//*@@@+++@@@@****************************************************************** // // Copyright © Microsoft Corp. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // //*@@@---@@@@****************************************************************** #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <strcodec.h> #include <JXRTest.h> //================================================================ #define TIF_tagNull 0 #define TIF_tagSubfileType 0xff #define TIF_tagNewSubfileType 0xfe #define TIF_tagImageWidth 0x100 #define TIF_tagImageLength 0x101 #define TIF_tagBitsPerSample 0x102 #define TIF_tagCompression 0x103 #define TIF_tagPhotometricInterpretation 0x106 #define TIF_tagStripOffsets 0x111 #define TIF_tagOrientation 0x112 #define TIF_tagSamplesPerPixel 0x115 #define TIF_tagRowsPerStrip 0x116 #define TIF_tagStripByteCounts 0x117 #define TIF_tagXResolution 0x11a #define TIF_tagYResolution 0x11b #define TIF_tagPlanarConfiguration 0x11c #define TIF_tagResolutionUnit 0x128 #define TIF_tagSoftware 0x131 #define TIF_tagColorMap 0x140 #define TIF_tagPredictor 0x13d #define TIF_tagInkSet 0x14c #define TIF_tagExtraSamples 0x152 #define TIF_tagSampleFormat 0x153 #define TIF_typBYTE 1 #define TIF_typASCII 2 #define TIF_typSHORT 3 #define TIF_typLONG 4 #define TIF_typRATIOAL 5 #define TIF_typSBYTE 6 #define TIF_typUNDEFINED 7 #define TIF_typSSHORT 8 #define TIF_typSLONG 9 #define TIF_typSRATIONAL 10 #define TIF_typFLOAT 11 #define TIF_typDOUBLE 12 //================================================================ typedef float FLOAT; typedef double DOUBLE; //================================================================ // PKImageEncode_TIF helpers //================================================================ typedef struct tagTifDE { U16 uTag; U16 uType; U32 uCount; U32 uValueOrOffset; } TifDE; typedef struct tagTifDEMisc { U32 offBitsPerSample; U32 offSampleFormat; U32 bps, spp, sf; U32 iPhotometricInterpretation; U32 offXResolution; U32 resXF, resXD; U32 offYResolution; U32 resYF, resYD; } TifDEMisc; ERR PutTifUShort( struct WMPStream* pS, size_t offPos, U16 uValue) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; Call(pS->SetPos(pS, offPos)); Call(pS->Write(pS, &uValue, sizeof(uValue))); Cleanup: return err; } ERR PutTifULong( struct WMPStream* pS, size_t offPos, U32 uValue) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; Call(pS->SetPos(pS, offPos)); Call(pS->Write(pS, &uValue, sizeof(uValue))); Cleanup: return err; } ERR WriteTifDE( struct WMPStream* pS, size_t offPos, TifDE* pDE) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; assert(-1 != pDE->uCount); assert(-1 != pDE->uValueOrOffset); Call(PutTifUShort(pS, offPos, pDE->uTag)); offPos += 2; Call(PutTifUShort(pS, offPos, pDE->uType)); offPos += 2; Call(PutTifULong(pS, offPos, pDE->uCount)); offPos += 4; switch (pDE->uType) { case TIF_typSHORT: if (1 == pDE->uCount) { Call(PutTifUShort(pS, offPos, (U16)pDE->uValueOrOffset)); offPos += 2; Call(PutTifUShort(pS, offPos, 0)); offPos += 2; break; } case TIF_typLONG: case TIF_typRATIOAL: Call(PutTifULong(pS, offPos, pDE->uValueOrOffset)); offPos += 4; break; default: Call(WMP_errInvalidParameter); break; } Cleanup: return err; } ERR WriteTifHeader( PKImageEncode* pIE) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; struct WMPStream* pS = pIE->pStream; size_t offPos = 0; #ifdef _BIG__ENDIAN_ U8 IIMM[3] = "MM"; #else // _BIG__ENDIAN_ U8 IIMM[3] = "II"; #endif // _BIG__ENDIAN_ TifDEMisc tifDEMisc = { (U32) -1, (U32) -1, (U32) -1, (U32) -1, (U32) -1, 2, // photometric interpretation (U32) -1, 10000, 10000, (U32) -1, 10000, 10000, }; // const U32 cbTifDEMisc = sizeof(U16) * 10 + sizeof(U32) * 2 * 2; const static TifDE tifDEs[] = { {0x100, 4, 1, (U32) -1}, // TIF_tagImageWidth {0x101, 4, 1, (U32) -1}, // TIF_tagImageLength {0x102, 3, (U32) -1, (U32) -1}, // TIF_tagBitsPerSample {0x103, 3, 1, 1}, // TIF_tagCompression {0x106, 3, 1, (U32) -1}, // TIF_tagPhotometricInterpretation {0x111, 4, 1, (U32) -1}, // TIF_tagStripOffsets {0x112, 3, 1, 1}, // TIF_tagOrientation {0x115, 3, 1, (U32) -1}, // TIF_tagSamplesPerPixel {0x116, 4, 1, (U32) -1}, // TIF_tagRowsPerStrip {0x117, 4, 1, (U32) -1}, // TIF_tagStripByteCounts {0x11a, 5, 1, (U32) -1}, // TIF_tagXResolution {0x11b, 5, 1, (U32) -1}, // TIF_tagYResolution {0x11c, 3, 1, 1}, // TIF_tagPlanarConfiguration {0x128, 3, 1, 2}, // TIF_tagResolutionUnit {0x153, 3, (U32) -1, (U32) -1}, // TIF_tagSampleFormat // {0x131, 2, -1, -1}, // TIF_tagSoftware // {0x140, 3, -1, -1}, // TIF_tagColorMap }; U16 cTifDEs = sizeof2(tifDEs); TifDE tifDE = {0}; PKPixelInfo PI; size_t cbLine = 0; size_t i = 0; size_t j; tifDEMisc.resXF = (U32)(pIE->fResX * 10000); tifDEMisc.resYF = (U32)(pIE->fResY * 10000); Call(pS->GetPos(pS, &offPos)); FailIf(0 != offPos, WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); //================ // TifHeader Call(pS->Write(pS, IIMM, 2)); offPos += 2; Call(PutTifUShort(pS, offPos, 42)); offPos += 2; Call(PutTifULong(pS, offPos, (U32)(offPos + 4))); offPos += 4; //================ // TifDEMisc PI.pGUIDPixFmt = &pIE->guidPixFormat; PixelFormatLookup(&PI, LOOKUP_FORWARD); tifDEMisc.iPhotometricInterpretation = //the N channel TIF by PS has PhotometricInterpretation of PK_PI_RGB PI.uInterpretation == PK_PI_NCH || PI.uInterpretation == PK_PI_RGBE ? PK_PI_RGB : (PI.uInterpretation == PK_PI_B0 && pIE->WMP.wmiSCP.bBlackWhite ? PK_PI_W0 : PI.uInterpretation); tifDEMisc.spp = PI.uSamplePerPixel; tifDEMisc.bps = PI.uBitsPerSample; tifDEMisc.sf = PI.uSampleFormat; if (tifDEMisc.iPhotometricInterpretation == PK_PI_CMYK) cTifDEs++; if (PI.grBit & PK_pixfmtHasAlpha) cTifDEs++; tifDEMisc.offBitsPerSample = (U32)offPos + sizeof(U16) + 12 * cTifDEs + sizeof(U32); tifDEMisc.offSampleFormat = tifDEMisc.offBitsPerSample + (tifDEMisc.spp == 1 ? 0 : tifDEMisc.spp * 2); tifDEMisc.offXResolution = tifDEMisc.offSampleFormat + (tifDEMisc.spp == 1 ? 0 : tifDEMisc.spp * 2); tifDEMisc.offYResolution = tifDEMisc.offXResolution + 8; //================ // TifIFD pIE->offPixel = tifDEMisc.offYResolution + 8; Call(PutTifUShort(pS, offPos, cTifDEs)); offPos += 2; //================ tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagImageWidth == tifDE.uTag); tifDE.uValueOrOffset = pIE->uWidth; Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagImageLength == tifDE.uTag); tifDE.uValueOrOffset = pIE->uHeight; Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagBitsPerSample == tifDE.uTag); tifDE.uCount = tifDEMisc.spp; tifDE.uValueOrOffset = 1 == tifDE.uCount ? tifDEMisc.bps : tifDEMisc.offBitsPerSample; Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagCompression == tifDE.uTag); Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagPhotometricInterpretation == tifDE.uTag); tifDE.uValueOrOffset = tifDEMisc.iPhotometricInterpretation; Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagStripOffsets == tifDE.uTag); tifDE.uValueOrOffset = (U32)pIE->offPixel; Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagOrientation == tifDE.uTag); Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagSamplesPerPixel == tifDE.uTag); tifDE.uValueOrOffset = tifDEMisc.spp; Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagRowsPerStrip == tifDE.uTag); tifDE.uValueOrOffset = pIE->uHeight; Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagStripByteCounts == tifDE.uTag); cbLine = (BD_1 == PI.bdBitDepth ? ((PI.cbitUnit * pIE->uWidth + 7) >> 3) : (((PI.cbitUnit + 7) >> 3) * pIE->uWidth)); tifDE.uValueOrOffset = (U32)(cbLine * pIE->uHeight); Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagXResolution == tifDE.uTag); tifDE.uValueOrOffset = tifDEMisc.offXResolution; Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagYResolution == tifDE.uTag); tifDE.uValueOrOffset = tifDEMisc.offYResolution; Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagPlanarConfiguration == tifDE.uTag); Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagResolutionUnit == tifDE.uTag); Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; if (tifDEMisc.iPhotometricInterpretation == PK_PI_CMYK) { TifDE tifDE = {TIF_tagInkSet, 3, 1, 1}; Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; } if (PI.grBit & PK_pixfmtHasAlpha) { TifDE tifDE = {TIF_tagExtraSamples, 3, 1, 1}; if (!(PI.grBit & PK_pixfmtPreMul)) tifDE.uValueOrOffset++; Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; } tifDE = tifDEs[i++]; assert(TIF_tagSampleFormat == tifDE.uTag); tifDE.uCount = tifDEMisc.spp; tifDE.uValueOrOffset = 1 == tifDE.uCount ? tifDEMisc.sf : tifDEMisc.offSampleFormat; Call(WriteTifDE(pS, offPos, &tifDE)); offPos += 12; //================ Call(PutTifULong(pS, offPos, 0)); offPos += 4; //================ // TifDEMisc if (tifDE.uCount > 1) { assert(tifDEMisc.offBitsPerSample == offPos); if (PI.bdBitDepth == BD_565) { Call(PutTifUShort(pS, offPos, 5)); offPos += 2; Call(PutTifUShort(pS, offPos, 6)); offPos += 2; Call(PutTifUShort(pS, offPos, 5)); offPos += 2; } else { for (j = 0; j < tifDE.uCount; j++) { Call(PutTifUShort(pS, offPos, (U16)tifDEMisc.bps)); offPos += 2; } } assert(tifDEMisc.offSampleFormat == offPos); for (j = 0; j < tifDE.uCount; j++) { Call(PutTifUShort(pS, offPos, (U16)tifDEMisc.sf)); offPos += 2; } } assert(tifDEMisc.offXResolution == offPos); Call(PutTifULong(pS, offPos, tifDEMisc.resXF)); offPos += 4; Call(PutTifULong(pS, offPos, tifDEMisc.resXD)); offPos += 4; assert(tifDEMisc.offYResolution == offPos); Call(PutTifULong(pS, offPos, tifDEMisc.resYF)); offPos += 4; Call(PutTifULong(pS, offPos, tifDEMisc.resYD)); offPos += 4; assert(pIE->offPixel == offPos); pIE->fHeaderDone = !FALSE; Cleanup: return err; } //================================================================ // PKImageEncode_TIF //================================================================ ERR PKImageEncode_WritePixels_TIF( PKImageEncode* pIE, U32 cLine, U8* pbPixel, U32 cbStride) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; struct WMPStream* pS = pIE->pStream; PKPixelInfo PI; size_t cbLine = 0; size_t offPos = 0; size_t i = 0; // header if (!pIE->fHeaderDone) { Call(WriteTifHeader(pIE)); } // body PI.pGUIDPixFmt = &pIE->guidPixFormat; PixelFormatLookup(&PI, LOOKUP_FORWARD); cbLine = (BD_1 == PI.bdBitDepth ? ((PI.cbitUnit * pIE->uWidth + 7) >> 3) : (((PI.cbitUnit + 7) >> 3) * pIE->uWidth)); FailIf(cbStride < cbLine, WMP_errInvalidParameter); offPos = pIE->offPixel + cbLine * pIE->idxCurrentLine; Call(pS->SetPos(pS, offPos)); for (i = 0; i < cLine; ++i) { Call(pS->Write(pS, pbPixel + cbStride * i, cbLine)); } pIE->idxCurrentLine += cLine; Cleanup: return err; } ERR PKImageEncode_Create_TIF(PKImageEncode** ppIE) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; PKImageEncode* pIE = NULL; Call(PKImageEncode_Create(ppIE)); pIE = *ppIE; pIE->WritePixels = PKImageEncode_WritePixels_TIF; Cleanup: return err; } //================================================================ // PKImageDecode_TIF helpers //================================================================ ERR GetTifUShort( struct WMPStream* pWS, size_t offPos, Bool fLittleEndian, U16* puValue) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; U8 buf[2]; Call(pWS->SetPos(pWS, offPos)); Call(pWS->Read(pWS, buf, sizeof2(buf))); if (fLittleEndian) { *puValue = buf[0] + ((U16)buf[1] << 8); } else { *puValue = ((U16)buf[0] << 8) + buf[1]; } Cleanup: return err; } ERR GetTifULong( struct WMPStream* pWS, size_t offPos, Bool fLittleEndian, U32* puValue) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; U8 buf[4]; Call(pWS->SetPos(pWS, offPos)); Call(pWS->Read(pWS, buf, sizeof2(buf))); if (fLittleEndian) { *puValue = buf[0] + ((U32)buf[1] << 8) + ((U32)buf[2] << 16) + ((U32)buf[3] << 24); } else { *puValue = ((U32)buf[0] << 24) + ((U32)buf[1] << 16) + ((U32)buf[2] << 8) + buf[3]; } Cleanup: return err; } ERR GetTifULongArray( struct WMPStream* pWS, size_t offPos, size_t cElements, Bool fLittleEndian, U32* puValue) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; if (1 == cElements) { puValue[0] = (U32)offPos; } else { size_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < cElements; ++i) { Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos, fLittleEndian, &puValue[i])); offPos += sizeof(*puValue); } } Cleanup: return err; } ERR ParseTifDEValue( PKTestDecode* pID, U16 uTag, U16 uType, U32 uCount) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; struct WMPStream* pWS = pID->pStream; U16 bpc[9] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; U16 sf[9] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; U32 uPos = 0; U16 usValue = 0; U32 uValue0 = 0; U32 uValue1 = 0; size_t i, offPos = 0; //================================ Call(pWS->GetPos(pWS, &offPos)); //================================ switch (uType) { case TIF_typSHORT: Call(GetTifUShort(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &usValue)); uValue0 = usValue; break; case TIF_typLONG: Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uValue0)); break; } //================================ switch (uTag) { case TIF_tagNewSubfileType: FailIf(0 != uValue0, WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); break; case TIF_tagSubfileType: case TIF_tagPredictor: FailIf(1 != uValue0, WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); break; case TIF_tagImageWidth: pID->uWidth = uValue0; break; case TIF_tagImageLength: pID->uHeight = uValue0; break; case TIF_tagBitsPerSample: if (1 == uCount) { pID->EXT.TIF.uBitsPerSample = uValue0; } else { Bool bpcAnd = 1; Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uPos)); offPos = uPos; Call(GetTifUShort(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &bpc[0])); for (i = 1; i < uCount; i++) { Call(GetTifUShort(pWS, offPos + (i << 1) , pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &bpc[i])); bpcAnd = (bpcAnd && (bpc[0] == bpc[i])); } if (bpcAnd) pID->EXT.TIF.uBitsPerSample = bpc[0]; else Call(WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); } break; case TIF_tagExtraSamples: FailIf(0 != uValue0 && 1 != uValue0 && 2 != uValue0, WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); pID->EXT.TIF.uExtraSamples = uValue0; break; case TIF_tagSampleFormat: if (1 == uCount) { pID->EXT.TIF.uSampleFormat = uValue0; } else { Bool sfAnd = 1; Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uPos)); offPos = uPos; Call(GetTifUShort(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &sf[0])); for (i = 1; i < uCount; i++) { Call(GetTifUShort(pWS, offPos + (i << 1) , pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &sf[i])); sfAnd = (sfAnd && (sf[0] == sf[i])); } if (sfAnd) pID->EXT.TIF.uSampleFormat = sf[0]; else Call(WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); } break; case TIF_tagCompression: FailIf(1 != uValue0, WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); break; case TIF_tagPhotometricInterpretation: Test(PK_PI_W0 == uValue0 || PK_PI_B0 == uValue0 || PK_PI_RGB == uValue0 || PK_PI_RGBPalette == uValue0 || PK_PI_TransparencyMask == uValue0 || PK_PI_CMYK == uValue0 || PK_PI_YCbCr == uValue0 || PK_PI_CIELab == uValue0, WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); pID->EXT.TIF.uInterpretation = uValue0; break; case TIF_tagStripOffsets: Call(WMPAlloc((void **) &pID->EXT.TIF.uStripOffsets, sizeof(*pID->EXT.TIF.uStripOffsets) * uCount)); Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uValue0)); Call(GetTifULongArray(pWS, uValue0, uCount, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, pID->EXT.TIF.uStripOffsets)); break; case TIF_tagOrientation: case TIF_tagSamplesPerPixel: pID->EXT.TIF.uSamplePerPixel = uValue0; break; case TIF_tagRowsPerStrip: pID->EXT.TIF.uRowsPerStrip = uValue0; break; case TIF_tagStripByteCounts: Call(WMPAlloc((void **) &pID->EXT.TIF.uStripByteCounts, sizeof(*pID->EXT.TIF.uStripByteCounts) * uCount)); Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uValue0)); Call(GetTifULongArray(pWS, uValue0, uCount, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, pID->EXT.TIF.uStripByteCounts)); break; case TIF_tagXResolution: Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uPos)); offPos = uPos; Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uValue0));//numerator Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos + 4, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uValue1));//denominator pID->EXT.TIF.fResX = (Float)uValue0/(Float)uValue1; break; case TIF_tagYResolution: Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uPos)); offPos = uPos; Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uValue0));//numerator Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos + 4, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uValue1));//denominator pID->EXT.TIF.fResY = (Float)uValue0/(Float)uValue1; break; case TIF_tagResolutionUnit: pID->EXT.TIF.uResolutionUnit = usValue; break; case TIF_tagPlanarConfiguration: case TIF_tagSoftware: case TIF_tagColorMap: break; default: printf("Unrecognized TIFTag: %d(%#x), %d, %d" CRLF, (int)uTag, (int)uTag, (int)uType, (int)uCount); break; } Cleanup: return err; } ERR ParseTifDEArray( PKTestDecode* pID, size_t offPos) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; struct WMPStream* pWS = pID->pStream; U16 uTag = 0; U16 uType = 0; U32 uCount = 0; Call(GetTifUShort(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uTag)); offPos += 2; Call(GetTifUShort(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uType)); offPos += 2; Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uCount)); offPos += 4; Call(ParseTifDEValue(pID, uTag, uType, uCount)); Cleanup: return err; } ERR ParseTifHeader( PKTestDecode* pID, struct WMPStream* pWS) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; PKPixelInfo PI; size_t offPosBase = 0; size_t offPos = 0; U8 szSig[3] = {0, 0, '\0'}; U16 uTiffId = 0; U32 uOffNextIFD = 0; U16 uCountDE = 0, i = 0; //default pID->EXT.TIF.uRowsPerStrip = (U32) -1; pID->EXT.TIF.uInterpretation = (U32) -1; pID->EXT.TIF.uSamplePerPixel = (U32) -1; pID->EXT.TIF.uBitsPerSample = (U32) -1; pID->EXT.TIF.uSampleFormat = 1; pID->EXT.TIF.uResolutionUnit = 2; pID->EXT.TIF.fResX = 96; pID->EXT.TIF.fResY = 96; //================================ Call(pWS->GetPos(pWS, &offPosBase)); FailIf(0 != offPosBase, WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); //================================ // Header Call(pWS->Read(pWS, szSig, 2)); offPos += 2; if (szSig == (U8 *) strstr((char *) szSig, "II")) { pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian = !FALSE; } else if (szSig == (U8 *) strstr((char *) szSig, "MM")) { pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian = FALSE; } else { Call(WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); } Call(GetTifUShort(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uTiffId)); offPos += 2; FailIf(42 != uTiffId, WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); Call(GetTifULong(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uOffNextIFD)); offPos += 4; //================================ // IFD offPos = (size_t)uOffNextIFD; Call(GetTifUShort(pWS, offPos, pID->EXT.TIF.fLittleEndian, &uCountDE)); offPos += 2; for (i = 0; i < uCountDE; ++i) { Call(ParseTifDEArray(pID, offPos)); offPos += 12; } if(pID->EXT.TIF.uRowsPerStrip == -1) pID->EXT.TIF.uRowsPerStrip = pID->uHeight;//default FailIf((-1 == pID->EXT.TIF.uInterpretation || -1 == pID->EXT.TIF.uSamplePerPixel || -1 == pID->EXT.TIF.uBitsPerSample), WMP_errUnsupportedFormat); PI.uInterpretation = pID->EXT.TIF.uInterpretation; PI.uSamplePerPixel = pID->EXT.TIF.uSamplePerPixel; PI.uBitsPerSample = pID->EXT.TIF.uBitsPerSample; PI.uSampleFormat = pID->EXT.TIF.uSampleFormat; PI.grBit = pID->EXT.TIF.uExtraSamples == 1 || pID->EXT.TIF.uExtraSamples == 2 || /* Workaround for some images without correct info about alpha channel */ (pID->EXT.TIF.uExtraSamples == 0 && pID->EXT.TIF.uSamplePerPixel > 3) ? PK_pixfmtHasAlpha : 0x0; PI.grBit |= pID->EXT.TIF.uExtraSamples == 1 ? PK_pixfmtPreMul : 0x0; pID->fResX = (3 == pID->EXT.TIF.uResolutionUnit ? (Float)(pID->EXT.TIF.fResX * 2.54) : pID->EXT.TIF.fResX);//cm -> inch pID->fResY = (3 == pID->EXT.TIF.uResolutionUnit ? (Float)(pID->EXT.TIF.fResY * 2.54) : pID->EXT.TIF.fResY);//cm -> inch Call(PixelFormatLookup(&PI, LOOKUP_BACKWARD_TIF)); pID->guidPixFormat = *(PI.pGUIDPixFmt); Cleanup: return err; } //================================================================ // PKImageDecode_TIF //================================================================ ERR PKImageDecode_Initialize_TIF( PKTestDecode* pID, struct WMPStream* pWS) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; Call(PKTestDecode_Initialize(pID, pWS)); Call(ParseTifHeader(pID, pWS)); Cleanup: return err; } ERR GetScanLineOffset( PKTestDecode* pID, I32 iLine, U32 cbLine, U32 *offLine) { *offLine = pID->EXT.TIF.uRowsPerStrip ? (pID->EXT.TIF.uStripOffsets[iLine / pID->EXT.TIF.uRowsPerStrip] + cbLine * (iLine % pID->EXT.TIF.uRowsPerStrip)) : 0; return WMP_errSuccess; } ERR PKImageDecode_Copy_TIF( PKTestDecode* pID, const PKRect* pRect, U8* pb, U32 cbStride) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; struct WMPStream* pS = pID->pStream; PKPixelInfo PI; U32 cbLine = 0; I32 i = 0; PI.pGUIDPixFmt = &pID->guidPixFormat; PixelFormatLookup(&PI, LOOKUP_FORWARD); cbLine = (BD_1 == PI.bdBitDepth ? ((PI.cbitUnit * pRect->Width + 7) >> 3) : (((PI.cbitUnit + 7) >> 3) * pRect->Width)); assert(0 == pRect->X && pID->uWidth == (U32)pRect->Width); assert(cbLine <= cbStride); for (i = 0; i < pRect->Height; ++i) { U32 offPixels = 0; Call(GetScanLineOffset(pID, pRect->Y + i, cbLine, &offPixels)); Call(pS->SetPos(pS, offPixels)); Call(pS->Read(pS, pb + cbStride * i, cbLine)); if (PK_PI_W0 == pID->EXT.TIF.uInterpretation) { U32 j, begin = cbStride * (U32)i, end = begin + cbLine; for (j = begin; j < end; ++j) { pb[j] = ~pb[j]; } } } Cleanup: return err; } ERR PKImageDecode_Release_TIF(PKTestDecode** ppID) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; PKTestDecode *pID = *ppID; Call(WMPFree(&pID->EXT.TIF.uStripOffsets)); Call(WMPFree(&pID->EXT.TIF.uStripByteCounts)); Call(PKTestDecode_Release(ppID)); Cleanup: return err; } ERR PKImageDecode_Create_TIF(PKTestDecode** ppID) { ERR err = WMP_errSuccess; PKTestDecode* pID = NULL; Call(PKTestDecode_Create(ppID)); pID = *ppID; pID->Initialize = PKImageDecode_Initialize_TIF; pID->Copy = PKImageDecode_Copy_TIF; pID->Release = PKImageDecode_Release_TIF; Cleanup: return err; }