Blixibon c448f194ae Mapbase v5.0
- Added keyvalue to hl2_gamerules which allows respawning in singleplayer
- Added the game instructor system (including env_instructor_hint) from later Valve games using a VDC tutorial which adjusts the version from the Alien Swarm SDK to FPS rules and a Source 2013 environment; Also added new KV and icons for further control from mappers (tutorial mentioned by Maestra Fenix)
- Added L4D/TF2 glows + point_glow entity as an all-purpose SDK-based off-shoot of tf_glow
- Fixed weapon pickup sound not playing (reported by Sl0th and later Cvoxulary)
- Fixed env_projectedtextures not updating on save/load
- Added func_fake_worldportal, a spatial point_camera inspired by linked_portal_door based on SDK code alone (WIP, may be changed a lot in future updates)
- Added option for point_camera and func_reflective_glass to use different render targets, therefore allowing multiple cameras and mirrors to be active at the same time
- Added additional RT camera textures to choose from with a default of 3, but also controllable through a -numcameratextures command line param
- Added adjustable convars for main view NearZ and skybox NearZ (suggested by someone recently, also suggested by Klems over a year ago)
- Fixed map-specific localization files, cleaned up map-specific file code
- Added a new block to gameinfo.txt which allows mods to automatically append their own command line parameters
- Fixed math_lightpattern corruption when setting pattern/style while active
- Fixed the "Touch" input crashing when given no entity
- Added a way to add EFlags via keyvalue (suggested by Niker107)
- Fixed ai_script_conditions not working without a NPC actor (reported by MetroHam)
- Fixed point_radiation_source causing huge problems when intensity is 0, even though it was already advised against (reported by beefbacon)
- Added "Mapbase" header to Mapbase-specific code files
- Fixed an issue with updating sky_camera not obtaining area correctly, causing some entities to not draw in the skybox
- Added "CopyFogController" and "CopyFogControllerWithScale" inputs to sky_camera, which copy fog parameters directly from a fog controller
- Added "SetScale" input to sky_camera for live scale changing
- Added convar to control player crouch speed multiplier (suggested by ArtyIF)
- Added a ton of fixes for people running the Debug configuration of the codebase (partial credit to stepa2)
- Added support for pre-defined enums and constants in VScript, starting with various values from the SDK code (damage types, trace masks, etc.)
- Added limited support for Valve's Quaternion class in VScript
- Added new instance helper capabilities, destructible game instances, and other misc. changes to VScript library
- Replaced most of the VScript "accessor" classes with direct references to the original classes, as they were getting complicated fast and adding new VScript-only functions to the original classes might not be as bad as previously thought
- Added base NPC hooks for AI sensing in VScript (allows control over sight and hearing), also exposed CSound for it
- Added various functions and hooks for VPhysics integration in VScript
- Added VScript-based custom suit devices
- Expanded trace info exposed to VScript to allow plane and surface access (suggested by krassell)
- Added ability to insert localization strings through VScript
- Added various misc. VScript functions with various purposes, including reading/writing EFlags, movetypes, collision groups, etc.
- Fixed VBSP not being able to correctly parse parallax corrected cubemaps in maps with instances
2020-08-14 21:21:25 +00:00

1313 lines
39 KiB

//========= Copyright © 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Client handler implementations for instruction players how to play
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_gameinstructor.h"
#include "c_baselesson.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "vprof.h"
#include "ixboxsystem.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Configuration
#define MOD_DIR "MOD"
#define GAMEINSTRUCTOR_SCRIPT_FILE "scripts/instructor_lessons.txt"
#define GAMEINSTRUCTOR_MOD_SCRIPT_FILE "scripts/mod_lessons.txt"
// Game instructor auto game system instantiation
C_GameInstructor g_GameInstructor;
C_GameInstructor &GetGameInstructor()
return g_GameInstructor;
void GameInstructorEnable_ChangeCallback( IConVar *var, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue );
void SVGameInstructorDisable_ChangeCallback( IConVar *var, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue );
extern ConVar sv_gameinstructor_disable;
// Comandos de consola
ConVar gameinstructor_verbose("gameinstructor_verbose", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Set to 1 for standard debugging or 2 (in combo with gameinstructor_verbose_lesson) to show update actions.");
ConVar gameinstructor_verbose_lesson("gameinstructor_verbose_lesson", "", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Display more verbose information for lessons have this name." );
ConVar gameinstructor_find_errors("gameinstructor_find_errors", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Set to 1 and the game instructor will run EVERY scripted command to uncover errors." );
ConVar gameinstructor_enable( "gameinstructor_enable", "1", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Display in game lessons that teach new players.", GameInstructorEnable_ChangeCallback );
ConVar gameinstructor_start_sound_cooldown( "gameinstructor_start_sound_cooldown", "4.0", FCVAR_NONE, "Number of seconds forced between similar lesson start sounds." );
ConVar sv_gameinstructor_disable( "sv_gameinstructor_disable", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Force all clients to disable their game instructors.", SVGameInstructorDisable_ChangeCallback );
// Activa o Desactiva el Instructor del lado del cliente.
void EnableDisableInstructor()
bool bEnabled = ( !sv_gameinstructor_disable.GetBool() && gameinstructor_enable.GetBool() );
// Game instructor has been enabled, so init it!
if ( bEnabled )
// Game instructor has been disabled, so shut it down!
void GameInstructorEnable_ChangeCallback( IConVar *var, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue )
if ( ( flOldValue != 0.0f ) != gameinstructor_enable.GetBool() )
void SVGameInstructorDisable_ChangeCallback( IConVar *var, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue )
if ( !engine )
// Initialize the Instructor
bool C_GameInstructor::Init()
// if ( &GetGameInstructor() == this )
// return true;
// Instructor deactivated, don't initialize.
if ( !gameinstructor_enable.GetBool() || sv_gameinstructor_disable.GetBool() )
return true;
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Initializing...\n" );
m_bNoDraw = false;
m_bHiddenDueToOtherElements = false;
m_iCurrentPriority = 0;
m_hLastSpectatedPlayer = NULL;
m_bSpectatedPlayerChanged = false;
m_szPreviousStartSound[0] = '\0';
m_fNextStartSoundTime = 0;
return true;
// Shut down the instructor
void C_GameInstructor::Shutdown()
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Shutting down...\n" );
// Removemos todas las lecciones.
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lessons.Count(); ++i )
if ( m_Lessons[ i ] )
m_Lessons[ i ]->StopListeningForAllEvents();
delete m_Lessons[ i ];
m_Lessons[ i ] = NULL;
// Paramos de escuchar eventos.
void C_GameInstructor::UpdateHiddenByOtherElements()
//bool bHidden = Mod_HiddenByOtherElements();
bool bHidden = false;
if ( bHidden && !m_bHiddenDueToOtherElements )
m_bHiddenDueToOtherElements = bHidden;
void C_GameInstructor::Update( float frametime )
VPROF_BUDGET( "C_GameInstructor::Update", "GameInstructor" );
// Instructor deactivated.
if ( !gameinstructor_enable.GetBool() || m_bNoDraw || m_bHiddenDueToOtherElements )
if ( gameinstructor_find_errors.GetBool() )
if ( IsConsole() )
// On X360 we want to save when they're not connected
// They aren't in game
if ( !engine->IsInGame() )
const char *levelName = engine->GetLevelName();
// The are in game, but it's a background map
if ( levelName && levelName[0] && engine->IsLevelMainMenuBackground() )
if ( m_bSpectatedPlayerChanged )
// Safe spot to clean out stale lessons if spectator changed
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Spectated player changed...\n" );
m_bSpectatedPlayerChanged = false;
// Loop through all the lesson roots and reset their active status
for ( int i = m_OpenOpportunities.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
CBaseLesson *pLesson = m_OpenOpportunities[ i ];
CBaseLesson *pRootLesson = pLesson->GetRoot();
if ( pRootLesson->InstanceType() == LESSON_INSTANCE_SINGLE_ACTIVE )
int iCurrentPriority = 0;
// Loop through all the open lessons
for ( int i = m_OpenOpportunities.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
CBaseLesson *pLesson = m_OpenOpportunities[ i ];
// This opportunity has closed
if ( !pLesson->IsOpenOpportunity() || pLesson->IsTimedOut() )
CloseOpportunity( pLesson );
// Lesson should be displayed, so it can affect priority
CBaseLesson *pRootLesson = pLesson->GetRoot();
bool bShouldDisplay = pLesson->ShouldDisplay();
bool bIsLocked = pLesson->IsLocked();
if ( ( bShouldDisplay || bIsLocked ) &&
( pLesson->GetPriority() >= m_iCurrentPriority || pLesson->NoPriority() || bIsLocked ) &&
( pRootLesson && ( pRootLesson->InstanceType() != LESSON_INSTANCE_SINGLE_ACTIVE || !pRootLesson->IsInstanceActive() ) ) )
// Lesson is at the highest priority level, isn't violating instance rules, and has met all the prerequisites
if ( UpdateActiveLesson( pLesson, pRootLesson ) || pRootLesson->IsLearned() )
// Lesson is active
if ( pLesson->IsVisible() || pRootLesson->IsLearned() )
pRootLesson->SetInstanceActive( true );
// This active or learned lesson has the highest priority so far
if ( iCurrentPriority < pLesson->GetPriority() && !pLesson->NoPriority() )
iCurrentPriority = pLesson->GetPriority();
// On second thought, this shouldn't have been displayed
bShouldDisplay = false;
// Lesson shouldn't be displayed right now
UpdateInactiveLesson( pLesson );
// Set the priority for next frame
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 1 && m_iCurrentPriority != iCurrentPriority )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Priority changed from " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseClose, "%i ", m_iCurrentPriority );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "to " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseOpen, "%i", iCurrentPriority );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, ".\n" );
m_iCurrentPriority = iCurrentPriority;
void C_GameInstructor::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event )
VPROF_BUDGET( "C_GameInstructor::FireGameEvent", "GameInstructor" );
const char *name = event->GetName();
if ( Q_strcmp( name, "gameinstructor_draw" ) == 0 )
if ( m_bNoDraw )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Set to draw...\n" );
m_bNoDraw = false;
else if ( Q_strcmp( name, "gameinstructor_nodraw" ) == 0 )
if ( !m_bNoDraw )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Set to not draw...\n" );
m_bNoDraw = true;
else if ( Q_strcmp( name, "round_end" ) == 0 )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Round ended...\n" );
if ( IsPC() )
// Good place to backup our counts
else if ( Q_strcmp( name, "round_start" ) == 0 )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Round started...\n" );
else if ( Q_strcmp( name, "player_death" ) == 0 )
#if !defined(NO_STEAM) && defined(USE_CEG)
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pLocalPlayer && pLocalPlayer == UTIL_PlayerByUserId( event->GetInt( "userid" ) ) )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Local player died...\n" );
for ( int i = m_OpenOpportunities.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
CBaseLesson *pLesson = m_OpenOpportunities[ i ];
CBaseLesson *pRootLesson = pLesson->GetRoot();
if ( !pRootLesson->CanOpenWhenDead() )
CloseOpportunity( pLesson );
else if ( Q_strcmp( name, "player_team" ) == 0 )
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pLocalPlayer && pLocalPlayer == UTIL_PlayerByUserId( event->GetInt( "userid" ) ) &&
( event->GetInt( "team" ) != event->GetInt( "oldteam" ) || event->GetBool( "disconnect" ) ) )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Local player changed team (or disconnected)...\n" );
else if ( Q_strcmp( name, "player_disconnect" ) == 0 )
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pLocalPlayer && pLocalPlayer == UTIL_PlayerByUserId( event->GetInt( "userid" ) ) )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Local player disconnected...\n" );
else if ( Q_strcmp( name, "map_transition" ) == 0 )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Map transition...\n" );
if ( m_bNoDraw )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 128, 64, 255 ), "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( Color( 64, 128, 255, 255 ), "Set to draw...\n" );
m_bNoDraw = false;
if ( IsPC() )
// Good place to backup our counts
else if ( Q_strcmp( name, "game_newmap" ) == 0 )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "New map...\n" );
if ( m_bNoDraw )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 128, 64, 255 ), "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( Color( 64, 128, 255, 255 ), "Set to draw...\n" );
m_bNoDraw = false;
if ( IsPC() )
// Good place to backup our counts
else if ( Q_strcmp( name, "set_instructor_group_enabled" ) == 0 )
const char *pszGroup = event->GetString( "group" );
bool bEnabled = event->GetInt( "enabled" ) != 0;
if ( pszGroup && pszGroup[0] )
SetLessonGroupEnabled(pszGroup, bEnabled);
void C_GameInstructor::DefineLesson( CBaseLesson *pLesson )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Lesson " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseName, "\"%s\" ", pLesson->GetName() );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "defined.\n" );
m_Lessons.AddToTail( pLesson );
const CBaseLesson * C_GameInstructor::GetLesson( const char *pchLessonName )
return GetLesson_Internal( pchLessonName );
bool C_GameInstructor::IsLessonOfSameTypeOpen( const CBaseLesson *pLesson ) const
for ( int i = 0; i < m_OpenOpportunities.Count(); ++i )
CBaseLesson *pOpenOpportunity = m_OpenOpportunities[ i ];
if ( pOpenOpportunity->GetNameSymbol() == pLesson->GetNameSymbol() )
return true;
return false;
bool C_GameInstructor::ReadSaveData()
// for external playtests, don't ever read in persisted instructor state, always start fresh
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-playtest" ) )
return true;
if ( m_bHasLoadedSaveData )
return true;
// Always reset state first in case storage device
// was declined or ends up in faulty state
m_bHasLoadedSaveData = true;
#ifdef _X360
DevMsg( "Read Game Instructor for splitscreen slot %d\n", m_nSplitScreenSlot );
if ( m_nSplitScreenSlot < 0 )
return false;
if ( m_nSplitScreenSlot >= (int) XBX_GetNumGameUsers() )
return false;
int iController = XBX_GetUserId( m_nSplitScreenSlot );
if ( iController < 0 || XBX_GetUserIsGuest( iController ) )
// Can't read data for guests
return false;
DWORD nStorageDevice = XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( iController );
if ( !XBX_DescribeStorageDevice( nStorageDevice ) )
return false;
char szFilename[_MAX_PATH];
#ifdef _X360
if ( IsX360() )
XBX_MakeStorageContainerRoot( iController, XBX_USER_SETTINGS_CONTAINER_DRIVE, szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) );
int nLen = strlen( szFilename );
Q_snprintf( szFilename + nLen, sizeof( szFilename ) - nLen, ":\\game_instructor_counts.txt" );
Q_snprintf( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ), "save/game_instructor_counts.txt" );
KeyValues *data = new KeyValues( "Game Instructor Counts" );
KeyValues::AutoDelete autoDelete(data);
if ( data->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFilename, NULL ) )
int nVersion = 0;
for ( KeyValues *pKey = data->GetFirstSubKey(); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
CBaseLesson *pLesson = GetLesson_Internal( pKey->GetName() );
if ( pLesson )
pLesson->SetDisplayCount( pKey->GetInt( "display", 0 ) );
pLesson->SetSuccessCount( pKey->GetInt( "success", 0 ) );
if ( Q_strcmp( pKey->GetName(), "version number" ) == 0 )
nVersion = pLesson->GetSuccessCount();
CBaseLesson *pLessonVersionNumber = GetLesson_Internal( "version number" );
if ( pLessonVersionNumber && !pLessonVersionNumber->IsLearned() )
pLessonVersionNumber->SetSuccessCount( pLessonVersionNumber->GetSuccessLimit() );
m_bDirtySaveData = true;
return true;
// Couldn't read from the file
return false;
bool C_GameInstructor::WriteSaveData()
if ( engine->IsPlayingDemo() )
return false;
if ( !m_bDirtySaveData )
return true;
#ifdef _X360
float flPlatTime = Plat_FloatTime();
static ConVarRef host_write_last_time( "host_write_last_time" );
if ( host_write_last_time.IsValid() )
float flTimeSinceLastWrite = flPlatTime - host_write_last_time.GetFloat();
if ( flTimeSinceLastWrite < 3.5f )
// Prevent writing to the same storage device twice in less than 3 second succession for TCR success!
// This happens after leaving a game in splitscreen.
//DevMsg( "Waiting to write Game Instructor for splitscreen slot %d... (%.1f seconds remain)\n", m_nSplitScreenSlot, 3.5f - flTimeSinceLastWrite );
return false;
// Always mark as clean state to avoid re-entry on
// subsequent frames when storage device might be
// in a yet-unmounted state.
m_bDirtySaveData = false;
#ifdef _X360
DevMsg( "Write Game Instructor for splitscreen slot %d at time: %.1f\n", m_nSplitScreenSlot, flPlatTime );
if ( m_nSplitScreenSlot < 0 )
return false;
if ( m_nSplitScreenSlot >= (int) XBX_GetNumGameUsers() )
return false;
int iController = XBX_GetUserId( m_nSplitScreenSlot );
if ( iController < 0 || XBX_GetUserIsGuest( iController ) )
// Can't save data for guests
return false;
DWORD nStorageDevice = XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( iController );
if ( !XBX_DescribeStorageDevice( nStorageDevice ) )
return false;
// Build key value data to save
KeyValues *data = new KeyValues( "Game Instructor Counts" );
KeyValues::AutoDelete autoDelete(data);
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lessons.Count(); ++i )
CBaseLesson *pLesson = m_Lessons[i];
int iDisplayCount = pLesson->GetDisplayCount();
int iSuccessCount = pLesson->GetSuccessCount();
if ( iDisplayCount || iSuccessCount )
// We've got some data worth saving
KeyValues *pKVData = new KeyValues( pLesson->GetName() );
if ( iDisplayCount )
pKVData->SetInt( "display", iDisplayCount );
if ( iSuccessCount )
pKVData->SetInt( "success", iSuccessCount );
data->AddSubKey( pKVData );
// Save it!
CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
data->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );
char szFilename[_MAX_PATH];
#ifdef _X360
if ( IsX360() )
XBX_MakeStorageContainerRoot( iController, XBX_USER_SETTINGS_CONTAINER_DRIVE, szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) );
int nLen = strlen( szFilename );
Q_snprintf( szFilename + nLen, sizeof( szFilename ) - nLen, ":\\game_instructor_counts.txt" );
Q_snprintf( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ), "save/game_instructor_counts.txt" );
filesystem->CreateDirHierarchy( "save", "MOD" );
bool bWriteSuccess = filesystem->WriteFile( szFilename, MOD_DIR, buf );
#ifdef _X360
if ( xboxsystem )
xboxsystem->FinishContainerWrites( iController );
return bWriteSuccess;
void C_GameInstructor::RefreshDisplaysAndSuccesses()
m_bHasLoadedSaveData = false;
void C_GameInstructor::ResetDisplaysAndSuccesses()
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Reset all lesson display and success counts.\n" );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lessons.Count(); ++i )
m_Lessons[ i ]->ResetDisplaysAndSuccesses();
m_bDirtySaveData = false;
void C_GameInstructor::MarkDisplayed( const char *pchLessonName )
CBaseLesson *pLesson = GetLesson_Internal(pchLessonName);
if ( !pLesson )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Lesson " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseOpen, "\"%s\" ", pLesson->GetName() );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "marked as displayed.\n" );
if ( pLesson->IncDisplayCount() )
m_bDirtySaveData = true;
void C_GameInstructor::MarkSucceeded(const char *pchLessonName)
CBaseLesson *pLesson = GetLesson_Internal(pchLessonName);
if ( !pLesson )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Lesson " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseSuccess, "\"%s\" ", pLesson->GetName() );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "marked as succeeded.\n" );
if ( pLesson->IncSuccessCount() )
m_bDirtySaveData = true;
void C_GameInstructor::PlaySound( const char *pchSoundName )
// emit alert sound
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pLocalPlayer )
// Local player exists
if ( pchSoundName[ 0 ] != '\0' && Q_strcmp( m_szPreviousStartSound, pchSoundName ) != 0 )
Q_strcpy( m_szPreviousStartSound, pchSoundName );
m_fNextStartSoundTime = 0.0f;
if ( gpGlobals->curtime >= m_fNextStartSoundTime && pchSoundName[ 0 ] != '\0' )
// A sound was specified, so play it!
pLocalPlayer->EmitSound( pchSoundName );
m_fNextStartSoundTime = gpGlobals->curtime + gameinstructor_start_sound_cooldown.GetFloat();
bool C_GameInstructor::OpenOpportunity( CBaseLesson *pLesson )
// Get the root lesson
CBaseLesson *pRootLesson = pLesson->GetRoot();
if ( !pRootLesson )
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Opportunity " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseClose, "\"%s\" ", pLesson->GetName() );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "NOT opened (because root lesson could not be found).\n" );
delete pLesson;
return false;
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !pRootLesson->CanOpenWhenDead() && ( !pLocalPlayer || !pLocalPlayer->IsAlive() ) )
// If the player is dead don't allow lessons that can't be opened when dead
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Opportunity " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseClose, "\"%s\" ", pLesson->GetName() );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "NOT opened (because player is dead and can_open_when_dead not set).\n" );
delete pLesson;
return false;
if ( !pRootLesson->PrerequisitesHaveBeenMet() )
// If the prereqs haven't been met, don't open it
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "[INSTRUCTOR]: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Opportunity " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseClose, "\"%s\" ", pLesson->GetName() );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "NOT opened (because prereqs haven't been met).\n" );
delete pLesson;
return false;
if ( pRootLesson->InstanceType() == LESSON_INSTANCE_FIXED_REPLACE )
CBaseLesson *pLessonToReplace = NULL;
CBaseLesson *pLastReplacableLesson = NULL;
int iInstanceCount = 0;
// Check how many are already open
for ( int i = m_OpenOpportunities.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
CBaseLesson *pOpenOpportunity = m_OpenOpportunities[ i ];
if ( pOpenOpportunity->GetNameSymbol() == pLesson->GetNameSymbol() &&
pOpenOpportunity->GetReplaceKeySymbol() == pLesson->GetReplaceKeySymbol() )
if ( pRootLesson->ShouldReplaceOnlyWhenStopped() )
if ( !pOpenOpportunity->IsInstructing() )
pLastReplacableLesson = pOpenOpportunity;
pLastReplacableLesson = pOpenOpportunity;
if ( iInstanceCount >= pRootLesson->GetFixedInstancesMax() )
pLessonToReplace = pLastReplacableLesson;
if ( pLessonToReplace )
// Take the place of the previous instance
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "GAME INSTRUCTOR: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Opportunity " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseOpen, "\"%s\" ", pLesson->GetName() );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "replacing open lesson of same type.\n" );
pLesson->TakePlaceOf( pLessonToReplace );
CloseOpportunity( pLessonToReplace );
else if ( iInstanceCount >= pRootLesson->GetFixedInstancesMax() )
// Don't add another lesson of this type
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "GAME INSTRUCTOR: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Opportunity " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseClose, "\"%s\" ", pLesson->GetName() );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "NOT opened (there is too many started lessons of this type).\n" );
delete pLesson;
return false;
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "GAME INSTRUCTOR: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Opportunity " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseOpen, "\"%s\" ", pLesson->GetName() );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "opened.\n" );
m_OpenOpportunities.AddToTail( pLesson );
return true;
void C_GameInstructor::DumpOpenOpportunities()
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "GAME INSTRUCTOR: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Open lessons...\n" );
for ( int i = m_OpenOpportunities.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
CBaseLesson *pLesson = m_OpenOpportunities[ i ];
CBaseLesson *pRootLesson = pLesson->GetRoot();
Color color;
if ( pLesson->IsInstructing() )
// Green
color = CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseOpen;
else if ( pRootLesson->IsLearned() && pLesson->GetPriority() >= m_iCurrentPriority )
// Yellow
color = CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseSuccess;
// Red
color = CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseClose;
ConColorMsg( color, "\t%s\n", pLesson->GetName() );
KeyValues * C_GameInstructor::GetScriptKeys()
return m_pScriptKeys;
C_BasePlayer * C_GameInstructor::GetLocalPlayer()
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
// If we're not a developer, don't do the special spectator hook ups
if ( !developer.GetBool() )
return pLocalPlayer;
// If there is no local player and we're not spectating, just return that
if ( !pLocalPlayer || pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != TEAM_SPECTATOR )
return pLocalPlayer;
// We're purely a spectator let's get lessons of the person we're spectating
C_BasePlayer *pSpectatedPlayer = NULL;
if ( pLocalPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE || pLocalPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_CHASE )
pSpectatedPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pLocalPlayer->GetObserverTarget() );
if ( m_hLastSpectatedPlayer != pSpectatedPlayer )
// We're spectating someone new! Close all the stale lessons!
m_bSpectatedPlayerChanged = true;
m_hLastSpectatedPlayer = pSpectatedPlayer;
return pSpectatedPlayer;
void C_GameInstructor::EvaluateLessonsForGameRules()
// Enable everything by default
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lessons.Count(); ++i )
m_Lessons[ i ]->SetEnabled(true);
// Then see if we should disable anything
for ( int nConVar = 0; nConVar < m_LessonGroupConVarToggles.Count(); ++nConVar )
LessonGroupConVarToggle_t *pLessonGroupConVarToggle = &(m_LessonGroupConVarToggles[ nConVar ]);
if ( pLessonGroupConVarToggle->var.IsValid() )
if ( pLessonGroupConVarToggle->var.GetBool() )
SetLessonGroupEnabled( pLessonGroupConVarToggle->szLessonGroupName, false );
void C_GameInstructor::SetLessonGroupEnabled( const char *pszGroup, bool bEnabled )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lessons.Count(); ++i )
if ( !Q_stricmp(pszGroup, m_Lessons[i]->GetGroup()) )
m_Lessons[i]->SetEnabled( bEnabled );
void C_GameInstructor::FindErrors()
// Loop through all the lesson and run all their scripted actions
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lessons.Count(); ++i )
CScriptedIconLesson *pLesson = dynamic_cast<CScriptedIconLesson *>( m_Lessons[ i ] );
if ( pLesson )
// Process all open events
for ( int iLessonEvent = 0; iLessonEvent < pLesson->GetOpenEvents().Count(); ++iLessonEvent )
const LessonEvent_t *pLessonEvent = &(pLesson->GetOpenEvents()[ iLessonEvent ]);
pLesson->ProcessElements( NULL, &(pLessonEvent->elements) );
// Process all close events
for ( int iLessonEvent = 0; iLessonEvent < pLesson->GetCloseEvents().Count(); ++iLessonEvent )
const LessonEvent_t *pLessonEvent = &(pLesson->GetCloseEvents()[ iLessonEvent ]);
pLesson->ProcessElements( NULL, &(pLessonEvent->elements) );
// Process all success events
for ( int iLessonEvent = 0; iLessonEvent < pLesson->GetSuccessEvents().Count(); ++iLessonEvent )
const LessonEvent_t *pLessonEvent = &(pLesson->GetSuccessEvents()[ iLessonEvent ]);
pLesson->ProcessElements( NULL, &(pLessonEvent->elements) );
// Process all on open events
for ( int iLessonEvent = 0; iLessonEvent < pLesson->GetOnOpenEvents().Count(); ++iLessonEvent )
const LessonEvent_t *pLessonEvent = &(pLesson->GetOnOpenEvents()[ iLessonEvent ]);
pLesson->ProcessElements( NULL, &(pLessonEvent->elements) );
// Process all update events
for ( int iLessonEvent = 0; iLessonEvent < pLesson->GetUpdateEvents().Count(); ++iLessonEvent )
const LessonEvent_t *pLessonEvent = &(pLesson->GetUpdateEvents()[ iLessonEvent ]);
pLesson->ProcessElements( NULL, &(pLessonEvent->elements) );
bool C_GameInstructor::UpdateActiveLesson( CBaseLesson *pLesson, const CBaseLesson *pRootLesson )
VPROF_BUDGET( "C_GameInstructor::UpdateActiveLesson", "GameInstructor" );
bool bIsOpen = pLesson->IsInstructing();
if ( !bIsOpen && !pRootLesson->IsLearned() )
// Check to see if it successfully started
bIsOpen = ( pLesson->IsOpenOpportunity() && pLesson->ShouldDisplay() );
if ( bIsOpen )
// Lesson hasn't been started and hasn't been learned
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "GAME INSTRUCTOR: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Started lesson " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseOpen, "\"%s\"", pLesson->GetName() );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, ".\n" );
if ( bIsOpen )
// Update the running lesson
return true;
return false;
void C_GameInstructor::UpdateInactiveLesson( CBaseLesson *pLesson )
VPROF_BUDGET( "C_GameInstructor::UpdateInactiveLesson", "GameInstructor" );
if ( pLesson->IsInstructing() )
// Lesson hasn't been stopped
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "GAME INSTRUCTOR: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Stopped lesson " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseClose, "\"%s\"", pLesson->GetName() );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, ".\n" );
CBaseLesson * C_GameInstructor::GetLesson_Internal( const char *pchLessonName )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lessons.Count(); ++i )
CBaseLesson *pLesson = m_Lessons[ i ];
if ( Q_strcmp( pLesson->GetName(), pchLessonName ) == 0 )
return pLesson;
return NULL;
void C_GameInstructor::StopAllLessons()
// Stop all the current lessons
for ( int i = m_OpenOpportunities.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
CBaseLesson *pLesson = m_OpenOpportunities[ i ];
UpdateInactiveLesson( pLesson );
void C_GameInstructor::CloseAllOpenOpportunities()
// Clear out all the open opportunities
for ( int i = m_OpenOpportunities.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
CBaseLesson *pLesson = m_OpenOpportunities[ i ];
CloseOpportunity( pLesson );
Assert( m_OpenOpportunities.Count() == 0 );
void C_GameInstructor::CloseOpportunity( CBaseLesson *pLesson )
UpdateInactiveLesson( pLesson );
if ( pLesson->WasDisplayed() )
MarkDisplayed( pLesson->GetName() );
if ( gameinstructor_verbose.GetInt() > 0 )
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseHeader, "GAME INSTRUCTOR: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "Opportunity " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseClose, "\"%s\" ", pLesson->GetName() );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerbosePlain, "closed for reason: " );
ConColorMsg( CBaseLesson::m_rgbaVerboseClose, "%s\n", pLesson->GetCloseReason() );
m_OpenOpportunities.FindAndRemove( pLesson );
delete pLesson;
void C_GameInstructor::ReadLessonsFromFile( const char *pchFileName )
// Static init function
KeyValues *pLessonKeys = new KeyValues("instructor_lessons");
KeyValues::AutoDelete autoDelete(pLessonKeys);
pLessonKeys->LoadFromFile(g_pFullFileSystem, pchFileName, NULL);
for ( m_pScriptKeys = pLessonKeys->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); m_pScriptKeys; m_pScriptKeys = m_pScriptKeys->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
if ( Q_stricmp(m_pScriptKeys->GetName(), "GroupConVarToggle") == 0 )
// Add convar group toggler to the list
int nLessonGroupConVarToggle = m_LessonGroupConVarToggles.AddToTail( LessonGroupConVarToggle_t( m_pScriptKeys->GetString( "convar" ) ) );
LessonGroupConVarToggle_t *pLessonGroupConVarToggle = &(m_LessonGroupConVarToggles[nLessonGroupConVarToggle]);
Q_strcpy( pLessonGroupConVarToggle->szLessonGroupName, m_pScriptKeys->GetString("group") );
// Ensure that lessons aren't added twice
if ( GetLesson_Internal(m_pScriptKeys->GetName()) )
DevWarning("Lesson \"%s\" defined twice!\n", m_pScriptKeys->GetName());
CScriptedIconLesson *pNewLesson = new CScriptedIconLesson(m_pScriptKeys->GetName(), false, false);
m_pScriptKeys = NULL;
void C_GameInstructor::InitLessonPrerequisites()
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lessons.Count(); ++i )
m_Lessons[ i ]->InitPrerequisites();
// Commands
CON_COMMAND_F( gameinstructor_reload_lessons, "Shuts down all open lessons and reloads them from the script file.", FCVAR_CHEAT )
CON_COMMAND_F( gameinstructor_reset_counts, "Resets all display and success counts to zero.", FCVAR_NONE )
CON_COMMAND_F( gameinstructor_dump_open_lessons, "Gives a list of all currently open lessons.", FCVAR_CHEAT )