mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 04:20:24 +03:00
vrclient: Split IVRCompositor helpers to vrcompositor_manual.c.
CW-Bug-Id: #22729
This commit is contained in:
C_SRCS = \
vrclient_x64/flatapi.c \
vrclient_x64/vrclient_main.c \
vrclient_x64/vrcompositor_manual.c \
vrclient_x64/vrinput_manual.c \
vrclient_x64/vroverlay_manual.c \
vrclient_x64/vrsystem_manual.c \
@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
#include "flatapi.h"
#include "cppIVRClientCore_IVRClientCore_003.h"
#include "cppIVRCompositor_IVRCompositor_021.h"
#include "cppIVRCompositor_IVRCompositor_022.h"
#include "wine/unixlib.h"
@ -641,69 +639,6 @@ void ivrclientcore_cleanup(void (*cpp_func)(void *), void *linux_side,
struct submit_data
void *linux_side;
EVRCompositorError (*submit)(void *, EVREye, Texture_t *, VRTextureBounds_t *, EVRSubmitFlags);
EVREye eye;
Texture_t texture;
VRTextureWithPose_t texture_pose;
VRTextureWithDepth_t texture_depth;
VRTextureWithPoseAndDepth_t texture_both;
VRTextureBounds_t bounds;
EVRSubmitFlags flags;
void ivrcompositor_005_submit(
void (*cpp_func)(void *, Hmd_Eye, void *, Compositor_TextureBounds *),
void *linux_side, Hmd_Eye eye, const void *texture, Compositor_TextureBounds *bounds,
unsigned int version)
TRACE("%p, %#x, %p, %p\n", linux_side, eye, texture, bounds);
return cpp_func(linux_side, eye, texture, bounds);
VRCompositorError ivrcompositor_006_submit(
VRCompositorError (*cpp_func)(void *, Hmd_Eye, void *, VRTextureBounds_t *),
void *linux_side, Hmd_Eye eye, const void *texture, const VRTextureBounds_t *bounds,
unsigned int version)
TRACE("%p, %#x, %p, %p\n", linux_side, eye, texture, bounds);
return cpp_func(linux_side, eye, texture, bounds);
VRCompositorError ivrcompositor_007_submit(
VRCompositorError (*cpp_func)(void *, Hmd_Eye, GraphicsAPIConvention, void *, const VRTextureBounds_t *),
void *linux_side, Hmd_Eye eye, GraphicsAPIConvention api, const void *texture, const VRTextureBounds_t *bounds,
unsigned int version)
TRACE("%p, %#x, %#x, %p, %p\n", linux_side, eye, api, texture, bounds);
if (api == API_DirectX)
FIXME("Not implemented Direct3D API!\n");
return cpp_func(linux_side, eye, api, texture, bounds);
VRCompositorError ivrcompositor_008_submit(
VRCompositorError (*cpp_func)(void *, Hmd_Eye, GraphicsAPIConvention, void *,
const VRTextureBounds_t *, VRSubmitFlags_t),
void *linux_side, Hmd_Eye eye, GraphicsAPIConvention api, const void *texture,
const VRTextureBounds_t *bounds, VRSubmitFlags_t flags,
unsigned int version)
TRACE("%p, %#x, %#x, %p, %p, %#x\n", linux_side, eye, api, texture, bounds, flags);
if (api == API_DirectX)
FIXME("Not implemented Direct3D API!\n");
return cpp_func(linux_side, eye, api, texture, bounds, flags);
Texture_t vrclient_translate_texture_dxvk( const Texture_t *texture, struct VRVulkanTextureData_t *vkdata,
IDXGIVkInteropSurface *dxvk_surface, IDXGIVkInteropDevice **p_dxvk_device,
VkImageLayout *image_layout, VkImageCreateInfo *image_info )
@ -740,367 +675,6 @@ Texture_t vrclient_translate_texture_dxvk( const Texture_t *texture, struct VRVu
return vktexture;
static EVRCompositorError ivrcompositor_submit_dxvk(
EVRCompositorError (*cpp_func)(void *, EVREye, const Texture_t *, const VRTextureBounds_t *, EVRSubmitFlags),
void *linux_side, EVREye eye, const Texture_t *texture, const VRTextureBounds_t *bounds, EVRSubmitFlags flags,
unsigned int version, IDXGIVkInteropSurface *dxvk_surface)
static const EVRSubmitFlags supported_flags = Submit_LensDistortionAlreadyApplied | Submit_FrameDiscontinuty;
struct VRVulkanTextureArrayData_t vkdata;
IDXGIVkInteropDevice *dxvk_device;
struct Texture_t vktexture;
VkImageLayout image_layout;
VkImageCreateInfo image_info;
VkImageSubresourceRange subresources;
EVRCompositorError err;
vktexture = vrclient_translate_texture_dxvk(texture, &vkdata.t, dxvk_surface, &dxvk_device, &image_layout, &image_info);
compositor_data.dxvk_device = dxvk_device;
if (flags & ~supported_flags)
FIXME("Unhandled flags %#x.\n", flags);
if (image_info.arrayLayers > 1)
vkdata.m_unArrayIndex = eye;
vkdata.m_unArraySize = image_info.arrayLayers;
flags |= Submit_VulkanTextureWithArrayData;
subresources.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
subresources.baseMipLevel = 0;
subresources.levelCount = image_info.mipLevels;
subresources.baseArrayLayer = 0;
subresources.layerCount = image_info.arrayLayers;
dxvk_device->lpVtbl->TransitionSurfaceLayout(dxvk_device, dxvk_surface, &subresources,
err = cpp_func(linux_side, eye, &vktexture, bounds, flags);
dxvk_device->lpVtbl->TransitionSurfaceLayout(dxvk_device, dxvk_surface, &subresources,
return err;
static EVRCompositorError ivrcompositor_submit_vulkan(
EVRCompositorError (*cpp_func)(void *, EVREye, const Texture_t *, const VRTextureBounds_t *, EVRSubmitFlags),
void *linux_side, EVREye eye, const Texture_t *texture, const VRTextureBounds_t *bounds, EVRSubmitFlags flags,
unsigned int version)
struct VRVulkanTextureData_t our_depth_vkdata, *their_vkdata;
struct VRVulkanTextureArrayData_t our_vkdata;
VRTextureWithPoseAndDepth_t our_both;
VRTextureWithDepth_t our_depth;
VRTextureWithPose_t our_pose;
Texture_t our_texture;
const void *tex = texture;
their_vkdata = texture->handle;
memcpy(&our_vkdata, their_vkdata, flags & Submit_VulkanTextureWithArrayData
? sizeof(struct VRVulkanTextureArrayData_t) : sizeof(struct VRVulkanTextureData_t));
our_vkdata.t.m_pDevice = get_native_VkDevice(our_vkdata.t.m_pDevice);
our_vkdata.t.m_pPhysicalDevice = get_native_VkPhysicalDevice(our_vkdata.t.m_pPhysicalDevice);
our_vkdata.t.m_pInstance = get_native_VkInstance(our_vkdata.t.m_pInstance);
our_vkdata.t.m_pQueue = get_native_VkQueue(our_vkdata.t.m_pQueue);
switch (flags & (Submit_TextureWithPose | Submit_TextureWithDepth))
case 0:
our_texture = *texture;
our_texture.handle = &our_vkdata;
tex = &our_texture;
case Submit_TextureWithPose:
our_pose = *(VRTextureWithPose_t *)texture;
our_pose.texture.handle = &our_vkdata;
tex = &our_pose;
case Submit_TextureWithDepth:
our_depth = *(VRTextureWithDepth_t *)texture;
our_depth.texture.handle = &our_vkdata;
tex = &our_depth;
case Submit_TextureWithPose | Submit_TextureWithDepth:
our_both = *(VRTextureWithPoseAndDepth_t *)texture;
our_both.texture.handle = &our_vkdata;
their_vkdata = our_both.depth.handle;
our_depth_vkdata = *their_vkdata;
our_depth_vkdata.m_pDevice = get_native_VkDevice(our_depth_vkdata.m_pDevice);
our_depth_vkdata.m_pPhysicalDevice = get_native_VkPhysicalDevice(our_depth_vkdata.m_pPhysicalDevice);
our_depth_vkdata.m_pInstance = get_native_VkInstance(our_depth_vkdata.m_pInstance);
our_depth_vkdata.m_pQueue = get_native_VkQueue(our_depth_vkdata.m_pQueue);
our_both.depth.handle = &our_depth_vkdata;
tex = &our_both;
return cpp_func(linux_side, eye, tex, bounds, flags);
EVRCompositorError ivrcompositor_submit(
EVRCompositorError (*cpp_func)(void *, EVREye, const Texture_t *, const VRTextureBounds_t *, EVRSubmitFlags),
void *linux_side, EVREye eye, const Texture_t *texture, const VRTextureBounds_t *bounds, EVRSubmitFlags flags,
unsigned int version)
IDXGIVkInteropSurface *dxvk_surface;
IUnknown *texture_iface;
TRACE("%p, %#x, %p, %p, %#x\n", linux_side, eye, texture, bounds, flags);
compositor_data.handoff_called = FALSE;
switch (texture->eType)
case TextureType_DirectX:
if (!texture->handle) {
WARN("No D3D11 texture %p.\n", texture);
return cpp_func(linux_side, eye, texture, bounds, flags);
texture_iface = texture->handle;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = texture_iface->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(texture_iface,
&IID_IDXGIVkInteropSurface, (void **)&dxvk_surface)))
return ivrcompositor_submit_dxvk(cpp_func, linux_side,
eye, texture, bounds, flags, version, dxvk_surface);
WARN("Invalid D3D11 texture %p.\n", texture);
return cpp_func(linux_side, eye, texture, bounds, flags);
case TextureType_Vulkan:
return ivrcompositor_submit_vulkan(cpp_func, linux_side,
eye, texture, bounds, flags, version);
return cpp_func(linux_side, eye, texture, bounds, flags);
void ivrcompositor_008_set_skybox_override(
void (*cpp_func)(void *, GraphicsAPIConvention, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *),
void *linux_side, GraphicsAPIConvention api, void *front, void *back, void *left, void *right, void *top, void *bottom,
unsigned int version)
TRACE("%p, %#x, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p.\n", linux_side, api, front, back, left, right, top, bottom);
if (api == API_DirectX)
FIXME("Not implemented Direct3D API.\n");
cpp_func(linux_side, api, front, back, left, right, top, bottom);
static EVRCompositorError ivrcompositor_set_skybox_override_d3d11(
EVRCompositorError (*cpp_func)(void *, const Texture_t *textures, uint32_t count),
void *linux_side, const Texture_t *textures, uint32_t count)
struct VRVulkanTextureData_t vkdata[6];
IDXGIVkInteropSurface *dxvk_surface;
struct Texture_t vktexture[6];
EVRCompositorError result;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
const Texture_t *texture = &textures[i];
IUnknown *texture_iface;
if (!texture->handle)
ERR("No D3D11 texture %p.\n", texture);
return cpp_func(linux_side, textures, count);
if (textures[i].eType != TextureType_DirectX)
FIXME("Mixing texture types is not supported.\n");
return 0;
texture_iface = texture->handle;
if (SUCCEEDED(texture_iface->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(texture_iface,
&IID_IDXGIVkInteropSurface, (void **)&dxvk_surface)))
VkImageSubresourceRange subresources;
IDXGIVkInteropDevice *dxvk_device;
VkImageCreateInfo image_info;
VkImageLayout image_layout;
vktexture[i] = vrclient_translate_texture_dxvk(texture, &vkdata[i], dxvk_surface, &dxvk_device, &image_layout, &image_info);
if (compositor_data.dxvk_device && dxvk_device != compositor_data.dxvk_device)
ERR("Invalid dxvk_device %p, previous %p.\n", dxvk_device, compositor_data.dxvk_device);
return 0;
compositor_data.dxvk_device = dxvk_device;
subresources.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
subresources.baseMipLevel = 0;
subresources.levelCount = image_info.mipLevels;
subresources.baseArrayLayer = 0;
subresources.layerCount = image_info.arrayLayers;
dxvk_device->lpVtbl->TransitionSurfaceLayout(dxvk_device, dxvk_surface, &subresources,
FIXME("Unsupported d3d11 texture %p, i %u.\n", texture, i);
return 0;
result = cpp_func(linux_side, vktexture, count);
TRACE("result %u.\n", result);
return result;
EVRCompositorError ivrcompositor_set_skybox_override(
EVRCompositorError (*cpp_func)(void *, const Texture_t *textures, uint32_t count),
void *linux_side, const Texture_t *textures, uint32_t count,
unsigned int version)
TRACE("cpp_func %p, linux_side %p, textures %p, count %u, version %u.\n",
cpp_func, linux_side, textures, count, version);
if (!count || count > 6)
WARN("Invalid texture count %u.\n", count);
return cpp_func(linux_side, textures, count);
if (textures[0].eType == TextureType_DirectX)
return ivrcompositor_set_skybox_override_d3d11(cpp_func, linux_side, textures, count);
FIXME("Conversion for type %u is not supported.\n", textures[0].eType);
return 0;
struct post_present_handoff_data
void *linux_side;
void (*post_present_handoff)(void *linux_side);
void ivrcompositor_post_present_handoff(void (*cpp_func)(void *),
void *linux_side, unsigned int version)
TRACE("%p\n", linux_side);
if (compositor_data.dxvk_device)
if (!compositor_data.d3d11_explicit_handoff && version >= 21)
/* PostPresentHandoff can be used with d3d11 without SetExplicitTimingMode
* (which is Vulkan / d3d12 only), but doing the same with Vulkan results
* in lockups and crashes. */
compositor_data.d3d11_explicit_handoff = TRUE;
compositor_data.handoff_called = TRUE;
if (compositor_data.dxvk_device)
struct explicit_timing_data
void *linux_side;
unsigned int version;
EVRCompositorError ivrcompositor_wait_get_poses(
EVRCompositorError (cpp_func)(void *, TrackedDevicePose_t *, uint32_t, TrackedDevicePose_t *, uint32_t),
void *linux_side, TrackedDevicePose_t *render_poses, uint32_t render_pose_count,
TrackedDevicePose_t *game_poses, uint32_t game_pose_count,
unsigned int version)
EVRCompositorError r;
TRACE("%p, %p, %u, %p, %u\n", linux_side, render_poses, render_pose_count, game_poses, game_pose_count);
if (compositor_data.dxvk_device)
if (compositor_data.d3d11_explicit_handoff && !compositor_data.handoff_called)
/* Calling handoff after submit is optional for d3d11 but mandatory for Vulkan
* if explicit timing mode is set. */
r = cpp_func(linux_side, render_poses, render_pose_count, game_poses, game_pose_count);
if (compositor_data.dxvk_device)
if (compositor_data.d3d11_explicit_handoff)
return r;
uint32_t ivrcompositor_get_vulkan_device_extensions_required(
uint32_t (*cpp_func)(void *, VkPhysicalDevice_T *, char *, uint32_t),
void *linux_side, VkPhysicalDevice_T *phys_dev, char *value, uint32_t bufsize,
unsigned int version)
uint32_t ret;
phys_dev = get_native_VkPhysicalDevice(phys_dev);
ret = cpp_func(linux_side, phys_dev, value, bufsize);
TRACE("ret %u, value %s.\n", ret, value);
return ret;
vrmb_typeb ivrmailbox_undoc3(
vrmb_typeb (*cpp_func)(void *, vrmb_typea, const char *, const char *),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "wine/debug.h"
#include "dxvk-interop.h"
#include "vrclient_defs.h"
#include "vrclient_private.h"
#include "flatapi.h"
#include "struct_converters.h"
#include "cppIVRCompositor_IVRCompositor_021.h"
#include "cppIVRCompositor_IVRCompositor_022.h"
void ivrcompositor_005_submit( void (*cpp_func)( void *, Hmd_Eye, void *, Compositor_TextureBounds * ),
void *linux_side, Hmd_Eye eye, const void *texture,
Compositor_TextureBounds *bounds, unsigned int version )
TRACE( "%p, %#x, %p, %p\n", linux_side, eye, texture, bounds );
return cpp_func( linux_side, eye, texture, bounds );
VRCompositorError ivrcompositor_006_submit( VRCompositorError (*cpp_func)( void *, Hmd_Eye, void *, VRTextureBounds_t * ),
void *linux_side, Hmd_Eye eye, const void *texture,
const VRTextureBounds_t *bounds, unsigned int version )
TRACE( "%p, %#x, %p, %p\n", linux_side, eye, texture, bounds );
return cpp_func( linux_side, eye, texture, bounds );
VRCompositorError ivrcompositor_007_submit( VRCompositorError (*cpp_func)( void *, Hmd_Eye, GraphicsAPIConvention, void *, const VRTextureBounds_t * ),
void *linux_side, Hmd_Eye eye, GraphicsAPIConvention api,
const void *texture, const VRTextureBounds_t *bounds, unsigned int version )
TRACE( "%p, %#x, %#x, %p, %p\n", linux_side, eye, api, texture, bounds );
if (api == API_DirectX) FIXME( "Not implemented Direct3D API!\n" );
return cpp_func( linux_side, eye, api, texture, bounds );
VRCompositorError ivrcompositor_008_submit( VRCompositorError (*cpp_func)( void *, Hmd_Eye, GraphicsAPIConvention, void *, const VRTextureBounds_t *, VRSubmitFlags_t ),
void *linux_side, Hmd_Eye eye, GraphicsAPIConvention api,
const void *texture, const VRTextureBounds_t *bounds,
VRSubmitFlags_t flags, unsigned int version )
TRACE( "%p, %#x, %#x, %p, %p, %#x\n", linux_side, eye, api, texture, bounds, flags );
if (api == API_DirectX) FIXME( "Not implemented Direct3D API!\n" );
return cpp_func( linux_side, eye, api, texture, bounds, flags );
static EVRCompositorError ivrcompositor_submit_dxvk( EVRCompositorError (*cpp_func)( void *, EVREye, const Texture_t *, const VRTextureBounds_t *, EVRSubmitFlags ),
void *linux_side, EVREye eye, const Texture_t *texture,
const VRTextureBounds_t *bounds, EVRSubmitFlags flags,
unsigned int version, IDXGIVkInteropSurface *dxvk_surface )
static const EVRSubmitFlags supported_flags = Submit_LensDistortionAlreadyApplied | Submit_FrameDiscontinuty;
struct VRVulkanTextureArrayData_t vkdata;
IDXGIVkInteropDevice *dxvk_device;
struct Texture_t vktexture;
VkImageLayout image_layout;
VkImageCreateInfo image_info;
VkImageSubresourceRange subresources;
EVRCompositorError err;
vktexture = vrclient_translate_texture_dxvk( texture, &vkdata.t, dxvk_surface, &dxvk_device,
&image_layout, &image_info );
compositor_data.dxvk_device = dxvk_device;
if (flags & ~supported_flags) FIXME( "Unhandled flags %#x.\n", flags );
if (image_info.arrayLayers > 1)
vkdata.m_unArrayIndex = eye;
vkdata.m_unArraySize = image_info.arrayLayers;
flags |= Submit_VulkanTextureWithArrayData;
subresources.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
subresources.baseMipLevel = 0;
subresources.levelCount = image_info.mipLevels;
subresources.baseArrayLayer = 0;
subresources.layerCount = image_info.arrayLayers;
dxvk_device->lpVtbl->TransitionSurfaceLayout( dxvk_device, dxvk_surface, &subresources,
dxvk_device->lpVtbl->FlushRenderingCommands( dxvk_device );
dxvk_device->lpVtbl->LockSubmissionQueue( dxvk_device );
err = cpp_func( linux_side, eye, &vktexture, bounds, flags );
dxvk_device->lpVtbl->ReleaseSubmissionQueue( dxvk_device );
dxvk_device->lpVtbl->TransitionSurfaceLayout( dxvk_device, dxvk_surface, &subresources,
dxvk_device->lpVtbl->Release( dxvk_device );
dxvk_surface->lpVtbl->Release( dxvk_surface );
return err;
static EVRCompositorError ivrcompositor_submit_vulkan( EVRCompositorError (*cpp_func)( void *, EVREye, const Texture_t *, const VRTextureBounds_t *, EVRSubmitFlags ),
void *linux_side, EVREye eye, const Texture_t *texture,
const VRTextureBounds_t *bounds,
EVRSubmitFlags flags, unsigned int version )
struct VRVulkanTextureData_t our_depth_vkdata, *their_vkdata;
struct VRVulkanTextureArrayData_t our_vkdata;
VRTextureWithPoseAndDepth_t our_both;
VRTextureWithDepth_t our_depth;
VRTextureWithPose_t our_pose;
Texture_t our_texture;
const void *tex = texture;
their_vkdata = texture->handle;
memcpy( &our_vkdata, their_vkdata, flags & Submit_VulkanTextureWithArrayData ? sizeof(struct VRVulkanTextureArrayData_t)
: sizeof(struct VRVulkanTextureData_t) );
our_vkdata.t.m_pDevice = get_native_VkDevice( our_vkdata.t.m_pDevice );
our_vkdata.t.m_pPhysicalDevice = get_native_VkPhysicalDevice( our_vkdata.t.m_pPhysicalDevice );
our_vkdata.t.m_pInstance = get_native_VkInstance( our_vkdata.t.m_pInstance );
our_vkdata.t.m_pQueue = get_native_VkQueue( our_vkdata.t.m_pQueue );
switch (flags & (Submit_TextureWithPose | Submit_TextureWithDepth))
case 0:
our_texture = *texture;
our_texture.handle = &our_vkdata;
tex = &our_texture;
case Submit_TextureWithPose:
our_pose = *(VRTextureWithPose_t *)texture;
our_pose.texture.handle = &our_vkdata;
tex = &our_pose;
case Submit_TextureWithDepth:
our_depth = *(VRTextureWithDepth_t *)texture;
our_depth.texture.handle = &our_vkdata;
tex = &our_depth;
case Submit_TextureWithPose | Submit_TextureWithDepth:
our_both = *(VRTextureWithPoseAndDepth_t *)texture;
our_both.texture.handle = &our_vkdata;
their_vkdata = our_both.depth.handle;
our_depth_vkdata = *their_vkdata;
our_depth_vkdata.m_pDevice = get_native_VkDevice( our_depth_vkdata.m_pDevice );
our_depth_vkdata.m_pPhysicalDevice = get_native_VkPhysicalDevice( our_depth_vkdata.m_pPhysicalDevice );
our_depth_vkdata.m_pInstance = get_native_VkInstance( our_depth_vkdata.m_pInstance );
our_depth_vkdata.m_pQueue = get_native_VkQueue( our_depth_vkdata.m_pQueue );
our_both.depth.handle = &our_depth_vkdata;
tex = &our_both;
return cpp_func( linux_side, eye, tex, bounds, flags );
EVRCompositorError ivrcompositor_submit( EVRCompositorError (*cpp_func)( void *, EVREye, const Texture_t *, const VRTextureBounds_t *, EVRSubmitFlags ),
void *linux_side, EVREye eye, const Texture_t *texture,
const VRTextureBounds_t *bounds, EVRSubmitFlags flags, unsigned int version )
IDXGIVkInteropSurface *dxvk_surface;
IUnknown *texture_iface;
TRACE( "%p, %#x, %p, %p, %#x\n", linux_side, eye, texture, bounds, flags );
compositor_data.handoff_called = FALSE;
switch (texture->eType)
case TextureType_DirectX:
TRACE( "D3D11\n" );
if (!texture->handle)
WARN( "No D3D11 texture %p.\n", texture );
return cpp_func( linux_side, eye, texture, bounds, flags );
texture_iface = texture->handle;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = texture_iface->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( texture_iface, &IID_IDXGIVkInteropSurface,
(void **)&dxvk_surface )))
return ivrcompositor_submit_dxvk( cpp_func, linux_side, eye, texture, bounds, flags, version, dxvk_surface );
WARN( "Invalid D3D11 texture %p.\n", texture );
return cpp_func( linux_side, eye, texture, bounds, flags );
case TextureType_Vulkan:
return ivrcompositor_submit_vulkan( cpp_func, linux_side, eye, texture, bounds, flags, version );
return cpp_func( linux_side, eye, texture, bounds, flags );
void ivrcompositor_008_set_skybox_override( void (*cpp_func)( void *, GraphicsAPIConvention, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void * ),
void *linux_side, GraphicsAPIConvention api, void *front, void *back,
void *left, void *right, void *top, void *bottom, unsigned int version )
TRACE( "%p, %#x, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p.\n", linux_side, api, front, back, left, right, top, bottom );
if (api == API_DirectX) FIXME( "Not implemented Direct3D API.\n" );
cpp_func( linux_side, api, front, back, left, right, top, bottom );
static EVRCompositorError ivrcompositor_set_skybox_override_d3d11( EVRCompositorError (*cpp_func)( void *, const Texture_t *textures, uint32_t count ),
void *linux_side, const Texture_t *textures, uint32_t count )
struct VRVulkanTextureData_t vkdata[6];
IDXGIVkInteropSurface *dxvk_surface;
struct Texture_t vktexture[6];
EVRCompositorError result;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
const Texture_t *texture = &textures[i];
IUnknown *texture_iface;
if (!texture->handle)
ERR( "No D3D11 texture %p.\n", texture );
return cpp_func( linux_side, textures, count );
if (textures[i].eType != TextureType_DirectX)
FIXME( "Mixing texture types is not supported.\n" );
return 0;
texture_iface = texture->handle;
if (SUCCEEDED(texture_iface->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( texture_iface, &IID_IDXGIVkInteropSurface,
(void **)&dxvk_surface )))
VkImageSubresourceRange subresources;
IDXGIVkInteropDevice *dxvk_device;
VkImageCreateInfo image_info;
VkImageLayout image_layout;
vktexture[i] = vrclient_translate_texture_dxvk( texture, &vkdata[i], dxvk_surface,
&dxvk_device, &image_layout, &image_info );
if (compositor_data.dxvk_device && dxvk_device != compositor_data.dxvk_device)
ERR( "Invalid dxvk_device %p, previous %p.\n", dxvk_device, compositor_data.dxvk_device );
dxvk_surface->lpVtbl->Release( dxvk_surface );
dxvk_device->lpVtbl->Release( dxvk_device );
return 0;
compositor_data.dxvk_device = dxvk_device;
subresources.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
subresources.baseMipLevel = 0;
subresources.levelCount = image_info.mipLevels;
subresources.baseArrayLayer = 0;
subresources.layerCount = image_info.arrayLayers;
dxvk_device->lpVtbl->TransitionSurfaceLayout( dxvk_device, dxvk_surface, &subresources, image_layout,
dxvk_surface->lpVtbl->Release( dxvk_surface );
dxvk_device->lpVtbl->Release( dxvk_device );
FIXME( "Unsupported d3d11 texture %p, i %u.\n", texture, i );
return 0;
compositor_data.dxvk_device->lpVtbl->FlushRenderingCommands( compositor_data.dxvk_device );
compositor_data.dxvk_device->lpVtbl->LockSubmissionQueue( compositor_data.dxvk_device );
result = cpp_func( linux_side, vktexture, count );
compositor_data.dxvk_device->lpVtbl->ReleaseSubmissionQueue( compositor_data.dxvk_device );
TRACE( "result %u.\n", result );
return result;
EVRCompositorError ivrcompositor_set_skybox_override( EVRCompositorError (*cpp_func)( void *, const Texture_t *textures, uint32_t count ),
void *linux_side, const Texture_t *textures,
uint32_t count, unsigned int version )
TRACE( "cpp_func %p, linux_side %p, textures %p, count %u, version %u.\n", cpp_func, linux_side,
textures, count, version );
if (!count || count > 6)
WARN( "Invalid texture count %u.\n", count );
return cpp_func( linux_side, textures, count );
if (textures[0].eType == TextureType_DirectX)
return ivrcompositor_set_skybox_override_d3d11( cpp_func, linux_side, textures, count );
FIXME( "Conversion for type %u is not supported.\n", textures[0].eType );
return 0;
void ivrcompositor_post_present_handoff( void (*cpp_func)( void * ), void *linux_side, unsigned int version )
TRACE( "%p\n", linux_side );
if (compositor_data.dxvk_device)
compositor_data.dxvk_device->lpVtbl->LockSubmissionQueue( compositor_data.dxvk_device );
if (!compositor_data.d3d11_explicit_handoff && version >= 21)
/* PostPresentHandoff can be used with d3d11 without SetExplicitTimingMode
* (which is Vulkan / d3d12 only), but doing the same with Vulkan results
* in lockups and crashes. */
cppIVRCompositor_IVRCompositor_021_SetExplicitTimingMode( linux_side, VRCompositorTimingMode_Explicit_ApplicationPerformsPostPresentHandoff );
compositor_data.d3d11_explicit_handoff = TRUE;
cpp_func( linux_side );
compositor_data.handoff_called = TRUE;
if (compositor_data.dxvk_device)
compositor_data.dxvk_device->lpVtbl->ReleaseSubmissionQueue( compositor_data.dxvk_device );
EVRCompositorError ivrcompositor_wait_get_poses( EVRCompositorError (cpp_func)( void *, TrackedDevicePose_t *, uint32_t, TrackedDevicePose_t *, uint32_t ),
void *linux_side, TrackedDevicePose_t *render_poses,
uint32_t render_pose_count, TrackedDevicePose_t *game_poses,
uint32_t game_pose_count, unsigned int version )
EVRCompositorError r;
TRACE( "%p, %p, %u, %p, %u\n", linux_side, render_poses, render_pose_count, game_poses, game_pose_count );
if (compositor_data.dxvk_device)
compositor_data.dxvk_device->lpVtbl->LockSubmissionQueue( compositor_data.dxvk_device );
if (compositor_data.d3d11_explicit_handoff && !compositor_data.handoff_called)
/* Calling handoff after submit is optional for d3d11 but mandatory for Vulkan
* if explicit timing mode is set. */
cppIVRCompositor_IVRCompositor_022_PostPresentHandoff( linux_side );
r = cpp_func( linux_side, render_poses, render_pose_count, game_poses, game_pose_count );
if (compositor_data.dxvk_device)
if (compositor_data.d3d11_explicit_handoff)
cppIVRCompositor_IVRCompositor_022_SubmitExplicitTimingData( linux_side );
compositor_data.dxvk_device->lpVtbl->ReleaseSubmissionQueue( compositor_data.dxvk_device );
return r;
uint32_t ivrcompositor_get_vulkan_device_extensions_required( uint32_t (*cpp_func)( void *, VkPhysicalDevice_T *, char *, uint32_t ),
void *linux_side, VkPhysicalDevice_T *phys_dev,
char *value, uint32_t bufsize, unsigned int version )
uint32_t ret;
phys_dev = get_native_VkPhysicalDevice( phys_dev );
ret = cpp_func( linux_side, phys_dev, value, bufsize );
TRACE( "ret %u, value %s.\n", ret, value );
return ret;
Reference in New Issue
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