wineopenxr: Use registry key to query VR availability.

This commit is contained in:
Paul Gofman 2021-02-18 21:30:03 +03:00 committed by Andrew Eikum
parent bf53451f71
commit 832c366ac3

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@ -232,55 +232,67 @@ static BOOL HACK_does_openvr_work(void)
* functioning before calling xrCreateInstance. * functioning before calling xrCreateInstance.
* *
* This should be removed when SteamVR's bug is fixed. */ * This should be removed when SteamVR's bug is fixed. */
DWORD type, value, wait_status, size;
LSTATUS status;
HANDLE event;
HKEY vr_key;
static void *(CDECL *InitInternal)(int *err, int type); if ((status = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Wine\\VR", 0, KEY_READ, &vr_key)))
static void (CDECL *ShutdownInternal)(void); {
static void *(CDECL *GetGenericInterface)(const char *, int *err); WINE_ERR("Could not create key, status %#x.\n", status);
int error;
HANDLE openvr_api;
void *compositor;
BOOL need_unload = FALSE;
openvr_api = GetModuleHandleW(L"openvr_api.dll");
openvr_api = LoadLibraryW(L"openvr_api_dxvk.dll");
WINE_TRACE("no openvr_api_dxvk\n");
return FALSE;
need_unload = TRUE;
InitInternal = (void *)GetProcAddress(openvr_api, "VR_InitInternal");
ShutdownInternal = (void *)GetProcAddress(openvr_api, "VR_ShutdownInternal");
GetGenericInterface = (void *)GetProcAddress(openvr_api, "VR_GetGenericInterface");
if(!InitInternal || !ShutdownInternal || !GetGenericInterface){
WINE_TRACE("missing openvr function\n");
return FALSE; return FALSE;
} }
error = 1; size = sizeof(value);
compositor = GetGenericInterface("IVRCompositor_022", &error); if ((status = RegQueryValueExA(vr_key, "state", NULL, &type, (BYTE *)&value, &size)))
if(!compositor || error != 0){ {
InitInternal(&error, 3 /* VRApplication_Background */); WINE_ERR("Could not query value, status %#x.\n", status);
if(error == 0 /* VRInitError_None */){ return FALSE;
WINE_TRACE("openvr init succeeded\n"); }
ShutdownInternal(); if (type != REG_DWORD)
}else {
WINE_TRACE("openvr init failed\n"); WINE_ERR("Unexpected value type %#x.\n", type);
}else{ RegCloseKey(vr_key);
WINE_TRACE("got openvr compositor\n"); return FALSE;
} }
if(need_unload) if (value)
FreeLibrary(openvr_api); {
return value == 1;
return error == 0 /* VRInitError_None */; event = CreateEventA( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
while (1)
if (RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(vr_key, FALSE, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, event, TRUE))
WINE_ERR("Error registering registry change notification.\n");
goto done;
size = sizeof(value);
if ((status = RegQueryValueExA(vr_key, "state", NULL, &type, (BYTE *)&value, &size)))
WINE_ERR("Could not query value, status %#x.\n", status);
goto done;
if (value)
while ((wait_status = WaitForSingleObject(event, 1000)) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
WINE_ERR("VR state wait timeout.\n");
if (wait_status != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
WINE_ERR("Got unexpected wait status %#x.\n", wait_status);
return value == 1;
} }
XrResult load_host_openxr_loader(void) XrResult load_host_openxr_loader(void)