lsteamclient: Split cpp_h generation to a dedicated method.

This commit is contained in:
Rémi Bernon 2022-10-22 17:28:35 +02:00
parent eaf6d83cf1
commit 16c292fa1b

@ -697,17 +697,63 @@ def to_c_bool(b):
dummy_writer = DummyWriter()
def handle_method(cfile, classname, winclassname, cppname, method, cpp, cpp_h, existing_methods):
def method_unique_name(method, existing_methods):
used_name = method.spelling
if used_name in existing_methods:
number = '2'
number = 2
while used_name in existing_methods:
idx = existing_methods.index(used_name)
used_name = f"{method.spelling}_{number}"
number = chr(ord(number) + 1)
number = number + 1
existing_methods.insert(idx, used_name)
return used_name
def param_needs_conversion(decl):
return decl.spelling not in WRAPPED_CLASSES and \
decl.kind == TypeKind.RECORD and \
def declspec(decl, name):
if type(decl) is Cursor:
decl = decl.type
const = 'const ' if decl.is_const_qualified() else ''
if decl.kind in (TypeKind.POINTER, TypeKind.LVALUEREFERENCE):
decl = decl.get_pointee()
return declspec(decl, f"*{const}{name}")
if decl.kind == TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY:
decl, count = decl.element_type, decl.element_count
return declspec(decl, f"({const}{name})[{count}]")
if len(name):
name = f' {name}'
if decl.kind in (TypeKind.UNEXPOSED, TypeKind.FUNCTIONPROTO):
return f'void{name}'
if decl.kind == TypeKind.ENUM:
return f'{decl.spelling.split("::")[-1]}{name}'
if param_needs_conversion(decl):
return f"win{decl.spelling}_{sdkver}{name}"
return f'{decl.spelling}{name}'
def handle_method_hpp(method_name, cppname, method, cpp_h):
ret = f'{method.result_type.spelling} '
if ret.startswith("ISteam"): ret = 'void *'
params = [declspec(p, "") for p in method.get_arguments()]
params = ['void *'] + params
cpp_h.write(f'extern {ret}{cppname}_{method_name}({", ".join(params)});\n')
def handle_method(used_name, cfile, classname, winclassname, cppname, method, cpp):
returns_record = method.result_type.get_canonical().kind == TypeKind.RECORD
if returns_record:
parambytes = 8 #_this + return pointer
@ -722,22 +768,17 @@ def handle_method(cfile, classname, winclassname, cppname, method, cpp, cpp_h, e
if method_needs_manual_handling(cppname, used_name):
cpp = dummy_writer #just don't write the cpp function
cfile.write(f"DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER({winclassname}_{used_name}, {parambytes})\n")
cpp_h.write("extern ")
if method.result_type.spelling.startswith("ISteam"):
cfile.write(f"win{method.result_type.spelling} ")
cpp.write("void *")
cpp_h.write("void *")
elif returns_record:
cfile.write(f"{method.result_type.spelling} *")
cpp.write(f"{method.result_type.spelling} ")
cpp_h.write(f"{method.result_type.spelling} ")
cfile.write(f"{method.result_type.spelling} ")
cpp.write(f"{method.result_type.spelling} ")
cpp_h.write(f"{method.result_type.spelling} ")
cfile.write(f'__thiscall {winclassname}_{used_name}({winclassname} *_this')
cpp.write(f"{cppname}_{used_name}(void *linux_side")
cpp_h.write(f"{cppname}_{used_name}(void *")
if returns_record:
cfile.write(f", {method.result_type.spelling} *_r")
unnamed = 'a'
@ -745,42 +786,29 @@ def handle_method(cfile, classname, winclassname, cppname, method, cpp, cpp_h, e
manual_convert = []
for param in list(method.get_children()):
if param.kind == CursorKind.PARM_DECL:
if param.type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER and \
(param.type.get_pointee().kind == TypeKind.UNEXPOSED or param.type.get_pointee().kind == TypeKind.FUNCTIONPROTO):
#unspecified function pointer
typename = "void *"
typename = param.type.spelling.split("::")[-1]
real_type = param.type
while real_type.kind == TypeKind.POINTER:
real_type = real_type.get_pointee()
win_name = typename
if real_type.kind == TypeKind.RECORD and \
not real_type.spelling in WRAPPED_CLASSES and \
#preserve pointers
win_name = typename.replace(real_type.spelling, f"win{real_type.spelling}_{sdkver}")
elif real_type.spelling in MANUAL_TYPES:
elif param.spelling in MANUAL_PARAMS:
win_name = win_name.replace('&', '*')
win_name = declspec(param, "")
if param.spelling == "":
cfile.write(f", {win_name} _{unnamed}")
cpp.write(f", {win_name} _{unnamed}")
cpp_h.write(f", {win_name}")
unnamed = chr(ord(unnamed) + 1)
cfile.write(f", {win_name} {param.spelling}")
cpp.write(f", {win_name} {param.spelling}")
cpp_h.write(f", {win_name}")
path_conv = get_path_converter(method)
@ -977,7 +1005,9 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(steamclient);
for child in klass.get_children():
if child.kind == CursorKind.CXX_METHOD and \
handle_method(cfile, klass.spelling, winclassname, cppname, child, cpp, cpp_h, methods)
method_name = method_unique_name(child, methods)
handle_method_hpp(method_name, cppname, child, cpp_h)
handle_method(method_name, cfile, klass.spelling, winclassname, cppname, child, cpp)
elif child.kind == CursorKind.DESTRUCTOR:
methods.append(handle_destructor(cfile, klass.spelling, winclassname, child))