinsPreScaled();
record.m_vecMaxsPreScaled = pPlayer->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxsPreScaled();
int layerCount = pPlayer->GetNumAnimOverlays();
for( int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; ++layerIndex )
CAnimationLayer *currentLayer = pPlayer->GetAnimOverlay(layerIndex);
if( currentLayer )
record.m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_cycle = currentLayer->m_flCycle;
record.m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_order = currentLayer->m_nOrder;
record.m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_sequence = currentLayer->m_nSequence;
record.m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_weight = currentLayer->m_flWeight;
record.m_masterSequence = pPlayer->GetSequence();
record.m_masterCycle = pPlayer->GetCycle();
//Clear the current player.
m_pCurrentPlayer = NULL;
// Called during player movement to set up/restore after lag compensation
void CLagCompensationManager::StartLagCompensation( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *cmd )
if ( m_pCurrentPlayer )
Assert( m_pCurrentPlayer == NULL );
Warning( "Trying to start a new lag compensation session while one is already active!\n" );
// Assume no players need to be restored
m_bNeedToRestore = false;
m_pCurrentPlayer = player;
if ( !player->m_bLagCompensation // Player not wanting lag compensation
|| (gpGlobals->maxClients <= 1) // no lag compensation in single player
|| !sv_unlag.GetBool() // disabled by server admin
|| player->IsBot() // not for bots
|| player->IsObserver() // not for spectators
// NOTE: Put this here so that it won't show up in single player mode.
Q_memset( m_RestoreData, 0, sizeof( m_RestoreData ) );
Q_memset( m_ChangeData, 0, sizeof( m_ChangeData ) );
// Get true latency
// correct is the amout of time we have to correct game time
float correct = 0.0f;
INetChannelInfo *nci = engine->GetPlayerNetInfo( player->entindex() );
if ( nci )
// add network latency
correct+= nci->GetLatency( FLOW_OUTGOING );
// calc number of view interpolation ticks - 1
int lerpTicks = TIME_TO_TICKS( player->m_fLerpTime );
// add view interpolation latency see C_BaseEntity::GetInterpolationAmount()
correct += TICKS_TO_TIME( lerpTicks );
// check bouns [0,sv_maxunlag]
correct = clamp( correct, 0.0f, sv_maxunlag.GetFloat() );
// correct tick send by player
int targettick = cmd->tick_count - lerpTicks;
// calc difference between tick send by player and our latency based tick
float deltaTime = correct - TICKS_TO_TIME(gpGlobals->tickcount - targettick);
if ( fabs( deltaTime ) > 0.2f )
// difference between cmd time and latency is too big > 200ms, use time correction based on latency
// DevMsg("StartLagCompensation: delta too big (%.3f)\n", deltaTime );
targettick = gpGlobals->tickcount - TIME_TO_TICKS( correct );
// Iterate all active players
const CBitVec<MAX_EDICTS> *pEntityTransmitBits = engine->GetEntityTransmitBitsForClient( player->entindex() - 1 );
for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
if ( !pPlayer )
// Don't lag compensate yourself you loser...
if ( player == pPlayer )
// Custom checks for if things should lag compensate (based on things like what team the player is on).
if ( !player->WantsLagCompensationOnEntity( pPlayer, cmd, pEntityTransmitBits ) )
// Move other player back in time
BacktrackPlayer( pPlayer, TICKS_TO_TIME( targettick ) );
void CLagCompensationManager::BacktrackPlayer( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, float flTargetTime )
Vector org;
Vector minsPreScaled;
Vector maxsPreScaled;
QAngle ang;
VPROF_BUDGET( "BacktrackPlayer", "CLagCompensationManager" );
int pl_index = pPlayer->entindex() - 1;
// get track history of this player
CUtlFixedLinkedList< LagRecord > *track = &m_PlayerTrack[ pl_index ];
// check if we have at leat one entry
if ( track->Count() <= 0 )
int curr = track->Head();
LagRecord *prevRecord = NULL;
LagRecord *record = NULL;
Vector prevOrg = pPlayer->GetLocalOrigin();
// Walk context looking for any invalidating event
while( track->IsValidIndex(curr) )
// remember last record
prevRecord = record;
// get next record
record = &track->Element( curr );
if ( !(record->m_fFlags & LC_ALIVE) )
// player most be alive, lost track
Vector delta = record->m_vecOrigin - prevOrg;
if ( delta.Length2DSqr() > m_flTeleportDistanceSqr )
// lost track, too much difference
// did we find a context smaller than target time ?
if ( record->m_flSimulationTime <= flTargetTime )
break; // hurra, stop
prevOrg = record->m_vecOrigin;
// go one step back
curr = track->Next( curr );
Assert( record );
if ( !record )
if ( sv_unlag_debug.GetBool() )
DevMsg( "No valid positions in history for BacktrackPlayer client ( %s )\n", pPlayer->GetPlayerName() );
return; // that should never happen
float frac = 0.0f;
if ( prevRecord &&
(record->m_flSimulationTime < flTargetTime) &&
(record->m_flSimulationTime < prevRecord->m_flSimulationTime) )
// we didn't find the exact time but have a valid previous record
// so interpolate between these two records;
Assert( prevRecord->m_flSimulationTime > record->m_flSimulationTime );
Assert( flTargetTime < prevRecord->m_flSimulationTime );
// calc fraction between both records
frac = ( flTargetTime - record->m_flSimulationTime ) /
( prevRecord->m_flSimulationTime - record->m_flSimulationTime );
Assert( frac > 0 && frac < 1 ); // should never extrapolate
ang = Lerp( frac, record->m_vecAngles, prevRecord->m_vecAngles );
org = Lerp( frac, record->m_vecOrigin, prevRecord->m_vecOrigin );
minsPreScaled = Lerp( frac, record->m_vecMinsPreScaled, prevRecord->m_vecMinsPreScaled );
maxsPreScaled = Lerp( frac, record->m_vecMaxsPreScaled, prevRecord->m_vecMaxsPreScaled );
// we found the exact record or no other record to interpolate with
// just copy these values since they are the best we have
org = record->m_vecOrigin;
ang = record->m_vecAngles;
minsPreScaled = record->m_vecMinsPreScaled;
maxsPreScaled = record->m_vecMaxsPreScaled;
// See if this is still a valid position for us to teleport to
if ( sv_unlag_fixstuck.GetBool() )
// Try to move to the wanted position from our current position.
trace_t tr;
UTIL_TraceEntity( pPlayer, org, org, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, &tr );
if ( tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid )
if ( sv_unlag_debug.GetBool() )
DevMsg( "WARNING: BackupPlayer trying to back player into a bad position - client %s\n", pPlayer->GetPlayerName() );
CBasePlayer *pHitPlayer = dynamic_cast<CBasePlayer *>( tr.m_pEnt );
// don't lag compensate the current player
if ( pHitPlayer && ( pHitPlayer != m_pCurrentPlayer ) )
// If we haven't backtracked this player, do it now
// this deliberately ignores WantsLagCompensationOnEntity.
if ( !m_RestorePlayer.Get( pHitPlayer->entindex() - 1 ) )
// prevent recursion - save a copy of m_RestorePlayer,
// pretend that this player is off-limits
int pl_index = pPlayer->entindex() - 1;
// Temp turn this flag on
m_RestorePlayer.Set( pl_index );
BacktrackPlayer( pHitPlayer, flTargetTime );
// Remove the temp flag
m_RestorePlayer.Clear( pl_index );
// now trace us back as far as we can go
UTIL_TraceEntity( pPlayer, pPlayer->GetLocalOrigin(), org, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, &tr );
if ( tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid )
// Our starting position is bogus
if ( sv_unlag_debug.GetBool() )
DevMsg( "Backtrack failed completely, bad starting position\n" );
// We can get to a valid place, but not all the way to the target
Vector vPos;
VectorLerp( pPlayer->GetLocalOrigin(), org, tr.fraction * g_flFractionScale, vPos );
// This is as close as we're going to get
org = vPos;
if ( sv_unlag_debug.GetBool() )
DevMsg( "Backtrack got most of the way\n" );
// See if this represents a change for the player
int flags = 0;
LagRecord *restore = &m_RestoreData[ pl_index ];
LagRecord *change = &m_ChangeData[ pl_index ];
QAngle angdiff = pPlayer->GetLocalAngles() - ang;
Vector orgdiff = pPlayer->GetLocalOrigin() - org;
// Always remember the pristine simulation time in case we need to restore it.
restore->m_flSimulationTime = pPlayer->GetSimulationTime();
if ( angdiff.LengthSqr() > LAG_COMPENSATION_EPS_SQR )
restore->m_vecAngles = pPlayer->GetLocalAngles();
pPlayer->SetLocalAngles( ang );
change->m_vecAngles = ang;
// Use absolute equality here
if ( minsPreScaled != pPlayer->CollisionProp()->OBBMinsPreScaled() || maxsPreScaled != pPlayer->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxsPreScaled() )
restore->m_vecMinsPreScaled = pPlayer->CollisionProp()->OBBMinsPreScaled();
restore->m_vecMaxsPreScaled = pPlayer->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxsPreScaled();
pPlayer->SetSize( minsPreScaled, maxsPreScaled );
change->m_vecMinsPreScaled = minsPreScaled;
change->m_vecMaxsPreScaled = maxsPreScaled;
// Note, do origin at end since it causes a relink into the k/d tree
if ( orgdiff.LengthSqr() > LAG_COMPENSATION_EPS_SQR )
restore->m_vecOrigin = pPlayer->GetLocalOrigin();
pPlayer->SetLocalOrigin( org );
change->m_vecOrigin = org;
// Sorry for the loss of the optimization for the case of people
// standing still, but you breathe even on the server.
// This is quicker than actually comparing all bazillion floats.
restore->m_masterSequence = pPlayer->GetSequence();
restore->m_masterCycle = pPlayer->GetCycle();
bool interpolationAllowed = false;
if( prevRecord && (record->m_masterSequence == prevRecord->m_masterSequence) )
// If the master state changes, all layers will be invalid too, so don't interp (ya know, interp barely ever happens anyway)
interpolationAllowed = true;
// First do the master settings
bool interpolatedMasters = false;
if( frac > 0.0f && interpolationAllowed )
interpolatedMasters = true;
pPlayer->SetSequence( Lerp( frac, record->m_masterSequence, prevRecord->m_masterSequence ) );
pPlayer->SetCycle( Lerp( frac, record->m_masterCycle, prevRecord->m_masterCycle ) );
if( record->m_masterCycle > prevRecord->m_masterCycle )
// the older record is higher in frame than the newer, it must have wrapped around from 1 back to 0
// add one to the newer so it is lerping from .9 to 1.1 instead of .9 to .1, for example.
float newCycle = Lerp( frac, record->m_masterCycle, prevRecord->m_masterCycle + 1 );
pPlayer->SetCycle(newCycle < 1 ? newCycle : newCycle - 1 );// and make sure .9 to 1.2 does not end up 1.05
pPlayer->SetCycle( Lerp( frac, record->m_masterCycle, prevRecord->m_masterCycle ) );
if( !interpolatedMasters )
// Now do all the layers
int layerCount = pPlayer->GetNumAnimOverlays();
for( int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; ++layerIndex )
CAnimationLayer *currentLayer = pPlayer->GetAnimOverlay(layerIndex);
if( currentLayer )
restore->m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_cycle = currentLayer->m_flCycle;
restore->m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_order = currentLayer->m_nOrder;
restore->m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_sequence = currentLayer->m_nSequence;
restore->m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_weight = currentLayer->m_flWeight;
bool interpolated = false;
if( (frac > 0.0f) && interpolationAllowed )
LayerRecord &recordsLayerRecord = record->m_layerRecords[layerIndex];
LayerRecord &prevRecordsLayerRecord = prevRecord->m_layerRecords[layerIndex];
if( (recordsLayerRecord.m_order == prevRecordsLayerRecord.m_order)
&& (recordsLayerRecord.m_sequence == prevRecordsLayerRecord.m_sequence)
// We can't interpolate across a sequence or order change
interpolated = true;
if( recordsLayerRecord.m_cycle > prevRecordsLayerRecord.m_cycle )
// the older record is higher in frame than the newer, it must have wrapped around from 1 back to 0
// add one to the newer so it is lerping from .9 to 1.1 instead of .9 to .1, for example.
float newCycle = Lerp( frac, recordsLayerRecord.m_cycle, prevRecordsLayerRecord.m_cycle + 1 );
currentLayer->m_flCycle = newCycle < 1 ? newCycle : newCycle - 1;// and make sure .9 to 1.2 does not end up 1.05
currentLayer->m_flCycle = Lerp( frac, recordsLayerRecord.m_cycle, prevRecordsLayerRecord.m_cycle );
currentLayer->m_nOrder = recordsLayerRecord.m_order;
currentLayer->m_nSequence = recordsLayerRecord.m_sequence;
currentLayer->m_flWeight = Lerp( frac, recordsLayerRecord.m_weight, prevRecordsLayerRecord.m_weight );
if( !interpolated )
//Either no interp, or interp failed. Just use record.
currentLayer->m_flCycle = record->m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_cycle;
currentLayer->m_nOrder = record->m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_order;
currentLayer->m_nSequence = record->m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_sequence;
currentLayer->m_flWeight = record->m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_weight;
if ( !flags )
return; // we didn't change anything
if ( sv_lagflushbonecache.GetBool() )
/*char text[256]; Q_snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "time %.2f", flTargetTime );
pPlayer->DrawServerHitboxes( 10 );
NDebugOverlay::Text( org, text, false, 10 );
NDebugOverlay::EntityBounds( pPlayer, 255, 0, 0, 32, 10 ); */
m_RestorePlayer.Set( pl_index ); //remember that we changed this player
m_bNeedToRestore = true; // we changed at least one player
restore->m_fFlags = flags; // we need to restore these flags
change->m_fFlags = flags; // we have changed these flags
if( sv_showlagcompensation.GetInt() == 1 )
pPlayer->DrawServerHitboxes(4, true);
void CLagCompensationManager::FinishLagCompensation( CBasePlayer *player )
m_pCurrentPlayer = NULL;
if ( !m_bNeedToRestore )
return; // no player was changed at all
// Iterate all active players
for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
int pl_index = i - 1;
if ( !m_RestorePlayer.Get( pl_index ) )
// player wasn't changed by lag compensation
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
if ( !pPlayer )
LagRecord *restore = &m_RestoreData[ pl_index ];
LagRecord *change = &m_ChangeData[ pl_index ];
bool restoreSimulationTime = false;
if ( restore->m_fFlags & LC_SIZE_CHANGED )
restoreSimulationTime = true;
// see if simulation made any changes, if no, then do the restore, otherwise,
// leave new values in
if ( pPlayer->CollisionProp()->OBBMinsPreScaled() == change->m_vecMinsPreScaled &&
pPlayer->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxsPreScaled() == change->m_vecMaxsPreScaled )
// Restore it
pPlayer->SetSize( restore->m_vecMinsPreScaled, restore->m_vecMaxsPreScaled );
Warning( "Should we really not restore the size?\n" );
if ( restore->m_fFlags & LC_ANGLES_CHANGED )
restoreSimulationTime = true;
if ( pPlayer->GetLocalAngles() == change->m_vecAngles )
pPlayer->SetLocalAngles( restore->m_vecAngles );
if ( restore->m_fFlags & LC_ORIGIN_CHANGED )
restoreSimulationTime = true;
// Okay, let's see if we can do something reasonable with the change
Vector delta = pPlayer->GetLocalOrigin() - change->m_vecOrigin;
// If it moved really far, just leave the player in the new spot!!!
if ( delta.Length2DSqr() < m_flTeleportDistanceSqr )
RestorePlayerTo( pPlayer, restore->m_vecOrigin + delta );
if( restore->m_fFlags & LC_ANIMATION_CHANGED )
restoreSimulationTime = true;
int layerCount = pPlayer->GetNumAnimOverlays();
for( int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; ++layerIndex )
CAnimationLayer *currentLayer = pPlayer->GetAnimOverlay(layerIndex);
if( currentLayer )
currentLayer->m_flCycle = restore->m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_cycle;
currentLayer->m_nOrder = restore->m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_order;
currentLayer->m_nSequence = restore->m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_sequence;
currentLayer->m_flWeight = restore->m_layerRecords[layerIndex].m_weight;
if ( restoreSimulationTime )
pPlayer->SetSimulationTime( restore->m_flSimulationTime );