#!/usr/bin/env python2 #NOTE: If you make modifications here, consider whether they should #be duplicated in ../vrclient/gen_wrapper.py from __future__ import print_function CLANG_PATH='/usr/lib/clang/8.0.0' import pprint import sys import clang.cindex import os import re import math sdk_versions = [ "144", "143y", "143x", "143", "142", "141", "140", "139", "138a", "138", "137", "136", "135a", "135", "134", "133x", "133b", "133a", "133", "132x", "132", "131", "130x", "130", "129a", "129", "128x", "128", "127", "126a", "126", "125", "124", "123a", "123", "122", "121x", "121", "120", "119x", "119", "118", "117", "116x", "116", "115", "114", "113", "112x", "112", "111x", "111", "110", "109", "108", "107", "106", "105", "104", "103", "102x", "102", "101x", "101", "100", "099y", "099x", "099w", "099v", "099u", ] files = [ ("steam_api.h", [ "ISteamApps", "ISteamAppList", "ISteamClient", "ISteamController", "ISteamGameSearch", "ISteamFriends", "ISteamHTMLSurface", "ISteamHTTP", "ISteamInput", "ISteamInventory", "ISteamMatchmaking", "ISteamMatchmakingServers", "ISteamMusic", "ISteamMusicRemote", "ISteamNetworking", "ISteamParties", "ISteamRemoteStorage", "ISteamScreenshots", "ISteamUGC", "ISteamUnifiedMessages", "ISteamUser", "ISteamUserStats", "ISteamUtils", "ISteamVideo" ]), ("isteamappticket.h", [ "ISteamAppTicket" ]), ("isteamgameserver.h", [ "ISteamGameServer" ]), ("isteamgameserverstats.h", [ "ISteamGameServerStats" ]), ("isteamgamestats.h", [ "ISteamGameStats" ]), ("isteammasterserverupdater.h", [ "ISteamMasterServerUpdater" ]), ("isteamgamecoordinator.h", [ "ISteamGameCoordinator" ]), ("isteamparentalsettings.h", [ "ISteamParentalSettings" ]), ("isteamnetworkingsockets.h", [ "ISteamNetworkingSockets" ]), ("isteamnetworkingsocketsserialized.h", [ "ISteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized" ]), ("isteamnetworkingutils.h", [ "ISteamNetworkingUtils" ]), ] aliases = { #these interfaces are undocumented and binary compatible "SteamUtils004":["SteamUtils003"], "SteamUtils002":["SteamUtils001"], "SteamGameServer008":["SteamGameServer007","SteamGameServer006"], "SteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized002":["SteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized001"], "STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION001":["SteamApps001"], } # these structs are manually confirmed to be equivalent exempt_structs = [ "CSteamID", "CGameID", "CCallbackBase", "SteamPS3Params_t", "ValvePackingSentinel_t" ] # we have converters for these written by hand because they're too complicated to generate manually_handled_structs = [ "SteamNetworkingMessage_t" ] # manual converters for simple types (function pointers) manual_type_converters = [ "FSteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutput" ] #struct_conversion_cache = { # '142': { # 'SteamUGCDetails_t': True, # 'SteamUGCQueryCompleted_t': False # } #} struct_conversion_cache = {} converted_structs = [] # callback classes for which we have a linux wrapper wrapped_classes = [ "ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse", "ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse", "ISteamMatchmakingPlayersResponse", "ISteamMatchmakingRulesResponse" ] print_sizes = [] class_versions = {} path_conversions = [ { "parent_name": "GetAppInstallDir", "l2w_names": ["pchDirectory"], "l2w_lens": ["cchNameMax"], "w2l_names": [], "w2l_arrays": [], "return_is_size": True }, { "parent_name": "GetAppInstallDir", "l2w_names": ["pchFolder"], "l2w_lens": ["cchFolderBufferSize"], "w2l_names": [], "w2l_arrays": [], "return_is_size": True }, { "parent_name": "GetFileDetails", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pszFileName"], "w2l_arrays": [False], "return_is_size": True }, { "parent_name": "GetGlyphForActionOrigin", "l2w_names": [None], #return value "l2w_lens": [None], "w2l_names": [], "w2l_arrays": [], "return_is_size": False }, ### ISteamGameServer::SetModDir - "Just the folder name, not the whole path. I.e. "Spacewar"." { "parent_name": "FileLoadDialogResponse", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pchSelectedFiles"], "w2l_arrays": [True], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "HTML_FileOpenDialog_t", "l2w_names": ["pchInitialFile"], "l2w_lens": [None], "w2l_names": [], "w2l_arrays": [], "return_is_size": False }, ### XXX: some URLs could be file: protocol { "parent_name": "PublishWorkshopFile", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pchFile", "pchPreviewFile"], "w2l_arrays": [False, False], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "UpdatePublishedFileFile", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pchFile"], "w2l_arrays": [False], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "UpdatePublishedFilePreviewFile", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pchPreviewFile"], "w2l_arrays": [False], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "PublishVideo", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pchPreviewFile"], "w2l_arrays": [False], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "AddScreenshotToLibrary", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pchFilename", "pchThumbnailFilename"], "w2l_arrays": [False, False], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "AddVRScreenshotToLibrary", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pchFilename", "pchVRFilename"], "w2l_arrays": [False, False], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "UGCDownloadToLocation", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pchLocation"], "w2l_arrays": [False], "return_is_size": False }, ### is GetQueryUGCAdditionalPreview URL a file:? { "parent_name": "SetItemContent", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pszContentFolder"], "w2l_arrays": [False], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "SetItemPreview", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pszPreviewFile"], "w2l_arrays": [False], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "AddItemPreviewFile", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pszPreviewFile"], "w2l_arrays": [False], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "UpdateItemPreviewFile", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pszPreviewFile"], "w2l_arrays": [False], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "GetItemInstallInfo", "l2w_names": ["pchFolder"], "l2w_lens": ["cchFolderSize"], "w2l_names": [], "w2l_arrays": [], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "BInitWorkshopForGameServer", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pszFolder"], "w2l_arrays": [False], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "GetUserDataFolder", "l2w_names": ["pchBuffer"], "l2w_lens": ["cubBuffer"], "w2l_names": [], "w2l_arrays": [], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "CheckFileSignature", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["szFileName"], "w2l_arrays": [False], "return_is_size": False }, { "parent_name": "Init", "l2w_names": [], "l2w_lens": [], "w2l_names": ["pchAbsolutePathToControllerConfigVDF"], "w2l_arrays": [False], "return_is_size": False } ] def strip_const(typename): return typename.replace("const ", "", 1) def find_windows_struct(struct): for child in list(windows_build.cursor.get_children()): if strip_const(struct.spelling) == child.spelling: return child.type return None def struct_needs_conversion_nocache(struct): if strip_const(struct.spelling) in exempt_structs: return False if strip_const(struct.spelling) in manually_handled_structs: return True windows_struct = find_windows_struct(struct) assert(not windows_struct is None) #must find windows_struct for field in struct.get_fields(): if struct.get_offset(field.spelling) != windows_struct.get_offset(field.spelling): return True if field.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.RECORD and \ struct_needs_conversion(field.type): return True path_conv = get_path_converter(struct) if path_conv: return True return False def struct_needs_conversion(struct): if not sdkver in struct_conversion_cache: struct_conversion_cache[sdkver] = {} if not strip_const(struct.spelling) in struct_conversion_cache[sdkver]: struct_conversion_cache[sdkver][strip_const(struct.spelling)] = struct_needs_conversion_nocache(struct) return struct_conversion_cache[sdkver][strip_const(struct.spelling)] def handle_destructor(cfile, classname, winclassname, method): cfile.write("DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(%s_destructor, 4)\n" % winclassname) cfile.write("void __thiscall %s_destructor(%s *_this)\n{/* never called */}\n\n" % (winclassname, winclassname)) return "destructor" def get_path_converter(parent): for conv in path_conversions: if conv["parent_name"] in parent.spelling: if None in conv["l2w_names"]: return conv if type(parent) == clang.cindex.Type: children = list(parent.get_fields()) else: children = list(parent.get_children()) for child in children: if child.spelling in conv["w2l_names"] or \ child.spelling in conv["l2w_names"]: return conv return None def handle_method(cfile, classname, winclassname, cppname, method, cpp, cpp_h, existing_methods): used_name = method.spelling if used_name in existing_methods: number = '2' while used_name in existing_methods: idx = existing_methods.index(used_name) used_name = "%s_%s" % (method.spelling, number) number = chr(ord(number) + 1) existing_methods.insert(idx, used_name) else: existing_methods.append(used_name) returns_record = method.result_type.get_canonical().kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.RECORD if returns_record: parambytes = 8 #_this + return pointer else: parambytes = 4 #_this for param in list(method.get_children()): if param.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL: parambytes += int(math.ceil(param.type.get_size()/4.0) * 4) cfile.write("DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(%s_%s, %s)\n" % (winclassname, used_name, parambytes)) cpp_h.write("extern ") if method.result_type.spelling.startswith("ISteam"): cfile.write("win%s " % (method.result_type.spelling)) cpp.write("void *") cpp_h.write("void *") elif returns_record: cfile.write("%s *" % method.result_type.spelling) cpp.write("%s " % (method.result_type.spelling)) cpp_h.write("%s " % (method.result_type.spelling)) else: cfile.write("%s " % (method.result_type.spelling)) cpp.write("%s " % (method.result_type.spelling)) cpp_h.write("%s " % (method.result_type.spelling)) cfile.write('__thiscall %s_%s(%s *_this' % (winclassname, used_name, winclassname)) cpp.write("%s_%s(void *linux_side" % (cppname, used_name)) cpp_h.write("%s_%s(void *" % (cppname, used_name)) if returns_record: cfile.write(", %s *_r" % method.result_type.spelling) unnamed = 'a' need_convert = [] manual_convert = [] for param in list(method.get_children()): if param.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL: if param.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER and \ param.type.get_pointee().kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.FUNCTIONPROTO: #unspecified function pointer typename = "void *" else: typename = param.type.spelling.split("::")[-1]; real_type = param.type; while real_type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER: real_type = real_type.get_pointee() win_name = typename if real_type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.RECORD and \ not real_type.spelling in wrapped_classes and \ struct_needs_conversion(real_type): need_convert.append(param) #preserve pointers win_name = typename.replace(real_type.spelling, "win%s_%s" % (real_type.spelling, sdkver)) elif real_type.spelling in manual_type_converters: manual_convert.append(param) if param.spelling == "": cfile.write(", %s _%s" % (win_name, unnamed)) cpp.write(", %s _%s" % (win_name, unnamed)) cpp_h.write(", %s" % win_name) unnamed = chr(ord(unnamed) + 1) else: cfile.write(", %s %s" % (win_name, param.spelling)) cpp.write(", %s %s" % (win_name, param.spelling)) cpp_h.write(", %s" % (win_name)) cfile.write(")\n{\n") cpp.write(")\n{\n") cpp_h.write(");\n") path_conv = get_path_converter(method) if path_conv: for i in range(len(path_conv["w2l_names"])): if path_conv["w2l_arrays"][i]: cfile.write(" const char **lin_%s = steamclient_dos_to_unix_stringlist(%s);\n" % (path_conv["w2l_names"][i], path_conv["w2l_names"][i])) # TODO pass else: cfile.write(" char lin_%s[PATH_MAX];\n" % path_conv["w2l_names"][i]) cfile.write(" steamclient_dos_path_to_unix_path(%s, lin_%s);\n" % (path_conv["w2l_names"][i], path_conv["w2l_names"][i])) if None in path_conv["l2w_names"]: cfile.write(" const char *path_result;\n") elif path_conv["return_is_size"]: cfile.write(" uint32 path_result;\n") elif len(path_conv["l2w_names"]) > 0: cfile.write(" %s path_result;\n" % method.result_type.spelling) for param in need_convert: if param.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER: #handle single pointers, but not double pointers real_type = param.type; while real_type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER: real_type = real_type.get_pointee() assert(param.type.get_pointee().kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.RECORD or \ strip_const(real_type.spelling) in manually_handled_structs) cpp.write(" %s lin_%s;\n" % (strip_const(param.type.get_pointee().spelling), param.spelling)) cpp.write(" win_to_lin_struct_%s_%s(%s, &lin_%s);\n" % (strip_const(real_type.spelling), sdkver, param.spelling, param.spelling)) else: #raw structs cpp.write(" %s lin_%s;\n" % (param.type.spelling, param.spelling)) cpp.write(" win_to_lin_struct_%s_%s(&%s, &lin_%s);\n" % (param.type.spelling, sdkver, param.spelling, param.spelling)) for param in manual_convert: cpp.write(" %s = (%s)manual_convert_%s((void*)%s);\n" % (param.spelling, param.type.spelling, param.type.spelling, param.spelling)) cfile.write(" TRACE(\"%p\\n\", _this);\n") if method.result_type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.VOID: cfile.write(" ") elif path_conv and (len(path_conv["l2w_names"]) > 0 or path_conv["return_is_size"]): cfile.write(" path_result = ") elif returns_record: cfile.write(" *_r = ") else: cfile.write(" return ") if method.result_type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.VOID: cpp.write(" ") elif len(need_convert) > 0: cpp.write(" %s retval = " % (method.result_type.spelling)) else: cpp.write(" return ") should_do_cb_wrap = "GetAPICallResult" in used_name should_gen_wrapper = method.result_type.spelling.startswith("ISteam") or \ used_name.startswith("GetISteamGenericInterface") if should_do_cb_wrap: cfile.write("do_cb_wrap(0, _this->linux_side, &%s_%s" % (cppname, used_name)) else: if should_gen_wrapper: cfile.write("create_win_interface(pchVersion,\n ") cfile.write("%s_%s(_this->linux_side" % (cppname, used_name)) cpp.write("((%s*)linux_side)->%s(" % (classname, method.spelling)) unnamed = 'a' first = True for param in list(method.get_children()): if param.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL: if not first: cpp.write(", ") else: first = False if param.spelling == "": cfile.write(", _%s" % unnamed) cpp.write("(%s)_%s" % (param.type.spelling, unnamed)) unnamed = chr(ord(unnamed) + 1) elif param.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER and \ param.type.get_pointee().spelling in wrapped_classes: cfile.write(", create_Linux%s(%s, \"%s\")" % (param.type.get_pointee().spelling, param.spelling, winclassname)) cpp.write("(%s)%s" % (param.type.spelling, param.spelling)) elif path_conv and param.spelling in path_conv["w2l_names"]: cfile.write(", %s ? lin_%s : NULL" % (param.spelling, param.spelling)) cpp.write("(%s)%s" % (param.type.spelling, param.spelling)) elif param in need_convert: cfile.write(", %s" % param.spelling) if param.type.kind != clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER: cpp.write("lin_%s" % (param.spelling)) else: cpp.write("&lin_%s" % (param.spelling)) else: cfile.write(", %s" % param.spelling) cpp.write("(%s)%s" % (param.type.spelling, param.spelling)) if should_gen_wrapper: cfile.write(")") cfile.write(");\n") cpp.write(");\n") if returns_record: cfile.write(" return _r;\n") if path_conv and len(path_conv["l2w_names"]) > 0: for i in range(len(path_conv["l2w_names"])): if path_conv["l2w_names"][i]: cfile.write(" ") if path_conv["return_is_size"]: cfile.write("path_result = ") cfile.write("steamclient_unix_path_to_dos_path(path_result, %s, %s, %s);\n" % (path_conv["l2w_names"][i], path_conv["l2w_names"][i], path_conv["l2w_lens"][i])) else: #string is in return value #ISteamController::GetGlyphForActionOrigin is the only user here for now cfile.write(" path_result = steamclient_isteamcontroller_getglyph(eOrigin, path_result);\n") cfile.write(" return path_result;\n") if path_conv: for i in range(len(path_conv["w2l_names"])): if path_conv["w2l_arrays"][i]: cfile.write(" steamclient_free_stringlist(lin_%s);\n" % path_conv["w2l_names"][i]) cfile.write("}\n\n") for param in need_convert: if param.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER: if not "const " in param.type.spelling: #don't modify const arguments real_type = param.type; while real_type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER: real_type = real_type.get_pointee() if strip_const(real_type.spelling) in manually_handled_structs: #this is clumsy cpp.write(" lin_to_win_struct_%s_%s(retval, &lin_%s, %s);\n" % (real_type.spelling, sdkver, param.spelling, param.spelling)) else: cpp.write(" lin_to_win_struct_%s_%s(&lin_%s, %s);\n" % (real_type.spelling, sdkver, param.spelling, param.spelling)) else: cpp.write(" lin_to_win_struct_%s_%s(&lin_%s, &%s);\n" % (param.type.spelling, sdkver, param.spelling, param.spelling)) if method.result_type.kind != clang.cindex.TypeKind.VOID and \ len(need_convert) > 0: cpp.write(" return retval;\n") cpp.write("}\n\n") def get_iface_version(classname): # ISteamClient -> STEAMCLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION defname = "%s_INTERFACE_VERSION" % classname[1:].upper() if defname in iface_versions.keys(): ver = iface_versions[defname] else: ver = "UNVERSIONED" if classname in class_versions.keys() and ver in class_versions[classname]: return (ver, True) if not classname in class_versions.keys(): class_versions[classname] = [] class_versions[classname].append(ver) return (ver, False) def handle_class(sdkver, classnode): children = list(classnode.get_children()) if len(children) == 0: return (iface_version, already_generated) = get_iface_version(classnode.spelling) if already_generated: return winname = "win%s" % classnode.spelling cppname = "cpp%s_%s" % (classnode.spelling, iface_version) file_exists = os.path.isfile("%s.c" % winname) cfile = open("%s.c" % winname, "a") if not file_exists: cfile.write("""/* This file is auto-generated, do not edit. */ #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "cxx.h" #include "steam_defs.h" #include "steamclient_private.h" #include "struct_converters.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(steamclient); """) cpp = open("%s.cpp" % cppname, "w") cpp.write("#include \"steam_defs.h\"\n") cpp.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/steam_api.h\"\n" % sdkver) if os.path.isfile("steamworks_sdk_%s/steamnetworkingtypes.h" % sdkver): cpp.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/steamnetworkingtypes.h\"\n" % sdkver) if not fname == "steam_api.h": cpp.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/%s\"\n" % (sdkver, fname)) cpp.write("#include \"steamclient_private.h\"\n") cpp.write("#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n") cpp.write("#define SDKVER_%s\n" % sdkver) cpp.write("#include \"struct_converters.h\"\n") cpp.write("#include \"%s.h\"\n" % cppname) cpp_h = open("%s.h" % cppname, "w") winclassname = "win%s_%s" % (classnode.spelling, iface_version) cfile.write("#include \"%s.h\"\n\n" % cppname) cfile.write("typedef struct __%s {\n" % winclassname) cfile.write(" vtable_ptr *vtable;\n") cfile.write(" void *linux_side;\n") cfile.write("} %s;\n\n" % winclassname) methods = [] for child in children: if child.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CXX_METHOD and \ child.is_virtual_method(): handle_method(cfile, classnode.spelling, winclassname, cppname, child, cpp, cpp_h, methods) elif child.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.DESTRUCTOR: methods.append(handle_destructor(cfile, classnode.spelling, winclassname, child)) cfile.write("extern vtable_ptr %s_vtable;\n\n" % winclassname) cfile.write("#ifndef __GNUC__\n") cfile.write("void __asm_dummy_vtables(void) {\n") cfile.write("#endif\n") cfile.write(" __ASM_VTABLE(%s,\n" % winclassname) for method in methods: cfile.write(" VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(%s_%s)\n" % (winclassname, method)) cfile.write(" );\n") cfile.write("#ifndef __GNUC__\n") cfile.write("}\n") cfile.write("#endif\n\n") cfile.write("%s *create_%s(void *linux_side)\n{\n" % (winclassname, winclassname)) cfile.write(" %s *r = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(%s));\n" % (winclassname, winclassname)) cfile.write(" TRACE(\"-> %p\\n\", r);\n") cfile.write(" r->vtable = &%s_vtable;\n" % winclassname) cfile.write(" r->linux_side = linux_side;\n") cfile.write(" return r;\n}\n\n") cpp.write("#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n") constructors = open("win_constructors.h", "a") constructors.write("extern void *create_%s(void *);\n" % winclassname) constructors = open("win_constructors_table.dat", "a") constructors.write(" {\"%s\", &create_%s},\n" % (iface_version, winclassname)) if iface_version in aliases.keys(): for alias in aliases[iface_version]: constructors.write(" {\"%s\", &create_%s}, /* alias */\n" % (alias, winclassname)) generated_cb_handlers = [] generated_cb_ids = [] cpp_files_need_close_brace = [] cb_table = {} #because of struct packing differences between win32 and linux, we #need to convert these structs from their linux layout to the win32 #layout. def handle_struct(sdkver, struct): members = struct.get_children() cb_num = None has_fields = False for c in members: if c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.ENUM_DECL: enums = c.get_children() for e in enums: if e.displayname == "k_iCallback": cb_num = e.enum_value if c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FIELD_DECL: has_fields = True w2l_handler_name = None l2w_handler_name = None def dump_win_struct(to_file): to_file.write("#pragma pack( push, 8 )\n") to_file.write("struct win%s {\n" % struct_name) for m in struct.get_children(): if m.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FIELD_DECL: if m.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY: to_file.write(" %s %s[%u];\n" % (m.type.element_type.spelling, m.displayname, m.type.element_count)) elif m.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.RECORD and \ struct_needs_conversion(m.type): to_file.write(" win%s_%s %s;\n" % (m.type.spelling, sdkver, m.displayname)) else: if m.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER and \ m.type.get_pointee().kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.FUNCTIONPROTO: to_file.write(" void *%s; /*fn pointer*/\n" % m.displayname) else: to_file.write(" %s %s;\n" % (m.type.spelling, m.displayname)) to_file.write("} __attribute__ ((ms_struct));\n") to_file.write("#pragma pack( pop )\n") if cb_num is None: hfile = open("struct_converters.h", "a") if not has_fields: return if struct.spelling == "": return if not struct_needs_conversion(struct.type): return struct_name = "%s_%s" % (struct.displayname, sdkver) if struct_name in converted_structs: return converted_structs.append(struct_name) w2l_handler_name = "win_to_lin_struct_%s" % struct_name; l2w_handler_name = "lin_to_win_struct_%s" % struct_name; hfile.write("#if defined(SDKVER_%s) || !defined(__cplusplus)\n" % sdkver) dump_win_struct(hfile) hfile.write("typedef struct win%s win%s;\n" % (struct_name, struct_name)) hfile.write("struct %s;\n" % struct.displayname); if strip_const(struct.spelling) in manually_handled_structs: #this is clumsy hfile.write("extern void %s(struct win%s **w, struct %s **l);\n" % (w2l_handler_name, struct_name, struct.displayname)) hfile.write("extern void %s(int retval, struct %s **l, struct win%s **w);\n" % (l2w_handler_name, struct.displayname, struct_name)) hfile.write("#endif\n\n") return hfile.write("extern void %s(const struct win%s *w, struct %s *l);\n" % (w2l_handler_name, struct_name, struct.displayname)) hfile.write("extern void %s(const struct %s *l, struct win%s *w);\n" % (l2w_handler_name, struct.displayname, struct_name)) hfile.write("#endif\n\n") else: #for callbacks, we use the windows struct size in the cb dispatch switch windows_struct = find_windows_struct(struct.type) struct_name = "%s_%s" % (struct.displayname, windows_struct.get_size()) l2w_handler_name = "cb_%s" % struct_name; if l2w_handler_name in generated_cb_handlers: # we already have a handler for the callback struct of this size return if not struct_needs_conversion(struct.type): return cb_id = cb_num | (struct.type.get_size() << 16) if cb_id in generated_cb_ids: # either this cb changed name, or steam used the same ID for different structs return generated_cb_ids.append(cb_id) datfile = open("cb_converters.dat", "a") datfile.write("case 0x%08x: win_msg->m_cubParam = %s; win_msg->m_pubParam = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, win_msg->m_cubParam); %s((void*)lin_msg.m_pubParam, (void*)win_msg->m_pubParam); break;\n" % (cb_id, windows_struct.get_size(), l2w_handler_name)) generated_cb_handlers.append(l2w_handler_name) if not cb_num in cb_table.keys(): # latest SDK linux size, list of windows struct sizes and names cb_table[cb_num] = (struct.type.get_size(), []) cb_table[cb_num][1].append((windows_struct.get_size(), struct_name)) hfile = open("cb_converters.h", "a") hfile.write("struct %s;\n" % struct.displayname) hfile.write("struct win%s;\n" % struct_name) hfile.write("extern void %s(const struct %s *l, struct win%s *w);\n\n" % (l2w_handler_name, struct.displayname, struct_name)) cppname = "struct_converters_%s.cpp" % sdkver file_exists = os.path.isfile(cppname) cppfile = open(cppname, "a") if not file_exists: cppfile.write("#include \"steam_defs.h\"\n") cppfile.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/steam_api.h\"\n" % sdkver) cppfile.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/isteamgameserver.h\"\n" % (sdkver)) if os.path.isfile("steamworks_sdk_%s/isteamgameserverstats.h" % sdkver): cppfile.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/isteamgameserverstats.h\"\n" % (sdkver)) if os.path.isfile("steamworks_sdk_%s/isteamgamecoordinator.h" % sdkver): cppfile.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/isteamgamecoordinator.h\"\n" % sdkver) if os.path.isfile("steamworks_sdk_%s/steamnetworkingtypes.h" % sdkver): cppfile.write("#include \"steamworks_sdk_%s/steamnetworkingtypes.h\"\n" % sdkver) cppfile.write("#include \"steamclient_private.h\"\n") cppfile.write("extern \"C\" {\n") cppfile.write("#define SDKVER_%s\n" % sdkver) cppfile.write("#include \"struct_converters.h\"\n") cpp_files_need_close_brace.append(cppname) path_conv = get_path_converter(struct.type) def handle_field(m, src, dst): if m.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FIELD_DECL: if m.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY: assert(m.type.element_type.kind != clang.cindex.TypeKind.RECORD or \ not struct_needs_conversion(m.type.element_type)) cppfile.write(" memcpy(%s->%s, %s->%s, sizeof(%s->%s));\n" % (dst, m.displayname, src, m.displayname, dst, m.displayname)) elif m.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.RECORD and \ struct_needs_conversion(m.type): cppfile.write(" %s_to_%s_struct_%s_%s(&%s->%s, &%s->%s);\n" % (src, dst, m.type.spelling, sdkver, src, m.displayname, dst, m.displayname)) elif path_conv and m.displayname in path_conv["l2w_names"]: cppfile.write(" steamclient_unix_path_to_dos_path(1, %s->%s, g_tmppath, sizeof(g_tmppath));\n" % (src, m.displayname)) cppfile.write(" %s->%s = g_tmppath;\n" % (dst, m.displayname)) else: cppfile.write(" %s->%s = %s->%s;\n" % (dst, m.displayname, src, m.displayname)) if not cb_num is None: dump_win_struct(cppfile) if w2l_handler_name: cppfile.write("void %s(const struct win%s *win, struct %s *lin)\n{\n" % (w2l_handler_name, struct_name, struct.displayname)) for m in struct.get_children(): handle_field(m, "win", "lin") cppfile.write("}\n\n") if l2w_handler_name: cppfile.write("void %s(const struct %s *lin, struct win%s *win)\n{\n" % (l2w_handler_name, struct.displayname, struct_name)) for m in struct.get_children(): handle_field(m, "lin", "win") cppfile.write("}\n\n") #clang.cindex.Config.set_library_file("/usr/lib/llvm-3.8/lib/libclang-3.8.so.1"); prog = re.compile("^#define\s*(\w*)\s*\"(.*)\"") for sdkver in sdk_versions: iface_versions = {} for f in os.listdir("steamworks_sdk_%s" % sdkver): x = open("steamworks_sdk_%s/%s" % (sdkver, f), "r") for l in x: if "INTERFACE_VERSION" in l: result = prog.match(l) if result: iface, version = result.group(1, 2) iface_versions[iface] = version for fname, classes in files: # Parse as 32-bit C++ input_name = "steamworks_sdk_%s/%s" % (sdkver, fname) sys.stdout.write("about to parse %s\n" % input_name) if not os.path.isfile(input_name): continue index = clang.cindex.Index.create() linux_build = index.parse(input_name, args=['-x', 'c++', '-m32', '-Isteamworks_sdk_%s/' % sdkver, '-I' + CLANG_PATH + '/include/']) diagnostics = list(linux_build.diagnostics) if len(diagnostics) > 0: print('There were parse errors') pprint.pprint(diagnostics) else: windows_build = index.parse(input_name, args=['-x', 'c++', '-m32', '-Isteamworks_sdk_%s/' % sdkver, '-I' + CLANG_PATH + '/include/', '-mms-bitfields', '-U__linux__', '-Wno-incompatible-ms-struct']) diagnostics = list(windows_build.diagnostics) if len(diagnostics) > 0: print('There were parse errors (windows build)') pprint.pprint(diagnostics) else: children = list(linux_build.cursor.get_children()) for child in children: if child.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CLASS_DECL and child.displayname in classes: handle_class(sdkver, child) if child.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL or \ child.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CLASS_DECL: handle_struct(sdkver, child) if child.displayname in print_sizes: sys.stdout.write("size of %s is %u\n" % (child.displayname, child.type.get_size())) for f in cpp_files_need_close_brace: m = open(f, "a") m.write("\n}\n") getapifile = open("cb_getapi_table.dat", "w") cbsizefile = open("cb_getapi_sizes.dat", "w") for cb in cb_table.keys(): cbsizefile.write("case %u: /* %s */\n" % (cb, cb_table[cb][1][0][1])) cbsizefile.write(" return %u;\n" % cb_table[cb][0]) getapifile.write("case %u:\n" % cb) getapifile.write(" switch(callback_len){\n") getapifile.write(" default:\n") # the first one should be the latest, should best support future SDK versions for (size, name) in cb_table[cb][1]: getapifile.write(" case %s: cb_%s(lin_callback, callback); break;\n" % (size, name)) getapifile.write(" }\n break;\n")