//*@@@+++@@@@****************************************************************** // // Copyright © Microsoft Corp. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // //*@@@---@@@@****************************************************************** #include "strcodec.h" #include "encode.h" #include "strTransform.h" #include <math.h> #include "perfTimer.h" #ifdef MEM_TRACE #define TRACE_MALLOC 1 #define TRACE_NEW 0 #define TRACE_HEAP 0 #include "memtrace.h" #endif #ifdef ADI_SYS_OPT extern char L1WW[]; #endif #ifdef X86OPT_INLINE #define _FORCEINLINE __forceinline #else // X86OPT_INLINE #define _FORCEINLINE #endif // X86OPT_INLINE Int inputMBRow(CWMImageStrCodec *); #if defined(WMP_OPT_SSE2) || defined(WMP_OPT_CC_ENC) || defined(WMP_OPT_TRFM_ENC) void StrEncOpt(CWMImageStrCodec* pSC); #endif // OPT defined #define MINIMUM_PACKET_LENGTH 4 // as long as packet header - skipped if data is not accessed (happens only for flexbits) Void writeQuantizer(CWMIQuantizer * pQuantizer[MAX_CHANNELS], BitIOInfo * pIO, U8 cChMode, size_t cChannel, size_t iPos) { if(cChMode > 2) cChMode = 2; if(cChannel > 1) putBit16(pIO, cChMode, 2); // Channel mode else cChMode = 0; putBit16(pIO, pQuantizer[0][iPos].iIndex, 8); // Y if(cChMode == 1) // MIXED putBit16(pIO, pQuantizer[1][iPos].iIndex, 8); // UV else if(cChMode > 0){ // INDEPENDENT size_t i; for(i = 1; i < cChannel; i ++) putBit16(pIO, pQuantizer[i][iPos].iIndex, 8); // UV } } // packet header: 00000000 00000000 00000001 ?????xxx // xxx: 000(spatial) 001(DC) 010(AD) 011(AC) 100(FL) 101-111(reserved) // ?????: (iTileY * cNumOfSliceV + iTileX) Void writePacketHeader(BitIOInfo * pIO, U8 ptPacketType, U8 pID) { putBit16(pIO, 0, 8); putBit16(pIO, 0, 8); putBit16(pIO, 1, 8); putBit16(pIO, (pID << 3) + (ptPacketType & 7), 8); } Int writeTileHeaderDC(CWMImageStrCodec * pSC, BitIOInfo * pIO) { size_t iTile, j = (pSC->m_pNextSC == NULL ? 1U : 2U); for(; j > 0; j --){ if((pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 1) != 0){ // not DC uniform CWMITile * pTile = pSC->pTile + pSC->cTileColumn; size_t i; pTile->cChModeDC = (U8)(rand() & 3); // channel mode, just for concept proofing! if(pSC->cTileRow + pSC->cTileColumn == 0) // allocate DC QP info for(iTile = 0; iTile <= pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V; iTile ++) if(allocateQuantizer(pSC->pTile[iTile].pQuantizerDC, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, 1) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; for(i = 0; i < pSC->m_param.cNumChannels; i ++) pTile->pQuantizerDC[i]->iIndex = (U8)((rand() & 0x2f) + 1); // QP indexes, just for concept proofing! formatQuantizer(pTile->pQuantizerDC, pTile->cChModeDC, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, 0, TRUE, pSC->m_param.bScaledArith); for(i = 0; i < pSC->m_param.cNumChannels; i ++) pTile->pQuantizerDC[i]->iOffset = (pTile->pQuantizerDC[i]->iQP >> 1); writeQuantizer(pTile->pQuantizerDC, pIO, pTile->cChModeDC, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, 0); } pSC = pSC->m_pNextSC; } return ICERR_OK; } Int writeTileHeaderLP(CWMImageStrCodec * pSC, BitIOInfo * pIO) { size_t k = (pSC->m_pNextSC == NULL ? 1U : 2U); for(; k > 0; k --){ if(pSC->WMISCP.sbSubband != SB_DC_ONLY && (pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 2) != 0){ // not LP uniform CWMITile * pTile = pSC->pTile + pSC->cTileColumn; U8 i, j; pTile->bUseDC = ((rand() & 1) == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); // use DC quantizer? putBit16(pIO, pTile->bUseDC == TRUE ? 1 : 0, 1); pTile->cBitsLP = 0; pTile->cNumQPLP = (pTile->bUseDC == TRUE ? 1 : (U8)((rand() & 0xf) + 1)); // # of LP QPs if(pSC->cTileRow > 0) freeQuantizer(pTile->pQuantizerLP); if(allocateQuantizer(pTile->pQuantizerLP, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, pTile->cNumQPLP) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; if(pTile->bUseDC == TRUE) useDCQuantizer(pSC, pSC->cTileColumn); else{ putBit16(pIO, pTile->cNumQPLP - 1, 4); pTile->cBitsLP = dquantBits(pTile->cNumQPLP); for(i = 0; i < pTile->cNumQPLP; i ++){ pTile->cChModeLP[i] = (U8)(rand() & 3); // channel mode, just for concept proofing! for(j = 0; j < pSC->m_param.cNumChannels; j ++) pTile->pQuantizerLP[j][i].iIndex = (U8)((rand() & 0xfe) + 1); // QP indexes, just for concept proofing! formatQuantizer(pTile->pQuantizerLP, pTile->cChModeLP[i], pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, i, TRUE, pSC->m_param.bScaledArith); writeQuantizer(pTile->pQuantizerLP, pIO, pTile->cChModeLP[i], pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, i); } } } pSC = pSC->m_pNextSC; } return ICERR_OK; } Int writeTileHeaderHP(CWMImageStrCodec * pSC, BitIOInfo * pIO) { size_t k = (pSC->m_pNextSC == NULL ? 1U : 2U); for(; k > 0; k --){ if(pSC->WMISCP.sbSubband != SB_DC_ONLY && pSC->WMISCP.sbSubband != SB_NO_HIGHPASS && (pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 4) != 0){ // not HP uniform CWMITile * pTile = pSC->pTile + pSC->cTileColumn; U8 i, j; pTile->bUseLP = ((rand() & 1) == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); // use LP quantizer? putBit16(pIO, pTile->bUseLP == TRUE ? 1 : 0, 1); pTile->cBitsHP = 0; pTile->cNumQPHP = (pTile->bUseLP == TRUE ? pTile->cNumQPLP : (U8)((rand() & 0xf) + 1)); // # of LP QPs if(pSC->cTileRow > 0) freeQuantizer(pTile->pQuantizerHP); if(allocateQuantizer(pTile->pQuantizerHP, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, pTile->cNumQPHP) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; if(pTile->bUseLP == TRUE) useLPQuantizer(pSC, pTile->cNumQPHP, pSC->cTileColumn); else{ putBit16(pIO, pTile->cNumQPHP - 1, 4); pTile->cBitsHP = dquantBits(pTile->cNumQPHP); for(i = 0; i < pTile->cNumQPHP; i ++){ pTile->cChModeHP[i] = (U8)(rand() & 3); // channel mode, just for concept proofing! for(j = 0; j < pSC->m_param.cNumChannels; j ++) pTile->pQuantizerHP[j][i].iIndex = (U8)((rand() & 0xfe) + 1); // QP indexes, just for concept proofing! formatQuantizer(pTile->pQuantizerHP, pTile->cChModeHP[i], pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, i, FALSE, pSC->m_param.bScaledArith); writeQuantizer(pTile->pQuantizerHP, pIO, pTile->cChModeHP[i], pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, i); } } } pSC = pSC->m_pNextSC; } return ICERR_OK; } Int encodeMB(CWMImageStrCodec * pSC, Int iMBX, Int iMBY) { CCodingContext * pContext = &pSC->m_pCodingContext[pSC->cTileColumn]; if(pSC->m_bCtxLeft && pSC->m_bCtxTop && pSC->m_bSecondary == FALSE && pSC->m_param.bTranscode == FALSE){ // write packet headers U8 pID = (U8)((pSC->cTileRow * (pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V + 1) + pSC->cTileColumn) & 0x1F); if(pSC->WMISCP.bfBitstreamFormat == SPATIAL) { writePacketHeader(pContext->m_pIODC, 0, pID); if (pSC->m_param.bTrimFlexbitsFlag) putBit16(pContext->m_pIODC, pContext->m_iTrimFlexBits, 4); writeTileHeaderDC(pSC, pContext->m_pIODC); writeTileHeaderLP(pSC, pContext->m_pIODC); writeTileHeaderHP(pSC, pContext->m_pIODC); } else{ writePacketHeader(pContext->m_pIODC, 1, pID); writeTileHeaderDC(pSC, pContext->m_pIODC); if(pSC->cSB > 1){ writePacketHeader(pContext->m_pIOLP, 2, pID); writeTileHeaderLP(pSC, pContext->m_pIOLP); } if(pSC->cSB > 2){ writePacketHeader(pContext->m_pIOAC, 3, pID); writeTileHeaderHP(pSC, pContext->m_pIOAC); } if(pSC->cSB > 3) { writePacketHeader(pContext->m_pIOFL, 4, pID); if (pSC->m_param.bTrimFlexbitsFlag) putBit16(pContext->m_pIOFL, pContext->m_iTrimFlexBits, 4); } } } if(EncodeMacroblockDC(pSC, pContext, iMBX, iMBY) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; if(pSC->WMISCP.sbSubband != SB_DC_ONLY) if(EncodeMacroblockLowpass(pSC, pContext, iMBX, iMBY) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; if(pSC->WMISCP.sbSubband != SB_DC_ONLY && pSC->WMISCP.sbSubband != SB_NO_HIGHPASS) if(EncodeMacroblockHighpass(pSC, pContext, iMBX, iMBY) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; if(iMBX + 1 == (int) pSC->cmbWidth && (iMBY + 1 == (int) pSC->cmbHeight || (pSC->cTileRow < pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H && iMBY == (int) pSC->WMISCP.uiTileY[pSC->cTileRow + 1] - 1))) { // end of a horizontal slice size_t k, l; // get sizes of each packet and update index table if (pSC->m_pNextSC == NULL || pSC->m_bSecondary) { for(k = 0; k < pSC->cNumBitIO; k ++){ fillToByte(pSC->m_ppBitIO[k]); pSC->ppWStream[k]->GetPos(pSC->ppWStream[k], &l); pSC->pIndexTable[pSC->cNumBitIO * pSC->cTileRow + k] = l + getSizeWrite(pSC->m_ppBitIO[k]); // offset } } // reset coding contexts if(iMBY + 1 != (int) pSC->cmbHeight){ for(k = 0; k <= pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V; k ++) ResetCodingContextEnc(&pSC->m_pCodingContext[k]); } } return ICERR_OK; } /************************************************************************* Top level function for processing a macroblock worth of input *************************************************************************/ Int processMacroblock(CWMImageStrCodec *pSC) { Bool topORleft = (pSC->cColumn == 0 || pSC->cRow == 0); ERR_CODE result = ICERR_OK; size_t j, jend = (pSC->m_pNextSC != NULL); for (j = 0; j <= jend; j++) { transformMacroblock(pSC); if(!topORleft){ getTilePos(pSC, (Int)pSC->cColumn - 1, (Int)pSC->cRow - 1); if(jend){ pSC->m_pNextSC->cTileRow = pSC->cTileRow; pSC->m_pNextSC->cTileColumn = pSC->cTileColumn; } if ((result = encodeMB(pSC, (Int)pSC->cColumn - 1, (Int)pSC->cRow - 1)) != ICERR_OK) return result; } if (jend) { pSC->m_pNextSC->cRow = pSC->cRow; pSC->m_pNextSC->cColumn = pSC->cColumn; pSC = pSC->m_pNextSC; } } return ICERR_OK; } /************************************************************************* forwardRGBE: forward conversion from RGBE to RGB *************************************************************************/ static _FORCEINLINE PixelI forwardRGBE (PixelI RGB, PixelI E) { PixelI iResult = 0, iAppend = 1; if (E == 0) return 0; assert (E!=0); E--; while (((RGB & 0x80) == 0) && (E > 0)) { RGB = (RGB << 1) + iAppend; iAppend = 0; E--; } // result will always be one of 3 cases // E RGB convert to // 0 [0.x] [0 x] // 0 [1.x] [1 x] // e [1.x] [e+1 x] if (E == 0) { iResult = RGB; } else { E++; iResult = (RGB & 0x7f) + (E << 7); } return iResult; } /************************************************************************* convert float-32 into float with (c, lm)!! *************************************************************************/ static _FORCEINLINE PixelI float2pixel (float f, const char _c, const unsigned char _lm) { union uif { I32 i; float f; } x; PixelI _h, e, e1, m, s; if (f == 0) { _h = 0; } else { x.f = f; e = (x.i >> 23) & 0x000000ff;//here set e as e, not s! e includes s: [s e] 9 bits [31..23] m = (x.i & 0x007fffff) | 0x800000; // actual mantissa, with normalizer if (e == 0) { // denormal-land m ^= 0x800000; // actual mantissa, removing normalizer e++; // actual exponent -126 } e1 = e - 127 + _c; // this is basically a division or quantization to a different exponent // note: _c cannot be greater than 127, so e1 cannot be greater than e //assert (_c <= 127); if (e1 <= 1) { // denormal-land if (e1 < 1) m >>= (1 - e1); // shift mantissa right to make exponent 1 e1 = 1; if ((m & 0x800000) == 0) // if denormal, set e1 to zero else to 1 e1 = 0; } m &= 0x007fffff; //for float-22: _h = (e1 << _lm) + ((m + (1 << (23 - _lm - 1))) >> (23 - _lm));//take 23-bit m, shift (23-lm), get lm-bit m for float22 s = ((PixelI) x.i) >> 31; //padding to int-32: _h = (_h ^ s) - s; } return _h; } /************************************************************************* convert Half-16 to internal format, only need to handle sign bit *************************************************************************/ static _FORCEINLINE PixelI forwardHalf (PixelI hHalf) { PixelI s; s = hHalf >> 31; hHalf = ((hHalf & 0x7fff) ^ s) - s; return hHalf; } //================================================================ // Color Conversion // functions to get image data from input buffer // this inlcudes necessary color conversion and boundary padding //================================================================ #define _CC(r, g, b) (b -= r, r += ((b + 1) >> 1) - g, g += ((r + 0) >> 1)) #define _CC_CMYK(c, m, y, k) (y -= c, c += ((y + 1) >> 1) - m, m += (c >> 1) - k, k += ((m + 1) >> 1)) //================================================================ // BitIOInfo init/term for encoding const size_t MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_IN_WORDS = 64 << 20; // 1 << 20 \approx 1 million Int StrIOEncInit(CWMImageStrCodec* pSC) { pSC->m_param.bIndexTable = !(pSC->WMISCP.bfBitstreamFormat == SPATIAL && pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H + pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V == 0); if(allocateBitIOInfo(pSC) != ICERR_OK){ return ICERR_ERROR; } attachISWrite(pSC->pIOHeader, pSC->WMISCP.pWStream); if(pSC->cNumBitIO > 0){ size_t i; #if defined(_WINDOWS_) || defined(UNDER_CE) // tmpnam does not exist in VS2005 WinCE CRT TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cSize, j, k; #endif char * pFilename; pSC->ppWStream = (struct WMPStream **)malloc(pSC->cNumBitIO * sizeof(struct WMPStream *)); if(pSC->ppWStream == NULL) return ICERR_ERROR; memset(pSC->ppWStream, 0, pSC->cNumBitIO * sizeof(struct WMPStream *)); if (pSC->cmbHeight * pSC->cmbWidth * pSC->WMISCP.cChannel >= MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_IN_WORDS) { #ifdef _WINDOWS_ pSC->ppTempFile = (TCHAR **)malloc(pSC->cNumBitIO * sizeof(TCHAR *)); if(pSC->ppTempFile == NULL) return ICERR_ERROR; memset(pSC->ppTempFile, 0, pSC->cNumBitIO * sizeof(TCHAR *)); #else pSC->ppTempFile = (char **)malloc(pSC->cNumBitIO * sizeof(char *)); if(pSC->ppTempFile == NULL) return ICERR_ERROR; memset(pSC->ppTempFile, 0, pSC->cNumBitIO * sizeof(char *)); #endif } for(i = 0; i < pSC->cNumBitIO; i ++){ if (pSC->cmbHeight * pSC->cmbWidth * pSC->WMISCP.cChannel >= MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_IN_WORDS) { #if defined(_WINDOWS_) || defined(UNDER_CE) // tmpnam does not exist in VS2005 WinCE CRT Bool bUnicode = sizeof(TCHAR) == 2; pSC->ppTempFile[i] = (TCHAR *)malloc(MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR)); if(pSC->ppTempFile[i] == NULL) return ICERR_ERROR; pFilename = (char *)pSC->ppTempFile[i]; cSize = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, szPath); if(cSize == 0 || cSize >= MAX_PATH) return ICERR_ERROR; if(!GetTempFileName(szPath, TEXT("wdp"), 0, pSC->ppTempFile[i])) return ICERR_ERROR; if(bUnicode){ // unicode file name for(k = j = cSize = 0; cSize < MAX_PATH; cSize ++, j += 2){ if(pSC->ppTempFile[i][cSize] == '\0') break; if(pFilename[j] != '\0') pFilename[k ++] = pFilename[j]; if(pFilename[j + 1] != '\0') pFilename[k ++] = pFilename[j + 1]; } pFilename[cSize] = '\0'; } #else //DPK needs to support ANSI pSC->ppTempFile[i] = (char *)malloc(FILENAME_MAX * sizeof(char)); if(pSC->ppTempFile[i] == NULL) return ICERR_ERROR; if ((pFilename = tmpnam(NULL)) == NULL) return ICERR_ERROR; strcpy(pSC->ppTempFile[i], pFilename); #endif if(CreateWS_File(pSC->ppWStream + i, pFilename, "w+b") != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; } else { if(CreateWS_List(pSC->ppWStream + i) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; } attachISWrite(pSC->m_ppBitIO[i], pSC->ppWStream[i]); } } return ICERR_OK; } #define PUTBITS putBit16 /************************************************************************* Write variable length byte aligned integer *************************************************************************/ static Void PutVLWordEsc(BitIOInfo* pIO, Int iEscape, size_t s) { if (iEscape) { assert(iEscape <= 0xff && iEscape > 0xfc); // fd,fe,ff are the only valid escapes PUTBITS(pIO, iEscape, 8); } else if (s < 0xfb00) { PUTBITS(pIO, (U32) s, 16); } else { size_t t = s >> 16; if ((t >> 16) == 0) { PUTBITS(pIO, 0xfb, 8); } else { t >>= 16; PUTBITS(pIO, 0xfc, 8); PUTBITS(pIO, (U32)(t >> 16) & 0xffff, 16); PUTBITS(pIO, (U32) t & 0xffff, 16); } PUTBITS(pIO, (U32) t & 0xffff, 16); PUTBITS(pIO, (U32) s & 0xffff, 16); } } /************************************************************************* Write index table at start (null index table) *************************************************************************/ Int writeIndexTableNull(CWMImageStrCodec * pSC) { if(pSC->cNumBitIO == 0){ BitIOInfo* pIO = pSC->pIOHeader; fillToByte(pIO); /* Profile / Level info */ PutVLWordEsc(pIO, 0, 4); // 4 bytes PUTBITS(pIO, 111, 8); // default profile idc PUTBITS(pIO, 255, 8); // default level idc PUTBITS(pIO, 1, 16); // LAST_FLAG } return ICERR_OK; } /************************************************************************* Write index table *************************************************************************/ Int writeIndexTable(CWMImageStrCodec * pSC) { if(pSC->cNumBitIO > 0){ BitIOInfo* pIO = pSC->pIOHeader; size_t *pTable = pSC->pIndexTable, iSize[4] = { 0 }; I32 iEntry = (I32)pSC->cNumBitIO * (pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H + 1), i, k, l; // write index table header [0x0001] - 2 bytes PUTBITS(pIO, 1, 16); for(i = pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H; i>= 0 && pSC->bTileExtraction == FALSE; i --){ for(k = 0; k < (int)pSC->cNumBitIO; ){ for(l = 0; l < (pSC->WMISCP.bfBitstreamFormat == FREQUENCY && pSC->WMISCP.bProgressiveMode ? pSC->cSB : 1); l ++, k ++) { if (i > 0) pTable[pSC->cNumBitIO * i + k] -= pSC->pIndexTable[pSC->cNumBitIO * (i - 1) + k]; // packet length iSize[l] += pTable[pSC->cNumBitIO * i + k]; } } } iSize[3] = iSize[2] + iSize[1] + iSize[0]; iSize[2] = iSize[1] + iSize[0]; iSize[1] = iSize[0]; iSize[0] = 0; for(i = 0; i < iEntry; ){ for(l = 0; l < (pSC->WMISCP.bfBitstreamFormat == FREQUENCY && pSC->WMISCP.bProgressiveMode ? pSC->cSB : 1); l ++, i ++) { writeIS_L1(pSC, pIO); PutVLWordEsc(pIO, (pTable[i] <= MINIMUM_PACKET_LENGTH) ? 0xff : 0, iSize[l]); iSize[l] += (pTable[i] <= MINIMUM_PACKET_LENGTH) ? 0 : pTable[i]; } } writeIS_L1(pSC, pIO); PutVLWordEsc(pIO, 0xff, 0); // escape to end fillToByte(pIO); } return ICERR_OK; } Int copyTo(struct WMPStream * pSrc, struct WMPStream * pDst, size_t iBytes) { char pData[PACKETLENGTH]; if (iBytes <= MINIMUM_PACKET_LENGTH){ pSrc->Read(pSrc, pData, iBytes); return ICERR_OK; } while(iBytes > PACKETLENGTH){ pSrc->Read(pSrc, pData, PACKETLENGTH); pDst->Write(pDst, pData, PACKETLENGTH); iBytes -= PACKETLENGTH; } pSrc->Read(pSrc, pData, iBytes); pDst->Write(pDst, pData, iBytes); return ICERR_OK; } Int StrIOEncTerm(CWMImageStrCodec* pSC) { BitIOInfo * pIO = pSC->pIOHeader; fillToByte(pIO); if(pSC->WMISCP.bVerbose){ U32 i, j; printf("\n%d horizontal tiles:\n", pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H + 1); for(i = 0; i <= pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H; i ++){ printf(" offset of tile %d in MBs: %d\n", i, pSC->WMISCP.uiTileY[i]); } printf("\n%d vertical tiles:\n", pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V + 1); for(i = 0; i <= pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V; i ++){ printf(" offset of tile %d in MBs: %d\n", i, pSC->WMISCP.uiTileX[i]); } if(pSC->WMISCP.bfBitstreamFormat == SPATIAL){ printf("\nSpatial order bitstream\n"); } else{ printf("\nFrequency order bitstream\n"); } if(!pSC->m_param.bIndexTable){ printf("\nstreaming mode, no index table.\n"); } else if(pSC->WMISCP.bfBitstreamFormat == SPATIAL){ for(j = 0; j <= pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H; j ++){ for(i = 0; i <= pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V; i ++){ printf("bitstream size for tile (%d, %d): %d.\n", j, i, (int) pSC->pIndexTable[j * (pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V + 1) + i]); } } } else{ for(j = 0; j <= pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H; j ++){ for(i = 0; i <= pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V; i ++){ size_t * p = &pSC->pIndexTable[(j * (pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V + 1) + i) * 4]; printf("bitstream size of (DC, LP, AC, FL) for tile (%d, %d): %d %d %d %d.\n", j, i, (int) p[0], (int) p[1], (int) p[2], (int) p[3]); } } } } writeIndexTable(pSC); // write index table to the header detachISWrite(pSC, pIO); if(pSC->cNumBitIO > 0){ size_t i, j, k, l; struct WMPStream * pDst = pSC->WMISCP.pWStream; size_t * pTable = pSC->pIndexTable; for(i = 0; i < pSC->cNumBitIO; i ++){ detachISWrite(pSC, pSC->m_ppBitIO[i]); } for(i = 0; i < pSC->cNumBitIO; i ++){ pSC->ppWStream[i]->SetPos(pSC->ppWStream[i], 0); // seek back for read } for(l = 0; l < (size_t)(pSC->WMISCP.bfBitstreamFormat == FREQUENCY && pSC->WMISCP.bProgressiveMode ? pSC->cSB : 1); l ++){ for(i = 0, k = l; i <= pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H; i ++){ // loop through tiles for(j = 0; j <= pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V; j ++){ if(pSC->WMISCP.bfBitstreamFormat == SPATIAL) copyTo(pSC->ppWStream[j], pDst, pTable[k ++]); else if (!pSC->WMISCP.bProgressiveMode){ copyTo(pSC->ppWStream[j * pSC->cSB + 0], pDst, pTable[k ++]); if(pSC->cSB > 1) copyTo(pSC->ppWStream[j * pSC->cSB + 1], pDst, pTable[k ++]); if(pSC->cSB > 2) copyTo(pSC->ppWStream[j * pSC->cSB + 2], pDst, pTable[k ++]); if(pSC->cSB > 3) copyTo(pSC->ppWStream[j * pSC->cSB + 3], pDst, pTable[k ++]); } else{ copyTo(pSC->ppWStream[j * pSC->cSB + l], pDst, pTable[k]); k += pSC->cSB; } } } } if (pSC->cmbHeight * pSC->cmbWidth * pSC->WMISCP.cChannel >= MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_IN_WORDS){ for(i = 0; i < pSC->cNumBitIO; i ++){ if(pSC->ppWStream && pSC->ppWStream[i]){ if((*(pSC->ppWStream + i))->state.file.pFile){ fclose((*(pSC->ppWStream + i))->state.file.pFile); #ifdef _WINDOWS_ if(DeleteFileA((LPCSTR)pSC->ppTempFile[i]) == 0) return ICERR_ERROR; #else if (remove(pSC->ppTempFile[i]) == -1) return ICERR_ERROR; #endif } if (*(pSC->ppWStream + i)) free(*(pSC->ppWStream + i)); } if(pSC->ppTempFile){ if(pSC->ppTempFile[i]) free(pSC->ppTempFile[i]); } } if(pSC->ppTempFile) free(pSC->ppTempFile); } else{ for(i = 0; i < pSC->cNumBitIO; i ++){ if(pSC->ppWStream && pSC->ppWStream[i]) pSC->ppWStream[i]->Close(pSC->ppWStream + i); } } free(pSC->ppWStream); free(pSC->m_ppBitIO); free(pSC->pIndexTable); } return 0; } /************************************************************************* Write header of image plane *************************************************************************/ Int WriteImagePlaneHeader(CWMImageStrCodec * pSC) { CWMImageInfo * pII = &pSC->WMII; CWMIStrCodecParam * pSCP = &pSC->WMISCP; BitIOInfo* pIO = pSC->pIOHeader; PUTBITS(pIO, (Int) pSC->m_param.cfColorFormat, 3); // internal color format PUTBITS(pIO, (Int) pSC->m_param.bScaledArith, 1); // lossless mode // subbands PUTBITS(pIO, (U32)pSCP->sbSubband, 4); // color parameters switch (pSC->m_param.cfColorFormat) { case YUV_420: case YUV_422: case YUV_444: PUTBITS(pIO, 0, 4); PUTBITS(pIO, 0, 4); break; case NCOMPONENT: PUTBITS(pIO, (Int) pSC->m_param.cNumChannels - 1, 4); PUTBITS(pIO, 0, 4); break; default: break; } // float and 32s additional parameters switch (pII->bdBitDepth) { case BD_16: case BD_16S: PUTBITS(pIO, pSCP->nLenMantissaOrShift, 8); break; case BD_32: case BD_32S: if(pSCP->nLenMantissaOrShift == 0) pSCP->nLenMantissaOrShift = 10;//default PUTBITS(pIO, pSCP->nLenMantissaOrShift, 8); break; case BD_32F: if(pSCP->nLenMantissaOrShift == 0) pSCP->nLenMantissaOrShift = 13;//default PUTBITS(pIO, pSCP->nLenMantissaOrShift, 8);//float conversion parameters PUTBITS(pIO, pSCP->nExpBias, 8); break; default: break; } // quantization PUTBITS(pIO, (pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 1) == 1 ? 0 : 1, 1); // DC frame uniform quantization? if((pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 1) == 0) writeQuantizer(pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerDC, pIO, (pSC->m_param.uQPMode >> 3) & 3, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, 0); if(pSC->WMISCP.sbSubband != SB_DC_ONLY){ PUTBITS(pIO, (pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 0x200) == 0 ? 1 : 0, 1); // use DC quantization? if((pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 0x200) != 0){ PUTBITS(pIO, (pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 2) == 2 ? 0 : 1, 1); // LP frame uniform quantization? if((pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 2) == 0) writeQuantizer(pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerLP, pIO, (pSC->m_param.uQPMode >> 5) & 3, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, 0); } if(pSC->WMISCP.sbSubband != SB_NO_HIGHPASS){ PUTBITS(pIO, (pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 0x400) == 0 ? 1 : 0, 1); // use LP quantization? if((pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 0x400) != 0){ PUTBITS(pIO, (pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 4) == 4 ? 0 : 1, 1); // HP frame uniform quantization? if((pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 4) == 0) writeQuantizer(pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerHP, pIO, (pSC->m_param.uQPMode >> 7) & 3, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, 0); } } } fillToByte(pIO); // remove this later return ICERR_OK; } /************************************************************************* Write header to buffer *************************************************************************/ Int WriteWMIHeader(CWMImageStrCodec * pSC) { CWMImageInfo * pII = &pSC->WMII; CWMIStrCodecParam * pSCP = &pSC->WMISCP; CCoreParameters * pCoreParam = &pSC->m_param; BitIOInfo* pIO = pSC->pIOHeader; U32 /*iSizeOfSize = 2,*/ i; // temporary assignments / reserved words // const Int HEADERSIZE = 0; Bool bInscribed = FALSE; Bool bAbbreviatedHeader = (((pII->cWidth + 15) / 16 > 255 || (pII->cHeight + 15) / 16 > 255) ? FALSE : TRUE); if(pCoreParam->bTranscode == FALSE) pCoreParam->cExtraPixelsTop = pCoreParam->cExtraPixelsLeft = pCoreParam->cExtraPixelsRight = pCoreParam->cExtraPixelsBottom = 0; // num of extra boundary pixels due to compressed domain processing bInscribed = (pCoreParam->cExtraPixelsTop || pCoreParam->cExtraPixelsLeft || pCoreParam->cExtraPixelsBottom || pCoreParam->cExtraPixelsRight); // 0 /** signature **/ for (i = 0; i < 8; PUTBITS(pSC->pIOHeader, gGDISignature[i++], 8)); // 8 /** codec version and subversion **/ PUTBITS(pIO, CODEC_VERSION, 4); // this should be changed to "profile" in RTM if (pSC->WMISCP.bUseHardTileBoundaries) PUTBITS(pIO, CODEC_SUBVERSION_NEWSCALING_HARD_TILES, 4); else PUTBITS(pIO, CODEC_SUBVERSION_NEWSCALING_SOFT_TILES, 4); // 9 primary parameters PUTBITS(pIO, (pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1V || pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1H) ? 1 : 0, 1); // tiling present PUTBITS(pIO, (Int) pSCP->bfBitstreamFormat, 1); // bitstream layout PUTBITS(pIO, pII->oOrientation, 3); // m_iRotateFlip PUTBITS(pIO, pSC->m_param.bIndexTable, 1); // index table present PUTBITS(pIO, pSCP->olOverlap, 2); // overlap // 10 PUTBITS(pIO, bAbbreviatedHeader, 1); // short words for size and tiles PUTBITS(pIO, 1, 1); // long word length (use intelligence later) PUTBITS(pIO, bInscribed, 1); // windowing PUTBITS(pIO, pSC->m_param.bTrimFlexbitsFlag, 1); // trim flexbits flag sent PUTBITS(pIO, 0, 1); // tile stretching parameters (not enabled) PUTBITS(pIO, 0, 2); // reserved bits PUTBITS(pIO, (Int) pSC->m_param.bAlphaChannel, 1); // alpha channel present // 11 - informational PUTBITS(pIO, (Int) pII->cfColorFormat, 4); // source color format if(BD_1 == pII->bdBitDepth && pSCP->bBlackWhite) PUTBITS(pIO, (Int) BD_1alt, 4); // source bit depth else PUTBITS(pIO, (Int) pII->bdBitDepth, 4); // source bit depth // 12 - Variable length fields // size putBit32(pIO, (U32)(pII->cWidth - 1), bAbbreviatedHeader ? 16 : 32); putBit32(pIO, (U32)(pII->cHeight - 1), bAbbreviatedHeader ? 16 : 32); // tiling if (pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1V || pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1H) { PUTBITS(pIO, pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1V, LOG_MAX_TILES); // # of vertical slices PUTBITS(pIO, pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1H, LOG_MAX_TILES); // # of horizontal slices } // tile sizes for(i = 0; i < pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1V; i ++){ // width in MB of vertical slices, not needed for last slice! PUTBITS(pIO, pSCP->uiTileX[i + 1] - pSCP->uiTileX[i], bAbbreviatedHeader ? 8 : 16); } for(i = 0; i < pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1H; i ++){ // width in MB of horizontal slices, not needed for last slice! PUTBITS(pIO, pSCP->uiTileY[i + 1] - pSCP->uiTileY[i], bAbbreviatedHeader ? 8 : 16); } // window due to compressed domain processing if (bInscribed) { PUTBITS(pIO, (U32)pCoreParam->cExtraPixelsTop, 6); PUTBITS(pIO, (U32)pCoreParam->cExtraPixelsLeft, 6); PUTBITS(pIO, (U32)pCoreParam->cExtraPixelsBottom, 6); PUTBITS(pIO, (U32)pCoreParam->cExtraPixelsRight, 6); } fillToByte(pIO); // redundant // write image plane headers WriteImagePlaneHeader(pSC); return ICERR_OK; } // streaming codec init/term Int StrEncInit(CWMImageStrCodec* pSC) { COLORFORMAT cf = pSC->m_param.cfColorFormat; COLORFORMAT cfE = pSC->WMII.cfColorFormat; U16 iQPIndexY = 0, iQPIndexYLP = 0, iQPIndexYHP = 0; U16 iQPIndexU = 0, iQPIndexULP = 0, iQPIndexUHP = 0; U16 iQPIndexV = 0, iQPIndexVLP = 0, iQPIndexVHP = 0; size_t i; Bool b32bit = sizeof(size_t) == 4; /** color transcoding with resolution change **/ pSC->m_bUVResolutionChange = (((cfE == CF_RGB || cfE == YUV_444 || cfE == CMYK || cfE == CF_RGBE) && (cf == YUV_422 || cf == YUV_420)) || (cfE == YUV_422 && cf == YUV_420)) && !pSC->WMISCP.bYUVData; if(pSC->m_bUVResolutionChange){ size_t cSize = ((cfE == YUV_422 ? 128 : 256) + (cf == YUV_420 ? 32 : 0)) * pSC->cmbWidth + 256; if(b32bit){ // integer overlow/underflow check for 32-bit system if(((pSC->cmbWidth >> 16) * ((cfE == YUV_422 ? 128 : 256) + (cf == YUV_420 ? 32 : 0))) & 0xffff0000) return ICERR_ERROR; if(cSize >= 0x3fffffff) return ICERR_ERROR; } pSC->pResU = (PixelI *)malloc(cSize * sizeof(PixelI)); pSC->pResV = (PixelI *)malloc(cSize * sizeof(PixelI)); if(pSC->pResU == NULL || pSC->pResV == NULL){ return ICERR_ERROR; } } pSC->cTileColumn = pSC->cTileRow = 0; if(allocateTileInfo(pSC) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; if(pSC->m_param.bTranscode == FALSE){ pSC->m_param.uQPMode = 0x150; // 101010 000 // 000 == uniform (not per tile) DC, LP, HP // 101010 == cChMode == 2 == independent (not same) DC, LP, HP /** lossless or Y component lossless condition: all subbands present, uniform quantization with QPIndex 1 **/ pSC->m_param.bScaledArith = !((pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 7) == 0 && 1 == pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndex <= 1 && pSC->WMISCP.sbSubband == SB_ALL && pSC->m_bUVResolutionChange == FALSE) && !pSC->WMISCP.bUnscaledArith; if (BD_32 == pSC->WMII.bdBitDepth || BD_32S == pSC->WMII.bdBitDepth || BD_32F == pSC->WMII.bdBitDepth) { pSC->m_param.bScaledArith = FALSE; } pSC->m_param.uQPMode |= 0x600; // don't use DC QP for LP, LP QP for HP // default QPs iQPIndexY = pSC->m_param.bAlphaChannel && pSC->m_param.cNumChannels == 1? pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexAlpha : pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndex; // determine the U,V index iQPIndexU = pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexU!=0? pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexU: iQPIndexY; iQPIndexV = pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexV!=0? pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexV: iQPIndexY; // determine the QPIndexYLP iQPIndexYLP = pSC->m_param.bAlphaChannel && pSC->m_param.cNumChannels == 1 ? pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexAlpha : (pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexYLP == 0 ? pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndex : pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexYLP); // default to QPIndex if not set // determine the QPIndexYHP iQPIndexYHP = pSC->m_param.bAlphaChannel && pSC->m_param.cNumChannels == 1 ? pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexAlpha : (pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexYHP == 0 ? pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndex : pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexYHP); // default to QPIndex if not set // determine the U,V LP index iQPIndexULP = pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexULP!=0? pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexULP: iQPIndexU; iQPIndexVLP = pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexVLP!=0? pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexVLP: iQPIndexV; // determine the U,V HP index iQPIndexUHP = pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexUHP!=0? pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexUHP: iQPIndexU; iQPIndexVHP = pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexVHP!=0? pSC->WMISCP.uiDefaultQPIndexVHP: iQPIndexV; // clamp the QPIndex - 0 is lossless mode if(iQPIndexY < 2) iQPIndexY = 0; if (iQPIndexYLP < 2) iQPIndexYLP = 0; if (iQPIndexYHP < 2) iQPIndexYHP = 0; if(iQPIndexU < 2) iQPIndexU = 0; if (iQPIndexULP < 2) iQPIndexULP = 0; if (iQPIndexUHP < 2) iQPIndexUHP = 0; if(iQPIndexV < 2) iQPIndexV = 0; if (iQPIndexVLP < 2) iQPIndexVLP = 0; if (iQPIndexVHP < 2) iQPIndexVHP = 0; } if((pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 1) == 0){ // DC frame uniform quantization if(allocateQuantizer(pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerDC, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, 1) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; setUniformQuantizer(pSC, 0); for(i = 0; i < pSC->m_param.cNumChannels; i ++) if(pSC->m_param.bTranscode) pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerDC[i]->iIndex = pSC->m_param.uiQPIndexDC[i]; else pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerDC[i]->iIndex = pSC->m_param.uiQPIndexDC[i] = (U8)(((i == 0 ? iQPIndexY : (i == 1) ? iQPIndexU: iQPIndexV)) & 0xff); formatQuantizer(pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerDC, (pSC->m_param.uQPMode >> 3) & 3, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, 0, TRUE, pSC->m_param.bScaledArith); for(i = 0; i < pSC->m_param.cNumChannels; i ++) pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerDC[i]->iOffset = (pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerDC[i]->iQP >> 1); } if(pSC->WMISCP.sbSubband != SB_DC_ONLY){ if((pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 2) == 0){ // LP frame uniform quantization if(allocateQuantizer(pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerLP, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, 1) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; setUniformQuantizer(pSC, 1); for(i = 0; i < pSC->m_param.cNumChannels; i ++) if(pSC->m_param.bTranscode) pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerLP[i]->iIndex = pSC->m_param.uiQPIndexLP[i]; else pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerLP[i]->iIndex = pSC->m_param.uiQPIndexLP[i] = (U8)(((i == 0 ? iQPIndexYLP : (i == 1) ? iQPIndexULP: iQPIndexVLP)) & 0xff); formatQuantizer(pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerLP, (pSC->m_param.uQPMode >> 5) & 3, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, 0, TRUE, pSC->m_param.bScaledArith); } if(pSC->WMISCP.sbSubband != SB_NO_HIGHPASS){ if((pSC->m_param.uQPMode & 4) == 0){ // HP frame uniform quantization if(allocateQuantizer(pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerHP, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, 1) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; setUniformQuantizer(pSC, 2); for(i = 0; i < pSC->m_param.cNumChannels; i ++) if(pSC->m_param.bTranscode) pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerHP[i]->iIndex = pSC->m_param.uiQPIndexHP[i]; else pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerHP[i]->iIndex = pSC->m_param.uiQPIndexHP[i] = (U8)(((i == 0 ? iQPIndexYHP : (i == 1) ? iQPIndexUHP: iQPIndexVHP)) & 0xff); formatQuantizer(pSC->pTile[0].pQuantizerHP, (pSC->m_param.uQPMode >> 7) & 3, pSC->m_param.cNumChannels, 0, FALSE, pSC->m_param.bScaledArith); } } } if(allocatePredInfo(pSC) != ICERR_OK){ return ICERR_ERROR; } if(pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V >= MAX_TILES || AllocateCodingContextEnc (pSC, pSC->WMISCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V + 1, pSC->WMISCP.uiTrimFlexBits) != ICERR_OK){ return ICERR_ERROR; } if (pSC->m_bSecondary) { pSC->pIOHeader = pSC->m_pNextSC->pIOHeader; pSC->m_ppBitIO = pSC->m_pNextSC->m_ppBitIO; pSC->cNumBitIO = pSC->m_pNextSC->cNumBitIO; pSC->cSB = pSC->m_pNextSC->cSB; pSC->ppWStream = pSC->m_pNextSC->ppWStream; pSC->pIndexTable = pSC->m_pNextSC->pIndexTable; setBitIOPointers(pSC); } else { StrIOEncInit(pSC); setBitIOPointers(pSC); WriteWMIHeader(pSC); } return ICERR_OK; } static Int StrEncTerm(CTXSTRCODEC ctxSC) { CWMImageStrCodec* pSC = (CWMImageStrCodec*)ctxSC; size_t j, jend = (pSC->m_pNextSC != NULL); for (j = 0; j <= jend; j++) { if (sizeof(*pSC) != pSC->cbStruct) { return ICERR_ERROR; } if(pSC->m_bUVResolutionChange){ if(pSC->pResU != NULL) free(pSC->pResU); if(pSC->pResV != NULL) free(pSC->pResV); } freePredInfo(pSC); if (j == 0) StrIOEncTerm(pSC); FreeCodingContextEnc(pSC); freeTileInfo(pSC); pSC->WMISCP.nExpBias -= 128; // reset pSC = pSC->m_pNextSC; } return 0; } U32 setUniformTiling(U32 * pTile, U32 cNumTile, U32 cNumMB) { U32 i, j; while((cNumMB + cNumTile - 1) / cNumTile > 65535) // too few tiles cNumTile ++; for(i = cNumTile, j = cNumMB; i > 1; i --){ pTile[cNumTile - i] = (j + i - 1) / i; j -= pTile[cNumTile - i]; } return cNumTile; } U32 validateTiling(U32 * pTile, U32 cNumTile, U32 cNumMB) { U32 i, cMBs; if(cNumTile == 0) cNumTile = 1; if(cNumTile > cNumMB) // too many tiles cNumTile = 1; if(cNumTile > MAX_TILES) cNumTile = MAX_TILES; for(i = cMBs = 0; i + 1 < cNumTile; i ++){ if(pTile[i] == 0 || pTile[i] > 65535){ // invalid tile setting, resetting to uniform tiling cNumTile = setUniformTiling(pTile, cNumTile, cNumMB); break; } cMBs += pTile[i]; if(cMBs >= cNumMB){ cNumTile = i + 1; break; } } // last tile if(cNumMB - cMBs > 65536) cNumTile = setUniformTiling(pTile, cNumTile, cNumMB); for(i = 1; i < cNumTile; i ++) pTile[i] += pTile[i - 1]; for(i = cNumTile - 1; i > 0; i --) pTile[i] = pTile[i - 1]; pTile[0] = 0; return cNumTile; } /************************************************************************* Validate and adjust input params here *************************************************************************/ Int ValidateArgs(CWMImageInfo* pII, CWMIStrCodecParam *pSCP) { int i; Bool bTooNarrowTile = FALSE; if(pII->cWidth > (1 << 28) || pII->cHeight > (1 << 28) || pII->cWidth == 0 || pII->cHeight == 0){ printf("Unsurpported image size!\n"); return ICERR_ERROR; // unsurpported image size } if (((pSCP->cfColorFormat == YUV_420) || (pSCP->cfColorFormat == YUV_422)) && (pSCP->olOverlap == OL_TWO) && ((Int)(((U32)pII->cWidth + 15) >> 4) < 2)) { printf("Image width must be at least 2 MB wide for subsampled chroma and two levels of overlap!\n"); return ICERR_ERROR; } if(pSCP->sbSubband == SB_ISOLATED || pSCP->sbSubband >= SB_MAX) // not allowed pSCP->sbSubband = SB_ALL; if(pII->bdBitDepth == BD_5 && (pII->cfColorFormat != CF_RGB || pII->cBitsPerUnit != 16 || pII->cLeadingPadding != 0)){ printf("Unsupported BD_5 image format!\n"); return ICERR_ERROR; // BD_5 must be compact RGB! } if(pII->bdBitDepth == BD_565 && (pII->cfColorFormat != CF_RGB || pII->cBitsPerUnit != 16 || pII->cLeadingPadding != 0)){ printf("Unsupported BD_565 image format!\n"); return ICERR_ERROR; // BD_5 must be compact RGB! } if(pII->bdBitDepth == BD_10 && (pII->cfColorFormat != CF_RGB || pII->cBitsPerUnit != 32 || pII->cLeadingPadding != 0)){ printf("Unsupported BD_10 image format!\n"); return ICERR_ERROR; // BD_10 must be compact RGB! } if((pII->bdBitDepth == BD_5 || pII->bdBitDepth == BD_565 || pII->bdBitDepth == BD_10) && (pSCP->cfColorFormat != YUV_420 && pSCP->cfColorFormat != YUV_422 && pSCP->cfColorFormat != Y_ONLY)) pSCP->cfColorFormat = YUV_444; if(BD_1 == pII->bdBitDepth){ // binary image if(pII->cfColorFormat != Y_ONLY){ printf("BD_1 image must be black-and white!\n"); return ICERR_ERROR; } pSCP->cfColorFormat = Y_ONLY; // can only be black white } if(pSCP->bdBitDepth != BD_LONG) pSCP->bdBitDepth = BD_LONG; // currently only support 32 bit internally if(pSCP->uAlphaMode > 1 && (pII->cfColorFormat == YUV_420 || pII->cfColorFormat == YUV_422 || pII->bdBitDepth == BD_5 || pII->bdBitDepth == BD_10 || pII->bdBitDepth == BD_1)) { printf("Alpha is not supported for this pixel format!\n"); return ICERR_ERROR; } if((pSCP->cfColorFormat == YUV_420 || pSCP->cfColorFormat == YUV_422) && (pII->bdBitDepth == BD_16F || pII->bdBitDepth == BD_32F || pII->cfColorFormat == CF_RGBE)) { printf("Float or RGBE images must be encoded with YUV 444!\n"); return ICERR_ERROR; } // adjust tiling pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1V = validateTiling(pSCP->uiTileX, pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1V + 1, (((U32)pII->cWidth + 15) >> 4)) - 1; pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1H = validateTiling(pSCP->uiTileY, pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1H + 1, (((U32)pII->cHeight + 15) >> 4)) - 1; if (pSCP->bUseHardTileBoundaries && ((pSCP->cfColorFormat == YUV_420) || (pSCP->cfColorFormat == YUV_422)) && (pSCP->olOverlap == OL_TWO)) { for (i = 1; i < (int) (pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1H + 1); i++) { if ((Int)(pSCP->uiTileY[i] - pSCP->uiTileY[i - 1]) < 2) { bTooNarrowTile = TRUE; break; } } if ((Int)((((U32)pII->cWidth + 15) >> 4) - pSCP->uiTileY[pSCP->cNumOfSliceMinus1H]) < 2) bTooNarrowTile = TRUE; } if (bTooNarrowTile) { printf("Tile width must be at least 2 MB wide for hard tiles, subsampled chroma, and two levels of overlap!\n"); return ICERR_ERROR; } if(pSCP->cChannel > MAX_CHANNELS) return ICERR_ERROR; /** supported color transcoding **/ /** ARGB, RGB => YUV_444, YUV_422, YUV_420, Y_ONLY **/ /** YUV_444 => YUV_422, YUV_420, Y_ONLY **/ /** YUV_422 => YUV_420, Y_ONLY **/ /** YUV_420 => Y_ONLY **/ /** unsupported color transcoding **/ /** Y_ONLY, YUV_420, YUV_422 => YUV_444 **/ /** Y_ONLY, YUV_420 => YUV_422 **/ /** Y_ONLY => YUV_420 **/ if((pII->cfColorFormat == Y_ONLY && pSCP->cfColorFormat != Y_ONLY) || (pSCP->cfColorFormat == YUV_422 && (pII->cfColorFormat == YUV_420 || pII->cfColorFormat == Y_ONLY)) || (pSCP->cfColorFormat == YUV_444 && (pII->cfColorFormat == YUV_422 || pII->cfColorFormat == YUV_420 || pII->cfColorFormat == Y_ONLY))){ pSCP->cfColorFormat = pII->cfColorFormat; // force not to do color transcoding! } else if (pII->cfColorFormat == NCOMPONENT) { pSCP->cfColorFormat = NCOMPONENT; // force not to do color transcoding! } if (CMYK == pII->cfColorFormat && pSCP->cfColorFormat == NCOMPONENT) { pSCP->cfColorFormat = CMYK; } if(pSCP->cfColorFormat != NCOMPONENT){ if(pSCP->cfColorFormat == Y_ONLY) pSCP->cChannel = 1; else if(pSCP->cfColorFormat == CMYK) pSCP->cChannel = 4; else pSCP->cChannel = 3; } if(pSCP->sbSubband >= SB_MAX) pSCP->sbSubband = SB_ALL; pII->cChromaCenteringX = 0; pII->cChromaCenteringY = 0; return ICERR_OK; } /************************************************************************* Initialization of CWMImageStrCodec struct *************************************************************************/ static Void InitializeStrEnc(CWMImageStrCodec *pSC, const CWMImageInfo* pII, const CWMIStrCodecParam *pSCP) { pSC->cbStruct = sizeof(*pSC); pSC->WMII = *pII; pSC->WMISCP = *pSCP; // set nExpBias if (pSC->WMISCP.nExpBias == 0) pSC->WMISCP.nExpBias = 4 + 128;//default pSC->WMISCP.nExpBias += 128; // rollover arithmetic pSC->cRow = 0; pSC->cColumn = 0; pSC->cmbWidth = (pSC->WMII.cWidth + 15) / 16; pSC->cmbHeight = (pSC->WMII.cHeight + 15) / 16; pSC->Load = inputMBRow; pSC->Quantize = quantizeMacroblock; pSC->ProcessTopLeft = processMacroblock; pSC->ProcessTop = processMacroblock; pSC->ProcessTopRight = processMacroblock; pSC->ProcessLeft = processMacroblock; pSC->ProcessCenter = processMacroblock; pSC->ProcessRight = processMacroblock; pSC->ProcessBottomLeft = processMacroblock; pSC->ProcessBottom = processMacroblock; pSC->ProcessBottomRight = processMacroblock; pSC->m_pNextSC = NULL; pSC->m_bSecondary = FALSE; } /************************************************************************* Streaming API init *************************************************************************/ Int ImageStrEncInit( CWMImageInfo* pII, CWMIStrCodecParam *pSCP, CTXSTRCODEC* pctxSC) { static size_t cbChannels[BD_MAX] = {2, 4}; size_t cbChannel = 0, cblkChroma = 0, i; size_t cbMacBlockStride = 0, cbMacBlockChroma = 0, cMacBlock = 0; CWMImageStrCodec* pSC = NULL, *pNextSC = NULL; char* pb = NULL; size_t cb = 0; Bool b32bit = sizeof(size_t) == 4; Int err; if(ValidateArgs(pII, pSCP) != ICERR_OK){ goto ErrorExit; } //================================================ *pctxSC = NULL; //================================================ cbChannel = cbChannels[pSCP->bdBitDepth]; cblkChroma = cblkChromas[pSCP->cfColorFormat]; cbMacBlockStride = cbChannel * 16 * 16; cbMacBlockChroma = cbChannel * 16 * cblkChroma; cMacBlock = (pII->cWidth + 15) / 16; //================================================ cb = sizeof(*pSC) + (128 - 1) + (PACKETLENGTH * 4 - 1) + (PACKETLENGTH * 2 ) + sizeof(*pSC->pIOHeader); i = cbMacBlockStride + cbMacBlockChroma * (pSCP->cChannel - 1); if(b32bit) // integer overlow/underflow check for 32-bit system if(((cMacBlock >> 15) * i) & 0xffff0000) return ICERR_ERROR; i *= cMacBlock * 2; cb += i; pb = malloc(cb); if (NULL == pb) { goto ErrorExit; } memset(pb, 0, cb); //================================================ pSC = (CWMImageStrCodec*)pb; pb += sizeof(*pSC); // Set up perf timers PERFTIMER_ONLY(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf = pSCP->fMeasurePerf); PERFTIMER_NEW(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, &pSC->m_ptEndToEndPerf); PERFTIMER_NEW(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, &pSC->m_ptEncDecPerf); PERFTIMER_START(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, pSC->m_ptEndToEndPerf); PERFTIMER_START(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, pSC->m_ptEncDecPerf); PERFTIMER_COPYSTARTTIME(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, pSC->m_ptEncDecPerf, pSC->m_ptEndToEndPerf); pSC->m_param.cfColorFormat = pSCP->cfColorFormat; pSC->m_param.bAlphaChannel = (pSCP->uAlphaMode == 3); pSC->m_param.cNumChannels = pSCP->cChannel; pSC->m_param.cExtraPixelsTop = pSC->m_param.cExtraPixelsBottom = pSC->m_param.cExtraPixelsLeft = pSC->m_param.cExtraPixelsRight = 0; pSC->cbChannel = cbChannel; pSC->m_param.bTranscode = pSC->bTileExtraction = FALSE; //================================================ InitializeStrEnc(pSC, pII, pSCP); //================================================ // 2 Macro Row buffers for each channel pb = ALIGNUP(pb, 128); for (i = 0; i < pSC->m_param.cNumChannels; i++) { pSC->a0MBbuffer[i] = (PixelI*)pb; pb += cbMacBlockStride * pSC->cmbWidth; pSC->a1MBbuffer[i] = (PixelI*)pb; pb += cbMacBlockStride * pSC->cmbWidth; cbMacBlockStride = cbMacBlockChroma; } //================================================ // lay 2 aligned IO buffers just below pIO struct pb = (char*)ALIGNUP(pb, PACKETLENGTH * 4) + PACKETLENGTH * 2; pSC->pIOHeader = (BitIOInfo*)pb; //================================================ err = StrEncInit(pSC); if (ICERR_OK != err) goto ErrorExit; // if interleaved alpha is needed if (pSC->m_param.bAlphaChannel) { cbMacBlockStride = cbChannel * 16 * 16; // 1. allocate new pNextSC info //================================================ cb = sizeof(*pNextSC) + (128 - 1) + cbMacBlockStride * cMacBlock * 2; pb = malloc(cb); if (NULL == pb) { goto ErrorExit; } memset(pb, 0, cb); //================================================ pNextSC = (CWMImageStrCodec*)pb; pb += sizeof(*pNextSC); // 2. initialize pNextSC pNextSC->m_param.cfColorFormat = Y_ONLY; pNextSC->m_param.cNumChannels = 1; pNextSC->m_param.bAlphaChannel = TRUE; pNextSC->cbChannel = cbChannel; //================================================ // 3. initialize arrays InitializeStrEnc(pNextSC, pII, pSCP); //================================================ // 2 Macro Row buffers for each channel pb = ALIGNUP(pb, 128); pNextSC->a0MBbuffer[0] = (PixelI*)pb; pb += cbMacBlockStride * pNextSC->cmbWidth; pNextSC->a1MBbuffer[0] = (PixelI*)pb; pb += cbMacBlockStride * pNextSC->cmbWidth; //================================================ pNextSC->pIOHeader = pSC->pIOHeader; //================================================ // 4. link pSC->pNextSC = pNextSC pNextSC->m_pNextSC = pSC; pNextSC->m_bSecondary = TRUE; // 5. StrEncInit StrEncInit(pNextSC); // 6. Write header of image plane WriteImagePlaneHeader(pNextSC); } pSC->m_pNextSC = pNextSC; //================================================ *pctxSC = (CTXSTRCODEC)pSC; writeIndexTableNull(pSC); #if defined(WMP_OPT_SSE2) || defined(WMP_OPT_CC_ENC) || defined(WMP_OPT_TRFM_ENC) StrEncOpt(pSC); #endif // OPT defined PERFTIMER_STOP(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, pSC->m_ptEncDecPerf); return ICERR_OK; ErrorExit: return ICERR_ERROR; } /************************************************************************* Streaming API encode *************************************************************************/ Int ImageStrEncEncode( CTXSTRCODEC ctxSC, const CWMImageBufferInfo* pBI) { CWMImageStrCodec* pSC = (CWMImageStrCodec*)ctxSC; CWMImageStrCodec* pNextSC = pSC->m_pNextSC; ImageDataProc ProcessLeft, ProcessCenter, ProcessRight; if (sizeof(*pSC) != pSC->cbStruct) { return ICERR_ERROR; } //================================ PERFTIMER_START(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, pSC->m_ptEncDecPerf); pSC->WMIBI = *pBI; pSC->cColumn = 0; initMRPtr(pSC); if (pNextSC) pNextSC->WMIBI = *pBI; if (0 == pSC->cRow) { ProcessLeft = pSC->ProcessTopLeft; ProcessCenter = pSC->ProcessTop; ProcessRight = pSC->ProcessTopRight; } else { ProcessLeft = pSC->ProcessLeft; ProcessCenter = pSC->ProcessCenter; ProcessRight = pSC->ProcessRight; } pSC->Load(pSC); if(ProcessLeft(pSC) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; advanceMRPtr(pSC); //================================ for (pSC->cColumn = 1; pSC->cColumn < pSC->cmbWidth; ++pSC->cColumn) { if(ProcessCenter(pSC) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; advanceMRPtr(pSC); } //================================ if(ProcessRight(pSC) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; if (pSC->cRow) advanceOneMBRow(pSC); ++pSC->cRow; swapMRPtr(pSC); PERFTIMER_STOP(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, pSC->m_ptEncDecPerf); return ICERR_OK; } /************************************************************************* Streaming API term *************************************************************************/ Int ImageStrEncTerm( CTXSTRCODEC ctxSC) { CWMImageStrCodec* pSC = (CWMImageStrCodec*)ctxSC; // CWMImageStrCodec *pNextSC = pSC->m_pNextSC; if (sizeof(*pSC) != pSC->cbStruct) { return ICERR_ERROR; } //================================ PERFTIMER_START(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, pSC->m_ptEncDecPerf); pSC->cColumn = 0; initMRPtr(pSC); pSC->ProcessBottomLeft(pSC); advanceMRPtr(pSC); //================================ for (pSC->cColumn = 1; pSC->cColumn < pSC->cmbWidth; ++pSC->cColumn) { pSC->ProcessBottom(pSC); advanceMRPtr(pSC); } //================================ pSC->ProcessBottomRight(pSC); //================================ StrEncTerm(pSC); PERFTIMER_STOP(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, pSC->m_ptEncDecPerf); PERFTIMER_STOP(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, pSC->m_ptEndToEndPerf); PERFTIMER_REPORT(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, pSC); PERFTIMER_DELETE(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, pSC->m_ptEncDecPerf); PERFTIMER_DELETE(pSC->m_fMeasurePerf, pSC->m_ptEndToEndPerf); free(pSC); return ICERR_OK; } // centralized UV downsampling #define DF_ODD ((((d1 + d2 + d3) << 2) + (d2 << 1) + d0 + d4 + 8) >> 4) Void downsampleUV(CWMImageStrCodec * pSC) { const COLORFORMAT cfInt = pSC->m_param.cfColorFormat; const COLORFORMAT cfExt = pSC->WMII.cfColorFormat; PixelI * pSrc, * pDst; PixelI d0, d1, d2, d3, d4; size_t iChannel, iRow, iColumn; for(iChannel = 1; iChannel < 3; iChannel ++){ if(cfExt != YUV_422){ // need to do horizontal downsampling, 444 => 422 const size_t cShift = (cfInt == YUV_422 ? 1 : 0); pSrc = (iChannel == 1 ? pSC->pResU : pSC->pResV); pDst = (cfInt == YUV_422 ? pSC->p1MBbuffer[iChannel] : pSrc); for(iRow = 0; iRow < 16; iRow ++){ d0 = d4 = pSrc[idxCC[iRow][2]], d1 = d3 = pSrc[idxCC[iRow][1]], d2 = pSrc[idxCC[iRow][0]]; // left boundary for(iColumn = 0; iColumn + 2 < pSC->cmbWidth * 16; iColumn += 2){ pDst[((iColumn >> 4) << (8 - cShift)) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn & 15) >> cShift]] = DF_ODD; d0 = d2, d1 = d3, d2 = d4; d3 = pSrc[(((iColumn + 3) >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn + 3) & 0xf]]; d4 = pSrc[(((iColumn + 4) >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn + 4) & 0xf]]; } d4 = d2; // right boundary pDst[((iColumn >> 4) << (8 - cShift)) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn & 15) >> cShift]] = DF_ODD; } } if(cfInt == YUV_420){ // need to do vertical downsampling const size_t cShift = (cfExt == YUV_422 ? 0 : 1); PixelI * pBuf[4]; size_t mbOff, pxOff; pDst = pSC->p1MBbuffer[iChannel]; pSrc = (iChannel == 1 ? pSC->pResU : pSC->pResV); pBuf[0] = pSrc + (pSC->cmbWidth << (cfExt == YUV_422 ? 7 : 8)); pBuf[1] = pBuf[0] + pSC->cmbWidth * 8, pBuf[2] = pBuf[1] + pSC->cmbWidth * 8, pBuf[3] = pBuf[2] + pSC->cmbWidth * 8; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < pSC->cmbWidth * 8; iColumn ++){ mbOff = (iColumn >> 3) << (7 + cShift); pxOff = (iColumn & 7) << cShift; if(pSC->cRow == 0) // top image boundary d0 = d4 = pSrc[mbOff + idxCC[2][pxOff]], d1 = d3 = pSrc[mbOff + idxCC[1][pxOff]], d2 = pSrc[mbOff + idxCC[0][pxOff]]; // top MB boundary else{ // last row of previous MB row d0 = pBuf[0][iColumn], d1 = pBuf[1][iColumn], d2 = pBuf[2][iColumn], d3 = pBuf[3][iColumn], d4 = pSrc[mbOff + idxCC[0][pxOff]]; pSC->p0MBbuffer[iChannel][((iColumn >> 3) << 6) + idxCC_420[7][iColumn & 7]] = DF_ODD; // for first row of current MB d0 = pBuf[2][iColumn], d1 = pBuf[3][iColumn]; d2 = pSrc[mbOff + idxCC[0][pxOff]], d3 = pSrc[mbOff + idxCC[1][pxOff]], d4 = pSrc[mbOff + idxCC[2][pxOff]]; } for(iRow = 0; iRow < 12; iRow += 2){ pDst[((iColumn >> 3) << 6) + idxCC_420[iRow >> 1][iColumn & 7]] = DF_ODD; d0 = d2, d1 = d3, d2 = d4; d3 = pSrc[mbOff + idxCC[iRow + 3][pxOff]]; d4 = pSrc[mbOff + idxCC[iRow + 4][pxOff]]; } //last row of current MB pDst[((iColumn >> 3) << 6) + idxCC_420[6][iColumn & 7]] = DF_ODD; d0 = d2, d1 = d3, d2 = d4; d3 = pSrc[mbOff + idxCC[iRow + 3][pxOff]]; if(pSC->cRow + 1 == pSC->cmbHeight){ // bottom image boundary d4 = d2; pDst[((iColumn >> 3) << 6) + idxCC_420[7][iColumn & 7]] = DF_ODD; } else{ for(iRow = 0; iRow < 4; iRow ++) pBuf[iRow][iColumn] = pSrc[mbOff + idxCC[iRow + 12][pxOff]]; } } } } } // centralized horizontal padding Void padHorizontally(CWMImageStrCodec * pSC) { if(pSC->WMII.cWidth != pSC->cmbWidth * 16){ // horizontal padding is necessary! const COLORFORMAT cfExt = pSC->WMISCP.bYUVData ? pSC->m_param.cfColorFormat : pSC->WMII.cfColorFormat; size_t cFullChannel = pSC->WMISCP.cChannel; size_t iLast = pSC->WMII.cWidth - 1; PixelI * pCh[16]; size_t iChannel, iColumn, iRow; if(cfExt == YUV_420 || cfExt == YUV_422 || cfExt == Y_ONLY) cFullChannel = 1; assert(cFullChannel <= 16); assert(pSC->WMISCP.cChannel <= 16); for(iChannel = 0; iChannel < pSC->WMISCP.cChannel; iChannel ++) pCh[iChannel & 15] = pSC->p1MBbuffer[iChannel & 15]; if(pSC->m_bUVResolutionChange) pCh[1] = pSC->pResU, pCh[2] = pSC->pResV; // pad full resoluton channels for(iRow = 0; iRow < 16; iRow ++){ const size_t iPosLast = ((iLast >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iLast & 0xf]; for(iColumn = iLast + 1; iColumn < pSC->cmbWidth * 16; iColumn ++){ const size_t iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; for(iChannel = 0; iChannel < cFullChannel; iChannel ++) pCh[iChannel & 15][iPos] = pCh[iChannel & 15][iPosLast]; } } if(cfExt == YUV_422) // pad YUV_422 UV for(iLast >>= 1, iRow = 0; iRow < 16; iRow ++){ const size_t iPosLast = ((iLast >> 3) << 7) + idxCC[iRow][iLast & 7]; for(iColumn = iLast + 1; iColumn < pSC->cmbWidth * 8; iColumn ++){ const size_t iPos = ((iColumn >> 3) << 7) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 7]; for(iChannel = 1; iChannel < 3; iChannel ++) pCh[iChannel][iPos] = pCh[iChannel][iPosLast]; } } else if(cfExt == YUV_420) // pad YUV_420 UV for(iLast >>= 1, iRow = 0; iRow < 8; iRow ++){ const size_t iPosLast = ((iLast >> 3) << 6) + idxCC_420[iRow][iLast & 7]; for(iColumn = iLast + 1; iColumn < pSC->cmbWidth * 8; iColumn ++){ const size_t iPos = ((iColumn >> 3) << 6) + idxCC_420[iRow][iColumn & 7]; for(iChannel = 1; iChannel < 3; iChannel ++) pCh[iChannel][iPos] = pCh[iChannel][iPosLast]; } } } } // centralized alpha channel color conversion, small perf penalty Int inputMBRowAlpha(CWMImageStrCodec* pSC) { if(pSC->m_bSecondary == FALSE && pSC->m_pNextSC != NULL){ // alpha channel is present const size_t cShift = (pSC->m_pNextSC->m_param.bScaledArith ? (SHIFTZERO + QPFRACBITS) : 0); const BITDEPTH_BITS bdExt = pSC->WMII.bdBitDepth; const size_t iAlphaPos = pSC->WMII.cLeadingPadding + (pSC->WMII.cfColorFormat == CMYK ? 4 : 3);//only RGB and CMYK may have interleaved alpha const size_t cRow = pSC->WMIBI.cLine; const size_t cColumn = pSC->WMII.cWidth; const U8 * pSrc0 = (U8 *)pSC->WMIBI.pv; PixelI * pA = pSC->m_pNextSC->p1MBbuffer[0]; size_t iRow, iColumn; for(iRow = 0; iRow < 16; iRow ++){ if(bdExt == BD_8){ const size_t cStride = (pSC->WMII.cBitsPerUnit >> 3); const U8 * pSrc = pSrc0; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride) pA[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]] = ((PixelI)pSrc[iAlphaPos] - (1 << 7)) << cShift; } else if(bdExt == BD_16){ const size_t cStride = (pSC->WMII.cBitsPerUnit >> 3) / sizeof(U16); const U8 nLenMantissaOrShift = pSC->m_pNextSC->WMISCP.nLenMantissaOrShift; const U16 * pSrc = (U16 *)pSrc0; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride) pA[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]] = ((((PixelI)pSrc[iAlphaPos] - (1 << 15)) >> nLenMantissaOrShift) << cShift); } else if(bdExt == BD_16S){ const size_t cStride = (pSC->WMII.cBitsPerUnit >> 3) / sizeof(I16); const U8 nLenMantissaOrShift = pSC->m_pNextSC->WMISCP.nLenMantissaOrShift; const I16 * pSrc = (I16 *)pSrc0; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride) pA[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[iAlphaPos] >> nLenMantissaOrShift) << cShift); } else if(bdExt == BD_16F){ const size_t cStride = (pSC->WMII.cBitsPerUnit >> 3) / sizeof(U16); const I16 * pSrc = (I16 *)pSrc0; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride) pA[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]] = forwardHalf (pSrc[iAlphaPos]) << cShift; } else if(bdExt == BD_32S){ const size_t cStride = (pSC->WMII.cBitsPerUnit >> 3) / sizeof(I32); const U8 nLenMantissaOrShift = pSC->m_pNextSC->WMISCP.nLenMantissaOrShift; const I32 * pSrc = (I32 *)pSrc0; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride) pA[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[iAlphaPos] >> nLenMantissaOrShift) << cShift); } else if(bdExt == BD_32F){ const size_t cStride = (pSC->WMII.cBitsPerUnit >> 3) / sizeof(float); const U8 nLen = pSC->m_pNextSC->WMISCP.nLenMantissaOrShift; const I8 nExpBias = pSC->m_pNextSC->WMISCP.nExpBias; const float * pSrc = (float *)pSrc0; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride) pA[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]] = float2pixel (pSrc[iAlphaPos], nExpBias, nLen) << cShift; } else // not supported return ICERR_ERROR; if(iRow + 1 < cRow) // vertical padding! pSrc0 += pSC->WMIBI.cbStride; for(iColumn = cColumn; iColumn < pSC->cmbWidth * 16; iColumn ++) // horizontal padding pA[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]] = pA[(((cColumn - 1) >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][(cColumn - 1) & 0xf]]; } } return ICERR_OK; } // input one MB row of image data from input buffer Int inputMBRow(CWMImageStrCodec* pSC) { const size_t cShift = (pSC->m_param.bScaledArith ? (SHIFTZERO + QPFRACBITS) : 0); const BITDEPTH_BITS bdExt = pSC->WMII.bdBitDepth; COLORFORMAT cfExt = pSC->WMII.cfColorFormat; const COLORFORMAT cfInt = pSC->m_param.cfColorFormat; const size_t cPixelStride = (pSC->WMII.cBitsPerUnit >> 3); const size_t iRowStride = (cfExt == YUV_420 || (pSC->WMISCP.bYUVData && pSC->m_param.cfColorFormat==YUV_420)) ? 2 : 1; const size_t cRow = pSC->WMIBI.cLine; const size_t cColumn = pSC->WMII.cWidth; const size_t iB = (pSC->WMII.bRGB ? 2 : 0); const size_t iR = 2 - iB; const U8 * pSrc0 = (U8 *)pSC->WMIBI.pv; const U8 nLen = pSC->WMISCP.nLenMantissaOrShift; const I8 nExpBias = pSC->WMISCP.nExpBias; PixelI *pY = pSC->p1MBbuffer[0], *pU = pSC->p1MBbuffer[1], *pV = pSC->p1MBbuffer[2]; size_t iRow, iColumn, iPos; // guard input buffer if(checkImageBuffer(pSC, cColumn, cRow) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; if(pSC->m_bUVResolutionChange) // will do downsampling somewhere else! pU = pSC->pResU, pV = pSC->pResV; else if(cfInt == Y_ONLY) // xxx to Y_ONLY transcoding! pU = pV = pY; // write pY AFTER pU and pV so Y will overwrite U&V for(iRow = 0; iRow < 16; iRow += iRowStride){ if (pSC->WMISCP.bYUVData){ I32 * pSrc = (I32 *)pSrc0 + pSC->WMII.cLeadingPadding; switch(pSC->m_param.cfColorFormat){ case Y_ONLY: case YUV_444: case NCOMPONENT: { const size_t cChannel = pSC->m_param.cNumChannels; PixelI * pChannel[16]; size_t iChannel; assert(cChannel <= 16); for(iChannel = 0; iChannel < cChannel; iChannel ++) pChannel[iChannel & 15] = pSC->p1MBbuffer[iChannel & 15]; if(pSC->m_bUVResolutionChange) pChannel[1] = pSC->pResU, pChannel[2] = pSC->pResV; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cChannel){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; for(iChannel = 0; iChannel < cChannel; iChannel ++) pChannel[iChannel & 15][iPos] = (PixelI)pSrc[iChannel & 15]; } } break; case YUV_422: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn += 2, pSrc += 4){ if(cfInt != Y_ONLY){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 7) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn >> 1) & 7]; pU[iPos] = (PixelI)pSrc[0]; pV[iPos] = (PixelI)pSrc[2]; } pY[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 15]] = (PixelI)pSrc[1]; pY[(((iColumn + 1) >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn + 1) & 15]] = (PixelI)pSrc[3]; } break; case YUV_420: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn += 2, pSrc += 6){ if(cfInt != Y_ONLY){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 6) + idxCC_420[iRow >> 1][(iColumn >> 1) & 7]; pU[iPos] = (PixelI)pSrc[4]; pV[iPos] = (PixelI)pSrc[5]; } pY[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 15]] = (PixelI)pSrc[0]; pY[(((iColumn + 1) >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn + 1) & 15]] = (PixelI)pSrc[1]; pY[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow + 1][iColumn & 15]] = (PixelI)pSrc[2]; pY[(((iColumn + 1) >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow + 1][(iColumn + 1) & 15]] = (PixelI)pSrc[3]; } break; default: assert(0); break; } } else if(bdExt == BD_8){ const U8 * pSrc = pSrc0 + pSC->WMII.cLeadingPadding; const PixelI iOffset = (128 << cShift); switch(cfExt){ case CF_RGB: assert (pSC->m_bSecondary == FALSE); for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cPixelStride){ PixelI r = ((PixelI)pSrc[iR]) << cShift, g = ((PixelI)pSrc[1]) << cShift, b = ((PixelI)pSrc[iB]) << cShift; _CC(r, g, b); // color conversion iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = -r, pV[iPos] = b, pY[iPos] = g - iOffset; } break; case Y_ONLY: case YUV_444: case NCOMPONENT: { const size_t cChannel = pSC->m_param.cNumChannels; PixelI * pChannel[16]; size_t iChannel; assert(cChannel <= 16); for(iChannel = 0; iChannel < cChannel; iChannel ++) pChannel[iChannel & 15] = pSC->p1MBbuffer[iChannel & 15]; if(pSC->m_bUVResolutionChange) pChannel[1] = pSC->pResU, pChannel[2] = pSC->pResV; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cPixelStride){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; for(iChannel = 0; iChannel < cChannel; iChannel ++) pChannel[iChannel & 15][iPos] = (((PixelI)pSrc[iChannel & 15]) << cShift) - iOffset; } break; } case CF_RGBE: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cPixelStride){ PixelI iExp = (PixelI)pSrc[3]; PixelI r = forwardRGBE (pSrc[0], iExp) << cShift; PixelI g = forwardRGBE (pSrc[1], iExp) << cShift; PixelI b = forwardRGBE (pSrc[2], iExp) << cShift; _CC(r, g, b); iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = -r, pV[iPos] = b, pY[iPos] = g; } break; case CMYK: { PixelI * pK = (cfInt == CMYK ? pSC->p1MBbuffer[3] : pY); // CMYK -> YUV_xxx transcoding! for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cPixelStride){ PixelI c = ((PixelI)pSrc[0]) << cShift; PixelI m = ((PixelI)pSrc[1]) << cShift; PixelI y = ((PixelI)pSrc[2]) << cShift; PixelI k = ((PixelI)pSrc[3]) << cShift; _CC_CMYK(c, m, y, k); iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = c, pV[iPos] = -y, pK[iPos] = k, pY[iPos] = iOffset - m; } break; } case YUV_422: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn += 2, pSrc += cPixelStride){ if(cfInt != Y_ONLY){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 7) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn >> 1) & 7]; pU[iPos] = (((PixelI)pSrc[0]) << cShift) - iOffset; pV[iPos] = (((PixelI)pSrc[2]) << cShift) - iOffset; } pY[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 15]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[1]) << cShift) - iOffset; pY[(((iColumn + 1) >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn + 1) & 15]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[3]) << cShift) - iOffset; } break; case YUV_420: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn += 2, pSrc += cPixelStride){ if(cfInt != Y_ONLY){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 6) + idxCC_420[iRow >> 1][(iColumn >> 1) & 7]; pU[iPos] = (((PixelI)pSrc[4]) << cShift) - iOffset; pV[iPos] = (((PixelI)pSrc[5]) << cShift) - iOffset; } pY[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 15]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[0]) << cShift) - iOffset; pY[(((iColumn + 1) >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn + 1) & 15]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[1]) << cShift) - iOffset; pY[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow + 1][iColumn & 15]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[2]) << cShift) - iOffset; pY[(((iColumn + 1) >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow + 1][(iColumn + 1) & 15]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[3]) << cShift) - iOffset; } break; default: assert(0); break; } } else if(bdExt == BD_16){ const U16 * pSrc = (U16 *)pSrc0 + pSC->WMII.cLeadingPadding; const size_t cStride = cPixelStride / sizeof(U16); const PixelI iOffset = ((1 << 15) >> nLen) << cShift; switch(cfExt){ case CF_RGB: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ PixelI r = ((PixelI)pSrc[0] >> nLen) << cShift, g = ((PixelI)pSrc[1] >> nLen) << cShift, b = ((PixelI)pSrc[2] >> nLen) << cShift; _CC(r, g, b); // color conversion iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = -r, pV[iPos] = b, pY[iPos] = g - iOffset; } break; case Y_ONLY: case YUV_444: case NCOMPONENT: { const size_t cChannel = pSC->WMISCP.cChannel; size_t iChannel; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; for(iChannel = 0; iChannel < cChannel; iChannel ++) pSC->p1MBbuffer[iChannel][iPos] = (((PixelI)pSrc[iChannel] >> nLen) << cShift) - iOffset; } break; } case CMYK: { PixelI * pK = (cfInt == CMYK ? pSC->p1MBbuffer[3] : pY); // CMYK -> YUV_xxx transcoding! for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ PixelI c = ((PixelI)pSrc[0] >> nLen) << cShift; PixelI m = ((PixelI)pSrc[1] >> nLen) << cShift; PixelI y = ((PixelI)pSrc[2] >> nLen) << cShift; PixelI k = ((PixelI)pSrc[3] >> nLen) << cShift; _CC_CMYK(c, m, y, k); iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = c, pV[iPos] = -y, pK[iPos] = k, pY[iPos] = iOffset - m; } break; } case YUV_422: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn += 2, pSrc += cStride){ if(cfInt != Y_ONLY){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 7) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn >> 1) & 7]; pU[iPos] = (((PixelI)pSrc[0]) << cShift) - iOffset; pV[iPos] = (((PixelI)pSrc[2]) << cShift) - iOffset; } pY[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 15]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[1]) << cShift) - iOffset; pY[(((iColumn + 1) >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn + 1) & 15]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[3]) << cShift) - iOffset; } break; case YUV_420: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn += 2, pSrc += cStride){ if(cfInt != Y_ONLY){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 6) + idxCC_420[iRow >> 1][(iColumn >> 1) & 7]; pU[iPos] = (((PixelI)pSrc[4]) << cShift) - iOffset; pV[iPos] = (((PixelI)pSrc[5]) << cShift) - iOffset; } pY[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 15]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[0]) << cShift) - iOffset; pY[(((iColumn + 1) >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][(iColumn + 1) & 15]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[1]) << cShift) - iOffset; pY[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow + 1][iColumn & 15]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[2]) << cShift) - iOffset; pY[(((iColumn + 1) >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow + 1][(iColumn + 1) & 15]] = (((PixelI)pSrc[3]) << cShift) - iOffset; } break; default: assert(0); break; } } else if(bdExt == BD_16S){ const I16 * pSrc = (I16 *)pSrc0 + pSC->WMII.cLeadingPadding; const size_t cStride = cPixelStride / sizeof(I16); switch(cfExt){ case CF_RGB: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ PixelI r = ((PixelI)pSrc[0] >> nLen) << cShift, g = ((PixelI)pSrc[1] >> nLen) << cShift, b = ((PixelI)pSrc[2] >> nLen) << cShift; _CC(r, g, b); // color conversion iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = -r, pV[iPos] = b, pY[iPos] = g; } break; case Y_ONLY: case YUV_444: case NCOMPONENT: { const size_t cChannel = pSC->WMISCP.cChannel; size_t iChannel; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; for(iChannel = 0; iChannel < cChannel; iChannel ++) pSC->p1MBbuffer[iChannel][iPos] = (((PixelI)pSrc[iChannel] >> nLen) << cShift); } } break; case CMYK: { PixelI * pK = (cfInt == CMYK ? pSC->p1MBbuffer[3] : pY); // CMYK -> YUV_xxx transcoding! for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ PixelI c = ((PixelI)pSrc[0] >> nLen) << cShift; PixelI m = ((PixelI)pSrc[1] >> nLen) << cShift; PixelI y = ((PixelI)pSrc[2] >> nLen) << cShift; PixelI k = ((PixelI)pSrc[3] >> nLen) << cShift; _CC_CMYK(c, m, y, k); iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = c, pV[iPos] = -y, pK[iPos] = k, pY[iPos] = -m; } } break; default: assert(0); break; } } else if(bdExt == BD_16F){ const I16 * pSrc = (I16 *)pSrc0 + pSC->WMII.cLeadingPadding; const size_t cStride = cPixelStride / sizeof(U16); switch(cfExt){ case CF_RGB: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ PixelI r = forwardHalf (pSrc[0]) << cShift; PixelI g = forwardHalf (pSrc[1]) << cShift; PixelI b = forwardHalf (pSrc[2]) << cShift; _CC(r, g, b); // color conversion iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = -r, pV[iPos] = b, pY[iPos] = g; } break; case Y_ONLY: case YUV_444: case NCOMPONENT: { const size_t cChannel = pSC->WMISCP.cChannel; // check xxx => Y_ONLY transcoding! size_t iChannel; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; for(iChannel = 0; iChannel < cChannel; iChannel ++) pSC->p1MBbuffer[iChannel][iPos] = forwardHalf (pSrc[iChannel]) << cShift; } } break; default: assert(0); break; } } else if(bdExt == BD_32){ const U32 * pSrc = (U32 *)pSrc0 + pSC->WMII.cLeadingPadding; const size_t cStride = cPixelStride / sizeof(U32); const PixelI iOffset = ((1 << 31) >> nLen) << cShift; switch(cfExt){ case CF_RGB: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ PixelI r = (pSrc[0] >> nLen) << cShift, g = (pSrc[1] >> nLen) << cShift, b = (pSrc[2] >> nLen) << cShift; _CC(r, g, b); // color conversion iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = -r, pV[iPos] = b, pY[iPos] = g - iOffset; } break; case Y_ONLY: case YUV_444: case NCOMPONENT: { const size_t cChannel = pSC->WMISCP.cChannel; size_t iChannel; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; for(iChannel = 0; iChannel < cChannel; iChannel ++) pSC->p1MBbuffer[iChannel][iPos] = (pSrc[iChannel] >> nLen) << cShift; } break; } default: assert(0); break; } } else if(bdExt == BD_32S){ const I32 * pSrc = (I32 *)pSrc0 + pSC->WMII.cLeadingPadding; const size_t cStride = cPixelStride / sizeof(I32); switch(cfExt){ case CF_RGB: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ PixelI r = (pSrc[0] >> nLen)<< cShift, g = (pSrc[1] >> nLen)<< cShift, b = (pSrc[2] >> nLen)<< cShift; _CC(r, g, b); // color conversion iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = -r, pV[iPos] = b, pY[iPos] = g; } break; case Y_ONLY: case YUV_444: case NCOMPONENT: { const size_t cChannel = pSC->WMISCP.cChannel; // check xxx => Y_ONLY transcoding! size_t iChannel; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; for(iChannel = 0; iChannel < cChannel; iChannel ++) pSC->p1MBbuffer[iChannel][iPos] = (pSrc[iChannel] >> nLen) << cShift; } } break; default: assert(0); break; } } else if(bdExt == BD_32F){ const float * pSrc = (float *)pSrc0 + pSC->WMII.cLeadingPadding; const size_t cStride = cPixelStride / sizeof(float); switch(cfExt){ case CF_RGB: for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ PixelI r = float2pixel (pSrc[0], nExpBias, nLen) << cShift; PixelI g = float2pixel (pSrc[1], nExpBias, nLen) << cShift; PixelI b = float2pixel (pSrc[2], nExpBias, nLen) << cShift; _CC(r, g, b); // color conversion iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = -r, pV[iPos] = b, pY[iPos] = g; } break; case Y_ONLY: case YUV_444: case NCOMPONENT: { const size_t cChannel = pSC->WMISCP.cChannel; size_t iChannel; for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cStride){ iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; for(iChannel = 0; iChannel < cChannel; iChannel ++) pSC->p1MBbuffer[iChannel][iPos] = float2pixel (pSrc[iChannel], nExpBias, nLen) << cShift; } } break; default: assert(0); break; } } else if(bdExt == BD_5){ // RGB 555, work for both big endian and small endian! const U8 * pSrc = pSrc0; const PixelI iOffset = (16 << cShift); assert(cfExt == CF_RGB); for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cPixelStride){ PixelI r = (PixelI)pSrc[0], g = (PixelI)pSrc[1], b = ((g >> 2) & 0x1F) << cShift; g = ((r >> 5) + ((g & 3) << 3)) << cShift, r = (r & 0x1F) << cShift; _CC(r, g, b); // color conversion iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = -r, pV[iPos] = b, pY[iPos] = g - iOffset; } } else if(bdExt == BD_565){ // RGB 555, work for both big endian and small endian! const U8 * pSrc = pSrc0; const PixelI iOffset = (32 << cShift); assert(cfExt == CF_RGB); for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cPixelStride){ PixelI r = (PixelI)pSrc[0], g = (PixelI)pSrc[1], b = (g >> 3) << (cShift + 1); g = ((r >> 5) + ((g & 7) << 3)) << cShift, r = (r & 0x1F) << (cShift + 1); _CC(r, g, b); // color conversion iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = -r, pV[iPos] = b, pY[iPos] = g - iOffset; } } else if(bdExt == BD_10){ //RGB 101010, work for both big endian and small endian! const U8 * pSrc = pSrc0; const PixelI iOffset = (512 << cShift); assert(cfExt == CF_RGB); for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++, pSrc += cPixelStride){ PixelI r = (PixelI)pSrc[0], g = (PixelI)pSrc[1], b = (PixelI)pSrc[2]; r = (r + ((g & 3) << 8)) << cShift, g = ((g >> 2) + ((b & 0xF) << 6)) << cShift; b = ((b >> 4) + (((PixelI)pSrc[3] & 0x3F) << 4)) << cShift; _CC(r, g, b); // color conversion iPos = ((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]; pU[iPos] = -r, pV[iPos] = b, pY[iPos] = g - iOffset; } } else if(bdExt == BD_1){ assert(cfExt == Y_ONLY); for(iColumn = 0; iColumn < cColumn; iColumn ++) { pY[((iColumn >> 4) << 8) + idxCC[iRow][iColumn & 0xf]] = ((pSC->WMISCP.bBlackWhite + (pSrc0[iColumn >> 3] >> (7 - (iColumn & 7)))) & 1) << cShift; } } if(iRow + iRowStride < cRow) // centralized vertical padding! pSrc0 += pSC->WMIBI.cbStride; } padHorizontally(pSC); // centralized horizontal padding // centralized down-sampling if(pSC->m_bUVResolutionChange) downsampleUV(pSC); // centralized alpha channel handdling if (pSC->WMISCP.uAlphaMode == 3) if(inputMBRowAlpha(pSC) != ICERR_OK) return ICERR_ERROR; return ICERR_OK; }