//====== Copyright © 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: public interface to user remote file storage in Steam

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "isteamclient.h"

// A handle to a piece of user generated content
typedef uint64 UGCHandle_t;
const UGCHandle_t k_UGCHandleInvalid = 0xffffffffffffffffull;

// Ways to handle a synchronization conflict
enum EResolveConflict
	k_EResolveConflictKeepClient = 1,		// The local version of each file will be used to overwrite the server version
	k_EResolveConflictKeepServer = 2,		// The server version of each file will be used to overwrite the local version

enum ERemoteStoragePlatform
	k_ERemoteStoragePlatformNone		= 0,
	k_ERemoteStoragePlatformWindows		= (1 << 0),
	k_ERemoteStoragePlatformOSX			= (1 << 1 ),
	k_ERemoteStoragePlatformPS3			= (1 << 2),
	k_ERemoteStoragePlatformReserved1	= (1 << 3),
	k_ERemoteStoragePlatformReserved2	= (1 << 4),

	k_ERemoteStoragePlatformAll = 0xffffffff

// Purpose: Functions for accessing, reading and writing files stored remotely 
//			and cached locally
class ISteamRemoteStorage
		// NOTE
		// Filenames are case-insensitive, and will be converted to lowercase automatically.
		// So "foo.bar" and "Foo.bar" are the same file, and if you write "Foo.bar" then
		// iterate the files, the filename returned will be "foo.bar".

		// file operations
		virtual bool	FileWrite( const char *pchFile, const void *pvData, int32 cubData ) = 0;
		virtual int32	FileRead( const char *pchFile, void *pvData, int32 cubDataToRead ) = 0;
		virtual bool	FileForget( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
		virtual bool	FileDelete( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
		virtual SteamAPICall_t FileShare( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
		virtual bool	SetSyncPlatforms( const char *pchFile, ERemoteStoragePlatform eRemoteStoragePlatform ) = 0;

		// file information
		virtual bool	FileExists( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
		virtual bool	FilePersisted( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
		virtual int32	GetFileSize( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
		virtual int64	GetFileTimestamp( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
		virtual ERemoteStoragePlatform GetSyncPlatforms( const char *pchFile ) = 0;

		// iteration
		virtual int32 GetFileCount() = 0;
		virtual const char *GetFileNameAndSize( int iFile, int32 *pnFileSizeInBytes ) = 0;

		// configuration management
		virtual bool GetQuota( int32 *pnTotalBytes, int32 *puAvailableBytes ) = 0;
		virtual bool IsCloudEnabledForAccount() = 0;
		virtual bool IsCloudEnabledForApp() = 0;
		virtual void SetCloudEnabledForApp( bool bEnabled ) = 0;

		// user generated content
		virtual SteamAPICall_t UGCDownload( UGCHandle_t hContent ) = 0;
		virtual bool	GetUGCDetails( UGCHandle_t hContent, AppId_t *pnAppID, char **ppchName, int32 *pnFileSizeInBytes, CSteamID *pSteamIDOwner ) = 0;
		virtual int32	UGCRead( UGCHandle_t hContent, void *pvData, int32 cubDataToRead ) = 0;

		// user generated content iteration
		virtual int32	GetCachedUGCCount() = 0;
		virtual	UGCHandle_t GetCachedUGCHandle( int32 iCachedContent ) = 0;

		// The following functions are only necessary on the Playstation 3. On PC & Mac, the Steam client will handle these operations for you
		// On Playstation 3, the game controls which files are stored in the cloud, via FilePersist, FileFetch, and FileForget.
#if defined(_PS3) || defined(_SERVER)
		// Connect to Steam and get a list of files in the Cloud - results in a RemoteStorageAppSyncStatusCheck_t callback
		virtual void GetFileListFromServer() = 0;
		// Indicate this file should be downloaded in the next sync
		virtual bool FileFetch( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
		// Indicate this file should be persisted in the next sync
		virtual bool FilePersist( const char *pchFile ) = 0;
		// Pull any requested files down from the Cloud - results in a RemoteStorageAppSyncedClient_t callback
		virtual bool SynchronizeToClient() = 0;
		// Upload any requested files to the Cloud - results in a RemoteStorageAppSyncedServer_t callback
		virtual bool SynchronizeToServer() = 0;
		// Reset any fetch/persist/etc requests
		virtual bool ResetFileRequestState() = 0;


// callbacks
#pragma pack( push, 8 )

// Purpose: sent when the local file cache is fully synced with the server for an app
//          That means that an application can be started and has all latest files
struct RemoteStorageAppSyncedClient_t
	enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 1 };
	AppId_t m_nAppID;
	EResult m_eResult;
	int m_unNumDownloads;

// Purpose: sent when the server is fully synced with the local file cache for an app
//          That means that we can shutdown Steam and our data is stored on the server
struct RemoteStorageAppSyncedServer_t
	enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 2 };
	AppId_t m_nAppID;
	EResult m_eResult;
	int m_unNumUploads;

// Purpose: Status of up and downloads during a sync session
struct RemoteStorageAppSyncProgress_t
	enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 3 };
	char m_rgchCurrentFile[260];				// Current file being transferred
	AppId_t m_nAppID;							// App this info relates to
	uint32 m_uBytesTransferredThisChunk;		// Bytes transferred this chunk
	double m_dAppPercentComplete;				// Percent complete that this app's transfers are
	bool m_bUploading;							// if false, downloading

// IMPORTANT! k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 4 is used, see iclientremotestorage.h

// Purpose: Sent after we've determined the list of files that are out of sync
//          with the server.
struct RemoteStorageAppSyncStatusCheck_t
	enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 5 };
	AppId_t m_nAppID;
	EResult m_eResult;

// Purpose: Sent after a conflict resolution attempt.
struct RemoteStorageConflictResolution_t
	enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 6 };
	AppId_t m_nAppID;
	EResult m_eResult;

// Purpose: The result of a call to FileShare()
struct RemoteStorageFileShareResult_t
	enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 7 };
	EResult m_eResult;			// The result of the operation
	UGCHandle_t m_hFile;		// The handle that can be shared with users and features

// Purpose: The result of a call to UGCDownload()
struct RemoteStorageDownloadUGCResult_t
	enum { k_iCallback = k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 8 };
	EResult m_eResult;				// The result of the operation.
	UGCHandle_t m_hFile;			// The handle to the file that was attempted to be downloaded.
	AppId_t m_nAppID;				// ID of the app that created this file.
	int32 m_nSizeInBytes;			// The size of the file that was downloaded, in bytes.
	char *m_pchFileName;			// The name of the file that was downloaded. This pointer is
									// not guaranteed to be valid indefinitely.
	uint64 m_ulSteamIDOwner;		// Steam ID of the user who created this content.

#pragma pack( pop )