2018-10-25 13:55:20 -05:00
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
2019-06-26 12:20:21 -07:00
Vagrant.require_version ">= 2.2.0"
2019-05-20 12:26:11 -05:00
module OS
def OS.windows?
(/cygwin|mswin|mingw|bccwin|wince|emx/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil
def OS.mac?
(/darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil
def OS.unix?
def OS.linux?
OS.unix? and not OS.mac?
2018-10-25 13:55:20 -05:00
# Vagrant file for setting up a build environment for Proton.
2019-05-20 12:26:11 -05:00
if OS.linux?
cpus = `nproc`.to_i
# meminfo shows KB and we need to convert to MB
memory = `grep 'MemTotal' /proc/meminfo | sed -e 's/MemTotal://' -e 's/ kB//'`.to_i / 1024 / 2
elsif OS.mac?
cpus = `sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu`.to_i
# sysctl shows bytes and we need to convert to MB
memory = `sysctl hw.memsize | sed -e 's/hw.memsize: //'`.to_i / 1024 / 1024 / 2
cpus = 1
memory = 1024
puts "Vagrant launched from unsupported platform."
puts "Platform: " + cpus.to_s + " CPUs, " + memory.to_s + " MB memory"
2018-10-25 13:55:20 -05:00
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
2019-05-07 14:01:31 -05:00
#libvirt doesn't have a decent synced folder, so we have to use vagrant-sshfs.
#This is not needed for virtualbox, but I couldn't find a way to use a
#different synced folder type per provider, so we always use it.
config.vagrant.plugins = "vagrant-sshfs"
2018-11-02 12:36:24 -05:00
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
2019-05-20 12:26:11 -05:00
v.cpus = cpus
v.memory = memory
2018-11-02 12:36:24 -05:00
2018-10-25 13:55:20 -05:00
2019-05-07 14:01:31 -05:00
config.vm.provider "libvirt" do |v|
2019-05-20 12:26:11 -05:00
v.cpus = cpus
v.memory = memory
2019-05-07 14:01:31 -05:00
v.random_hostname = true
v.default_prefix = ENV['USER'].to_s.dup.concat('_').concat(File.basename(Dir.pwd))
2019-10-04 08:16:29 -05:00
#deiban10-based build VM
config.vm.define "debian10", primary: true do |debian10|
2018-11-19 13:08:55 -06:00
2019-10-04 08:16:29 -05:00
debian10.vm.box = "generic/debian10"
2018-11-19 13:08:55 -06:00
2019-10-04 08:16:29 -05:00
debian10.vm.synced_folder "./vagrant_share/", "/vagrant/", create: true, type: "sshfs", sshfs_opts_append: "-o cache=no"
debian10.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home/vagrant/proton", id: "proton", type: "rsync", rsync__exclude: ["vagrant_share"]
2018-11-19 13:08:55 -06:00
2019-10-04 08:16:29 -05:00
debian10.vm.provision "shell", privileged: "true", inline: <<-SHELL
#install docker and steam-runtime dependencies
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 software-properties-common
2018-12-05 11:21:36 -06:00
2019-10-04 08:16:29 -05:00
#add docker repo
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | apt-key add -
add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian buster stable"
2018-11-19 13:08:55 -06:00
2019-10-04 08:16:29 -05:00
#install host build-time dependencies
apt-get update
2019-10-07 14:14:58 -05:00
apt-get install -y gpgv2 gnupg2 git docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io \
fontforge-nox python-debian python-pip meson libmpc-dev libmpc-dev:i386 \
gcc g++ gcc-i686-linux-gnu g++-i686-linux-gnu binutils-i686-linux-gnu \
gcc-mingw-w64-i686 gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 \
g++-mingw-w64-i686 g++-mingw-w64-x86-64
update-alternatives --set x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc `which x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-posix`
update-alternatives --set x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ `which x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++-posix`
update-alternatives --set i686-w64-mingw32-gcc `which i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-posix`
update-alternatives --set i686-w64-mingw32-g++ `which i686-w64-mingw32-g++-posix`
2019-08-16 13:06:09 -05:00
2019-10-04 08:16:29 -05:00
#install adobe font devkit to build source san hans
pip install afdko
2018-12-05 11:21:36 -06:00
2019-10-04 08:16:29 -05:00
#allow vagrant user to run docker
adduser vagrant docker
2018-11-19 13:08:55 -06:00
2019-10-04 08:16:29 -05:00
# the script below will set up the steam-runtime docker containers
sudo -u vagrant /home/vagrant/proton/vagrant-user-setup.sh
2018-10-25 13:55:20 -05:00