//*@@@+++@@@@****************************************************************** // // Copyright © Microsoft Corp. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // //*@@@---@@@@****************************************************************** #include <JXRTest.h> #include <time.h> //================================================================ // Command line argument support //================================================================ typedef struct tagWMPENCAPPARGS { char* szInputFile; char* szOutputFile; PKPixelFormatGUID guidPixFormat; // Bool bFlagRGB_BGR; CWMIStrCodecParam wmiSCP; float fltImageQuality; Bool bOverlapSet; Bool bColorFormatSet; } WMPENCAPPARGS; //---------------------------------------------------------------- void WmpEncAppUsage(const char* szExe) { printf(CRLF); printf("JPEG XR Encoder Utility" CRLF); printf("Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation - All Rights Reserved" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf("%s [options]..." CRLF, szExe); printf(CRLF); printf(" -i input.bmp/tif/hdr Input image file name" CRLF); printf(" bmp: <=8bpc, BGR" CRLF); printf(" tif: >=8bpc, RGB" CRLF); printf(" hdr: 24bppRGBE only" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -o output.jxr Output JPEG XR file name" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -q quality [0.0 - 1.0) Default = 1.0, lossless" CRLF); printf(" or quantization [1 - 255] Default = 1, lossless" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -c format Required to define uncompressed source pixel format" CRLF); printf(" 0: 24bppBGR" CRLF); printf(" 1: 1bppBlackWhite" CRLF); printf(" 2: 8bppGray" CRLF); printf(" 3: 16bppGray" CRLF); printf(" 4: 16bppGrayFixedPoint" CRLF); printf(" 5: 16bppGrayHalf" CRLF); // printf(" 6: 32bppGray" CRLF); printf(" 7: 32bppGrayFixedPoint" CRLF); printf(" 8: 32bppGrayFloat" CRLF); printf(" 9: 24bppRGB" CRLF); printf(" 10: 48bppRGB" CRLF); printf(" 11: 48bppRGBFixedPoint" CRLF); printf(" 12: 48bppRGBHalf" CRLF); // printf(" 13: 96bppRGB" CRLF); printf(" 14: 96bppRGBFixedPoint" CRLF); printf(" 15: 128bppRGBFloat" CRLF); printf(" 16: 32bppRGBE" CRLF); printf(" 17: 32bppCMYK" CRLF); printf(" 18: 64bppCMYK" CRLF); /* printf(" 19 - YUV 420" CRLF); printf(" 20 - YUV 422" CRLF); printf(" 21 - YUV 444" CRLF); */ printf(" 22: 32bppBGRA" CRLF); printf(" 23: 64bppRGBA" CRLF); printf(" 24: 64bppRGBAFixedPoint" CRLF); printf(" 25: 64bppRGBAHalf" CRLF); // printf(" 26 - 128bpp RGBA" CRLF); printf(" 27: 128bppRGBAFixedPoint" CRLF); printf(" 28: 128bppRGBAFloat" CRLF); printf(" 29: 16bppBGR555" CRLF); printf(" 30: 16bppBGR565" CRLF); printf(" 31: 32bppBGR101010" CRLF); //printf(" 101..116 - 1..16 channel 8bpp" CRLF); printf(" 32: 40bppCMYKA" CRLF); printf(" 33: 80bppCMYKA" CRLF); printf(" 34: 32bppBGR" CRLF); /* printf(" 35: 32bppPBGRA" CRLF); printf(" 36: 64bppPRGBA" CRLF); printf(" 37: 128bppPRGBA Float" CRLF); */ printf(CRLF); printf(" -d chroma sub-sampling 0: Y-only" CRLF); printf(" 1: YCoCg 4:2:0" CRLF); printf(" 2: YCoCg 4:2:2" CRLF); printf(" 3: YCoCg 4:4:4 (default)" CRLF); printf(" (if not set is 4:4:4 for quality >= 0.5 or 4:2:0 for quality < 0.5)" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -l overlapping 0: No overlapping" CRLF); printf(" 1: One level overlapping (default)" CRLF); printf(" 2: Two level overlapping" CRLF); printf(" (if not set is One for quality > 0.4 or Two for quality <= 0.4)" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -f Turn off frequency order bit stream (to spatial)" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -p Turn off progressive mode (to sequential)" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -t Display timing information" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -v Display verbose encoder information" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -V tile_wd0 [tile_wd1 ... ] Macro block columns per tile " CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -H tile_ht0 [tile_ht1 ... ] Macro block rows per tile" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -U num_v_tiles num_h_tiles Vertical & horizontal tile count for uniform tiling" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -b Black/White Applies to 1bpp black/white images" CRLF); printf(" 0: 0 = black (default)" CRLF); printf(" 1: 0 = white" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -a alpha channel format Required for any pixel format with an alpha channel" CRLF); printf(" 2: Planar alpha (default)" CRLF); printf(" 3: Interleaved alpha" CRLF); printf(" Other: Reserved, do not use" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -Q quantization for alpha [1 - 255] Default = 1, lossless" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -F trimmed flexbits [0 - 15] 0: no trimming (default)" CRLF); printf(" 15: trim all" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf(" -s skip subbands 0: All subbands included (default)" CRLF); printf(" 1: Skip flexbits" CRLF); printf(" 2: Skip highpass" CRLF); printf(" 3: Skip highpass & lowpass (DC only)" CRLF); printf(CRLF); printf("Eg: %s -i input.bmp -o output.jxr -q 10" CRLF, szExe); } void WmpEncAppShowArgs(WMPENCAPPARGS* args) { const char *szCF[] = {"Y_ONLY", "YUV_420", "YUV_422", "YUV_444", "CMYK"}; GUID guidPF = args->guidPixFormat; printf("================================" CRLF); printf("Input file: %s" CRLF, args->szInputFile); printf("Output file: %s" CRLF, args->szOutputFile); printf("Color format: %08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X" CRLF, guidPF.Data1, guidPF.Data2, guidPF.Data3, guidPF.Data4[0], guidPF.Data4[1], guidPF.Data4[2], guidPF.Data4[3], guidPF.Data4[4], guidPF.Data4[5], guidPF.Data4[6], guidPF.Data4[7]); printf("Internal cf: %s" CRLF, szCF[args->wmiSCP.cfColorFormat]); printf("Overlap: %s" CRLF, 0 < args->wmiSCP.olOverlap ? "yes" : "no"); printf("DCOverlap: %s" CRLF, 1 < args->wmiSCP.olOverlap ? "yes" : "no"); printf("Alpha: %s" CRLF, 1 < args->wmiSCP.uAlphaMode ? "yes" : "no"); printf("================================" CRLF); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- void WmpEncAppInitDefaultArgs(WMPENCAPPARGS* args) { memset(args, 0, sizeof(*args)); args->guidPixFormat = GUID_PKPixelFormatDontCare; args->wmiSCP.bVerbose = FALSE; args->wmiSCP.cfColorFormat = YUV_444; // args->bFlagRGB_BGR = FALSE; //default BGR args->wmiSCP.bdBitDepth = BD_LONG; args->wmiSCP.bfBitstreamFormat = FREQUENCY; args->wmiSCP.bProgressiveMode = TRUE; args->wmiSCP.olOverlap = OL_ONE; args->wmiSCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H = args->wmiSCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V = 0; args->wmiSCP.sbSubband = SB_ALL; args->wmiSCP.uAlphaMode = 0; args->wmiSCP.uiDefaultQPIndex = 1; args->wmiSCP.uiDefaultQPIndexAlpha = 1; args->fltImageQuality = 1.f; args->bOverlapSet = 0; args->bColorFormatSet = 0; } ERR WmpEncAppValidateArgs(WMPENCAPPARGS* args) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; Test(NULL != args->szInputFile, WMP_errInvalidParameter); Test(NULL != args->szOutputFile, WMP_errInvalidParameter); Cleanup: return err; } ERR WmpEncAppParseArgs(int argc, char* argv[], WMPENCAPPARGS* args) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; static const PKPixelFormatGUID* pixelFormat[] = { &GUID_PKPixelFormat24bppBGR, &GUID_PKPixelFormatBlackWhite, &GUID_PKPixelFormat8bppGray, &GUID_PKPixelFormat16bppGray, &GUID_PKPixelFormat16bppGrayFixedPoint, &GUID_PKPixelFormat16bppGrayHalf, &GUID_PKPixelFormatDontCare, // &GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppGray, &GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppGrayFixedPoint, &GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppGrayFloat, &GUID_PKPixelFormat24bppRGB, &GUID_PKPixelFormat48bppRGB, &GUID_PKPixelFormat48bppRGBFixedPoint, &GUID_PKPixelFormat48bppRGBHalf, &GUID_PKPixelFormatDontCare, // &GUID_PKPixelFormat96bppRGB, &GUID_PKPixelFormat96bppRGBFixedPoint, &GUID_PKPixelFormat128bppRGBFloat, &GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppRGBE, &GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppCMYK, &GUID_PKPixelFormat64bppCMYK, &GUID_PKPixelFormat12bppYUV420, &GUID_PKPixelFormat16bppYUV422, &GUID_PKPixelFormat24bppYUV444, //&GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppRGBA, &GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppBGRA, &GUID_PKPixelFormat64bppRGBA, &GUID_PKPixelFormat64bppRGBAFixedPoint, &GUID_PKPixelFormat64bppRGBAHalf, &GUID_PKPixelFormatDontCare, // &GUID_PKPixelFormat128bppRGBA, &GUID_PKPixelFormat128bppRGBAFixedPoint, &GUID_PKPixelFormat128bppRGBAFloat, //&GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppPBGRA &GUID_PKPixelFormat16bppRGB555, &GUID_PKPixelFormat16bppRGB565, &GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppRGB101010, &GUID_PKPixelFormat40bppCMYKAlpha, &GUID_PKPixelFormat80bppCMYKAlpha, &GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppBGR, &GUID_PKPixelFormat32bppPBGRA, &GUID_PKPixelFormat64bppPRGBA, &GUID_PKPixelFormat128bppPRGBAFloat, }; size_t InvalidPF[9] = {6, 13, 19, 20, 21, 26, 35, 36, 37}; size_t AlphaPF[8] = {22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 32, 33}; int i = 1, j = 0, k; char c; int idxPF = -1; WmpEncAppInitDefaultArgs(args); while (i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-') { switch ((c = argv[i][1])) { /* the no-argument switches */ case 't': // NOOP - now we always print timing info break; case 'v': args->wmiSCP.bVerbose = !FALSE; break; /* simple flag argument */ case 'f': args->wmiSCP.bfBitstreamFormat = SPATIAL; break; case 'p': args->wmiSCP.bProgressiveMode = FALSE; break; case 'u': args->wmiSCP.bUnscaledArith = TRUE; break; default: i ++; if (i == argc || argv[i][0] == '-') // need more info Call(WMP_errInvalidArgument); switch (c) { case 'i': args->szInputFile = argv[i]; break; case 'o': args->szOutputFile = argv[i]; break; case 'q': { args->fltImageQuality = (float) atof(argv[i]); if (args->fltImageQuality < 0.f || args->fltImageQuality > 255.f) Call(WMP_errInvalidArgument); } break; case 'Q': args->wmiSCP.uiDefaultQPIndexAlpha = (U8)(atoi(argv[i])); break; case 's': args->wmiSCP.sbSubband = (SUBBAND)(atoi(argv[i])); break; case 'c': idxPF = (size_t)atol(argv[i]); for (k = 0; k < 9; k++) { if (InvalidPF[k] == (size_t) idxPF) { printf("*** Unsupported format in JPEG XR ***\n"); Call(WMP_errInvalidArgument); } } break; case 'a': args->wmiSCP.uAlphaMode = (U8)atoi(argv[i]); break; /* case 'R': args->bFlagRGB_BGR = (Bool)atoi(argv[i]); break; */ case 'l': args->wmiSCP.olOverlap = (OVERLAP)atoi(argv[i]); args->bOverlapSet = 1; break; case 'd': args->wmiSCP.cfColorFormat = (COLORFORMAT)atoi(argv[i]); args->bColorFormatSet = 1; break; case 'H': // horizontal tiling for(j = 0;;i ++, j ++){ args->wmiSCP.uiTileY[j] = atoi(argv[i]); if(i + 1 == argc || argv[i + 1][0] == '-' || j >= MAX_TILES-1) break; } args->wmiSCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H = (U8)j; break; case 'V': // vertical tiling for(j = 0;;i ++, j ++){ args->wmiSCP.uiTileX[j] = atoi(argv[i]); if(i + 1 == argc || argv[i + 1][0] == '-' || j >= MAX_TILES-1) break; } args->wmiSCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V = (U8)j; break; case 'U': // uniform tiling if(i + 1 < argc && argv[i + 1][0] != '-'){ if(atoi(argv[i]) > 0 && atoi(argv[i + 1]) > 0){ args->wmiSCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H = atoi(argv[i]) - 1; args->wmiSCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V = atoi(argv[i + 1]) - 1; } i ++; } break; case 'm': args->wmiSCP.nLenMantissaOrShift = (U8)atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'C': args->wmiSCP.nExpBias = (I8) atoi(argv[i]) + 128; // rollover arithmetic break; case 'b': args->wmiSCP.bBlackWhite = (Bool)atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'F': args->wmiSCP.uiTrimFlexBits = (U8)atoi(argv[i]); if (args->wmiSCP.uiTrimFlexBits > 15) args->wmiSCP.uiTrimFlexBits = 15; break; default: Call(WMP_errInvalidArgument); } } i ++; } FailIf((int) sizeof2(pixelFormat) <= idxPF, WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); if (idxPF >= 0) args->guidPixFormat = *pixelFormat[idxPF]; if ((idxPF >= 1) && (idxPF <= 8)) args->wmiSCP.cfColorFormat = Y_ONLY; else if ((idxPF == 17) || (idxPF == 18) || (idxPF == 32) || (idxPF == 33)) args->wmiSCP.cfColorFormat = CMYK; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { if (AlphaPF[k] == (size_t) idxPF) { if(0 == args->wmiSCP.uAlphaMode)//with Alpha and no default, set default as Planar { args->wmiSCP.uAlphaMode = 2; } break; } } //================================ Call(WmpEncAppValidateArgs(args)); Cleanup: return err; } // Y, U, V, YHP, UHP, VHP int DPK_QPS_420[12][6] = { // for 8 bit only { 66, 65, 70, 72, 72, 77 }, { 59, 58, 63, 64, 63, 68 }, { 52, 51, 57, 56, 56, 61 }, { 48, 48, 54, 51, 50, 55 }, { 43, 44, 48, 46, 46, 49 }, { 37, 37, 42, 38, 38, 43 }, { 26, 28, 31, 27, 28, 31 }, { 16, 17, 22, 16, 17, 21 }, { 10, 11, 13, 10, 10, 13 }, { 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 6 }, { 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2 } }; int DPK_QPS_8[12][6] = { { 67, 79, 86, 72, 90, 98 }, { 59, 74, 80, 64, 83, 89 }, { 53, 68, 75, 57, 76, 83 }, { 49, 64, 71, 53, 70, 77 }, { 45, 60, 67, 48, 67, 74 }, { 40, 56, 62, 42, 59, 66 }, { 33, 49, 55, 35, 51, 58 }, { 27, 44, 49, 28, 45, 50 }, { 20, 36, 42, 20, 38, 44 }, { 13, 27, 34, 13, 28, 34 }, { 7, 17, 21, 8, 17, 21 }, // Photoshop 100% { 2, 5, 6, 2, 5, 6 } }; int DPK_QPS_16[11][6] = { { 197, 203, 210, 202, 207, 213 }, { 174, 188, 193, 180, 189, 196 }, { 152, 167, 173, 156, 169, 174 }, { 135, 152, 157, 137, 153, 158 }, { 119, 137, 141, 119, 138, 142 }, { 102, 120, 125, 100, 120, 124 }, { 82, 98, 104, 79, 98, 103 }, { 60, 76, 81, 58, 76, 81 }, { 39, 52, 58, 36, 52, 58 }, { 16, 27, 33, 14, 27, 33 }, { 5, 8, 9, 4, 7, 8 } }; int DPK_QPS_16f[11][6] = { { 148, 177, 171, 165, 187, 191 }, { 133, 155, 153, 147, 172, 181 }, { 114, 133, 138, 130, 157, 167 }, { 97, 118, 120, 109, 137, 144 }, { 76, 98, 103, 85, 115, 121 }, { 63, 86, 91, 62, 96, 99 }, { 46, 68, 71, 43, 73, 75 }, { 29, 48, 52, 27, 48, 51 }, { 16, 30, 35, 14, 29, 34 }, { 8, 14, 17, 7, 13, 17 }, { 3, 5, 7, 3, 5, 6 } }; int DPK_QPS_32f[11][6] = { { 194, 206, 209, 204, 211, 217 }, { 175, 187, 196, 186, 193, 205 }, { 157, 170, 177, 167, 180, 190 }, { 133, 152, 156, 144, 163, 168 }, { 116, 138, 142, 117, 143, 148 }, { 98, 120, 123, 96, 123, 126 }, { 80, 99, 102, 78, 99, 102 }, { 65, 79, 84, 63, 79, 84 }, { 48, 61, 67, 45, 60, 66 }, { 27, 41, 46, 24, 40, 45 }, { 3, 22, 24, 2, 21, 22 } }; //================================================================ // main function //================================================================ int #ifndef __ANSI__ __cdecl #endif // __ANSI__ main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; PKFactory* pFactory = NULL; struct WMPStream* pEncodeStream = NULL; PKCodecFactory* pCodecFactory = NULL; PKCodecFactory* pTestFactory = NULL; PKImageEncode* pEncoder = NULL; // clock_t start = 0, finish = 0; WMPENCAPPARGS args; char* pExt = NULL; //================================ // parse command line parameters if (1 == argc) { WmpEncAppUsage(argv[0]); return 0; } Call(WmpEncAppParseArgs(argc, argv, &args)); if (args.wmiSCP.bVerbose) { WmpEncAppShowArgs(&args); } //================================ pExt = strrchr(args.szInputFile, '.'); FailIf(NULL == pExt, WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); //================================ Call(PKCreateFactory(&pFactory, PK_SDK_VERSION)); Call(pFactory->CreateStreamFromFilename(&pEncodeStream, args.szOutputFile, "wb")); //================================ Call(PKCreateCodecFactory(&pCodecFactory, WMP_SDK_VERSION)); Call(pCodecFactory->CreateCodec(&IID_PKImageWmpEncode, (void**)&pEncoder)); //---------------------------------------------------------------- Call(PKCreateTestFactory(&pTestFactory, WMP_SDK_VERSION)); // // go through each image // //for (i = 0; ; ++i) { PKImageDecode* pDecoder = NULL; PKFormatConverter* pConverter = NULL; PKPixelInfo PI; Float rX = 0.0, rY = 0.0; PKRect rect = {0, 0, 0, 0}; //================================ Call(pTestFactory->CreateDecoderFromFile(args.szInputFile, &pDecoder)); if (IsEqualGUID(&args.guidPixFormat, &GUID_PKPixelFormatDontCare)) Call(pDecoder->GetPixelFormat(pDecoder, &args.guidPixFormat)); PI.pGUIDPixFmt = &args.guidPixFormat; Call(PixelFormatLookup(&PI, LOOKUP_FORWARD)); if ((PI.grBit & PK_pixfmtHasAlpha) && args.wmiSCP.uAlphaMode == 0) args.wmiSCP.uAlphaMode = 2; // with Alpha and no default, set default as Planar FailIf(PI.uSamplePerPixel > 1 && PI.uBitsPerSample > 8 && args.wmiSCP.cfColorFormat != YUV_444, WMP_errInvalidArgument); //================================ Call(pCodecFactory->CreateFormatConverter(&pConverter)); Call(pConverter->Initialize(pConverter, pDecoder, pExt, args.guidPixFormat)); //================================ Call(pDecoder->GetSize(pDecoder, &rect.Width, &rect.Height)); if (args.wmiSCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H == 0 && args.wmiSCP.uiTileY[0] > 0) { // # of horizontal slices, rounded down by half tile size. U32 uTileY = args.wmiSCP.uiTileY[0] * MB_HEIGHT_PIXEL; args.wmiSCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1H = (U32) rect.Height < (uTileY >> 1) ? 0 : (rect.Height + (uTileY >> 1)) / uTileY - 1; } if (args.wmiSCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V == 0 && args.wmiSCP.uiTileX[0] > 0) { // # of vertical slices, rounded down by half tile size. U32 uTileX = args.wmiSCP.uiTileX[0] * MB_HEIGHT_PIXEL; args.wmiSCP.cNumOfSliceMinus1V = (U32) rect.Width < (uTileX >> 1) ? 0 : (rect.Width + (uTileX >> 1)) / uTileX - 1; } Call(pEncoder->Initialize(pEncoder, pEncodeStream, &args.wmiSCP, sizeof(args.wmiSCP))); //ImageQuality Q (BD==1) Q (BD==8) Q (BD==16) Q (BD==32F) Subsample Overlap //[0.0, 0.4] 8-IQ*5 (see table) (see table) (see table) 4:4:4 2 //(0.4, 0.8) 8-IQ*5 (see table) (see table) (see table) 4:4:4 1 //[0.8, 1.0) 8-IQ*5 (see table) (see table) (see table) 4:4:4 1 //[1.0, 1.0] 1 1 1 1 4:4:4 0 if (args.fltImageQuality < 1.0F) { if (!args.bOverlapSet) { if (args.fltImageQuality > 0.4F) pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.olOverlap = OL_ONE; else pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.olOverlap = OL_TWO; } if (!args.bColorFormatSet) { if (args.fltImageQuality >= 0.5F || PI.uBitsPerSample > 8) pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.cfColorFormat = YUV_444; else pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.cfColorFormat = YUV_420; } if (PI.bdBitDepth == BD_1) { pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.uiDefaultQPIndex = (U8)(8 - 5.0F * args.fltImageQuality + 0.5F); } else { // remap [0.8, 0.866, 0.933, 1.0] to [0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1] // to use 8-bit DPK QP table (0.933 == Photoshop JPEG 100) int qi; float qf; int* pQPs; if (args.fltImageQuality > 0.8f && PI.bdBitDepth == BD_8 && pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.cfColorFormat != YUV_420 && pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.cfColorFormat != YUV_422) args.fltImageQuality = 0.8f + (args.fltImageQuality - 0.8f) * 1.5f; qi = (int) (10.f * args.fltImageQuality); qf = 10.f * args.fltImageQuality - (float) qi; pQPs = (pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.cfColorFormat == YUV_420 || pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.cfColorFormat == YUV_422) ? DPK_QPS_420[qi] : (PI.bdBitDepth == BD_8 ? DPK_QPS_8[qi] : (PI.bdBitDepth == BD_16 ? DPK_QPS_16[qi] : (PI.bdBitDepth == BD_16F ? DPK_QPS_16f[qi] : DPK_QPS_32f[qi]))); pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.uiDefaultQPIndex = (U8) (0.5f + (float) pQPs[0] * (1.f - qf) + (float) (pQPs + 6)[0] * qf); pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.uiDefaultQPIndexU = (U8) (0.5f + (float) pQPs[1] * (1.f - qf) + (float) (pQPs + 6)[1] * qf); pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.uiDefaultQPIndexV = (U8) (0.5f + (float) pQPs[2] * (1.f - qf) + (float) (pQPs + 6)[2] * qf); pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.uiDefaultQPIndexYHP = (U8) (0.5f + (float) pQPs[3] * (1.f - qf) + (float) (pQPs + 6)[3] * qf); pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.uiDefaultQPIndexUHP = (U8) (0.5f + (float) pQPs[4] * (1.f - qf) + (float) (pQPs + 6)[4] * qf); pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.uiDefaultQPIndexVHP = (U8) (0.5f + (float) pQPs[5] * (1.f - qf) + (float) (pQPs + 6)[5] * qf); } } else { pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.uiDefaultQPIndex = (U8) args.fltImageQuality; } if(pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP.uAlphaMode == 2) pEncoder->WMP.wmiSCP_Alpha.uiDefaultQPIndex = args.wmiSCP.uiDefaultQPIndexAlpha; Call(pEncoder->SetPixelFormat(pEncoder, args.guidPixFormat)); Call(pEncoder->SetSize(pEncoder, rect.Width, rect.Height)); Call(pDecoder->GetResolution(pDecoder, &rX, &rY)); Call(pEncoder->SetResolution(pEncoder, rX, rY)); //================================ // re-encode the input source to the output // pEncoder->WriteSource = PKImageEncode_WriteSource; Call(pEncoder->WriteSource(pEncoder, pConverter, &rect)); pConverter->Release(&pConverter); pDecoder->Release(&pDecoder); //if (i + 1 == 5) //{ // break; //} // multi-frame support NYI //Call(pEncoder->CreateNewFrame(pEncoder, &wmiSCP, sizeof(wmiSCP))); } // Call(pEncoder->Terminate(pEncoder)); pEncoder->Release(&pEncoder); Cleanup: if (WMP_errSuccess != err) { WmpEncAppUsage(argv[0]); } return (int)err; }